Lost Injustice

Back Home

After a long flight back home, we had finally landed and had gotten a taxi to the house since there really was no one to drop either one of our cars off. We have since gotten to the house and walked inside with our things. "So good to be home." I remark.

"Yayyyyy home." Cara smiles.

"It does look like a nice place." Seth adds, looking around.

"Why thank you. We decorated it ourselves."

"Probably want a tour of the place right?"

"That would be nice, yeah."

"Alright, well just leave your things there, we can take everything to the bedrooms after."

"Okay." They agree.

We take them on a tour of our nice condo. After we make sure they see everything, we end back up by our things.

"So, what do you think?"

"Love it. It really suits you two." Seth says.

"And now I think we can bring our things to the bedrooms."

Seth and Dean nod, grabbing the bags and carrying them to our respective bedrooms. Dean and I reach my room, bringing our things inside. I take the chance to unpack and get whatever clothes weren't clean and put those in my basket to wash later. Dean flops on my bed and looks around my room.

"Now that I've gotten a good look at the room. It so fits you." He remarks.

"I would hope so." I say amusedly.

"You look comfortable." I add.

"I am. It's a soft bed."

"Isn't it?"

"It is. Good choice."

"Why thank you. Now I think I'm going to change into clothes more suited for the warmer weather. Don't go falling asleep on me."

"I'll try not to."

I nod, walking over and leaning down, giving him a quick kiss before going into my closet for something to change into. I then go into the bathroom and do the usual routine. I walk out and find his eyes closed.

"I'm awake." He says without opening his eyes.

"But it only takes a little bit to doze off after your eyes are shut."


"But I am surprised you haven't yet, it was a long flight, and I'm sure you're pretty tired."

"Yeah, jet lag is kicking in."

"It looks like it."

"Come lay with me?"

"Like I would deny you that." I say amusedly, before walking over and I flop down on the bed next to him.

Instantly Dean pulls me closer.

"Much better."

"Couldn't agree more. Couldn't really be like this sitting on the plane."

"I know. But now we are."

"And much more comfortable, and it's quiet."

"That too."

"We can decide what to do later, when you wake up." I remark as I nuzzle my face in his neck.

"Sounds like a plan." He agrees.

"You can sleep now though. I'll be here when you wake up. Not going anywhere. Not that I'll be able to anyway..."

He chuckles and kisses my cheek before settling down. It doesn't take long for Dean to fall asleep. I don't end up falling asleep, but since I can't really move, I decide to lay there as he sleeps and just enjoy the quietness. Meanwhile in Cara's room, she's cleaned her suitcases and picked out what she'll be changing into.

"I can't wait to spend all this time off here with you." Seth remarks.

"No work interruptions." She smiles.

"None at all."

"No ex-boyfriends around."


"No Roman." She giggles.

"Not even him. Just you and me. And Dean and Serenity but we all get the privacy now."

"Mmhmm." She smiles at him flirtatiously.

"Well I've got to get changed, but that shouldn't take me long. So I shall be right back out." She adds.


She takes the clothes she picked out and headed into the bathroom to change like always and do the usual.

"This is better." She says as she walks out.




She climbs on her bed, carefully making sure that her dress doesn't ride up too much.

"Jet lag getting to you yet?" She asks.

"A bit." He yawns.

"I can tell."

She lays down beside him and props up on one elbow.

"You look like you belong here." She comments softly, playing with his shirt.

"That's a good thing I hope."

"Of course."

"Well I feel like I belong here."

"I'm glad."

There's a moment of silence and then she speaks up again.

"You know, I wouldn't mind if you maybe wanted to leave a few things here."



"I mean it feels like you belong here already, so..." She adds.

"...this is just another step forward for us." He finishes.


"Well, I would love to leave some stuff here." He nods.

She smiles and happily kisses his cheek.

"You don't know how happy that just made me." She grins.

"Well I'm glad it did."

"I like that you can come home with me now."

"I do too. I get you to myself." He grins.


"You boys are already very popular with the fangirls. You even have some backstage." She remarks.

"Right, and I'm sure most of them followed me from my indy days too. So the group of fangirls includes not only new ones but ones that have been around for years."

"Yeah." She nods.

"But....you're the only one for me."

"Better be." She mutters.

"You are. Don't worry."

Seth reaches out and pulls her into him. She leans on his chest.

"Just don't blame me if I get a little jealous sometimes." She says quietly.

