Lost Injustice

Eve Quits WWE

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Seth asks as Cara comes out of the bathroom from getting ready.

"I'm going to talk to Stephanie or Hunter when we get there. I need to talk to them about this mess with Eve." She says while clasping my bracelet around her wrist.

"Alright." He nods.

"I don't know how long I'll be."

"That's alright."

"What are you boys up to tonight?" I ask.

"Find out when we get there."


"Probably gonna be the usual but still."

"Right." She nods as she puts a few last things in her gear bag.

"Well let's hope that this whole thing with Eve can come to an end and end with you getting that title."

"I hope so too."

"When you meet with either one of them or both of them, you want me there with you or will you be alright?"

"I'll be fine. I'm a big girl. I've had these meetings before."

"Right, I know. Just thought I would ask anyway."

I know, thank you for the thought."

"You're welcome."

"Ready to go?" She asks Seth after getting her coat on.

"Yup, all set." He nods.

They grab their bags and head out to the car. They put everything in the back seat before getting in and heading off to the arena for the show. It doesn't take long to get there. Once they go inside, Seth takes her bag.

"I'll put this in the room for you."

"Thanks. See you in a bit." She says before kisses his cheek.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Her and Seth walk together for a bit longer before they split up. Him going to the locker room, and her heading to where Stephanie or Hunter's office is...whoever is there for tonight. The door is shut so she knocks on it. She hears a 'come in' from inside and opens the door, walking in, finding Hunter there.

"Hi, do you have a few minutes to talk?" She asks.

"Of course. Have a seat."

She sits down in the chair in front of the desk.

"So what brings you to my office Caralyn."

"I wanted to talk about the situation with Eve. I'm getting frustrated with her constantly dodging legitimate matches."

"I mean, I'm sure you would agree that a real champion wouldn't constantly run from fights in order to remain champion." She adds.

"There are different types of champions but I can see how she is frustrating. So what do you want to do about this?"

"I want to change the type of match. She won't fight unless she has no choice."

"Hmm, what did you have in mind?"

"I want to go out of the box. You know me, I like to push the boundaries and you've seen that it usually works out well." She pauses and he nods.

"I want an I Quit match with careers on the line." She says bluntly after taking a deep breath.

"Careers on the line? That's pretty big. There's a lot at stake with that stipulation. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I thought about it for a while. I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't sure. I'm pretty confident I can beat her but on the off chance that I don't, I'm content with everything I've accomplished since I got here." She says calmly.

"Well I definitely like the idea. We've only had one Divas 'I Quit' match in history, and adding the career stipulation to it, makes it another first."

"I know. I did my research." She gives him a smile.

"You have yourself a match."

"Thank you. I appreciate you trusting me."

"You're welcome. And to be completely honest here, I do believe that you can win this match."

"That means a lot. Thank you. Have a good night."

"You too. And I'll make sure that everyone out there knows about this match before the show starts. It'll be a major headline on the website and everything."

She nods as she stands up.

"Sounds like a plan."

"Good luck tonight."

"Thanks." She smiles before heading out the door.

Once she gets down the hall, she takes a deep reath and releases it, feeling most of her tension dissipate. Then she starts to head for the locker room where Seth was waiting for her.

"How'd it go?" He asks when she walks in.

"It went good." She replies, sitting beside him.

"So what's being done about the whole Eve situation?"

"The match now has a stipulation that she can't get out of."

"Well that's good. That's what you wanted."

"Mmhmm." She nods.

"What kind of stipulation is it?"

"I Quit with careers on the line."

"Careers on the line...what?"


"Cara...if you lose...and I'm not saying you will, but still...if you lose, you won't be here anymore. You won't be here with me. Yeah sure you'll be able to come on the road maybe a few days or so, but it wouldn't be the same."

He gets up and starts pacing angrily.

"How could you be so irresponsible?! It's so stupid to put that on the line against her!" Seth says loudly, getting more and more angry.

"It backs her into a corner and it brings attention to the Divas. How is that irresponsible and stupid?" She replies.

"There's a chance you could lose this job and..." He trails off.

"...I don't want to lose you...not again." He adds.

"It isn't the end of the world if I lose this job. I've accomplished a lot and I'm satisfied if I have to stop now. I've held the women's title a bunch of times and if I don't get the Diva's one, oh well." She says.

