Status: Hello!

I Could Never Handle Losing Another


After Dawn had returned Beauregard home, she quickly made her way back to the park, hoping to catch a glimpse of that wacko man.

Though not very fond of the guy, Dawn did find herself worried about him. Even if he was just some crazy man who seemed to know what he was doing, she wasn’t convinced that he would be fine all on his own.

The first thing Dawn noticed upon reaching the park was the creature. It was gone, but the net still remained. She picked it up and examined it closely; there was a complete difference from the cuts that were made by the wacko and his yellow buzzing instrument. His were more clean and sharp where as this was just messy and hastily done.

The sight of the messy net brought fear to Dawns eyes, but nothing had her more frightened then the low snarling sounds that came from behind her. She didn’t bother to turn, she closed her eyes and breathed slowly, letting the realization sink in before she took off.

Into the park she raced, running as fast as her heart was pounding. She could hear more than one pair of legs chasing her; so heavy that it almost felt like an earthquake was happening at that very moment – and with every passing step it felt as though they were getting closer and closer to her.

‘Oh God! Bugger Of- fwoah!’

Her left hand was grasped tightly and she was suddenly jerked in a different direction.

‘Wh-What the bloody he-!’’

‘Just shut up and run!’ through the darkness she could see that familiar, wavy mop of red hair and the stupid baggy pants. She was going to say something but the louder roars had thrown her off. Quickly they raced out of the park, passing the Salon once more and Dawn had noticed the body was gone.

‘The bald guy! Where’s he gone!?’ she yelled out as he continued to lead her further up the road, turning off into the alleyway and dragging her to the blue police box she had seen earlier today.

‘Now, before you go in...’ he released Dawn’s hand and spun around with a stern look in his eye. ‘Yes, it’s bigger on the inside, smaller on the outside – whatever you prefer. Don’t touch anything, don’t break anything and do not go wondering off! Because I will not come and find you!’

He pointed a finger at Dawn. ‘Understand?’

Dawn had no idea what he was talking about; he had only sealed her thoughts of him being an utter nut-job forever.

‘You cannot be serious! Dude, it’s a police box!? You are going to hide in a small, tiny police box!’ she snapped.

‘Argh! I don’t have time for this! 10 seconds, you don’t come in – you die! Choose wisely!’ with that he disappeared into the blue box, slamming the door behind him. Dawn shook her head, mixed emotions swirling in her mind. The loud, pounding of feet began to terrify her and the thought of dying in a small blue box with some crazy man only terrified her more. She wanted to punch something, let a few tears out – but before she did that. She breathed, finalizing her decision with hardly any thought to it.

‘Mum, help me.’ She breathed, her eyes closed tightly together as she threw open the police box door, slamming it behind her. Her thought process was full of trying to accept her death or things that she wished she could have done before the inevitable. With eyes still clasped shut, she turned and leaned against the wooden door, slowly sinking to the cold, metal, floor.

‘I'm going to die, in a box, with a lunatic.’ She mumbled.

‘We’ll if that’s what you so desire, but it won’t be in my box that’s for sure.’

He sounded distant, so . . . far away. It confused Dawn, her eyes knitted together with complete and utter confusion.

‘And to be clear, she’s not a box! She’s the TARDIS, to you!’

Dawn opened her eyes to receive the shock of her life. Her sultry brown orbs darted in every direction they could, taking in the very huge change of scenery and gosh was it huge. She sat frozen, unable to understand how this was happening.

‘It’s . . . it’s, it’s, it’s . . . I don’t. . .’

‘Bigger on the inside. Yes, as I informed you before. I grow tired of the same thing being said over and over again, unlike my previous selves. They rather enjoyed the bewildered looks and same over used statement...’

The ginger mop head looked over at Dawn, watching as she slowly took in his beautiful TARDIS’s interior. Her eyes ever so wide and jaw dropped to its lowest. He had to admit, watching her sit there hugging her legs and her head moving slowly from left to right was rather refreshing. An amused smirk ever so lightly curved through his lips and his eyes flicked back to his monitor.

