We Were Kidnapped By Who?!

They said we're.. dead?

Sheradon's POV

(Ten minutes before Chapter four..or more confusing things, just go along with it.)

Today was a slightly different day. Gerard, Alex, and Jack gone to do some errands. Frank was on the computer in the study. Morgan and I were still in the house. Unfortunately, Morgan is still locked up while I was free to do what ever I want, most of the time. It was only six more days til we go to Maryland, and I was growing impatient. Also, Morgan doesn't even know what's going on either, so I'm going to tell her if I can see her. Frank and Jack were the nice guys here because they don't really worry about me too much. Frank lets me see Morgan when no ones around. I went into the study to see Frank typing on the My Chemical Romance website. I was not sure what he was writing on there. Possibly a blog he might be doing.

"Hey Frank. Can I go see Morgan?" I asked behind him.

"Yeah, I'm bringing lunch to her when I am done. It would be great timing actually, since you two can eat together. You only have five minutes though, Gerard and the rest on their way back." Frank spoke while typing away. My curious self leaned toward the computer to examine the words he wrote down. This is what he said:

All Time Low joining us has been quite the experience. All four of us never imagined joining together to create something new. I wish it could've last a while, it brought all of you guys, our fans, together again. We will miss you all very much. We must stop because of an incident out our last concert in San Antonio. It has caused one of our band members life, and two fans lives. There was an accident when we were on break. Our favorite guy, Alex, tripped on an electric cord which caused the power to go out.After the power went out, two fans died outside of the building. We have no idea how it was done, but may they rest in peace. We will pray for the families of those two. We are sorry for ending it like this, but thank you for everything. Good bye

-My Chemical Romance and All Time Low

This shocked me a lot. If our parents read that, they'll think we're dead. We haven't been home for two days, I can imagine how worried they are right now. We're under Amber Alert also, it said it on the TV earlier today. Frank got off of his seat and gave a smirk at me.

"Now, your family won't try to find you. This paragraph will be on the news and they will all find out what happened to you guys. Well, not really, but it's close enough." He spoke as he walked to the kitchen.

"Did you, like, not listen to me while I was here? I won't try to leave, I really do not understand why you guys keep telling me that I can't escape when I don't even attempt to try." I explained while following him.

"You can blame your friend for that, and no, I didn't listen to you." He pulled out two sandwiches from the fridge and placed them on a plate. I examined the sandwiches which were ham and cheese. I hate cheese.

"Can I go into Morgan's room now?" I questioned Frank.

"Yes, yes. I'm going to her room now, I'll unlock the door and you two can eat." He walked on the red stairs into the corridor. He pulled out some keys and fiddled with them a bit to try and find the right one. He pulled out a silver key and unlocked Morgan's door.

"Like I said before, you have five minutes. Enjoy your lunch." He spoke and handed the plate of sandwiches to me. I made a disgusted face looking at the cheese in the food.

"Uhh, Alright, thank you." I thanked Frank and he nodded once. I turned to find Morgan next to the window looking down at the empty driveway. She quickly looked up to me with happiness in her eyes.

"Took you long enough!" She cried then glanced at the plate of food and snatched a sandwich. "Finally! Food! I thought they were gonna starve me to death in here, I was getting lonely too." She took a bite from the sandwich in her hand.

"Well, they may let you out, if you don't keep trying to run away." I sat on the floor, placing the plate in front of me.

"Yeah, yeah. Why are you so worried about me escaping? Aren't you doing the same?"

"I, eh, I have a plan. That's why I'm still here and not trying to leave. Oh, I have to tell you something too."

"What is it? What's happenin'?" She asked with slightly full mouth

"You're REALLY not gonna like it, but, uh, we're not staying here for long."

"W-What?! Why are you so anxious? We're getting out of here away from them! And be quiet, he might hear you. So that's part of your plan, right?" She took another bite. I sighed while playing with my fingers.

"No, Morgan. In about six days, they're taking both of us back to their home in Maryland. Frank also wrote on their website saying we are dead! Our families are gonna see it because it's going to be on the news tomorrow. I can't try to escape, Morgan. BOTH of us can't! They're just going to lock us up if we try, so I'm sorry, but I have a plan." I explained while lying at the same time. Morgan quickly became quiet. She looked down on to the floor looking like she was going to cry.