"I have the money to burn if I want to travel with you full time. Would it kill you to have a little faith and trust me?" She adds icily as she gets up and storms out the door, slamming it behind her.

He ends up signing and sits back down where he was earlier, with his head in his hands. And that's how we find him when Dean, myself and Roman walk in.

"Seth...what's wrong?"

"We had a fight." He says, his voice muffled by his hands.

"About what?"

"She went to Hunter or Stephanie and had her match with Eve changed to an I Quit match with careers on the line."

"Sounds like something she would do."

"You got mad didn't you." Roman says knowingly.

"May have shouted at her quite a bit. Said she being irresponsible, and that it was stupid to put her career on the line against Eve."

"That wasn't a good idea." I sigh.

"I really think you should go find her and apologize." I add.

"I don't know if she would listen to me." He says as he lifts his head.

"Point taken. Not to mention she is hard to find when she wants to be alone." I mutter.

"But Wade could be around...."

"I'll see if I can find her." I nod.

"Thanks." Seth nods.

"You're welcome."

"You be careful. You want me to come with?" Dean says to me.

"I think I'll be alright."

"Will you take your phone and let us know if you need help?"

"I always take my phone with me, unless I have a match or whatever. So yes."

"Keep us posted." He says, kissing my head.

"I will." I nod.

I leave the room to look for her and as I do, I hear Dean and Roman ripping into Seth. I just shake my head as I go further down the hall, their voices becoming distant. I search for her, checking the usual type of spots. It isn't until I get to a deserted hallway that I hear her voice and she doesn't sound very happy.

"Would you get off me? I'm really not in the mood for your shit right now." She says, angry an highly annoyed.

"Cara?" I call out, heading in the direction of her voice.

"Down here!" She hollers before she gets muffled.

Right after that there's a masculine yell of pain.

"You bloody bit me!"

"Wait till you see what else I'm gonna do if you don't get the frick off me!"

"Ohh what I was afraid of..." I mumble to myself before quickly turning the corner to see Wade holding where she had bit him like he yelled.

"Really Wade, do you have nothing better to do than be a desperate creep?" I scoff.

"You stay out of this." He growls.

Wade still has her pinned against the wall and she's glaring daggers at him.

"I would let her go if I were you."

"What if I don't?" He retorts.

He takes his attention off her longer enough for her to shift and jam her knee into his crotch.

That'll happen." I remark, as I go typing away on my phone to let the guys know that I've found her and so on.

Wade makes a strangled screaming gasp noise as he drops to the floor, holding himself.

"I'll do that and worse if you fuck with me again." She says in a dark tone, pushing him away with her foot.

"Hope that hinders your ability to have children for a while Wade." I snicker as Cara walks away from him and in my direction.

"That'd be nice." She agrees.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Physically yes."

"Well that's why I came to find you....because of the emotional part. I know what happened."


"Advised him to come find you and apologize. But he didn't think you even wanted to see him, let alone talk to him."

"To be honest, I don't know if I want to right now. That hurt."

"Well if it helps a little, Dean and Roman were ripping into him for it."

She smiles a bit.

"Wasn't right for him to say what he did to you."

"I'm just hurt and mad that he doesn't seem to believe I can do this. Every other match I've had, he's been super encouraging. Now all the sudden I can't beat Eve because my career is on the line." She says.

"Not to mention he was saying that I wouldn't be able to travel with you guys and all this BS, like he doesn't want me here all the time."

"Of course he wants you here all the time. I don't see why he wouldn't."

"That's the way it sounded. Then there was the whole deal about calling me irresponsible and stupid."

"Right, and he regrets saying that. I could tell."

"He better."

"It's your first fight as a couple....but you two love each other, and we all can see that."

"I do love him but I'm hurt and mad and disappointed."

"Right, of course. He's relieved that you're alright though. Dean had me keep them informed about everything. Even he and Roman were worried about you...because of Wade."

"Brothers." She says amusedly.

"They sure act like it." I nod.

"That they do."

"Dean wanted to come with me to find you, but I told him I would be okay. This was a moment for just us, you know?"

"Right, I appreciate that. Plus it's a good thing he didn't come with because he would've beat the crap out of Wade."

"Yes he would've."

"Don't want them getting in trouble this early in their careers."

"Not at all."

We keep talking until we get to the room.

