Lost Injustice

Christmas Eve Raw Taping


"And no I'm not going in to change yet....I'm too comfortable right now." I tell Dean.

"Okay." He chuckles.

"Same here." Cara says.

"Awwww." Seth pouts.

"Oh you'll live."

"You can wait until a little bit into the first match of the night, since our match is second of the night. Just a little bit longer."

"Okay." He sulks.

It actually takes quite some time for them to set up for Raw. They end up getting all these Christmas decorations and put them on the stage and whatnot, change the skirt around the ring for Raw and other stuff.

"Expecting the whole ring area to be decorated. Oh boy."

"Oh jeez."

"Cause you know they always go crazy with decorating."

"That's true."

It isn't too long before they start the show, and after the usual introductions and such, Jingle Bells is playing and 'Santa' appears with a bag full of gifts.

"Oh lord."

After going all around the ring, he's back by the stage, but on the floor. As he's giving out the gifts, Del Rio's music goes off. Ricardo appears on the stage and says nothing. Del Rio comes through with his car, beeping the horn and then hits 'Santa'.

"Of course the Mexican would be involved in a hit and run."

"Someone hates Santa."

"Very much so apparently."

"Must've gotten coal for Christmas as a kid." She remarks.

"I wouldn't doubt it." I snicker.

"He seems like he would be that kid who got it."

"Probably did the Mexican hat dance tantrum." Seth laughs.

He falls to the ground, then a tree falls over on top of him. Del Rio sits in his car for a bit before getting out, eyes wide, and covers his mouth in shock. Ricardo comes over and starts freaking out, to the point of crying as medics and trainers come out and a stretcher is brought out. Then a 'You Killed Santa' chant breaks out.

"Ought to feel so proud of himself. But yet he's in shock."

"What a faker."

Once he's loaded and strapped onto the stretcher, they start to wheel him to the back. He puts a thumbs up, letting everyone know that he's okay. Since this wasn't a live show, and just a taping there really wasn't going to be any commercial breaks. So they just took some time to get 'Santa' to the back and to the trainers while Superstars and Divas crowded around the door in hopes on hearing good news, talking amongst each other, still worried. That's when Booker comes out of the Trainer's Room.

"Guys, I'm not gonna sugarcoat this, Santa's down. And it don't look good right now. But guys we gotta pull together. The show must go on tonight alright? Santa, he would want it that way. Alright?"

Del Rio then shows up and everyone just yells at him for hurting Santa.

"Now that's funny, they hate him." I snicker.

"Hit Santa with your car and poof everybody hates you."

And then John breaks through the crowd.

"What're you doing man? Today's Christmas Eve and you ran over Santa."

"Hey hey hey, it was just an accident. I didn't know Santa was going to be there okay? Everybody knows where I drive my cars, so technically it was not my fault."

And again, they all yell at him.

"St. Nicholas is a saint."

"Before Santa lost consciousness, his last words were...Alberto Del Rio's gonna be in a fight tonight. A Miracle on 34th Street Fight. Versus John Cena. John, do it for Santa. Do it for Santa man!"

Then everyone starts chanting 'Santa'


"Oh the things they come up with."

"I know right?"

"One thing though, Titus and that damn whistle. Has got to go. I wanna rip that off and chuck it somewhere, no more whistle for you."

"Oh please do."

"It's like, this ain't football. It's wrestling."


The first match of the night would come up next. After getting injured by Kane last month, Cody would be going one-on-one with one half of the tag team champions, Kane. Cara and I actually decided that since we didn't care much for the match, we would go get changed just a little early.

"Oh I can't wait to see their faces." She giggles as we get changed.

"Oh I can't wait either."

"Yours is so cute." She says once I have my candy cane gear on.

"Why thank you. So is yours."

"Thanks. Like I said, I wanted to be different."


We finish up and walk out into the main area.

"We're all done."

Seth and Dean look up eagerly.


"It so suits you." Seth says to her.

"Why thank you."

"Yours is so you too." Dean tells me, chuckling.

"Definitely wanted to be different this year." I nod.

"I'm sure you've achieved that."

"You would think so."

"Should we head out or wait?" Cara asks me.

"Hmmm, well I think it all depends on them....they look like they don't want us to go yet." I laugh.

"You could come with us you know. Walk us to the curtain." Cara says to Seth and Dean.