"So that means.." Morgan calmly responded and became silent again. ''WE'RE GOING TO BE MOVING THOUSANDS OF MILES AWAY FROM HOME?!?! Those fucking psychos are that crazy to just take us with them back to their home and lie on the internet saying we're..dead? Jesus fucking Christ! I'm giving myself a chance to get out of here! I'm not gonna live my entire life being a hostage! I'm outta here!" Morgan blew off before storming to the door.

"Morgan, no!" I cried and tried to pull her back.

"Let go of me!" She roared out then whacked me in the face, "I don't know what the hell has gotten into you, but if you're going to stay then that's fine by me, but I ain't!"

"Hey, what the fuck is going on in here?!" Gerard yelled out in the door way with arms crossed. "I have no clue why Sheradon is in here, Morgan, but I decided to let you out for a day. I'm sure you don't want to be locked up in here like you're an animal."

"Thanks, Gerard." Morgan thanked mixing it with anger, then walked out after giving me a glare.

(2 hours later)

The news was on tonight, Morgan and I were in it too. It was about us being missing followed with our parents being interviewed, well, about to be when Gerard changed the channel quickly. Frank and Jack joined us on the couch when 'Duck Dynasty' played on A&E. Morgan was not really too interested into that type of show and neither was I. But hey, it's better than being locked up or lying to your best friend. Alex finally came in the room with a couple of canned Sprite in his hands.

"Hey, Alex." Gerard called out as Alex walked in. "I need to talk to you." Alex placed the Sprite's down on the coffee table before following Gerard into the Den next to us. Frank and Morgan grabbed a can while I got up and followed Gerard into the den, or by the den. They closed the door, so I stood by it and listened carefully.

"Alex, did you tell Morgan about all of us moving back to Maryland?" I heard Gerard ask, sounding concerned.

"No, even if I did, she should know sooner or later. Perhaps Frank told her?" Alex replied.

"Look I know she would need to know, but not now. I'm asking you because it's Sheradon. She seems to tell Morgan everything we tell Sheradon. We can't have that going on too long. Maybe if you convinced Sheradon to stop telling Morgan information, then maybe this whole kidnapping thing can be easier. She seems to like you the most here, so that's another reason why I asked you to talk to you."

"Ha, I know, and I know just the thing. I overheard Sheradon saying to Morgan that she wanted to get a little..close to me."

"You don't mean..perverted stuff do you?"

"Yeah, perverted stuff."

"You don't mind ..doing her?"

"Well, I'll do anything to help out this little ''gossiping'' to stop."

I swallowed loudly, feeling a bit uneasy, yet excited at the same time. I know what you're thinking. It's bad, it's gross. Well, have you ever had a favorite guy before and you wanted to..well you know. My trance made me not pay attention if they were still talking or if they were leaving. Alex was right in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"Come with me." He spoke. I shrugged then followed him upstairs into his room. Once we reached there, he locked his door and began to unbutton his shirt. I slowly started seeing his upper chest where I could see a part of his abs.

"What're you doing?!" I asked feeling and looking surprised.

"Giving you what both of us want. I heard you wanted to do this." He threw his shirt off, revealing his bare torso. "I heard you've been very bad, you've been telling secrets too." His hands reached down to his pants, which he slowly began to unbutton. He was right. Call me a whore, but I wanted him to do this to me.

"Yes, I have. Is this my punishment for doing that?"

"I wouldn't say 'punishment'. It'd be more of a favor. You need to promise me that after we do this, you'll keep your mouth shut, and maybe leave Morgan alone for a while." Alex's hands pushed his pants down, and leaving him only in his boxers. I blushed while looking down at his down area and nodded.

"Uh..O-O..Okay. I promise." I stuttered when I see his hands in the waistband of his boxers.

"Good, girl. Now get on the bed." He demanded after pulling his boxers down.
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Dear My Chemical Romance and All Time Low,
I hope you NEVER read this!
By the way, I did NOT want to write the 'rape' part in this. Sheradon made me!!! D:

~~~ this is sheradon and it is not rape if I like it and I would like it a lot and I will uplode the sex oart in a couple of days