"You sure you want to go in there? Or do you want me to send Seth out so you can talk?"

"Send him out I think. There's a secluded spot around the corner where we can talk."

"Alright." I nod, before hugging her quick and then heading inside.

Cara leans against the wall until he comes out.

"Don't screw it up." Dean says to Seth.

"Dean....encouragement would be nice." I remark, hitting him on the arm.

"Don't you think ripping into him about it was enough already?"


"Well I think he's got the message."


"So stubborn sometimes." I remark as I take the spot next to him.

"You love me anyway."

"I do."

"Love you too." He grins cheesily.

"I strongly believe that Wade won't be able to have children for a while." I laugh.

"Why?" Roman asks curiously.

"She kneed him pretty hard."

Dean and Roman both cringe.

"He had her pinned against a wall, and he wasn't letting her go so.."

"Right. A smart move on her part. It's just a male reflex to cringe when those kind of hurts are described."

"Right of course."

"You should've heard the sound he made." I giggle.

"Oh boy."

"It was like a screaming girly gasp. Oh it was fantastic."

"Aww and we missed it."

"Maybe another time."

"So...a change to your gear I see." I remark as I see no more black t-shirt on Dean, instead a sleeveless shirt is in it's place.

"Just a small one."

"Ohhh, so you cut off the sleeves of a hoodie I see." I add as I now see a hood behind him, realizing that it's not a regular shirt.

"Yup." He nods.

"I like it."

"Good. I hoped you would."

"The t-shirt get too hot to wear every week?"

"Yeah. It gets a bit constricting."

"Poor you."

"Right." He chuckles.

"This shows off your arms better anyway."

"I figured you'd like that part." He smirks.

I just grin and lean against him. Dean puts his arms around me and kisses my cheek. Seth and Cara have since gone to the secluded area and were in the middle of their talk.

"You were completely supportive and encouraging before this. Careers on the line shouldn't have changed that. Do you really think that little of me? That all of the sudden she'll beat me because of that stipulation?" She asks, leaning back against the wall while she sits on an equipment box.

"I don't think little of you at all. I overreacted, I'll admit that."

"Just a little." She mutters.

"I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry for overreacting."

"Apology accepted. Try to have a better reaction next time okay?"

"I'll try." He nods.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Kiss before we head back in?"

"You come and get it."

He grins a bit before walking over and his arms go around her, pulling her close to him before pressing his lips to hers. This kiss is a lot different than others, as he's still showing her that he's sorry for earlier. He pours everything he can into the kiss while making sure she's pulled flush against his body. The combination of that and his grabby hands has her groaning against his lips. The only time he pulls away is for air and he rests his forehead against hers.

"Lordy." She says breathlessly.

"Showing you how sorry I really am."

"Got it."

"I'm glad."

Seth then picks her up.

"What are you doing?" She asks after a short squeal.

"Carrying you inside."

"My chauffer." She teases, putting her arms around his neck.


She kiss his cheek as he carries her to the room.

"Awww." I remark.

"Better now?" I ask.

"Much." She nods.

"I'm glad." I grin.

"Me too." She snuggles into Seth as he sits with her on his lap.

"There no more ripping into him about what happened." I say to Dean.

"Oh darn." He chuckles.

"I do want to thank you for looking out for me though." She remarks.

"Both of you guys." She refers to him and Roman.

"You're welcome." They reply.

The show soon starts and with it being the 20th anniversary of Raw, it gets kicked off with Vince being in the ring.

"Welcome everyone to the 20th anniversary of Monday Night RAW! Through the years we've seen a great deal here on Raw. We've seen a lot of excitement, action, drama, tears, joys, romance, but most of all what we've seen here on Raw through the years is entertainment. As a matter of fact, Raw has been so entertaining here in the United States alone, over 4 billion viewers have enjoyed Monday Night Raw. And why? Why have over 4 billion viewers enjoyed Monday Night Raw? The one reason. Because I'm a certifiable, iconic genius! And because of each and every one of you and I thank you. We hope you enjoy the 20th anniversary of Monday Night Raw-" He gets cut off by the Big Show coming out.

"Oh, come on."

"Ugh. He's so boring."

"Mr. McMahon, sir. We need to address what happened on SmackDown."

"What is there to address? You lost the match, you lost the title, so what?"

"To the back of the line wit choo!" Cara says with a fake accent, pointing dramatically.

