Lost Injustice

New Years Eve Raw Taping

It was a busy day, getting ready for tonight's taping. At least this meant that we had New Year's off just like Christmas, before officially going back to work for the new year. You and I didn't have anything planned for the show really, so we didn't need to bring any ring gear or anything. But you were in the bathroom of the hotel room, finishing up getting ready for the night.

"I like nights when you're off, I get more cuddle time." Seth says as he stands outside the door.

"Of course, but it also depends on what you have planned out for the shows and how busy you'll be."

"That's true."

"You can come in if you want. I didn't shut the door. Besides even if I wasn't already dressed, it's a little late to be shy about changing in front of you."

"Right." He chuckles, before walking into the bathroom and wrapping his arms around her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder.


"Starting early tonight." He grins.

"Yes you are." She laughs.

"Don't know what's planned for me and the others tonight. I suppose we'll find out when we get to the arena."

"Right. Hope it's an easy night for you."

"Right." He nods.

"More enjoyable for us. Less run ins with people we don't want to see."


"You look beautiful by the way." Seth adds, nuzzling her neck.

"Why thank you."

"You're very welcome." Seth kisses her cheek.

"I know I have the night off, but you don't know when I'll surprise people. So, I say hold off on any marks for now until we know for sure what's happening."

"Aww, okay." Seth pouts.

"You'll survive."

"I guess so."

"Oh you know you have other ways of getting the noises from me." She says as she finishes her makeup.


"You'll be able to have your fun I promise." She pats his cheek.

"If you say so."

"If not at the arena, I'll make it up to you when we get back here, okay?" She turns in his arms to look at him.


She kisses him gently.

"That's an interesting taste." Seth remarks, licking his lips after she pulls away.

"Lemon and pomegranate." She giggles.

"I like it."

"I'll keep that in mind." She says amusedly.

"Good." He grins.

"Ready to go now?"

"Yeah, ready to go." He nods.

They walk out of the bathroom and put on their jackets. Seth grabs his bag and they head out the door. In the meantime, I was done in the bathroom, but was finishing up with the little things like makeup and jewelry out in the room itself and in front of the mirror that was in the room.

"Beautiful. I love that you achieve it without really trying. The other girls try too hard and it comes off as overdone." Dean says as he watches.

"Tell me about it."

"Well not all of them but you know what I mean."

"Right. I could name quite a few though."

"Yeah. I think they're too much. You do just enough that it enhances your natural looks."

"Because I know I don't have to overdo it."

"Right. I'm glad."

"And I don't need a spray tan either like some of the girls."

"No, I like the color you have."

"Spray tans can go wrong sometimes...make you look orange. That's not pretty."

"No it's not. It can be funny though."

"That is true."

Dean hums the oompa loompa song with a grin.

"Oh my gosh..yes. Someone would just need the green hair."

"I know." He snickers.

"Sounds like a good prank idea. Maybe I should run it by Cara."

Dean laughs.

"And I'm done." I say as I put everything away.


"And I have the night off so..." I trail off.

"Touchy time." Dean grins.


"Awesome. "

"What about you?"

"We're probably doing at least one thing."

"Won't find out for sure until we get there right?"

"Yeah, I want to talk it over with the guys."

"Right, of course."

He grabs his bag and the two of us head out. We head down to the car, him putting his things in the back seat while I got into the front. Once everything was in the back, he got into the front and got situated before starting the car and heading off to the arena. All of us meet up in the Shield locker room.

"So did any of you find out what we're doing tonight if anything?" Dean asks.

"Well we're making an ambush during Dolph and Sheamus' match. And we're gonna be having a 3-on-1 Handicap match against Ryback."

"Oh boy."

"But that's about it."


"Just want you to be careful in that match. Especially after what he did to you guys at TLC."

"We'll do our best to be safe."

"As long as you do that."

"We will."

They all then head in to change, Cara and I sit down as we wait.

"Hope that jerk doesn't hurt our boys."

"Let's hope not."

"I'll be pissed if he does."

"Tell me about it."

She stretches out on the couch.

"Oh you know what happened on Christmas during me and Dean's alone time? And no it wasn't what I think you're gonna think of." I laugh.

She laughs, blushing slightly.

"What happened?"

"It was so sweet how he said it, but basically he said he loved me."

"Aww! I'm so happy for you."

"Made it so much easier for me to say it back, because you and I both know the feelings were more than just a crush on him."

"Mmhmm." She nods.

"Never seen him as happy as he is now since he told me."

"Its definitely a weight off one's shoulders to have their feelings in the open."


"Feels very free."

"It really does."

"Been there, done that." She says amusedly.

"Of course."

"So what was with that blush?" I ask curiously.

"Nothing." She says.

"Didn't look like nothing."

She blushes even more.

"Come on, you can tell me."

She shakes her head.

"I'll find out eventually."

"If you have to know, think about what you said that caused the blush."

"Ooooooooh." I say after thinking about it.

She covers her face, still blushing.

"But that's also sweet too."

"He reassured me about my weight and stuff that Wade used to say."


"It was so amazing. Never been that loved before."

"Well with Seth things are gonna be completely different, and better for you."


"I'm happy for you."

"Thanks." She smiles.

"You're welcome."

"We're very lucky."

"We are." I nod, and just then they come out from getting ready for the show.

Cara scoots forward and gives Seth room to sit behind her. He does an his arms go around her, before she proceeds to lay back against him. Dean sits and pulls me onto his lap. It isn't too long before the show starts, and it kicks off with the stage set up for MizTV, with Mike coming out and welcoming everyone to it.

"Let's see what funny insults he comes up with this time." Cara smirks.

