Lost Injustice

Raw Before The Rumble

We've been at the arena since the late afternoon. I didn't really have my things with me, because I wasn't booked in a match. I might have something else, so I'm dressed decently at least just in case. Dean would be getting ready for the show soon, but we were in catering for now because I wanted some snacks while we were waiting. Instead of going back to the room, we found a table to sit at, and I didn't get my own chair as he pulled me down to sit on his lap.

"Cuddly." I tease.

"Getting as much of that time as I can."

"Of course."

"Never can have my own seat with you around. Not that I'm complaining."

"You like being cuddly too." He chuckles.

"That's because you're oh so comfortable."

"Good to know."

"Like a pillow."

"Only for you."

"Like always."

"Yup." He agrees.

"After we're done here I wanna find out what I have going on tonight if anything. Wouldn't mind an interview or something."


"Want to find out what you're doing too."

"Hopefully not much."

"I hope not. Otherwise that makes you busy all night and we don't have much time to ourselves."


"You know just a random thought here, but I don't know what looks better on you. The casual look or that tactical gear." I smirk.

"I know you like both."

"I do." I nod.

"So it's all good." Dean chuckles.

After I had finished with the snack I had grabbed, we sat around for a bit before getting up to go find out what was going on for us tonight. We do find out that the guys would be doing the usual attack tonight, this time on The Rock.

"Ohhhh that's gonna be good."

"Hell yeah." He grins.

As for myself, I have a small interview backstage. After finding all that out, we head back down the hall.

"Wonder what Roman's reaction's gonna be to attacking his cousin." I snicker.

"Not much different than with the Usos." Dean says amusedly.

"Yeah, but the only thing is you guys have yet to go after them. Family violence." I laugh.

"I'm sure they have brawls at family functions."

"Probably. But no one else gets to see those."


"Can't wait to see this."

Dean looks amused at my enthusiasm.

"Do we have to go back to the locker room now?" I pout.

"Soon. I have to get ready you know."

"Yeah, I know."

"We can sit a little bit more though.*

"In that case you can pick where we sit."

"Why move? You're already where I want you."

"Ah, but we're not sitting silly."

"Ah right. Let's see if we can find a good spot then."

"Well if I could make a suggestions. Since we are in California afterall, it is nice outside. I wouldn't mind getting some air for a bit before we need to get you back inside."

"Sure, that sounds good." Dean agrees.

We then head in that direction, going out to the parking lot after reaching the doors. In the meantime, Cara and Seth were in the locker room with Roman, the two of them being ready for the show already. Cara stretches out on one of the couches, amusing herself with a game on her phone.

"Wish we knew what was going on for us tonight. Dean was going to find that out." Seth says as he starts to get a little impatient.

"Oh calm down. They're probably taking a little alone time. They'll be here soon enough." She says without looking up.

"She knows he has to get ready for the show too, so they won't be gone too long." She adds.

"Yeah I guess."

"You are so impatient." She giggles.

"I can't help it sometimes."

"I know. You're like a hyper little kid."

"Oh, definitely." Roman chuckles.

Seth pouts. She looks up and giggles.

"The pouting is adorable."

Roman snickers and Seth makes a face.

"Still adorable." She grins.

She pats his cheek playfully. A little while after that, the door opens and we finally come into the room. I get a quick kiss before Dean goes in to change, and I sit on the other couch.

"Someone over here was getting impatient." She says to me.

"Oops. Sorry." I say innocently.

Seth makes a face at both of us and we laugh.

"Do you want to know what you three have tonight?" I ask.

"Yes please."

"You'll be doing the usual attacking....but you'll be attacking...The Rock."

Cara glances at Roman but he doesn't look too bothered by the news.

"Not bothered by that news at all?" She asks him.

"Nah. Going up against family was bound to happen at some point." He shrugs.

"Plus I'm sure there's fun brawls at family functions right?" I ask.

"Oh of course." He chuckles.

"This is gonna be fun to see tonight."

He nods and smiles.

"I got a small interview myself tonight too." I add.

"Ooh fun." Cara says.

"Gotta stay in the loop somehow. Can't have people forgetting about me afterall."

"Of course not."

"What about you?"

"A match."

"Against someone decent I hope."

"Yeah, Kaitlyn."

"Oh good. You both put on great matches."

She smiles and agree. Shortly after, Dean comes out and takes his spot next to me. He pulls me into his lap.

"Not close enough?" I giggle.


"Never am."

"Of course not."

"Someone's cuddly." Cara grins.

"As usual." I giggle.

"As if he didn't get enough earlier." I add.

