Status: Hello!

I Could Never Handle Losing Another


The day was creeping so close to the edge of darkness. The street lights had flickered on slowly and Dawn kept examining left and right to see if there was anything out of the ordinary. A few other people had come out to do the same thing and a shrilling scream had snapped all their heads to the left, in the direction of the park Dawn had spent most of her day at.

Dawn was the first to move, sprinting off at a speed never thought possible for her. Coming up to the alleyway, she could see people running towards her, screaming and shrieking their heads off.

‘What’s happening!?’ Dawn yelled at one man, running past her. His only reply was a rapid shake of his head as he disappeared up the road, the fear so visible in his light grey eyes, it seemed to strike fear into Dawn’s very own dark brown ones. But her interest and curiosity had gotten the better of her; it always did, and never had it lead her to anything good. Maybe that’s why she was always considered a bad kid, a mixed personality of strong curiosity and bold hot headedness were always troublesome traits.

She continued on, passing the alleyway, passing the bus stop with silly scribbles and made it up to the Salon where another flash of burning white light erupted. Then crashing through the window of the Salon was a rather big, bald man, who hurriedly tried to scurry off as fast as he could.

‘No! No! St-Stay away from me! Please!’

Dawn quickly ducked around the side of the Salon, fear grasping at her. She could still hear the man and something else taking very big, heavy steps. Ever so slightly she poked her head just a tad around the corner, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever or whatever was causing this big ruckus. To her view came a very, very tall figure who wore dark brown rags that cloaked its entire body, not much else could be seen – except for a shade of pale blue arms that stretched out over the gasping man’s body. The figure crouched down, a huge claw like hand now touching the middle of the bald guy’s chest. Dawns eyes widened slightly at the glimpse of a faint blue light, erupting from under the beings claw. She watched as the figure physically took hold of the light and began pulling, pulling to the point where it stood with the most unbelievable and horrid sight ever. At first her mind couldn’t fully grasp at what had just happened, it couldn’t put into detail or describe what she had just witnessed. The thing had pulled the man, from his body – but what it grasped in its claws seemed unreal and impossible. Blue with a very eerie vibe, the ghastly noise it made seemed like a thousand cries and screams all at once. She turned away horrified.

Nothing Dawn thought up made sense, what she saw didn’t make sense either, but if there was one thing that did manage to compute about this horrifying situation it was the disgusting sounds that she could now hear, coming from that monster! The messy sound of chomping and groaning and her overwhelming amount of curiosity had her look upon the scene once more, confirming exactly what she was thinking. Whatever that ghostly, blue thing was, the creature was eating it.

It didn't take long for the tall creature to consume whatever it held in its hands and soon it was off up the road, no doubt looking for more to eat. Dawn quickly did her best to pull herself together; she was a very strong girl both physically and mentally. Heaving her shaking body up from the cold concrete, she took one last glance at the lifeless body that lay upon a bed of broken glass before boldly continuing on down the road towards the park, biting back the prominent fear and tears that threatened to show.

She could only make it to the entrance of the park before another heart wrenching scene lay before her. Another one of those creatures had stood before her, but this time without a robe. Its focus was on a familiar little boy that screamed threats at it, Dawn’s eyes grew wide.

‘Beauregard!’ she yelled, running with that same speed towards the boy.

This blue creature had a different approach then the last, it held a huge gun out and pointed it at Beauregard who slumped down in the middle of the road, tears streaming down his pale face. A shot was fired and from the casing came a huge wire net, but before it could capture Beauregard, Dawn threw herself in its path, the wired net falling over her and automatically joining the loose ends together to hold her captive. There was no escape.

‘Run, Beauregard! Run!’ she screamed, reaching out to the boy, motioning for him to run back up the road. But Beauregard was too scared to move, his once cheerful green eyes were full of tears, staring down at Dawn with so much distraught and fright.

‘D-Dawn. . .’ he managed while gasping for air. ‘Dawn!’

Dawn could feel the net being lifted and turned until her view lay upon deep red eyes. The eyes looked ferocious and the sudden roar it let out showed long sharp teeth. Dawn began hurling out punches in any direction she could, almost striking the creature in the eyes – much to its annoyance. The net was too constricting and Dawn had grown tired, she had given up. Upon noticing the creatures hand try straight for her chest, Dawn knew what was coming next and with what would be her last breath gave one last shout for Beauregard to run.

‘PUT THE NET DOWN!’ boomed a voice from behind the pale creature, echoing down the empty street. The creature turned and in view came an odd looking fellow who was tricky to see in the lack of light. He stood there, Dawn barely able to notice the smug look on his face. His arms were crossed behind his back and the creature seemed enraged by the mere sight of this man and threw Dawn to the back of him. The creature snarled and roared; claws at the ready and sudden agility at advanced speed.

‘Are you crazy!?’ spat Dawn as she hurled herself around to a more comfortable position, trying to straighten herself up in that blasted net was proving very difficult, but she had managed to get there just in time to see the odd man pull what looked exactly the same as the creatures Net Gun and fire one at the monster raging towards him. And with such simplicity and ease the monster was captured in its own device, noticeably angrier than before.

