Lost Injustice

Punk's 365 Day Celebration

The following morning, we both decided to sleep in a bit, seeing as though we didn't have anything work related planned until tonight. Someone's phone starts buzzing and Cara groans.


"...I got it." I mumble, being half asleep myself. *I then start moving my hand around looking for my phone on the side table. I kind of move too far and end up falling off the bed just as I grab my phone.

"I got it. Ow."

"Hah." Cara snorts.

"I'm good." I say, pulling myself up, leaning on my elbows on the bed.

"Klutz." She snickers.

"Well I forgot I left it so far away on the table. My bad."

She just laughs and I answer my phone.

"Hello?" I say as I crawl back into bed and under the covers.

"Hey, Serenity." I hear Dean say.

"Dean, hey."

"Oooooooh." Cara teases.

I give her a look and whip a pillow at her.


I stick my tongue out at her with an amused look afterwards.

"Nyahhh yourself." She retorts.

"So what's up?" I ask Dean.

"We were wondering if you and Caralyn wanted to go for a late breakfast."

"Let me ask. Hey, the guys were wondering if we wanted to go for a late breakfast with them. Up for it?"

"Sure." She yawns.

"Yeah, we're up for it. The hotel's restaurant or something in town?"

"Something in town. I think Seth was saying something about IHOP."

"Alright, sounds good."

"Let us know when you're ready."

"Will do. I'll send a text."

"Sounds good. Bye."

"Bye." I repeat and hang up.

We both get up and start to get dressed.

"So Seth said something about IHOP, so we're gonna be going there."

"I like IHOP."

"He probably knows that which is most likely why he suggested it." I grin.

She shrugs, her cheeks pink.

"But the reason why I was teasing you when you were on the phone was because Dean went out of the way and he called you. Not a text, a call." She adds.

"I know."

"Thanks for the pillow by the way."

"Haha very funny."

After we had gotten dressed, we did our hair and everything else. Once we had that done and our shoes were on, I sent a text to Dean saying that we both were ready. I get a reply as we put on our jackets. We grab our purses and head to the lobby to meet them. It doesn't take long to get there, and when we do, we find them and walk over.

"Heyyy." We greet them.

They greet us back and we get hugs like last night.

"So, since I'm assuming we're all riding in the same car together, who's driving?"

"I am." Dean says.

I nod and we all head out to their car.

"You're sitting up front with him." Cara says to me quietly as he unlocks the car.

I make a face and she giggles, pushing me forward. Before I have time to protest, she's already in the back sitting next to Seth. I mumble to myself quietly before getting into the passenger seat in the front. She ends up between Roman and Seth, looking amused.

"So, let's start catching up with each other." She suggests.

"Right, of course."

"How about we start with you two. Besides what we already know because of last night, how've you been?" Seth asks.

"Fine really. Not a whole lot has changed except for being in the WWE and all the stuff that comes with that. The media attention and the fans and what not."

"Right." He nods.

"Haven't won any titles yet though." I add. "You'd think being there for a while, being called up they would at least have us win at least once."

"You haven't had a title yet? Wow."

"We've come close, but some got pushed before us."

"That's not fair."

"Exactly. We have to sit back and watch Eve become a 3 time Divas Champion. She doesn't need it three times." Cara scoffs.

"She's not even that good."


"And annoying." Cara rolls her eyes.

They all nod.

"So...what about you three?"

They tell us about what has gone on in their lives since we lost touch. We reach the restaurant finally and get out after we park. We all head inside and don't have to wait too long to get seated at a table.

"So, are you as crazy and weird as you used to be?" I ask Dean, laughing as I look at my menu.

"Nah, not quite." He laughs.

"Ah, toned it down I see." I nod.

"Yeah." He agrees.

"Because to be honest even though we did lose touch with each other, I did still follow what you did."

"Really? That's cool."

Cara has to refrain so much from making a comment about me and still having the feelings for him after what I had just said.

"Yeah, you little extremist you." I nod.

Dean laughs.

"That's me."

After Cara had picked what she wanted to drink and eat, she puts her menu down, but she couldn't help but notice the shirt that Seth had on.

"Harry Potter...no way."

"Yes way." He grins.

"I like love Harry Potter."

"Really? That's awesome."


"These two call me a nerd for it."

"Hey...there's nothing wrong with Harry Potter." She says to Dean and Roman.

"Nerrrrrd." Roman replies.

"See what I mean?" Seth shakes his head.

"Well now you aren't the only nerd." She pats his shoulder.

"It's a good feeling." He nods, chuckling.

"Good." She laughs.

"Afterall, nerds should stick together."

"Yes, yes we should."

"High five." He holds up his hand.

She giggles and high fives him. Shortly after that, the waitress comes over and since we all had decided on everything we wanted, we placed both drink and food orders. She goes to put those in and we get back to talking.

"It's going to be great to work with you guys now."

"We're more excited than before." Roman agrees.

"Maybe not directly because after seeing what happened last night, it seems like you're going to be a new heel group."

"Pretty much."

"Well we don't mind if you keep attacking Ryback like you did last night. He's weird anyway."

They all laugh.

"You helped Punk win, but you did what you had to, understandable."

They nod.

"Can't wait to see what you do next."

"Have to wait and see." Dean shrugs.

"Just make sure you pay attention tonight, that's all." Roman adds.

"Oh we will."

The drinks get to the table first, and we only had to wait a little bit after that for the food to get to the table as well. We all start eating, though we still talk and joke the whole time. When we were done, we wait for the bill. When it does come to the table, we all chip in and pay it. After leaving that on the table, we put our jackets on and head back out to the car. We go back to the hotel and stop in the lobby.

"So...." Cara trails off.

".....we have plenty of daylight left, we should all hang out for the rest of the day." I add.

"Sounds good to me." Dean says.

"What to do though....it's far too cold to go out and do anything..."

She points past me without saying anything.

"The pool." I state, looking in that direction.

"Heated." She adds.

"I was just gonna question that."

"Meet you guys there?" She questions them.

"Sure." Seth nods.

We split off and go to our rooms to change.

"Oh god. We have to deal with them being shirtless." She realizes as she's changing.

"You just realized that? And here I thought you had suggested it so I could be tortured, totally forgetting about yourself."




"Well too late now. Probably end up getting distracted by us too."


