Lost Injustice

Slammy Awards 2012

Tonight is the Slammy Awards, gives Cara and I an excuse to dress up real fancy like. Instead of getting ready at the hotel, we went to the arena later in the afternoon and decided that we would get ready there instead. Beats going out in the cold at night to go to the arena before the show starts.

"Alright, so this is the second time you'll see me all dressed up. Not that anyone else will see it, but still." I remark, as Dean and I walk into the locker room because I had to get ready since the show would be starting soon.

"I like seeing you get all dressed up."

"As I found out from the first time."

"Yes. Do I get a hint on the color you're wearing this time?"


"Should be interesting then."

"I think you'll like it."

"I always do."

"I promise not to take too long, so you can get ready for tonight too."

"Don't worry about me, just take your time."

I nod, kissing him quick before grabbing all my stuff and heading into the usual changing area to get ready for the night. Dean sits on the couch to wait. While I'm getting ready, I do take little pictures here and there, just giving him a peek of what he'll be seeing when I'm done and walk out, and send them to him as he's waiting.

"That's not fair!" He says loudly.

"Keeps you busy doesn't it?!" I call back to him.

"Maybe but still!"

"You're welcome!"

I can hear him grumbling and I giggle to myself as I finish getting ready.

"Grumbly." I state as I walk out, after being finished.

"There's my beautiful." He grins.

"Were the little hints worth it? Oh wait, they don't do justice to the full image."

"No they don't."

"Got you through the wait at least."

"Indeed it did. Now it's my turn to get ready." He says, giving me a kiss.

"Right." I nod.

He picks up his bag and goes in to change. While he does that, I sit on the couch and get comfortable and wait myself. It doesn't take him long before he's finished and comes back out to sit with me.

"Oh good, you left the vest off for now."

"Well it's not needed at this moment, that can go on later. I could've easily come out with no shirt on too, but I don't think I would want to kill you like that right now." He chuckles.

"It's a little early in the night for that." I giggle.

"I thought so."

"Maybe later." I tease.

"I think we can make that happen."

"Ooh, sounds good."

"So night off tonight huh?" He asks.

"Yup. Don't have to worry about getting hurt like last night."

"That's good. I don't like seeing you get hurt like that."

"And I don't like seeing you get hurt like you did last night either. Even though, I know you've been through worse. All the scars you have prove it, I know."

"Yup, I'll try my best not to add any more scars to the collection. Promise."

"Even though you really can't since you're covered. Well...besides your arms."

"You never know though. Clothing and padding can only do so much." He points out.

"Right, but at least all that dangerous stuff like in your past, to get those scars is kind of ruled out now."

"That's true."

"Which is probably a good thing now. Don't have to worry, as much."

"Oh of course."

"But...your first official match last night and your first official win too. I couldn't be happier."

Dean grins as I kiss his cheek.

"The first of many to come."


"And I can't wait."

"Of course."

"So what's the plan for tonight? Any hints?"

"Hmm...just the usual."

"Sneaking up on someone and beating them up? Nice." I giggle.

"Not telling you who though."


It isn't long until Seth and Cara walk in to get ready for the show themselves.

"I love the dress Sere." She remarks.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Can't wait to see yours." I add.

"Going to get mine on now." She says, kissing Seth and going into the changing area.

"Don't try to get hints out of me, I have no idea what she's wearing." I laugh, as Seth sits.

"Aww." He laughs.

"So you'll just have to be surprised."


We all talk amongst each other, especially when Roman walks in as we wait for her to finish getting ready. She gets done and walks out. She does a little twirl in front of Seth.


She giggles as he looks her up and down.

"Someone loves it." I snicker.

"Yup." She laughs.

"You need to go get ready mister." She prods Seth's leg with her foot.

"I think he forgot. He's too mesmerized."

He snaps out of it once she swats his cheek gently.

"Go get ready." She says amusedly.

"Oops. My bad."

She just laughs and he gets up to do so.

"I think you really mesmerized him this time." I laugh.

"I guess so." She giggles.

"That is really pretty though."

"Thanks. I don't normally wear a lot of green but this caught my attention."

"Right. It's a nice shade of the color."

"Looks good with your hair." Roman says.

"Aww, thanks Rome." She smiles.

"You're welcome." He grins.

Seth comes out and like Dean, has left his vest off.

"Yay you left it off for now."

"Just for you." He chuckles as he sits beside her.

"I feel special."

"You are."

Roman makes a gagging noise.

"Alright lovebirds. Enough of that."

"Don't you have to go get ready too?"


He then gets up and heads in to get ready himself.

"Yay, he's gone for now. Now we can be all sweet and everything." She grins.

Dean, Seth and myself all laugh.

"Better take advantage of the time now while you have it."

She grins and kisses Seth.

"Having fun?" I ask Dean as I notice him playing with the fabric of the dress.

"Of course." He grins.

"Kind of figured, since you're amused with playing with the dress."

"It's an interesting material."

"I tend to wear interesting things."

"Yes you do."

"Wanted to try something different tonight so I went with this."

"It looks amazing on you. Everything always does."



"Yes. Even though others, like the fangirls may fall for you because of that, at least we leave every night together."


"That's all that matters. And it makes me happy."

"Yes. That's what matters."

Cara and Seth had pulled away from the kiss they were caught up in, just in time because Roman had walked out not too soon after they head pulled away. He raises an eyebrow at her and she giggles, hiding against Seth's chest.

