Lost Injustice

First Raw of 2013

Unfortunately our vacation was over and it was back to Monday and back to work. Cara was finishing up getting ready in the bathroom while Seth was getting his things ready to go as he waits.

"Do we have to go back?" She sighs.



"I know, I know. The time we had off went by way too fast."

"Yeah it did."

"Gonna definitely appreciate the next time we get time off like that."

"Mmhmm. For sure."

So do you know what's going on for you tonight if anything? Or are you gonna find out when we get there?" He asks.

"When we get there."


She finishes in the bathroom and walks out.


"You like?" She teases, doing a spin.

"Like? Try absolutely love."

"I was teasing." She laughs.

"It's perfect on you."


"Fits you perfectly, and the color looks great on you."

"I get the idea Romeo. Thank you though." She giggles.

"You're welcome."

"You look good too."

"Always gotta look good for you."

"Much appreciated."

"Just like it's much appreciated when you look good for me as well."

"Of course."

"If you do have a match though tonight, you are going to put that back on after it right?"

"Probably." She giggles.

"Well I really hope so."

She laughs and gives him a kiss. He licks his lips afterward.

"Blueberry." She states.

"It's good."

"What about compared to the other one you like?"

"Oh, that's hard. Right now I'll say I like them equally."

"Okay." She giggles.

"Might be that way with any flavor you wear."

"Oh boy."

"We'll have to see."


"Ready to go?"

"Yup." She nods, zipping up her jacket.

They both grab their bags and head out of the room and down to the car, loading that up before heading to the arena. Meanwhile, Dean and I are packing our bags for the arena, having gotten dressed already.

"Don't know if I'll have anything planned, but it doesn't hurt to have my gear with me." I remark as I make sure I have everything.

"Yeah, you never know what could happen."


"You look great by the way." Dean says.

"As always, I know."

"Yeah, you're always beautiful."

"No matter what it is I wear."



"Just for you."

After making sure I had everything, I grab my jacket and pull that on before buttoning it closed.

"All ready."

"So am I." He nods.

"Off we go then."

"After you."

The two of us leave our room and head to the arena ourselves. It didn't take long to get there, and as we're getting our things out of the trunk, there are fans outside that are hanging out to see who shows up. We acknowledge them before grabbing our things and heading inside. We all greet each other as we meet up in our designated room.

"So, do you have anything for tonight?" I ask Cara.


"Oooh, title match?"


"That's great." I give her a high five.

"I know."

"I actually have to go find out if I have anything tonight or not, but I just wanted to see if you had anything first."


"So I'll be back. Shouldn't take me long."

"Want me to come with you?" Dean asks.

"I think I'll be alright. You need to get ready anyway. Assuming by the other two ready to go, you most likely have something tonight."

"I'll go with." Cara says.

"Alright." I nod.

"We'll be back boys."

"Be careful."

"We will."

She gets up from her spot on the couch next to Seth and follows me out of the room, as we go find out if I have anything planned tonight.

"Please let us do this without running into someone we don't want to see." Cara mutters.

"Oh I hope so. We've been lucky so far."

"I think we spoke too soon." I remark as we get further down the hallway and I spot Daniel down the end of it, coming our way.

"Oh look it's the goat."

"He escaped from the zoo, look out."

"Where's his handler?" Cara laughs.

"Maybe he ate him."

"I thought his girlfriend was his handler. "

"Maybe he had a backup, you know when she's not around?"

"Possibly." She concedes.

"But it has been peaceful without her or Nikki around. So glad they left months back."

"I know. It's nice not to have to deal with more two-faced catty bitches."


"There's still some around but those two are a bit worse."

"By far." I nod.

"Ugh, they're so aggravating. I hope they don't come back."

"Me too."

"Wish we could get Eve to leave."

"Oh, I know right?"

"I would be so happy."

"So would I. Oh look out....he's spotted me. He's not gonna let us walk on by that easily." I roll my eyes.

"Oh don't worry. I'll annoy the shit out of him and he'll leave."

"As always."

"One of my favorite hobbies." She smirks.

"Of course." I laugh.

"Serenity-" Daniel starts to say.

"Shouldn't you speak in goat?" She asks him, tilting her head.

"Don't think I would be able to understand him. But I think that'd be the point."

"Must've been hard for a goat to learn English." She says, stepping between me and Daniel.

At that point, I had to cover my mouth with my hand to hide my laughter.

"It's shocking you can speak it really. Your goat genes are just so overwhelming." She continues.

"Surprised they let you out of the zoo tonight." She adds.

"What'd you have to do? Kick your handler? Give them some goat cheese?" She smirks.

"Okay, haha...I get it." He remarks.

"I don't think you do. Should I talk in your native language of goat?"

"I think that would be pretty hard to do." I snicker.

"Hmm true."