"Well I think Seth may stare with what you picked out."

"I bet Dean will stare at you."

"It's possible I suppose."

We put what we need in a beach bag and after putting on flip flops, leave for the pool. We take the elevator down to the lobby and then head in the direction of the pool. Dean, Seth, and Roman have already claimed a table so we walk over to join them. We put the bag on the ground and sit in the other two chairs.

"Wish it was warm enough outside." She sighs.

"I know. It's a sunny day but freezing."

"Yeah." The guys agree.

"Heated pool is better than nothing though."

"Very true."

"So should we go ahead in now then?"

"Sounds good."

"Last one in is a nerd." Cara challenges.

She pulls off her cover up, kicks off her flip flops, and bolts for the pool.

"Looks like one of you are gonna be the nerd." I laugh as I do the same, bolting for the pool myself.

The guys jump up and run for the water.

"Uh oh...they're catching up!" I call to her.

"Too bad!" She laughs as she jumps in.

Next thing I know just as I get close to the pool. I'm grabbed and end up falling in.

"Hey...he's cheating! Oh, you're gonna end up being the nerd Roman." Seth says as he gets a bit of extra speed.

"Aw man!" Roman exclaims.

"Awww...poor thing." Cara laughs as Seth jumps in and Roman is the only one left.

He jumps in and comes up pouting.

"Pouting won't change the fact that you lost the challenge."


"And someone thought the easiest way out was to grab someone and fall in. Good work Dean." She gives him the thumbs up.

"But that's cheating." Seth remarks.

"Didn't end up the nerd did you? No."

"You're just jealous you didn't pull someone in with you." Dean says.

"Which speaking of....you can kind of let me go now." I point out, trying to hide a blush that I could feel creeping onto my face.

"Oops. Sorry." He looks sheepish as he lets go.

"It's okay."

She snickers quietly.

"And no I'm not jealous." Seth adds.

"Seems like you are." Cara nods with amusement.



"Nu-uh." He says, splashing her a bit.

"And it begins." I shake my head.

She gasps and splashes back. That causes a splash fight to break out between them, me and the other two move away so we don't get caught in the crossfire.

"Some things never change." Roman snickers.

"Tell me about it."

I talk to Dean and Roman while Seth and Cara chase each other around in the pool, splashing each other.

"So, I meant to ask, what took you so long to answer the phone this morning?" Dean asks.

"Oh, I kind of forgot I put it too far out of reach on my table. So I stretched too far and fell off the bed."

"Oops." He chuckles.

"And if you were wondering what that 'ow' was in the background, I threw a pillow at Cara."


"She was teasing me."

"About what? If you don't mind us asking?" Roman asks.

"Just for being a klutz." I lie.

"Well that is kind of true....being a klutz."

"Shut up." I retort, hitting Dean in the chest playfully.

"Just saying." He laughs.

"Just so you know, I'm less of a klutz than I was before."

"Gasp." Dean teases.

"Oh yeah, it's a real big shocker isn't it?" I shake my head amusedly.

"Just kidding."

"Uh huh."

"I'm so going to win this!" Cara says to Seth, still splashing and not letting up.

"I don't think so!" He retorts.

"Uh huh!"

And just then through the flying water, she notices him disappear under the water.

"Uh oh."

"Eep." She yelps as she notices him coming closer.

She swims away as fast as she can.

"You really haven't learned that you can't swim away from me fast enough by now?"

She squeals loudly as she gets grabbed from behind.

"You'll never be able to swim faster than me." He chuckles.

"Darn." She pouts.

"Poor poor you."

"Yup. Poor me."

"Now to decide whether I let you go or not."

"Oh boy."

"I say no."

"Darn." She says, relaxing slightly.

"You sound oh so disappointed." He chuckles.

"Hey, you're comfy." She shrugs.

"Good to know."

"You're welcome."

"So gonna stay in one place all day or move around?" She asks.

He chuckles and starts moving through the water.

"Awww isn't that cute." I grin.

"You know, I believe he had a thing for her, before they lost touch."

"Oh really?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. He wouldn't shut up about her."

"Aww." I giggle.

"As a matter of fact, last night he wouldn't shut up about her either."


"Although that could be because it's been years since they've seen each other. But just seeing how he's acting now....tells a different story."

"Yeah, I think that thing is still there."

"Well I can say for a fact that her feelings for him....and she did have feelings for him....never ever went away." I nod.

"They'd be good for each other." Dean remarks.

"They would." I nod.

"Should we help them along?" Roman suggests.

"Maybe give it a few days or a week or so before we help. I mean....after just seeing each other for the first time in years last night."


"But we should definitely help."

Dean and Roman agree. After a while, I decide to swim to the edge of the pool and pull myself up, turning and sitting on the edge with my legs in the water, taking a break from swimming for a while. Dean moves and puts his back against the edge, standing beside my legs.

"Got lonely did you?"

"Sure." He chuckles.

"Well Roman did head back to the table, leaving me alone." He adds.

"Shame on him."

"Oh of course. Blame Roman." I giggle.

"It's true."

"Sure it is."

"You just don't want to be away from one of your best friends for too long." I add with an amused look.

Dean pushes my legs playfully.

"Ohhh you wanna play that game huh?"

"Oh yeah."

"Well then...." I trail off, putting a hand in the water and splashing him a bit, laughing.

He retaliates, splashing back.

"If we're gonna splash each other, you should get back in the water." He says after splashing me back.

I agree and jump back in. But I move far away so he can't splash me.


Of course he just comes after me.

"Oooh I'm so scared."

He gets close and splashes me.

"Oh yeah that's real scary."

"That's how its gonna be?" He raises an eyebrow.


He swims fast to get me.

"No no no no no no." I say trying to move back and forth to slow him down.

"Ohhh yes."

"Noooooo..." I say as he grabs me so I can't get away this time. "No fair."

"You started it." He chuckles.

"I believe you started it."

"Well either way, now you're stuck."


"Sure." He laughs.

"It was worth a shot."

"Right." Dean snickers.

"Not gonna let me go at all?"

"Mmm, no."


"You'll live."

"Will I? Just kidding, just kidding."

Dean tosses me a bit away from him jokingly.

"Aha, you let go." I grin and bolt towards the stairs.

"I'll just get you eventually." He shrugs with a smirk.


"Just wait."

