Lost Injustice

Easy Night

It was a fairly easy night again tonight, since I wasn't booked for either show taping tonight, so I got to relax again. We didn't go to the arena early this time, decided to just hang out in the room until then. I was catching up on some reading while Dean had come back in from getting snacks. Dean sprawls out on the bed beside me. "Here you go." He says, handing you some snacks that you like.

"Can never go wrong with chocolate. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He chuckles.

"Can never get enough of these."

"I've noticed."

"How's the book?" He asks as he purposely starts to be touchy.

"Really good. What do you think you're doing?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh am I distracting you from your reading? I'm sorry."

"No you're not." I giggle.

"Guilty." He chuckles.

"I know you are."

"I'm amusing myself."

"By being distracting."

"Then it's working."

"Well duh, you know exactly what to do to distract me."

"Yes I do."

"You're lucky I love you."

"I know." He grins cheesily.

"Might as well put the book down....you're not gonna stop...clearly."

"Nope." He smirks.

I shake my head amusedly before saving my place, closing the book and putting it on the nightstand.

"You have my attention now."

"Perfect." He grins, before kissing me.

With his arms that wrap around me, he ends up pulling me closer and I end up half laying on him, my hands resting on his shoulders. We kiss for a while, enjoying the closeness.

"Missed that this morning." He remarks after pulling away.

"Me too." I smile.

"Which is why the time off we have, I enjoy, because we're not busy in the mornings."

"Yeah, we get to relax. Its nice."


"Speaking of being busy, what do you guys have going on tonight?" I ask.

"Well we're actually going to be on both shows this week. The usual attacking on Main Event, and a backstage promo for SmackDown. Pretty easy night."


"What about you?"

"Night off again."

"Fantastic. More time together."

"Yes. I know how much you like that."

"Very much." He grins.

"As do I."

"Cuz you love me."

"Yes I do."

"Just like you love me." I add.


"And since we're not going to the arena early today, I'm taking advantage of all the alone time we do have." He adds with a smirk.

"I figured as much." I say amusedly.

As I lay there, I bury my face into his neck, and along with his hands wandering, he ends up kissing the skin that he can reach from where he was. His hands slip under my shirt and rest on my sides.

"Cold hands." I mumble.

"Sorry." He chuckles.

"It's okay."

"Let me know if I do something you're uncomfortable with, okay?"

"I know. And that's what makes you sweet."

"Just for you."

"Of course."

His hands are warmer now so he moves them around a bit.

"That's actually starting to become relaxing you know." I say after sighing in content.

"Don't fall asleep on me now." He chuckles.

"I won't. At least I'll try not to."


"Despite that being relaxing and the fact that you're comfortable, I'm not even tired, so I shouldn't fall asleep."


Dean goes back to leaving kisses on my skin while doing teasing touches under my shirt. Without warning however, he ends up shifting us so that I was under him this time. His hands have since moved from under my shirt and have taken hold of my hands, lacing his fingers with mine before smirking against my skin. I try to squirm free but he just pins me down.

"Uh uh...I knew eventually you would try to get to me as I was starting to get to you."


"Still not fair though." I add.

"You'll live." Dean chuckles.

"I will get you back for this."

"Sure you will."

"Oh I will."

He laughs and resumes leaving kisses.

"Don't...underestimate me."

"I'm not."

He then catches me off guard with a light nip at the skin of my neck. I inhale sharply, squeaking slightly.

"Got more surprises where that came from." He mumbles.

"I bet you do."

"And since I'm not booked on the shows tonight, that gives you permission to leave marks if you want. Even though at this rate, I already know you plan on it." I add.

"Yes, though if you didn't want me to then I wouldn't."

"I would let you know if I didn't want you to."

"Alright." He nods before going back to your neck.

In the meantime Cara and Seth were also in their own hotel room relaxing. She's laying with her head on his stomach so he can play with her hair while she plays a game on my phone.

"Having fun?" She asks.

"Of course." Seth chuckles.

"Become one of your favorite things to do."

"Yes. Your hair is so soft and silky."

"It's what I use to wash it." She nods.

"The shampoo?"

"Yes. I usually choose organic shampoo or the old school Herbal Essence."


