Lost Injustice

TLC 2012

Much to our dismay, we did end up leaving yesterday to make it here for the show tonight. The guys wanted some time in the gym this afternoon before we all had headed to the arena for the rest of the day. We all had matches tonight. Cara was in the pre-show battle royal to see who would be the #1 Contender for the Divas Championship, against whoever wins the title match tonight at a later time. I of course have that title match against Eve since I earned it on Monday. And then of course the guys have the tag team match tonight. So we all needed some gym time. But we're all currently hanging out backstage, wasting time until the show. Cara's sprawled out on the couch with her head in Seth's lap. One of his hands absentmindedly plays with her hair.

"Even though you are in the pre-show, you so got that match won. I know it."

"We'll see. Who knows what will happen."

"Well I believe you'll win."


"You're welcome."

She leans her head into his touch.

"I'm sure you'll win your match too. I just hope none of you get hurt."

"Kind of hard to come out of a TLC match without getting bumps and bruises though."

"I know, but you know what I meant."

"I know, I know."

"Be careful okay?"

"I'll be as careful as I can. I'll try."

"Okay, good."

"I've been through worse so I know how to be careful."

"Right. I can't help but worry, you know that. I love you, I don't want to see you hurt."

"I know. Just like I love you and I don't want to see you hurt."

"Of course."

"Heard the battle royal is Christmas themed. Wearing your usual ring gear or something red or green?" Seth asks.

"You'll just have to see." She smiles.

"No hints?"

"It's sparkly."


"That's your only clue though."

"I can deal with that."

"I'm sure you'll love it."

"I'm sure I will. And speaking of things we may love. With the other two and myself having a match tonight, there may be some first ever entrance music."

"Ooh really? How exciting."

"But we're not doing the usual entrance as everyone else. How we've been coming through the crowd, we're sticking with that."

"I like that. Makes you boys different."

"Which is what we're going for."


"And I know, going through the crowd, it can be crazy sometimes. But I'm sure we'll have security following not too far behind to make sure things don't get out of control."

"Of course."

"But it should be a very interesting night, that's for sure."

"Yeah, definitely."

"So when are you gonna get ready?"

"In a minute. I'm not motivated at the moment."

"I know, too comfortable thanks to me." He chuckles.

"Mmhmm." She agrees, nuzzling his hand.

"I'm good for that."

"I know you are."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

After a few minutes she reluctantly gets up and goes to get ready.

"I can't wait to see when you come out." He grins.

She laughs.

"Silly goose."

"Can you blame me? I'm excited."

"I can tell."

She then disappears into the changing area with an amused look on her face. She takes her time just to mess with him. Despite him wanting to get up to see if she was done yet, he made himself stay sitting on the couch to wait. She comes out quietly and sneaks up on him. When she reaches the couch, she wraps her arms around his neck from behind. He jumps a bit since she scared him just a little.

"Scared you." She giggles.

"Just a bit."

He grabs her hand and guides her around the couch so he can see what she's wearing.

"Wow." He says as he looks her over.



She smiles and enjoys his attention.

"You were right about the sparkles." He chuckles.

"You know I love sparkles." She giggles.

"Yes, I know that very well."

She hides a smirk as she sees his eyes wander down the deep v-neckline of the silver Santa dress she's wearing.

"Wandering eyes." She giggles.

"I can't help it." He mutters.

"Oh, I know."

"You make it hard for a guy to control himself."


She sits on his lap.

"But you get to look and touch, other guys don't. I'm yours and yours alone." She adds.


Seth's hands wander, making her giggle softly.

"Just behave yourself the best you can.

"I'll try."

"Good. Because I'm sure you'd find a way to leave some kind of mark. I want to be mark free, other than what I have from this week, for the match."

"Right, I know." He says, brushing his thumb over the fading mark on her neck.

"You're lucky that's fading now."

Seth chuckles.

"Barely noticeable...only noticeable to me." He remarks.

"Because you put it there."

"And I'm close enough to see it."

"That too."

It isn't long before the pre-show starts, with Striker and Stanford on commentary to start things off, welcoming everyone to the pre-show. They talk about the match that will take place later in the pre-show, and then of course talking about my Tables match against Eve, and talking about more of the major matches tonight. Like the World Heavyweight Championship match, and they replay what happened on SmackDown leading up to tonight. That's when Sheamus was seen backstage in the locker room, and Booker comes in.

"Sheamus. Look man, I just need you to understand that I made you guys sign that no contact clau-"

"-look, I get it alright? You did what you did to stop things from getting out of control. Look, I know you're just doing your job. I don't hold it against you alright?"

"I appreciate that..and uh...good luck out there tonight man."

"You know, I just can't get the image of Big Show smirking at me, out of my head. It's all I can tink about. Booker I'm tired of all the games, all the clauses, and all the bull-"

"-hey! I feel you man. But Sheamus, you got a chance to end that all tonight. You want to wipe that smirk off Big Show's face, beat him! Beat him down. Beat him with one of these." Booker says, picking up a steel chair.

"And win the World Heavyweight Championship back." He adds before leaving.

They then talk about the guys' match against Ryback, Daniel and Kane, then taking a look back at how the match came to be. First highlighting Ryback's destruction, and then of course Survivor Series where the guys attacked and took Ryback out. After that they show everyone that's become victim to the Triple Powerbomb.

"That powerbomb is definitely intimidating."

"And everyone falls victim to it."


"The only ones to do it too."

"Another thing that makes you boys different."

That's followed by what they did on Monday to John and the chaos that ensued after that. Once that was over, they went backstage to Josh and Cole.

"Thanks a lot guys. We get set for the Slammy awards live tomorrow night from Philadelphia on the USA Network, part of Monday Night Raw, 8/7 central. Among the awards we're gonna be giving out, Breakout Star of the Year, Match of the Year, and Superstar of the Year." Cole starts off.

"Yeah, but this year is a little bit different. This year for the first-time ever, the results of the Slammy Awards will be determined exclusively by you, the WWE Universe." Josh adds.

"And the only way to vote is on the WWE App. Now we encourage you to download the WWE App right now, or if you've already downloaded, please download the update. WWE Active tomorrow night, you're gonna need that to be able to vote for your favorites in the Slammy Awards. Now this year on wwe.com, well they have their own categories for the Slammy Awards. Sort of like the technical awards at the Oscars so to speak. A half million votes have been cast for the dot com Slammys."