"But I think I can say for the record that my boyfriend doesn't look like a barnyard animal like you do." I remark.

"That's cuz goat boy is special."

"I do think we should get going though. Got to find out if I'm booked tonight or not before the show starts."

"Right. Later goatface."

"And maybe I should just mention this little encounter to Dean, so he can kick your ass again, because you didn't learn from the last beating to leave me alone. Have a nice night." I say before Cara and I walk away.

"We're telling him right?"

"Oh yes. I don't want to keep things from him and besides, your insults were too funny not to share."

"They really were, weren't they? Well, all three of the guys will get a kick out of the insults then."

"Of course they will. I almost busted out laughing myself."

"It's just so easy to make those insults."

"I know."

We then find who we need to, asking if I was booked for anything tonight. I wasn't, I had a night off again. After finding that out, we headed back to the locker room.

"So what's the verdict?" Dean asks as we walk into the room.

"I'm off." I say, sitting on his lap.

"Oh good. And we're only needed once tonight so all the more time for us."

"Sounds good after what we just experienced."

"What happened?"


"He didn't do anything did he?"

"No. He was gonna talk to me, but he didn't get the chance to. Cara started insulting him."

They look at her and she just smirks, leaning against Seth.

"It was quite funny. Almost burst out into laughter standing there."

"What did you say?" Seth asks her.

"Oh just the normal, goat references and such." She says nonchalantly.

"He was starting to get irritated too."

"Barely let him speak. She just kept nailing him. Oh the burns." I giggle.

"Of course I made a couple of my own." I add.

"Oh of course."

"And then I said you would just kick his ass again, because clearly he didn't learn from the first time to leave me alone."

"Yes I will." He nods.

"He's just so stubborn. Can't learn his lesson."

"He's a goat. Of course he's stubborn." Cara says.

"Probably thought he was bluffing the first time with beating him up, telling him to leave me alone."


"Well he's not."

"We know that but it'll probably take a few beatings before it starts to sink in Daniel's little goat brain."

"Most likely."

"I'll be more than happy to give him these beatings." Dean says.

"Of course."

"Have fun." Cara says amusedly.

"It's always fun."

"Hah, right."

"So what is it you have planned for tonight anyway?" I ask.

"Oh, we'll just be getting involved in the Punk vs Ryback match."


"Let me guess....taking out Ryback in that match?"

"You'll see."

It isn't too long before the show starts, and it starts off with John coming out, and heading down to the ring like always. After taking in the crowd, he's handed a mic. Of course after they replayed last Monday's Raw that was taped, and what he did at the end of the show to AJ and Dolph, ruining their New Year's celebration.


"What a glorious, crap-tastic end to 2012. And by the noise here tonight, what a hell of a way to kick off 2013. Oh I'm with you. I'm right there with you. We got some special folks in the crowd tonight and a special night for everybody here. Tonight in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match, with the WWE Championship hanging in the balance CM Punk goes one on one with Ryback! The noise in here. It's almost like electricity. Oh yeah. It's almost like you can feel the electricity. You can feel the boots wanting to be put to asses."

"Well I think we all know what that means."


"You know, you know that the captain of Team Bring It, he is here tonight! We welcome back the most electrifying man in all of entertainment. Tonight, we welcome back The Rock! Oh yes, oh yes. And that certainly means we are on the road to WrestleMania. And in less than three weeks, we have the Royal Rumble match. We all know the man who wins the Royal Rumble match has a golden ticket to the main event, the grand daddy of them all, WrestleMania. I said last week that I am entering that match and I meant it. And tonight-" John gets cut off by Dolph's music, him, AJ, and Big E coming out onto the stage.


"Yup, that's them."

"John John John, listen. John they may have come to see you tonight, and maybe they came to see The Rock. But one thing they're gonna remember tonight is the hottest superstar in the WWE today. Dolph Ziggler."

"Oh don't flatter yourself there Ramen Noodles." I scoff.

The guys and Cara snicker.

"So not the hottest in the WWE today. Psh."

"Is this what makes you feel better John? Is this what helps you sleep at night? It wasn't enough, that nasty little joke you pulled on me and Ziggy last week in that ring, that wasn't enough for you? How about lying to me and toying with my emotions and breaking my heart. That wasn't enough for you? You have to come out here and add insult to injury? I can't believe I chose to lose my job over someone like you. You...are a petty, pathetic, small man. You are a very small man John."

"The Cena fangirls are probably rioting right now." Cara remarks.

"Oh yes." I nod.

"I'm a...I'm a small ma-I'm a small man. Ladies and gentlemen, we start off 2013 with history. AJ you don't even know what you've done. Your sweet, little, innocent self, and trust me I know this. I have a doctorate in simpleton humor. Just made your first sixth-grade wiener joke!"

