Lost Injustice

Survivor Series 2012

It was a long day, having to do what little media there was for us to do. We made a gym trip as well seeing as we were on the card for the pay-per-view tonight. It was mid-afternoon and we were going to head to the arena early so we're there and won't have to worry about being late. So Caralyn and I had packed our things together and headed out to the car and headed off to the arena. When we got there, we head inside and to the Divas locker room to drop our bags off for now.

"Let's hope that Eve loses tonight." Cara remarks.

"Oh I know. She's getting far too annoying. And she so set up Kaitlyn to get attacked. Wouldn't be surprised if she sets it up again tonight."

"No, I wouldn't put it past her."

"Little witch she is."

"Witch is being nice about it." She scoffs.


"Then there was that whole secretary look. Psh who is she kidding, she can't pull off smart at all."

"No. And now she's playing a little act, trying to be nice when she really isn't."

"Mmhmm. Nice my ass honey."

"And don't get me started on her pageant queen wave."

"Oh yeah. That looks so stupid."

"Gets on my nerves."

"Agreed. Hope she loses."

"I hope so too."

"The only thing that would be better than her losing would be one of us being the one that beats her."

"Oh I know right?"

"Unfortunately not tonight."

"Unfortunately." I nod.

"Should still be fun to beat Alicia and Aksana though."

"Yes, considering they're annoying."

"Very annoying. I swear Alicia is messed up in the head. She walks retarded."

"I know. Who walks like that? Oh wait, she does."


"And Aksana....has the most lamest music ever. I don't even think you can call it entrance music."

"No not really."

"Last time she was in the ring with me, she would not stop doing the same move over and over and over again. She clearly cannot wrestle."

"I know right? She's awful."

"She's better as a valet. That's all she's good for if you ask me."

"Mmhmm. I totally agree."

"But the rest of the matches sound like they're gonna be good."

"Yeah, that's true."

"Just wish Punk would lose the title already. It's been long enough."

"Oh I know. He's way too full of himself now."

"He's all blah blah blah blah blah. Like shut up already."

"I wish he would."

"I'd like to shut him up myself."

"I've thought about it so many times."

"But that would be too easy."

"Uh huh."

"Wanna bet he cheats somehow tonight. Always cheats."

"Not taking a bet I'd lose. I know he'll cheat."

"What to do until the show?"

"Um, I don't know. Catering?"

"Sounds like a good idea."

We leave the Diva's room and head towards catering. Along the way we stop to talk to a few people we're friends with. But when we finally get there, we go to the tables and grab what we want before finding a place to sit.

"Mmm, we're lucky they get us good food."

"Oh, I know."

"Thank god because that would be horrible to deal with bad food."

"I can't even imagine."

"Ewww." We both shudder.

"Sometimes it's better than what we go out and eat."

"I know right?"

"Always have our favorites too."

"Yeah, which is good."

"Very good." I nod.

"I have a feeling something weird is going to happen tonight."

"You too huh?"

"Yup." She nods.

"It's just the atmosphere. Something's not right."


"Just can't put my finger on what's gonna happen."

"Me neither. Something is definitely off though."

"Guess we'll just have to find out when it happens."


"Speaking of....looks like the pre-show's starting soon. Rooting for Zack and Santino to beat 3MB."

"Oh I know right? Zack deserves to win."

"I know. After dropping the United States Championship, he's been in slump lately. It's not cool."

"No, it isn't fair. He could be great if they ever gave him a chance."

"A lot of people like Zack could be great if they gave them chances."


"So stay here and watch it? Or go back to the room?"

"Up to you."

"Hmm...well I'm comfortable right now, so here it is then."


"You know, I guess it got lonely being the one man band for Heath...I mean Wendy." I snicker.

Cara laughs.

"Guess so."

No sooner after that, the pre-show had started and out first was Heath, Jinder and Drew.

"Wannabe rockstars." I shake my head amusedly.

"Yup. Weirdos."

"But entertaining nonetheless."

"That's true. They can be funny."