"I like the way those smell and how they make my hair feel."

"I can see that now."

"So what are you boys up to tonight? Easy stuff?" She asks.

"Yup. The usual for the Main Event taping. Promo for the SmackDown taping."


"What about you?"

"Easy too. Interview on Smackdown."

"Oh good."

"No marking until after the interview mister." She reaches up and pokes him.

"Oh darn."

"You'll live."

"I'll try."

"You have plenty of other ways to have fun."

"That I do." He nods.

"Use those until after my interview."

"I promise."


"So what is this interview going to be about if I may ask."

"My match with Eve and her having to leave."

"Oh, well that'll be fun."

"Mmhmm." She agrees as she finishes playing her game.

"So I'm thinking we spend the rest of the time we have to ourselves watching movies." He suggests.

"I figured you would want to use the time to be affectionate." She says amusedly.

"I can do both."

"Psh, the movie will get forgotten. I can practically guarantee it."

"Hmm...even if it is Harry Potter?"

"Knowing you, even our favorite movies would be."

"It was worth a shot."

"So really it's one or the other."

"Well you know I love being affectionate..."

"Oh how well I know."

"We can watch the movies another time."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Watch them all. Make a movie day out of it."

"Oooh yeah."

"I knew you would like that idea."

"Of course. You know I love those nights."

"Yes I do." He grins.

"But anyway, I think you were wanting something." She giggles.

"Oh yes, that's right." He says as he pulls her onto him, so that she's laying on him, face to face with him.

"Hi." She laughs.


"Can I help you?" She teases.

"I think you can."

"Oh? How so?" She laughs.

He grins and kisses her briefly, to show her. She gives him the same type of kiss, giggling. That goes back and forth for a bit, before he ends up holding the kiss for longer, his arms wrapping around her and holding her as close as she can get. One of his hands moves up and holds the back of her head so she can't pull away and tease him again. While that hand stays there, his other wanders where it is. She settles down in his arms, gripping his shirt. His hand that was wandering had since slipped under her shirt and he started to trace small patterns along her skin. She gets goosebumps and groans quietly. He smirks against her lips as he continues to do so. She starts to squirm a little. Since she started to squirm, he had to let her head go and both of his hands go to her hips and hold her still.

"You started it." She says breathlessly after pulling from his lips for a moment.


She rolls her eyes amusedly before kissing him again. This time, her hands wander, after she runs her fingers through his hair. She starts to pull up his shirt, wanting to touch his skin without that in the way. He pulls from the kiss and sits up, taking his shirt off completely, making it easier for her.

"Much better." She mutters before pushing him back down.

"I'll stay shirtless for the rest of the day until we leave then."

"Good. You should know by now that I really enjoy that."

"I do know that, but I always know that you like to see when I take the shirt off."


"So that's why I wear the shirts sometimes."


"But....have fun." He grins.

"Oh I'm going to." She smirks, laying back down on him.

Since he was shirtless, that gave her hands more free range to roam and do what they wanted to as she pressed her lips back to his in the same kiss from before. She traces his muscles lightly with her fingertips. When she gets to his abs, he ends up tensing. She smirks against his lips and does it even more just to tease him. A growl starts to build in his chest and she giggles softly. Her hands move from away from his abs and instead move to his hip indents. Almost instantly he grabs my hands, growling softly.

"Aww, no fair."

"You're about to start something I don't know if we have time for by doing that."


"You're a tease, you know that?"

"Mmhmm." She giggles.

"But you love it." She adds.

"Because it's you."


"So now what? You stopped my fun." She adds.

"You can continue to have fun without doing what you were going to do." He chuckles.

"Like this?" She teases, shifting over him while leaning down and nipping at his ear.

"...yes....like that..."

She laughs.

"I'll try to be nice."

"As long as you try."

"I will but we'll see how it goes. Besides I'm sure it won't be long before you flip us." She says amusedly.


"I'm surprised you haven't done it already."



"Also waiting for the right time to do so."

"Of course you are."

"All you should know is that you'll never see it coming."

"If you say so."

"You'll see."


She goes back to driving him crazy with affection. It then seems to get too much for him to the point where he does finally flip them both.