And then within a blink of an eye, they're both up from their spots and have come over to us.

"That's a yes. A big one." Cara laughs.

"We'll be back Rome." I remark as we start to leave.

"Take your time. At least I don't have to hunt you guys down later or anything."

"That's true." We laugh.

"I think I know what we'll be doing after the match then.." I add.

Our boyfriends smirk and the two of us exchange amused looks. We then leave the locker room, and make our way to the curtain for the 2nd time tonight. Dean and I are holding hands. Seth has an arm around Cara's shoulders while her arm is around his waist.

"I have a feeling you're both going to be more touchy than usual when we take the alone time after the match." I remark.

"I agree." Cara giggles.

"At least we'll have all the time in the world then, since none of us have anything planned after this match of ours."

"No interruptions of being needed for something." Seth grins.


"A nice change from the norm." Dean remarks.

"Right." I nod.

"Enjoy it while it lasts."

"Oh we will."

"Planned on it." Cara grins, squeezing Seth's waist.

"Of course you did."

We get to the curtained area and stop to wait for our match.

"So glad to not have anything else planned show-wise after this."

"I know, me too."

"But I definitely want to stick around for the rest of the show. Themed shows end up being the most entertaining."

"Mmhmm." Cara nods with a small laugh.

The current match finally ends and Kane ended up beating Cody.

"Well that was obvious."

"Uh yeah."

It isn't long before Nattie and Layla show up, ready for the match themselves, since the four of us would be going out together.

"Aww." Nattie says teasingly as she sees us with Seth and Dean.

"Your attires for tonight are so cute." She adds.

"Yours is too. I love how it goes with your boots." Cara tells her.


"Now you two better take care of my girls. I'll make your lives miserable if you don't." Nattie says to Dean and Seth with a dangerous look in her eyes.

"Duly noted."

"Aw, their first threats." Cara laughs.

"Probably weren't expecting that." I add with a laugh myself.

"Nope." She says after looking at their faces.

"You two can relax now." I giggle.

They exchange looks and nod. Layla just stands there, giggling.

"We love your attire too Lay. Making your own attire Christmas-y."

"Thanks." She smiles.

Then it isn't long before our opposing team shows up. Eve, Aksana, Rosa and Tamina. Cara rolls her eyes a bit while moving closer to Seth. Both of his arms are now wrapped around her. She puts both of hers around his middle.

"No way you can chat your way out of a match this time." I remark, it being aimed at Eve, even though I'm not looking right at her.

"Hope you aren't too beat up to participate dear. I'd hate for you to miss out on such fun." Cara adds, though she meets her gaze and grins maliciously.

"Me? Oh I'm fine. Couldn't be better. I'm here and ready aren't I?"

"Then how come you're limping hmm?" She smirks.

That makes the rest of us snicker.

"Favoring one side too. The kicks hurt huh?" Cara continues.

"I'm fine. You shouldn't be concerned about me anyway."

"Oh I can't be two-faced like you? I'm sorry."

They then hit Layla's music, telling us that the match would be starting.

"Gotta go." Cara says to Seth as she pulls back.

"Me too." I tell Dean as I move from his arms.

We kiss them quickly and follow Layla and Nattie out onto the ramp.

"This is a Santa's helper, eight-diva tag team match set for onefall! Introducing first, the team of Cara, Natalya, Serenity and Layla!"

Once her music fades when we're all in the ring, Eve's goes off next and her team comes out.

"And their opponents. The team of Rosa Mendes, Aksana, Tamina Snuka and the Divas Champion Eve Torres!"

Cara and I mock Eve like we usually do, making Layla and Nattie laugh.

After some talk, we all agree on Nattie going first, as she would go against Aksana to start. Nattie has fun with her to start, waving at her and saying 'hi', before they circle and lock up, and then Nattie locks her arms around Aksana's waist. She goes for a quick rollup, but Aksana kicks out. She keeps her hands locked around her waist, but soon Aksana gets her grip broken and sends Nattie into the corner, only for her to hold onto the top rope and jump up and make Aksana reach the corner and she rolls her up again for the pin, moving it into a bridge pin, but Aksana kicks out.

"Come on Nattie!"