"I don't want to know." He states as he sits down.

"No you don't." Seth snickers.

The show had soon started and it had kicked off with a match. That match being Rey would go against Damien Sandow. Cody was also in the corner for Damien as Sin Cara was in Rey's corner.

"Very brave for wearing the pink and purple I'm telling you. Very brave."

"Girly man." Cara states.

"You've got no choice than to question his manhood if he's wearing a bathrobe and then that underneath." Roman remarks.

"Exactly!" Cara agrees.

"And then holds the mic like a glass of wine."

"Nerrrrrrd." Cara says loudly.

"No doubt about that."


In the end, it was Rey hitting the 619 on Sandow and following up with a Bullet Splash to pick up the win.



After everyone cleared the ring, the first Slammy Award of the night would then be handed out, as SmackDown GM Booker T appears on Raw to present the award for the Most Shocking Moment of the Year, the "Tell Me I Did NOT Just See That" Award.

"The "Tell Me I Did NOT Just See That" Award. The award for Most Shocking Moment of the Year. The nominees are..."

The nominees were in the following order; Brad Maddox's Low Blow, when he cost Ryback the WWE Championship. When Daniel Bryan lost the World Heavyweight Championship in only 18 seconds at last year's WrestleMania.

"Did he seriously lose the title in 18 seconds?" Dean asks, amused.

"Oh yeah. Total embarrassment." Cara nods.

"Not one of his finer moments, that's for sure. And then he blamed AJ for it all afterwards."

"Which was pretty stupid."

"If anything it was his fault, not hers."

"His ego told him otherwise apparently."

Next was when Kofi was walking on his hands after almost being eliminated in the 2012 Royal Rumble, and then when CM Punk attacked The Rock.

"Wow. How was that for you?"

I'm the Boogeyman, and I'm coming to get you.

"Oh ew. Not the guy who eats the worms."


"Booker's face though. He's terrified."

"I would be too. That dude is creepy."

"Hope this is just a one time thing, just for tonight."

"Yeah, no kidding."

They cut to a commercial break in the middle of that whole thing, thank god, just as he had taken out the worms.

"Thank you for a commercial break."

"Thank god."

"Now who do you think will win this first Slammy of the night?"

"Daniel." She shrugs.

"How can you beat losing in 18 seconds?"

"True." I nod.

"Tell me, I did not just see that. Ladies and gentlemen, the WWE Universe has spoken. And for the "Tell Me I Did NOT Just See That" Award, Most Shocking Moment of the Year. The winner is...Kofi Kingston."

Well before he was announced the winner, Brad Maddox came out, instantly thinking he would be the winner.



"Wow. Hey man, I totally did not expect to win this award, but I guess the WWE Universe has spoken. Ever since I was young, I've always wanted to win a Slammy, so thank you guys for making my dream come true. I appreciate you guys. I'll continue to do what I do, and that's make you all say wow. Thank you guys, appreciate it."

As he goes to the back, Eve's music goes off next and she comes out, ready for a match.

"Whoever's facing her better kick her ass."


"At least you're first in line for that title."

"Only because you won't take your rematch."

"I have my reasons."

"Yeah yeah."

After doing her entrance, her opponent was revealed to be Kaitlyn. It being clear that she wanted revenge after Eve interfered last night and getting eliminated, when they played the footage.

"I think Eve is gonna be hurting after this." Cara snickers.

"Serves her right."

"I know."

After a while, the fight between them went to the outside and Kaitlyn bounced Eve's face off the barricade a few times, before she pushes Kaitlyn off. Kaitlyn comes back and hits her with a hard and vicious slap before throwing her back into the ring and following. Eve however kicks the legs out from under her, screaming about her face and how much it hurts from the slap.

"Really bitch? Really?" I roll my eyes.

"Oh I am going to have so much fun snatching that title from her." Cara scoffs.

"And I so have to be ringside for that. Laugh in her face."

"Oh of course."

"And make sure she doesn't try to run away and take the easy way out."


In the corner they go and Eve applies a headlock from sitting on the top rope a couple times. Kaitlyn gets out of it and gets Eve on her shoulders before dropping her onto her knee on her midsection. She then covers her for the pin and the win.

"Haha bitch, haha."

"Poor thing. Not."

We both laugh evilly.

Once they head to the back, it was time for the next award of the night. The Comeback of the Year award. And the presenters end up being Road Dogg and Billy Gunn, they come out dressed in in their DX gear.


"Welcome to the dog house! Now then...ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages. Tonight D-Generation X proudly brings to you it's five-time WWE Tag Team Champions of the woooorrrrld! The Road Dogg Jesse James, the bad ass Billy Gunn, The New Age Outlaws! This was your part. You know what, nevermind, you'll probably screw it up anyway."

"I got this. Ahem. The nominees for Comeback of the Year are..." Billy Gunn reads off of his hand.


First of course was when Brock Lesnar returned.

"Stupid decision if you ask me. He's not around all the time and all he cares about is hurting people."


"Avoid him at all costs when he's around."

"Will do."

The second comeback, was Chris' return.

"I want his jacket." Cara remarks. "It's sparkly."

"You and sparkly." I say amusedly.

"You have to admit that the jacket is awesome. It lights up and it's sparkly."


"I can see you wearing that jacket." Seth nods with amusement.

"I would."

"I'm surprised you haven't stolen it yet."

"I've been really tempted to."