He reveals that Vickie Guerrero has declared that tonight's RAW will see championships defended, but every regaining champion will get to hand-pick their opponent for the first time ever, thus tonight being a Champion's Choice Night. He then introduces his guest and former rival, John Cena. After he comes out onto the stage, they sit down and he reminds him that AJ accused him of 'using' her and John states that it is 'over'. He then reveals that to prove it's over, he will accept Dolph and AJ's invitation to join them for a New Year's toast. But of course, there's an interruption, and it's by Cody and Damien.

"Oh boy."

"T.S. Eliot once said, 'This is how the world ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper'. Silence! Silence!"

That's when John makes some jumbled sounds, clearly making fun of him.

"Spaulding get your foot off the boat. I believe it was the famous poet, Robert Griffin the Third, that once said and I quote, you guys suck."

"Of all the greats I have studied, I assure you I have never heard of that man. I did not ask for your opinion! And Miz, you mouthbreathing miscreant. Once again..." Damien gets cut off by crowd chants.

"Silence! Once again, you choose to spotlight this disgusting tabloid scandal."

"I'll tell you what, Damien, I'm with you on this. I think maybe there's something else we should...should totally focus on." John says, as he starts to stare at the mustache on Cody's face, inching closer.

We start laughing.

"Maybe...maybe there's another issue that's facing us right now. An issue that's...totally..totally growing out of...out of proportion. It's everywhere...it's...don't move. Pretend I'm not even here. I just want to see it up close."

"It's too much." Cara holds her stomach, laughing.

"Stop! Stop! How dare you?! You think you're so funny John? You know what sucked, as you eloquently put it? When the two of you went up against Big E. and Dolph and both ended up being laid out. That sucked for you at least."

"Good form Cody. Good form. And I concur. The two of you went from main eventing WrestleMania, to being drowned in the shadow of Team Rhodes Scholars. I have a proposed New Years resolution for the both of you."

"Oh, New Years resolution, that's a great idea!"

"Of course."

"Hold on, watch me work, watch me work. Miz come here. Listen, I know we've had problems in the past. New Year, clean slate, bygones be bygones, old acquaintances. How about this? How about Gandalf and Magnum PI here lace up your fighting boots and meet us in the middle of that ring right now! Oh yeah! I say we kick this off proper with a tag match between The Rhodes Scholars and The Miz and John Cena!"

"Damien isn't so pleased with that idea." I snicker.

"He knows they'll lose."


"Mike and John may not get along the best but they make a good team. They can play off each other really well."

"They were tag team champions for one night afterall."


The match of course goes on. Towards the end of the match, both Cody and Mike were down, both John and Damien screaming for them to get up. Both of them eventually make it to their respective corners and tag the others in. John has complete control, hitting Damien with everything he's got. But after the Five Knuckle Shuffle, Cody hits John with a Disaster Kick. Mike comes into the ring and hits him with a Skull Crushing Finale. Cody rolls out of the ring, Damien goes to hit Mike, but he ducks and Damien gets hoisted onto John's shoulders, before being given the AA, and then John pins him for him and Mike to get the win.

"Boom, just like that."

"Not so happy new year for Rhodes Scholars." I snicker.

"Too bad so sad."

And then backstage, there's this party going on, organized by Vickie for New Years. Not everyone was there, but some people were hanging out.

"Organized by Vickie...wouldn't want to go to that at all."

"Uh no. I'm happy right here." Cara smiles up at Seth and gently squeezes his thigh.

"Speaking of New Years, where are we gonna spend it? Home?" I ask.

"Nah, we just had Christmas there." She shakes her head.

"Well you know....I live in Vegas now..." Dean remarks.

Instantly she perks up, making me laugh.

"You said the magic word." I snicker.

"What?" He chuckles.


"Cara loves Vegas." I add, giggling.

"You don't even have to ask me, I want to go." She says excitedly.

She claps and bounces excitedly on the couch.

"What happened to Cincinnati?" I ask.

"Oh I still have my apartment there. Just the memories and stuff from growing up..."

"Oh right, of course."

"So Vegas it is then." I add.

"Yayyyy." Cara cheers.

Vickie right now is talking with Otunga.

"But Vickie, I've got to tell you, this party is such a great idea. I'm so excited about 2013, it's gonna be a great year for me."

"Well for me as well David."

"Yeah, but it's gonna be the year of Otunga. But hey, thanks anyway Vickie."

"Thanks for coming."

"Great party Vick, thanks for the invite. How's everything been?" Dolph says sarcastically.

"I didn't invite you Dolph."


"Haha, ouch."

"Oh. Vick, it's a new year. Let bygones be bygones right?"

"Fine Dolph. Um...I hope you and your little girlfriend AJ enjoy your New Years toast tonight. And by the way, you have a match tonight...against Sheamus. So you have a Happy New Year."

"Burned again." Cara laughs.

After a few moments, that's when Punk and Heyman join the party.

"Happy New Year."

"Happy New Years Punk, how are you?"

"Ah, you know I'm fine. If it wasn't for the pencilneck geeks known as the WWE Universe. Did you know that they don't appreciate what I put my boy through on a daily basis? There's some of them that actually say that this injury isn't real."

"But it is."

"I know, I had surgery. But that's why I'm here. With your permission, I brought my doctor from Chicago, I want to march him down to the ring, so he can explain to the people in layman's terms what the situation with my leg is. And I want to compete. I'll even compete here tonight."

"Oh..no no no Punk. Let's just speak hypothetically. Who would you have defended your title against tonight?"

"That's easy. Ryback."

"Well then we must put Ryback in action tonight. Let's see. Ryback vs....." She trails off, looking around the room, and Punk whispers in her ear.

"...The Shield?"

"You said it."

"Punk, that's not fair. That's three on one."

"I think it's pretty fair."