As soon as the group music faded, Santino's goes off and he and Zack come out next. It starts off with Zack and Jinder. They circle and lock up. Jinder gets him in a side headlock and Zack gets out of it only to get knocked back down. But Zack comes back with an armdrag takedown, and then tags Santino in. He picks up where Zack left off, until Jinder hits him with an elbow to the face and Heath comes in, but gets hit with a hip toss. Santino tags Zack back in and they work together. Zack goes for the cover, but Heath kicks out. After coming off the ropes, Drew on the outside, holds Heath and Zack misses the dropkick.

"Cheater." I glare.

Cara shakes her head and sighs.

Heath goes stomping away at Zack and gets him into his corner, tagging Jinder back in. He goes for the cover, but Zack kicks out. He tags Heath back in and Zack can't catch a break at this moment. Heath gets distracted for a moment and loses momentum, and Zack tags Santino in and he's fired up. After the flying headbutt, he takes the cobra sock out and goes for it, but Jinder causes a distraction and Heath stops the Cobra from even happening. Jinder is tagged back in for a bit, and after a neckbreaker, he goes for the cover, Santino kicking out. Heath gets tagged back in, and Santino goes for a double flying clothesline, missing and Heath goes for the cover again, getting a nearfall. The crowd starts to clap to encourage Santino and he gets out of the hold he's in, but Jinder is tagged back in and he's put in the same hold Heath had on Santino. Santino however gets out of it and manages to tag in Zack and he's on fire this time, hitting Jinder with a missile dropkick from the top. Jinder is in the corner and Zack hits him with the Broski Boot. He pulls him away and goes for the pin, Heath breaks it up. Santino comes in and goes after Heath and Heath just throws him to the outside. Santino tries to pull Heath out of the ring, but Heath shoves him into the barricade with his feet. Heath gets up and turns around, getting hit with the Rough Ryder, and with the help of Drew however, Jinder gets the pin and wins the match for 3MB.



"Suppose we can head back to the room now. Only a few minutes before the show itself starts."

"Right." She agrees, getting up.

Then we leave, and head back to the locker room. We go inside and find a spot to sit. It was only moments after we sat when the show officially started. The first match of the night ended up being a bonus 5-on-5 tag team elimination match. Out first, accompanied by Cameron and Naomi was Brodus.

"Cameron...girl from Tough Enough...her career went real far." I scoff.

"I know. I like Naomi though. She works hard. I think she could be good."

"I know right? I'd like to see her shine more outside of being a dancer."

"Yeah me too."

Once their in-ring dance was over, out next was Justin and Tyson.

"I like those two as a pair. They really compliment each other."

"Best team they could ever put together." I nod.


Out next as team member number 4, was Sin Cara.

"Pinky." I laugh, referring to all the pink he's wearing.

"He's a brave one to be wearing all that." Cara laughs.

Out last was of course Rey.

"Hmmm, everyone besides Brodus are high fliers. Should be a good match."


Once he get to the ring and his music faded, out first for the opposing team was Tensai.

"Tattoo face."

"He's weird."

"Just a bit."

Out as two of his team members, accompanied to the ring by Rosa were Primo and Epico. And then the last two members of the team, Darren and Titus.

"Him and that whistle. I wanna rip that off his neck and whip it into the crowd. Oops, no more whistle."

"I know. Its annoying."

After both teams go to their sides, they all decide that it'll be Tyson against Epico to start. Tyson keeps control over Epico in the match for most of the match. Epico gets to his feet and fights back, until Tyson tries for the Sharpshooter. Epico moves and then takes the fight to the outside, until Tyson gets back into the ring. And of course Rosa and screaming 'no' from the outside.

"Si Rosa, Si."

"She's annoying too."

"No kidding."

Tyson tags in Justin next, and he twists Epico's arm. Thrown into the ropes and Justin reverses and then sweeps the leg out from under Epico, and then hits a standing moonsault. He goes for the cover, but Epico kicks out. Tyson is tagged back in and he and Justin work together. Rey gets tagged in now. After a cavalcade of high-flying maneuvers from Team Mysterio, Tensai and Brodus would collide with one another, which led to Tensai putting Brodus away for the first elimination.

