The Dawn of Shadow


The cool wind whipped past my face numbing it slightly. Marywin's hooves thundered against the forest floor mimicking the fast paced pounding of my heart. Twigs began to snap at my face as we reached deeper into the forest. I glanced behind me hearing the yells of the wild men that were persuing me. Their horses gallops were sounding louder. The wild men lived in the mountains or in some forest. Nomads who had rebelled against their cities and took to live in the wilderness. I came across them at the river. They took interest in Marywin and grabbed at me reaching for my cloak, satchels and body. I knew thier intentions. They would sell or trade my belongings and use my body for their own personal gain. There were four of them and one of me. I fled.

Another branch smacked me in the face and I felt the searing pain on my cheek as blood trickled down my face. I leaned forward to Marywin's ear and whispered in Elvish encouraging her to go faster. She obeyed. Soon the yelling had disappeared into the trees and only Marywin's beating hooves were heard. I didn't slow her down thinking the sooner we made it Lothlorien the better. Golden leaves began to fall around us as we continued further. I hadn't been home since I was sent to Rivendale when I was five. I am well over two thousand now and prayed my memory was correct and I wouldn't curse myself for refusing Elronds offer of a travel companion.

I felt I was being watched I squeezed my legs closer into Marywin's side and she picked up even more speed. The hood of my cloak limited my vision and I hoped it was only paranoia. Then, a gentle swoosh of an arrow sounded and I gasped as pain coursed through my body from my adbomen. The sudden noise and the jerk of my arm caused Marywin to raise on her hind legs and whine in protest.

I felt myself fall from the saddle onto the forrest floor. I closed my eyes grasping the arrow and noticing it was Elven made, the intricate carved detail in the wood slipping past the pads of my fingertips smearing my own blood against the artwork. I heard numerous footsteps as I lay motionless and defencless. Both my sword and bow were on Marywin's saddle. Whispers broke the silence and I cleanched my eyes tightly. I felt the tug of my hood being pulled away to reveal my face. The tip of a sword being used to push the material away, it too Elven made. With my face revealed i slowly opened my orbs to see myself surrounded by elves. One particular elf was kneeled down beside me. His blonde hair was pulled away from his face by two braids and dark eyebrows were raised high above stormy ocean blue hues in curiosity. His eyes looked over me in concern and I followed them down his nose to his medium lips. He was painfully familiar.

I prepared myself to sit up grasping the arrow that was lodged into my stomach to limit its movement as began to rise. Pain coursed through my abdomen and i fell back against the forrest floor. The hood of my cloack fell back also revealing my curly mane. A soft mumer of gasps were heard upon my feminimity being revealed. My eyes felt heavy as i looked up again the man, now even more intrigued, leaned forward even more. Something sparkled catching my eyes. I felt my mouth dry seeing the Evenstar peek out of his tunic from around his neck. I reached for it to witch he moved back. I could only muster a single whiser before it all went black.

"It's you."