Lost Injustice

New Years Eve

We had got to Vegas yesterday, as yesterday was Sunday. Because of jet lag, we had spent yesterday just relaxing. But today is New Years and we're gonna have fun today and tonight. For all of us, it was gonna be a date night since it's been a while since our first ones. And what better day than New Years. But currently, I'm taking advantage of another day off by sleeping in, like always. Dean is half awake, just laying there and more than content to hold me. I shift in my sleep a bit and turn over on my other side and burrow under the blankets and snuggle closer to him. Dean chuckles a bit and wraps me up so I'm warm. I end up sleeping for another hour or so, before finally starting to stir. I look up to see him looking back down at me.

"Morning beautiful."

"Morning. Watching me sleep the whole time weren't you?"

"Not the whole time."

"But most of the time."

"Maybe half."

"Okay then, half. Couldn't sleep anymore?"

He shakes his head before kissing my cheek.

"Could've woken me up if you wanted to I wouldn't have minded."

"No, I know you like your sleep. We don't have many days where there isn't a wake up call."

"Right. Speaking of, we don't need to go to the tapings for SmackDown and Main Event tomorrow night do we? I know Cara and I aren't booked for it. What about you guys?"

"Nope, another night off. So we can technically stay here longer if you wanted to."

"That sounds great. I know Cara will be happy about that."

"Should prepare for some excited reaction when we tell her then." He chuckles.


"Oh boy."

"Not anything drastic though." I giggle.

"Right. Even though I wasn't concerned about that at all."


"Although, if it was anything drastic I think I could handle her."

"I think so."

"So, what would you like to do for breakfast? Have it here or go out somewhere for it? And I know it's cold out, but that's what you have me for."

"We can go out if you'd like."

"Going out it is then."

I get a proper good morning kiss from Dean before he lets me up. Then the two of us start getting ready. I don't spend too much time getting dressed in the bathroom after finding clothes to change into, because I didn't put any makeup on like I usually do. That'll be saved for tonight. I walk out to put jewelry and my shoes on.

"Cute." Dean kisses my cheek as I pass by.

"I try." I laugh.

He chuckles and takes his turn in the bathroom. Since I was done, I find a jacket to wear and pull that on as I wait for him. He doesn't take long and soon he's ready too. He goes into his closet and pulls out a leather jacket for himself and pulls that on.

"And we're not too far from a place so we can walk there too. If you want to of course." He tells me.

"Sure. You get to cuddle then." I tease.


I tuck myself under his arm as we leave the house. Once we step outside, it wasn't too cold, but it wasn't really warm at all. There was a slight breeze, which made it a bit chilly, so I burrow into his side a little more.

"You okay?" He asks, tightening his arm around you.

"Little chilly."

"The place isn't far, you'll be warm soon."

I nod as we continue to walk there. When we do get there and walk inside, and I unburrow from his side. We don't have to wait long before we're seated.

"This place has fantastic food, everything I've tried is amazing."

"Everything does sound good." I nod as I look over the menu.

It takes us a bit, but we both decide on what we want. The waitress comes and we put in our orders.

"You know, since I am leaving some things at you and Cara's place...you can leave some stuff at my place too if you want."

"That sounds great." I smile.

"When we get back, I'll make room for clothes and stuff for you."

"Okay." I kiss his cheek.

"Speaking of, what should I wear exactly for tonight so that I can pick everything out when we go back?" I ask.

"Something dressy I think."

"Alright. I would ask where we're going, but that'll probably be a surprise like the first date."

"Yup." He grins.

"Always the sneaky one."

"That's me."

It isn't too long before what we ordered for drinks got to our table. We didn't have to wait long for the food either.

"You know, I think it's a good thing that none of the other girls at work try to make moves on you and stuff." I say as I begin to eat.

"Yeah, you're scary when you get mad."

"Scary huh?"

"It's hot at the same time though. Unless that anger is pointed at me."

"Oh I would never point the anger at you."


"You could never make me that mad for me to get to that point with you."

"I would hope not."

"The only people you'll see me getting pissed off at are the other girls I can't stand or the other guys at work."

"Right. I know."

"But speaking of...when you get mad..." I trail off, a slight grin coming across my face.

"Dare I ask?" He chuckles.

"I'm sure you can easily guess."

"Like that huh?" He smirks.

I say nothing, continuing to eat but can't make the grin go away from my face.