The third comeback, was the DX reunion and when they all took out Sandow. The next comeback was Jerry Lawler, coming back after his heart attack that he suffered at ringside.

"That one." Cara says.

"Oh definitely. No one deserves that award more than him."

"He better get it."

"The Universe has spoken. And the winner for Comeback of the Year is....."

"Jerry 'The King' Lawler!"


"Well deserved."

"Very much so." Cara nods.

"Yeah you're right. I should not run like that, I'll give myself another heart attack. Hey, uh...thank you so much. I thank everybody that thought that uh...or appreciated my comeback as much as I did. Thank you, thank god, and uh..I love you. It's great to be back."


"That was sweet."

"Mmhmm." She agrees.

"So how much longer do we have until we have to move?" I ask.

"Let's see...a match, an award, another match, and then another award which turns into a segment we interrupt." Dean replies.

"Oh okay."

"So still a pretty long time until then." Cara adds.

"Yup." He nods.

"Yay." She grins, snuggling into Seth more, getting comfortable again.

Seth chuckles and kisses the top of her head.

"I'm too comfortable so I don't want to move anyway."

"I figured."

"That makes two of us." I laugh.

The rest of them laugh.

"This one would probably have trouble letting me go anyway." I remark amusedly about Dean.

"Same here." She looks at Seth and giggles.

"It's because you've got them mesmerized." Roman laughs.

"Oops, our bad." We say in unison.

"It's just how amazing you both look. We can't help it." Seth adds.

"Awwww. Cute."

"Definitely something to look forward too every once in a while...the dressing up like this." He nods.

"Yup. We like it too, especially now we have you two to impress."

"And then you impress us." I add.

"Yep." Cara agrees.

"Like the past charity event we went to."

"That was a good time."

"You should've went with us." I say to Roman.

"Maybe next time."

The next match of the night would see Kofi, who won a Slammy earlier in the night, go one on one against Tensai.

"Tough match to call here."

"Mmm. I'd rather see Kofi win. Tensai is a weirdo."

Kofi was able to make quick work of Tensai, putting him down with Trouble in Paradise to pick up the win. But however, after the match, Kofi's celebration was interrupted by Wade as he would assault Kofi on the outside of the ring. Then he sends him head first into the steel ring post before laying him out with the Bull Hammer Elbow. Cara instantly ignores the screen as soon as Wade appears.

"Oh so proud of himself." I scoff.

"Ass." Cara mutters.

"You can look now, he's gone."

"Thank goodness."

Leading up to the next category of the Slammy Awards, they show highlights of what happened last night at TLC between John, AJ and Dolph. That match between the guys, ending with AJ pushing John and the ladder over, helping Ziggler win.

"Oh the drama."

"I think everyone saw that coming too though."

"Of course. They made it obvious."

"New couple alert...and if it's anything like he's had in the past, they'll be making out every chance they get. I'm sorry, I don't want to see that. It was unbearable when it was with Vickie. That was just plain out gross."

"That was gross. This isn't quite so gross but not what we want to see that much of."

Vickie then comes out to present the next Slammy of the night.

"Tonight, I am here to present the Slammy for Kiss of the Year. And the nominees are..."

The nominees were in the following order; AJ & Daniel, AJ & Kane, AJ & Punk, and then AJ & John.

"So it's guaranteed AJ will win for sure."


"And the winner is....well AJ...and John Cena."


AJ is the only one to come out to accept the award.

"AJ, before I hand you this Slammy, I think you need to explain your actions to me, to the WWE Universe and to Dolph Ziggler for what you did during John Cena and Dolph Ziggler's match last night."

"Yeah, I'd to know too."

She just smiles and grabs the Slammy out of her hands.

"I don't owe anyone anything Vickie. See for the past year, I cared a lot about what people think about me. Including you. Including them. But not anymore."

"You know what, my instincts were right about you all along. You are nothing but a two-bit piece of trash. I know it, everyone here knows it, and Dolph Ziggler knows it."

"Trash? Ouch."

"Same thing Dolph had called her. Double ouch."


That ensues an argument between the two and then Dolph comes out to try and break them up. Vickie tries getting his attention, but he pays no attention to her, trying to keep AJ back.

"You know what Vickie? That may have been Kiss of the Year, but it's nothing compared to this." AJ states before jumping onto Dolph and they end up making out and Vickie freaks out before storming backstage. Cara sighs loudly.

"Okay where's the hose when you need it?"

"I know right?"

After they stopped making out...finally...she hops down and then skips around the podium once, grabbing the award and heads to the back.

"Thank god that's over."


"During the whole nominees thing, made me wonder, where in the heck did Daniel get the ring to propose to her? Cereal box?" Dean remarks, which makes us all start cracking up.

"It sure looked like it." Cara snickers.

"He's cheap."


"Even though the wedding was a sham anyway."

"The dress was pretty though."

"Oh I know right? It really was."

"One day." Cara shrugs.

With Nattie in his corner, like always, Khali would be in the next match and would be going up against Otunga.

"It's a shame they're not letting her compete more. She deserves better than that."

"I know. Poor Nattie."

"But she looks nice tonight nonetheless. Sparkly."

"I know. She always looks pretty."

"I think we all need a girls day again sometime. It's been a while."

"Totally. I'll text her tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Darn." Seth says.

"I think you'll survive if I'm gone for a few hours or so."

He pouts dramatically.