"Its never enough for them." She says amusedly.

"Nope." Seth chuckles.

"Boys." I giggle.

"But you love us anyway."

"Of course."

"So you tell them everything that's going on tonight?" Dean asks me.

"Yup. Seth was anxious to know." I snicker.

"Impatient." I say amusedly.

"Didn't I tell you that you didn't need to worry your two-toned hair self about that?" Dean chuckles.

Cara covers her mouth to stifle a laugh.

"Ohhhh." Roman says with a laugh of his own.

"Not funny." Seth scowls.

"Everyone else is thinking it's pretty funny."

"Sorry but it is." She pats his shoulder.

"You'll come up with a comeback. You always do."

He nods, narrowing his eyes at Dean.

"Going to be a fun night for sure now." I shake my head amusedly.

"Uh-huh." Cara laughs.

"But that was a good one." I say to Dean.

"Why thank you."

"Still working on a comeback." Seth mutters.

We all laugh. The show soon started and it kicked off with Vickie, walking to the ring, arm-in-arm with Paul Heyman.

"Ew much?"


"Who would want to touch that?"

"Them apparently."


"Makes my skin crawl. Yuck."

After getting into the ring, she states that she's a professional and will always do the right thing.

"She's kidding right?"


Heyman then says that he's out there in a show of solidarity for Vickie, saying that last week, one man took it upon himself to insult himself and the sexiest boss in the history of RAW, Vickie Guerrero, and that man is The Rock.

"Someone's a kiss ass."

"Ugh, gag me with a spoon."

Vickie then shows a clip from last week where The Rock did his 'Rock Concert', where he insulted Paul first. Heyman is embarrassed and says that, it is one thin to pick a fight with him, but to pick a fight with a 'poor, defenseless widow' like Vickie is vile and contemptible. Despite Vickie's protests, he shows the clip from last week where The Rock sang that Vickie 'looks horrible tonight' and 'dresses like a hooker, but not the expensive kind'. We snicker.

"I am so glad that all of you enjoyed how The Rock maliciously embarrassed our appearances last week. But tonight, that is not going to happen. Because while The Rock is here in San Jose, I have officially banned him from entering my arena."

"Don't think that's gonna stop him."

"She wishes."

"Oh, and if he thinks he's gonna enter my arena, he will be arrested by the San Jose police department. How do you like that huh?!"

"That definitely won't stop him."


She's then alerted by one of the ringside attendants that The Rock is in the building. She cackles like a witch before going to outside where he is indeed stopped by a police force.

"Of course. Of course. Of course Vickie Guerrero bars The Rock from getting in the middle of the people's ring. Of course that's what she does. She wants to screw the people, screw the people's champion. Of course that's...what..she's probably in the middle of the ring right now looking like she just swallowed a bunch of stink pickles. Officers, officers listen. I know you got a job to do. You got a job to do. But let The Rock be very direct with you, and very clear. Very clear. There is not an entity on this planet, there's not a force on this planet, that's gonna stop The Rock from getting in the middle of the people's ring and electrifying tonight!"

"Rock, we're sorry."


"If you force your way in, we'll have no choice but to place you under arrest."

"You're gonna arrest The Rock? You're gonna arrest The Rock? Before you arrest The Rock, there's a lot of people you should arrest before you arrest The Rock. How 'bout this? How about you...you arrest CM Punk for impersonating a champion. Yeah, that's what you should do. As a matter of fact, he's a lot like Manti Te'o. You know, exactly. Instead of having a girlfriend, he's got an imaginary nutsack."

"Ohhhh burn."

"Even they're cracking up. They're trying so hard not to smile, but it's failing." I snicker.

"I know."

"And I'll tell you what, how about this? How about you go arrest Paul Heyman. Go arrest Paul Heyman for not wearing a bra in public."

"Oh ew." Cara laughs.

"Exactly, right now. Believe me. His bouncing, slinky breasts are scaring the children for christ's sakes. And how about this, since you are the one who said you gotta arrest The Rock, considering Vickie Guerrero told you. How about you go arrest Vickie Guerrero....as a matter of fact no. Don't arrest Vickie. When you see Vickie, as Vickie a question. Ask Vickie Guerrero what her intestines look like. Exactly. Because if she thinks for one single solitary second that The Rock is just gonna stand here all night long, and not get in the middle of that ring somehow, someway, some form, some fashion, then Vickie Guerrero clearly has her head shoved straight up her ass. Officers officers, we've never met. We've never met, but you know me. You know The Rock, you know The Rock is relentless. Rock is relentless. Boys with all due respect, there ain't no way...and The Rock means no way that tonight in San Jose, he's not getting in the middle of the people's ring and electrifying. It's not a question of if, it's a matter of when."