"I won't blame you. It's expected, I know."

"Besides, I'll probably get jealous at times myself. I have a beautiful lady. "

She blushes.

"Who's still beautiful when she turns red like that." He grins.

She hides her face, blushing more.

"No hiding."

"Yes hiding." She mutters.

"No no, I don't think so."

"Oh yes."

"It's cute though, when you blush. I want to be able to see it."

"No." She says stubbornly.

"Do I have to make you look at me? Because I will." He chuckles.

She just make a raspberry noise.

"Love you too."

"Still not coming out." She says, her voice muffled.

"I suppose I can let it slide this time."

"I win."

"This time."

"I'll win again in the future too."

"We'll see."

"That we will."

"I do think taking a nap right now would be a good idea. Jet lag and all."

"Okay." She agrees, coming out of hiding and gets comfortable.

"Then when we wake up, we can do what you want."

"Sounds good."

"What did you have in mind exactly?"

"Beach. "

"I like that idea."

"Of course you do."

"You're gonna enjoy it way too much." She adds, laughing.

"Oh yes." He smirks.

"But that'll have to wait until after the nap."

He nods. She kisses his cheek and rests her head against his shoulder. It doesn't take long, but he's the one to fall asleep first. She looks up to see him fast asleep and can't help but to smile to herself. She watches him for a bit before dozing off herself. It isn't until hours later where she finally wakes up. As she wakes up, she feels Seth lightly touching her and tracing patterns on her skin.

"Sleepyhead." He chuckles.

"You fell asleep first." She mumbles drowsily.

"You slept the longest."

She blows a raspberry. "Want me to pick out the swimsuit or are you gonna do that?"

"You can."

"Don't mind if I let you go?"

"Nah." I yawn.

"Alright." He nods, kissing your head before letting you go and getting up.

"I want a real kiss when you get done."


She rolls on her side and watches him rummage through her swimsuits.

"Hmm...what to pick, what to pick..."

"Oh the choices." She teases.

"Yes, so many ones I like."

"Good to know."

"So hard to choose just one."

"Welcome to my world." She laughs.

"I think I'll go with this one..."

"Nice choice." She says.

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Now I believe I owe you a kiss."

"Yes you do." She grins.

He walks over with the swimsuit in hand, sitting back down in his spot. He puts the swimsuit down in favor of taking her face in his hands and pressing his lips to hers.

"Mmm, much better." She sighs after he pulls away.


She picks up the swimsuit and slides off the bed.

"I'm going to change."

"Alright. I'm going to change too."

She nods and goes into the bathroom. He goes over to his things to get some swimming trunks out and to change himself. She walks out and puts on a cover up before gathering beach stuff to put in a bag.

"Awww, I can't stare right now." He says jokingly.

"You'll have plenty of opportunities at the beach." She laughs.

"It'll be worth the wait then."

"Of course you flatterer."


"Okay, I think I have everything."

"Alright." He nods. "I'm ready to go."

They put on their shoes and head down to the beach.

"The beach. Feels so good to be able to go to the beach again."

"I bet it does." Seth says, watching with amusement as she kicks off her shoes and puts her feet in the sand.

"Nice to get away from the freezing cold temperatures too."

"Very true."

She then take her towel and sets it out on the sand, before sitting and putting sunscreen on the areas of her skin that she could reach. She pulls off her cover-up and continues with the sunscreen. And that's of course when Seth starts to look her over, since he was eagerly waiting for her to remove that coverup. She laughs silently before handing him the bottle.

"Mind helping?"

"I don't mind at all."

He starts rubbing some on her skin and she sighs happily, leaning into his touch.

"I'll try not to get too carried away." He chuckles.

"Good luck." She giggles.

"I think I can manage."

"Sure." She teases.

"I can try at least."

"Of course love."

He manages to get the sunscreen rubbed into her skin no problem, and then they switch and after he's gotten where he can reach, she helps him with the hard to reach spots.

"Magic fingers." He says.

"Yes, yes they are."

"I love youuuuu." He grins cheesily.

"I love you too."

"You goofball." She adds as he lays in her lap.

"Your goofball."

"Yes mine." She leans over and kisses him.

"Always will be."

"That's always nice to hear." She smiles softly.

"You'll always hear it from me."


"Whenever you need to be reminded."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"So water now? Or do you want to just relax?" She asks.

"Hmm, you are comfy..." He muses.

"Relaxing it is then."