"Oh don't give me that look. You'll be fine. You can probably take that time to go to the gym or something."

"I guess."

"You'll live you drama queen."

"Just think, you can kill her with gym pictures." Dean suggests.

"Oh god, you gave him ideas. Damn you Dean!" She groans as Seth lights up.

"That's what I'm good for. Sorry." He chuckles.

Seth cackles evilly.

"I'm only assuming the same goes for me too right? Gonna be all distracting if I'm gone?" I ask.

"But of course." Dean smirks.

"And who's going to be taking these pictures?"

"I'll probably end up doing it, unless I don't go." Roman answers.

"Poor you."

"Eh, it's something I'm gonna have to get used to if you two aren't at the gym with us."


Up next was the Superstar of the Year award. And who other than to present this award, than the returning Ric Flair.

"And now the nominees for Superstar of the Year. Woooo!"

Sheamus, John, Big Show and Punk were the nominees. But it was pretty obvious who would win, because he's the crowd favorite. Ric didn't end up coming out until after the nominees were announced. He got settled at the podium and started to open the envelope.

"Here to present the award..for the Superstar...of the Year. In the WWE. Oh my god, it's my man. John Cena."

"Duh. Boring."

"Superstar of the Year embodies hustle, loyalty and respect. The person who finally holds it needs to work harder than anyone else. And I also would like to recognize the loyalty of the WWE Universe. That is why out of respect...the Superstar of this year...most certainly...should be the greatest Superstar of all time. The two-time Hall of Fame...Nature Boy Ric Flair. It is great to see you back where you belong. This my friend belongs to you."

John walks to the back, leaving the Slammy with Flair, but before Flair could comment, he's interrupted by Punk and Heyman.

"Oh jeez, here we go."

"Oh joy. Chatty has appeared."

"This is completely ridiculous on multiple, multiple levels. I mean there's so many things going through my head right now. This doesn't belong to you. You haven't even been here in the last calendar year. And the fact that anybody even voted for John Cena to be Superstar of the Year, is absolutely atrocious! This is possibly the worst year of John Cena's life! He got beat by a guy that I'm gonna decimate at the Royal Rumble, I beat him at SummerSlam, he lost last night, he's the first superstar to cash in his Money in the Bank contract and lose, he's a loser like everybody in Philadelphia, and he's a loser like you!"

"Someone's grumpy."

"Just a bit."

"I think he needs a nap."


"You know, I used to sit in the locker room and listen to Shawn Michaels talk about how all he ever wanted to do was grow up and be Ric Flair. Look at me Flair. I never wanted to be you. I never wanted to be anybody but me. And I did. And last year, I was Superstar of the Year, that means this year I'm Superstar of the Year. I've been WWE Champion for 393 days! 393 days! I'm the man! Not John Cena, and not you. I'm the man! Wooo! Woo!"

"Did you want to know what time it is?" Flair asks Punk.

"But the diamonds on the Rolex make it kind of blocky for me."

"It's clobberin' time, that's what time it is."

"I don't think so. I think it's time for you to go brother. This is Philadelphia. We're gonna Rock n' roll tonight man. And you can't even walk. You can't even walk. Besides that, you've got enough baggage with you brother, you couldn't walk a block. That'd be you. How's he getting around? " He says the last part referring to Heyman.

"Oooh burrn."

"Hah. Go Ric."

"With one leg I can still kick your ass."

"Philadelphia, should we handle this? Let's handle it. Like Shawn Michaels says, let's you and me..let's do it" Flair takes off his suit jacket, throws it at Punk before heading down to the ring.

"Alright, I think it's time to get ready and go."

"Awww, already?"


"I'm comfy though." Cara pouts.

"Sorry. Make it up to you later." Seth kisses her ear.

"I'm holding you to that."

"I know you will."

She then lets him go so he can get up. Once he does, he pulls on the vest and clips it, before pull on the gloves he wears. Dean squeezes me in a hug before he gets up to put on his own vest. Once they're all ready, that's when they head out of the room and go on their way to where they need to be, leaving us to watch what unfolds on the TV screen.

"This should be fun to watch."

"Oh yes."

Crutches and all, Punk makes his way to the ring, having a hard time getting there. But he finally does and he's standing in the ring with Paul Heyman by his side. Punk then would use one of his crutches to jab Flair in the mid-section, before breaking the crutch over his back. He would then mock the legendary strut, but when Punk raises the crutch to deal the final blow to him, Flair catches Punk with a thumb to the eye. Then he grabs Heyman and puts him in the Figure Four. Heyman is tapping, but it's not a match, there's no ref...there's no stopping him. He eventually lets go and Heyman is crying out in agony. Flair's music goes off as he celebrates what he did in the ring. After Heyman rolls out of the ring, Ric addressed Jerry, saying that it's great to see 'The King' and they are never going to lose him or Lawler. He then says that he told Vince that when he dies, he wants to die in the middle of a WWE ring or with a woman from Philadelphia. He says that he has had more fun in Philadelphia than any man should have. And that's when he's cut off before he could continue.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield.

"Here it goes."

The guys make their way through the crowd and to the ring, and ready themselves for an attack as they have targeted Ric. He however stands his ground, ready for the attack. But before they could attack him, Ric had backup from Daniel and Kane, and that causes a six-man brawl to break out.

"Oh great."

"Can't stay out of business that doesn't concern them." I shake my head.