She grabs Aksana and she comes over to our corner and I tag myself in, and we work together for a bit, sending Aksana into the ropes. I jump over her, and she meets a clothesline by Nattie before Nattie gets out of the ring. I hit Aksana with my own clothesline and she crawls over to the corner. I charge towards her when she stands, only for her to move and I hit the corner shoulder-first. She somehow got the strength and threw me across the ring and I end up in the opposite corner. She starts to crawl towards me, and then tags in Tamina and she hits me with repeated headbutts. She then puts me in the position for a neckbreaker, but I get out of it and send her into the ropes. When she comes back, I hit her with a dropkick and I tag in Layla. She picks up where I left off and takes Tamina down every chance she gets. She does an innovation pin attempt only for Tamina to kick out. She then starts to have fun, hitting Tamina in the face with a butt bump. She shows off a bit too much and Tamina kicks her in the gut when she turns around. Into the corner she goes and Tamina goes after her, only for Layla to lift her feet and kick her in the face. She then climbs to the top, only for Rosa to get involved and that distracts her long enough for Tamina to take advantage. Tamina gets Layla on her shoulders and hits her with the Samoan Drop. She doesn't go for the pin right away however. She does it a bit later, before tagging Rosa in, who hits a clothesline and gos for the pin herself, Layla kicking out. Layla gets thrown across the ring before being put in a submission position.

"Come on Layla!"

She eventually gets to her feet and reverses the hold, only for Rosa to go back after her, pulling her away but the leg before tagging Eve in. She hits Layla with an elbow before wailing on her and continuing the assault. She goes for the pin, Layla kicking out. She goes for another elbow and Layla quickly tags in Cara. Cara goes right to work on Eve, getting her back for earlier tonight even more for chickening out during their match. Sending her into the ropes, she hits her with a hard shoulderblock. She goes for the pin, only for Rosa to run in and break it up. She then takes Cara and throws her outside of the ring. Nattie comes in and grabs her, putting her in the Sharpshooter. Tamina comes in really quick and superkicks her in the face to break that up. That's when I hop to the top and hit her with a missile dropkick, sending her out of the ring herself. I'm then attacked from behind by Aksana, and in result she's attacked by Layla with a crossbody. Eve comes to and takes Layla out. Little did Eve know, Cara was already back in the match and she was at the top rope. She then jumped and hit Eve with her finisher before covering her, actually pinning her this time with no chickening out from Eve.

"Yes!" I cheer.

Every one of us who were outside the ring, slid back into the ring to get our hands raised in victory before Cara told Eve that the title would be hers very soon. Her making the motion of the title around her waist, before we all did a group hug in the middle of the ring.

"Nice job ladies." Cara smiles.

We wait for the others to disappear to the back before we exited the ring and made our way to the back ourselves. Seth and Dean are waiting for us with grins on their faces. We say 'bye' to Layla and Nattie before they walk off, and then we walk over to the guys.

"You both did great." Seth adds.

"Aww, thanks."

"You'll have that title in no time."

"I hope so."

"I believe you will."

"Sweet." She kisses Seth's cheek.

"I always am."

"Of course you are."

"I do think we should take that second alone time of the night though."

"Lead on." I giggle, lacing our fingers together.

He chuckles before she and him walk away first, heading back to their hiding spot from earlier in the night. Once they're gone, Dean and I leave ourselves, heading back to our hiding spot as well. The spot we chose isn't far. Dean pulls me in and blocks me from view with his body.


"Well, since neither one of us are needed the rest of the night, I suppose you can go a little bit more crazy than earlier."

"Sounds like a plan." He smirks.

"And then for the rest of this week and next, we'll have the privacy of home again. So we won't have to hide like we have to here."


"Although, these hiding places are fun."

"I'm sure we can find a few at your condo." Dean chuckles.

"Even though we can just lock the bedroom door. Works just the same."

"Ah, true."

"Cara won't bother us. Seth will probably keep her occupied."

"That I don't doubt."

"But for now we have this hiding place."

"Oh yes." He agrees before kissing me.

I smile slightly against his lips and he ends up taking my face in his hands, my hands resting on his wrists for now. He gently rubs my cheeks with his thumbs and I sigh contentedly. After he had me relaxed for a bit, his hands move until they're resting on my sides. My hands have since moved of course, and my arms go around his neck. He then surprises me with giving me a boost, and now my legs wrap around him. He ends up pushing me against the wall so it would be easier, and then he pulls from my lips and makes his way over to my neck. Even though he goes after it, I try to hold back the best I can for as long as I can. I eventually end up moaning into his shoulder which makes him smirk. I mumble things incoherently into his neck, while I cling to him, as he's clearly leaving a mark that will last a while. Finally he leaves the spot and presses light kisses over my neck and jaw.