"You are disgusting! You are disgusting. I can't believe I even had feelings for some-"

"-no no no no no no. You shouldn't be ashamed, this is fantastic. You can check it off the bucket list. As a matter of fact, it deserves a wave. Can we start over here and maybe get it to go all the way? Come on, a wave, keep it going. Keep it going, and again! And again! And again, the wave! Wave for the wiener jokes. One more time! Around. Now that the customary wave is finished, we all know the wiener joke rules. What good wiener joke begets another. So allow me to quote famous poet Andrew Dice Clay. There once was a man from Nantucket..."

"...enough, enough enough enough! That's enough John. Every single time someone beats you, you just laugh it off and hope that they go away. Well guess what, I'm not going anywhere. So just cut the crap."

"Oh no no no no no. Cut the....I did cut the crap last week and it fell all over you."

"See...you see...this is what I have to deal with. John, you think you can run away from me and hide in the Royal Rumble? You've officially entered the Rumble, but guess what? Who's gonna be out there with you? Me. Tonight I officially enter the Royal Rumble."

"Goody gumdrops for you."

"Whoop di doo. Big shocker."

"So you can't hide anymore. Me and 28 other superstars will be out there, with my primary goal of not letting you win."

"Dolph you and everybody else, I wish 'em luck, I'd have it no other way. I already said, 2013 was looking up for me. Speaking of looking up, watch out guys, watch it!" John jokes, AJ and Dolph freaking out.


"Ah come on. You gotta be crazy to think I would dump poop on you twice. Well actually, AJ is crazy. Maybe she's rubbing off of Dolph and Big E. Hmm. AJ rubbing off on Dolph and Big E. Guys, I'm not even gonna touch that one. But I'll tell you what. You seem to talk a lot from over there. I'm done talking. Let's start fighting and fight right now. You and me, right here, right now!"

Of course Dolph shakes his head and says 'no' to the challenge. And then all of a sudden, Big E picks up the mic.

"Oh, I've got the mic now. Yo Cena, you think...Dolph's your only problem?"

"He speaks."

"Le gasp."

"Thought he was a mute for a minute there."

"I know right?"

"Well I have your answer for you and....it's on."

"Fear and common sense are standing in your way Dolph. Come down here and take your butt whipping right now."

"Someone's a wuss." I remark as Dolph still refuses to go.

"Always has been."

"Never the one to wear the pants in his relationships."


"Doesn't say much for his masculinity." Seth remarks.

"There isn't much of that to begin with." Cara laughs.

"Not at all." I add with a laugh myself.

The guys snicker. Dolph eventually goes down to the ring, having no choice in the matter, and that had started the match. During the match, Dolph would distract the ref, allowing Big E. to get a cheap shot in on John, allowing Dolph to take advantage. However, John would persevere, but later on in the match, AJ would get on the apron, distraction John and allowing Dolph to take advantage. A few minutes later, AJ would take advantage of the ref's back being turned as she slaps John across the face. But the ref would hear the slap and turns around to spot AJ on the ring apron again, taking action and ejecting both her and Big E. from ringside.

"She doesn't learn apparently. If you want to be sneaky, punch not slap."

"Exactly. A slap makes much more noise...clearly."


"I think I'm gonna go get changed while this match goes on, was told my title match is 2nd of the night anyway." She adds.

"Okay." Seth says, letting her go.

She kisses his cheek and goes to the changing area.

"I just know Eve's going to try something sneaky tonight. I can feel it." I remark.

"I wouldn't doubt it. She seems like the type to do that." Seth remarks.

"I have a feeling that this won't be the last title match they have."

"Probably not." Roman says.

"Think I should be out there with her tonight or let her be out there on her own?"

"I'd ask her that."


She walks out a few moments later, adjusting my top a little.

"You look great...like always." Seth grins.

"Romeo." She says amusedly.


"Car, you want me out there with you?" I ask.

"Normally I wouldn't mind but I think with a title match I need to show I don't have to rely on backup to deal with her you know? Is she going to do something shady, absolutely. That is who she is. But I have to try." She explains.

"I figured as much. Just thought I would ask."

"I know. Thanks though."

"Of course."

"I'm going to get going so I can stretch. I'll see you guys after."

"Don't want me to walk you there?" Seth asks.

"That's up to you."

"I want to."

"Come on then."

He nods and moves from where he was sitting, before following her out of the room. As they walk, he moves in close and puts an arm around her waist.

"You know if you need help stretching...." He trails off.

"Sure you can control yourself?" She teases

"I can try can't I?"

"Sure." She laughs.

"I'm gonna have to control myself while we're here anyway."

"True." She nods.

"May just want to help you stretch for now on whenever you plan on it."

"I'm not complaining." She giggles softly.

"Of course not."