She starts playing with his hair.

"Having fun?"

"Of course I am."

"Playing with your hair is fun to me." She adds.

"Just like I do with yours." He says.

"Exactly." She agrees.

"Which I can still do from where I am." He chuckles, reaching up and doing so.

"Silly goose." She says affectionately.

"Love you too."

"Oh you know that I love you." She laughs lightly.

"Yes I do."

She leans down and gives him a kiss.

"This relaxation time away from work is just what we need before Sunday."

"Definitely. Stress relief."

"Wish this could happen all the time."

"That would be fantastic."

"You could probably get away with doing it. But me, along with the other two most likely can't seeing as we're new." Seth explains.

"Mmm, true."

"Who knows what we'll be booked to do."

"Right, I know."

"But that just means you can come with, and that I'm happy about."

"Of course."

"Don't know what I would do without you."

"Go crazy?"

"Most likely." He chuckles.

She giggles.

"I'd be lost without you too."


She blushes and looks away.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm glad to hear that." She says softly.

"Not going anywhere without you."

She bites her lip to stop it from wobbling. She still doesn't look at him so he won't see how emotional that is making her.

"You've gone quiet..." He remarks after she hasn't said anything in a while.

"It's nothing."

"You sure?"


"Alright, but remember you can tell me anything. I'm here for you."

"I know. It's just something I don't like talking about."

"And I won't make you talk about if you don't want to. I'll respect that."

"You're sweet love. I probably should talk about it though. Might make it not hurt so much hmm?"

"Only if you want to talk about it."

"You saying that you won't leave me means so much to me. My own family has basically left me. Other people too." I say quietly.

"Oh Cara, that's horrible."

"I told you that my family doesn't accept what I do for a living. They're also mad because my grandparents left me the most in their will. They weren't shy in showing I was their favorite." I add.


"I have more money than I know what to do with and another condo."

"Where's that condo?"



"So I'm in love with a rich lady." He teases gently.

She smiles a bit and lets out a soft laugh.


"I got you to laugh." He grins. "That's what I want to hear and see." He adds.

"Thank you." She kisses his cheek.

"Anything for you."

"It's things like this that make me fall more and more in love with you. You know how to make things better."

"Never forgot how to." He grins.

"I'm glad."

"I was always there for you in the past and helped make things, even your day better if you were having a bad one. And I still remember how to do that to this day."

She smiles and he sits up, pulling her in for a long, sweet kiss.

"Love you, so so much."

"I love you just as much."

"If not more than that." She adds.

"No, I love you more."


"Alright, we love each other just as equally."


"So, how about that water now?"

"Sounds good." She agrees after getting a kiss.

Before she could even get up, he picks her up and started to head for the water with her in his arms. She squeals and clings to him.

"Not gonna let me walk?"

"Nope, I like you right where you are."

"Whatever you do, just don't drop me in. I'll get you if you do."

"We'll see." He grins.


"Don't drop me." She says warningly.

"I promise."


"If anything I'll set you down gently."

"You better. Or you'll be on the couch tonight."

"You have my word."

She eyes him for a minute and then nods. He makes it to the shoreline before walking into the water, going out far enough before going by his word and placing her down gently into the water. She kisses his cheek and then splashes him playfully. That gets him to splash back and soon a splash fight ensues. They chase each other around for a bit. She hits a trick spot and slips, starting to fall.


Before she could fall however, he manages to catch her.

"My savior."


She turns around and cuddles up to him.

"You'll never get hurt as long as you're with me."

"I wouldn't say that. You know things can still happen."

"Well, let me re-phrase that. I'll try my very best to make sure you're never hurt."

"That's better. I know you will."

"I've done a pretty good job so far, if I do say so myself."

"Of course." She says amusedly.

"And I will continue to do so."

"I know." She smiles as he leans his forehead against hers.

"And that's because I love you."

"I love you too." She replies before he kisses her.

He then proceeds to keep the kiss going while they both float around in the water. She moves closer and puts her arms around his neck. his arms go around her, holding her closer and in place so she couldn't move from him at all. She squirms a bit as he lets his hands wander.

"Is someone ticklish?" He asks, chuckling, after breaking the kiss for a moment.

"Yes but that's not why I was squirming and you know it."

"I can't help my wandering hands."

"I know." She mutters, pulling him back for another kiss.