"Good to know."

In the meantime, Cara and Seth were still sound asleep. She was laying on top of him, snuggled into him, his arms around her, holding her in place. The sunlight coming into the room hits her face. She grumbles and shift, burying her face in Seth's neck. That causes Seth to shift a bit in his sleep as well, his arms tightening around her. She settles down and sleeps on but her breath on his neck causes him to stir. He looks down to see her face buried in his neck and sleeping soundly. He grins before kissing the top of her head, letting her continue sleeping. The blanket has fallen down to her waist and he admires the view before noticing that she's getting goosebumps. He carefully lets her go, leaving one arm around her as he grabs the blanket and pulls it back up and covers her with it to keep her more warm. She relaxes into him as the blanket holds in the heat from Seth's body and warms her up. It isn't until a while after that where she starts to stir herself, noticing that Seth is running his fingers through her hair.

"Touchy." She mutters drowsily.

"Morning to you too." He chuckles.

She just nuzzles his neck and then leans her head into his hand.

"Sun's too bright." She mumbles.

"Sorry blue eyes, not much I can do about that." Seth chuckles.

She raises her head up and looks at him curiously.

"You haven't called me that in a long time."

"And I never forgot it."

"I didn't say you did. It's just been a while since I heard that name."

"Well I thought I would start calling you that again."

"I missed hearing it." She says softly, brushing her lips against his cheek.

"Kind of figured."

"I always loved the names you came up with. So many of them, though blue eyes was the one you always came back to."

"Right." He nods.

"Well the names will come back since you loved them so much." He grins.

"Sounds good lover." She smiles.

"So what are we doing tonight seeing as it's gonna be our second date?" She asks.

"Not telling." He smirks.

"I had a feeling you would say that, but I thought I would ask anyway."

"I know." He laughs.

"So what do you want to do for breakfast?" He asks.

"I don't know if I feel like going anywhere just yet." She nuzzles his neck.

"Too comfortable....right."

"That too but I meant I don't feel like leaving the house. I'd like that breakfast you made on Christmas if you don't mind."

"Of course. I can make it and bring it back here to you if you want."

"I want to watch you cook. Let me get some actual clothes on." She says, starting to move.

"Alright." He nods.

She gets up and finds what she wants. She ends up wearing one of Seth's shirts and a pair of form-fitting yoga capris.

"You look great in my shirts." He grins.

"Romeo. I like them because they smell like you and they're comfy." She giggles.

"And you look better in them than I do."

"That's a guy thing." She says amusedly.

"Probably. And those bottoms, you trying to kill me blue eyes?" He chuckles.

"I don't know, is it working?"


"Perfect." She laughs.

He moves from the bed himself, grabbing a pair of pants and pulls them on. He decides to go shirtless just for her.

"I appreciate the gesture." She smirks, staring blatantly.

"You're welcome."

She goes into the bathroom to do a few things and then walks out. He takes his turn and then they go to the kitchen. She hops up on one of the counters and just watches Seth as he gets started.

"I think you're gonna want this made a lot since having it the last time." He chuckles.

"Oh yes. It's amazing."

"I can tell since I'm making it again."

"Thank you." She pats his cheek.

"You're welcome."

Every now and then when there's a small break, he comes over and gives her a kiss. Each time he does, she giggles softly. It isn't long before it's all finished and he divides it up onto two plates and hands her plate to her.

"Thanks love." She smiles.

She stays sitting on the counter and eats, while he comes over and leans against it next to her as he eats his. She rubs her legs against his bare skin flirtatiously.

"Just as good as the last time."

"...good to know." He says after a minute, distracted by her flirty touching.

"Oh is someone distracted?" She grins.

"You know the answer to that." He replies after another pause.

"Then I'm doing my job."

"Of course you are."

She grins devilishly and finishes her food.

"So I know everyone is basically going back to work tomorrow because of SmackDown and stuff. But I'm not needed. What about you? Do you know if you're needed or not?" She asks.

"Nope. We can stay longer if you want."

"Well isn't that up to Dean? It is his place afterall."

"I'm pretty sure he and Serenity will be staying too. If not, we'll find a hotel room."

"Well he was generous enough to let us stay here, I don't think he'll let us go stay in a hotel after staying here already."

"Doubt it but just so you know we have that option."

"Right." She nods.