"And what would you have me do Show?"

"Well sir, I...in good council, being your giant, your most precious commodity, I suggest you strip the inferior Alberto Del Rio of the World Heavyweight Championship."

"Just strip him.." He says, before Del Rio comes out now.

"Strip him? Ewwww. I'll pass."

"Instead of complaining to Mr. McMahon, why don't you do something about it? Why don't we give them the Big Show against Alberto Del Rio in Houston for the World Heavyweight Title! Tonight."

"No. If you think, that I'm gonna waste my World Heavyweight Championship rematch here tonight, you are delusional. I'm not gonna fight you when you want me to fight you. I'm gonna fight you when I want to fight you. I suggest the Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Cause at the Royal Rumble, pero, I'm gonna knock you out and take back my World Heavyweight Championship. Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame."

"Big Show, relax. Just relax. Listen. It's not everything bad. Me and Ricardo, we have a present for you."

"Present for me."

"Yes. Please Ricardo. Do the honors." Del Rio says as Ricardo goes and gets a bucket covered by a towel.

"I'm afraid to see what that is."

"If you throw water on this suit, I will break your spine in half, do you understand me?"

They shrug and what's in the bucket ends up being confetti, not water, but still fools Big Show for a moment. And then a fight ensues in the ring.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the new World Champion, Alberto Del Rio!"

"I was expecting a lot worse." Cara remarks, looking mildly surprised.

"There should've been water."

"I was expecting something gross." She shrugs.

"I know right?"

"I'm kind of disappointed it wasn't."

"Would've been hilarious."

"Oh yes."

"I wonder what Eve's going to think when she hears the news of the match change." I remark.

"She'll probably freak out." Cara says amusedly.

"Try to see if she can get out of it somehow or change it."

"She can try." She scoffs.

"All that flirting and kissing up, isn't gonna work."


"You're gonna hurt her soooo bad."

"Yup." She smirks.

"And then it's buh bye. Don't have to see her again."


"It'll be so much better around here...at least a bit anyway."

"Mmhmm. That's a big part of why I'm doing it."

"Can't wait to see it."

She just smiles. The opening match of the night saw an old rivalry rekindle as Randy went one on one with Wade. When Wade came out, he seemed to be still in a bit of pain from what Cara did to him.

"That's what you get asshole." She scoffs.

"Hope you get hit there again and go down screaming like a girl." I add.

"He did sound like a girl though." She laughs.

"Oh yes." I nod with my own snicker.

"It was awesome." She grins.

In a major upset, Wade would dodge the RKO and hit the Bull Hammer Elbow on Randy to pick up the win.


"Well at least he still hurts where you kneed him."

"Tis true." Cara agrees.

The screen had faded to the backstage area where Eve was dressed for the match against Cara later, walking through the halls, until she reached Booker and Teddy Long.

"Hey Eve. Let me holla at you. I was talking with Vickie Guerrero, who was talking with Triple H, and they have agreed that with the past stunts that you pulled, there should be a special stipulation for your match tonight. That Divas Championship match tonight. And that stipulation is, you can't think of getting counted out or disqualified in this match because it's an I Quit match with careers on the line."

"Oh! We get to see her face! YES!"

"Booker, you can't do that."

"Oh, I just did that Eve."

She's really pale and Cara cackles evilly. But then Eve's expression changes again.

"Teddy...Booker...I am sure that there is something we can do. Something that we can work out." She tries to flirt her way out of the match.

"Whooooorrrrreeee." Cara yells at the TV.

It looks like he's going to consider it, but then turns away laughing hysterically.

"Tell me..you did not just try that. You didn't just try that did you?"

"Teddy, what are you laughing at?!"

"I'm just laughing at you, okay? What's the problem? I can't believe you tried to-" He gets cut off by her slapping him.


After she walks off in an angry huff, Booker tries his best not to laugh at the fact that Teddy just got slapped by her, asking him if he's alright once he turns to face him.

"He should sanitize his face. I wouldn't want to leave whore germs on my skin." Cara remarks.


"Exactly." Cara nods.

Then going to another backstage segment from earlier today, Kane and Daniel were backstage, talking.

"I just don't get it. I don't know why they felt like we needed a followup anger management evaluation. But let's face it, neither of us wants to be here."

"Agreed. So what's your point?"