"Sounds fair to me." Cara shrugs.

"I'll tell you what's not fair. Not fair is the way I get treated on a daily basis, the lack of respect. Not fair is the way you get disrespected, that's not fair, that's unfair."

"It's terrible. It bothers me." Heyman remarks.

"I...have a great idea. Tonight Ryback will be put in a handicap match against all three members of The Shield."

"Dun dun dunnn."

"What an original idea." Cara deadpans.

"She's good."

"She's brilliant."


"Yeah, absolutely."

"No wonder you got the job."

"That's not a good idea, that's a great idea."

"Oh Punk thank you. Happy New Years."

"Happy New Year." He states, kissing her on the cheek and hobbles away with the crutches.

Heyman however tries to go for a kiss himself, being creepy as all hell doing it too.

"Happy New Year." He states before following Punk out.

"Ugh, Heyman is so creepy."

"Like how he hit on AJ that one time...ugh." I shudder.

"Gross." Cara shivers.

Cesaro would then appear on Raw, saying that he's been touring American landmarks in DC, and he ran into a man that personifies America and he will defend the US title against him. That man and opponent is revealed to be the Hall of Famer Sgt. Slaughter. Even though he put up a good fight, Cesaro would put him down with the Neutralizer to retain the title.

"Well that was kind of obvious."

"Not fair but whatever. He's never been s fair one."

"Nope. Just want someone to prove him wrong, and beat him for that title for once."

"I know."

After the match, he would prove a point to the world as he plants Sgt. Slaughter with a second Neutralizer.

"No need for that."

"Really unnecessary."

Cutting to backstage again to the party, Ricardo was pouring himself some wine, when Big Show appeared behind him, the title over his shoulder. He starts to speak some Spanish to him before switching over to English.

"How would you like a chance at the World Heavyweight Championship tonight? Calmarse. Tonight is champion's choice. And I picked you."

That causes Ricardo to drop his cup.

"You dropped your drink on my boots."

Ricardo starts to panic, trying to clean the drink off where it had spilled. He goes to hand the napkin to Show, but it gets slapped away. Big Show stares him down, before wishing him good luck.

"I should feel bad for him, but I don't."

"Always getting himself into these situations."


Also backstage at the party, Kaitlyn arrives with Mae Young and amongst the group of girls that were there, Eve pushes her way through them.

"Well speak of the devil."

"Two-faced whore." Cara mutters, causing Seth to snicker.

"Well she is."

"I'm not denying that. Its just funny to hear you talk shit about her."

"Mae, isn't it the Hall of Famer. WWE's favorite...octogenarian."


"Yeah...um...girls I'm sure you're all wondering who I've decided to defend my title against tonight. And let's face it, I've....I've beat all of you. Except..."

"...except me."

"Except you Mae. Congratulations, I'll see you in the ring." She fakes a smile and that fades as soon as she walks away.

"That was so rude." Nattie remarks.

"She's never beaten me." Cara scoffs.

"And she's just too afraid to face you again....at this point."

"Mmhmm. I think we might need to go... take a walk, don't you?"

"Later? Yes."

"What are you two planning?" Dean asks curiously.

"Nothing." We say innocently.

"You two are planning something." Roman states.

We start whistling, looking around the room.

"Like that's not suspicious." Seth chuckles.

"Suspicious, us? Never." She laughs.


"You'll see."

"Just gonna have to wait, that's all."


"Who knows how long it will be."

"Right. Eve likes to waste our time."

After discovering that the guys were scheduled to face Ryback, Daniel and Kane had to come up with a tag team to defend their Tag Team Titles against. They ended up settling for 3MB and it would be Heath and Drew who would challenge them with Jinder in their corner. In the end it was Kane planting Drew with a chokeslam before tagging in Daniel, who hits a flying headbutt on Drew to pick up the win and retain the titles.


"Always boring when it involves them."


"Guarantee no titles will change hands tonight. Rarely do they ever change on the regular shows."

"Yeah. Mostly pay per view changes occur."

"But I can't wait for you to take that title away from Eve once and for all."

"I know, definitely looking forward to that."

"I think we all are." Seth grins, kissing her cheek.

"Charmer." She says amusedly, leaning into his touch.

"Only for you."

"Awww." I tease.

"Oh shush."

On his 407th day as WWE Champion, an injured CM Punk, with Paul Heyman and his personal physician in tow, makes an appearance on Raw just one week before he's scheduled to defend his title against Ryback in a TLC match. Heyman of course introduces himself before introducing Punk, saying that he's held the title for every single calendar day in 2012. Punk says that he's wrestled and bested names like Jericho, Daniel, Dolph, John and Ryback in 2012 and has done things that no normal man could ever hope to do. He continues that he fights through the pain each and every day, saying that if any of the fans even went through a fraction of what he has, that they would be in the fetal position. He continues, saying that unlike the fans, he is a man and is a champion's champion, adding that he perseveres, despite the disrespect he is shown. He says that some of the fans even think that he made up his injury, before introducing his personal physician from Chicago, Dr. Samuel DiSaro.

"In order to understand Mr. Punk's injury, one has to...see what a healthy knee really looks like. Please take a look. And now, Mr. Punk's current injury please. As you can see....Mr. Punk's knee is in an obvious state of duress. The meniscus is inflammed, and there is major swelling."

"And despite this horrific injury, despite this horrible swelling, next week I have a title match with Ryback. I made a career...out of beating people like Ryback. And I want Ryback to know right now that with one arm I can beat him, with one eye I can beat him. And even if I have one leg, next week, I will continue to do what I've done for the calendar year for 407 days. I'm gonna prove you all wrong, and I'm gonna show everybody that I am the best in the world."