"Didn't take long." She giggles.

"Your fault."

"I know." She laughs.

"My turn now."

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right."

"Remember, no marks."

"I know, I know."

"Just making sure."

He then starts to leave kisses along every inch of her skin that he could reach. She squirms a little bit, biting her lip. Once he has gotten every inch that he could reach, he moves back up to her lips, that being where he was going to finish. He coaxes her into letting go of her lip. Seth pulls her bottom lip between his teeth and tugs gently. She moans softly. He smirks before going between gently tugging and gently nipping at it, giving her another reaction. He has her hands pinned down on either side of her head so she can't do much other than to squeeze his hands tightly. He continues that for a bit, before going back to kissing her normally. That goes on for a bit longer before he pulls away, letting her hands go and snuggles into her.



"I make a good pillow?" She asks amusedly.

"You do."

"I'm not squishing you am I?" He asks.

"Nope, you're fine."

"Alright, good."

They lay there peacefully for a while. She traces patterns on his skin absentmindedly. They stay like that for the rest of the time they had, and before they knew it, it was time to get ready and head to the arena.

"I don't wanna move." He grumbles.

"I know you don't. But if you don't, then we'll be late. I don't think you would want Roman hunting us down if we don't show up to the arena." She snickers.

"...no. Dammit." He sighs before reluctantly moving.

"Sorry to ruin your fun."

"It's okay. I'll get more time later."

"Yes you will."

She gets up as well and starts to get ready.

"So....what do you think?" She asks after getting dressed.

Seth turns around and she snickers as his eyebrows shoot up. He stares at the shirt she chose. His reaction was the whole reason for her choosing the pink shirt with a sheer lace deep v in the center that left a decent amount of cleavage on display.

"Is it too much?" She asks, giggling a bit.

"No...not at all."

"Oh good."

"Love it."

"I knew you would."

"I think this is going to be one of my favorite shirts on you."

"You just like the cleavage factor." She teases.

"Yeah, I won't deny that."

"I didn't think so. You can't because you're still staring."

"Am I? I didn't realize."

She just laughs.

"Of course not."

She walks away to go do her hair and makeup. He groans when he loses the view and she snickers.

"You need to finish getting ready to go too you know. Spend too much time staring and we'll be late."

"Damn." Seth mutters as he resumes what he was doing.

"You can stare all you want when we get there though, I know you'll do that for sure."


"Until we're in the room with the others...then it'll be subtle looks." He adds.

"As subtle as you can be."


"I think one of them will notice you and call you on it." She says amusedly.

"It's not like I can help it."

"I know." She giggles.

"You do look perfect though." He nods as she finishes getting ready and turns around so she's facing him again.

"Aww, thanks. You're sweet."

"For you, always."

She smiles and puts on her jacket. She grabs her purse and waits for him by the door.

"You coming?"

He snaps out of his daze and gets his jacket on. He picks up his bag and follows her.

"Dazey." She giggles.

"You had me distracted."

"I know."

"Happens a lot." She adds.

"Yes it does." He chuckles.

"Can't help it."

"I know."

She giggles as they ride down in the elevator.

"You know, I just realized there's something I haven't said to you much today." Seth remarks.

"Oh?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I love you."

"I love you too." She smiles, giving him a kiss.

They soon reach the lobby and then head out to the car, putting their things in the back before getting in themselves and then heading off to the arena. They get there and find that myself, Dean, and Roman have beaten them to the room.

"Oh darn, was hoping to have some time to stare again." Seth mutters to her.

"You'll have time later." She giggles.

As you walk in, they put their things next to the couch and take their jackets off before taking their seats.

"Thank goodness for easy nights." She says.

"Oh I know right?"

"They're great." Dean agrees.

"You just love them because you don't have to be away from me for too long."


"What do you have planned tonight? Anything?" I ask her.

"I have an interview during Smackdown."

"Oh fun."

"Yup. What about you?"

"Night off."

"Oh nice."

"So do I sense some trash talking going on in this interview you have tonight?"

"No." She does a fake gasp with her hand in front of her mouth.

"She deserves to be trash talked about." I laugh.

"I know." She snickers.