"That can't be good."

In next to go up against Tensai is Justin, and he tries to go as fast as he can against him, but he can't pick up the pace against him. Tensai tags in Titus now to face Justin, and he puts an abdominal stretch on him, and Justin tries to fight out. Titus helps him up and Justin fights back the best he can and Tensai tags himself in. But shortly after that, Justin picks up the win over Tensai and eliminates him.

"I can't believe he did it."


But after he gets eliminated, Tensai leveled Justin and in comes Titus. Later on in the match, Tyson would further cripple the opposing team by catching Titus with a roll-up, taking him out of the match. He would continue to prove his worth to the team by making Epico tap out to the Sharpshooter, leaving only Primo and Darren Young left on the opposite team. That would all change once Rey gets tagged in and catches Primo with a roll-up to eliminate him. He then polishes off the last member of the team, Darren Young, with the 619 and Bullet Splash combination, getting the victory for his team.


"Nice one."

"Take that. Nyahhh."

Cara laughs at me sticking my tongue out at the TV. The screen fades to a quick video package, highlight all that's been going on with the Divas Championship issue. Kaitlyn getting attacked, not being able to face Layla, and Eve stepped in and ended up beating Layla to gain the title. And then all the stuff after that.



Backstage, Kaitlyn was all ready to go and was heading to the curtain to head out for her title match against Eve, until she was attacked and pushed into some equipment crates. Kaitlyn fights back and takes her down. We hear a very familiar squeal as Kaitlyn removes what is a blonde wig.

"Heyyyy. I know that squeal. Aksana. That's Aksana!"

Cara facepalms.

Kaitlyn struggles to remove the hood off of the attacker's head and it is revealed to be Aksana.

"Are you kidding me?!" Kaitlyn exclaims.

"I knew it."

"Aksana's an idiot for attempting a second attack."

Aksana scrambles away and Eve just so happens to show up to see what's wrong and see if Kaitlyn is okay.

"Oh my gosh Kaitlyn. Are you okay? I would hate for something to happen to you before our match."

"Seriously?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Two-faced bitch." Cara scoffs.

Kaitlyn just shoves Eve to the ground and kneels down before her.

"Oh Eve, are you okay? I would hate for something to happen to you before our match." She mocks.

"Psh, she's not okay. She's gonna cry. Awwwww poor baby."

Cara snickers. And that cuts to the ring where that very match is announced and Kaitlyn goes out first, blonde wig in hand, not too happy. Once her music had faded, Eve came out next, with her fake smile and lame pageant queen wave.

"God, stop doing that. You're not the queen, you never will be."


Just before the bell rings, Kaitlyn whips the blonde wig at her and goes on the attack early on. Eve keeps trying to get away, but Kaitlyn stays on the attack. Eve escapes to the outside hoping to get away, but Kaitlyn follows and keeps the attack on the outside. Back into the ring and Eve tries escaping again, going over to the barricade and tries to flee, but Kaitlyn stops her.

"Little witch thinks she can just get up and flee from the match."


At one point, Kaitlyn had fought her outside of the ring again and threw her back in. As she got back into the ring herself, Eve started to back up and beg and plead and cry and apologize to Kaitlyn, begging for mercy.

"Oh my god, she's ridiculous."

Kaitlyn wasn't having it and she slapped her across the face.

"Soooo deserved that."


In the end of the match however, Eve hit the swinging neckbreaker on Kaitlyn to retain the title.

"Like oh my god, I totally won." I mock her extremely happy facial expression and roll my eyes.

Cara also rolls her eyes and scoffs.

Up next the United States Championship was on the line as Cesaro would defend agains Truth.

"Another wasted match where the opponent to the title holder does not deserve it. Boring."

"Yup. There seems to be lots of those."

"Ughh." I throw my head back so I'm looking at the ceiling and not the TV.

"What a waste of time." Cara shakes her head.

Thankfully the match was over and after Cesaro had easily won the match, the screen faded to the problems between AJ and Vickie and how this so called scandal with John had cost her the GM position.