"Mr. Punk...Mr. Punk Mr. Punk. Mr. Punk, I'm sorry. But I cannot allow you to compete."

"What're you..what're you talking about? You just said back there...Wednesday you saw me, you said I could compete."

"I know what I said. But that was then, and after further review, I cannot in good conscience, let you compete."

"Psh, I bet they played it that way on purpose. He never had plans to compete, please."

"Because he's beaten him before by cheating, so he thinks he doesn't need to face him again."


That's when Vince comes out to interrupt them, Punk can be heard complaining about how he wasn't cleared to compete by his doctor.

"I apologize for coming out here and interrupting you. I couldn't wait. I simply had to come out and say to everybody, Happy New Year! And uh...the other reason I came out is, I was wondering how you're going to attempt to...weasel your way out of this TLC Championship match."

"Wait a minute. Mr. McMahon, Vince, after all these years this man is not only the best in the world, he has been your reigning, defending WWE Champion for 407 days and I would respectfully suggest to you Mr. Chairman, that your WWE Champion has never weasled his way out of anything." Heyman remarks.

"He's kidding right?"

"Delusional creeper."

"Well I...it seems as though as Mr. Punk uh...in terms of evaluating your condition, I would suggest that...next Monday WWE officials will evaulate your condition. Not your own personal physician. And if they deem that you are capable of competing next Monday, then I would suggest that's probably what their decision will be, then you will be defending the championship against Ryback in a Tables, Ladders, Chairs championship match."

"Look, I know..I know you think I'm guilty of all these things I'm innocent of. I know you think I'm guilty of hiring The Shield or being in collusion with Brad Maddox. But I assure you, I mean coming from you this hurts Vince. A man who has been unjustly prosecuted by the government."

"I'm not taking anything away from you. You're an extraordinary athlete."

"I know."

"There's no question about that-"

"-absolutely not."

"There is still the great deal of conjectures as to way you've been champion for so long. Speculation...speculation that perhaps there was a deal made some time ago with former referee by the name of Brad Maddox. Speculation as well as to whether or not a deal was struck between you two and the organization known as The Shield."

"As I was saying, this hurts coming from you. A man who was unjustly prosecuted by the very government of this country. You know, doctors say I can't compete. I can't compete. I can't go against doctor's orders. And for the last time, I'm gonna say it to you, I'm gonna say it to all these jerks here. I have nothing to do with The Shield. I have..no no...I have nothing to do with Brad Maddox."

"I would suggest Mr. Punk, that the investigation will continue. We'll delve deeper into that matter."

"You know, you're being too nice about this. I gotta be honest. This time even YOU surprise me. This man is not only the best in the world, he's everything that you've ever wanted to promote. Vince McMahon, this man is a hero. CM Punk is a hero. Not only is CM Punk a hero, CM Punk is an injured hero. How dare you?! How dare you in the same city that your father first promoted sports entertainment. How dare you force an injured hero into competition? My god, you know what you've become? You've become a flesh peddling promoter!" Heyman exclaims.

"How dare me? If in fact WWE officials claim that you can't go next week, then fine, you will not compete. Just as simple as that. But then again, we would have to find another opponent for Ryback. And that opponent would be.....YOU." He says to Heyman.

"Oh damn." Cara raises her eyebrows.

"Hah. Please deem Punk unable to compete. I wanna see that." I laugh.

"Heck yeah." Cara agrees.

"I have a feeling that next week will be Tables, Ladders, Chairs. You're gonna defend your title against Ryback. Happy New Year." He finishes before leaving.

"Wah wahhhh." Cara giggles.

"Hissy fit." I snicker as Punk starts to stomp on the mic, breaking it before kicking a piece out of the ring.


That's when Roman gets up from where he's sitting, motioning to Seth and Dean to get up as well.

"Ambush time?"

"Damn timing." Cara mutters, reluctantly moving.

"You can walk with us to where we have to be if you want." Seth offers.

Cara looks over at me, raising an eyebrow in silent question.

"Sure why not."

She nods at Seth and he pulls her up.

"The fans see us together, they can think what they want."


I move from Dean's lap, standing as he gets up from the couch himself. He takes my hand and laces his fingers with mine before we start to leave behind Roman. Seth does the same with Cara as they follow behind us. Seth starts to lace his fingers with hers but she takes her hand away, choosing to put both of her arms around his waist. He grins, one of his arms going around her shoulders as he kisses the top of her head. She leans up and kisses his cheek. Before we get to the main area of the arena where all the fans are at the merchandise stands and concession stands, security is there like always for us, and they walk us through the main area of the arena until we get to the area that the guys would be going out of for the ambush, the security staying at the entrance to the small hallway to keep the fans at a distance.

"I can hear the fangirls already." Cara snickers.

"Oh I know right?"

"Feel the glares."

"As soon as we were all spotted, I could feel them."

"Yup." Cara nods.

"Can probably expect to be mentioned in a few tweets here and there soon if not later."

"Our mentions feed will be blowing up." Cara giggles.

"Oh yes."

"Don't think we aren't getting glared at either. I see plenty of guys scowling at us here." Dean points out.

"I'm sure our mentions...well mine anyway...are going to be blowing up." Seth adds.

"Because I'm cuddly." Cara grins up at him.

"Yes, yes you are."

"And you're touchy." She giggles as she feels a hand roaming.

"Can you blame me?"

"Do I ever?"

"Not at all."


"Everyone glaring at us is just jealous though." I add.

"Tis true." Cara nods.

"We all got to each other first."


"It's been brewing for years." Romans states.