"You think that's funny?" Vickie asks the crowd clearly a little ticked off.

"Excuse me?! You know, Rock may talk a tough game, but if he trespasses into my arena, the only song that he's gonna sing is Jailhouse Rock."

"Wow, nice insult. Not."


"Hey..aw come on that was very clever." Heyman says, praising her.

"Thank you! If you smeeeellll...excuse me! Excuse me!"

"I think my ears are gonna bleed." I say, cringing at her screeching voice.

"Agreed." Cara winces.

"If you smeelll what the Vick is cookin!"

"No...just no."


"Thank god it's over though. I don't think I could take another minute of that."

"No way."

"Yeah I think we can be thankful that we don't hear her talking all night long." Seth points out.

"No kidding."

After the quick break after that, the first match of the night would be a Beat the Clock challenge, and the winner at the end of the night after all the series of matches tonight would get to pick their spot in the Rumble. The match would have Randy go one on one against Cesaro.

"Randy has this one in the bag."

"Pretty much."

During the match, Cesaro had things in control, but when he took an extra moment to look back at the clock, it would allow Randy to take advantage as he strikes with the RKO, pinning Cesaro to set the time to beat at 11:36.

"Well that's actually a time that can be beat."


"He won't be picking his spot in the Rumble. Oh well."

"Too bad."

"Of course we would."

"But when there's no one else left, that leaves just you three and there has to be one winner."

"It would be a fantastic fight to the finish." Cara says.

"And I would come out the winner." Dean says oh so proudly.

"You wish man." Seth remarks.

"You both wish, that winner would be me." Roman adds.

"Oops, look what we started." Cara giggles.

"Oh no." I shake my head amusedly.

The guys argue while we tune them out, watching the TV. Before he would face Del Rio at the Rumble in a Last Man Standing match, Big Show would go one on one with Zack.

"Oh why?"

"Poor Zack." Cara winces.

As the match begins, out of nowhere, Brad Maddox hops the barricade, joining Cole and Jerry on commentary. But in the ring, the match wasn't too long as Show would knock Zack out to pick up the win of course. As Brad takes his leave, Show stands over Zack and begins to count to ten in a representation of what will happen to Del Rio in the Last Man Standing match at the Rumble, but storms out of the ring once the fans begin to mock him.

"You deserve to be mocked."

"Yes he does."

"He's become a real jerk lately."


"Okay you three enough arguing over who would in a Rumble match. You two are just taking away from the time you have with us before you leave to do your thing." I say to them, the last part being towards Dean and Seth.

"Mmhmm." Cara agrees with me.


"Yeah oops."


"I don't believe you." She sniffs.

"Oh no...don't be upset."

I try not to snicker, knowing she's just being dramatic. Dean gives me a look as I try not to snicker, so I tell him quietly what's going on. He chuckles quietly.

"I'm sorry, honest." Seth continues.

She turns away and sniffs again.

"Oh boy, she's turned her head away." I say, playing along.

"Cara..." Seth whines.

After a bit, she stop sniffling and turns to face him with a perfectly normal expression on her face.

"Um..." He trails off, looking confused and slightly afraid.

"I'm dramatic, remember?"

"Oh. Right."

"Sorry if I worried you."

"It's okay." He says, still a little wary.

"I love you. Remember that."

"I love you too."

"So there's nothing to be concerned about."

"If you say so."

"I like messing with you, you know that." She pats his cheek.

"I know."

"Keeps you on your toes."

"Right, of course."

She giggles and snuggles into him. Then backstage, Brad had appeared again, this time with his personal cameraman. He interrupts Heyman's phone call, saying that all he has ever wanted to tbe was famous and just like Heyman, there is nothing he will not do to keep his dreams alive. Heyman takes a complete 180 from what he told Brad in the past, saying that he was wrong about him, vowing that if he sticks with him, he will make him famous.

"Oh lord, no."

"Just what we need."

"No more Paul Heyman guys, just no."

Up next, Ryback was in action as he went one on one with Heath, with Jinder and Drew in Heath's corner. After taking both of them out, who attempted to interfere, he would drop Heath with Shell Shocked to pick up the victory.

"Damn, my job is fun. This Sunday is my first Royal Rumble match. It is a match I was made for. It is a match I will thrive on. It is a match, the match that will lead me to the main event of WrestleMania. Feed me more!"


With The Rock still trying to find a way into the arena, his opponent this Sunday would appear on Raw. Punk would make his way to the ring with Paul Heyman in tow like always.