"Twelve categories in total. We present the first six to you live right now on the pre-show. We begin with a category I know you want want to win. The Best Dancer of the Year, and the winner is.....congratulations to the Funkasaurus, Brodus Clay. Taking home the Slammy for Best Dancer of the Year. I'm sure Brodus and the Funkadactyls, Cameron and Naomi are celebrating right now as Brodus is a Slammy award winner."

"Another Slammy award is for Top Social Media Ambassador. This was an extremely close vote. But the winner is...Charlie Sheen. Social Media Ambassador of the Year. Remember he tweeted, well he joined us via Skype on Monday Night Raw earlier this year. That was a lot of fun."

"You know, wwe.com did such a great job this year capturing almost everything on video. But who took home the Slammy for wwe.com exclusive Video of the Year? Let's find out."

"And it was Jerry the King Lawler."

"And Jerry Lawler, a Slammy award winner. It's so great to have Jerry back. What a wonderful holiday season to have Jerry back at the announce table. He'll be at the announce table, calling TLC live tonight."

"You know, the WWE Universe is a very vocal group. This next award is all about you. What was the Crowd Chant of the Year? The battle cry of Ryback. Ryback will be in action later tonight here on TLC, teaming with Team Hell No to face The Shield in six-man tag team action, Tables, Ladders and Chairs."

"Which Ryback will lose." Cara says, sticking her tongue out at the TV.

"Along with Daniel and Kane."


"Also the Slammy award for Upset of the Year. Well, let's show you who the winner is. You've got to go back to the Royal Rumble from January. Daniel Bryan defending the World Heavyweight Championship against The Big Show and Mark Henry. Not only the Upset of the Year, one of the biggest upsets in WWE history. Daniel Bryan surviving to retain the World Championship, against the most powerful man in the world. The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry and The World's Largest Athlete, The Big Show."

"Bleh, don't like any of those three."

"And now for one of the most coveted awards given out by wwe.com, who is the-"

"-can I do it? I wanna do it. I wanna do it, because this is for Diva of the Year. And no Josh was not nominated, let's show you who the winner is. AJ!"

Cara just rolls her eyes.

"If anything, you or Serenity deserved that, if you ask me."

"You're biased." She says, slightly amused.

"Diva of the year. And she has had some 2012. In fact, she was general manager of Monday Night Raw at some point, congratulations to AJ Lee. And of course they were the dot com Slammys. Tomorrow night, live on Raw, the WWE 2012 Slammys, and again the only way you can vote is via the WWE App. You've got to download it now, you also have to download the update."

"Of course it is a free download."

"It's a free download and we're gonna show you right now a little bit more about the revolutionary WWE App."

During that break, it was time for all those in the battle royal to start to head to the curtain and be ready. A knock came on the door and a backstage assistant called for Cara.

"Time for me to go." She kisses his cheek.

"I'll walk with you."

"If you insist." She giggles.

"I do." He grins.

They get up and head out the door. Seth puts one arm around her shoulders and she puts one of hers around his waist. When they get there, amongst all the other girls talking amongst each other, they spot Dean and I talking to each other. They walk right over.

"Hey there."


"Seth thinks Diva of the Year should've been one of us." Cara remarks.

"You know, I think I'm gonna have to agree with him." Dean nods.

"Biased." Cara laughs.

"We each won it once, if you two are wondering." I add.

"Still." Seth says.

"So, what're you doing down here?" Cara asks.

"Oh, seeing as this is a Number One Contender's Battle Royal, I thought it would be fitting if I was ringside to observe the match. And I already know Eve's gonna be out there too, but if I were to beat her tonight, then whoever wins this match would be first in line to face me, after the whole rematch thing."

"Makes sense."

"Also want to be there physically to see you kick ass."

"I feel special."

"That's because you are." Seth grins.

"Cheeseball." She laughs lightly.

"Love you too."

She leans up and steals a kiss. Not too much sooner after that, my theme went off and that was my cue to go.

"Alright, gotta go. See you after the match." I turn to face Dean.

He nods and gives me a kiss.

"I'll see you out there Car."

She nods and I walk out. I make my way out, doing the usual routine, except for when I went to commentary, being greeted by Scott and Striker. As soon as my music faded, Eve's hit and she walked out all cheery, the title over her shoulder. When she reaches the commentary table, she tries to shake hands with me, but I refuse. She sits and waves to everyone, and then stands back up to do so. I roll my eyes.

"She is sooo fake." Cara remarks about Eve.

"Just a bit." Seth chuckles.

"She's so not fooling anyone with the whole nice act either."

"Not really."

And then Christmas music started to go off, and they saw the rest of the girls starting to head out.

"Alright, that's my cue now."

"Good luck." Seth says, before giving her a kiss.

"Love you." He adds quietly in her ear.

She just smiles and taps his heart like usual before leaving.

"Rosa Mendes, Cameron and Naomi, Kaitlyn, Natalya, Alicia Fox, Layla, Aksana, Tamina and Cara."

"The stakes are so high, because the winner of this battle royal will at a later time go on to face the winner of tonight's Divas Championship match. That could be Eve or Serenity. Ladies, your quick, early predictions."

"I'm sure that Serenity won't mind if I give my predictions first. But my prediction, whoever happens to be in this battle royal will go on to be defeated by me at a later time when I defeat Serenity tonight at TLC."

"Yeah, you haven't been in a Tables Match before Eve. I have. I would be afraid. And the winner of this battle royal will go on to face me at a later time when I put you through a table and win thank you. And my predictions, I can't possibly pick one. They're all talented. Except for maybe a couple people, but I shall say no more."

It's absolute chaos in the ring, as expected with a battle royal. Rosa was going after Nattie, Kaitlyn and Layla were duking it out, Alicia was going after Cameron, Tamina was going after Naomi and Cara was going after Aksana...trying to get rid of the weakest link first. But Rosa was the first eliminated by Natalya and she threw a hissy fit ringside. Things changed as Cara was ripped away from Aksana by Alicia, and that caused a fight between them to break out while Cameron and Naomi went after Aksana together. Tamina eliminated Cameron in just mere seconds.