The match had started, as we listen to the entrances and the start of the match. They did their last minute things to be ready, which was just basically wetting their hair with the water and Seth ties his back. Cara and I exchange looks and giggle silently. Towards the end of the match, Sheamus hit Ziggler with White Noise. He sets up for the Brogue Kick, but Big E gets involved and grabs the foot of Sheamus. Dolph comes up and jumps on Sheamus from behind, but Sheamus dumps him over the top rope, only for Big E. to catch him, setting him down. At this point, the guys had made their way out, no music, being sneaky. Dolph backs away and now it's Big E staring down Sheamus. That's a distraction as Big E comes up onto the side of the ring, and then Sheamus is attacked by Seth from behind, followed by Dean and Roman. Sheamus fights them off, sending Roman out of the ring, then Dean. But Roman comes back in and hits Sheamus with a spear. Seth comes in and continues the attack, followed by Dean who holds Sheamus down by the legs as Seth and Roman take turns stomping on him. Once they were done, Dean lets Sheamus go and then he and Seth help pick him up and they set up for the Triple Powerbomb, hitting him with it successfully.

"Boom." Cara smirks a bit.

"No one is a match for a 3-on-1 advantage."

"Not really."

"Think we can start heading back now though."

"Right." She agrees.

"We should check and find out when Eve's having that match of hers too while we're at it, so that we know exactly when to take that walk that you mentioned earlier." I smirk, as we start to leave the hallway, the security following us.

"Yeah, definitely." She grins.

Once we get to the backstage area, we go to figure out when Eve would be having her match. And what we found out was that we wouldn't have to wait too long. There would be about three backstage segments, one of those being the party again, before Eve would be having her match.

"I can't wait to see her reaction." Cara snickers.

"Oh yes. It's always priceless."

We high five, laughing. We make it back to the locker room, walk inside, only to find the guys there already and waiting. She and I head over and resume our spots from earlier.

"Much better." I say, snuggling into Dean.

"Definitely." Cara agrees, as she curls up against Seth.

"Even though we'll be taking that walk soon."

"Yeah. I know."

In the first backstage segment, Wade confronts Kofi, telling him to be a man and defend his title against him. Kofi disputes that he has already defeated him, but says that he's happy to give him a rematch, saying that he beat him once and he can beat him again.

"Please do."

"Kick his ass, please."

"And what does he even know about being a man anyway? Nothing."

"Not one bit."

Then, also backstage, Brad Maddox enters Punk's locker room to confront him and Paul Heyman, saying that he's looking for a job. Heyman tells Brad to try the unemployment line, but Brad is outraged when Heyman says that they cannot help him. Heyman then tells Brad to get out of Punk's locker room and out of his life. Then suddenly in the party, Mae is doubled over, holding her stomach and most of the people at the party are concerned, standing around her.

"Somebody call for a doctor?"

"Doctor, she was warming up for her match and-"

"-she just started getting stomach cramps, we don't know what's wrong with her."

"Alright, I'm gonna need to get her on a table so that I can examine her."

Jimmy and Jey then go over and tip a table, dumping all the food and stuff that was on it before bringing it over to them, Mae laying down on it and the doctor examines her.

"It's impossible. There's no way to compete tonight. This woman....is pregnant."

"Oh eww. Awkward."

It's later in the segment after a break revealed that the baby ends up being Hornswoggle dressed in a diaper, a hat and a sash, as the New Years baby. Cara just facepalms.

"Oh lord."

"That's just...I don't know what to call it."

"We're rendered speechless for once." Seth remarks as neither him, Dean or Roman are really saying anything, just staring at the screen with weird looks on their faces.

Cara and I start laughing.

"But I do think it's time we took that walk, don't you think?" I ask.

"Of course." Cara nods.

"Now you'll see what we're up to." I remark as we move from our spots again.

"Be careful." Seth remarks.

"We will."

We each get a quick kiss, before heading out of the locker room and going down the hall, heading straight for the curtain as we'll be watching what goes on out in that ring and deciding when we'll want to interrupt.

"This is gonna be fun."

"Yes, and I wouldn't mind even maybe attacking a little bit too. She deserves it regardless anyway."

"Help yourself." She laughs.

"You too. I know you probably want to as well."


Eve had made it out to the ring and had waited a bit before being given a mic.

"Mae Young, what a flimsy excuse for getting out of facing me tonight. You know, and it really is a shame, because I was so looking forward to defending my Divas Championship against a Hall of Famer. But, since Mae can't make it out for the match tonight, then ref declare me winner by forfeit. Yes, come here. Declare me winner of my match by forfeit. Mae can't make it out, I'm the....ugh. Okay first of all, I need a photographer to take a picture of me defeating a Hall of Famer, Mae Young."

"Uh-uh. She's not getting off that easy." I scoff.

"Hell no."

Cara motions for her music to be started and the tech guy does so, and we both get handed mics as well, because we did have a few words for her. Once we're handed the mics, that's when we walk out onto the stage. The look on Eve's face is a look of fear, but also anger at us interrupting her.

"You thought it was going to be that easy huh? Well guess again." Cara laughs.

"And we were listening to you in the back earlier, talking to the other girls about how you've beaten everyone. Yeah, there's only three people you haven't beaten. Naomi, Cameron, and Cara. So don't try to flatter yourself."

"The only way you seem to retaining your title as of late, is by chickening out during your matches. If you ask me, that's not a champion. A champion fights anyone no matter what, and if they're close to losing, they give it their all till the end. Not end a match in DQ by fleeing." Cara adds as we start to walk down to the ring.

"Sounds like a coward." I say.

"You know what cowards deserve right?" Cara asks as she looks over at me.

"Oh yeah." I nod, smirking.