"Let me guess...story time?"

"Joy." Cara rolls her eyes.

"What I have here...I hold more dear to my heart than most men hold their families. This is my life's work and for 428 days, I have proven that I am the man. But 428 days is just a fraction of the time it's taken me to get to this point. I've worked half my life to attain this. The most prestigious title the WWE has to offer. And I will not allow The Rock or any man to take this from me."

"I'm gonna laugh if he does."


"The Rock is here to entertain. The Rock is here to electrify. The Rock is here to sing songs and tell jokes. I am here to hurt people and be the champion. I will not allow The Rock to leave the Royal Rumble WWE Champion because this is why I am here. This is important. It's important because I have made it important. It's prestigious because I made it prestigious. What's prestigious to The Rock is the most meaningless, insignificant thing imaginable. It's you. The people. The people. The cheers. The chants. The signs. The adulation. The Rock's proud to be the people's champion. Almost as proud as I am of being a real champion. I will not allow The Rock to become WWE Champion, because I've been in the ring with him, I've looked him square in the eye, I've seen all the way down into his soul and I've seen why he's so proud of the people and being the people's champion. It's because he knows he cannot be this. A long time ago, I was forced to make a choice. Between hypocritical humility and honest arrogance. And I chose honest arrogance, while The Rock foolishly chose all of you. You can call him electrifying. You can call him the Brahma Bull. You can call him the Great One, but what you cannot call him is champion. Because this..this belongs to me. And this, this you earn with blood, with sweat, with tears. And for 428 days, I have done just that. I have earned this. I have earned the right to be called champion. I have earned the right to be the man. In six days Rock, this is what you're on a collision course with. So for six days, please, by all means enjoy being the people's champion. Enjoy the people. The cheers. The chants. The signs. I want you to slap every hand. I want you to wink at every hopeful look your cheap-like fans give you because I realized something a long time ago. And that's that the people do not matter. It doesn't matter if I smell what The Rock is cooking. All that matters is that what these people cannot give you, will remain rightfully around the waist of your undisputed, WWE Champion, best in the world, CM Punk."

"Whatever dude."

"Chatterbox he is."


"But thank god that's over. It was all blah blah blah."

"Like the teacher from Charlie Brown. Wah wah wah wah wah."

Hah, yes." I snicker.

"Every time."

"The best description of what he said."

"Yay me."

With Randy setting the time to beat at 11:36, up next Dolph Ziggler, accompanied by AJ and Big E, would go one on one with Mike in the second Beat the Clock Challenge match. During the match, Mike would lock the Figure Four Leg Lock in on Dolph, but AJ would distract the ref, allowing Big E to drag Dolph to the ropes, forcing the submission to be broken up. Shortly after this, Big E. would fake Mike out, temporarily distracting him long enough for Dolph to take advantage as he hits the Zig Zag on him to pick up the win and setting a new time to beat of 10:56.

"Not cool."

"Hmph. Jerk."

"That's being nice. I would call him worse."

"He may have won the match to beat the time, but even his time can get beat. Sorry Ziggles. You're not picking your spot in the Rumble."


"When is your interview by the way?" She asks.

"Oh, after your match. Once your match is over, they're just gonna cut to me backstage. Probably gonna ask me my thoughts on you being champion and whatnot."


"But don't worry...nothing but good things are going to be said."

"I feel special." She teases.

"That's because you are." Seth adds.


"That's so sweet." I grin.

Cara agrees and kiss Seth's cheek.

"Only for her."

"All mine." She giggles.

Up next, after months of anger management therapy, it was time for Daniel and Kane to graduate from anger management, as Dr. Shelby introduces them, who come out in graduation gowns to accept their diplomas.

"Oh lord."

"Gentlemen, I'd just like to say, let's look at how far you've come. Kane, when we first started, you were a maniacal, mask-wearing monster who preferred hurting to hugging. And Daniel, when we first started, you were a tightly wound little man child. And you would snap if anyone said anything about your goat face, or about the fact that your beard looks like a hotel for rats."

"Pretty much. Disgusting."

"Yeah, gross."

"Probably lost some food crumbs in that thing."


"And that's why I never let mine grow out that long." Seth remarks.

"If you want to be anywhere near me, you will keep it that way." She states.

"Well I like it the way it is anyway, so we don't have to worry about that."


"If it gets too much, I always get it trimmed."


"And I'll never grow one. It's just not me." Dean adds.

"I'm perfectly happy with that." I say.