He just grins against her lips and decides to let his hands rest on her hips for now. He eventually moves from her lips and trails kisses down to her neck. She instinctively tilts her head to the side so that he would have better access to it. He smirks and lets one hand drift up her back. She bites her lip to muffle a quiet groan. When she feels him getting closer to what's the sensitive spot on her neck, that's when she hides her face in his shoulder. But he only grazes past it at that time. She signs and nips his shoulder softly. He moves to the spot behind her ear and spends a bit of time there before moving back down her neck, grazing the spot yet again. Her nails dig into his shoulders briefly.

"Mmph." She groans against his skin.

He realized after that, she couldn't take much more. So, not making her wait anymore, he goes back to the spot and presses his lips against it.

"No no n-ohhhh." She protests before moaning.

She feels the smirk come across against her skin as he continues. Her nails dig into his shoulders again as she clings to him, and she knew that she would have another mark on her neck after this. She melts in his arms when he finally pulls away from her neck.

"I see I've done it again." He chuckles.

"Not fair." She mumbles.

"You love it."

"You make me crazy, you know that?"

"I know." He chuckles.

"Still isn't fair. You know my weak spot."

"Yes I do."

She swats his chest half heartedly.

"I don't know yours yet so it's not fair." She pouts.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out soon enough."

"You just wait Mister. I'll find it and you are soooo in for it." She pokes him.

"Don't worry, I know."

"You want to get out for a bit?" She asks.

"Sure." He nods.

She lets him go and they head to the towels. He sits down on his, bit before she could sit on hers, he pulls her down onto his lap.

"Sitting with me."

"Grabby." She says fondly, getting comfortable.

"I always love cuddle time, no matter where we are."

"Oh I know."

"Easier to do that on the beach than in the water."

"Tis true." She agrees.

"I'm gonna like coming back here from time to time." He grins, kissing the top of her head.

"I've always loved it here but now I do even more because I'm with you."

"I'm glad."

She sighs contentedly as he nuzzles her neck. In the meantime, I still hadn't ended up falling asleep. I did end up messing around with my phone since I had nothing else to do really. I do have to say that I took maybe a few pictures of Dean and I, but I left them on my phone, deciding against posting them to any social media. After a while, Dean starts to wake up.

"Feel better?" I ask.

"Much." He yawns, letting me go in order to stretch.

"Did you sleep?" He asks.

"No, wasn't tired."

"Oh. Sorry if I had you trapped."

"It's okay."

"I didn't mind." I smile.

"I had ways to amuse myself." I add.

"Well that's good."

"Which may have included pictures of us being taken."

"Oh? Did you post any?"

"No, they're just on my phone."

"Oh okay."

"I wouldn't post anything without asking you first anyway."

"Whenever you feel ready to post pictures is fine with me."

"You sure?"

"Yes." He kisses my head.

"I mean, I do have a Twitter account. They made me get one in developmental. I don't use that anymore. Other than that, I don't use any social media. I am a pretty private person, you know that. But I can make the exception if you're in the pictures with me that you take." He adds.

"Okay, I can do that." I nod.

"What can pictures of us hurt? Well maybe the fangirls but that just means they're jealous."

"They can be jealous all they want."

"Because, I finally got the right girl, my best friend." He remarks.


I smile and kiss him.

"That's so sweet."

"Only for you."

"I feel special."

"That's because you are. Always have been to me. Couldn't say it back then because I didn't want to make the friendship awkward."

"I know the feeling."

"I'll always be happy for when they brought me up to debut when they did."

"Me too. They brought us back together."


"No, nothing at all is going to take us apart."

Dean grins and gives me a kiss.

"So, any idea what you want to do?"

"Hmm, let me think."

"Well it looks like it's about after noontime. I could make lunch while we decide what to really do." I suggest.

"That sounds great." Dean agrees.

"I think you're gonna have to let me go first."

"Darn." He jokes.

"Unless....." He trails off, beginning to think.

He scoops me up in his arms and carries me to the kitchen.

"Now I so saw that coming."

"Of course you did."

"You just don't want to let me go."

"Nope." He grins.

"Well you're still gonna have to regardless if I'm putting lunch together."

"I know but this way, I get to hold you longer."

"Oh of course."

Dean carries me into the kitchen and sets me down. After he sets me down, he leans back against the counter to watch. I grab stuff and start cooking.

"I do hope you like this. I make it all the time when I can."

"I'm sure I will."

"Something you'll always get though when you come back here. I'm always cooking something."

"I love that." Dean grins.