"Alright, who's left? Alicia Fox, Aksana, Tamina, Naomi, Layla, Natalya, Kaitlyn and Cara."

"Oh I believe Alicia just got eliminated. Good job Cara."

Aksana then tries to show off, laying across the middle rope. Layla and Cara work together and dropkick her off the rope and to the floor. Nattie and Tamina then worked together and went after Layla, Cara decided to go after Kaitlyn while those three were busy. In the end, Layla got eliminated by Tamina. Kaitlyn and Cara broke apart and she went after Tamina while Kaitlyn took out Naomi, and eliminated Natalya. With some struggle though, Cara was able to eliminate Tamina. So that left her, Kaitlyn and Naomi. With Kaitlyn's back turned, Cara took the advantage to take her out and hit her from behind. While Kaitlyn was down, Cara went after her and made sure she was taken out of the equation for now and goes after Kaitlyn and tries to eliminate her, but it's still down to the three of them. Just then, Eve gets up from commentary to get closer to the ring. Kaitlyn takes control of the match, knocking both Naomi and Cara down. Kaitlyn misses a dropkick and then Naomi sends her to the outside, but she hangs onto the ropes. That's when Eve gets involved and slaps Kaitlyn, walking away. Naomi takes advantage and kicks Kaitlyn off the side.

Naomi forgot all about Cara and thought that she had won the match, but her music never went off and the bell never rang so she was confused. She turned around only to be knocked out by Cara. That's when the bell rang and Cara's music went off, and she was announced the winner.

"Yes!" She pumps her fist in the air.

Then she turns and smirks at Eve, who has put the nice act back on and acted like she was shocked that she had won. Cara waves, clearly mocking her. I've since taken off the headset and made my way to the ring, and attack her with a hug. She laughs and hugs me back. After celebrating in the ring, we make our way out and to the back. Once we get through the curtain, she's attacked with another hug by Seth. She squeals as he picks her up and spins her around.

"I told you that you could do it!"

"You're making me dizzy!"

"Oops. Sorry."

She leans against him until everything stops spinning.

"You must be my lucky charm." She teases him.

"Must be." He chuckles.

Then he kisses her and she makes a noise of content.

"I think we can head to the room now." I say to Dean quietly, so that you two can have your moment at that time.

Dean laughs and agrees. He puts an arm around me and the two of us walk off.

"So, what if you beat Eve tonight? That means you and Cara face off against each other." He remarks.

"We've fought each other before. It's actually something we look forward to. We know we're getting a worthy opponent and a great match." I say with a shrug.

"Time will tell after tonight though." I add.

"Right. I believe in you though." Dean kisses my head.

"I know you do."

"And that's really sweet." I add with a smile.

"Only for you."

"Of course."

"You can bet I'll be paying very close attention to that match."

"Oh I bet you will."

"For many reasons."

"Right." I giggle.

"Now the question is...do you want me to get ready for that match now? Or do you want me to wait so you can enjoy the dress a little more?" I ask as we reach the locker room and walk in.

"Hmm, tough choice." He grins.

"Well, better decide before I go and sit down."

"You can change. Gives you more time to relax."

"And it benefits you as well. I won't have to get up at all and stop you from being all cuddly."


"Then I shall be right back." I kiss him quick, before grabbing my bag and heading into the other room to change.

I take my time and get dressed in my gear, making sure the pads and such are in place. Once everything was all set, I put everything else into my bag, leave it where it is and then walk back out. Dean whistles flirtatiously.


"You love it."

"No argument there."

"Of course not." He grins as I sit down on his lap.

"Should enjoy this alone time while we..." I start to say, but the door opens and Cara and Seth walk in.

"...can. Enjoy your alone time you two?" I add with an amused look.

She just blushes. Seth smirks and nods.

"It looked like it when we left you two."

"As usual."

"Didn't get to say this earlier, but great job on winning out there. Well deserved." Dean remarks.

"Now all we have to do is wait to see who wins the match between me and Eve tonight." I add.

"Right." Cara nods.

"Still can't take Cody seriously with that mustache." I remark as the current match is going on.

"I know right?"

"Some people can pull it off, but him....no."

"Not at all."

During the match, the sinister intelligence of Team Rhodes Scholars would result in severe pain for Sin Cara as, with his leg trapped between the steel steps and the steel ring post, Cody and Damien drive a table into the stairs, smashing Sin Cara's leg between the steel.


"Oooh." Cara grimaces.

Later on, the match was over within a blink of an eye as Sin Cara goes for a springboard maneuver off of the top rope, and Cody would shove him off of the top rope and through a table at ringside, securing the victory and the #1 Contenders' spot for Team Rhodes Scholars.


"Like that wasn't going to happen. There was no way Sin Cara and Rey were getting a title shot."


Just then, the door opens and Roman walks in, remaining in the doorway.

"Did you two forget we have a promo to do?"

"Oops." Dean and Seth say in unison.

"Might have been our fault." I say about me and Cara.

"Usually is." He chuckles.

"We're sorry."

"It's alright."

Seth kisses Cara quick before walking over to the door, and Dean does the same with me before I move from his lap, and he gets up and goes to the door as well.

"Have fun!"

"We always do!" Seth calls back as they go down the hall, the door closing behind them.

"Goof." She giggles.

"But you still love him."

"Very much."


She blushes but smiles happily. It isn't long before the guys appear on the screen, and they do the usual introduction.

"Ryback, you're reckless, you're dangerous. Punk's champion for 392 days and he's robbed of the honor of defending his title tonight?"

"We can't let it stand, we won't let it stand."

"So tonight Ryback, The Shield gives you a taste of your own medicine."

"Feed me more, feed me more. Well tonight The Shield will feed you more than you can handle. And when you can't stand, when you can't walk, when you're crawling, The Shield will be the ones who finish you!"

"Kane. Daniel. Think you two are off the hook?"

"Hell no."

"You guys have the audacity to walk around calling yourselves tag team champions?"

"A team never argues. A team never doubts each other. A team works together. A team trusts each other. A team fights together. A team wins together. Tonight we fight together, we win together. You two are a disgrace. You're an insult to all tag teams and to what a tag team should stand for. That is an injustice. And on top of all that..."

"...we just don't like you."

"I'm Dean Ambrose."

"Seth Rollins."