‘I can’t believe this.’ Dawn breathed.

‘Yeah we’ll you don’t have too.’

‘But I want too, this, this is frikken amazing! How is this happen-‘

‘Shh! Or you'll wake her up or scare her!’ He silenced her, running down the flight of stairs that led up to his console and quickly vanishing underneath it.

‘What, wake who?’ Dawn asked, slowly rising to her feet. She couldn’t take her eyes off of everything, she couldn’t understand it all. But she could feel her heart beating in excitement at the sight of the impossible room. She wasn’t listening to the ginger mopped man until he came out from under his console with one of those creatures lying in his arms. It was unconscious.

‘Her.’ He answered simply.

‘Oh.’ Was all Dawn could say. He laid the creature on the ground and once again pulled that long, silver instrument out. There was a slight difference to this one. It was smaller in every possible way, indeed more feminine. And the face wasn’t as horrible and monstrous as the previous ones; it actually seemed slightly more human. Smaller eyes, a barely there nose and pale small lips graced its face. Closely Dawn watched as he waved his silver instrument over the creature, particularly a small wound on its pale chest and gashes or scratches that seemed all over the body. The bright yellow light lingered over the wounds and within mere seconds they were completely healed.

‘How did you do that?’ Dawn breathed the look of astonishment so evident in her fierce face.

‘Sonic Screwdriver. Can do almost anything with the right setting and a few upgrades here and there.’

‘S-Sonic – Sonic what!? Wait, wait! Who are you? And, and what is this? Or she, what is she!’ Dawn was just blurting any old thing her mind conjured up. It was begining to annoy the man.

His view passed his wavy red bangs, up at the very confused Dawn, his amber eyes in a look of pure seriousness. He opened his mouth to say something, but the sudden banging of the TARDIS doors commanded his attention.

‘Look,’ his eyes still locked on the TARDIS doors. ‘I know that everything is confusing for you at this moment and you’re probably very, very scared. But for them, they are terrified, very angry and very, very hungry.’

‘Hungry!? Oh well, isn’t that just fantastic! Let me guess what they eat! Humans!?’

‘Listen! What’s your name!?’ he was getting very frustrated now. This girl was asking far too many questions at such an inappropriate time.

‘D-Dawn, Dawn Seolfur.’

‘Dawn. Alright. Dawn, I will explain everything to you when everything is safe to do so. How about th-‘

The banging grew louder and the wooden doors were useless against blocking their loud roars.

‘Just trust me. I’m The Doctor.’ He didn’t wait for Dawn’s reply. He took hold of the unconscious Orclian and began to make his way to the entrance, his Sonic Screwdriver at the ready.

Dawn followed closely behind, feeling a new sense of safety when she was near him. The doors flung open and the creatures were standing at the ready until they noticed the Orclian in ‘The Doctors’ arms.

‘I know your Exiled Orclians who have been banished from your home planet.’ The Doctor began, slowly exiting the TARDIS.

'dont be afraid...'

He noticed all was well enough to talk when they took a few steps back from him.

‘I also know that you aren’t the first group of Orclians to land here.’ The Orclians eyes followed down to the young, female Orclian in The Doctors arms

‘Yes, she was attacked. But not by the inhabitants of this planet, but by your own.’

The aliens seemed shocked by the ridiculous statement The Doctor made, they looked at each other, snarling and with blood red eyes – which Dawn noticed, slowly grew smaller and smaller. Their whole entire scary features began to diminish until they looked similar to the female Orclian only more masculine in appearance.

‘How do you know this!?’ spat the one on the left, his words riddled with anger.

‘Those Exiled from the Homelands band together! We share the pain of betrayal as one!’ snapped the one on the right.

‘She sent out a recovery beacon. Yes? That’s why you are here also.’

‘How do you know that?’

‘My TARDIS was in the vicinity. It intercepted the beacon and I answered the call. When I got there, she was hiding from her own, wounded and in need of immediate assistance. When you arrived, all you would have seen were your own members – torn to pieces to the point where none were recognizable.’