"We'll see." I laugh, getting out of the pool finally.

"Yes we will."

After getting out, I grab a towel from the beach bag we brought and wrap it around myself. He tried to make it not so obvious that he was staring, but Cara was able to see him do so.

"Ooh Dean's staring at Sere." She giggles.

"I told her he would." Seth says.

"He would stare either way." Seth says.

"That means what I think it means right?"

"Yup. He's liked her for a long time."

"I knew it."

"It's pretty obvious." He laughs.

"It really is." She nods.

"If they don't end up together after a bit, I'm so playing matchmaker." She adds.

"I think Roman and I can push him to ask her out." He chuckles.

"You should."

"Just gonna give a bit before we do that, considering last night."

"Right. Some time to get to used to each other again."


She nods and relaxes against Seth a bit more. After a bit of that, they both decide to get out of the pool and sit back at the table to take a break from the water for a bit. She stretches her legs out, resting her feet on Seth's chair.

"I see how it is, use my chair as a foot rest."

"Would you rather it be you?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I'm just saying."


While we sit around the table, we talk about various things. For the rest of the day we have left to hang out with each other, we're in and out of the pool. It was getting down to the hour where we had to start getting ready for tonight.

"Oh darn, look at the time."

"Have to go get ready." Cara muses, picking up her stuff.

"That's right we do." I nod.

"Awww." The guys say.

"I'm sure you three have to get ready too."

"Doesn't take long." Dean shrugs.

"Well duh."

"You're males. You don't have to worry about appearance as much." Cara rolls her eyes.

"We on the other hand have to make sure everything we wear is perfect." I add.

"And the makeup and the hair." Cara continues.

"That too."

"We should really go though. I want to get this chlorine out of my hair." She says.

"Yeah me too." I nod.

We say bye to the guys and head to our room.

"There's something I need to tell you. Something I was right about. You know when you got out of the pool? Well Dean was staring. Didn't I tell you he would?" She teases.

"He did? Wow."

"Can you blame him though?"

"No not really."

"Thought so."

"Seth was eyeing you too though." I say, poking her.


"Oh he was."

"You may have not seen it, but the rest of us did." I add.


"I think he likes you." I say as we step into the elevator.

She blushes at the thought. We reach our floor and then head to our room. When we get there, we head in and get ready for the show.

"I feel like now we really have an excuse to dress up and look sexy." Cara says as we're doing our makeup.

"Oh I know right?"

"Exactly...and they'll be watching....of course."

"Yup." I nod.

"You'll definitely get Seth's attention, that's for sure."

"You think so?" She blushes.

"I know so. Too bad we won't be able to see how he reacts."

"Yeah, that's true."

"At least it's an easy night tonight."

"Yeah I know. Its nice to have them once in a while."

Once we both were done with everything, we head out to get our shoes and then pull on our jackets. We make sure we have what we need before heading out. Before long, we're at the arena. We go inside and head towards the Divas locker room to drop off our jackets and such. After we drop off our jackets and such, we decide to walk around backstage to pass the time before the show officially starts.

"I like your dress Sere. May have to steal that."

"You can steal it as many times as you want."

"Awesome." She laughs.

As we're walking, we run into Kaitlyn and she asks us if we'll be out by the ring for her for the match she has against Aksana. We of course accept, so we can see Aksana get beat up again.

"Should be fun."

"Oh yes."

"She'll get beat once again."

"Especially after what happened last night."


"And you know what that means right? You can grab Seth's attention while we're out there." I nudge her.

She blushes.

"And Dean will be looking at you." She retorts, poking me.

"We'll both be looked at."


"And we'll never know it while we're out there.'

"Nope. Not really."

"Sucks though...can't hang out before the show, because I'm assuming if they came through the crowd last night, they're by one of those crowd entrances."

"I know. Its unfair."

"Maybe one day though....who knows."


"I believe the show is starting soon. Wanna find a spot to sit and watch?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

We find an area that had numerous chairs set up facing one of the TVs for anyone who wanted to sit and watch the show. We find a couple seats and sit there as we wait the rest of the time. She moves another chair in front of her and props her feet up. The show starts off with a video package of Survivor Series from last night, showing Big Show's victory and then what happened when Dean, Seth and Roman attacked Ryback. Ryback then is the one to start the show off.

"Weirdo monkey boy." I laugh.

"Yup." Cara says amusedly.

"Last night, I was about to feast on the WWE Championship. But CM Punk employed three of his men to take food out of a starving man's mouth."

"Highly doubt they're working for Punk."

Cara nods.

"Well my hunger cannot be suppressed. I am a predator. And CM Punk, you and your three men are my prey. So what you can do to make things easier on yourself, all of you, is to come down here and face me, right now! And if you don't, if you don't, I'm gonna tear this damn place apart! Until I find each and every one of you. Feed me more!"

"They're not gonna show up on your command."


The crowd chants 'feed me more', until Vickie comes out onto the stage.

"You will not tear anything up tonight. The way I see it Ryback, you had two chances to win the WWE Championship, and you blew it. Now I do enjoy the way you destroy people. But if you cause any chaos tonight, you will be subject to a fine or a suspension. Now like I said before, I do enjoy the way you destroy people, and now let's see how big your appetite really is."

And who comes out to face him in a match, but Tensai.


"Weirdo vs weirdo."

Throughout the match, Ryback would repeatedly mutter “Punk” and, in the end, he made one of Tensai as Ryback blasts Tensai with the Meat Hook Clothesline before finishing things off with Shell Shocked to pick up the win.

"Eh." Cara shrugs.

Sheamus is then backstage, yelling at one of the refs about last night.

"Ugh, we have to see a celebration for Punk being champion for a year?"


Then Wade and Kofi are shown heading to the curtain for their match which is next.


"Plus Wade isn't a person you really wanna see anyway."

"Hell no. I dread him learning about me and Seth being around each other."

"Right. Even though all three of them could give him the beating of his life. I mean look what they did to Ryback last night and Ryback is larger than Wade and stronger."

"I know that but you know how Wade is."

"I know."

"Wouldn't stop texting and calling me until I changed my number."

"And not to mention the constant notes he would leave. What a pain in the ass he was."

"Mmhmm. Still harasses me in person when he gets the opportunity too."

"Which is why we try to stay away from him as much as we can."


Kofi had then come out for his match against Wade. Once his entrance was done, Wade had come out next.