"But anyways, what would you like to do today?"

"Is locking ourselves in the room for a while an option?" Seth asks, setting his plate aside.

He turns and stands between her knees with his hands on her thighs.

"Hmmm...good question."

"Might need some convincing to see if it's on the list." She teases.

"That won't be hard."

"Not really." She concedes.

"So you agree with me." He chuckles.


"Oh you do."

"Going to test that theory?"

"I just might."

"Whatcha waiting for hmm?"

"The right moment."

She sighs, looking slightly amused. He only waits a few moments before taking her face in his hands and pressing his lips to hers. She groans softly and responds, tugging him as close as he can get. When he's as close as he could get, she locks her legs around his waist to hold him in place, so he couldn't go anywhere. He smirks a bit. She lets her fingers wander along the lines of his muscles. She takes full advantage of being touchy since he left his shirt off just for her, letting her fingers wander over every inch of skin there is. Seth's hands finally leave her face. They travel down, skimming her sides before stopping at her thighs. Even though she's wearing yoga capris, he still traces patterns along her thighs with his fingers. A small shiver goes up her back and she clings to him for a moment. He just chuckles as they also break the kiss, leaning her forehead against his.

"Convince you yet?"

"Yeah you did."

He grins and wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her off of the counter and proceeds to carry her back to the bedroom. She starts to trail kisses across his jawline and down his neck, nipping gently at his pulse.

"..trying to make it hard to get to the bedroom?"

"Maybe." She giggles.

"You would."

"Of course I would."

"There's no leaving the bedroom once we're in there you know."

"I figured as much."

"For a while anyway."


"This is gonna be fun."

"Mmhmm." She smirks.

Despite her distractions, he did manage to make it back to the bedroom, closing the door behind him with his foot. He lets go of her, using one arm to hold her and the hand of the other to lock the door. He puts his arm back and holds her up while moving to the bed. She starts sucking lightly on his pulse, trying to leave a faint mark. That of course causes him to move a little bit slower than before as it starts to get to him. She giggles quietly and the vibrations against his neck cause him to groan involuntarily. She smirks. Eventually they do make it to the bed, but he doesn't drop her onto it. He turns and sits down since she's preoccupied with going after his pulse point. A few moments later she pulls back and surveys her work.

"It'll do."

"You're evil sometimes."

"You know you love it."

"I do."

"Love you." She smiles, kissing him quick.

"I love you too."

"As much as I love my shirt on you, I think it needs to come off now." Seth remarks as he grabs the bottom of it.

"Oh really now?"

"Yes." He growls a bit.

She laughs and lifts up her arms. He then pulls the shirt up and over her head and arms, before tossing that to the side.

"Much better."

"Of course." She says amusedly.

She scoots forward and presses her body against his. She hums contentedly as the warmth from his body seeps into her skin.

"This is much better." She agrees.

"Mmhmm." He mutters absentmindedly while kissing the exposed skin he can reach.

As he's busy doing that, her hands move to his hair where she runs her fingers through. She tugs lightly when he purposely lingers over sensitive areas. That just causes him to smirk against her skin, before he continues. His hands move to the backs of her thighs. He gets up and turns, laying her on the bed on her back. She shimmies over to lay her head on the pillows and Seth crawls over her.

"Even better. More comfortable."

"Definitely, but I think these need to go." He chuckles, tugging gently on her capris.

"What about you though? Your clothes will have to come off too."

"Oh they will. I know you will get them if I don't." He laughs.

"Very true."

The clothes find their way to the floor and the laughter quiets as kisses resume. The covers come up and they get lost in their own little world. It was a little while before Dean and I got back. We had seen the dishes in the sink, knowing that Cara and Seth had gotten up while we were gone. But not seeing either of them around, we figured they were back in the bedroom. We made our way back to our bedroom, where he had proceeded to make room for me to leave some of my stuff.

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek as he helps put some of my things away.

"You're welcome."

"This feels right." He remarks when it's finished and my things are beside his.

"It does." I nod.

Dean pulls me into him and steals a kiss.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Cuddle?" He asks, tilting his head towards the bed.

"Like you have to ask." I laugh.

He chuckles and picks me up. The two of us tumble onto the bed, laughing.

"You know, now you won't have to be here by yourself anymore, since you have me to come along when you come back here for time off." I remark.

"I really like the sound of that." Dean smiles, propping himself up.