That's when we drop our mics and quickly get into the ring in an ambush. Eve tries to flee, knowing a two-on-one situation wasn't good, but we stop her just as she gets to the ropes. I pull her back by the hair and hold her as Cara takes her down with a clothesline. Cara helps her up and holds her in place for me to get a few shots in myself before throwing her down to the apron, face first so it bounces off. That's when Cara gets out of the ring and goes under it, pulling out two buckets, which contain some kind of liquid. She puts one onto the ring and I grab that, while she gets the second one and puts that onto the ring as well. I take that, and Cara goes back under the ring and grabs a few bags of feathers. It soon became clear to everyone else what we were up to. We each grab a bucket and drench Eve in the sticky stuff. Then we grab the bags and dump them on her, the feathers instantly sticking to her.

"You act like a chicken, so we made you look like one." Cara says after getting a mic and I make chicken noises in the background.

"Have fun cleaning yourself up." She says with a smirk before she and I laugh on our way out of the ring.

We high five, laughing evilly. We make it to the stage, taking one look at Eve freaking out over being covered in the feathers and the sticky liquid, before disappearing to the back.*

"That was so fun." Cara laughs.

"So much fun."

"Back to our boys now."

"Yes." I nod.

We walk back to the locker room and go in.

"So that's what you two planned."

"Yup." Cara giggles.

"Kind of liked it." Dean remarks.

"Kind of?" I ask as I sit on his lap.

"Well you know, I never saw you do anything like that before so..."


"I thought it was hilarious." Seth remarks.

"She had it coming. She wants to act like a chicken in her matches and run away, then a chicken she will look like."

Seth snickers and squeezes her in his arms.

"Can be so evil sometimes, but it's fun."

"Your evil side is entertaining." He chuckles.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet."

"Worse than in the old days?" He asks amusedly.

"Hmm, maybe not." She laughs.

"Can't really do worse than the old days, being here." I add.

"Sometimes the pg rating is really a pain." Cara says.

"Gotta be at least family friendly, being a pg rating."

"Makes me miss the old times and the freedom we had. You know how hard it is for me not to swear when I get mad?"

"Oh I'm sure."

"Potty mouth." I tease.

"Eh, it's true." She agrees.

"But it's understandable. It's just instinct to swear when you get angry." Roman remarks.

"I swear when I'm not angry so it's worse for me." She says amusedly.

"There are some words we can get away with, but we still have to be careful." I nod.

"But it is what it is." Cara shrugs.

"Right, well....I can't wait to see what else you do." Dean adds.

"I'm sure there'll be more opportunities for pranks and such. She makes it so easy to mess with her."

"It's gonna take her an awful long time to get clean tonight." I smirk.

Cara cackles evilly and the boys laugh. While we were busy talking, we missed the backstage segment between Del Rio and Ricardo, and most of the Show between Show and Ricardo for the title. In the end, after having seen enough, Del Rio hits the ring, taking Show out at the knee before delivering a straight kick to the face. He then pulls Ricardo out of the ring, leaving an enraged Big Show left in it.

"Well Ricardo was gonna lose anyway."

"That was pretty obvious."

"But now I think eventually Del Rio is gonna pay for what he did because Big Show is very very angry."

"Yeah that sounds about right."

In the last Champion's Choice match of the night, Kofi would go one on one with Wade, defending his title. We actually wanted to see this so we could see Wade once again get his butt kicked by Kofi..again and not win the title. But at the end of an intense match, Wade was able to capitalize on a missed move off of the top rope, finally putting Kofi down with the Bull Hammer Elbow to become the new Intercontinental Champion.

"Shit." Cara mutters.

"Well, wasn't expecting that."

"You watch, he'll start to stalk me again." She says with a small scowl.

"Not if I'm around, he won't. "I'll put an end to it." Seth remarks.

"We're put an end to it." Roman corrects.

"He won't be bothering you with us around."

"Exactly. He's gonna have to think twice before trying to mess with us to get to you." Dean adds.

"Aww, I feel loved." She giggles.

"That's because you are."


"We'd do anything to keep you safe."

"That's sweet." She smiles, burrowing deeper into Seth's arms.

"Only for you."

"How much time until your match?" She asks Seth.

"It's actually up next."

"Awww I just got comfortable."

"I know, I know."

"Make it up to you afterwards." He says quietly in her ear, pressing a kiss there.

"Okay." She agrees, biting my lip slightly.

"Be careful out there." She adds.

"Of course. Love you." He kisses his spot beneath her ear.

She smiles and taps his heart in response. Then she moves, so that he could get up. I have since moved from Dean's lap where I was sitting. But he was giving me a kiss that would hold both of us over until the match was over. He apparently took too long since Roman came over, grabbed him by the back of the vest and pulled him away. Cara and I both laugh.

"Let's go, we have a match."

Dean protests a little but ends up following Seth and Roman out of the room.

"Someone was taking a little too long there." Cara giggles.

"I know." I giggle, blushing a bit.

"And he didn't want to leave. Awww."

"Seth does that to you too." I tease.

"That's what being in love does." She nods.

"I'm getting that now."

"And isn't it great?"

"It's amazing." I smile.

"So Vegas should be fun on New Years."

"Oh for sure."

"I know you're probably wanna go there a lot now, knowing that Dean lives there right?" I snicker.

"Duh, you know I love it there."

"Good thing he mentioned it then."


It isn't long before the match had started, with the guys being the first ones out. Shortly after that, Ryback comes out, but before Ryback could get to the ring, the guys ambush him as they quickly exit the ring.

"Get 'im boys!"

The match hasn't even started, but as soon as they get back to the ring, Ryback starts to fight back. He gets Seth and Roman away from him, before getting Dean in the ring and slams him into the corner. But Seth and Roman come to his aid and continue the ambush, and then the three of him try to keep him down. That's when Sheamus comes running out to Ryback's aid and he takes Roman out, then Dean and then Seth. While Dean and Roman have Sheamus, Seth goes over to Ryback. Then Randy's music hits and he comes running out to the aid of Sheamus and Ryback.