"Rather not watch him thank you." Cara remarks.

"Agreed." I say.

They show an exclusive video that Wade did last night at Survivor Series after the Elimination match. The bell rings to start the match. Kofi's quest for revenge was cut short, as Wade would take advantage of Kofi's injured eye from being poked, and hit the Bull Hammer Elbow to win the match, picking up a win over Kofi.


"And this means he gets a title opportunity since he beat the champion."


Cole and Jerry then talk about how Punk won the match last night, mentioning that Dean, Seth and Roman attacked Ryback after he had Shell Shocked John, so Punk would win the match. Then a video package plays about Brad Maddox, the rogue referee that cost Ryback the WWE Championship match the first time.

"And he says he's not working with CM Punk." I scoff.


"You beat Ryback...hey hey, look. Look! What a celebration this is gonna be tonight." Heyman is shown and he shows some backstage people a picture of Punk with the title.

"Call your friends if you have any. Oh my god, I cannot imagine what a celebration this is gonna be tonight, for the reigning, defending WWE Champion C..M...Punk." He adds as he knocks on Punk's locker room door.

"Oh, hey check the shirt out." Punk says after he comes out, showing him the shirt he has on that says 'I'm a Paul Heyman Guy'.

"I'm humbled."

"I'm humbled. This is a hell of a picture."

"I'd like to punch a hole through it." I remark.

Cara snickers.

"My champion, there are no words that I have to convey my appreciation for you as the best in the world. But tonight, tonight CM Punk, I'm gonna throw for you a celebration that will go down into ages. It will-" He stops when he's interrupted by Matt Striker.

"I'm sorry to bother you guys. I'd like to get a comment from you CM Punk about the controversial ending to last night's main event at Survivor Series. As well as your affiliation if any with Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns."

"You know you ask me these disrespectful questions as if I'm not gonna hurt you for asking them. You know I'm so sick of everybody Paul."

"And we're sick of you." Cara remarks.

"Amen." I agree.

"Okay, what about Ryback?"

"What about Ryback?!?!"

"Come on Mr. Striker, tonight is a celebration. A celebration they will replay on the 2,000th episode of Monday Night Raw. My god man, where's your festive mood? Tonight is a celebration and everyone is invited. Even Ryback."

Punk then gives him a look like 'wtf'.

"Can I talk to you for a minute? Just a minute."

"Ooooh someone's in trouble." I sing.

"Wah wahhhh." Cara adds.

As we're sitting there, waiting for the break to be over, Kaitlyn comes and finds us, telling us her match is up next and that she needs to go out during the commercial. We nod and get up to follow her.

"Time to impress a couple people." I grin.

Cara giggles and nods. "Yup."

Aksana had already gone out first and was waiting, then we all went out during the break. Kaitlyn's music resumed after the break as she was in the ring ready to go, and we were on the outside to watch the match and to get involved when we could. The bell rings and Aksana tries calling timeout and she leans through the ropes as Kaitlyn goes after her.

"Is she stupid? There's no timeouts in professional wrestling."

"Shows how clueless she is."

The ref backs Kaitlyn up and then she and Aksana yell at each other, about last night and how she almost cost Kaitlyn her title match. Kaitlyn goes back after her as she leans outside the ropes. The ref once again backs Kaitlyn up.

"That's enough." Aksana says as she exits the ring.

"Go get her Car." I smirk.

"On it." She grins, going after Aksana.

"I got this Kaitlyn." She says to her and she grabs Aksana from behind and then throws her back into the ring.

As Cara heads back around to stand with me, Aksana tries to flee again. Kaitlyn however this time follows her and goes to get her back into the ring, but gets clotheslined by Aksana.


Aksana picks her up and throws her back into the ring, before getting in herself. She goes for the cover, Kaitlyn kicks out. She then proceeds to crawl over her and shake her head around while yelling at her. Next she grabs her by the hair and hits her face against the apron multiple times, before having to let go. She helps her up and gets her into the corner, shoulder first. She climbs that corner and sits on the top, grabbing the now hurt arm and stretching it over the top rope in a painful way, letting go before five. She gets back into the ring and goes after that arm, pushing her down to the apron and keeping at that arm, telling her to give up. Kaitlyn gets to her knees and fights back, then gets to her feet and fights back, until Aksana takes her down again, going after that arm again. She throws Kaitlyn into the corner and she hits it hard and slides down so she's sitting, and Aksana crawls over to her in the most creepiest way ever.

We exchange a creeped out look.

When she reaches Kaitlyn, she slaps her. She helps Kaitlyn up, only for Kaitlyn to shove her away, and then kick her in the midsection when she comes closer again. She gets out of the corner and elbows Aksana in the face, kicking her in the midsection for a second time. She grabs her by the hair and throws her across the ring. She does it again before sending her into the ropes and when she comes back, Kaitlyn hits her with a hard shoulder block. When Aksana gets up, she lifts her and drops her on her face. She gets her in her shoulders and then drops Aksana on her knees, Aksana's midsection connecting with them and then Kaitlyn covers her for the win.

"Good." Cara claps.

"Beat two nights in a row." I high five her.

"Hell yeah."

Cara and I get into the ring and raise both of Kaitlyn's hands in victory. When we let them go so she can celebrate, we mock Aksana. Then we laugh and head backstage. We decide to follow Kaitlyn and head back to the locker room. When we get there, we find a place to sit to watch the remainder of the show.

"Wonder what the guys are up to." She muses.

"Probably bored out of their minds waiting for what they have to do. Poor them."

"That's true."

Just as she says that, her phone goes off.

"I know who that is."

She blushes and picks up her phone.

"Yup, he's bored." She giggles as she reads the text.

"I figured." I say.

"He also wants to know if we feel up for meeting them where they're all hanging out until they're needed." She adds.

"Sure, why not."

She asks him where exactly they are and he texts back where, telling her what to look for and everything in order to find them. We get up and leave the room in search of them. When we get there, his back is the only one facing us. So Cara sneaks up to him the best she can and taps his shoulder and moves the opposite way so he doesn't see her. He gets confused.

"What the hell."

She then appears in front of him, and he jumps when he sees her.

"Did I scare you? Sorry." She giggles.

"Haha very funny."

"So you got bored over here huh? Poor poor you."