"Can't imagine what it's even like living alone."

"It's not so bad sometimes but it can get lonely."

"Well, can't have you being lonely now can we?"

"I'm not anymore. I have you." He says simply.

"That's right."

"Even when we're doing different things, I'll always be here." I lay my hand over his heart.

"Believe me, I know that."

"Just making sure."

"Even if we never get to be there for each other's matches, at least we're coming back to each other when we get backstage afterwards."

"Exactly. I always look forward to that after a match."

"As do I."

Dean leans down and presses kisses all over my face, making me giggle.

"Dean..." I say in between giggles.

"What?" He laughs.

"Starting to tickle."

"Oops." He grins.


"Just having fun." Dean grins, giving you a kiss.

"Of course you are."

"I think this new year is going to be a good one." He says after a moment of silence.

"I think so too. A lot of stuff can happen. We're coming up on WrestleMania in a few months."

"I know. I'm kind of excited for that. My first one."

"Can hope for a first match there too."

"Yeah, that would be great."

"And I know it's probably too soon to even be thinking about this considering you just got here and everything, but you should win a title this new year."

"That would be amazing. I don't even care which one. It would mean a lot."

"I know it would. I mean everyone knows how good you really are. When you get one, it'll be well deserved."

"Thanks sunshine. It's just been a long journey to get here and to have a title belt would make all that worth it you know?"

"Right, of course. And sunshine?"

"You know how my life has been. You are such a bright spot in all that." Dean says sheepishly.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

He then lays back against the pillows, bringing me with him so my head is resting on his chest. I snuggle into him as he starts to play with my hair.

"That feels good." I mumble.

"Well good. Looks like I've found something to help you relax."

"Mmhmm." I agree, nuzzling his hand.

"Get too relaxed, I may end up dozing off. And I don't want to end up dozing off." I add.

"Let me know when you feel sleepy and I'll stop."

"I will." I nod.

He kisses my head and continues playing with my hair. Eventually I do start to feel sleepy, and I let him know, so he stops. We continue to lay there for most of the day at least. By the late afternoon, early evening, we all were done having our alone time for now and currently were sitting in the living room.

"So, went back to bed after breakfast?" I ask her.

She turns red and nods a bit.

"What about you?" She asks.

"Oh, we had went out for breakfast. If you were wondering why we didn't come downstairs from the smell, that's why."

"Oh okay. That explains it."

"But anyways....we're not needed tomorrow night for work....so we can actually stay longer this week." I remark.

"I was hoping you'd say that." Cara smiles.

"And you can keep staying here in the house too." Dean adds.


"It's no problem. You're welcome here whenever we have time off and you wanna come back to Vegas. Don't have to worry about booking a hotel room."

"Right. I'd like to do a hotel sometime though, the views are fantastic." Cara remarks.

"And we can do that." Seth nods.

She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Gives us the alone time that we need sometimes too."


"And we all know you like that." I add.

She blushes and Seth smirks.

"We're not the only ones." She remarks.

"True that." Dean chuckles.

"Speaking of this in general....I think we should do some shopping this week. Leaving some of my stuff here." I say to her.

"Awww, cute. Sure we can go shopping."

"Gonna need some new clothes if a lot of them are staying here."

"So what are your plans for tonight?"

"Haven't decided yet really."

"That's because I won't tell her what I planned." Seth chuckles.

"Yeah, that." She pouts.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I'm not being told what we're doing either." I refer to Dean and myself.

"I'm not alone, yay."

"What are we ever to do?" I laugh.

"No clue." She says amusedly.

"Love us?" Seth remarks.

"You know we do." Cara pats his cheek.

"Yes we do." I nod.

"We're just messing with you."

"So what time are we leaving anyway?" I ask Dean.

"Not for a little while. We've given you girls plenty of time to get ready."

"Well aren't you sweet."

"That's us." He grins cheesily.

"Suppose we should start getting ready then."

"Yup." She nods, getting up.

"We'll be up in a bit." Seth adds, kissing you quick.


I do the same to Dean before getting up and myself and following her upstairs. We go to the bedrooms and start getting ready. We were in the bathrooms getting ready, just for the sole reason of the guys coming up to the bedrooms soon. And it wasn't too much longer before they did. As Cara was getting ready, she heard Seth going through his things to get ready himself. She smiles and finishes putting her hair up. She grabs her makeup bag and starts doing that. Once she was finished with that, all she had left to put on was her jewelry since everything else was all set. She checks herself over and nods before walking out to get her shoes. As she walked out, he was just pulling on a shirt and had started to button it.