"And she can't do a thing about it because she's gone now. Boo hoo."

"Isn't it great?"

"It so is."

"She can try to mock me on Twitter but she'll lose."

"Oh yes."

"But yeah, one trash talking interview is the only big thing on my agenda tonight."


"Hopefully sitting here won't get boring."

"I don't think we have to worry about that."

"Good point."

"Speaking of sitting here, might as well go get ready." Seth remarks.

"Right." Dean nods.

"Yeah, you two are the only ones that need to do that." Roman chuckles.

Cara and I laugh as our boyfriends make faces at their teammate.

"Our bad for being oh so distracting." I remark as they both get up and grab their things, going to change.

"Yes it is."


"No you're not."

"Nope." She laughs.

"Not all the time anyway."

Dean and Seth shake their heads before going to change.

"So Rome, how's the family?"

"They're doing good, thanks for asking."

"Actually have a recent picture of my daughter if you want to see." He adds as he goes digging in his pockets for his phone.

We both get up, eager to see the cute picture.

"Awww." Cara and I both say as he brings up the picture.

"She's adorable." She smiles.

"She really is." I nod.

"Definitely see a lot of you in her." Cara says.

"She's a daddy's girl isn't she?"

"Yeah she is." He grins.

"Even more awwww."

"So cute." She giggles.

"You should bring her backstage at one of the shows sometime."

"I'll let you know when I can. It's hard because the shows run so late and she has school."

"Oh of course, understandable."

We then go back to where we were sitting, and a few moments or so after we do, Seth and Dean come back out, ready for the shows. As usual, our boyfriends have us pulled in close to them. And with Cara, Seth tries to be subtle enough with his stares at her, because of her top. She struggles to not laugh every time she catches him doing so. Soon though, the first taping of the night had begun, Main Event.

"Hate to break up the not so subtle staring going on there, but we do have to be somewhere for this first match." Roman says, calling Seth out on the staring.

Cara cracks up laughing.

"Busted." I snicker.

Cara can't say anything because she's laughing too hard.

"I...she...I thought I was being subtle."

"Subtle like a neon sign maybe." Dean laughs.

"If it helps, I think this time we'll join you three where you need to be this time. That way you can stare more." I offer to Seth.

"Much appreciated." He mutters.

"But don't let me distract you from what you need to do." She's finally able to say, but with a slight giggle.

"I'll try."

"As long as you try. Now let's go so you three won't be late."

He nods and all of us leave the room.

"What is making him stare anyway?" I ask.

"My shirt." She giggles.

"Ohhhh...ooooooh." I tease.

"The cleavage has him quite distracted." She snickers.

"Yeah, that'll do it."

"I love messing with him." She says amusedly.

"I know the feeling." I grin.

"I bet. I see someone really enjoys the fact that you're off tonight." She laughs as she spots the mark Dean left on my neck.

"A little too much."

"I'm probably going to end up with one of those myself later. I told Seth he has to wait until after my interview."

"Oh boy."

"I know."

"Well I tried to hide mine, but this one won't let me."

"Oooh." She teases, laughing.

"Had my hair covering it, but he keeps moving it out of the way."

"He wants to show off that you're his." She remarks.

"Guilty." He nods.

"He does it too." She motions to Seth.

"Of course he does."

"I always tell him that he's lucky he's busy on the shows because I'd like to return the favor."

"Right. Well looks like you may just be able to do so tonight."


Just like always, once we reach the area where the fans are roaming around by the merchandise and concession stands, security leads us where we need to be and once we're there, we hang out as we listen to the match go on. She giggles as Seth blocks her from the view of the roaming fans.

"Can't have anyone else sneaking peeks at you. My eyes only."

"For now." She says amusedly.

"Yes for now."

She snuggles into him, content for the moment.*

"Gonna be all sneaky ninja out there again? You seem to be the first one who comes from nowhere." She giggles.

"You'll just have to see." He chuckles.

"But as for the promo later, there may be some mocking." He adds.


"That you'll have to wait to see too, because that's all I'm telling you."


Soon, with the backstage attendants with the headsets that were hanging around, the guys were told to get ready to go out.

"Be safe guys."