They get to the ramp area and find a spot off to the side. She starts stretching, using Seth to help with certain ones. Of course he gets a bit distracted, but he does manage to control himself like he has to. She finishes and lets him wrap her up in his arms.

"Thank you for helping me stretch."

"You're welcome."

"You come in handy for certain stretches."

"Glad I can help."

"Will be looking forward to other times now."

"Me too." He grins, squeezing her hip flirtatiously.

"Well of course you will."

"Goof." She teases.

"Love you too."

"You know I love you." She giggles, tucking her head under his chin.

He grins and they stand there as they wait for the current match to end. While they were waiting, Eve decided to show up. Cara rolls her eyes upon seeing her over there. She growls a little bit.

"Don't mind her." Seth says to her quietly.

"Can't help it, she's annoying."

"Just focus on beating her in the match, taking that title away from her."


"Just praying that she doesn't try and talk to me right now." She adds.

"If she does, ignore it. Focus on me."

"That won't be a problem."

"Exactly." He chuckles.

It isn't long before the match was over. Through the curtain first after losing, was Dolph, AJ and Big E.

"Someone's plan backfired." Cara says with a snicker, loud enough for them to hear.

"You want to fight?!" AJ snaps.

"I'll pass doll face. I have bigger fish to fry right now." She says amusedly.

"Babe, she's not worth it right now, let's go." Dolph says, trying to pull her away.

She waves at AJ as Big E. joins in pulling her away.

"She's easily angered." Seth says once they're gone.

"Yup. A weakness to be exploited really."

"Especially when you call her crazy."


A few moments after that, they hit Eve's music. She walks past them, but not without purposely bumping into her.

"Just wait bitch." Cara mutters, glaring darkly.

"I'll be waiting right here for you when you get back." Seth tells her.

"Okay." She nods, pulling away from him.

Of course there was a brief commercial break and that's when they hit Cara's music, so she had to go out during the break. Seth pulls her back for a kiss. She smiles and taps his heart before heading out. When she gets to the ring, the commercial break was over for those watching at home. The title was taken from Eve and shown to the camera and the crowd for those to see. After handing it off, the bell rings. With Cara determined, she and Eve circle, before locking up. Eve pushes Cara off, and that just causes Cara to lock up with her again. Eve gets her in a side headlock, but Cara pushes her off so she comes off the ropes and Cara hits her with a clothesline, hard. She goes for the cover, only for Eve to kick out. Cara goes over to the corner quickly and hops up to the top and sits there as she waits for Eve to get up. She does and turns around to see Cara sitting there, and backs up into the opposite corner to avoid anything that Cara has planned. She hops down and goes over, only for Eve to trip her and her face bounces off the middle turnbuckle. Eve then proceeds to wail on Cara every chance she gets, with kicks and punches until the ref has to back her away. She doesn't listen and goes back towards Cara, but the ref has to back her up again. With Eve still trying to get at her, Cara gets her strength back fairly quickly and charges at Eve, taking her down to the mat and starts to wail on her. She wasn't stopping, so the ref had to pull her off. She goes back to Eve, who's in the corner and throws her across the ring awfully hard, making her back up into the opposite corner. She goes over and holds her foot to her throat, until she has to let go. At the last second she kicks her chest. She pulls her away from the corner and covers her, only for her to kick out. She quickly goes to the top of the corner again, waiting for Eve to get up. When she does, she jumps and hit her with a missile dropkick, which sends her across the ring.

She then quickly grabs her and throws her into the ropes, hitting her with a hard shoulderblock as she comes back. Eve goes to hit her, but Cara blocks it and reverses into a neckbreaker. She goes for the cover again, but Eve again kicks out.

"Come on Eve, give up!" She screams.

She grabs Eve by the hair and drags her over to the corner. As Cara goes to hit Eve with her finisher, that's when Eve slides out of the ring and starts to flee. Eve demands for her title back and escapes through the crowd, and in result gets counted out, retaining the title. Cara punches the mat and growls. She gets up and grabs a mic.

"You think you're so clever Eve! You can't run forever honey! I will get that title, just you wait."

All she does is form a sly smirk on her face before disappearing to the back as Cara's music goes off. Cara exits the ring after a bit of frustration, heading to the back herself. She walks through the curtain, muttering in several different languages. When she reaches Seth, she's still muttering in several different languages. He knows she's frustrated, so he wraps her in his arms.

"Stupid bitch." She mumbles against his chest.

"You'll get her next time."


"I know you will. Maybe have some crazy stipulation where she can't get counted out or disqualified."

"Yeah, that's probably the only way to pin her down so she has to fight."

"We'll think of some ideas and you can pitch them to Stephanie or something. See what she thinks..being the head of the creative team and everything."

"Okay. Sounds like a plan."

"Before I forget...got you a water from catering not too far from here. Thought you would like one after your match." He says as he lets her go to pick it up and hands it to her.