Daniel was going after Seth, Ric was going after Dean and Kane was going after Roman. After taking Ric out of the equation for the meantime, Dean quickly exits the ring as he sees that Daniel is beating up on Seth, and goes after Daniel himself. And then he saves Roman as he goes after Kane. Roman and Seth take Kane and throw him into the barricade. Since Kane and Daniel were taken out, that left only Ric in the ring. Seth joins Dean in the ring as Roman tears apart the announce table.

"Aaaand in comes the triple bomb."

Seth and Dean get Ric out of the ring and weaken him before setting him up for the Triple Powerbomb...somewhat. They go to set it up, but Ryback comes out...also sticking his nose in business that doesn't concern him.

"Oh go away."

"Jackass." Cara rolls her eyes.

He storms down the ramp and around the ring. Dean charges towards him, but it's no use as Ryback catches him and slams him into the barricade. He throws Roman into the steel ring post, before setting his sights on Seth, after Kane took him out. That's when Ryback lifts him up in the air over his head and then just drops Seth onto the announce table, Seth bouncing off of it and falling to the floor. Cara cringes.

"Ow. I felt that."

"I knowwww. My poor ninja."

Dean and Roman escape into the crowd, near the ramp side of the ring. Seth escapes over the barricade and through the crowd by the announce table as Ryback keeps trying to get him.

"Runnnnn." Cara tells Seth.

"Well that plan backfired."


"It was a good effort. Ryback, Daniel and Kane always ruin everything."

"Mmhmm." She nods in agreement.

We then wait for them to come back, remembering it may take some time from where they're coming from. Before long the door swings open and they walk in.

"You okay?" She asks as Seth comes and sits back down next to her.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." He assures her.

"Alright. Just making sure."

"I know." He kisses her head.

"The three of them coming out like that and attacking you guys...such party poopers." I remark.

"Yeah, how rude." Cara agrees.

"Doesn't matter really. We'll be doing something else instead tonight, to make up for what we couldn't do out there."

"Oh boy."

"Which would require us leaving again. Of course."

"Boooo." Cara complains.

"But that'll be the last thing for the night at least."

"Well that's good."

"Then the rest of the night to ourselves."

"That sounds better."

The next match wasn't anything too special. Just a typical match when it's Brodus. He faced JTG and it really didn't take long to squash him to win the match.

"Like that wasn't predictable."

It then came time for the next award of the night. The LOL Moment of the Year. There would be an unusual pairing of presenters as it was Santino and Tensai...who had his head wrapped, holding an ice pack to his head, making him look ridiculous.

"Hah, he looks goofy."

"We are here...to present...the LOL Moment of the Year. Because us two guys, we know a little bit of 'Haha'. It's your....Albert it's your turn. Don't worry don't worry. I'll say your lines, I'll pretend I'm you. I know things that are funny or my name is not Tensai. And in Japanese, Tensai means Fat Albert."

"That's what it says on the teleprompter." Santino adds as Tensai grabs him.

"There is no teleprompter."

"And the nominees are."

The nominees start off with The Rock when he threw all of John's stuff in the harbor. Second, was Daniel and Kane's anger management classes. Third, was when Randy Orton attacked Del Rio and spilled hot coffee and chili on Ricardo in the catering area, followed by pushing Striker's face into a cake. And lastly, was Vickie's pathetic excuse for dancing when she was having a competition against Brodus.

"Eww, icky Vickie."

"She should never dance again." Seth makes a face.

"Never ever." Cara agrees.

"Winner? You don't want to read the winner? Okay. This segment really fell flat on it's face, hahaha. And the winner of the LOL Moment of the Year is...Son-a-ma-gun...The Rock."


"Just because he calls John every name in the book and throws his stuff in the Boston Harbor."

"Yup but its the Rock so lets give him a trophy."

"Again...no offense to your cousin Roman."

"None taken."

"Ladies and gentlemen, unfortunately The Rock could not be here to accept the award in person. I did not have anything to do with that. However, I will accept this award on his behalf. And to tell the truth, if he does come to claim it, I'm gonna keep it. Thank you very much, have a good night."

Just then Daniel comes out, angry.

"No! No! No! This should be my Slammy! No!"

And then Kane comes out and pulls him away from the podium. Daniel gets away and goes back.

"No! No! No! No! No!"

And then he keeps screaming 'No' as Kane carries him to the back.


"Just a bit."

"Did you notice they played Sin Cara's music as he came out in the first place?" Dean chuckles.

"They did? Hah."

"Whoops." I snicker.

"That person that did it is awesome."

"Gotta love moments like that."

"Of course. It's amusing."

After a bit of sitting around, not really wanting to watch the next match, Dean says a few things into my ear. Basically he's suggesting that I say I want to head to catering to get something, just so we can get some alone time. I nod subtly.

"I'm getting a little thirsty. I'm going to go get something from catering." I say.

"Alright. Want me to come with?" Cara asks.

"Oh you don't have to worry about that, I'm going." Dean remarks as we start to get up.


"Want anything?" I ask her, as well as Seth and Roman.

"No." Seth and Roman shake their heads.

"You know what I usually drink." Cara says.

I nod and I take Dean's hand as we start to leave. Even though I asked if you all wanted something, Seth knew the real reason why Dean was even going and they subtly high fived each other as he walked by.

"Boys." Cara says quietly in amusement.

"We may need to have our alone time too at some point." Seth says to her quietly.

"I know, I can tell you're antsy." She teases softly.