"We will." Seth nods as he puts his hair up like always.

She taps his heart like usual before moving out of the way. Dean gives me a kiss and a smile. Then they head out, to be all sneaky about it, but of course the fans would notice them. Since there was a TV monitor nearby, we were able to see what was going on without looking through the curtain leading to the stands. Randy had just gotten the best of Cesaro and had looked over to the barricade where on one side was Seth and Dean, the other side being Roman. Seth had hopped the barricade first, followed by the others and they surrounded the ring. Shortly after they had climbed up onto the sides, Mike had come off of commentary and got into the ring to stand by Randy's side. The guys then vacate the apron, before rushing the ring, taking the attack to both Randy and Mike. Roman had speared Mike, taking him out of the equation before taking Randy out, and ended it with the usual Triple Powerbomb before leaving the ring and hopping the barricade and heading to the back.

"Quick and easy." Cara remarks.

"And now they only have the promo on SmackDown to do."


"Might even be an early night too."

"That would be nice."

"I'm sure that's what both of the guys want too. Probably more for Seth since he's been doing nothing but staring at you tonight." I remark as we start to head back to the backstage area.

She giggles.

"He's going crazy."

"Probably killing him that he can't do anything right now."

"It so is."

"Poor him." I snicker.

"He'll live." She laughs.


We walk through the halls cautiously, hoping to avoid a confrontation with someone we don't like. Thankfully this time we don't run into anyone, making the night even easier for us. And since the guys had gone backstage before us, they had made it to the room before us and when we walked in they were already sitting back in their places. Cara and I sit where we were before.

"Mine." Seth says, pulling her close.

"Possessive." She teases.

"Love you too."

She just laughs and pats his cheek.*

"You know I love you." She nods.

He nods and nuzzles her neck. The last match for the taping was under a bit before we head made it back to the room, so it didn't really take long to finish and it ended with Jey Uso hitting the Superfly Splash on Darren Young to pick up the win for him and Jimmy.

"So, when exactly is your promo you'll be doing?" I ask.

"A little later in the night. You know it actually works out because it's after your interview Cara."

"Oh good. We can leave after that then." She smiles.

"That was perfect scheduling on their part."


"So we can hang around the interview area to see it, and then you can be where we're doing the promo."

"Sure. Sounds like a plan."

"Oooh we get to see the promo being made up close. This is gonna be fun."

She smiles and agrees. To kick off SmackDown, was a mariachi band playing in the ring and Ricardo welcomes everyone to Fiesta Del Rio, before introducing Del Rio himself.

"Oh god."

"Somebody crunch the dorito please."

"Welcome to Fiesta Del Rio! But now, let's party San Antonio!"

"Let's not, and say we did."

"What she said."

"Hey, I know we haven't always seen eye to eye over the years, but you all can agree with me on this. We have to celebrate the fact that the fat jackass, The Big Show...is no longer the World Heavyweight Champion!"

"Like you're any better."

But then Dolph comes out with AJ and Big E, interrupting the celebration.

"Ramen noodles."

The rest of them laugh.

"Did somebody say Fiesta?!"

"Oh Ziggy and I love a good party. And we're just going to assume that our invitations were lost in the mail."

"This is my party. Ricardo's party. Everyone's party!"

"Funny you should say that Alberto. It's funny that you think all these people here are your friends. And funnier is...you think you hold the World Heavyweight Championship, but you don't. What you do have, is a giant target on your head and...well I'm Mr. Money in the Bank and you know more than anyone what this contract means. Whenever I see fit to cash this in, you'll be saying...adios to that world championship."

"Uh huh...suuure."

"Good luck with that buddy."

Dolph then suggests that Big E. Langston take Del Rio out and he cash in Money-in-the-Bank right now. Before the fight could get underway, Big Show makes his way to he ring and Dolph tells Del Rio that he's outnumbered. That brings out Sheamus who says he thought he would come out there and help out with the numbers situation, saying that he cannot resist a “Fiesta Del Rio”, especially with so many of his “friends” out there. Sheamus then tells Del Rio that he deserves to be the World Heavyweight Champion, offering his hand to him, Del Rio accepting the handshake of his former rival.