"..not fair...still haven't found any spots...that drive you crazy yet..." I mutter.

"You will in time. I know you."

"I'll have to try harder."

"If you want." He chuckles.

"I think I have no choice."

Dean just laughs and kisses my lips.

"You really don't. I just may be making it a little harder for you to find anything." He mumbles.

"You would." I pout.

"Always keeping you on your toes."

"Mmhmm. Wouldn't expect anything less."

"So keeping me like this the entire time we're over here?" I give him an amused look.

"Maybe. Unless you're uncomfortable or want down."

"Oh no, I'm fine."

"Just checking."

"You have no problem holding me like this? I mean, I'm not exactly the lightest person really." I ask.

"I'm fine, I lift heavier than you so it's nothing." Dean assures you.

"Alright." I nod.

"Let me know if you get uncomfortable okay?"

"Doubt I will get uncomfortable, but okay."

"Just being sure."

"If my legs end up falling asleep I'll let you know." I laugh.

"Deal." Dean chuckles, kissing your cheek.

"Probably set me down on one of these equipment boxes or something if that happens."

"Sure." He agrees.

"Gives you free range to be as touchy as you want to be anyway, than how we are right now."

"Good point."

"And you do like the themed attire. I may have chose it for a reason, just so you know."

"Oh? And what is that?"

"So you can be touchy. I mean sure it's covering up more skin than what I would normally wear, but you can still be touchy."

"That's true." He grins, reaching with one hand to trail his fingers down the exposed skin of my thigh.

"I've been getting the feeling since I put this on that you wanted to do that."

"You know me well."

"Well I would hope so...after knowing you for years."


"Although I'm sure there'll be more things to find out that I don't already know."

"Of course. I know there's probably things I don't know about you too but I look forward to learning those things."

"Of course you are."

Dean grins and kisses me.

"I think I can let you in on something now." I mumble against his lips.

"What's that?" He asks curiously after pulling away.

"Actually did some experimenting with hair color. Wanted to try something new, but it didn't really last long. Missed my natural color too much."

"And what colors did you experiment with?"

"It was more like one color and Cara helped me of course. A mix of red and purple. Not too much red, but not too much purple either. It ended up being a good color, but I only kept it for a few months or so."

"Interesting. Can I see pictures sometime?"

"I still have pictures, so of course you can."

"Great." He kisses your cheek.

"Don't think I'll be coloring my hair again. I like that natural color better."

"I like this color, it suits you."

"Just like yours suits you. Need I remind both of us about your phase where yours was pink and then red?" I snicker.

"No, I'm happy to leave that in the past where it belongs." He chuckles.


Dean leans his forehead against mine.

"Anything else you want to share?"

"Not that I can think of right now."


Then he decides to sit me on top of one of the equipment boxes finally, so it would be easier to be more touchy. In the meantime, Cara and Seth were in their hiding spot, with him going crazy with kissing her skin just like earlier in the night. She squirms against him, giggling quietly.

"Seth...it tickles..."



He smirks against her skin, but obliges by pressing harder so it doesn't tickle.

"I bet you can't wait to go back home this week." She mumbles.

"Beyond happy. We get more private time." He grins.

"More beach time too. I know you love that from the last time."

"Oh yes."

"The best part about living there."

"I bet." He nuzzles her neck, just below her ear.

"You can leave marks now by the way, just in case you weren't sure."

"I know. I'll get to that when I'm ready." He murmurs.

"In other words, I won't know it's coming."

"Probably not."

"Of course."

She leans her head back against the wall behind her. Seth has her pinned against said wall and he's holding her wrists as well. She did want to try an get her hands free, but she realized that it really was no use if he wasn't going to let her go right away.

"There shouldn't be any interruptions so I plan on taking my time." He smirks.

"Kind of figured." She giggles.

She decides to tease him a bit and wiggles against him flirtatiously.

"You're testing me....aren't you?"

"I don't know, am I?"

"I think you are."

She laughs and does it again.

"Do I have to pin you against the wall even more so you can't move?"

"Hmm, I dunno." She says innocently.

