Status: Hang Tight Homies.

Chalk Dust on Guitars


The bell rang just as I walked onto the school property. I looked at the digital clock on my crappy T-Mobile touch phone, a birthday gift from my mom; a late gift but I wasn’t complaining. The clock read 8:01am; I sighed as I switched the ringer volume to vibrate, I’m late. Again.

It’s better than nothing; I wouldn’t be in school today if it weren’t for my mom forcing me to go. I walked straight into the building and right into the main office. I sat down in the super uncomfortable plastic chairs; I was used to them though.

I saw that Mrs. Stone knew I came in; she looked at me with a knowing expression and put one finger up, telling me to wait. Mrs. Stone was cool; she was a bit older, early to mid-50’s maybe. She had wicked cool hair, a deep navy blue color, it used to be going grey.

I caught a glimpse of a black mass out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw a dude decked out in black skinny jeans, a black leather jacket and a pair of dirty, worn out converse. I couldn’t see his face but by I’m guessing he was a new student.

“Miss Kakabar what brings you in today?” Mrs. Stone asked with a smile. I got up and walked over to the counter separating the waiting chairs from the secretary and principals office. The dude stood off to the side.

“I need a late pass.”

“You won’t need one,” I sent her a confused look which she only smiled at. “Only if you show Mr. Iero here, the way to the music room and the staff lounge.”

“Okay,” I turned to Mr. Iero; I guess he was a teacher. “Follow me I guess.”

“Oh and Lethal,” I turned to Mrs. Stone just as I reached the entrance to the office. “Can you help him get settled in as well?” I nodded and walked out.

“Your name’s Lethal?” I looked over to see Mr. Iero looking at me.

I nodded, “Yep.”

“That’s a wicked cool name.” He had a big grin on his face. I couldn’t help but smile back, his grin took up like is whole face.

“Thanks,” I looked at the paper Mrs. Stone gave me. It had Mr. Iero’s information on it; why did she give this to me and not Mr. Iero himself? Frank A. Iero; Music Room 305. Psssh his name if Frank.

“What’s so funny?” I looked at Mr. Iero with wide eyes. What the fuck is he talking about?

“What,” The corner of his mouth went up a bit, it was kind of like he was smirking and smiling at the same time.

“You were laughing. What’s so funny?” That is when I decided to sing the theme song to Franklin and Friends. Let’s just say he wasn’t laughing at that. In fact it looked like he was trying NOT to laugh.

“Room 305 is in the back of the school, so expect people to be late or not show up.” I said just as we came up to room 305. I took the keys Mrs. Stone gave me to unlock the door; again with her giving me Mr. Iero’s property. If I wasn’t helping him out, he could have chosen to give me detention.
The door swung open and Mr. Iero went in first; I followed after and sat his things on a dusty desk.

“Was this room abandoned or something?” Mr. Iero asked looking at the dust filled room.
Mr. Stone said to fill him in; so I did. “The school board closed down the Music and Art rooms. So many students tried stealing all of the equipment.”

He looked at me with wide eyes, “Really, students tried stealing school property?”

I gave him a look that obviously said ‘duhh!’ “This is New Jersey, what did you expect.”

~*~*Time Jump*~*~

For the last three hours, Mr. Iero and I cleaned the whole music room. In that time I explained to him how everything worked around here. He obviously wasn’t from this part of Jersey but, Mr. Iero explained to me that he was in fact from New Jersey; just more up north.

In the last three hours, I also learned that Mr. Iero was covered in tattoos; full sleeves, hands and neck. You name the place he had a tattoo or seven in that place. In the last three hours I learned everything about Mr. Iero; like he just disregarded the student/ teacher boundaries and wanted to be best friends. In the last three hours, Mr. Iero knew nothing about me.

“How come you don’t talk about yourself Lethal? I think in the past few hours, I’ve asked you… about... two hundred questions with one word answers.”

“Miss Kakabar is a very mysterious person Mr. Iero.” I heard from the entry doorway in the front of the room, I turned to see Mrs. Stone walk inside and looking around. “This room looks brand new, awesome job.”

“Thanks.” Mr. Iero and I said simultaneously. It was kind of weird but, Mr. Iero just grinned at me.

Mr. Stone smiled, “I just came to tell you that, you can be Mr. Iero’s helper for the rest of the week; just until I can get schedules changed around.”

“How come you gotta change schedules?” Mr. Iero asked. Mrs. Stone gave him a look that said ‘did you really just ask that?’ Then she walked out of the room.

“Come on, it’s lunch time.”

~*~*~* Time Jump; Frank Iero’s P.O.V*~*~*~

Holy fuck it’s good to be home. But I can’t call it home yet; I still have to unpack all of the fucking boxes. So you know what I’m doing instead? Sitting on my front porch smoking a cigarette and thinking. Thinking can be good in certain situations; but, it also can be the worst fucking think in the world.

What was I thinking about? My life, why people fuck you over and Lethal; not like the deadly lethal, well I guess she can be deadly. But I wasn’t thinking the deadly lethal, but a girl Mr. Stone set up to be my helper for the week.

I’ll admit Lethal was very attractive; long dark hair, pale skin and hazel eyes. She had a cute little button nose too. Pouty lips, gah!

I came back to reality when I heard commotion across the street.

“Give me two days please!”

“You had one week, where the fuck is my money.”

It was a girl and a guy fighting, I wanted to help but it wasn’t my business. The girl mumbled something but I couldn’t make it out.

“Then you better get your ass on that corner in the next hour. And you better do everything they want, you know the price if you don’t.” the dude practically spat before getting in a shiny black car
with blacked out windows and speeding off.

The girl just stood still for a moment or two. She looked so broken, “Hey!” Did that just come out of my mouth? Apparently it did; because she was looking at me. I stood up and slowly making my way over to her with my hands in the air to show her I didn’t mean harm.

Holy shit, was that Lethal? “Lethal?” She looked embarrassed.

“Hi Mr. Iero.”

“Are you ok? Who was that guy?”
She nodded, “I’m fine.” Simple answers, I’m starting to hate fucking simple answers.

“And the guy?”

“He’s my boss.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sup homies!? So yeah, this chapter is just an intro chapter.

this story is rated R for upcoming mentions of Gangs, drugs, prostitution crimes, and underage sexual situations between student and teacher.

Comments make me happy and subbies make me cream my panties! <3