She whistles playfully.

"And I'm not even done getting ready yet." He chuckles.

"I know." She giggles.

"But you however...." He trails off as he gets a good look at her.

She smiles, grabbing her shoes.

"Words can't describe how you look."


"Amaze me everytime."

"Just doing my job as your girlfriend." She giggles.

"Yes you are." He grins.

She gets her shoes on and goes and put things in the clutch she's taking.

"You don't look too bad yourself." She remarks, seeing that he's finished.

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

He walks over and takes her hand, making her do a spin. The dress she has on has a high low skirt with the front being a few inches above her knees and the back trailing down to her ankles. The skirt flares out as she spins.


"You're sweet." She kisses him quickly.

"Always for you."

He licks his lips and gives her a look.

"What? You said you liked that flavor." She giggles.

"I do."

"What was the look for then?" She teases.

"I was just surprised, that's all."


"But I like surprises."

"I know." She smiles.

"So, I think we should get going now."

"Right." She nods, pulling away to get a coat.

"Can't wait until we get warmer months again." She remarks.

"I know, I'm looking forward to it." Seth agrees as they leave the bedroom.

"No more wearing extra layers." He adds.

"Mmhmm." She nods.

"Few more months."

"Yup. Hope it comes fast."

"I'll try to help with that the best I can."

"Sounds good." She smiles and nuzzles his cheek.

"Call a taxi or walk?" He asks.

"Hmm, I think we can walk now and then do a taxi later."

"Alright." He nods as they reach the front door and head outside.

She cuddles right up against Seth for his warmth. His arm holds her in tight.

"Shouldn't have to be out in the cold much longer."


"Where we're going first isn't too far."

"No hints?"

"No hints, I'm sorry."


"Everything is a surprise. Don't want to ruin it."

"You won't ruin it." She kisses his cheek.

"If I give you a hint it will."

"I'll be quiet then."

It isn't too much longer before they get to where Seth was taking her, and they head inside. "Oh it's so pretty." She breathes, looking around the restaurant.

"I thought you would like it."

"I love it." She corrects him.

"Good. I'm glad."

He kisses her head. Then he gives his name to the host who takes them to their table. Once they're seated, they're handed menus to look over while they wait for the waitress. They shed their coats and pick out their dinners and drinks.

"There's one thing about this place that you'll find out about after we're done eating." He grins.

"Oh boy."


"Ah, but you love me."

"I do." She admits.

It isn't too long before the waitress comes over and takes both the dinner and drink orders. She takes the menus and then goes to get the orders filled. Once she leaves, Seth starts being affectionate.

"Affectionate." She giggles.

"I love you and you look so beautiful." He smiles.

"Aww. I love you too and you look handsome."

"Always looking the best for you."

"Of course."

"Just like you always look the best for me."


Since the drink orders were the quickest and easiest, those were brought to the table first, placed down in front of them.

"Mmm." She murmurs after taking a sip of the fruity drink she ordered.



"Would you like a taste?" She asks.

"Sure." He agrees.

She passes it to him and he takes a sip.

"That is good." He nods.

"I stick to these types of drinks usually. I don't like wine very much, it's too bitter."

"Right, it's not for everyone."

She nods in agreement. It's only about a few more minutes or so before the waitress comes over with their food, placing each plate down in front of them.

"Ooh looks good."

"It really does."

They start eating, occasionally stealing from each other's plate.

"Tastes just as good."

"Yeah." She nods.

"I say we definitely have to come here more often."

"For sure."

"So, I was thinking, next time we're in town we can get one of those hotels you wanted." He remarks as they both continue eating.

"Sounds like a plan." She smiles.

"And you can pick."

"Oooh okay."

"You can pick and I'll pay for it all."

"Aww. Sweet." She smiles.

"Anything for you."

They take their time eating, in no rush at all, as they continue talking about things here and there. In the meantime, I had just finished getting ready myself. I had chosen to get ready, shoes and all in the bathroom and all, wanting to surprise Dean even more. I heard him getting ready himself out in the bedroom. After I was done with everything, I took one more look before being satisfied and started to leave the bathroom. He's sitting on the bed, putting his shoes on. He hears me walking out so he looks up. His eyebrows raise up while he looks me up and down.