"Roman Reigns. Welcome to the shield of justice."

"You know Daniel definitely isn't off the hook. Told Dean about his flirting with me. And ohhh is Daniel going to pay for it tonight." I remark.

"Ohh, nice." Cara laughs.

"I was just feeling guilty of keeping it from him. He's not too happy about the news, but he said he'll deal with it tonight."

"Of course."

"I just hope I don't run into Daniel before my match. Which is technically after their match, but still."

"Don't worry. If he tries to bother you, I'll get in his face."

"Oh I know." I laugh.

"You know how much he hates it when I do that." She snickers.

"Oh yes."

"So you'll be fine."


"I've got your back sister." She grins.

"Wish the boys would hurry up."

"I know right?"

"I want my pillow back." She says with a short giggle.


"You know you want yours too." She teases.

"Won't deny that."

"I didn't think so."

It wasn't long before the door opened and they all walked back in.

"Yay, my pillow." Cara grins as Seth sits down.

"Your pillow." He chuckles.

"Yup." She nods, cuddling up to him.

"Oh, if you didn't know. My match is after yours." I mention to Dean.

"Oh okay."

"So you get yours done and I get mine done after that."

"Then we can leave right?"

"We'll see how we're both feeling after our matches."

"Okay, that's fair."

The next match then began and it was for the United States Championship. Out first of course was Cesaro.

"You know for someone who degrades America, he shouldn't be the US Champion. It makes no sense."

"I know right? It's stupid."

Out next was Truth as his opponent. During the match, Cesaro would take the best that Truth had to offer and endures it all before hitting the Neutralizer on him to successfully retain the United States Championship.

"Of course. They're keeping that whole 'No American can beat him for the United States title' thing going."

"Which is ridiculous."

"Antonio, what is your response to the negative reaction you are receiving from this audience?"

"Unlike...America, I am a true international superpower. I am the greatest United States Champion in history. Therefore, by booing me, you are booing your own country. Which is very appropriate, since you have no respect for your own country, no respect for your fellow citizens or for yourself."

"I think he must be retarded."

"Especially when he thinks we can understand him when he's NOT speaking English." I remark as he starts to ramble on in German.

"Speak for yourself." Cara says amusedly.

"It's like, who cares if you can speak 5 different languages. You're not special."

"He isn't. I can speak 4 myself." Cara remarks. "Besides English." She adds.

"Right." I nod.

"Really?" Seth looks at her curiously.

"Yup. German, Italian, French, and Hawaiian."

"Comes in handy while travelling." She adds.

"Of course." He agrees.

"I think I'll be looking forward to hearing it all sometime." He grins.

She giggles.

"You will eventually."

The show then would feature a special edition of MizTV when Mike appears, welcoming everyone. After describing his guests as a train wreck, he introduces 3MB. After they come out and get into the ring, Jinder refers to 3MB as a super group, with Drew saying that they are much better than Jay-Z.

"Oh look it's Wendy." Cara smirks.

"That's never going away." I laugh.

"Never ever." Cara snickers.

Heath then claims that The Rolling Stones wish that they could rock out with 3MB before vowing that 3MB will be performing live on Raw tomorrow night.

"Oh god."

"Oh hell."

"That's great news....said absolutely no one. But congratulations. At least you set the official bathroom break for the Slammys, thank you." Mike remarks.

We all start laughing.

"Oh, that's funny huh? You people think that's funny? You think that's funny? I know you two don't think that's funny, since you can't even speak English!" Jinder says the last part to the Spanish commentary team.

"What did you...hey...come with me...hold on a minute." Heath says the last part to Mike. "What did you just say huh? I know you're not trying to make fun of 3MB, talking in your little foreign, Mexican voices are you? Huh? Listen up. In this country, in this country, we speak American!" He continues.

"American? Honey it's English. Were you blonde in a previous life?" Cara raises an eyebrow at the TV.

"I really wouldn't doubt that." I snicker.

The guys laugh.

"What part of shut up do you not hablo espanol?" Drew adds as he pushes one of the commentators down.

That's when Ricardo comes into the picture to the aid of the commentators, not approving of 3MB's actions. That leads to them ganging up on him instead. During that, Del Rio comes out and takes out every member of 3MB, coming to the aid of Ricardo. That turns into a 3 on 1 attack on Del Rio. He gets thrown into the ring and 3MB follows, Heath shoving Mike out of the way so he falls onto the couch that's part of the MizTV set.

"You shouldn't have done that Wendy."

"Oh boy, here it goes."

That's when Mike gets up and grabs Heath and starts beating the hell out of him, before kicking him out of the ring and then goes after Jinder. Del Rio then sends Drew out of the ring as well, and Heath grabs a mic.

"Come here! Come here. Hold on. No. This ain't how it's gonna play out. No. How 'bout we do this...how 'bout you two find a partner tonight, and you all take on 3MB baby!"

"You three?"


"That's not a problem. See, what's gonna happen is, we're gonna find a partner. We'll find a partner. And the beating you three will receive, will be...aweeesooome."

"Oh that's gonna be good."

"Oh yeah."

"Just two more things before our match." Seth remarks.

"Aw, but you're comfy." Cara pouts.

"I know. But you at least got some time left."


"And depending on how I am after the match, we can probably get a bit of alone time in here."

"That sounds good." She smiles.

Up next the IC title would be defended as Kofi would go up against Wade. Cara didn't want to particularly pay attention to this match so Seth kept her distracted while it went on, keeping her eyes away from the screen. In the end, Wade would go for the Bull Hammer Elbow on Kofi, but Kofi counters, landing Trouble in Paradise on Wade to win the match and retain the title.

"Wade lost." I say loud enough for them to hear.

"Nyahhh. Take that you loser." She blows a raspberry at the TV screen.

Seth laughs and kisses her head.

"Big, fat, loser."

"Yes he is."

"Well, I do think we should get going if we want to be in our spots in time to come through the crowd for the match."


"You can come with if you want. Gotta sit through a segment first before the match so..."

"Oh okay."

"After you."

We all get up and head out the door.

"You know the closer we get to this match, the more nervous it makes me." Cara remarks.

"Me too." I agree.

"We can sense that. Seth and I have been through worse though. Me more than him, but still." Dean tries reassuring.