"I was hoping."

"I'm not much of a cook so it's good that you are."

"What would you ever do without me?"

"I'd rather not think about life without you."

"Me either."

The two of us exchange smiles and I keep cooking. When it's done, I put everything on plates for us, also leaving some leftover for you and Seth. We then decide to go outside on the back porch to eat, to also enjoy the warm weather.

"This is amazing babe." Dean says after taking a bite.

"I try."

"I can't wait to try other things you cook."

"I can't wait to cook them for you."

He kisses my cheek and then continues eating.

"You know, if you wanted to, you could keep some stuff here." I remark.

"You mean like clothes and stuff?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"I'd like that." Dean says with a smile.

"Really? Great." I grin.

"Another step forward in our relationship."

"And I like that."

"Me too."

Once I finish eating, I rest my head against his shoulder. Dean kisses the top of my head.

"You know what looks good?" He asks.

"Let me guess, you're staring right in it's direction, so the beach?"

"Yup." He nods.

"Hmm, first time seeing you dressed for the beach and the first time for you seeing me dressed for the beach. Should be fun."

"Not that different than pool wear." He points out.

"No, but I have many more swimsuits to choose from here. Since we've been on the road and with the cold weather, I don't take many with me. And plus, there's also the perk of helping with the sunscreen. Which isn't needed at an indoor pool."

"Point taken."

"You and the touchy hands you."

"You know you love it."

"Yes I know I do."

"Can I help pick what swimsuit you wear?"

"You would enjoy that so much."

"I would."

"Sure you don't want me to surprise you?"

"That is tempting..." He pauses.

"Whatever you want to do, I'll go with that. Leaving it up to you."

"Hmm, you know what... surprise me this time."

"Alright. I will see you inside then." I kiss his cheek, before grabbing our plates and then getting up and heading inside.

He waits a few minutes before following. I'm in the bathroom getting changed when he walks into the bedroom. While he waits, he gets changed as well. When I finish, I come out with a coverup on, making him wait until we're on the beach to see the swimsuit. I grab a bag and start putting the beach stuff in it.

"Aww, you're covered up."

"Well you wanted to be surprised."

"Wasn't expecting to wait until we were on the beach."

"Too bad." I giggle.

"You're just gonna have to wait a few extra minutes or so. And no getting up and peeking before we leave." I add.


"You can wait. But I'm ready to go if you are."

"Yup. Ready."

I sling the bag over my shoulder and we head out of the room and then back outside, and down to the beach. The whole walk down to the beach, he kept his arm around my shoulders and I felt him lightly running his fingers along the skin of my shoulder.

"Touchy." I tease.

"Keeps me busy while waiting."

I just laugh. It doesn't take long to get down to the beach, and once we get there, we find a good spot to put our things. I'm able to drop the bag on the sand at least.

"Alright you...if you want to see the suit you're gonna have to let me go."

He nods and lets me go. The first thing I do is lay out my towel on the sand before pulling off the coverup. Dean whistles flirtatiously, looking you up and down.

"Oh, stop." I start to blush, clearly trying to hide it.

"You're blushing." He grins.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Oh yes you do."


"Whatever you say babe." Dean chuckles.

"There's no hiding the fact that you're trying to hide your face, so you must be. It's adorable anyways." He adds.


"I have my moments."

"I know."

"So...need help with that sunscreen now?"

"Just let me get what I can reach first."


I then sit down on the towel to do so, getting all that I can reach before motioning for him to sit so he can help with the rest. Dean sits and does that, taking his time. When he's done, we switch. I put it back into the bag afterwards before wrapping my arms around him and resting my chin on his shoulder. He kisses my cheek and pats my arms gently.

"I don't think we have to wait long to go into the water. Unless you're too comfortable right now." I say amusedly.

"Nah, lets go."

"Race you?"

"You're on!"

"You'll lose." I laugh as I let him go and get up.

"Nope." He jumps up.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I point to the sky.

"Not falling for that!" He laughs, running for the water.

"Can't blame me for trying!" I call to him, before I take off after him.

He laughs louder.

"There is no way you're beating me."

"I can try!"

He does end up reaching the water before I do, but what he doesn't know is that I'm close behind and I tackle him into the water.

"Got you." I say when we come to the surface.

"Yes you did." Dean chuckles.

"I was actually closer to you than you thought."


"Gotta look out for me sometimes...I'm sneaky like that."

"Keeps me on my toes. I like that about you."