"Well there's not really anything to do." He shrugs.

"We can see that." I nod, stepping forward.

Cara giggles softly as she sees Dean subtly eyeing me.

"Should've texted or called us sooner.

"We'll know for next time."

"Much better than being the only ones stuck here with security guarding you from the fans who walk by."


"So...dressed in what you wore last night. Attacking someone tonight perhaps?"


"You so are."

They all snicker.

"Hope it's Ryback again."

"You'll see."

There was a TV on the wall in the long hallway we were standing in with them, so we were able to see what was going on. Vickie had walked out to the ring with two unknown people, no one we recognize.

"Wonder what she'll complain about now."

"Probably trying to build new evidence against John and AJ. Fabricated evidence."

"I would like to set the record straight as Managing Supervisor for Monday Night Raw, that I would not...I would not lay a hand on a WWE Superstar. This does not give AJ a reason to try and humiliate me. Some people...some people respect leadership and authority like Tamina Snuka. For weeks, AJ has made a fool of herself, John Cena and all of you for her white lies. AJ and Cena have the audacity to accuse me of manufacturing and falsifying evidence of their affair? Tonight, doubts will be laid to rest because I have eyewitnesses."

"Yeah and how much did she pay them to show up and lie?"

"Who knows."

"My first eyewitness is Ms. Whitney Smith. Ms. Smith is a waitress at a hotel restaurant in Sacramento, California. This is the location where AJ and Cena had their alleged business dinner. Ms. Smith. Take your time and tell your story to everyone here."

"They wanted a private table-"

"Uh Ms. Smith, speak up so everyone can hear you."

"They specifically requested a private table back in the corner. Through the whole meal, they were being very touchy feely and whispering in each other's ears and looking in each other's eyes. They looked like they were discussing a lot more than just business."



"Thank you so much Ms. Smith. My next eyewitness is Mr. Doug Brady. Mr. Brady is a parking attendant, who has a very interesting story to share with all of you. Mr. Brady."

"Uh...yeah I witnessed Mr. John Cena and AJ uh..remain in a parked vehicle for just about an hour. Uh..you know, I'm really not the uh...snooping kind of person, but they were parked next to a family and the father of that family came to me, to complain about what he had seen happening in the vehicle."

"More liiiies."

"Pssshhh. She so paid them."

Before Vickie could ask anymore questions, AJ had come out to deal with the whole situation, not happy.

"I don't know who these people are, or how much you paid them to tell all this crap, but I am getting sick and tired of you coming out here week after week with your doctored videos and your hacked in voicemails. And your photos that you twist to create some sort of scandal. Vickie, if you want to fire me so bad, then fire me."

"Oh AJ-"

"-but if not, then do everyone a favor and shut the hell up."

"I am sure you want to put this all to rest, just put this behind you, but you can't admit the truth. You don't even know your lies from the truth, because you lie every week! But AJ, you know what? Don't worry AJ, because I'll take it from here. Because while you were busy lip locking with Cena in the car, Mr. Brady was taking pictures with his cell phone of the action inside the car. So I'm going to caution all of you right now. If you take offense to nudity, I suggest you walk out and you protect your little ones eyes. Because now I am going to present a photo of AJ and John Cena in the car!"

"There is no picture. Liiiies."

Cara shakes her head.

John comes out next, right as the 'picture' was going to be shown and Vickie is pissed, her guests leaving the ring.

"This...all this...garbage. A load of crap. Why? 'Cause you're trying to give people something to talk about. I'll show ya', how to give people something to talk about." He says, approaching AJ.

"AJ, I hope you don't mind." He puts the mic on the ground and then proceeds to kiss her and Vickie is pissed.


"Oh damn." Cara laughs.

"You see Vickie, THAT...that right there is-" John gets cut off when he's turned around and AJ jumps on him and kisses him this time, Vickie getting even more pissed off.

"I repeat...oooooooh."

Cara laughs again.


And when they pull apart, Ziggler attacks him from behind and they go at it. He dumps Ziggler out of the ring and then proceeds to chase after him to the back.

"Run Ziggles, run." I laugh.

"Ziggles. Hah. Sounds like a name for a cat."

"Mr. Ziggles."

"That kind of cat belongs to a villain."

"It does sound like that doesn't it?"

"Yes it does."

"We still got a lot of the show left though. I need to sit somewhere."

"Me too." She agrees.

Roman offers to go get a couple chairs for us. We thank him and he has one of the security guards go with him because of the fans, leaving her and I all alone with Dean and Seth.

"Heels. So pretty and yet painful." Cara remarks.

"When you're wearing then for extended periods of time...especially when you're standing around." I add, nodding in agreement.

"Such is the life of a Diva."

"But you look great though." Seth compliments.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. And nice job getting involved in that match out there too. Wasn't much, but still."

"Again, thanks."

He nods.

"You look great too." Dean says to me, looking me over, but stops when I turn to look at him and thank him.

Cara stifles a giggle. It isn't long after that when Roman comes back with two chairs for us.

"Thanks Rome." She smiles.

"No problem." He says as he sets the chairs down and we move to sit.

"Much better."

"What about you guys?"

"We can sit on the floor if we felt like it. We're good."

"If you're sure..."

"We're sure."

"Okay then."

The show came back on the air and the next match of the night was Randy against Del Rio. After an early onslaught from Randy, Del Rio would target the arm of him, no doubt setting up for the cross armbreaker. However, Del Rio would ultimately cost himself the first fall of the match as, while battling Randy on the outside of the ring, Del Rio would repeatedly slam his arm into the steel ring post to the point of the referee having to disqualify Del Rio, giving Randy the first fall. Del Rio’s plan would pay off later in the match, however, as he would lock the cross armbreaker in on Randy, forcing Randy to tap out, splitting the match at one fall a piece. With the next fall determining the winner, Del Rio would again lock in the cross armbreaker on Randy, but this time Randy was able to fight out before coming out of nowhere with an RKO and picking up the win.

"Sucks for you Dorito."

"Dorito?" Dean asks amusedly.

"Del Rio sounds like Dorito." Cara shrugs.

"So we refer to him as the chip, yes." I add.

Dean, Seth and Roman all laugh.

"Him and Ricardo both."


"Del Rio is more like the spicy kind and Ricardo is more like what...Ranch, but not cool ranch...because he's not cool."