"Reassure us all you want. We are still going to worry." Cara states.

"Even about you Roman. Don't think we forgot about you." I add.

"I know." He chuckles.

Along the way we stop by catering, because they needed water. But not just for drinking...for their hair too.

"Oh boy....we get to see this." I laugh.

Cara just giggles.

"Three bottles of water Roman? Really?"

"I have a lot of hair." He shrugs.

"We've noticed."

He makes a face at us and we laugh. We soon get to the area that they needed to be in and at the time, Punk was doing this whole speech thing from his own skybox, but we weren't really paying attention. We were just paying attention to Seth and Dean getting ready for the match. After Dean had taped his hands, he handed the roll of tape to me so I could hold onto it for him. They all then proceeded to do the water in the hair thing. Seth had tied his hair back after he had poured the water on it, Roman's stayed how it was...down, and Dean had slicked his back. I discreetly check him out and normally Cara would tease me, but she's too busy watching Seth. We do that while letting them do everything they can to get psyched up for the match, getting in the zone. Especially when the match is officially announced and Kane comes out first.


"You'll be going out soon enough. You can't go out without doing one thing now can you?" I remind Seth and Dean.

"Of course not." They grin at us.

"I'll look this way." Roman remarks as he turns away from us.

We all laugh. Our respective boyfriends give us kisses. Just as Dean had pulled from my lips, that's when Daniel's music hit and. He looked in the direction of where he, Seth and Roman would be going out and he glared.

"You'll get him. Just don't get yourself hurt too much in the process okay?" I say to him.

"I'll try my best."

"Don't kill him. It's illegal to kill goats you know. Animal cruelty." Cara says.

"Good one." Seth chuckles.

"Oh I won't kill him. Just hurt him enough that hopefully he gets the picture to stay away from her."

"Okay good." Cara laughs.

And finally Ryback comes out. Once he was in the ring and ready, his music faded. Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield is what we hear before music goes off. They head out almost immediately, splitting up as they get to the crowd. Dean and Seth going down one side, while Roman goes down the other side by himself.

"Ooh I like the music."

"It definitely fits them. I think it's pretty cool how they have the spoken words before, and the first letter of each spells out Shield. Really creative." I nod.

"Those words are how the cops call in license plates on cars if I'm not mistaken."

"Ohhh, that's interesting."

"I know right?"

Once they all jump the barrier....Daniel, Kane and Ryback waste no time in going after them all, the bell ringing instantly to start the match. Daniel and Seth were going at each other, Ryback and Dean were going at each other, and Kane and Roman were going at each other. After a quick beating, Seth and Roman came back at Kane and Daniel...for a short time. They fought outside the ring while Dean had Ryback in the ring. Seth took Daniel and threw him into the barricade and I smirked.

"Get 'im babe!" Cara grins.

Dean in the meantime chopped Ryback across the chest, but it had no effect as Ryback started to walk towards him, making him back up as he stared him down. That has no effect on Dean and he chops Ryback across the chest again. He does it a third time, only be hit with one himself by Ryback and knocked down repeatedly. He gets thrown into the ropes, and lifted up, only to get back down behind Ryback and then kick at his leg a few times, hoping that will weaken him a bit. He gets him down to a knee and comes off the ropes, only to be hit with a thesz press, and then slammed repeatedly onto the apron, by Ryback grabbing his neck and head.

We both cringe.

Now Roman and Seth have slid into the ring to come to Dean's aid, getting him away from Dean for the moment. They all then work together and Ryback gets to his feet and pushes them all away in different directions. He sends Seth to the outside first. Roman somehow hit Ryback so he was outside the ropes and Dean comes off the opposite side and dropkicks him off the side. Little did they know. Kane was on the outside and he had a ladder.

"Oh hell."

"Oh shit."

Seth quickly notices and dropkicks him away from the ring as well.


"Saved by my ninja."

Daniel's in the ring now and Dean holds him in the corner as Roman hits him with clubs to the back a few times. Dean takes a shot and Seth takes a shot before Roman focuses on him and then Dean and Seth grab the ladder that Kane had slid into the ring. Roman gets Daniel out of the corner and sends him in Dean and Seth's direction and hits the ladder face first. I grin, being pleased with what happened as Daniel rolls out of the ring. However, Ryback comes back in and takes Roman out and he takes Seth and Dean out by kicking the ladder, making them fall with the ladder resting on top of them. That's when he takes a hold of the ladder and slams it onto them repeatedly as they're laying there, before really hitting him them with it after.

"Oh god." Cara winces.

"Ow. I feel that."

Roman comes in with a steel chair and hits Ryback with it before he could have a chance to really hit Seth and Dean with the ladder again. He hits him one more time across the back, allowing Seth and Dean to get away, but Kane comes in and takes the chair out of Roman's hands when he goes to hit Ryback again, and they fight inside the ring now along with Daniel as Dean and Seth try to recover outside the ring. Kane sets up the ladder on the other side of the ring in the corner as Daniel keeps kicking Roman in the chest and yelling 'No'. He stops and he and Kane grab him and send him into the ladder. Then Daniel goes and dropkicks him, so he bounces off. Kane goes for the cover, but thankfully Roman kicks out. While that's happening, Dean and Seth are working on Ryback. Daniel notices and kicks Seth away on the outside of the ropes. But Dean swipes Daniel's feet out from under him and he falls to the floor. He take him out of the equation for now, he throws him into the ring post.

"Hah you stupid goatface."

Seth is currently climbing to the top turnbuckle closest to him and jumps only for Kane to hit him in the throat and Seth just crumbles. Kane goes for the cover, and Seth kicks out. Cara bites her lip.Kane gets out and grabs a chair, takes the ladder down out of the corner. A quick view to Dean and he was going after Daniel with a steel chair himself. Quickly back in the ring, Kane had laid the ladder down and then opened it up and rolled Seth in between, laying the other side on top of him so he was sandwiched in between and then grabbed the steel chair.

"You better not..."

"Oh god oh god oh god."

And he does. Hitting the ladder with the steel chair, with Seth nowhere to go.

"Oh my god babe." Cara cringes.