"My point is, we lie. Whenever Dr. Shelby asks us, we tell him what he wants to hear. Because the sooner we get out of here, the better. Deal?"


"Oh lord...more anger management."

"More hugging." Cara snickers.

"Look at that. My two star pupils shaking hands without any prompting. I'm so proud of you two. Who wants a group hug?"

"We do."


"Let's have seat gentlemen."

"So uh...clearly we've beaten this anger problem. So can we go now?"

"In just a minute. Uh, I just have one followup question for each of you regarding your past anger issues okay? It's just a formality. Daniel we'll start with you. What is your favorite part about Kane?"

"I like....that he's tall. I like that he can set things on fire by lowering his arms somehow. And he's um...he's quite a good dancer."

We all try to stifle a laugh.

"And Kane. What do you think is the best part about Daniel?"

"In the ring, he is very agile. And he's got a great beard. And he's not afraid to admit that sometimes, he wears women's clothing."

We bust out laughing.

"Very good. Uh, okay. You two have made great progress and you are free to go. I just want to try one more thing here. Kristen, can you send them in. Okay, thank you. Just wait. I have one more surprise for you."

"What are they doing here?" Kane asks as Cody and Damien walk in.

"Now gentlemen, I asked Damien and Cody to be here to help with something. They're going to cause a trigger for your anger, and we're going to see how you deal with it okay? This is called exposure therapy."

"Actually that is closer to systematic de-sensitization. A technique made famous by the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov. You're welcome."

"Don't even know what you said dude."

"I understood but he doesn't need to be a smart ass about it."

"Okay. Uh...thank you for that. Um...this is how it works alright? Danie, Kane. Uh..Damien and Cody are going to purposely antagonize you and when you start to feel those angry feelings, what I want you to do is let them wash away. And then just find your happy place."

"Happy place? What kind of quack pop-psychology is this?"

"Okay uh..."

"Sigmund Freud would never have to create a state of artificial intentment."

"Look. No. Look. I asked you to be here to help Kane and Daniel, not to critique me okay?"

"Well if you wanted us to help you, then many you should have a rudimentary understanding of what it is you're trying to accomplish."

"Oh I know what it is I'm trying to accomplish."

"Do you?"

"I do!"

"Because judging by the way these two act, I don't know what the bigger failure is. Them as a team, or you as a therapist."

"Dr. Shelby is getting angry...look out."

"Did you even graduate from an accredited....institution? Where did you get your medical degree from? Dare I say this, these two would be better served receiving advice from Dr. Phil, than-"

"Dr. Phil? Dr. Phil?! Dr. Phil?!?! You know what?! Get them! Get them! Yes!" Dr. Shelby snaps, Daniel and Kane attacking Damien and Cody, throwing them out of the room.

"I have to say when the therapist gets angry, it's hilarious."

"Now that's what I call a happy place!" Kane exclaims before all three start screaming 'yes'.


And of course that is what led to the next match, where Kane would face Sandow, with Daniel in his corner and Cody in Damien's corner.


"Boring." Cara sighs, burying her face in Seth's neck.

"Wish it would be my match already." She adds.

"Can't wait to beat her up huh?"

"Oh yeah."

"I want her gone." She adds.

"So do I." I nod.

"That annoying huh?" Roman says.

"You have no idea." Cara and I say in unison.

"I mean you saw how she tried to flirt her way out of the match. That's what she does."


"The Bella Twins are gone, now she has to go."

"Exactly." Cara agrees.

"I don't know who's worse them or her."

"They're all awful."

The match had soon ended and Kane had picked up the win over Damien.

"Thank god that's over."


"And unfortunately this is where we're needed." Seth remarks.

"Aww." She sighs, moving out of his neck and off his lap

"I know, I know."

"Be safe." She says to him.

"As always, I'll try my best."

She nods and pats his heart.

"That goes for you too." I tell Dean as he moves himself.

"Like he said, I'll try."

I nod as well, before he, Seth and Roman exit the room to be where they need to be. She stretches out on the couch and gets comfortable.

"So, Seth is happy about the time you two get alone this week isn't he?" I ask amusedly.

"He always gets happy about alone time." She laughs.

"Probably even more happy because you get the condo to yourselves this time."

"Yeah, that's going to be nice."

"Gonna be spending a lot of time on the beach I bet."