"Something you didn't see while helping put some of my things away." I remark.

"Yeah. I love it though."

"Good. Wanted to surprise you."

"You did Sunshine. You look amazing."

"Hope it works for whatever it is we're doing tonight."

"It does."

I nod and grab a jacket while he finishes. He then gets his own jacket and the two of us leave the house.

"I know that this is only the second time I've seen you dress all nice and everything, but I think every time is going to get even better for me."

"I do it just for you. I know you like it."

"And I appreciate that it's just for me."

"I know you do."

"Although casual clothing is just as appealing to me."

"Right." He chuckles.

"Just where we're going first tonight, I need to dress semi-nice at least."

"Ohhh. I see."

"Doing something different than the first date."


After walking for a while, he stops which causes me to stop walking as well. I notice that we're at a pretty nice restaurant.

"This is nice." I smile.

"Told you it was something different." He says as he goes and holds the door open for me.

"It is. I like different."

"And thank you." I add, kissing him quick before heading inside.

"You're welcome."

He follows me inside and we only have to wait a bit before he gives the reservation name, and we're led to a table. He helps take my jacket off before handing it to me and I hang it over my chair. He does the same with his and we sit as we're given menus. We order our drinks and then decide on our dinners.

"Just so you know, you can pick whatever you want, I've got the bill covered." Dean remarks.

"Okay, you spoiler."

"Well it is a date afterall, and I want to pay for everything."

"I know, I'm just teasing you."

"But I just may end up spoiling you just a bit, now that I can."

"I figured you would." I smile.

"What can I say, you deserve it."

"Thank you." I kiss his cheek.

"You're very welcome."

The drinks come to the table and then we order our food, before giving the menus back and the orders go and get filled. While we wait, we talk about things here and there. When the food arrives, we share food and flirt with each other. When he's not looking, I be as sneaky as I can and reach over, stealing some of his food and quickly eating it so he doesn't know. He looks down and realizes a piece is missing. He looks at me amusedly.

"What?" I grin.

"You think you're so sneaky." He chuckles.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


"Honestly, I don't."

"Not fooling me."

"Then tell me...what is it that I did?"

"You stole from my plate."

"Did I now? There's no evidence of that."

"There's a piece missing."

"And it's not like it can just jump right off of the plate and walk away." He adds.

"You sure?"

"Food doesn't just get up and walk away."

"Darn. It'd be funny if it did."

"So you're admitting you took it."


"Then where did it go?"

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Uh huh...."

I just smile sweetly.

"I know you took it, even if you deny it."

"Just having some fun." I giggle.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

We then continue to eat our dinner. He waits until I'm done before asking me about dessert. I was actually too full from the dinner to have dessert, so we just waited for the bill and once that came, he paid for the whole thing. Once the bill is taken care of, we put our coats back on and go to the car. Dean then drives to the next part of our date.

"Still no hints?"



"We aren't going far." He chuckles.

"Well of course. Everything is relatively close to each other."


"But we are going to have fun now, that's for sure."


"That's all I'm telling you."

"Aww okay."

We only have to walk for a little while before we reach a building and then head in, where I come to find out is a club.

"Is this okay?" He asks.

"It's fine. It's actually been a while since I've been out to a club anyway so.."

"Good. Do you want anything to drink before we go find a table?"

"Yeah, sure." I nod.

"Anything specific?"

"No, not really. Anything is fine."

"Alright." He nods, heading to the bar.

I stay standing where I was, because the bar wasn't too far away. He comes back to me shortly with two drinks, one for him and one for myself. We then proceed to find a table to sit at, setting everything down before sitting.

"Good drink choice." I tell him after drinking some.

"Well it is what you used to drink when we all used to go out. Yes, I still remember."

"Aww, that's cute."

"So, still not a big drinker like in the past?" He asks.

"Right. But there were a few times where Cara and I were having a girl's night with the girls we're friends with at work and I may have gotten a little crazy."

"Oh really? How crazy?" He chuckles.

"Crazy enough that I regretted it in the mornings after."

"We all have those times." He grins.

"I know. I remember dragging you back to wherever you were staying quite a few times in the past."

Dean grins sheepishly.

"Had to stay the night a few times to make sure you actually went to bed and passed out there and not the floor."