Dean comes in quickly to Seth's aid and hits Kane with his own steel chair, following that up with a DDT onto the steel chair. At this point, he's kind of aggravated as he whips the chair and kicks the ladder, which now does not have Seth sandwiched in between thankfully. Ryback comes in quickly and picks Dean up and slams him into the corner. He grabs Seth and does the same to him as well, spearing him in the corner a few times. Dean gets out of his corner and starts wailing on him, allowing Seth to get out of his corner. Dean holds Ryback in place as Seth grabs the ladder and hits Ryback in the midsection with it. Dean then takes him and bounces him head first off of the ladder. He grabs the ladder and throws it on top of him now. He grabs it again and puts it into the corner as Seth goes after Ryback now. Him and Dean double team him and go to throw him into it, but he stops them halfway and then just slams them face first onto the apron. He then, after helping them up, clotheslines them one at a time. He goes back to Dean and pushes him into a corner. Seth gets up and rests against the ladder opposite to Dean. Ryback goes back over to Dean and and throws him into Seth so they're both resting against the ladder. Ryback runs at them and hits them full force. Seth falls to the apron, but Dean's still standing, holding his midsection.

"Jeezus. Come on boys."

Dean finally drops to his knees as Ryback lays the ladder out near him. He grabs Dean and Seth at the same time and suplexes them back onto the ladder, the camera zooming in on Dean and he has the most emotion from what he can see, pain clearly written in the expression.

"Oh my god, his back....that look of pain."

"Been there." Cara winces.

Ryback goes to deliver Shell Shocked to them both, but Roman comes in and saves them. It's back to the three on one attack. Dean has a chair, and Roman grabs the ladder. After a few chair shots, Roman just drops the ladder on Ryback with force. Dean rolls out of the ring and pulls Ryback out the best he can. Seth and Roman follow. Roman clears out the Spanish announce table.

"Triple Powerbomb coming up."

"Oh good."

And indeed it does happen.

"Serves you right...jerk."

"Asshole." Cara grumbles.

And then out of nowhere, comes Daniel, jumping over the top rope and landing on them all. But of course the numbers game gets the best of them...until Kane evens things up. Daniel again goes after Seth, hitting him with a steel chair twice in the back, until Dean comes in and stops him, throwing him onto the chair laying there in the ring. He then takes the chair and then Daniel, picking them both up, with the chair against Daniel's back and then slams both of them onto the apron.

"That's what you get for flirting with me...creep."

"Creepy goatface."

Seth hits Daniel with the chair next, Dean grabs Daniel by the beard and starts to say some things that are and aren't audible to the camera. More chairs are used on Daniel, Dean doing the same thing as before with the chair on his back. A table is now set up in the ring and Dean and Seth take it and set it over the corner, making sure it's secure. They take Daniel and send him cruising into it, chin first. They fix the ladder and hoist Daniel on top of it before climbing up and standing on top of the table and superplex Daniel off the rope. Roman goes for the cover, but somehow Kane at the last second breaks the pin.


Thanks to Kane, Roman goes tumbling out of the ring. So Dean goes after Kane in retaliation. Dean holds him as Seth hits him with a chair. They send Kane into the table shoulder first and secure it again. They get Kane onto the table now like Daniel and climb to the top. Seth gets there first, but Kane fights out. Seth gets knocked off to the floor and Kane jumps off the table and hits Dean with a flying clothesline and has turned the tables as he goes after Roman now. He goes for the cover, but Dean breaks it up and then just wails on Kane. He grabs the chair and sets it up and goes for a DDT on the chair, but Kane reverses and choke slams him through it. At this point he's writhing in pain and Kane goes for the cover and Roman saves him.

"Aiyiyi, thank you Roman."

"No kidding."

Kane once again knocks Roman out and follows him to the outside, taking the fight there. Seth comes up from behind and takes Kane's leg out and then Roman spears him through the barricade into the time keeper's area. Seth comes to his aid and helps him to his feet and they pile debris and such on top of Kane so he can't get up.

"Hah...good idea."


But however the camera quickly pans over to Daniel putting Dean in the 'No' Lock.

"Don't you dare tap out."

Daniel quickly lets go and gets Seth in it, but Roman is right behind him and gets him to break it. After a quick reversal, Daniel gets Roman in the 'No' Lock this time and Dean breaks it out, wailing on Daniel. At this point, Dean's vest is gone. Seth and him set up a chair and they both grab Daniel, going to put him through the chair, but Daniel gets out of it and starts to kick them both. But Dean comes back quickly with a knee to the gut and then Seth, with the help of the ropes, comes at Daniel, who's hunched over and uses his foot to bounce his head off of the steel chair.

"Nice one."

Dean goes for the cover, but Ryback has finally gotten up and pulls him out of the ring. He takes out Seth and then takes out Roman. He holds Seth up in the air and throws him down onto Dean on the outside, leaving him and Roman in the ring. He lays the chair out in the middle of the ring. Dean comes in and stops him though as he goes to pick Roman up. That lasts shortly because after coming off the ropes, he gets speared. He then sets up for the meat hook clothesline and hits it successfully. He grabs Dean and puts him on his shoulders for Shell Shocked and hits that successfully. He covers Dean, but Seth comes out of nowhere and like dives onto them, breaking the pin.

"Saved by the ninja." Cara sighs in relief.

"Thank god."


Ryback and Seth exchange blows before Seth's out of the ring. Until Roman goes after him and the fight goes up the ramp. They're now on the upper area where all the ladders and such were. Dean comes out of nowhere and whips a chair at Ryback.

"Now that was funny."

"Yeah." Cara giggles.

Dean and Roman hit him with chairs and Seth tips over a ladder and the assault continues. The ladder gets pulled off so they all can hit Ryback repeatedly with chairs. A table is set up and Ryback is laid across it. Seth looks at the tallest ladder with determination as Dean and Roman talk trash to him.

"Seth...what are you doing?"

"Ohhhhh no. He's going to do something daredevil." Cara groans.

With Dean and Roman distracted, Ryback comes to as Seth is left standing on the ladder. So Ryback stalks over to him and climbs. Seth tries to climb to get away, but he cant and Ryback sends him crashing through a stack of tables. Cara just gasps and covers her mouth.

"That did not just happen...not from that high up."

"It did." Cara mumbles, looking a bit pale.