"Of course." She grins.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the first inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame class of 2013...." Justin Roberts trails off, before the music starts and he introduces Mick Foley.

"Thank you for that very warm reception, you're giving me right here in Houston, Texas."

But before he could say any more.... Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield. Like always, they come through the crowd, Roman on one side, Seth and Dean on the other. In usual fashion, they hop the barricade and surround the ring, climbing up onto the sides, surrounding Mick. He backs up into a corner as the guys get into the ring, but as they get into the ring... Feed Me More.


"Not that jerk. Ugh." Cara groans, rolling her eyes.

Once Ryback storms the ring, they attack. But Ryback ends up taking Seth and Dean out of the ring briefly before going after Roman. That's short lived as Seth and Dean get back into the ring and get Ryback down with the 3-on-1 assault. During the assault however, the crowd goes crazy and Randy is rushing to the ring, trying to help Ryback, but he gets taken down as well. Out next is Sheamus to join and now the numbers are even. Roman and Seth are thrown out of the ring, Dean being left, and he's hit with Shell Shocked from Ryback.


"Damn them."

Seth and Roman come to his aid and help him away from the ring. Once they were on the floor by the stage, they let Dean go and he kind of walked/stumbled into the stage wall, bumping his head/face against it.


"Oops." I giggle.

"That's gonna smart."


"The way he just like stumbled into it. Whoops."

"It was kinda funny."

"He'll probably end up at the trainer's to get it checked out of course."


"I'll probably end up going there just to check on him. But I won't go until Seth and Roman come back, if they do."


"My match should be coming up soon anyway, so it works out." She adds.

"Oh good."

A few moments after that, the door opens and it is only Seth and Roman who walk in.

"Go check on your boy. I need to get ready." Cara says to me.

"Alright." I nod, as I get up from where I was sitting.

"From what we saw, he has a couple cuts. Guess he bumped into that stage wall harder than we thought." Roman remarks.

"Oh boy."

"Didn't look like it was too serious though. He should be fine." Seth adds.

"Thanks guys. I'll go check on him."

They nod and I head out of the room, and to the trainer's to do so. When I get there and walk in, I see him being attended too, the cuts being cleaned. He's just sitting there quietly and being still. I know he's had much worse so he isn't going to flinch from a few cuts.

"Hey. I know you're fine, but I just wanted to check on you."

"I figured you would. I can't blame you."

"Not worried because of you being through worse than just a couple cuts, but I still care."

"I know you do." Dean smiles a bit.

"Kinda forgot that wall was there huh?"

"Yeah." He grins sheepishly.


"My bad."

"It happens."


"So Cara's match is coming up next, so we can either stay in here to watch it or head back once you're all done here. You can choose."

"Well the cuts are clean, the bleeding stopped, just let me get something to cover them and you can be on your way." The trainer says.

Dean nods. As soon as he gets something and covers the cuts, we're sent on our way, heading back to the locker room. When we get back there, it's only Roman in the room, since you and Seth have headed to the curtain for your match.

"Oh good, so we didn't miss anything yet."

"Nope. You're just in time." Roman says.

"Can't wait to watch this. It's going to be epic."

"Definitely. Making history here."

"And that's what we like to do." I nod.

"Of course."

With Eve being the champion, she heads out first, leaving Cara and Seth behind as they wait for her to finish.

"Please be careful." Seth says.

"I'll do what I can."

"That's all I ask."

"I know."

"And I apologize ahead of time if you get worried at any time if not the whole time of the match." She adds.

"It's okay. It's payback for all the times you worry about me."

"Wouldn't call it payback, would just call it even."

"Okay." He chuckles.

"I will come out of that match with my career still intact and the title. I'll make sure of it."

He nods, hugging her tightly.

"Alright. That's my cue." She says as Eve's music fades and hers starts.

"I love you." She smiles at him.

"I love you too."

She gives him a kiss and then heads out. The crowd goes absolutely crazy for her, clearly in favor of her beating Eve to become the new Divas Champion. But they were also excited for the fact that the match was an 'I Quit' match with not only her career on the line, but Eve's. Eve wasn't a particularly liked individual as of late so of course most of the crowd want her to lose and leave the WWE. She gets to the ring and does the usual routine before facing Eve who still had the title in her hands. She had to hand it over to the ref and he showed it to both of them before showing it for everyone to see. He then hands it off to an attendant ringside before the bell rings to start the match. As usual, Eve puts on her good sportsmanship act, reaching her hand out for a handshake. Cara knew the game she was playing, so she made it look like she was going to shake her hand, but instead slaps her across the face and kicks her in the leg so she drops to one knee. She then backs up against the ropes and dropkicks her in the face.