"I think I do..."

"Do you?" She smirks.

"I do."

"What's stopping you?" She challenges, shifting again.

"How distracting you're getting, that's what's stopping me."

"Oops." She giggles.


She leans up and lightly brushes her lips against his. And since she had stopped shifting, he took advantage of that and pinned her against the wall so she couldn't do that anymore.

"No fair." She mumbles, resting her cheek against his.

"Just taking advantage of the situation."

She goes to respond but he nips the soft spot beneath her ear and she sucks in a sharp breath. He just smirks and nips at the spot again.

"Mmm.." She sighs and tilts her head.

That's when he continues on the spot and she knows that there'll be a mark of some sort when he's done. She feels an urge bubbling up and she tries to fight it but she ends up moaning his name. That causes him to smirk in triumph against the spot, beginning to retract his lips, as a mark will be forming soon. She mumbles in another language breathlessly. He chuckles before making his way back to her lips, kissing her softly when he gets there. She catches her breath and wiggles her wrists to see if he'll let her go. He does indeed let her go, his hands moving to hold her face in them. She puts her hands under his shirt like she usually does. She hums happily as she feels the warmth of his skin. He kisses her for a bit longer, before she feels him start to slow the kiss own. They break away but stay really close. He leans his forehead against hers. "I love you...so much."

"I love you too. More than you know." She rubs her nose against his.

"Even though I have a pretty good idea already."


"Probably want to see the rest of the show, see what's left of the themed stuff right?"


"Want me to carry you, or are you gonna walk?" He chuckles.

"Hmm... carry."

"Got it." He grins, moving away from her before scooping her up in his arms.

She snuggles into him happily, wrapping her arm around his chest. He grins and then proceeds to walk back to the locker room, carrying her. When they get there, she reaches down an opens the door. Seth walks in, the door closing behind him and he goes back over to where they both were sitting before they had left for the match and alone time.

"We miss anything good?" She asks Roman as she and Seth get settled.

"Well you were gone for the length of three matches. Sheamus beat Big Show in a Lumber-Jack Frost match. Zack Ryder beat Otunga. And Kofi and Mike beat Cesaro and Wade."


"Still a long night to go."


"Don't worry, it'll fly on by, trust me." Seth reassures.

"I hope so."

It isn't too long before the door opens and then Dean and I come back from our time, taking our spots back where we were sitting as well.

"Have fun?" Cara teases.

"A little too much if you ask me."

"Oooh." She laughs.

"I'll refrain from details. Think what you will." I laugh.

She just laughs.

"Dare I ask how your time went?"

"I think the same answer will do here." She giggles.


Seth smirks and chuckles quietly.

"Didn't miss anything too important did we?"

"Not really."

"Oh good."

"Hopefully something funny will happen so we didn't just waste our time staying here."

"Oh I know right?"

"I'll be mad if we wasted our time."

"Right, because we could've just came back after our match and gotten changed, and headed back to the hotel for the night."


In the next match of the night, after repeatedly failing to earn a contract, Booker T would grant Brad Maddox's wish of getting another tryout match on Raw, and his opponent would be one of Santa's 'elves'. It would then be revealed to be the largest elf ever, The Great Khali.

"Gonna lose again."


During the match, Khali's little helper, Hornswoggle, would attack Brad on the outside. However, this would raise ire of Brad as he targets Khali's knee and would have the advantage, but his own arrogance would cost him as his posing for the fans would allow Khali time to recover, and in the end drop Brad with the Punjabi Plunge to win the match.

"Too arrogant." Cara shakes her head.

"Way too arrogant." I agree.

Once the ring was clear, Punk's music hit and he came hobbling out on his crutches with Heyman in tow, holding the title in the air for everyone to see.

"Here gimpy gimpy gimp." Cara sings under her breath.

"And the walrus."

"Him too."

"Story time with gimpy?"


Punk starts off by saying that Christmas has been ruined, but not because Santa got ran over by Del Rio, but because he, the 'undisputed best in the world' is unable to compete on Christmas Eve.

"Boo hoo for you."

"Cry me a river gimpy."

He continues, saying that Ryback is the reason that he is unable to compete and he cannot even walk without the use of his crutches, saying that Ryback 'effectively ruined' not only Christmas, but Hanukkah as well. He says that instead of suspending or fining Ryback for injuring him, Ryback gets 'rewarded' by getting a WWE Title match. He says that there's no proof that he has anything to do with Brad Maddox or The Shield because he ha nothing to do with them or their actions.