"Yeah. Thanks for that."

"So on the topic, do I still have to do that, or have you cut back just a bit?"

"I've cut back. Realized it was getting a little out of hand."

"And before you ask, cut back on the smoking too." He adds.


"Don't even remember the last time I did that anyway. Plus, now that we're together, you don't need to smell that all the time. Or even tasting it for that matter when I kiss you."

"Exactly. Thank you."

"Anything for the girl I love."

I smile and kiss him.

"So, go out there and dance or sit here for a bit?" I ask.

"Hmm, let's dance."

I take another sip of my drink before getting up and we head out onto the floor to dance. In the meantime, Cara and Seth have finished their dinner and dessert.

"So now what's this surprise you have for me that had to wait until after our food?" She asks.

"They have dancing over there." He points to an area that is clear of tables.

There's a band playing music and people are dancing to it.

"Figured we'd dance to a few songs or so." He adds.

"Awww, that's sweet. I love that." She smiles.

He then gets up and takes her hand, leading her over to the area. They step into the floor and hold each other, dancing along with the music.

"This is turning out to be an amazing second date." She remarks.

"I'm glad. It's not over yet though."


"You'll see."

"Still no hints? Or are hints going to give it away?"

"Hints will give it away."


"Soon." He chuckles, kissing her head.


She snuggles in close to him, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"Love you." She mumbles.

"Love you too. So very much." He replies.

They dance for a while.

"Ready to go?" He asks quietly as another song ends.

"Mmhmm." She nods.

They then go back over to the table, the bill gets paid, and they both grab their jackets and pull them on before leaving the restaurant. Seth leads them back to Dean's. They go inside and he pulls her to the backyard. The pool is lit up with changing colored lights.

"Oh how cool!" She says happily.

"He said we could use this all we wanted to. He and Serenity are gonna be out late tonight so we have the place to ourselves for a while."

"Oh that was nice of him."

"So, we can head up to the bedroom and change."

She nods and lets him lead the way.*

"So do I get to pick out what you wear?" He asks.

"If you want." She giggles.

He grins and kisses her briefly before they reach the bedroom and he goes over to her things and starts to look. She starts to shed her clothes while she waits.

"Hmm, so many choices."

"Yup. It's a girl thing."

"Of course it is." He chuckles.

She gets mostly undressed and sits on the bed to wait for him.

"Hmm...this one." He says as he pulls one out and turns around to show you.

"Ooh, good choice." She says, laughing a little when he notices she's not wearing much and he starts staring.

"You're gonna catch flies there with your mouth open like that."

He shuts his mouth and she takes the swimsuit. She gets changed.

"Alright, now all I'm waiting for is for you to change."

He snaps out of his daze and gets changed. She giggles and goes to grab towels.


"You distracted me."

"So I did."


"You love me anyway."

"Yes I do."

"And I love you."

He smiles.



"After you."

They walk to the backyard. She sets the towels down on a chair. After that, she goes right into the water, walking in by the stairs. Seth just jumps right in.

"Goof." She comments.

"Yes, yes I am." He chuckles when he comes to the surface.

She giggles and splashes him a little.

"Oh you wanna play that game now."


"Well two can play at that."

She squeals as he splashes her back. That starts a splash fight between the two of them. We chase each other all over the pool, splashing and laughing. It isn't until he disappears under the water when the splashing from him stops. She watches for him but ends up squealing loudly when he pops up and grabs her.

"Got you." He chuckles.

"That you did."

"Always expect me to be sneaky in some way."

"Of course. You're my ninja." I giggle.

"That's right."

"Love you." She smiles, holding his jaw with her hands.

"Love you too."

She leans in and rubs her nose against his. She lets her hands drop to his shoulders and she cuddles up against him.

"In just a few hours it'll be a new year again."

"Mmhmm. I think it's going to be a good one."

"Well we've got each other, so it's already going to be a good one."


"But who knows what else will be in store."

"Right. Hopefully many good things."

"Hope so."

She kisses his cheek and tucks her head against his neck.

"Wonder if we'll see fireworks while we're sitting out here."

"Probably, Vegas has big ones."

"And I get to see them with you."

"Oh Romeo." She giggles.

"Love you too."

"Lots of new experiences coming up for us."

"And I can't wait."

"Me either."