"Oh great." Cara sighs.

Dean goes to go after him, but gets sent to the outside, then Seth is taken out and then he's after Roman. Dean comes back in and pulls him off of him, only for him to get hit a few times and to roll out of the ring. Sheamus does the same to Roman, leaving Seth in the ring, where Ryback lifts him into the air and drops him onto Roman on the outside. Cara and I both cringe. Dean slides back into the ring, only to get hit with and RKO out of nowhere. Seth pulls him out of the ring and to safety back by him and Roman on the outside. He makes sure he's okay before helping him up, helping him over the barricade as he seems out of it a little bit.

"Don't freak out, I'm sure he'll be fine." Cara says to me.

"Oh I'm fine....just mentally punching Randy in the face right now, because I don't like him at this very moment."

"Right." Cara laughs a bit.

"Uncool Randy, uncool."


"Give them time to get back if they're helping Dean. He was out of it somewhat, but not as out of it as Seth was after their TLC match."

"Right. That scared me."

"If I were in your shoes, I would be too."

"Hope that's as bad as things get."

"Right. Don't want anything worse than that."


It didn't take too too long for them to come back, but it also wasn't quick.

"You okay Dean?"

"I'll be alright." He nods.


"Gonna change and I'll be right out." He tells me.

"Okay." I nod.

"Same." Seth nods.

"Of course." Cara says.

"You okay though? You took a few bumps yourself." She asks.

"I'm fine. A good hot shower and I'll be great."

"Get that as soon as we get back."

He nods and kisses her cheek before going into the changing area.

"Just one more thing to watch and then we can head back. With John invited to the New Year's toast of Dolph and AJ , I wanna see what he has in store for them. Should be funny."

"Hmm, probably."

Just when the segment had started is when they came out of the changing room. Seth and Dean taking their spots back. We happily curl up with our boyfriends.

Dolph says that at the Slammy Awards, the fans voted for John to be the 2012 Superstar of the Year. He then recalls the year that John had, saying that he lost to The Rock at WrestleMania, and the next night, he was laid out with the F-5 by Brock Lesnar. Dolph then asks how John could account for what happened at Over The Limit when Laurinaitis pinned him with help from Big Show. He asks if anybody remembers Laurinaitis before showing John's failed cash-in of the Money in the Bank title opportunity in July. Finally, Dolph says that John finished off his pay-per-view year by losing to him, with an assist from AJ at TLC. He then says that 2012 was the most futile year of John's life, but the fans still voted him in as the 2012 Superstar of the Year.

"He's a fan favorite, that's why."


AJ goes on to say that it's the fans who need psychiatric help, before Dolph says that John has not changed over the last ten years, saying that John's time is up and his time is now, adding that John is not on his level. He then informs Big E that John is officially uninvited from the toast, instructing that Big E stand guard outside the ring.

"Let us toast...the man who will own 2013, Mr. Money in the Bank, The Showoff, the man I love, Dolph Ziggler."

He clinks the glasses for both of them himself, before downing one full of champagne, before proceeding to go over to AJ and they make out in front of everyone.

"Not this again."

"Gag me with a spoon." I make a face.

"I know right?"

That's when John interrupts them, causing them to break apart. Dolph is aggravated, but AJ has an evil smirk on her face like she expected it. John tells Big E that he's not there to fight, saying that Dolph is right. Saying that 2012 was not his best year and if a year is judged by a person's last accomplishment, then the year belongs to Dolph and AJ.

"I mean the future screams Dolph and AJ! Well...mostly AJ. Look what she did in 2012. She's grown so much as a woman. Had that first relationship. Then the second. Then there was the third. Then the fourth. I was the fifth, you guys were there for that, you all saw that one. And now sixth time's a charm. Here's the ringer, AJ is finally through, she's ready to settle down and make it legal! And Dolph is actually in on it. These guys spent the weekend here in DC shopping for their outfits for the new big day. I actually have a wwe.com exclusive photo of their wedding wardrobe. Behold!"

The pictures was photoshopped of course, but Dolph had the wedding dress on, AJ was in a tux and Big E was a bridesmaid.

"Haha, nice."

"And you know what they say, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the ugliest baby you've ever seen." John sings, as a picture comes up of what Dolph and AJ's baby would look like, and it had Dolph's hair and AJ's face, holding a Money in the Bank briefcase.

"Oh my god, wow."

"Well that is a pretty ugly baby." I snicker.

"Uh yeah."

"Here's the shocker though, the moment of 2013 is when Dolph realizes that's not AJ's first child. No it's not a bad thing, it's not a bad thing. She has a group of wonderful, beautiful children. Family photo time! Behold!"

"Ohhh why put your faces on there amongst everyone else. Just no." I shake my head about Seth, Dean and Roman's faces being on babies bodies.

"No." Cara shakes her head.

"Eh I tell ya, good thing I didn't make the picture."

"Enough! Enough John! AJ, see he has nothing. So all he can produce is doctored photos because he has nothing. He is a man child. John, 2013 is gonna come. And right now, you are the biggest loser in the WWE and in 2013, I become the World Heavyweight Champion. And at the end of that year all you will be is still a loser."

"No Dolph. I'm out here with these doctored photos because quite frankly you guys are wasting everybody's night. New Year's is right around the corner and we're supposed to be having fun! It's supposed to be a good time! Everybody's supposed to be loud and smiling and cheering! And you don't want me to get serious because it doesn't end good for you."

"Well, it's our party."