"But look at you now. Calm, peaceful and ready to graduate." He says, before handing over the caps and diplomas. They both put them on before Dr. Shelby continues.

"Now traditionally in a graduation ceremony, the top student is chosen as Valedictorian. And that student gets to talk about their feelings. Now since I don't give grades, I thought as a final exercise, I would ask you...who do you think should be Valedictorian? Kane?"

"Obviously that would be...Daniel."

"No! I mean, I think it should be Kane."

"I'm pretty sure it's Daniel."

"I'm pretty sure Kane would like to talk about his feelings."

"Daniel has never had a problem shutting his mouth in the past, why stop now?"

"You are the Valedictorian!"

"No, you're the Valedictorian!"

"You're the Valedictorian!"

"Guys! Guys! Guuuuyyyyys!"

"He snapped again." I snicker.

We all laugh.

"Daniel, would a hug make you feel better?"


"Kane, would a hug make you feel better?"

"I guess."

"How about this? What if everyone everywhere hugged at the same time?"



"What about Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler?"

"Oh they're gonna hug."

"Oh hell."

"What about Doctor Sampson and Justin Roberts, what about those two? What about those two?"

"Those two are gonna hug."

"Wait wait. What about these three guys huh? What about these three guys here?"

"They're gonna hug."

"Yeah yeah, yeah. What about this guy in the 'Yes' shirt and the mustache and his friend?"

"They're gonna hug. Hug!"

That continues to the point where almost everyone hugs.

"Everyone at home is gonna hug, everyone's gonna hug. Everyone everwhere. Everybody's gonna hug. Ready? Now. Everybody's gonna hug. 1...2...3...hug! Hug!"

"Not hugging." Cara states.

"Nope. Don't really need to anyway, considering..."

"We practically are already." I say amusedly. "I could go for a kiss though." Seth remarks hopefully.

"If you make it brief. Gotta remember who else is in here."

"Appreciated." Roman chuckles.

"You're welcome."

Seth gets his kiss and looks mildly satisfied.


"Yes. For now at least."


"More later." She says quietly in his ear.

He nods, kissing her cheek in return.

"Ooh I have to go get ready." She says, patting Seth's arms.

"Aww, you have to move."

"I know, I know."

"But you can come with me for the walk." She adds, as he lets her up.

"Of course." He nods.

"I'll be right out."


She walks into the changing area and gets her gear on. It doesn't take too long before she comes out all ready.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

"Yup." He says, getting up.

"Have fun." I say.

"I will."

Then she and Seth head out of the room to head to the curtain. When they get there, Kaitlyn was already waiting. She greets them both, before engaging in a bit of a conversation with them. It wasn't long until they hit Cara's music first. She got a quick kiss from him before heading out first. She does the usual, except posing with the title. When she gets down to the ring and into it, doing more posing in the ring. She hops down from the corner she was in and waits for Kaitlyn to go out. It's only a few seconds after that where she does come out, also to cheers from the crowd. Once she's at the ring and gets into it, she does her usual routing before standing across from Cara in the middle of the ring. Now the match isn't for the title, but Cara hands the title over to the ref and he hands it off to a ringside attendant. After it's handed off, he signals for the bell and it rings to start the match. Cara and Kaitlyn shake hands in a sign of sportsmanship before beginning. They circle a few times and stand across from each other for a few moments before they lock up. They both try to push each other into a corner, but the power was matched, so they let go of each other and are once again standing across from each other, this time with smirks on their faces. They circle again, locking up a second time and this time Kaitlyn gets Cara in a side headlock. Cara gets out of the hold and takes a hold of Kaitlyn's arm and twists it while it's out and then goes behind her and twists is behind her back.

Kaitlyn does the usual and elbows Cara in the face a few times, causing her to let her go. She turns around and goes for a clothesline, but Cara ducks and kicks Kaitlyn in the midsection, before hitting her with a swinging neckbreaker. She goes for the cover early, Kaitlyn kicking out as expected. Since it was still early, Cara wasn't frustrated. So she helped Kaitlyn get to her feet before sending her into the ropes, in which Kaitlyn ducks a clothesline from her, and then goes for a cross body, but she and Cara have the same idea and collide in the middle of the ring.

"Ohhh, get up Cara." I mutter since, Dean and I were waiting by the interview area, watching the match on one of the monitors.

"She's strong, she'll get up." He nods, since the ref started to count.

"Oooh I felt that." Seth winces, from watching by the Gorilla on a monitor there.

The ref had gotten to about 5 when they both started to get to their feet. Cara was the first though and the ref called off the count. As soon as Kaitlyn got up, Cara hit her with everything she had. She hit her with repeated dropkicks every time she got back up.