Dean and Roman however are back in the ring dealing with Daniel. The table gets taken off the corner and set up on the apron. Roman hops up to the top and Dean helps get Daniel on his shoulders, and Roman powerbombs Daniel through the table below. Roman goes for the cover, and gets it, winning the match for him, Seth and Dean.

"Thank you Roman."

"But Seth...go check on Seth guys. Quickly."I say as they head in Seth's direction.

They finally realize what happened and rush over, digging Seth out of the table rubble. They get Seth to his feet, but they had to put each arm around them as they help him walk, but he wasn't looking so good. Very dazed and confused. Cara pales even more, chewing on her bottom lip. Roman ends up holding onto him for a while, letting him sit and rest and get some strength back. It does work to some extent and he's able to stand on his own, but still needed help as they headed to the back. Cara fiddles with her ring gear restlessly as we wait for them.

"I think they might've gone to the trainers...especially for Seth." I remark.

"You're right. They better have taken him to get checked out." Cara nods, starting to get color back in her face.

"You want to go there?"

"If you don't mind."

"Let's go." I nod, and then we move from the area where we stayed and headed back to the backstage area, going to the trainers.

"I hope he's alright."

"I hope so too."

"I'm trying not to freak out."

"Even though it's a natural reaction if you do."

"I know but this kind of thing is just going to happen again at some point so I need to be able to keep a clear head. I can't be there for him if I'm spazzing out, you know?"

"Right right."

"So I'm trying to control myself."

"I know."

We quickly get to the trainer's office and see if the boys are inside. They are indeed inside, Seth being looked over. Cara goes right in, touching Roman and Dean on the shoulders.

"How are you two first of all?" She asks.

"We're fine. Nothing we haven't experienced before."

"Right. Anything on Seth?"

"They're checking him over still. I don't think it's serious though. Pretty sure he was just stunned and dizzy." Roman says reassuringly.

"That's a relief at least."

"Glad you guys won and you're mostly okay."

"It was definitely a match that just had us on the edge of our seats for sure." I add.

"That's what we want though. Gets the fans into it." Dean says as he puts his arm around me.

"Right, of course."

Cara watches Seth get examined, waiting anxiously until she can go over. Once they're done, they turn to see us all standing there and waiting. We're given a nod before the trainer walks away. Cara of course goes over to him. she grabs his hand and squeezes it. "How are you feeling?"

"After realizing what happened....sore...which was expected."

"Of course. I'll help you with that, promise."

"I know you will." He nods.

"I'm glad it's nothing serious though." She kisses his cheek.

"Hope I didn't worry you too much. If I did, I apologize."

"I was worried but I was able to control myself. I need to be able to keep a clear head if you do get hurt. It's bound to happen sometime."

"Right, but I will try my very best to not seriously get hurt."

"I know."

"Are you able to leave yet or are they gonna give you pain meds or something?" She asks.

"They're going to give me something. That way I can be sure to relax and get sleep tonight."

"Well as soon as you get it, we're going back to the locker room so you can relax. I want to stay for at least Sere's match. But that's it. Then we're gonna get you back so you can rest better in bed."

"Sounds like a plan."

At this point, Dean and I had already left. Because I'm sure they had cleared everything out in the arena and set up all the tables needed for my match, and I needed to be there ready to go out.

"You think Daniel got the message to stay away from me and to stop flirting with me with what you did to him?"

"He better have."

"Pretty vicious out there...you were. Loved every minute of it."

"I'm glad you did."

"And now I get to be vicious...for other reasons."

"But just remember....if the match ends with me losing from going though a table, as much as you want to...you can't come to my aid out there."

"I know. I'll control myself."

"But when I get back here, you can. And I know you will."

"For sure." He nods.

"At least after competing tonight I'll get-" I stop suddenly as I'm bumped into.

"Oh oops. I didn't see you. Sorry." Eve remarks.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes.

"You were probably just thinking about how I'm going to beat you, and leave you a crumbling heap in the debris of a broken table." I add.

"Yeah right." She says snobbishly.

"Says the one who has never been in a Tables match."

She just scoffs and pretends she isn't scared.

"As for me, I've been in many of them. You really don't know who you're dealing with here."

"You can try but you'll lose." She finally says.

"Mmhmm. Oh is that your music? I think our little interaction distracted you. You're late to be heading out there. Oops."

She huffs and storms out.

"Oh I love messing with her."

"I can tell." Dean chuckles.

Once she was in the ring, her music had faded and mine had started. I get a quick kiss from him before heading out next. During my entrance for those watching at home see the footage from the battle royal in the pre-show where Cara won and would face whoever won this match tonight. The title gets raised in the air and then the bell rings. She of course puts on the nice act, saying that it's an honor to face me tonight in the match and all that. Then she holds her hand out for the sportsmanship handshake. I look from her hand to her face with a 'really' look. I don't shake her hand, but instead shove her away by the face. She turns back to me with a fake shocked look on her face before her attitude changes and she heads right back for me, trying for a clothesline, but I duck and then sweep her feet out from under her so she falls face first onto the apron. She holds her face as she moves to laying on her back. I stomp on her midsection a few times before deciding to help her up. I send her into one of the corners, and then run right at her, only for her to move and I hit the corner shoulder first. She grins evilly and takes me out of the corner, getting me into the middle of the ring. She throws me into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but I duck. She turns around as I come back again and I slide between her feet. She turns around again only to be met by a dropkick by me, which sends her halfway across the ring, tumbling out onto the floor.

I follow by getting out of the ring on my side, and walking over to where she's now crawling to get up. A table was already set up nearby so I pull that closer to her, before walking over to her form and helping her get to her feet and laid across the table. I make sure she's laying there, not moving before I climb back up onto the ring and to the top turnbuckle, going to jump and land on her below. But just as I get to the top, she moves from the table and rushes over, pushing me off the top and crashing to the apron below. I arch in pain before rolling around holding my back. Eve takes the moment to her advantage and climbs to the top and does her signature moonsault from the top, hitting me below. The good thing about this is that she can't pin me. And she just realized that. So she exits the ring and grabs the table that was set up, takes that down and slides it into the ring as I'm recovering on the other side. Once she's in the ring with it, she sets it up and makes sure it's steady before coming back over to me and helping me up. She then proceeds to ram my back into the side of the table, making me slump down to the apron, still holding my back. I'm then laid across the table, and she goes to the top turnbuckle again.