"Nerd ranch." She snickers.


They laugh.

They the replay what happened with John and AJ and the lip lock they shared just moments ago that made Vickie really mad, and when Dolph attacked John. They slow down when John slid out of the ring and he tweaked his ankle a bit which caused him to hobble away after Ziggler. But as he was shown backstage in the trainer's, he was getting his knee wrapped so he tweaked his knee instead.



After the next break, Khali, Primo and Epico were in the ring already and then Hornswoggle came out with a bouquet of flowers. During the match, he made his way over to Rosa, waving at her. He walks over to her and goes to hand her the flowers, but in result squirts her in the face with water, fooling her.

"Ahahaha nice."

Primo and Epico end up losing the match quickly. That goes to backstage where some attendants were going through what's needed for the CM Punk celebration.

"We need to make sure we have everything on this list. Uh...Mr. Heyman wants this to be the biggest celebration in the history of Raw."

"Go get it done. Go go go go. CM Punk is going to be so happy. 365 days as your reigning, def-balloons."

"Well, we have everything you asked for."

"It's a celebration."

"Well you didn't ask for balloons."

"I have to ask for balloons? You don't take the initiative? It's a celebration, it's known to have balloons for CM Punk. The best in the world. Balloons! I want balloons! Balloons! Balloons!"

Then Mike was heading to the ring for his match next.


"Go Mike."

Who turns out to be Mike's opponent is Otunga.

"Oh god...not B.O."

"Body oil." Cara clarifies for the guys.

"He just wears too much."

"Way too much."

"How people are able to even get a hold of him to win is beyond me."

"Who knows."

In the end, it was Mike driving Otunga down with the Skull Crushing Finale to pick up the win.

"Take that B.O."


They show a slow motion replay where Sheamus kicked the ref in the head and then when Show would hit Sheamus with the KO punch, the ref counting to three, everything all so confusing. Then up next would be Sheamus against Damien Sandow.

"Freak with a bathrobe."

"Na na naaaaa Girly Man."

"Yeah, what's up with the pink and the purple?" Seth asks.

"Sere and I were talking about this the other day. Guys wearing pink, more power to you. Its when you add other girly things in there that people are going to question your manhood."

"Well we're sure questioning it. Especially when he hides it behind a bathrobe."

"No kidding."

Sheamus comes out to the ring first, but grabs a mic to say a few things.

"Now before I knock the bejeezus out of my opponent tonight, there's something I'd like to get off my chest. When this thing with Big Show and me started, it was all about two warriors fighting for the World Heavyweight Championship. And last month at Hell in the Cell, even though I came up short, I wasn't too disappointed. Because I took pride in the fight that we had. It was a fight that will never be forgotten. But then Big Show had to make it personal. He made it personal when he attacked me from behind and knocked out my long time friend William Regal in England in the last couple of weeks. And then at Survivor Series last night, he stooped to a new low. He pulled the referee right in front of me, who ate the Brogue Kick, preventing me from retaining the World Heavyweight Championship. You know, the funny thing is, is that through all of this, he's shown what type of person he really is. Because, no matter what we've been through, no matter how hard we fought, he always seems to run away. Well I came out here after Hell in the Cell, and I told each and every one of you, I still had a smile on my face. Well I'm not smiling anymore. So Big Show, how about you get that giant arse of yours out here so we can settle this once and for all."

Only shortly after that Big Show comes out.

"Buzz Kill is more like it."


"Hey Big Show! You remember this?" Sheamus holds up the chair that he hit him with last night.

"Yes Sheamus, I do remember that. But the problem is, you and I have nothing to settle. It's plain and simple right in front of your face. At Hell in the Cell, I told you I was gonna knock you out and win the World Heavyweight Championship. At Survivor Series...YOU HOLD ON A MINUTE AND LISTEN TO ME WHILE I TALK!!! I AM THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! YOU HAD YOUR TURN TO TALK. NOW SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND LISTEN TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!"

"Anger issues."

"Just a tad."

"Last night you beat me within an inch of your life with that chair! You lost your Irish temper!"

"You're damn right I did! Each and every dent in this chair is a mark of your body, which I smashed all over this arena last night!"

"Yeah, but the bottom line is Sheamus, you are not the World Heavyweight Champion anymore! I am! I retained my World Heavyweight Championship! You..you don't deserve the World Heavyweight Championship Sheamus. You're just like your Irish ancestors. You're barbaric!"

"I'll tell you what Show, why don't you come down to this ring and I'll show you just how barbaric I can be." Sheamus says before Damien's music goes off and he walks out.

"Girly man."

In the end, it was Sheamus hitting White Noise on Damien before putting him down with the Brogue Kick, picking up the win and working out some aggression.

"Thanks for coming."

"See ya later Girly man."

AJ has now gone to Vickie's office, and Tamina was already there with Vickie, talking to her.


"It's okay Tamina. Have you guys met? Tamina, AJ. AJ, Tamina."

"Very funny Vickie. You know I plan on getting to know Tamina a whole lot better in the very near future. But for now, let's talk about that little set up out there. I know you sent Dolph to attack Cena."

"Oh how adorable. The little woman sticking up for her man. What're you gonna do now AJ? Come in here and deny that you were playing tonsil hockey with Cena in the ring?"

"John is hurt Vickie, what're you gonna do about it?"


"Well if you're not gonna do anything about it, I will."

"Some manager of Raw she is. She's supposed to look after the well being of HER talent."

"I know right?

Then AJ is seen walking fast through the halls with Layla.

"You need to think. Just think of what you're gonna do right now. It's not worth it."

They then stop and it just so happens to be the Men's locker room.

"Don't go in there."

"Layla, leave me the hell alone."

And she walks away and AJ storms into the locker room, and approaches Ziggler.

"Uh oh."

"Ohhhh boy."

"Who the hell do you think you are? I know that-"

"Save it AJ! Girls like you are a dime a dozen. You came from nothing and you are nothing. See, you've been so alone your entire life that when someone pays you a little attention, you cling to them and make them your entire world. Now what does that leave you? Huh?! What does that leave you?! At the end of the day you're back all by yourself, all alone. Desperate. Pathetic. And everytime someone disappoints you, you lose a piece of your pride. And now you're nothing more than a shell of a woman. Seen girls like you my entire life. You're all the same. Sad, weak, pitiful. Face it AJ, you're just trash." He states, before sitting back down.