"Hope you become the champ before WrestleMania. Defending it at the event would be amazing for you, I know it."

"It would."

"Wonder if you'll get a match too for that."

"That would be great. It's been quite the journey to get here so to have a match at Wrestlemania would mean a lot."

"And then just imagine a win that night. I know that would mean so much more."

"Yeah, it would."

"Just a few more months."


They continue to float around in the water, passing the time until it gets close to midnight. Seth's phone starts beeping.

"I set an alarm for 2 minutes before midnight." He explains.


"Should probably get out so that when it gets close we can start to count down."

"Noooo. It's warm in here."

"Well I could get out and get my phone.."

"I set mine for a minute to midnight." She mutters, clinging to him.


"Of course."

"Then I won't have to move at all."

"Nope." She smiles.

"How long are you wanting to be in here? Until you get tired?" He chuckles.

"Til the fireworks are over."

"Alright." He nods.

Her phone goes off and we count down quietly.


Seth moves her head from his neck and kisses her senseless. That's when fireworks start to go off and light the sky up. He pulls away from the kiss, only for her to cling to him more as she slowly comes back to earth after that kiss.

"That was...wow." She blinks slowly.

"I have my moments." He grins.

"Mmhmm." She agrees absently, turning her attention to the fireworks.

"And those kind of kisses will come along when you least expect it."

"Of course. I wouldn't expect anything less from my ninja."

He grins before kissing her once more, but briefly, before he turns her around and leans back against the pool wall as they both watch the fireworks.

"Ooh purple!"

"Always been one of your favorite colors." He chuckles.

"Yup." She giggles.

"Before I forget though....happy new year."

"Happy New Year babe." She smiles.

As soon as the fireworks did end however, since she said they would get out of the pool then, they did so and wrapped the towels around themselves to dry off. Seth shuts off the backyard lights and everything before they go inside. They go straight to the bedroom to get out of their swimsuits.

"So, enjoy date number two?" He asks as they find some warm clothes to change into.

"Very much." She smiles and kisses his cheek.


"I look forward to the next one."

"I'll be planning for that one..definitely."

"You're so cute." She grins at him.

"So are you."

She smiles amusedly and goes to change. He too gets changed himself, and climbs into bed like always and waits for her. She walks out and gets into bed. She giggles softly when he pulls her into him.

"Much better."

"Oh yes."

"Much warmer."

"My space heater." She pats his chest.


"Love you." She rubs her nose against his.

"Love you too."

She gets comfortable and he starts to play with her hair.

"...relaxing..." She mumbles.

"I know."

"It'll help you fall asleep." He adds.

"Okay." She yawns.

"Because clearly you're tired."


It isn't too long after that where she does start to doze off due to being tired and the soothing motion of him playing with her hair. He kisses her head and then falls asleep soon after. In the meantime, it started to get too late, and Dean and I had decided that it would be best to head back home. We put on our jackets I grab my purse. Then we start the walk back to Dean's.

"Did you have fun tonight?" He asks.

"Of course I did."

"Good." Dean smiles.

"I was with you afterall."

"Of course."

"And now we can look forward to this new year."

"Yup. Lots of new things to expect this year."

"And I can't wait."

"Me either."

After we get back to the house and walk inside, he locks the door and shuts the lights off that were left on as we walk through and head upstairs to the bedroom. I shut the bedroom door and head to my things to get pajamas. Once I have some, I do the usual routine and head into the bathroom to change. And he does his usual routine of changing in the bedroom itself before climbing into bed and waiting for me.

"Cute." Dean chuckles when he sees your pajamas.

"Well, I do want to be extra warm this time."


"How you're able to stay warm with what you wear is beyond me though."

"Naturally hot." He smirks.

"Oh you would say that."

"Duh." He chuckles.

"I'm sure a lot of people would agree with that statement too." I remark as I walk over and turn off the light before climbing into bed and under the covers next to him.

"You're the only one that matters."

"Right. And I do have to agree with that statement."

He chuckles and pulls me into him.

"Glad to hear that."

"Do think we should get some sleep now though. It's gotten really really late. Sleeping in is definitely an option today."

"Yeah." He agrees, settling down and getting comfortable.

I then snuggle closer to him, burying my face in his neck and an arm draped over him.

"Love you sunshine." He says quietly.

"Love you too." I mumble into his neck.

It doesn't take long for the two of us to drift off after the long day.