‘Bloody hell, did you see that? How rude!’ snapped the crazy man, his eyes peering over at Dawn. In his other hand the man had thrown a very familiar rugged robe to the ground and the net gun on top of it. Had he taken out the other one she had seen before?

‘All I asked him to do was put the net down, not come attack me with all his strength!’ Hands thrown in the air, he made his way over to the captured creature and began rummaging through his coats inside pockets, pulling out something which Dawn couldn’t quite make out from the distance between them. But she still watched on with peering and narrowed eyes. What the hell was this guy on!?

Pointing whatever it was at the monster a little yellow light beamed from the pointed tip and a buzzing sound flowed through to Dawns ears. He waved the light over the still angry creature and seemed to examine it very closely.

‘Hn, you’re rather pale for an Orclian,’ He held up what looked like something long and silver and examined it closely. ‘and your eyes certainly don’t gleam like healthy Orclian’s do’ he carried on, crouching to the creature or ‘Orclian’ as he called it, still staring it down, his voice continued with a hint of sternness.

‘Now, why are you here?’ he asked the creature.

Dawn was entranced by this strange man and his ability to stay absolutely calm when face to face with that horrible thing. Whoever this man was it seemed pretty obvious that he had dealt with these things before – considering the fact he’s talking to one of them.

‘D-Dawn.’ Beauregard sobbed as he grasped at the wired net, he tried pulling them apart as hard as he could, but Beauregard wasn’t strong enough.


‘Now, as for you two. . .’ The man came into view and finally Dawn could see him a great deal better. The first thing she noticed was his very, very wacky attire. He wore clothes that looked like they belonged to an old man from a very, very long time ago. Underneath a long black dress coat, he wore a plain white dress shirt with a black ribbon tied in a bow around his neck, hidden under the shirts collar. Over that, an old tweedy, looking waist coat sat rather loosely around a slim torso. But what looked even more ridiculous – were the pants, the first thing Dawn thought of when she saw those goofy baggy things were clown pants or golf pants. Mentally she shook her head at her saviours weird fashion sense, looking up at his face before she began to burst out laughing at him.

‘You need to get home as fast as you can...’ he began, now kneeling over the net that had Dawn and aiming his silver thing at the wires. One by one she followed the bright light of his weird instrument as it cut through the wires until finally a hole big enough for Dawn to escape was made. He grabbed her hands and helped throw the net off of her, standing her up straight before letting her hands go.

Dawn could now see his slim face a lot better than before, his light amber eyes inspecting the area left to right top to bottom a messy mop of wavy ginger hair swaying with every hasty turn he made.

‘Make sure you lock the doors,’ he seemed so busy and on a mission, walking off to here and then there, until finally making his way back to a light post, ripping off a piece of paper that blew in the gentle wind. ‘Do not open your doors for anyone. Not until tomorrow morning’ his eyes rushed over the paper, investigating it closely.

‘By then I should have convinced them to leave.’

‘Convince them!?’

‘Yeah, that’s what I said’ he gave Dawn a dumb look.

‘So, so let me get the jist! You are going to go find these things –‘

‘Orclian’s. They have a name.’

‘Argh whatever! You’re gonna go find them and just casually try and convince them to leave!?’

‘Exactly. Is that quite alright with you?’

Dawn gave a frustrated glare at the man. She wasn’t enjoying his smart-assed attitude.

‘No! No that’s no ‘quite alright’ with me actually! You should be smashing their heads in! They killed a man back there!’ The sudden mention of death and Beauregard grasped at Dawns hand tightly

‘And they are most likely going to kill another if you don’t hurry along and let me get back to my plan.’

‘Yeah well some plan it is! Whoever you bloody are! You mad man!’

He turned back around and walked backwards, a light smirk gracing his thin lips. A toying look in his amber shaded eyes.

‘The Doctor actually, I prefer The Doctor. Though you were very right about the mad man part! Oh and leave that Orclian there, he won't be going any where anytime soon!’ he grinned, waving off Daw

‘Are you serious!?’ Dawn spat, her eyes trailing over at the raging Orclian that seemed to calm itself down.

'Very serious. I'll pick him up soon!'

Dawn’s ears caught the sound of him chuckling lightly as he faded off into the cold, dark park – engulfed by the black shadows.

‘Dawn, I wanna go home’ whimpered Beauregard, latching his hands around Dawn’s arms. Her eyes flashed with sorrow as she quickly hugged the boy, hoping to comfort him before they ran off in the opposite direction as fast as they could. Taking one last look at the pale blue creature before the too disappeared.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh snap! Ginger hair, it cannot be! Yeah well it bloody better be, or else, BBC will need the sternesst of stern talkings too! ARGH!

500 points if you can guess which previous doc attire he had on. Wasn't well described so it should prove tough ahaha!

I got a cat, his names Jubee. Yeah.