"AJ shouldn't have been made to give up her job. Vickie's just been jealous from the very beginning, because she wasn't chosen as GM. AJ did nothing wrong as GM and Vickie just escalated things between them."

"That's how she is. Things don't go her way and she'll make up whatever she needs in order to get her way."

"And she should talk about inappropriate relationships."

"Oh I know right? Eww."

"PDA on TV not suitable for children. Children watch the shows."


AJ had come skipping out next and got into the ring, getting a mic from an attendant ringside.

"I'm sorry that I have to do this, but...I feel like I've been left with no choice. For the past month, Vickie Guerrero has tried her hardest to embarrass me every single day. And she's tried her hardest to make my life a living hell. And at first the only reason I could think that she was trying to prove that I had an inappropriate relationship with John Cena, was because she was this sad, lonely, insecure, vengeful, vindictive...witch. Or word that rhymes with witch."

"Bitch." Cara and I say in unison.

"But then I realized that when you have a secret, the best way to hide it is to accuse someone else. And that is exactly what Vickie Guerrero has done."

"What do you think you're doing? How dare you?! Need I remind you and everyone else here, that I am the managing supervisor for Monday Night Raw! Who do you think you are?"

"Me? I am a seeker of the truth Vickie. And I was minding my own business at home, when I was sent this photo." She motions to the tron to show a fake photo of Ricardo and Vickie eating burritos.

"That's kind of disturbing."


"What exactly are you doing with Ricardo Rodriguez? Am I supposed to believe that is some innocent business dinner Vickie? Look at your face, look at that smile. You are really enjoying Ricardo's burrito aren't you?"

"I AM your boss. And-"

"-yeah yeah, you are my boss, but you won't be for much longer if you continue to have inappropriate relationships...like this."

On the tron again is another fake picture of Vickie and JR and his BBQ Sauce.

"Vickie Guerrero! You are having quite the slobber-knocker aren't you? But what do you have to say for yourself?"

"Keep pushing it little girl. You think this is funny don't you?! This is not true! None of this happened! None of this happened!"

"If it didn't happen Vickie, then why are you getting so worked up? Could it be because you know I have more evidence? That was brought to me un-solicited of course. Like this."

A third fake picture comes onto the tron of Vickie in her bathing suit dancing with Brodus.


"Oh gross!"

"Oh...oh my god. It's like looking directly into the sun. You don't want to do it, but you can't help it. I mean look...look at that giant, sweaty, dancing monstrosity...and Brodus Clay."

"Enough! Enough! This is ridiculous!"

"Ridiculous? THIS is ridiculous? What's ridiculous is you coming out every Monday Night Raw to this ring, week after week with your evidence that proves absolutely nothing. What's ridiculous is this so-called scandal that you created. So yeah Vickie, I wanted you to feel as ridiculous as I felt these past weeks. I wanted reality to slap you in the face."

"Shut your mouth little girl. Because...the truth is, reality is not gonna be slapping you in the face. It's going to be me!"

AJ then gives her that stare and starts to walk forward, making her walk backwards, clearly intimidating her. Then she just smiles.

"I don't want to fight Vickie. And I know you don't want to fight either. Because, like you've said, if I put a hand on you, I will lose my job. But fun fact Vickie, if you put a hand on me, the Board of Directors have said that you will lose your job as well."


"Dun dun dunnnnnnn."

"So, what're you gonna do Vickie? What the-" AJ stops when Vickie moves out of the way and AJ gets attacked, and it turns out to be Tamina.

"Oh come on."


Once Tamina is done, she leaves. Vickie laughs evilly and leaves herself.

"Well I've said it before, I'll say it again. She fits the witch role perfectly."

"Yeah she does."