"That obvious huh?"

"Your fingers haven't left the cut out on the back of my dress since you sat down."

"Oh...whoops." He chuckles.

"So yes you're obvious." I giggle.

"To you."


"Can't help myself."

"I know." She giggles and kisses his cheek.

"When they come back, then we can go out." She adds.

"Okay." He instantly agrees.

"Keep us busy until you're needed again."


In the meantime, Dean and I of course don't go to catering right away. He's trying to find a good hiding spot for us. I'm just watching him with an amused smile.

"Haven't found a good spot yet?"

"No." He says frustratedly.

"Well if we have to, we can just be in a little hallway."

"I guess so."

"You're cute when you're frustrated."

"You're not helping." He chuckles.

"My bad."

He finally sees a good spot and pulls me into it with him.

"Worst arena for hiding spaces." He comments.


"Being limited on what I can do in that locker room as to being affectionate with you when Roman is around, is frustrating sometimes."

"I know the feeling."

"I enjoy this time just as much as you do." I add.

"Well good. I would hope so."

"I do. Don't worry. So what is your plan now hmm?"

"To do this." He says before pulling me against him and kissing me.

I can't help but to smile against his lips, and my arms go around his neck instinctively. Dean moves me against the wall and I sigh as his warm body covers yours. After a bit, he then trails his hands along my arms, going behind his neck and grabbing my hands and removing them from where they were. He laces his fingers with mine before he pins my hands to the wall. I whine a little, but he soon distracts me from it. Even though I have restricted movement with my hands, I still struggle to get free. But the more I struggle, the more he distracts me from and I forget all about it soon enough. Dean eventually leaves my lips to kiss the exposed skin in his reach. He lets one of my hands go in favor of resting his now free hand on my cheek, and I lean into his touch a bit. Dean chuckles quietly and kisses my lips again. He brings my other hand down and off of the wall, but keeps his fingers laced with mine as our hands are resting by our sides. He slowly pulls away and leans his forehead against mine.

"Definitely needed that."

"Oh yes."

"I swear for a minute there you were going to mark my neck up or something. And you so would."

"I thought about it." He grins.

"Now why doesn't that surprise me?" I ask amusedly.

"Because it's me."


"Another day."

"Oh boy."

"Figured you wouldn't want to go through the trouble of trying to cover them up seeing as we're doing two shows tomorrow. Live SmackDown and then after that, Raw for next week."

"Oh yeah, ugh. I forgot about that."

"But at least with that getting done, we have almost the whole week off."

"That's true."

"Except for that Saturday. Another Raw taping. For New Years."


"Home for two weeks, except for that Saturday." I add with a grin.

"That will be amazing."

"So, have you had trouble finding a gift for me? Or was it easy? Or do you still need to get it?"

"I'm getting you more than one because I can."

"Of course. There's nothing wrong with more than one gift."

"I know what I'm getting you. Some I have already."

"And you've hidden them well because I haven't seen any trace of any gifts for me."

"Well good."

"I do have to say that you are not so easy to shop for. But I did my best."

"I'm sure I'll love what you're giving me."

"I hope so."

"It's from you so that's what means the most."

"Of course."

"We should probably go to catering now. They might be getting suspicious."

"Right." I laugh.

Dean keeps ahold of one of my hands as the two of us walk to catering. When we get there, I grab Cara's drink and something for myself before we leave and head back to the locker room. We get there after a while and finally walk in. Seth looks up and smirks.

"You were gone long....just a bit." Cara remarks with an amused look on her face.

"Took the long way." Dean says.

"Suuure you did."

I hand Cara her drink and she thanks me. Dean and I then go sit on the other couch.

"So what did we miss?"

"Not much. Cody beat Sin Cara, and then Zack and Layla presented the Trending Now award and the jackass won it. Feed Me More shouldn't have won, if anything Zack should've won for his Woo Woo Woo thing."

"Poor Zack."

"I know. So Seth..." Cara trails off, giving him the look for the alone time since Dean and I got back.

They get up.

"We'll be back." Seth says simply as he pulls her out of the room.

"Now they're having their alone time." I snicker.

Dean laughs and Roman just shakes his head.

"Hopefully they don't take as long as you two did. We still got that one thing to do before we're done for the night." Roman remarks.

"Hah, I think we'll have to go find them and interrupt. You know how they get."

"Good point."

"They're usually worse than us." I laugh.

"And just think how it's gonna be tomorrow night. Two shows instead of just one." Dean adds.

"Oh boy. I'm going to expect them to disappear a few times."

"Most likely."

"The joy of being around affectionate lovebirds." Roman rolls his eyes.

"At least we know how long to actually be gone to not interfere with the plans you guys have for the shows."


"For now." Dean adds with a slight smirk.

I swat him and Roman just shakes his head.

"I'll make sure we don't interfere with the show plans you guys have. Seeing as he's thinking otherwise."


In the meantime, Seth is trying to find a hiding spot for them. She giggles quietly, just letting him pull her along.

"Need any help?"

"No, I can do this...it's just taking a little longer than usual."

"Doesn't seem like the best arena for hiding places this time."

"No. This place sucks." Seth grumbles.

"Poor you."

Then she notices something up ahead. She nudges Seth and motions to an area with a decent amount of privacy.

"Good eye." He kisses her cheek.

"You're welcome." She giggles.

He then makes his way there, pulling her into the area. She laughs to herself at his eagerness.