"Good to know."

He grins at me and steals a kiss. He then wraps his arms around me and pulls me close, and my arms instinctively go around his neck. He leans down and nuzzles my neck.

"Affectionate today."

"I don't have to behave."

"Oh, I know that."

"So forgive me if I want to be more touchy."

"I have no problem with it, I was just stating the obvious."


"Just watch for the ticklish spots....wait...maybe I shouldn't have said that..."

"Ticklish eh?" He smirks devilishly.

"No no no no no."

"Oh yes."

"Nooo, you heard nothing."

Dean starts to tickle me with a grin on his face. I of course start laughing uncontrollably and try to get away from him the best I can, but he of course doesn't let me. He tickles me until my face is red and then he stops to let me breathe.

"Evil." I say jokingly.

"Sure I am." He chuckles.

"Now you're gonna use those spots against me all the time now."

"Not all the time..."

"Okay, then most of the time."

"Yes." He nods.

"It's not fair, because you know all my ticklish spots now and then there are the spots that are sensitive. I haven't found any spots on you that I can drive you crazy with going after."

"I'm sure you will, just give it time."

"You're a puzzle, you know that right?"

"I know but hey, at least you'll never get bored of me."

"Never ever."

"So I keep you on your toes too."

"Yes you do. I think that's another reason why we're just perfect for each other."

"I agree." He kisses me.

I smile against his lips and I rest my hands against his chest, and I trace patterns unconsciously on his skin. His hands drift along my lower back while he kisses me. I sigh in content against his lips, and he briefly brushes his fingers across my spine and that causes a small shiver run down my back and I end up pulling myself closer. Dean chuckles and does it again on purpose. That causes a different reaction this time. He gets a different noise than the sigh the first time, and my hands have moved by now, resting on his upper arms and my grip had gotten tighter. He starts to smirk and keeps doing it. I try to pull away because at this point I can feel myself starting to lose air. He knows that, but keeps the kiss going for a bit, before finally pulling away but leaves his hands where they are and I rest my forehead against his as I catch my breath. He doesn't say a word, choosing to watch me with a small content smirk on his lips.


"Hmm?" His smirk widens.

"...I repeat...evil..."

He just laughs.

"That was well overdue....I can tell."

"Yes it was."

"No complaints here."

"I would hope not."

"You don't have to worry."


He then proceeds to float around in the water with me still in his arms as we talk. After a while, we wander out of the water and sit on our towels.

"I do wish we could stay here longer than we actually are." I remark.

"I do too but we can come back when we have time."

"Right, I know."

Dean pulls me close and kisses my head.

"You know, I haven't been this happy in a while." I say after a bit.

"Really? I feel like that too." He smiles.

"I mean I've had my moments, I tried dating other people, something was just....missing."

Dean nods in agreement.

"You were the one I've always wanted."

"Agreed." He kisses my lips.

"But as of late, I've just had creepy and awkward situations where I've been flirted with."

Dean raises an eyebrow at me, looking less than pleased.

"You deserve to know about it. Didn't know when to tell you, but since we're on the general topic..."

"Who was it?"

"Just promise me you won't get too worked up about it. I don't want you bent out of shape for Sunday."

"I'll do my best, that's all I can promise. You know that."

"Alright well, you do have a history with him, I know that. Might actually give you more incentive to beat him up Sunday...but it's Daniel."

Dean growls a bit.

"It's been going on since before your debut. I can handle myself in the situations but it's just getting creepy."

"I'll take care of it." Dean says firmly.

"That's why you're the best."

Dean relaxes slightly when I kiss the corner of his mouth.

"I feel so much better getting that out to you. Just don't worry about it now. Deal with it come Sunday. The rest of the week until then is relax time."

"Right." He agrees.

"Just you and me."

"Like it should be."


Dean pulls me onto his lap and wraps me in his arms. The rest of the day was spent down on the beach, even until the sun went down. Once it was dark, we had headed back up to the house and inside, to find Cara and Seth making dinner. Or at least, she's trying to make dinner and Seth is doing his best to distract her with affection.

"Quit it. You're going to make me burn the food." She scolds him, giggling.

"Someone's being distracting I see." I say amusedly.

"Yes he is."

"Tsk tsk, shame on you."

"Can't help it." Seth grins.

"Oh, of course not."

"Unless you want burnt food, I suggest you quit." She swats his wandering hands.

"Oh alright."