"You can't run this time!" Cara screams.

And since it was an 'I Quit' match, pinning would not be an option here. Even starts to crawl away from her, heading for the corner. But Cara beats her to it and drags her over to the ropes, stepping on her back with both feet and using the top rope as leverage as Eve's throat pushes against the bottom rope. And the count would not be in effect for this because of the 'I Quit' rules. The ref gets out of the ring takes the mic out.

"Eve, do you want to quit?"

It takes her a bit, but after a few coughs, she replies with 'no'. Cara lets go and drags her away from the ropes and into the middle of the ring, going to set her up for the Boston Crab submission, but she kicks her away and she ends up tumbling out of the ring after going through the ropes. After a bit, Eve follows and takes the fight to the outside, starting with throwing Cara into the barricade, and then dropping her on top of it. After falling to the ground, she takes Cara and brings her into the ring again. She helps her to her feet before getting her into a Kimura submission hold, the ref asking Cara if she wants to quit.


That of course infuriates Eve and she lets go of the hold and starts hitting her across the back with her forearms, switching between that and stomps. After that she starts to show off, waiting for Cara to roll over onto her back. When she does, Eve gets into position and goes for her Standing Moonsault, but Cara thankfully moves out of the way in time, going into the corner to recover a bit from the attack Eve left on her. As Eve is clutching her stomach, Cara gets to her feet and waits for Eve to get to her feet. When she does, Cara charges at her and hits her with a hard clothesline. She grabs Eve by the hair and drags her to the middle of the ring, helping her up so she's standing. Leaning against Cara, that helps her set Eve up for the Reverse STO, and Cara hits it successfully. She rolls Eve over so she's laying on her back and then Cara climbs to the top of the nearest corner. After brushing the hair out of her face with her hands, she stands straight up on the top turnbuckle, and waits a bit before jumping and landing with both feet planting themselves on Eve's midsection. She quickly acts after that, putting Eve in a headscissor submission hold.

"Ask her!"

"Eve, do you want to quit?"


"Fine then." Cara grumbles as she applies the pressure around Eve's neck.

After the long and grueling match, which seemed like it was going to go on forever, since Eve wasn't giving up at all, soon came to an end. She had put her in a position where she couldn't take anymore, and if she tried to stick it out, something would've been hurt really bad. With the ref holding the mic to her face, she finally says 'I Quit', and the bell rings, ending the match and Cara was declared the new champion. She throws Eve to the mat and drops to her knees, holding her side. She looks exhausted but relieved and happy. Seth, as he's watching in the back breathes a sigh of relief and a grin comes across his face as the title is handed to her. She holds it up and staggers to her feet. She does a bit of a celebration in the ring, all while holding her side, before getting out and heading back up the ramp. As soon as she gets through the curtain, Seth is there. She lets herself fall into his arms, knowing he'll catch her.

"I'm so proud of you."


"Now you're definitely holding onto that for a long time."

She nods.


"How are you feeling? Not too hurt are you?"

"My side hurts and I'm tired but as of right now, I don't feel pain anywhere else."

"Well we can go back and have you rest if you want....after getting that nameplate changed of course."

"Yeah, sounds good."

"Stop by catering too and get you a water or something." He says as he drapes an arm over her shoulders.

"Okay. Walk slow though."

"I know. No rush. Unless you want me to carry you...or will that hurt your side too much?"

"I'll do what I can. I'll let you know if I can't go any further."

"Alright." He nods.

She leans into Seth as they slowly head to get the nameplate changed. When they get there, they find a place to sit as they wait for them to change them. It doesn't take long and then they head to catering. She gets a vitamin water and a small snack before they begin the walk to the room.

"Definite rest for you tonight when we go back to the hotel."

"I know."

"And I'll have a bath ready for you in the morning."

"You're sweet."

"Always looking out for you."

"I know." She smiles.

"Get you as relaxed as you can be before we head home."

"Right." She agrees.

"That's how much I love you."

"I love you too silly."