After a quick break, it was time for the next match and that was Sheamus against Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship. They began it first with the usual video package, highlighting the problems leading up to tonight that the two have had. Once that was done, Sheamus came out first and then Big Show came out. In an all-out war for SmackDown’s top prize, both champion and challenger would put everything on the line to try and secure the championship, but after realizing that his reign as World Heavyweight Champion was in serious jeopardy, Big Show decided to try and take the easy way out as, when Sheamus sized up Big Show for the Brogue Kick, Big Show would grab the ref, pulling him into the path of the Brogue Kick, leaving the ref completely knocked out.


"Poor ref."

"That's really gotta hurt."

"Uh yeah, just a bit."

Realizing what he had just done, Sheamus immediately forgets about the match and tends to the referee. He's quickly joined by EMTs, checking on the official. However, where Sheamus and most others saw an unfortunate situation, Big Show saw opportunity as he would deliver the KO Punk to Sheamus and would go for the cover. Upon seeing the attempted pinfall, one ref would turn his attention away from his injured colleague to quickly count Sheamus’ shoulders to the mat, ensuring that Big Show’s plan had succeeded. But, another ref saw the call and reversed the decision, awarding the win to Sheamus via DQ.

"Backfired, nyahhh."

"Haha in your face." I point and laugh.

Cara shakes her head in amusement.

Big Show is outraged, even though he was still the champion. He just wanted a decisive pinfall victory over Sheamus, and he started to argue with the ref. Sheamus however would grab a steel chair, driving it into the spine of Big Show. He would continue to deliver chair shot after chair shot to him, despite Show actually begging for him to stop. The begging seemed to work, as Sheamus would drop the chair. But he would turn around and Brogue Kick Big Show anyway.

"Eh, can't say I blame him."

"Serves him right."


"I just can't wait for our match. 2nd to last, almost main event. Don't get too many chances like that."

"Oh I know. Its pretty rare to have a Diva match that late."

"That's because you and I are different than all the others I believe."

"Pretty much. Except maybe Beth and Nattie."

"It's too bad Beth left though."

"I know. I'm gonna miss her."

"Me too. The two people I won't miss? The Bellas."

"Yes. Thank god."

"I heard they want to come back though."

"Aw man. I hope they stay gone."

"I hope so too."

It was now time for the 2nd 5-on-5 tag team elimination match. Del Rio would be the first to come out for his team. After him, Damien Sandow.

"Hey freak, get rid of the bathrobe."

"He is such a weirdo. Seriously."

"Pink trunks and purple kneepads."

"That too!"

"I mean I give him props...real men wear pink...but when you add purple kneepads...."

"Exactly my point. More power to you if you want to wear pink but when there's too much or you add another girly color...people are going to question your manhood."

"Wonder where he shops." I snicker.

"Hah, Abercrombie and Bitch?"

"Aha, that's a good one."

She just smirks.

"High five."

She high fives me. Third, David Otunga.

"Mr. I Wear Too Much Baby Oil."

"Yup. Creeper."

Fourth, Wade Barrett and then the captain was Ziggler. After that team was all set, out first for the opposing team was Mick Foley, also the captain of the team. He's followed by Kane and Daniel, who are fighting as they walk to the ring. After them Kofi and then Mike. And finally, Randy.

"I sense egos clashing possibly."

"Mmm yeah."

Kane would score the first elimination for Team Foley as he would hit Damien with a chokeslam to eliminate him. It wasn't long after that when he and Daniel would get into a heated argument, which resulted in Kane tossing Daniel out of the ring, and with Kane's back turned, Dolph was able to catch him off guard with the Zig Zag and eliminating him.



The team would regain focus when Daniel would lock Otunga in the No Lock, forcing him to tap out, sending him packing. Soon after that, Wade would level Kofi with the Bull Hammer, eliminating him. Del Rio would also lock the cross armbreaker on Daniel, leaving him no choice to tap out. Mike would finally get his chance in the match as he would go one on one with Wade. He would eventually plant Wade with the Skull Crushing Finale to send Wade out of the match.

"Yes! Go Mike!"


Mike's momentum would come to a halt by Del Rio, when he hit Mike with an enziguiri to pin Mike to eliminate him.

"Boooo you suck Del Rio."


That left only Randy on Team Foley to go up against Del Rio and Ziggler.