"Wow....asshole much?"


"Who talks to a girl like that?"

"Apparently he does." I answer.

That's when AJ snaps and wails on him, not letting up. John comes rushing in and pulls her off of him, and that starts a fight between Dolph and John, to the point where Dolph sends John crashing through the bathroom stalls.

"Oh jeez."

"Uncalled for."


"Cheap bathroom stalls though. You can tell." I laugh.

"Oh yeah." Cara laughs too.

Once the break was over, they replay the whole thing, from the point where Dolph was putting AJ down with his words. Josh Matthews however was outside the trainer's room with an update on John.

"Ladies and gentlemen, during the commercial break, John Cena was rushed into the trainer's office here behind me. And remember what the doctors diagnosed Cena with earlier. The potential to have a partially torn meniscus. Not to further speculate, but you have to imagine after the attack from Dolph Ziggler, that injury has to be much...much worse, and judging by John Cena's face when he went into the trainer's room, Cena is in a tremendous amount of pain."


"Poor guy."

That cut to the ring where Sin Cara had come out, and out on commentary was Darren and Titus.

"One thing that always puzzles me. How in the hell can Sin Cara see out of that mask? I mean there are little holes in the eye parts, but that can't provide much sight. Psh, no wonder why he messes up all the time."

"I know right?

"Here's an idea....wear a mask like Rey does." I say, pointing him out when he's coming to the ring as Sin Cara's partner.

"Well Rey has learned from all his years of wearing them. Sin Cara is relatively new and obviously doesn't have a clue." Cara states.

Out as their opponents were Daniel and Kane. At the end of the match, just as Kane was about to drop Rey with a chokeslam, Darren and Titus hit the ring and the numbers game would catch up to Kane. However, Rey and Sin Cara would lend a helping hand to Kane and Daniel as Sin Cara and Daniel work together to set Darren and Titus up for a double 619 from Rey. Kane follows up with a chokeslam on Titus while Sin Cara hits the senton bomb on Darren Young.

"Shouldn't have gotten involved."


"I did happen to notice whatever color they wear....it makes them look fat." I snicker.

"Oh I know! They look terrible." She laughs.

"Wear black or something, then it wouldn't be so bad. But no, they wear bold colors."

"Bad taste in fashion."

"Tell me about it. And not only that...they wear sparkles on their trunks too."

"Fairies." Cara sings.

"Not so tough now are they?"

"Not at all."

They cut to the back where Punk is once again with Heyman, getting ready for his celebration.

"I'm compelled to thank you for letting me do this for you. All the dues that you've paid, all the sacrifices you've made to be the WWE Champion for 365 consecutive days. I want this to be a night that makes it all worth it for you. I want this to be a celebration beyond compare and no one....no one will tarnish this night for you, I personally guarantee it. My champion, your celebration awaits."

"Joy." I roll my eyes.

"Oh great." Cara sighs.

"Mr. Story Teller."

"Chatty McChatterson." She nods, causing the guys to chuckle.

"Please tell me you guys will interrupt this."

"Pleeeeease." Cara pouts.

"You'll see soon enough." Roman nods.


"Not spilling anything." Seth adds.


"Sorry. Needs to be a surprise to everyone." Dean continues.

"We understand."

"Can't wait for you three to become official members of the roster though and get theme music, and what your group name will be." I add.

Cara nods in agreement.

"Well...it'll definitely be better than Nexus. That's a shampoo right? But with an exta 'x'."

They all laugh.

"What? It's true."

"Then there was the whole thing with Corre and Apple." Cara adds.

"Ohhh Santino and his little names."

"I know." She giggles.

After the last break of the night, they replay the whole thing with John and AJ again, and the locker room brawl. But that was quick and they cut to Heyman in the middle of the ring, which was all set up for Punk's celebration.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman."

"No shit."

"Thanks Captain Obvious."

"Alright, hold on for one second. Let's get something straight okay? You don't boo me."


"Booooo." Cara joins in.

"I'm here tonight to honor a man that has successfully defended the WWE Championship for 365 consecutive days, and you have the nerve to boo me?"

"Yes, yes we do."

"What...are you angry at me or are you upset with CM Punk, because he successfully defended the title last night against both John Cena and Ryback? Is that what's bothering you ladies and gentlemen? Oh, maybe you're mad because last week we made fun of Jerry Lawler. Oh boooo. Oh, you tweet and you tout and you cry for the attitude era, but when CM Punk and I give you a taste of attitude, you don't really like it anymore do you? You have the temerity here in Dayton, Ohio to chant ECW at me, but when we give you just a little bit of the extreme, you don't really like it do you? You see, the problem is, I don't think the WWE Universe has ever been able to truly handle the greatness that stands before you when you're reigning, defending WWE Champion stands in this ring and makes history every single night by raising the bar so high, that even in the most hyper-competitive environment in WWE history, this man for whom this celebration stands head and shoulders above the rest. Not just in today's environment, but for all-time. It's time ladies and gentlemen for you to put some smiles on your faces, because this is a celebration! A celebration of 365 glorious days of the consecutive title reign of your reigning, defending WWE Champion, and the best in the world. Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored, humbled and privileged to present to you C...M...Punk."

"Long enough speech? Damn."


"I think he's a much worse chatterbox than Punk."

"Or close anyway."

"Shawn Michaels, he couldn't do it. Triple H couldn't do it. Bret The Hitman Hart, best there is, best there was, best there ever will be could not do it. I guess that makes me the best there is, best there was, best there ever will be. The Undertaker could...not...do it. And Dewey, I'm sorry Dwayne, The Rock couldn't do it. 365 days as WWE Champion, one calendar year." He motions to the tron and a video package of him as champion for a whole year is shown.

"Today is a very special day, tonight is celebration. But it's not just about honoring the past. It's about looking forward to the future. It's about recognizing my spot, my place in history, and I know my place in history, it's at the top. Can't stop, won't stop until I'm on the top of everybody's list. This list. That's why I'm already looking to the future. I have a goal, I have my sights set on July 25th, 2018 on what will be the 355th episode of WWE Main Event on ION Television, when I surpass Bruno Sammartino and become the longest reigning WWE Champion in history."

"Doubt it."