He leans down and kisses her briefly before continuing on their way to the locker room.

"Okay, I'm done." She sighs and stops as they turn the corner of a long hallway.

He nods and carefully picks her up, carrying her the rest of the way. She snuggles into him carefully, holding onto her water and snack. When they do get back, since he's carrying her, she reaches down and turns the handle to open the door, walking in after it's pushed open. Seth lets the door shut behind them as he carries her to the couch.

"So glad you won." I remark.

"Me too."

"The match definitely had me on the edge of my seat the whole time."

"That was part of why I wanted that match. I knew it would have that effect."

"I'd hug you right now, but clearly you were carried in for a reason."

"My side hurts but he mostly carried me because I'm tired."

"Ah, well that was expected."


"It was a great match though." Roman nods.

"Thanks Rome."

"An intense match for sure." Dean adds.

"That's how I like them." She grins at Dean.

"And now you have that title to show for it."

"Yeah." She smiles.

"I'm so happy for you."


"And now to a long title reign."

"Oh yes." She grins widely.

"Can't wait to see who's going to be the first to face you since Eve is now gone."

"Someone decent I hope."


She starts on her snack, staying snuggled against Seth. After Punk had made comments about Brodus last week, suggesting that he dances with the fans to make it as a star in the WWE, he would go one on one in a match against Brodus, and in the end, beating him by forcing him to tap.

"Now I just came out here to do what I come here to do every Monday night. And a little bit later, The Rock is gonna come out here to do...whatever it is he does. Now some of you may think one or the other is more entertaining. And that's your opinion. And you're entitled to your opinion. What you're not entitled to is your own facts. It's nobody's opinion that I just made a 400 pound monster tap out. It's a fact!"

"Nobody cares." Cara mutters.

"The most important title in the world, fact! It belongs to me. Fact! For 421 days, not a soul has beaten me for it. Fact! The Rock will come out here, and he will sing and he will dance and he'll entertain, maybe...if you're into that sort of thing. And that's your opinion. And you're entitled to it, just like The Rock is. At Royal Rumble, no matter your opinion, no matter Rock's opinion, he will NOT leave the WWE Champion. That is a fact! Because I'm the best in the world, and that is just not my opinion, that's a fact!"

"Don't care dude."

"You know, I'm gonna laugh if he does lose the title to him."


"How long do you want to end up sticking around?" Dean asks me.

"Getting towards the end of the night anyway and we don't really have anything else planned." He adds.

"Hmm I think I'm ready." I reply.

He nods and lets me get up first, before he does.

"So we'll see you tomorrow." I say to the rest of them.

"Of course."

The two of us grab our stuff and head out.

"When would you like to head out?" Seth asks Cara.

"Soon. I lack the motivation to change at the moment."

"Alright, well just let me know and I'll let you go to do so."

"Or you could just carry her in there." Roman says as he gets up and gathers his things.

"Heading out too Rome?" She asks.

"Yeah, have a good night you guys."

"Same to you."

He walks out, leaving Seth and Cara alone. "He does have a point. You can carry me in when I have the motivation to change."

"I think he meant for me to motivate you by carrying you in there now."

"Well, that works too."

Seth makes sure he has a secure hold on her before lifting her up. He carries her to the changing area. Once inside, he sets her down by her things which were left in there. She stretches carefully before changing.

"You can change too if you want. I know you still need to."

"Just making sure you don't need my help." Seth says.

"I'm fine but thank you for your concern."

"You're welcome."

He gets changed himself and before long, they're walking to the car.*

"Can't wait to get back."


"You're exhausted. I can tell." He nods.

"I am. No big celebration tonight. Just bed." She says, yawning.


They get to the car and Seth drives to the hotel. She barely manages to stay awake long enough to get to their room.

"Need help changing or no?" He asks, seeing her just fall onto the bed once walking inside the room.

"Yes." She mumbles.

"Alright." He nods, coming over and having her sit up so he can help.

She strips down to her bottoms and then crawls up the bed to lay in her spot.

"Shouldn't take me long to change. I'll be in bed in a few."

"Mmkay. Thank you." She mutters.

"You're welcome."

Seth puts away my clothes before starting to get ready for bed. Once he's changed and ready for bed, he comes over and turns off the light before climbing into bed next to her and under the covers. She snuggles into him and sighs peacefully.

"Night love."