"Come on Randy."

He would go after Dolph and Del Rio and at one point, Ricardo would try to get involved, but Mick would rely on Mr. Socko, stuffing it into the mouth of Ricardo, taking him out of the equation.



"Think we should get ready for our match now? Looks like the end of the match is coming."

"Yeah we probably should."

We move from the couch, stretch after having sat there for so long, and then we grab our bags and head in to change. We change and then decide to head over to the ramp waiting area. Once there, we start our normal stretching routine. While we're doing that, we hear the voices of Aksana and Alicia as they get closer to us.

"I think we should give Aksana an extra special beat down for what she did tonight."

"I was already planning on it."

"Great minds think alike."

"But of course." She laughs.

"Some nerve you have doing what you did tonight Aksana." I scoff as she and Alicia are finally near us.

She starts ranting in her native language.

"Oh my god...would you shut up already? You talentless broad. Yeah I went there."

Alicia holds Aksana back as she lunges.

"Hope you two are ready to lose tonight." Cara remarks.

"Bring it on. You'll be losing, not us." Alicia retorts in her weird way of talking.

"Oh it's gonna be brought. Rihanna wannabe."

Alicia glares and I snicker.

"Rihanna called...she wants her hair back." Cara remarks again, and I laugh.

Since the previous match was done, it wasn't too much longer until Cara's music went off. We mockingly waved at Alicia and Aksana before heading out first. We pose at the top of the ramp before jogging down. We slap hands with a few fans. Then we hop up on opposite sides of the ring and do our entrance moves. Cara's music fades and Alicia's goes off, her and Aksana walking out. Cara and I quietly talk to each other about how retarded Alicia's walking is. Cara mocks her and she laughs.

We agree that Cara will go off against Aksana first. Aksana starts pushing Cara around, and she isn't havnig that, so she grabs Aksana by the hair and slams her down onto the apron. She drops a hard elbow onto her gut. She helps her up and spears her into the corner, doing that a few times before letting her go and backing up. She goes to run and dropkick her in the corner, but Aksana moves and quickly slides out of the ring. Cara goes to go after her, but Alicia his a cheap shot on her from behind. I get the ref's attention, but of course he doesn't listen.

"Come on Cara!" I stomp the apron with my foot.

She uses the ropes for support as she gets up to her feet. At that time, Aksana had gotten back into the ring and charged at her, but Cara moved out of the way so she ended up falling out of the ring. I encourage Cara to tag me in and she does so. I back up and wait for Aksana to get up and that's when I charge towards the ropes. But I don't actually jump through them. I stop mere inches before and Aksana cowers in fear. Cara and I both laugh. And Alicia thinks she's gonna get the best of me. But I bend backwards as she goes to hit me. When I turn around, I dropkick her out of the ring. I roll out of the ring and grab Aksana, throwing her back into the ring, going for the cover, but Aksana kicks out. I pick Aksana up by the hair and throw her into the ropes. When she comes back, she counters and grabs me, trying to send me outside the ropes, but little does she know, I held on. She starts to blow kisses to the crowd and they all boo her, as I pull myself back up. I send her a smirk as I turn around and I fake her out, and she goes scrambling over to Alicia tagging her in.

"Scaredy cat." I mumble, and then give Alicia the motion to come at me.

She does and I duck, turning around and kicking her in the gut. I then take her and throw her into the ropes, but she counters and sends me there as well, tripping me as I come her way. I hold my midsection since her knee collided with it. That's when she takes advantage and gets me in a side headlock.

"Come on Serenity!" Cara cheers, clapping her hands.