"You know, when I was just a little kid running around as a photographer in Madison Square Garden, I knew Bruno Sammartino. I liked Bruno Sammartino, I was a fan of Bruno Sammartino's. Bruno Sammartino belongs in the WWE Hall of Fame, just as you will be a first valid inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame, but truth be told, Bruno Sammartino could never beat CM Punk. As a matter of fact, truth be told, Hulk Hogan....could never beat CM Punk. As a matter of fact, another Paul Heyman guy, Stone Cold Steve Austin could never on his best day beat CM Punk. And as a matter of fact, at the Royal Rumble, it's going to be proven that not even The Rock can beat CM Punk."

"Thank you. Thank you very much for setting this all up Paul. I appreciate it. Lot of people ask me very important questions, specifically about my title reign. As history and as epic as it is, one of the more frequent ones they ask me is what my most important victory has been. Before last night, I'd be hard pressed to come up with a single one because let's be honest, there's been a lot of victories. But last night at Survivor Series, beating Ryback and John Cena, single-handedly in the same match, number one with a bullet. And I'll tell you why. It's because nobody thought I could win. All of you. Maybe it's because you're loser yourself, thought I was going to lose, I don't know. Only two people believed that I could pull off the impossible, and they're both standing in this ring. With the odds stacked up against me, like they've never been stacked up against me before, CM Punk, your WWE Champion survived Survivor Series and cemented-" He gets cut off by Ryback coming out.

"Someone's in trouble."

"Wah wahhh."

"Oh come on! It's a celebration!" Punk exclaims.

"Too bad. Party's been crashed."

As Ryback is heading to the ring, the guys then rush out of the area we're in, quickly making their way through the crowd. When Ryback gets down to the ring, they all swarm and attack like last night.

"Aha, so that's what they wouldn't tell us."


Ryback however gets a hold of Roman and throws him into the barrier, and then grabs seth and throws him into the other side of the barrier. Cara cringes. Ryback tries to get to Punk as he gets in the ring, but Dean grabs him and Seth quickly gets up and slides into the ring and attacks. Ryback shoves Seth and Dean away from him but only until all three attack him again, the numbers game getting the best of him. Roman drags Ryback out of the ring and the other two follow and they continue the attack while Roman rips apart the announce table like last night. Dean and Seth help Ryback up and then just like that night, after getting him on Roman's shoulders, they triple powerbomb him through the table.


They stand there for a bit as Punk hesitantly gets out of the ring. The guys into the ring now and away from Punk as he goes over to Ryback and stands over him, observing the damage they've done with a smirk, then proceeds to scream 'best in the world'. The show then ends on Punk's satisfied face.

"Thank goodness."

"So wait for them to come back or just end up meeting them in the parking lot when we leave?"

"Up to you." She shrugs.

"Well I'm not really in any rush to be outside. It's freezing out there."


"Wish it was warmer."

"I knowwww. Cold sucks."

"Which is why I wore my extra fluffy jacket."

"Right." She laughs.

It isn't long before the guys come back through the curtain that was seperating us with the rest of the crowd.

"Nice one."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Can't wait to see what you do next week."

They all just grin.

"I think we'll figure that out this week and then of course you'll have to wait and see."


"Never gonna tell us what you're up to each week are you?"

"Of course not."

"So assuming you need to go back to the locker room to get your things, want us to come with you?"


"I can see people just giving us weird looks in the backstage area with just being around you guys." I laugh.

"Probably." Cara agrees.

"Oh well."

"Don't really care." I shrug.

They grab their things before they follow us back to the backstage area. I walk next to Dean and Roman while Seth and Cara follow. Of course when people walk by us, or when we walk by them, they're talking quietly about all of us. We ignore it but in Cara's head she thinks of how it'll get back to Wade and what he's going to do. When we reach the locker room, we head in while the guys wait outside of the room. We grab our jackets and pull them on, before grabbing the rest of our stuff and then we head back out.

"Finally get a few days to relax."

"Oh, I know right?"

"Not sure what I'll do though."

"Forgetting about your best friend here?" Seth chuckles.

"Best friend?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Me silly. Ohhh, I see how it is now." He fakes being upset.

"Baby." She says amusedly.

"Just kidding with you. But yeah...you always have me to do stuff with."


"We can hang out all the time now."

"Of course."

"So if you get bored, all you have to do is call or text. Most likely I'll be bored too. We can even be bored together if we don't find something to do."

"Alright." She laughs quietly.

"And yes I know, the same goes for you too." I look at Dean, amused.

"Duh." He grins.

"Well you know I highly encourage it." Cara nudges me.


"Nope. Mwahahaha." She laughs evilly.

"Don't mind her."


"Well maybe we should go before it gets colder out."

"Yeah, no kidding."

We walk next to who we were when we got to the locker room, heading outside to the cars.

"Holy bejeesus." She says immediately as we get hit with the cold air.

"I've got the car." I say, taking out the keys from my purse and hitting the remote start.

"Woo, I love remote starters."

"Best invention ever."


"I say we keep our goodbyes quick. Don't wanna freeze out here."

Cara nods in agreement.

"Group hug."

We all gather for a big hug. After the hug, we say bye to each other before going to our seperate cars, getting in to get warm.

"Ohhh much better."

"So much better." She agrees.

"Be much warmer when we get back and into warmer clothes."


"Speaking of being much warmer. Someone was fighting the urge to put his arm around your shoulders." She adds.

"No way." I flush.

"Yes way. I could sense it."


"Fine don't believe me....but it's true."

"Yeah well what's with you and Seth hmm?" I retort.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh but you do."


"Deny it all you want."

"There's only one thing I'm worried about."

"How Wade will react?"

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Well you know, you deserve to be happy. And you're happy around Seth."

"Wade is so annoying and persistent though. He's going to hear about us being around the guys and especially me and Seth. He'll flip out."

"Think you should tell Seth about him so he's forewarned?"

"Tell the guy I have feelings for that I dated someone else? I don't know."

"Well...maybe when you're comfortable tell him?"

"I guess..." She sighs.

"But it's totally up to you. The best thing to do now is avoid Wade at all costs."


"But enough of that. You get to spend more time with Seth this week. Oooooh."

"Oh hush."

I just laugh as we pull into the parking lot of the hotel. We grab our things and exit the car, lock it and head inside and up to our room. We get ready for bed.

"Night Sere."

"Night Car."