Dawn’s heart sank; the hurt looks on all their faces made her angry at herself for thinking so badly of them. The pain began to surface when she spotted a tear glisten in the left Orclian’s saddened, red eyes.

‘I cannot believe this. I refuse! My Fellow Exiled would, they would never!’

‘I have no reason to lie to you. And Rylith will tell you that!’

Surprise flushed through the two of them, once again looking at each other.

‘You know my sister’s name. Orclian’s only give their names – ‘

‘To those they trust. Your society holds identification in a very respectful manner. Only those close to you, those you trust, and those you cherish are to know your true names. Other than that, you are given ranks and false titles.’ finished the Doctor. ‘Believe me when I say, you can trust me.’

Dawn agreed. They could trust him and it bothered her that they were taking such a while to realise that.

‘You can trust him!’ she spoke up, a bit taken aback at herself for doing so, but it felt good to try and help him, especially after thinking so wrongly of them.

‘I’ve only just met this guy,’ she continued ‘and I thought he was a complete and utter cracker. But he’s stopped me from being offed by you guys a couple of times now. And standing here,’

She looked up at the Doctor, taking in his wide amber eyes. Even he could be taken aback sometimes.

‘I trust him, a complete stranger, with my life.’

The Orclian on the right laid a long fingered hand on the other’s shoulder, a sympathetic and sad look on his face.

‘I was not in need of your input, young creature for his knowledge of my sisters name was all the proof I required.’

Dawn snapped her mouth shut, taking a few steps back in humiliation.

‘But, it has impacted my thoughts on you and your race entirely. And I offer my honest and humble apologies on behalf of my fellow exiled. I hope that you will accept this on behalf of your planet.’

A big smile rose to Dawns lips, a feeling of pure happiness pulling her heart back from its sunken state.

‘You do not need to apologize. You were only trying to rescue your family. I imagine if I had to rescue the ones I loved – I would do the same. After boiling my eyes out first.’ She chuckled to herself.

‘You boil your eyes?’ spoke the right Orclian, a puzzled look through his eyes. Even the other shot the same look at Dawn whilst retrieving his sister from the Doctor.

‘Ahh, nevermind. It’s a very silly – ah, human expression.’ She waved off.

‘I see.’ The brother nodded, still utterly confused.

‘My name is Exile’ee K –‘

‘Oh please, you do not have to tell me - ‘

‘I insist! My sister could trust you, as will I. And besides –‘ the Orclian stared down at his sister, a gloomy almost heart-broken look about him.

‘I fear that this may be the last time I ever reveal my true name. And to reveal it to two souls of such compassion and understanding, on top of that different races – it is a fine achievement that I am happy to pass with.’

Dawn hardly understand what the Orclian meant, but none the less she was very excited and proud to be able to hear the Orclians name. Knowing that it was against their honor to share it with someone they barely knew.

‘Exile’ee Kolt’Haven, of the Working class Orclians.’

The right Orclian gave a light smile and also proceeded to reveal his name.

‘Exile’ee Drothal, Working class Orclians. Rylith is my soon to be. I trust her saviour.’

‘The Doctor of Gallifrey.’ nodded The Doctor, placing his hands behind his back.

‘and this is Dawn Seolfor of Earth.’ Another nod to indicate Dawn, she waved at the mention of her name and received light smiled from the two Orclians. The four had begun separation after their goodbyes. The Orclians had returned to their ship and left, while Dawn still hung around the crazy man, waiting for him to keep his promise.
♠ ♠ ♠
I like the Orclians. They are nice. I wish I could describe them better, but meh! I've put this into a 2 part chapter because I really need to keep the promise that the doctor made and also explain the Exiled Orclians a bit to you. Also, do not be shy please tell me what you think. It hypes me up a bit. Even if you are really angry with this story of mine, I honestly do not mind. You telling me stuff makes me fix it. Trololol.