I get to my feet and start to fight back and get out of the hold. But she gets me back and sends me into the corner. That's when she comes at me and I move at the last second, Alicia hitting the corner in an awkward way where her leg would be injured. I quickly go over and tag Cara in and she's on fire when she comes in. She goes and dropkicks Alicia and clotheslines her repeatedly and quickly. And just for good measure, she slaps her so hard, she stumbles into the corner. She runs at Alicia in the corner with a smirk on her face and Alicia moves so Cara goes through the ropes, but doesn't touch the ring post thankfully. But Alicia comes back down and rolls Cara up, going for a win. Cara isn't having that, so she quickly gets out of it and both of them get to their feet. At the last second, she super kicks Alicia in the face. She makes sure, Alicia is near the ropes so Cara could do her finisher. Aksana saw her setting up for it, so I came in and took down Aksana like it was nothing and we fought to the outside. Once the coast was clear, Cara jumped to the top and did a flip, landing on Alicia below. She hooked her leg, the ref counted to three and we had won the match. After we're announced the winners and our hands are let go, we hug each other, and mock Alicia and Aksana with crybaby faces. Then we laugh and pose on the corners for the fans before heading backstage.

"That felt so good."

"I know. A nice easy one."

"I want a challenge next time though, that's for sure."

"Yeah." She nods in agreement.

"Now let's head back, get changed and watch John win his title back."

"Sounds good." She agrees.

We head back to the locker room, along the way getting congrats on our match and everything. Especially from Natalya and Kaitlyn of course. When we get back, we head right in to get changed while the video package hyping the main event plays.

"So maybe nothing bad is happening tonight. Almost the end of the night and that bad feeling hasn't been proven true." I say when we walk out with our bags and sit back down.

"It's not over til its over." Cara points out.


"So I wouldn't count it out just yet."

"Right. Well it's been a semi-good night so far."


It was now time for the main event, the Triple Threat WWE Championship match. The match was announced and out first was John to everyone cheering. He ran down to the ring and did the usual entrance things. After his music faded, out next was Punk with Paul Heyman.

"I wish Heyman would go away."

"He's creepy."

"Not to mention annoying....annoying times two if you count that voice of his."

Cara nods.

Out last was Ryback of course. After all three men would jockey for position in the every-man-for-himself environment, an unlikely alliance would briefly be formed as John and Punk realized it would be take too long to take Ryback down solely. Punk and John would actually co-exist for now to get rid of the major threat that is Ryback. They would dismantle the announce table before joining forces to deliver a vicious suplex to Ryback through the table. Now this left Ryback temporarily out of the picture, so John and Punk continued with their year-long rivalry with both men going blow-for-blow with John hitting the AA and Punk hitting the GTS, but neither one would be put down for the three count. Ryback had gotten back up however and got back in the ring with the force of a tank and would annihilate both Punk and John, dropping both with Shell Shocked. It would seem as Ryback would win the WWE title, wrenching it away from Punk, but just then there were three unknown assailants who were disguised as security guards, attacking Ryback.

"Who in the hell?"

"Told you not to be so sure." Cara says.

"They look awfully familiar Cara." I say as I try to get a closer look at their faces.

"You know...you're right." She tilts her head and scrutinizes the three, trying to figure them out.

We hear Cole say that all three attackers are men from NXT. The man a foot away from him being Roman Reigns. Then realizing who the other two were, saying they were Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins.

"No. No way."

"Oh boy."

"They were in the development facility before it changed to NXT?"


They all powerbomb him through the Spanish announce table. I get a good look at the three and realize that it was them.

"Cara, it is them." I say, convinced.

"I see that."

"Wonder why they didn't tell us. I mean I know we all drifted apart from each other, but....this is all just a shock to me."

"I know. Maybe they weren't sure we'd be okay with what they just did."


They watch as Punk covers John and wins. Once Punk wins, they leave ringside back through the crowd where they came from.

"Can't say I wanted Punk to win but I don't really care that they attacked Ryback. He's an awkward guy anyway."

"True. Hey, you thinking what I'm thinking?"

She looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Go find them before we leave...before they leave."

"Alright, that's fine."

We get our bags, say goodbye to the girls, and leave the room.

"Remember when you had such a crush on Seth but you couldn't tell him?" I nudge her with a grin.

She turns red.

"Shut up."

"Turning red."

"Sere." She whines as she turns even more red.

"It was cute though."

"Embarrassing more like it."

"Well I can see why you would say that."

"Like your crush?" She retorts.