"There you go."

Cara goes to the corner and climbs to the top, only for Kaitlyn to get to her feet quickly and grab her, lifting her off the top and throwing her down. She goes for the cover and Cara kicks out at the last second.

"Come on Cara. You got this." Seth mutters, as he watches her slowly crawl to the ropes.

Kaitlyn helps her get to her feet, only to get her on her shoulders to go with her finisher of dropping her on her bended knee. However, Cara squirmed around on her shoulders and managed to get down, being able to quickly hit her with a kick to the head.

"Now these are the matches we like to get. Make them long and decent."

"Right." Dean agrees.

"Ohhh, here it is...she's gonna win." I say as she's going for her finisher and hit it, getting the three count.

"Nice one." He says.

"I can definitely see them having a great title feud if it happens."

"That would be worth watching."

"It would be." I nod.

"Hopefully it'll happen then."

As they're replaying the key points in the match, I'm motioned to for the interview to be ready to come onto camera and I nod.

"Alright, interview is coming up."

"Have fun." He chuckles, kissing me.

"Always do."

He nods as I go in front of the camera. It wasn't too long after that until I was introduced, the camera panning out from Josh to show me.

"Serenity, your best friends with Cara, your thoughts on her winning the Divas Championship last week?"

"Yes I am best friends with her. So of course I was happy for her when she won. Along with her, I too am glad that she's the reason why Eve left the WWE. To be honest, without her here, it's a whole lot better."

"Now I'm sure you too want a shot at the title along with many other divas in the locker room."

"Well of course I do. I had a couple shots at Eve for it. But I was the one to not take my rematch after losing to her. Cara definitely deserved to have my match, and I couldn't be more proud of her winning it. I know that she's going to be a great Divas Champion for us all."

With that, I leave the interview, making it short but getting a point across.

"Short and sweet. Just like you." Dean chuckles after kissing me.


"Back to the room?"

"Yeah. As much as I don't want to, but we don't know when exactly the Rock will be out there for you to go and attack him."


"So yeah, let's head back." I nod.

Dean agrees and we walk back to the room. When we get back, Cara and Seth are already back at the room, her back in the changing area getting out of her attire for the night. She walks back out in her regular clothes, letting Seth pull her into his lap.

"Great job out there." I remark.

"Thanks Sere."

"You're welcome."

"I hope your thing comes soon. I'd rather be at the condo right now." She says to Seth.

"Oh I know."

She cuddles into Seth, looking mildly bored. Paul Heyman and Punk then appear on the screen being backstage and he tells Punk that he has arranged for him to have his own private skybox as he vows to deliver a so-called 'Paul bomb' dedicated to him.

"A 'Paul bomb'? Did you come up with that one on your own?"


"I guess that's what you expect from a walrus."


"Well the good news is....our little thing is coming up very soon." Dean says to her.


"Can't wait to get out of here." She adds.

"We can tell."

"Yeah, it's already been a long night." I nod.

"Fairly boring too."

"I know right? Going into the Rumble on Sunday you'd figure it'd be more exciting."

"Yeah but no. They're lame."

"Can only hope SmackDown is more exciting tomorrow night."


With Punk obviously watching from his own skybox as promised, Heyman is now in the ring, saying that when Punk was speaking earlier, a lot of what he had to say went over the heads of the fans, so he'll serve as an interpreter to dumb things down for them. He says that Vince is desperate for anyone to take the WWE title from Punk and it just so happens that January's 'flavor of the month' is The Rock.

"If The Rock is concentrating on me, The Rock is not concentrating on CM Punk. And six days from tonight, The Rock is not fighting Paul Heyman. The Rock is fighting CM Punk, the longest reigning WWE Champion of the past 25 years. In other words ladies and gentlemen, just like the people, The Rock is stupid."

And then before he could continue, The Rock does come out.

"Oooh, someone's in trouble."

He reveals that he has a ticket, which granted him access to the arena, before heading down to the ring and getting into it.

"To the San Jose police department, The Rock says thank you for the ticket."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, that ticket does not entitle you to step-"

"-ah shut your mouth twinkie-tits! You get your fat ass out of this ring or The Rock will slap the taste right out of your mouth."

"Ohhhhh. That is quite a burn."

"Gonna need some ice for that." I snicker.

"Some aloe too." Cara laughs.

"So creative with his insults, I'll give him that."