Sheamus then offers to be a “bouncer” for the fiesta before Del Rio and Sheamus look ready to do battle. However, Booker T quickly diffuses the situation as he gets in the middle of the ring, warning Big Show that, if he ever puts his hands on him again, he will ruin his night. He then announces that the main event of the show will see Del Rio teaming up with Sheamus to take on Big Show and Dolph.

"Well good thing we don't have to stick around for that."


Once that segment was done, they started to clear the ring and get it ready for competition.

"Wish it would be the interview and promo time already." Dean says, clearly already being impatient.

"Me too." Seth agrees.

"You two are just so impatient aren't you?"


"Oh you two."

"Cool your jets boys. It'll get here soon enough."

"Just got to be patient."

They both groan, making us laugh.

"Just be happy we don't have matches. Then you would have to wait longer."


The first match of the night involved Cesaro so it really wasn't anything too special to pay attention to. Seth didn't even bother to be subtle with his stares because he was called out on it earlier so we all knew. I had rested my head on Dean's shoulder and amused myself with playing with the pockets and such on his vest while we waited for the match to finish. She giggles quietly and plays with the gloves Seth has on.

"Having fun?" He chuckles.


"I bet you wear these because they make you look even tougher."


"Also protects my hands somewhat if you think about it." He adds.


"But you don't really need them on now do you?" She asks.

"No." He shakes his head.

"Then they can come off."

"If you want." He chuckles.

She then proceeds to take the gloves off herself and she sets them on the table.

"Much better."

Seth gives her an amused smile.

"I'll try to remember to take them off when I don't need them."

"Good." She nod.

The match was finally over, and of course Cesaro had won, like he always does. Once they cleared the ring, it was time for the next match. Khali against Tensai, but with Nattie in Khali's corner. So it was worth watching at least. Cara gives it half her attention, the other half goes to playing with Seth's hands. She traces the lines on his palms with her fingertips, giggling when his hands twitch.


"A bit."

"Looks like I found another spot I can get you with...."

"I suppose so."

"Oh boy." She grins.

"It just means I'll have to find a new spot on you in retaliation."

"Good luck with that." She giggles.

"Oh just wait. I'll find another."

"Bring it on." She challenges.

"Later." He smirks.

"Right. Oh wait, that gives you time to plan. That's never good."

He chuckles. The match was soon over and Khali had won the match. Once they had cleared the ring, the next match would see Randy team with Daniel and Kane to take on Wade, Cody and Damien. Another reason to not pay attention, so Cara continues to trace the lines on Seth's palms with her fingertips, keeping herself occupied until the match was over. Seth watches her, knowing that the sight of Wade would make him angry. As he watches her, he rests his head against hers. She nuzzles her head against his gently.

"Awww." I remark with a grin.

"Way to ruin the moment Sere." Cara says amusedly.

"What? It's cute."

"Good to know."

"Alright, no more ruining moments." Dean chuckles.

"You're no fun." I tease, fake pouting.

"When you're ruining moments anyway."

"Very funny."

"I got her....she won't be ruining any more moments of yours."

"Why thank you."

"Ruin my fun."

"Oh you'll live."

After the match was over, Kane and Daniel would hug each other before asking for a group hug from Randy. He was reluctant to hug it out with them, but Kane and Daniel would force the hug on him and he was visibly uncomfortable.

"Hah, his face."

"Not a hugger, that's for sure."


"I wouldn't want to hug them either." Roman states.

"Yeah no. I'll pass too." Cara agrees.

"Too weird." Seth adds.

"And just wrong." Dean finishes.

"I know. I can understand a man hug, but that....no." I shake my head.

"That's too much." Cara says.

Up next, they showed a backstage segment between Rosa, Primo and Epico and Mike, which ended up leading to the next match, Mike vs Primo.

"Ooh, interview is after this. Think we should get going now."

"Eager." Cara teases Seth.

"I just want to be there physically to see the interview."

"More like you want to stare." She smirks.

"Yeah, maybe."

The rest of us laugh.

"Let's get going then...eager."

