The Dawn of Shadow

Guinevere was the beloved daughter of Celeborn and Galadriel. Her beauty was the light of Lothlorien. Everyone who saw her fell upon her spell. The young princess soon falls into the grasp of danger and is sent away for her own protection. Without the light of Lothlorein the city soon fell into darkness, Galadriel and Celeborn fell into the darkness as well allowing the city to fall into dismal shadow. The city was vacant of laughs, vacant of smiles in mourning of the loss of their princess. Thousands of years pass and the young princess returns to her beloved Lothlorein and to her people and to Haldir, the marchwarden who swore an oath to protect Guinevere long ago. The elf that has security of Lothlorein weighing on his shoulders and now the princess' protection.
  1. One
    Haldir's point of view
  2. Two