"Who wants to work with gimpy anyway? He's an ass."

Punk continues, saying that he hasn't been cleared to compete and that Ryback is 'living a lie' by thinking that he has a title match. He then says that he's already in a bad mood for the holidays because of having to undergo painful rehabilitation. Heyman then takes the mic and speaks on Punk's behalf, saying that Punk's been the victim of a 'conspiracy' to take the title away from him.

"Ryback. Ryback has received not one, but two extraordinary opportunities to wrestle the WWE title away from CM Punk. And on both of those occasions, Ryback has failed."

"Because of outside interference."

"Listen up Ryback. On two legs I was better than you, on one leg I'm better than you, on crutches I'm better than you. You can amputate this leg and I'd be better than you. I can have one arm, one eye, and I'd be better than you because I'm the best in the world! I am the best in the world!" He exclaims before Ryback interrupts him.

"I do not need to lay a finger on you Punk, because I already got my Christmas present. If you're physically able, and in two weeks you should be, you...me...that WWE championship, in the match we were originally supposed to have. Tables, Ladders, Chairs! TLC! TLC!" He gets the crowd chanting, and he keeps chanting it as Punk leaves the ring, more so hobbling than anything.

"Oh poor gimpy." Cara says mockingly.

"Like his crutches can protect him from Ryback. Psh."

"He wishes."

Up next, Daniel would be in action as he would go one on one with Damien Sandow. The match wasn't too special, and in the end Daniel ended up winning with the No Lock. "Boring."

"I am so glad I haven't bumped into him tonight." I remark.

"Been lucky in that department so far."

"Hopefully we can be that lucky the rest of the night."


"Hope the rest of the show flies by, getting a bit tired." I say as I stifle a yawn.

"If you get too tired, we can leave early." Dean says.

"You'll know if I'm too tired, when I start falling asleep on you."

"Good point." He chuckles.

"Sere, why don't we go get changed while we still have the energy." Cara suggests.

"That's a good idea." I nod.

We get up and head into the changing area.

"The night is almost over, thank god."

"I knowwww."

"I can't wait to go back home again."

"Definitely looking forward to it." She agrees.

"At least we have only one saturday out of our vacation where we need to work."

"Yeah. I can handle that much."

"Well I see what you meant earlier by Dean going a little too crazy..." She adds, referring to the decent sized mark that he left on me.

"You have one too." I laugh, pointing at the mark beneath her ear.

"I kind of figured there was gonna be one there." She giggles.

"That's his new spot." She adds.

"Much better." She sighs after she's done changing.

"I have a feeling I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning and find like a bruise or something. Dean got quite grabby tonight in our little hiding spot he found." I say as I'm done changing myself.

"I wouldn't be surprised." She laughs.

"What about you? Was Seth all grabby too?"

"Partially. Had me pinned down nearly the whole time though."

"I repeat...ooooh."

She blushes a bit.

"But I do know what that's like so..."

"Ooooh." She nudges me.

"Happened quite a few times so far."

"Frustrating isn't it?"


"Alright let's go back to our boys."

"Before they miss us too much."

"Right." She giggles.

We take our bags out with us, but leave them by the door on the ground before heading back over to resume sitting in our spots.

"Better?" Seth asks Cara quietly.

"Much." I nod.


He kisses her head. She snuggles into him and slips her hands under his shirt. When we had come out, it was at the start of a tag team match, a 12 Days of Christmas, 12-Man Tag Team Match. One one side it was Justin, Brodus, Tyson, Santino and The Usos against 3MB, Tensai & The Prime Time Players.

"Oh boy. Definitely rooting for Justin and his team." Cara remarks.

"Oh yes." I nod.

"That other team, ugh."

"Ugh, I know right?"

"Don't care for them?" Roman asks.

"No not really."

"That team's all....blah."

"Yup." Cara agrees.

At the end of a chaotic match, it was Jey landing the Superfly Splash on Heath to pick up the win for his team.


"And there Justin goes with his dancing." I laugh.

Cara laughs too, dancing a little bit herself. Once the ring was clear, it was time for the main event, Del Rio again John in a Miracle on 34th Street Fight. During the match, John would slide to the outside of the ring to open up one of the many Christmas presents around the ring area, that present holding a steel chair inside.