"That's sweet. Thank you." She smiles, taking it and getting it open for a drink.

"Always thinking of you, and you're welcome."

"You're an amazing boyfriend you know that?"

"Well I always try to be."

"You're doing great, honest."

"I'm glad."

She leans up and kisses his cheek. She rests her weight against him, soaking up his warmth.

"So shall we head back so you can put that dress back on?"

She laughs.

"You really like that dress don't you."

"I do." He nods.

"Alright. Just for you, I'll go get it back on."

"Let's go then."

She nods and straightens up. She grabs his hand with her free one and laces their fingers together. They then start to make their way back to the locker room.

"Oh, I knew it." I grumble about the finish of the match.

"She did too but you know she was right about having to try anyway." Roman points out.

"Oh I know."

"Better luck next time."

"Hopefully under different stipulation circumstances."


"Definitely would like to see something that people rarely see from us. Something Car and I aren't afraid of doing."

"Yeah, that'd be cool."

"Wonder what she'll pick if anything."

"Who knows. Cara can be rather unpredictable at times."

"But she will get that title one way or another." I add.

"I don't doubt that. She's very determined."

"Just like you." Dean kisses the top of my head.

"Aww." I smile.

"Well so are you." I add.


It isn't too long before Seth and Cara come back. She kisses him quick before going in to change back into the dress as he sits. She only takes a few minutes to change and then she walks out to sit on Seth's lap.

"Let me guess...he likes the dress too much." I say to her, giggling.

"Very much so." She says amusedly.


"It looks great on her." Seth remarks.

"Flatterer." She grins.

"For you." He chuckles.

"I know."

Backstage, Santino was reminiscing with Hall of Famer Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat about his WrestleMania III match against Randy Savage, mentioning that he is also a former Intercontinental Champion. That's when Wade, the current IC champ, inserts himself into the conversation, saying that now he's the Intercontinental Champion, the title means something again. He then tells Steamboat that he is no longer "The Dragon", he's just an old man blowing smoke. This fires up the Hall of Famer, who vows to be in Santino's corner when he faces Wade later on in the evening.

"Ugh." She makes a face, hiding against Seth.

"Obviously don't have to watch that match tonight."

"I refuse to watch him."

"I can distract you, don't worry."

"I know."

Up next, Daniel and Kane were in action where they would face their longtime rivals, Team Rhodes Scholars in a non-title match.

"Hope they kick goat-boy's ass."

"He deserves it."

"He really does."

"Hopefully they'll do it."

During the match, Daniel would land awkwardly on his right knee, a weakness which Team Rhodes Scholars immediately targets.

"Goes to prove why goats shouldn't be in the WWE."

"Yup. Beat up the goat!"

This leads to Daniel's downfall as, with Kane and Damien battling on the outside, Cody hits Cross Rhodes on Daniel to pick up the win for him and Damien.

"Yes, he got beaten." I grin.

"Did my job for me." Dean remarks.

"I'm sure you'll have your chance."

"Oh I know. Just glad I don't have to tonight. Can focus on what I do have to do."

"Right. Good point."

After an earlier confrontation backstage, two participants of the 30-Man Royal Rumble match would face off next, as Randy goes one on one with Heath, with Jinder and Drew in his corner.


Cara and I exchange looks and giggle.

"A joke that never gets old."

"Nope. Remember what we did to him on the one tour on the bus?" She laughs.

"Oh my god, yes."

"What did you two do?"

"Oh, we might have caught him while he was sleeping and tied his hair up in pigtails so he did look like the Wendy's chick."

The boys all laugh.

"I believe we still have pictures saved for the future, in case we need to use them against him."

"Oh yeah, I forgot we did that." She giggles.

"Wish he would grow his hair out longer, then he really would look like a girl."

"He so would."

Throughout the match, Randy would combat the interference from Jinder and Drew, finally putting Heath down with the RKO to pick up the win. After the match, Jinder and Drew would try and get the jump on him, but he would take both men out with an RKO.

"Shouldn't have tried jumping him. Idiots."

"They don't think very well. A numbers game doesn't always work."


"But it does work for you guys." I say to the guys.

"Because they're smart about it." Cara says.

"Yes we are." Seth nods.

"We try to be." Roman comments.

The next match was indeed Santino vs Wade. Of course Cara wasn't watching it, and Seth was doing his best to distract her from it, starting with playing with her hair. She leans into him and closes her eyes. He's also mumbling things quietly into her ear, so she doesn't have to hear the match either, just focus on his voice. Some of the things he says makes her giggle or blush. He then starts to get touchy, but is sneaky about it so none of us see anything.

"Sneaky." She giggles softly.

"That's me."

She turns her head and kisses the corner of his mouth.

"Love you." She says softly.

"Love you too blue eyes." He replies, kissing beneath her ear.