He reluctantly goes to sit at the table.

"Well I'll be back down after my shower." I remark.

"Alright. This should be done by then."

I nod, kissing Dean quick before heading upstairs to take the shower.

"There's a guest room with its own bathroom if you want to shower too Dean." Cara says.

He nods, thanking her before heading up himself.

"You can stop pouting over there. I didn't say you couldn't stand here with me. You just have to behave so I can cook." She says as Seth sits at the table sulking.

"Think you can handle that?" She adds.

Seth pops up from his chair, nodding vigorously. She laughs softly.


"As you say every time."

"Because it's true." She says, reaching out to playfully tug on his ear once he's within her reach.

"And I know that."

"My goof." She smiles.


She continues cooking, giving him her affection when she can.

"Smells good."

"I hope it tastes as good."

"I'm sure it does."

"We'll see."

He nods and lets her finish cooking. She serves everything up on four plates while Seth gets drinks ready. By the time everything was set up on the table, Dean and I were done with our showers and have come back downstairs.

"Looks great." I say as we all sit, and Cara just smiles.

"I just hope it tastes just as good as it looks." She remarks.

"Oh please, your cooking is always good." I wave a hand in the air.

"So is yours."

"'s good." A muffled voice says.

We look over to see Seth with his mouth full.

"You would have a mouth full of the food already."

Seth grins sheepishly after swallowing.

"It smelled so good, I had to taste it right away."

"Of course. Silly goose." Cara teases.

"But it is really good."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Then that's when the rest of us dig into the food.

"Good stuff." Dean says after he finishes. "Thanks."

"I have to agree." I nod.

"Well I'm glad."

"Should never doubt your cooking skills."

"It's not like I get to use them much though." She points out.

"Right, I know that."

"We'll do the dishes." Dean interjects as she starts to gather them.

"If you insist."

"We do." I agree.

"Alright." She nods, her and Seth heading to the living room.

She giggles as Seth leads her to her favorite big recliner. He looks at her curiously.

"This is my chair." She explains.

"Oh, well good to know then."

"I just thought it was funny how you picked my chair without knowing it was mine."

"It looked comfortable."

"Oh it is." She assures him.

"I can see that now."

He sits and pulls her onto his lap.

"So,what do you want to do while we're sitting out here?"

He shrugs.

"I just wanted to hold you."


"I like holding you."

"I know love."

"But you know, I enjoyed our first day off today."

"Me too. It was a good day."

"It was." He nods.

"Tomorrow will be too, I'm sure."

"Of course."

"As long as I'm with you." She kisses his cheek.


She brushes her lips against his.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She settles down in his arms, laying against his chest.

"If you end up falling asleep, it's okay." He remarks.

"We'll see. I just want to be comfy right now."

"Which you are, I can tell."

"You make a fantastic pillow."

"Good to know." He chuckles.

Dean and I come in after finishing the dishes.

"Awww isn't that cute."

"He's comfy." She states.

"Still cute."

Seth just grins and covers her cheeks in kisses. She squeals and giggles. Dean in the meantime plops down on the couch, stretching out before pulling me down with him so that I'm laying back against him. I snuggle up to him and sigh contentedly.

"Now who's cute?" Cara grins.

"Yeah yeah..."

We all talk amongst each other for a while about different things. Then out of nowhere, I start to yawn, but try to hide it.

"Someone's tired." Dean says.

"Maybe a little."

"Well we should get up then. No sense in falling asleep on the couch when there's a perfectly good bed waiting."

"Right, of course."

The two of us get up.

"Night guys."


Then we leave the room and head up to the bedroom. And since we were already dressed for bed, it made it easier as we went straight for it and under the covers.

"Goodnight." Dean kisses me gently.

"Night." I reply with a smile.

It isn't long before I end up falling asleep, and soon after he follows. In the meantime, Cara and Seth were still sitting comfortably in the recliner. She starts to feel drowsy and lazily swats Seth.



"I'll carry you."

She nods and wraps herself around him as he gets up. She yawns and buries her face in his neck.

"The beach made you tired." He chuckles.

She just mumbles incoherently. He grins in amusement and walks into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him, before heading over to the bed and placing her down on it. She yawns again and crawls up the bed. She gets under the covers and curls up in her spot. He follows shortly after, getting under the covers next to her and he instantly pulls her closer to him.

"...love you..." She mutters sleepily.

"Love you too."

She dozes off first and soon he does too.