He chuckles and they both get up. The rest of us get up as well and then we all leave the room, heading to where the interviews are being held. Cara and I walk hand in hand with our boyfriends while Roman trails behind. When we get there, we had to wait of course because of the match going on and they were setting up the camera for the interview anyway. We find a spot out of the way to wait.

"Don't get too lost in staring you." She says to Seth.

"I'll try." He chuckles.

After the match was over, they cut right to backstage where she was then introduced by Josh. She walks in front of the camera and then the questions proceeded.

"Cara, last night you made history with the first ever Divas 'I Quit' match, with careers on the line. And now you've become the Divas Champion for the first time in your career. How was it winning that title last night, even more, how was it defeating Eve and making her leave the WWE?"

"Absolutely fantastic. Winning the title was thrilling but knowing that I'm the reason Eve isn't around anymore is the icing on the cake. Because honestly, I think we all were getting a little tired of her attitude, her cheating, trying to get out of things with using her assets, and her just overall being fake.

"But she was indeed a 3-time Divas Champion." He points out.

"A cowardly one. She avoided proper matches and when she was forced to face someone, she did her best to make sure that the odds were stacked in her favor in unfair terms. I don't think that is a real champion." She states, shaking her head.

"And I hope she's watching, because I knocked her off her perch last night, and I took this title away from her. She didn't deserve it. But now it's in my hands and I'll tell you this....I'm not giving it up any time soon." She finishes before walking off camera, back over to us.

"Well that was fun." I remark.

"Ooooh, I really hope she will be watching Friday so she can see that." I snicker.

"I'm sure she will be."

"And now to where we need to be." Seth declares, after snapping out of his staring daze.

"Have fun." I laugh lightly.

"You know I always do."

"Of course."

"Looking all tough with your promos." I giggle.

She giggles too.

"That's because we are."

"Of course you are."

"On screen anyway."

"Otherwise you're all just big teddy bears." Cara laughs.

"Something others haven't been able to see yet."

"Wouldn't want to ruin the reputation."


We exchange looks and giggle. We soon reach the area where they needed to be which was an abandoned hallway. When we get there, everything was already set up, a camera just being set there on the ground for them to pick up when the promo starts. Cara and I stay out of sight, content to watch from there. We notice that the promo is about to start, when they're ready to go and then walk up to the camera laying on the ground.

"Attention WWE Universe."

"Attention Sheamus."

"Attention Randy Orton."

"Attention Ryback."

"We...are The Shield."

"On January 14th, The Shield crashed Mick Foley's Hall of Fame announcement, not for nothing. But on behalf of all the broken bodies and broken dreams he left in the wake of his...Hall of Fame career."

"We spoiled the celebration in the name of justice."

"Mick, you may live in denial for the rest of your life. You may deny responsibility for the example you set for all the would-be superstars, all those kids who sacrifice their bodies in the name of being...hardcore."

"Either way, we hold you accountable."

"Everyone is accountable. Ryback....was held accountable. And now Ryback, you want back what we took from you?"

"What's done is done. You'll never get it back."

"Randy Orton, hahahaha."

"Randy, there are 206 bones in the human body. There are 206 bones in your body. We broke one."

"We're just getting started."

"And Sheamus, you like to fight for fun eh fella?" Seth says, mocking him.

Cara covers her mouth to stifle a laugh.

"We fight for justice."




"All of you...you will believe."

"Believe in The Shield."

"BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD!" Roman ends the promo, before the camera is set down and they walk away.

"Nice impression." She tells Seth, giggling.

"He's the easiest to mock with the accent." He chuckles.

"Still funny."

"So now, we all can get out of here."


"Love early nights."

"Oh yes."

"Finally I don't have to worry about keeping my staring to a minimum." Seth remarks.

She laughs.

"Oh you."


"Silly goose."

"Love you too."

All of us head back to the room. They go in to change, and we hang around as we wait. Since they're guys they don't take very long and soon we are in the parking lot.

"Can't wait to get back."

"I knowwww. Me too." She agrees.

"Yes, because I'm sure we all know what you'll be up to." Roman remarks with a chuckle.

She immediately turns red.

"Roman....no images man, please." Dean shakes his head after putting his things into the trunk of our car.

"My bad." He chuckles.


"You broke her." I giggle, looking at her.