The distracting had worked because before they knew it, the match was over and the next match was getting ready to begin.

"Thank you." She kisses his cheek.

"Always glad to help distract you when needed." He nods.

"Of course you are." She says with a bit of a teasing tone to her voice.

With Mike on commentary, Antonio Cesaro would go one on one with The Great Khali, with Nattie and Hornswoggle in his corner, in a non-title match. Just like he did on Main Event last week, Cesaro would show his strength by planting Khali with the Neutralizer to pick up the win.

"Well that was unexpected."

"Um yeah."

"Unbelievable power though."

"Yeah, that's for sure."

They fade to the backstage area with Paul Heyman. Despite telling him to get out of his life last week, Paul was again confronted by Brad Maddox. He again tells Brad that he does not want anything to do with him, but Brad tells Heyman that he will not be spoken to in such a manner.

"Psh, who died and made you superior?"

"Trying to be Darth Vader or what?"

Brad continues, saying that he can be an important asset to both Heyman and CM Punk. Paul humors him, letting him explain that he just so happened to bring his referee shirt with him and he was thinking of convincing Vickie to let him referee the WWE Title match later tonight. However, Heyman says that he does not want Brad talking to Vickie or anyone else, telling Brad to crawl back into whatever hole he crawled out of and to leave him alone. He then threatens Brad, saying that he does not know how he exists, and if he sees his face again, he will make sure that he does no longer exist.

"Good luck with that. He's like a roach."

"Just keeps coming back no matter how many times you try to get rid of him."


"Clearly he won't stop until he has a contract here."


"Hey, you think we should get going? Got one more match to go before Punk's match where we're needed." Roman asks.

"Aww." Cara pouts.

"Yeah, I think we should." Seth nods.

She moves off of his lap reluctantly and I do the same with Dean.

"Coming with or staying this time?"

"Staying. I don't want to chance running into Wade."

"And I'll stay too." I nod.

"We'll be back."

"Be careful." She says as Seth leans down for a kiss.

"I'll do my best."

"That's all I ask." She remarks, tapping his heart lightly.

He nods before following the others out.

"Thanks for staying. I just really want to avoid Wade. He's bound to be extra smug over his title and who knows what he'd do if he cornered me." She says to me.

"Right, of course."

"He's so conceited. Thinks he's God's gift to women."

"I know right? He's far from that."


"It was so much better when he was gone for that time during his elbow injury. Could actually wander about backstage without bumping into him."

"I know. Things were peaceful for a while."

"But now...not so much."

"Yeah and that sucks."

"But you've got Seth now so..."

A smile appears on her face.


Since the current match wasn't too long, because it was Sheamus against Jinder afterall, it soon came time for the WWE Championship match where the guys would be getting involved. We both sit up and pay extra attention. Throughout the match, Punk and Ryback would use the provided weapons to their advantage, but Punk would look close to putting Ryback away as he wears Ryback's ankle out with a steel chair. However, when he looks to crush his ankle with the chair, Ryback would dodge the attack and Punk would seemingly land hard on his surgically-repaired knee.

"Ooooh, that's his bad knee."

"That can't be good."

"Don't think so."

Ryback would briefly take advantage, looking to put Punk through a table on the outside of the ring, but Punk narrowly moves out of the way and Ryback ends up charging right through the table. With a ladder in the middle of the ring, Punk proceeds to climb it, but the resilience of Ryback would bring him back into the ring. Both men prevent the other from climbing the ladder, but Ryback would grab Punk and toss him into the propped-up ladder, in result crippling it. But somehow, Punk manages to get back into the match, only for Ryback to spot a small window of opportunity following Punk's signature high knee in the corner as he hoists Punk up and over the top rope, sending Punk crashing through the table set up at ringside. Ryback then heads to the outside of the ring and gets a better ladder, but when he gets to the top, the lights go out.

"Dun dun dunnnnnn." Cara laughs.

When the lights come back on, Seth and Dean are at the top of the ladder, battling with Ryback.

"Oh boy."

"Being on top of the ladder with him isn't such a good idea."

"Uh yeah."

Seth gets knocked off first, followed by Dean and Ryback goes for the title again. He has a hand on it, only for Roman to climb up behind him and stop him, pulling him off the ladder. That only works for a limited time as Ryback knocks him out of the ring. Dean then gets thrown out, and Seth as well before Ryback starts to climb again. All three of them get back into the ring, hitting him with a chair, and continue their assault on him on the outside. With a set of the stairs and a table set up on the side of the ring, Seth and Dean walk Ryback over to it, before they all hit him with a Triple Powerbomb through the table onto the steps.

"Ohhh. Nice."

"Can't say he didn't deserve that."


They then leave the ringside area, Ryback being almost motionless, while Punk crawls his way back into the ring. He climbs slowly to the top of the ladder, before he successfully grabs the title and unhooks it to win and retain the title.