"Oh you wouldn't go there."

"Oh yes I would."

"Don't you dare."

"Miss draw hearts around his name in my sketchbooks." She teases.

"Those were doodles."


"Even so, I don't even know where I put those anyway."

"Last time I saw them, they were in a box in our apartment."

"And they've stayed there ever since we lost touch."

"Right. I know."

"But you can't tell me you've completely moved on from him can you?"

I go quiet.

"That what I thought."

"What about you?" I ask.

"No. Not even when I was dating Wade." She shakes her head.

"Who I can't believe you dated by the way."

"Not one of my best moments."

"Surprised he didn't bother you tonight."

"I know. I'm glad he didn't though."

We soon are outside and heading to the car. When we get there and start putting our things in the back, I stop when I hear voices. I grin comes across my face as I look at you. "Guess who's coming out..."

"Oh god." She giggles.

"I think that's their car behind me." I point.

"Just wait for the perfect moment to get their attention. Let's see if they recognize us after all these years."

She nods and continues putting her stuff away. I make sure to listen carefully to when they're at the car. I wait for the perfect moment to turn around, and lean against our car.

"Dean..." I call.

He turns around to see who has called his name. I wave.

"Do I know you?"

"You do...well you did. Take a hard look, it'll come back to you."

As he's looking, Cara hip bumps me out of her way so she can close the trunk of the car.

"You don't want to say hi Cara?" I ask.

"Cara....where have I heard...no...Serenity?"

"Duh." I laugh.

"Oh wow, its been forever." He says in surprise.

"You're telling me. Couldn't tell us you were in the development facility? Lose my number or something?"

"Yeah actually."

"Was wondering what happened. We all lost touch with each other."

"Well I changed my number, you know that." Cara says to me.

"Right. Mine hasn't changed though. So....where are our hugs man? We haven't seen each other in forever."

They all walk over. Then one by one they hug us and they're long hugs seeing as we haven't seen each other in forever.

"It's been too long Cara, far too long." Seth says as he hugs her.

"Yeah it has."

"I see you've decided to color half of your hair." She adds with a laugh seeing that one half of his hair is blonde.

She tugs on it playfully.

"I see you colored parts of yours too."

He tugs on hers in return.


"You and I always did crazy stuff like that. I swear we have the same brain sometimes. Thought that before, still thinking that now."

"That's true." She giggles.

"So when did you two become WWE Divas?"

"Mmm, its been a few years."


"We got called up pretty quickly. You know how the Divas division is when it comes to talent."

"We've been paying attention, yeah." He nods.

"So yeah, we were needed."

"Right. Well I guess we'll be working with you guys now. We can catch up on all that time we lost."

"Of course. We should go though. Its getting cold." She shivers.

"True. Exchange numbers? Maybe we can catch up a little bit tomorrow. If you're not busy."

"Sure, we won't be busy. Media stuff was this morning." She says as they take out their phones.

"Great." He grins, and they put each other's numbers in their phones.

Dean and I do the same and Cara and I get all of their numbers.

"So, see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah, see you then."

We get another round of hugs from them and then get into our cars, getting ready to leave.

"Someone didn't want to let go...." She nudges me with a grin.

I start blushing.



"He looked happy to see you."

"You noticed that too huh?"

"Mmhmm." She grins.

"Seth looked happy to see you too."


"You didn't want to let him go either."

She blushes.

"Not really."


She blushes even more.

"Bet you can't wait until tomorrow."

"Same for you." She retorts.

"Can't argue with that atually."

"Didn't think so."

"Can you really blame me?"


"I can't blame you either."

"Of course not."

We drive to the hotel and go up to our room. Once we get to our room, we head in, dropping our bags by the rest of our things.

"What a night."

"Tell me about it."

"Wasn't expecting to see them again."

"Me neither."

"I'm glad they showed up though."

"Oh definitely...me too."

"We should get some rest then. Don't wanna be tired tomorrow."

"No, that would be a bad thing."

We get ready for bed and are soon under the covers, getting comfy.

"Night Sere."

"Night Car."