"Yes, 2012 wasn't too good for me. I owned up to every single loss I had. Stayed in the fight. And when all that was happening, I truly never gave up. And yes, the WWE Universe voted me Superstar of the Year and although I was flattered, out of respect I didn't accept the award. Like I said earlier, a man can own up to his flaws. I've been here 10 years, I had one bad season. You want to write me off? Fine. But before you do, look deep into the mirror. This is not your first year here Dolph, it is your seventh...seventh. And in that time all you've been doing is running behind that curtain saying, 'Oh, the administration is holding me down, and I'm so really really good, all I need is a push'. And if anything went wrong, it certainly...certainly wasn't your fault, it was anyone else's. Here are the facts. Only way a guy like you gets a set of nuts is by buying them at the concession stand."

"Burn. Tis true though."

"Never had nuts...not for years."


"The Dolph Ziggler story goes like this...first you were a caddy, then you were a cheerleader, then you had blonde hair, then you had brown hair, now you have blonde hair, then you had a large girlfriend, now you've got a small girlfriend, now you got a large man and you walk around with a suitcase that has a contract and a bunch of valtrex. And though you're so damn sick of being so damn sick, which I truly think is irritable bowel syndrome, I will make an announcement right now for 2013. I am entering the Royal Rumble match as of....thank you Tony Chimel...NOW! And I don't care if I have to beat you, Big E, Ryback, CM Punk, The Big Show or The Rock himself. In 2013 I will be the WWE Champion!"

"You know John, it's real easy to say that. Congratulations. Real proud of you. Talk, just like your outfit, is cheap."

"Hahahaha. There you go knocking on the wardrobe again, 'cause you have nothing! What, am I gonna comment about that ill-fitting suit. One of those buttons shouldn't be undone. And AJ is wearing a white dress. A white dress. I could tell a million jokes. Plenty more than that, about that dress, but I don't care if you shop on Rodeo Drive or WalMart. Yes, this soldier has not changed his uniform in 10 years, and they'll probably bury me in jean shorts and a ball cap. But the reason the uniform has not changed in 10 years is because neither has the resolve! I still am full of hustle, loyalty and respect! That's why I'm gonna give the devil his due. Out of respect allow me to toast to a prosperous 2013 to Dolph and AJ with the one thing that you are full of."

And just then there's a noise and brown stuff starts falling from the ceiling, it obviously being fake but still. And it splatters all over their white clothes.


"Looks like chunky pudding. That's still gross."

"Yeah it is."

"Happy New Year everybody!"

Dolph and AJ go to hug, but the end up slipping and falling into the whole pile of the stuff in the middle of the ring, freaking out to end the show.

"Alright, let's get out of here."


We all gather up our stuff and head to the cars.

"So sometime tomorrow, I'll arrange everything for us to get to Vegas. Tickets and everything is on me." Dean remarks.

"Thanks Dean."

"No problem."

"I can't wait to get there. There's so much fun stuff to do."

"Oh yes." I nod.

"If you love it so much, how come you don't live there?" Roman asks her.

"Good question." She laughs.

"Wouldn't hurt looking at some places while we're there." I remark.

"Sure. I'll talk to an agent tomorrow. There should be some nice options since I don't have to worry about money." She muses.

Dean and Roman look at me curiously.

"I had rich grandparents that left me almost all their money." Cara states.


"So between that and being in the WWE, I'm set for life."


"I'd love to live in Vegas though."

"Of course."

"We'll see what happens." She shrugs as we get to the cars.


Everyone puts their bags into their cars and head off to the hotel. Once we all get there, Cara and Seth head in and up to their room. He gets clothes to change into for bed, for after his shower, while she was looking for clothes herself to wear to bed. She finds what she wants and sets it on the table. She kicks off her heels and starts taking off her jewelry.

"I'll be right out. Shouldn't take me too long."

"Take as long as you want. Whatever helps you feel better." She kisses his cheek.

He nods and heads into the bathroom to get that done. She gets ready for bed. She slips into the bathroom to take off her makeup and then slips out. Then she climbs into bed and under the covers as she waits for him to finish. She's occupied with her phone so she doesn't notice him walk out after he's done. She jumps and squeaks loudly.

"You scared me." She sighs.


"It's okay. I was just absorbed in my game."

"Hope I didn't take too long."

"Not at all. I can amuse myself."

"That squeak was cute by the way." He chuckles.

"Oh you." She swats at him.

"Me." He grins.


"Only for you."

"Better be."

"I am. Don't worry."


"I love you and only you afterall."

"I love you too." She smiles.

"So did the shower help you feel better?" She asks.

"Yeah, the hot water definitely helped that soreness."

"Good. Don't want you going to bed sore."

"Of course not."

"You'll have plenty of time to rest that soreness off too before we have to go back to the normal work schedule."

"I know. By the way, I plan on taking you out a few times while we're in Vegas. We haven't really had any dates since that first one. I have to make up for that."


"You're sweet." She giggles.


She smiles and give him a short kiss.

"So shall we get rest so we're not too tired tomorrow?"

"Sure." She nods, putting her phone away.

Then since the light was on nearest to her, she turns that off as well before snuggling down into him.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

In the meantime, after Dean and I had gotten to our room, I had changed in the bathroom and he had changed in the room itself. Us doing the usual routine, before I come out of the bathroom to put my clothes with my things before stretching a bit. Dean chuckles from his spot on the bed.

"What's so funny?" I ask amusedly.

"Watching you stretch like a cat."

"A cat huh?"

"Yes." He nods.

"Never been told that before." I laugh.

"Well now you know." He chuckles.

"Had to stretch after sitting down all night."

"Of course. I just thought it was cute."

"Of course." I nod, coming over and climbing into bed and under the covers next to him.

He leans over and gives me a kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

I yawn and cuddle up to him. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my head. It doesn't take long for his warmth and his heartbeat to lull me to sleep.