"Rather it be him than Ryback."


"So considering that was the only thing they were doing tonight, you gonna leave early or just wait until the end of the night when you're sure Wade is definitely gone and leave then?"

"Good question."

"I think I'll wait until they get back and see what he wants to do." She adds.


It doesn't take them too long to get back, seeing as they did come backstage the normal way once leaving the match after their attack. They go get changed and come out with their bags.

"Think we should leave now or wait?" She asks Seth.

"Well, on the way back we did spot Wade in the halls, so maybe waiting would be a good idea."

"I'm fine with that." She agrees, moving so he can sit.

"Kind of figured you didn't want to end up leaving while he was wandering around."

"Yeah no. I'd like to avoid him if at all possible."

"Wanted to teach him a lesson for the way he's treated you, but he wouldn't let us." Roman remarks, referring to Seth.

"Good. I don't want you guys to get hurt or get in trouble. Let him be the instigator."

"Exactly. Then you can't get in trouble for fighting back."

"Exactly my point." She nods.

"Don't need backstage heat on you. Especially this early in your careers."

"Good point." Dean says.

Before he goes one on one with Del Rio in a non-title match on SmackDown, Big Show would go one on one with Kofi next. The match wasn't anything special really and it was over fairly quickly with Kofi getting knocked out in well under 30 seconds.


"But at least the night is almost over."


"It's been a long night as it is."

"Oh yeah."

With the world anxiously waiting the return for The Rock tonight, CM Punk makes his way to the ring with Paul Heyman. He grabs a microphone and takes the WWE logo box off before saying that he has something very personal to tell the fans. He continues, saying that no one in the WWE seems to know what a pipe bomb truly is, saying that the essence of a pipe bomb is honesty, something that the fans lack. He then says that he publicly aired his grievances back in the summer of 2011 before complaining about getting no respect and turning his back on the fans. He argues that he never turned his back on the fans and he could have just accepted his position in the company and move on like everyone else in the locker room would have done or he simply could have left.

"Because here's the truth about Las Vegas. Here's the truth about...the WWE, is that it doesn't matter if you're the best wrestler. It doesn't matter clocker. It doesn't matter if you're the best overall performer. It doesn't matter if you make the two clowns sitting to my left on commentary look like amateur hour. There is a glass ceiling and nobody's allowed to break it. That's the simple story of this place. The more popular you are, the more money you make. The more you people cheer for any given Superstar, the more opportunities you're afforded. Why do you think a guy like John Cena, who has admittedly had the worst year of his career, gets title shot after title shot after title shot after title shot. Or why a lethal grappler, why a serious submissions specialist like Daniel Bryan, puts a smile on his face and saddles himself. Belittles himself with catchphrases. Or why a 400 pound monster Brodus Clay, soils his hands by touching your filthy, ugly, little children to get in the ring so he can shuck and jive for ya. Or why an invisible child, Little Jimmy, is better positioned on the flagship show Monday Night Raw, than a workhorse like Tyson Kidd. And nobody's ever been able to attain a modicum of success without you. Except for now. Until I showed up. I've become the most successful WWE Champion of all time. Not of the modern era. No, that's another little buzz word that somebody backstage wants you to say. They probably want to put it on a t-shirt. That's the way you get noticed. You don't get noticed until you start to move a couple of t-shirts around here. If I...if I competed if Bruno Sammartino was there, I would be champion for 20 years too. No, I would have been champion for 30 years. Because wrestling one night a month in Madison Square Garden is easy. You never see Hulk Hogan wrestle TLC matches against a Superstar like Ryback. Because he had it easy. I wrestle physically demanding matches on free television week in and week out, so much that my one year equals 30 of theirs. And I have attained this success, not because of you. I am successful not because of you. I am successful, in spite of you. Here's some honesty. I watched Roddy Piper smash a coconut over Jimmy Snuka's head, and I sure as hell didn't say, 'Golly gee, I can't wait to go electrify the people of Tampa Bay, Florida'. Nooo! Because I don't care about the people of Tampa Bay, Florida."

"And they don't care about you either." I scoff.


"There's good guys and there's bad guys in this world. And make no mistake about it ladies and gentlemen, I am a bad bad man. And everytime after that, when I beat one of your superheroes, and I don't care if it was John Cena, Ryback Chris Jericho, Kane, Big Show, Dolph Ziggler, any of the Superstars I've beaten. I wasn't just beating them, I was beating all of you. And for 414 days, that's exactly what I've done. In your face jerks. I have beaten you. I have stomped you out. Under my boot. And I'm gonna do the same thing to The Rock. Because I don't care if he's back. You all do not get to win. You are losers. You do not get to win. You do not-" Of course he gets cut off by The Rock coming out.

"Someone's in trouble." Cara sings.