"CM Punk, 428 days. 428 days you've been WWE Champion. You've been king of the mountain. It's incredible, it's historic. The Rock knows how badass you are, how tough you are, how dangerous you are, you have earned the right to call yourself the best in the world. It does not change the fact that tonight here on RAW is your very last night on RAW as WWE Champion. You're obsessed. You're obsessed with how The Rock entertains....entertains them. You're obsessed with how proud I am to be the people's champ, you bet your ass I am Jack. You bet your ass I am, but it doesn't change the fact...the fact that when it's all taken away, you got a man who will stand in front of you here in this ring, outside of this ring, outside of this arena, outside in the street. I will stand before you and I will rip your face off."

During The Rock's whole spiel, Roman had gotten up from where he was sitting, and we took that as the cue that they had to get going.

"Be safe." She kisses Seth's cheek and pats his heart.

"I'll do my best."

"You too." I say to Dean.

"Like he said."

We nod and move so they can leave. When they do, our attention is back on the screen so we can pay attention to when they do attack.

"The Rock has waited. The Rock has waited 10 long years for this shot. I've worked my ass off for 10 long years for this shot. Blood, sweat and respect. The first two I give, the last one I've earned over the past 10 years. CM Punk...CM Punk just like Martin Luther King had a dream, The Rock has a dream to go to the mountaintop, to go to the promised land one more time and become WWE Champion. Punk, if you looked into The Rock's soul like you said you did. If you saw into my soul, like you said you did, then you know deep down in your soul that I promise to beat you at the Royal Rumble for the WWE title. Punk, when that's done...when that's done this Sunday and I promise that's gonna happen when that's done, every man, woman and child from Bangkok to Brazil, from Moscow to Miami all the way back here to San Jose. Sunday night when The Rock is WWE Champion, they'll be saying 'free at last, free at last, thank god almighty we are free at last'. If you smeeeeelllll, what The Rock is cookin'."

And then as he's staring up at Punk in the skybox, the lights go out.

"Here we go."

After the lights come back on, they're attacking him. But he starts to fight back, only for a short time as the numbers game gets the best of him. After the assault, Dean and Seth pick him up and put him on Roman's shoulders and they hit him with the Triple Powerbomb, before exiting the ring and heading to the back.

"Woo, all done."

"Quick and easy. Finally we can go once they get back."


"I know it was an easy night for me, but you had that match so I'm sure you want to relax at home."

"Yeah I do."

"Thought so." I nod.

"We have a jacuzzi and a big soaker tub, not much more relaxing than that."

"Oh I know right?"

"Love those things. They're awesome."

"Tell me about it."

"One is being used when we get home, that's for sure."

"Of course."

The door finally opens and the guys walk in. Roman sits back in his spot, since he would be sticking around until the show was over like always, while Dean and Seth head in to change so that we could leave. Cara and I get our jackets on while we wait.

"Have fun watching the rest of that Rome." She says amusedly.

"You sure you don't want to come back with us? You're always welcome." I ask.

"I know. Thanks for the offer, but I'm good."


Dean and Seth come out with their bags. They get their own jackets on. We all say bye to Roman and head out to the car.

"So glad to be going home now."

"Amen to that." Cara agrees.

"Like I was telling Sere, either the jacuzzi or soaker tub is being used tonight." She adds.

"Sounds good." Seth grins.

"Even though I think I already know what you would pick." She gives him a look.

His grin gets bigger.

"You two have fun with that." I giggle.

"Oh we will." He chuckles.

When we get outside, our things are loaded into the car, before we all got in since we all came in the same one tonight. You and Seth were in the front with you driving, while Dean and I were in the back. Cara drives to the condo, parking in the designated spot. She leads the way up to our floor. Once we reach our floor, she unlocks the door and we walk inside, her turning the lights on.

"Home sweet home."

"So much better."

"Yup. "

"I do think we're gonna head to the bedroom though. I know we both couldn't get enough time to ourselves tonight."


"So we'll see you two tomorrow."

"Yup. Night guys."

"Night." I say, before leading Dean to the bedroom.

"Soaker tub for us my ninja." She nudges Seth in the direction of her bedroom.

"Exactly what I was thinking of." He grins.

"I know." She smirks.

They both then head for her bedroom, bringing their things with them. Meanwhile Dean and I are in my bedroom getting changed and putting my stuff away. After I get done cleaning out my bag, I turn around to see that he had changed into a pair of shorts and that was the only thing he had on for bed.

"Not fair. You're distracting." I say.

"Well, do you want me to get hot while I'm sleeping?" He gives me an amused look.

"No but still."

"You're welcome." He chuckles.

I playfully stick my tongue out at him.