Just as she goes for the moonsault again, I move quickly out of the way, which stops her from doing the move. I did move off of the table and into the corner and I started to climb to the top myself. I grabbed a hold of her, but she started to fight me off. With the table below I try my best not to fall and go through it. When it seems like I'm going to, I quickly hop down and grab Eve by the hair and pull her down so she's hanging upside down. I move the table out of the way before backing up and running full speed at her and dropkicking her in the midsection. I pull the table back over near the corner after I had gotten up and then picked up her weak form and helped her to the top again. I was going to go for a superplex through the table. When I get to the top with her, we're both standing on the top rope, I put her in position for the superplex, but she manages to get out and starts hitting me in the side a few times, before she pushes me off the top and I go crashing through the table below, and she was declared the winner and retained the title.

"Damn. So close Sere." Dean mutters to himself, watching to make sure I'm okay.

Of course after Eve gets the title handed to her and celebrates a bit, she starts faking like she cares if I'm okay or not, asking the ref if I am indeed okay as I'm being checked on.

"Screw you." I manage to tell her.

The ref tells Eve to leave, repeatedly. She finally listens and goes on her way, leaving the ring. I'm carefully helped from the debris of the table and out of the ring, before I'm helped to the back. As soon as they get me to the curtained area, Dean is right there to scoop me up in his arms.

"How are you feeling?"

"My back is killing me. Getting pushed off twice from the top rope, really hurt."

"We'll get you ice, a drink, and some Advil, okay?"

I nod.

"Check to make sure I'm not bleeding or anything from going through that table. If I am, we'll have to get that taken care of too."

"Of course. Just so you know, I'm proud of you. You fought hard."

"And that means a lot." I nod.

Dean kisses my head and keeps walking to the trainers office.

"I say we definitely leave after the visit to the trainers."

"Sounds good to me."

We reach the trainers and he sets me down. The first thing he does is to check for any bleeding of course. I had a few scratches, but nothing serious so I'll be fine. Then he heads in and gets me ice, while I stay out in the hall and wait. He also gets Advil and a water for me and brings all of that out to me.

"You're the best."

"You would do it for me." He shrugs.

"I would."

Dean picks me up again and heads for the locker room.

"Sere, you okay?" Cara asks just as she sees Dean and I come through the door.

"Sore and a few minor cuts but I'll be fine."

"You can get changed first." Dean says as he sets me down.

"I'll go too. Just in case you need help." Cara says, getting up.

"I need to change anyway."

She and I then head into the changing area to do so.

"So how's Seth?"

"Sore but not terrible otherwise. He'll get a massage when we get back to the hotel."

"Of course."

"I'm surprised he didn't get a few cuts like you did."

"Well he was covered basically except for his arms."

"That's true."

"I'm going right to bed when we get back to the hotel."

"I can't blame you."

"Looking forward to taking a night off tomorrow too after having gone through that tonight."

"Oh of course."

"The nerve of her to see if I was okay....not really caring at all in reality."

"She's a two-faced bitch, what else is new?"

"But now it's your chance to kick her ass, take that title from her."

"Oh I plan on getting her back for the both of us."

"Good, and I can't wait to see that."

She nods and we exchange grins. We finish changing and take our bags out into the room with us.

"Alright, you can change now." I say to Dean.

He nods and heads in.

"I think Seth and I are gonna head back now." Cara remarks.

"Alright. See you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow. Feel better."


And with that, Seth and her head out the door.

"I think I'm gonna head out too. You make sure you get plenty of rest tonight." Roman remarks.

"I will. Thanks Roman."

"You're welcome." He nods, before gathering his things and heading out himself.

It doesn't take long for Dean to walk out with his bag, ready to leave.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Ready. I'm so tired."

"It looks like it." He nods.

The two of us start walking to the car. Dean puts an arm around me as usual and I snuggle up against his side. He unlocks the car so I can get in, and I do while he takes our things and puts them in the trunk. Dean then gets in the car and drives to the hotel. In the meantime, Seth and Cara have just gotten there themselves and headed inside and up to their room.

"Ah, relaxation time." Seth sighs in relief.

"I know, finally."

They put their bags down and shed their coats and shoes.

"Let's get dressed for bed and then I'll give you that massage I promised." She nudges Seth gently.

"I can't wait for that." He nods, going over to his things.

"I know you can't." She laughs lightly.

She picks out what she's wearing to bed and go changes in the bathroom. By the time she's changed and comes out of the bathroom, Seth is changed for bed himself and he's sprawled out on it, waiting. She puts away her dirty clothes and gets what she needs for his massage.

"Laying down this time huh?"

"I'm more comfortable this way tonight." He chuckles.

"Okay." She giggles softly.

She gets on the bed and moves to him. She starts the massage, moving slowly.

"Don't know what I would do, if you weren't an expert at this." He mutters.

"Well you're lucky that I am."

"Very lucky." He sighs in content.

She smiles and leans down to kiss his shoulder briefly.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

It isn't until she starts massaging the base of his neck that she notices his breathing is evening out.

"Starting to feel better I hope."

He just makes a sleepy noise.

"Someone's falling asleep." She giggles.


"I'll take that as my cue to stop."

He whines a little.

"You're starting to fall asleep though."

He mumbles incoherently and she laughs lightly.

"Oh, alright."

"But if you fall asleep on me, then I'm definitely stopping." She adds.

He nods a bit in agreement. And he does indeed end up falling asleep as she continues. Once she realizes he's fallen asleep, she stops and cleans everything up before climbing into bed next to him.

"Night love." She kisses his cheek.

She snuggles into him and falls asleep. Dean and I had gotten back to our room just a few minutes ago. I had gathered what I needed to change for bed, and headed into the bathroom. With taking the Advil earlier, it didn't hurt as much as before when I got changed. But after I did get changed, I cleaned whatever makeup I had left on my face and brushed my hair out before walking back out into the room. He is already laying in his spot and has the covers down on my side for me to get in. I grin a bit before shutting the light off and then crawling into bed next to him and pull the covers over me.

"Feeling better?" He asks as I cuddle up to him.

"The Advil kicked in so yeah." I nod.

"Good." He kisses my head.

"You should probably get some rest though."

"Right. You too."

"Night babe." He gives me a short kiss.