"Ooooooh." I laugh.

"The Rock had to hear it all. The Rock wanted to wait until you said everything you had to say. So The Rock knew exactly the kind of man he's dealing with at the Royal Rumble. And now it's become crystal clear to The Rock. You are straight up delusional. You keep mentioning that number, 414. 414 days you've been WWE Champion. That's incredible! Incredible! The real number, it ain't 414 Jack. The real number that haunts your dreams is 20. They know that in 20 days, times up. You wanted change. You wanted a revolution. You said when you become WWE Champion, you rejected the people. No no no no no no, no no no. The people rejected you. You talked about change, you couldn't do it. You talked about revolution, you couldn't do it. You came out and you promised everybody ice cream bars! Ice cream bars for everybody, and you couldn't even do that. You couldn't provide ice cream if the Dairy Queen, Carvel and Cookiepuss drove an ice cream truck straight up your ass."



"They have...they have voices and they love to use their voice. They use it every single night. Every night they use their voices. As a matter of fact, as a matter of fact, they know something special's getting ready to happen right now. They're gonna use their voice, they're gonna chant the loudest chant you've ever heard. They're gonna chant, they're gonna chant something that's gonna follow you for the rest of your life. They're gonna chant...they're not gonna chant respect, they're not gonna chant best in the world. They're gonna chant exactly what you are. In three seconds they're gonna chant, Cookiepuss, Cookiepuss..." And the crowd does start to chant it.

"Ahaha, in your face Punk."

"Be the puppets that you are. He got you chanting about ice cream the same way I did a year and a half ago. Congratulations. They still don't get to win. You don't get to win."

"They don't get to win? They don't get to win. Oh they've already won! They've already won! See, that's something you fail to realize. They've already won...they've won the moment The Rock woke up this morning at 4am. The Rock woke up this morning at 4am, he sent out his early morning tweet to the world, then The Rock ate his famous pancakes, then The Rock went to the gym clanging and banging and clanging and banging. Then The Rock got in his pickup truck and he drove up I-75, right through alligator alley. Right through alligator alley so The Rock could stand right here, right here in the middle of this ring, in front of you, in front of them, in front of the world and proudly say finally the Rock has come back to Tampa."

"But not really."


"But you see Punk, it's not just that The Rock is back. No, it's why The Rock is back. Here's why The Rock is back. For three reasons. The Rock is back to entertain them, The Rock is back to stop you, and after 10 long years...10 long years, The Rock is back to win that." He points to the title. CM Punk, you have one of the most creative and innovative minds in the history of the WWE. The Rock knows it, you failed to use it. You became WWE Champion, and you also became the biggest jerk the world has ever seen."

"One of them."

"Right, and I do have to agree with him."


"The Rock can look you in the eye and tell you this with all passion and with a heart. While The Rock is here, don't you ever say the people don't matter. They matter. They've always mattered. You're the one that doesn't matter."

"Oh I matter. I'm the most successful-"

"-it doesn't matter if you matter!"

The Rock then vows that there is “no way” that CM Punk is going to stop him from becoming the WWE Champion at the Royal Rumble. Punk then lays the WWE Title down in the center of the ring before saying that he does not care what The Rock’s schedule is, saying that, every time The Rock shows up in the WWE, he will kick his ass. Punk continues, saying that he is the best guy that The Rock has ever faced, saying that The Rock has bitten off more than he can chew. Punk then says that The Rock can toss around his insults and his rhymes, but that is all “games”. Punk then tells The Rock that, at the Royal Rumble, Rock will realize that his arms are just too short to box with god. The Rock argues that he knows how “bad” CM Punk is and he remembers the GTS that he received from Punk. Rock then tells Punk to get a tattoo to commemorate the night that CM Punk got his ass kicked by The Rock. He then grabs hold of CM Punk, planting him with the Rock Bottom, sending a clear-cut message to him for the Rumble.


"Serves him right."

"Yeah it does."

"But finally the night is over."

"Thank goodness."

"Another long day tomorrow..SmackDown and everything."

"Yeah. Bleh."

"But I do think it's safe enough to walk through the halls to leave."

"I hope so." Cara says as she gets up and puts on her jacket.

"Want me to go check? I'm sticking around anyway for a little bit." Roman asks.

"I think we'll be okay. Thank you though."

"You're welcome."

"Ready?" Seth asks her.

"Yeah." She nods.

Her and Seth head out first, going down the hall. Dean and I follow. Dean and I are holding hands but walking close together. Seth has an arm wrapped around Cara's shoulders while hers is around his waist. They manage to exit the arena and go out to the parking lot with no problems.

"Thank God." She mutters as we put our bags in the cars.

"Now we can continue to have a peaceful night."


Before we get into our respective cars, we say our good nights and such. Then it's off to the hotel to enjoy the rest of our night.