"Well if it helps any, while you were cleaning out your bag, with your back to me, you had me quite distracted yourself so..."

"Good to know." I giggle.

"Too bad you're all done though."

"Poor you." I tease.

"I think you need to come over here now that you're done."

"Oh really."

"Yes, really."

I walk over, giggling. Since he was sitting at the end of the bed, when I walked over, I squealed as he took me by surprise and pulled me down. He laughs evilly.



"You sneak."

"Yup that's me."

"So how do you expect us to go to bed like this huh? And the light still needs to go off before we do so."

"I knew I forgot something."


"Be right back then." He chuckles.

He picks me up as he stands, before setting me back down on the bed. I climb up by the pillows and he goes over and shuts the light off, before joining me.



"But it's okay. You forgot about the light earlier because you were distracted." I add.

"You had me distracted yes."

"Tends to be a lot of that lately."

"Your fault."

"My bad."

"It's okay."

"Question for you is, are you still too distracted by me to sleep?" He asks.

"Maybe a little bit."

"I mean, I don't see this a lot. It's too cold in most places we stay right now for one thing, and all that tactical gear covers up everything when we're working." I add.

"That's true."

"So I appreciate times like this."

"Right." He chuckles, kissing my cheek.

"Oh how I do wish it was warm everywhere year round."

"I know. That would be nice right?"

"So very nice. I'll take what I can get though until summertime rolls around."

"Right." He agrees.

"But hey at least after tomorrow night we don't have to go anywhere until Sunday. We can stay right here."

"That's going to be nice."

"That's why I like when we're close to home for these shows."

"Of course. It's nice to enjoy the comforts of home rather than a hotel, no matter how nice the hotel happens to be."


"More privacy for one thing."

"That too."

"Privacy for this." He says before kissing me.

While he was doing that, his arms had wrapped around me and pulled me closer, one hand wandering and the other goes to my hair and runs it through. I sigh happily against his lips, my hands drifting over his chest. As my hands continue to drift, I don't realize that I've hit a spot on him that I can use against him now like he does to me, until I feel him tense under my fingers.

"Well look what I found." I smirk, pulling from his lips.

"Damn." Dean mutters.

"Took long enough." I snicker.

"Yeah yeah."

"All it took was no shirt, and some hand wandering."


"I'd have more fun with that, but it is getting late."

"Another time then."

"You can bet on it."

"Right. Now it's time for sleep."

"Yes, so you can be as cuddly as you want."

"Love you." He kisses my head. "

Love you too." I say.

He moves so that he's laying flat on the bed and I snuggle into his side and bury my face in his neck, before drifting off to sleep. He follows soon after, holding me close. Meanwhile, Cara and Seth were just finishing up in the soaker tub, since they were getting too relaxed and getting tired. Seth lets out the water while she's drying off with a towel.*

"You always have the best ideas on relaxing before bed." He remarks.

"Of course." She giggles.

"Plus I'm sure you needed it after your match tonight anyway."

"Yeah I did." She nods.

"And now you should sleep really well tonight."

"I hope so."

"Well you've got me so that already helps."

"That's true." She smiles at him over her shoulder.

"Big cuddler here." He grins.

"Yes you are." She laughs.

After they dry off, she heads back into the bedroom to find clothes to put on for bed, while Seth just pulls on a pair of shorts he had and climbed onto the bed to wait for her. She just throws on a wife beater tank top and a pair of short shorts. Then she crawls into bed, dropping into her spot beside Seth.

"You look good in everything." He says, leaning over and kissing her briefly.

"Flatterer." She says amusedly.


He tugs her closer and wraps her up in his arms.

"You are like a clingy koala." She teases.

"A koala huh?" He chuckles.


"Good to know."

"You're welcome." She giggles.

"So glad we don't have to do much travel this week."

"I know, me too."

"Good thing you do have this place here, or else we'd be in the hotel tonight."

"Yeah. I prefer home to any hotel."


"Gets me more privacy with you." She smiles flirtatiously and kisses his cheek.

"That is the best part about it." He nods in agreement.

"I knew you'd agree."

"Well of course I would agree."

"Because privacy lets you be very touchy and grabby." She smirks.

"Yes it does."

"One of your favorite hobbies."

"Oh yes." He grins.

She giggles softly, playing with his hair.*

"Should probably get some sleep."


"Was a long night. Too long." She adds.

"I know. I can tell you're getting tired." He remarks.

"I am." You nod.

"Night blue eyes." He kisses her head.

"Night love." She says with a yawn, settling down.

With him running his fingers through her hair, it really didn't take long for her to fall asleep, and he followed shortly after.