"I think that's a cool idea, hiding the weapons inside presents for a Christmas theme."

"Oh I know right? Wonder what else is in the other gifts."

"Who knows. Maybe a kendo stick?"

He slides back in and hits Del Rio in the gut, and then over the back before going for the cover, but Ricardo got involved. So John slides out of the ring and chases him around the ring, only to be hit by Del Rio when he slides back into the ring. Ricardo then presents Del Rio with his own gift, and Del Rio opens it to reveal a pie.

"Pie? What the hell?" Cara laughs.

John's gotten up at this point, and Del Rio goes to smash the pie in his face, only for John to move and for Del Rio to smash it in Ricardo's face, and by the looks of it, it was Pumpkin pie. We all crack up laughing. Ricardo falls to the floor as John takes advantage of the situation and is on fire, hitting Del Rio with everything he's got before throwing him to the outside and brings him up to the stage. He finds a gift and opens it to find a TV monitor, hitting Del Rio in the head with that, and he goes crashing into the group of presents.

"Nice." Cara laughs.

Del Rio came back after that though when Ricardo got involved, causing a distraction. Ricardo picked out a big gift and Del Rio opened it slowly, before taking out a teddy bear. And he just gives Ricardo a look that says 'are you kidding me?'.

"Ahahahaha oh my god."

He still gives Ricardo the disapproved look, before screaming and throwing the teddy bear at John, where it bounces off his chest and falls to the ground. We're dying with laughter. "Oh yeah, a teddy bear really does some damage."


Del Rio then goes after Ricardo for making him look like an idiot, and John goes after him and throws him into the stage wall, and Del Rio falls into the presents again. john has a hold of Ricardo and traps him in a wreath, before putting a present over his head and pushing him down to the ground. Del Rio starts to fight back though, the fight going back down to the ring. John starts to fight back now, throwing him into the barricade. John goes back up to the stage and gets another gift. He nixes the gift idea and picks up a smaller tree, carrying it down to Del Rio and hitting him with it, before returning to the stage, grabbing another gift and opens it to reveal a bowling ball.

"Cena finds the good presents." Cara laughs.

"He really does." I nod.

John lines everything up before rolling the ball down the ramp, where it goes down to Del Rio and hits him in the nuts straight on. The guys all cringe but Cara and I laugh.

"Ohhh his face."

"I knowwwww."

John goes back around to the side of the ring and opens a new gift to reveal a fire extinguisher.


With a smile on his face, he goes back over to Del Rio, following him into the ring and tests out the extinguisher and Del Rio begs and pleads for him to not spray him, but he does anyway.

"Woooooo!" Cara claps, laughing her butt off.

Ricardo's back in the equation and puts the sleeper hold on John and then Jingle Bells plays and out comes Santa. Ricardo is filled with joy that he's alright and heads right out to him, hoping for a hug, but gets whacked with Santa's bag of gifts.


And what happened next is what gave away who Santa really was. Some kind of sock was taken out of his pocket and put on his hand and shoved in Del Rio's mouth, totally giving away that it was Mick Foley playing Santa.

"Ohhhhh nice."

John took advantage and gave Del Rio the AA, and pinned him to win the match.

"Sorry Dorito."

"End of the show....finally."

"Yayyyyy. Now we can leave."

"About time."

"Let's get out of here." She says, standing up.

Seth stands too, grabbing his bag and starting to follow you out of the room. Everybody else follows with their own bags. We walk together out to our cars.

"Such a long night."

"Very." She yawns.

"It's definitely to bed with you when we get back." Seth remarks.

She nods as she leans into him.

"And I'll drive." He adds.

"Okay." She agrees.

"That way if you fall asleep, you can just sleep in the passenger seat."

"You're so thoughtful." She kisses his cheek.

"Hope you have a good holiday Rome." She adds.

"You too. All of you." He smiles.

"We'll see you next Saturday."

"See you then." He agrees.

She and I each give him a hug, and he gets the man-hug from Seth and Dean before he gets into his car and heads back to the hotel himself.

"Time to go." Seth says as she yawns widely. She nods and goes to the passenger side of their car, but not before saying 'bye' to Dean and I. We all get into our respective cars, and then head back to the hotel for the night.