"Perfect spot." He grins.

"Oh yes." She agrees as he pulls her into him.

"Just try to keep in mind that you have one more thing to do tonight. Don't know when that is, but I don't think we want you ending up being late for that." She adds.

"I almost forgot about that." He groans.

"Aren't you glad you have me to remember these kinds of things then?"

"Yes but it's usually you that gets me distracted from these things in the first place."


Seth just gives her an amused look.

"My bad." She adds with a giggle.

"Gonna be distracting tomorrow night? We have two shows to do." He chuckles.

"I can arrange that." I smirk.

"Of course you can."

She leans into him and laughs.

"You know you love it."

"I do."

"I love you." She looks up at him.

"I love you too. So much."

She smiles and kisses his jaw, giggling as she gets tickled by his facial hair.

"Never shave that...it works for you."

"Good to know. Not all women are fans of it." He chuckles.

"For me, it depends on the guy if I like facial hair. You, yes. Very sexy." She says, giving him a look.

"Even better to know."

"But I think that's enough talking."

"Right." He nods.

"Your move." She challenges him.

He grins and pretends to think for a bit, before taking her face in his hands and pressing his lips to hers. She responds happily, reaching up to hold onto his wrists. He ends up turning her around and backs her up until she touches the wall. She makes a soft 'oomph' noise against his lips. Then she tugs him so there's no space between them. He smirks against her lips, his hands leave her face and they move down her sides before resting on her hips. She puts her hands on his chest, holding onto his vest. After a while, he pulls from her lips and starts to make his way across her jawline slowly. She sighs and tilts her head to give him more room. Since some marks haven't gone away just yet, he decides to not leave any new ones this time, but he still kisses along the skin of her neck anyway.

"No marks." She mutters.

"I know."

"Good." She says, groaning softly.

"Just kissing...your skin..."

"Mmm." She hums absentmindedly before nipping at his ear.

That causes him to pause for a moment, nuzzling her neck before continuing. She notices his reaction so she keeps doing it. Since she keeps doing it, he loses focus and just buries his face in her neck as she continues. She giggles softly.

"Found one of your spots." She teases.

"You have." He mumbles.

She keeps messing with his ear, laughing when he twitches and gets goosebumps. He mumbles incoherently against her neck, and his grip on her gets tighter the more she messes with his ear. She grins when she hears him growling.

"If you end up going out tomorrow, I'm definitely sending pics from the gym to you. Get you back for this..." He mutters.

"Payback runs both ways love. You send those and I'll send some back."

"That's a challenge I'm willing to take."

"Have fun losing." She laughs.

"We'll see."

"Oh yes we will."

"So you think they're gonna start looking for us yet?" She asks about the rest of us back in the locker room, amusedly.

"If they're not already, they will be soon."

"Head back or no?"

"No." He mumbles against her neck, holding her tighter.

"We'll just let them come find us then." She laughs.

He nods firmly. She lets go of his vest and moves her hands around to his lower back. She unconsciously starts to drag her nails back and forth soothingly. He sighs in content as he keeps his face buried in her neck, starting to relax a bit.

"That's it, just relax. Can't have you going out there all worked up." She giggles, softly at the end.

"No, not at all."

After a bit, she hears the familiar sound of Roman grumbling coming from just down the hall.

"Alright love, I hear Roman." She gently pinches Seth's side.

"Darn his timing."

"I know I know."

He lets her go and steps back so she can move from the wall. Once they're good to go, he laces his fingers with hers and they walk out of their hiding place.

"There you two are." Roman says, looking slightly annoyed but yet amused.

"Yep, here we are."

Dean soon comes around the corner by himself.

"I'll go back to the room so you guys can get going. Be safe okay?" She says to all of them.

"Same goes for you walking back to the locker room."

"I'll be fine." She replies.

She leans up and kisses Seth briefly. She taps his heart like always to say I love you without being terribly mushy in front of his teammates.

Then she starts to head back to the locker room as they head off in another direction to where they're needed to be. She hums quietly to herself as she walks towards the room. She actually makes it back without any problems, walking in and then taking her spot back on the couch.

"Have fun?" I tease, laughing.

"But of course." She giggles.

"Roman had to come find you it seems."

"Well yes but we didn't lose track of time. Seth just didn't want to move or let go."


"I just came back by myself. Luckily I didn't run into anyone who I didn't want to see."

"Thank god for that."

"Oh I know."

"Well you made it back just in time for another award."

"And which one is it?"

"Newcomer of the Year."

"Oh okay."

Sheamus is the one who is going to be presenting the award.

"You know three years ago, a pasty skinned, Irishman who loves a good fight and a great pint, won a Slammy award for newcomer of the year. Now that pasty skinned fella, stands before you, a three-time World Champion. Now, I checked to see if any of the nominees reached that height, but all of them are off to a great start. But enough of me waffling on, let's see the nominees for Newcomer of the Year."

The nominees went as followed; Antonio Cesaro, Brodus Clay, Damien Sandow, and Ryback.

"Okay...Brodus and Ryback aren't newcomers. They've been around longer than Cesaro and Damien."

"Yeah so it's stupid to include them."

"And the winner, the Slammy award for Newcomer of the Year is...Ryback."

"Not that jackass again."

"Like he needs another award."

"He doesn't need any." Cara scowls.

"Agreed." I nod.