She's currently hiding her face in Seth's chest but it's still easy to see that she's still red as a tomato.


Seth rubs her back, looking highly amused.

"Alright, let's get going then." He chuckles.

We get in the cars and drive to the hotel. Once inside and on our floor we all say good night and head to our rooms. Seth kind of hurries them both to theirs, being eager and all.

"Calm down, there's no need to rush." She giggles.

"Says you."

"Yes, says me."

"You made me all eager, so it's your fault."

"Sorry." She giggles.

"Uh huh..suure."

They then get to the room and she unlocks it, letting them inside.

"So to continue where we left off earlier today..."

"Let's get our shoes and stuff off first." She says amusedly.

"Right, right."

They shed their shoes, jackets, and what not. She goes into the bathroom to wipe off her makeup and takes down her hair. When she was done with that, she walks out to see him right there, leaning against the door frame.

"Impatient." She teases lightly, brushing past him.

"That's me."

She takes off her jewelry and starts to put it away. He walks up behind her.

"I have something I've been meaning to ask you." She says without turning around.

"Okay..." "Would it bother you if I went back to calling you Colby? Calling you Seth is a little weird for me after knowing you by Colby and Tyler."

"No, wouldn't bother me at all."

"I didn't really think it would but I wanted to be sure."

"Right, of course."

She finishes with her jewelry and turns around.

"All done?"

"All done." She confirms.

"Good." He grins, walking closer.

I can only back up a little before I bump into the table.

"Now we can continue from earlier."

"Oh boy." I say softly.

"Oh boy is right." He chuckles.

She squeals as he picks her up and tosses her on the bed. He follows, climbing on the bed and hovering over her.

"As much as I love this shirt and these jeans on you, they need to go." Seth remarks.

"So demanding." She giggles.

"Of course I am. You've been teasing me all night."

"It was worth it though."

"True. I had nice views all night." He concedes.

"Yes you did."

She shimmies out of her shirt and jeans before helping him with his.

"Now you're free to do what you want."

"Fantastic." He smirks.

"Just one thing first...." He trails off as he grabs the blankets.

"Love you silly." She giggles as he covers them.

"Love you too blue eyes." He chuckles before kissing her.

From there, they get lost in what they were doing, and they make up for what they didn't do earlier in the day. Dean and I have gotten back to our room and almost immediately his arms wrap around me.



"That's true." I giggle.

"Gonna let me go so I can get ready for bed or are you just gonna keep holding onto me like this?"

"This is good for now."

"I had a feeling you weren't gonna let go."

"You know me so well."

"I do."

Dean kisses me behind the ear before letting me go.

"Alright, now we can change."

"You sure now?"

"Yes." He chuckles.

"Alright." I nod, going over to my things and searching through everything for something to wear.

I find what I want and go change in the bathroom while he changes in the room itself. After I had changed, I come out and put my other clothes with my things before going over and practically jumping onto the bed. Dean chuckles as I bounce.

"I was thinking of jumping on you, but...you would've gotten me back in some way for that."

"Yes I would have."

"Maybe next time."

"Sure." He chuckles.

"So where do you want to go the rest of the week this time? You can choose."


"...I suppose we can go to you and Cara's place this time. In the mood for warmer weather anyway." He continues.

"Sure." I nod.

"Definitely can't wait until it's warmer months though." I add.

"Yeah me too."

"You just can't wait because that means less layers of clothing that I have to wear...and the fact that means more beach days on our days off."

"Exactly." He grins.

"Few more months."


"But we're busy Friday through Tuesday...unless we're needed another day after that, but other than that we're pretty busy so the months should fly by."

"I hope you're right."

I then crawl under the blankets and move closer to him, snuggling into his side.

Dean wraps his arms around me.

"Time to sleep I think."

"Even though I'm not that tired...yet."

"I believe I can help with that."

"Go for it."

Dean gently rubs my back and plays with my hair. It does end up taking a while, but after laying there in silence and and getting lost in the feeling, my eyes do end up trying to close. They get too heavy to the point where I can't keep them open anymore. Once they're closed, it only takes a little while after that for me to doze off. Dean kisses my head and tells me good night before settling down to sleep himself.