"The late, great Owen Hart used to say, enough is enough and it's time for a change. I am that change. Feed me more! Feed me more! Feed me more!" He simply says before heading down to the ring for a match.

"Oh joy...a match."

The match wasn't really anything special. Cesaro chickened out and got counted out, Ryback winning the match.

"Someone's scared."

"He's a weirdo anyway. Tries to hit on me from time to time."



"Wonder what his reaction would be if he found out about you and Seth."

" have no idea."

"Probably start ranting about in his 5 different languages. Psh."

"More than likely."

It soon came time for the last Slammy of the night, as JR, Gene Okerlund and Ricky Steam boat were presenters.

"It is my honor to be out here with two of my dearest, closest, personal friends. Fellow hall of famers, to award the final Slammy of the night."

"You know gentlemen, I have won this Match of the Year award on a couple of occasions. And I will assure you it is something I will take with me for the rest of my life. What a moment."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I've had the privilege of calling some of these matches. Let me assure you that each is deserving. The nominees are..."

The first nominee was at WrestleMania where Hunter faced Undertaker with Shawn as the ref. Second, was Brock vs John at Extreme Rules. Third, was Sheamus vs Big Show at Hell in a Cell. And last was also at WrestleMania where John faced The Rock.

"I personally like Taker and Hunter but John is mister popular so I'm going to guess him and the Rock." Cara comments.

"Right, but I think it's tough to call."

"I don't."

"John's had a lot of hate though lately."

"Hmm, true. I still think they'll choose the Rock. They fawn over him all the time."

"This year's Slammy award winner...for the best Match of the Year is....Undertaker vs Triple H."

"Wow. Well good."

Hunter of course comes out to accept the award for the match.

"What's ironic is I won one of these in '97 for best hair. Um..you know...every now and then you get the opportunity to be a part of something that..." He gets cut off by 'we want Taker' chants.

"...every now and then you get to be a part of something in this business that is truly just...well can only be described as magic. And this past year at WrestleMania, I had the opportunity to be a part of something that truly was...just..magical. And um...for me to be out there with two guys I respect more than anybody in this business, Shawn Michaels....and a guy that I quite literally just...I consider to be the benchmark of what this business is about, The Undertaker. That night was uh...again a magical night I will never forget. It truly was an honor to be a part of it, and it was...the end of an era. But um...I'll let you guys in on a little bit of something cause I know there's a million dollar..." He gets cut off again by 'Thank you Hunter' chants.

"...guys, let me just...let me just say this from the bottom of my heart. It's thank you. And I mean that, thank you. And here's the deal. I know there's a million dollar question out there hanging in the air and I'm gonna answer it for you right now. You've not seen the last of The Undertaker. Thank you very much."

"Well that should be interesting."

Just then they cut to the back, in the parking area where Tommy Dreamer is being assaulted. Being assaulted by the guys of course.

"So that's what they're up to."

Ricardo and a bunch of officials come running over, and try to stop them, but in result Ricardo ends up getting assaulted.


"Haha that's what he gets." Cara laughs.

They're told to leave and they do, going through the door near them and head back to the backstage area, but not without Dean getting one last shot in on Tommy. We both snicker because that is so like him to do.

"Oh Dean...you would."

"Yes he would."

"And now we have no reason to stay around after they get back and changed. I can't wait to get back to the hotel."

"Me too. Tomorrow is going to be one heck of a long day."

"Definitely. Did you hear back from Nattie yet about hanging out tomorrow? I'm assuming you've already texted her."

"She's totally up for it."


"It's been too long since we had a good girls day out."

"Far too long."

"I can't wait."

"Me neither."

We talk about what we'll do and before we know it, the guys are back.

"Very sneaky out there."

"That's what we do." Dean smirks.

"Just like taking an extra shot after being told to leave."

He shrugs while still smirking. Seth and Roman chuckle.

"We're ready to go. Just waiting on you guys."

"We'll be quick."

"No rush."

They nod and go to change.

"So I'm assuming it's gonna be a definite that you're gonna get gym pics from Seth tomorrow." I remark.

"Yup. He told me he was." She nods.

"Oh boy."

"I told him if he did that I was going to retaliate with pictures while we're out shopping."

"He so doesn't know what he's in for."

"Nope." She says cheerfully.

"If Dean decides to do the same thing, he has no idea what he's in for either."

She snickers.

"This is gonna be fun."

"Oh yeah."

It isn't long until they come out from the changing area. Roman with his things, says 'bye' to us first as he's the first to leave since he's in his own car. We say bye and he's gone. Then our boyfriends come out. We get up and the four of us walk out together.

"So we're definitely going to be gone tomorrow with Nattie." Cara says.


"You'll be fine."

"We haven't had a girls day out in a while, even before you guys debuted." She adds.

"We've just been too busy." I continue.

"So you'll just have to deal with it." She finishes.

"I can deal with one day. I'm pretty sure you can." Dean says to Seth.

"Yeah." He agrees.

"Especially with your plans." Cara gives Seth a look.

"Challenge." He reminds her.

She just smirks.

"You're probably planning the same thing aren't you?" I question Dean.

"You'll just have to see." He grins.

"Well just know that torture runs both ways here."

He nods.

"This is gonna be interesting." I state as we finally get outside and reach the cars.

"Very. But it's going to be fun."

"Yes, exactly."

We get in our respective cars and head for the hotel. Once there, we go up to our floor. Then we say goodnight and go in our rooms.