Lost Injustice

SmackDown Before The Rumble

The following morning Cara was sound asleep, but Seth was awake. He was in the kitchen looking for something to make breakfast for both of them. He eventually locates what he's looking for and starts to cook. It isn't until everything starts to give off an aroma and it travels down to the bedroom, where she's still sleeping. That wasn't for long as the smell had woken her up. She yawns and rubs her eyes as she sits up. She gets out of bed and then heads to the kitchen to find Seth at the stove cooking breakfast.

"You spoil me." She says amusedly.

"You're welcome. And good morning to you too."

"Morning." She giggles as she hugs him from behind.

"Was gonna let you sleep in, but it seems the food has woken you up." He chuckles.

"Mmhmm. Plus my personal heater left me."

"Oops. Sorry."

"It's okay. You're making me breakfast so that makes up for it."

"Oh good."

"I get my heater back when the food is done anyway."

"Even though we are in a warm state, so I don't need to be a heater, but still."

"Yeah yeah."

"Love you."

"Love you too." She squeezes him.

"Everything should be almost done."

"I'll get the plates and stuff." She says, letting him go.

He nods as she goes and does that, bringing them to the table and setting them down in the places they're going to sit. She gets them drinks as well, putting them on the table too. Once the food was done, he brings that out to the table as well.

"Looks good." She smiles.

"Hope it tastes just as good as it looks." He remarks.

"It usually does."

"I try."

"It's good babe." She says after taking a bite.

"I'm glad."

They eat and talk, flirting a bit like they always do. Once they were done, she offers to wash the dishes since he cooked. He agrees and leaves the room while she loads up the dishwasher. Since he left the room, he had gone back to the bedroom, and instead of getting dressed, he climbed back into bed and under the covers to wait for her. She gets the dishwasher running and then goes in search of where Seth went. When she comes to the bedroom, she finds him back under the covers on the bed.

"Now what are you doing there you goof?"

"Waiting for you."

"Is that so." She says amusedly, leaning against the door frame.


"What happens if I get in that bed?"

"Cuddle time that you didn't get this morning because I was making breakfast."

"Mmm, that is tempting."

"Isn't it?" He grins.

"What happens if I don't?"

"I'll do everything in my power to help change your mind."

"Hmm.." She says playfully.

"Please?" He asks with a pout.

"You and that pout."

"It seems to work a lot."

"Not this time." She giggles.

"Awwww." He says, keeping the pout, and adding the eyes.

"Cute but no."

"Darn. I love you?"

"I love you too but no."


"Gotta work for it this time."

"I can do that."

"Bring it on then." She laughs.

"I have no choice but to move don't I?"

"I think you know the answer to that."

"I do." He nods, before moving from his spot and coming over to her.

"Hi." She giggles.


Seth proceeds to pull her off the door frame and shuts the door behind her. Then he pins her to the door.

"I see how it is. Pin your girlfriend down." She teases.

"You love it just as much as I do."


"I know you do."

"Alright, alright. I do."

"Thought so."

"Now what hmm?"

"Try and guess." He smirks.


"Uh oh is right."

"Can you not go crazy with the marking?"


"Thank you."

"Anything for you."

She smiles and gives him a brief kiss. She wanted to make it brief, but as soon as she started to pull away from his lips, he held her there for an even longer time, the kiss obviously not being long enough for him. She giggles against his lips and lets him control the kiss. When he feels that he's distracted her enough with this kiss, that's when he pulls her away from the door and makes his way backwards towards the bed, but slowly. She follows, keeping their lips meshed together. When the back of his legs bump into the side of the bed, that's when he stops moving, or else they both would end up falling. He wanted to work more for it before they both actually ended up on the bed. She lets her hands wander over his chest absentmindedly. His hands wander as well, running over spots that he knows gets to her, even through the shirt she had on. She sighs into his mouth, pressing herself a little closer to him. It isn't too much longer until he decides to fall back onto the bed, taking her with him. She involuntarily breaks away, squealing in surprise.

"Made it to the bed." He chuckles.

"I can see that."

"Cuddle time."

She frees herself from his hold and crawl up to lay against the pillows.

"Well are you gonna join me or just lay down there the whole time?"

Instantly he crawls up the bed toward her. Once he's there, she moves closer to him and snuggles into him, his arms going around her.

"Much better."

"Mmhmm." He agrees after sliding his hands under her shirt.

"Couldn't agree more." He adds.

She tangles their legs together and laughs lightly when this entices him to take one hand out of her shirt so that he can hold onto her thigh.

"Very touchy this morning."

"Can't help it."

"I know."

"It doesn't have anything to do with having Smackdown tonight and possibly running into you know who does it?" She adds.

"No matter what show it is, there's always the possibility since we all tend to work both shows now."

"True but more often than not he's on this one."

"Right." He nods.

"So is it that?"

"That's part of the reason. But you know me, whenever I get the chance to be touchy with you, I am."

"I know. But you have nothing to worry about over him. It is you I've been in love with."

"I know that."

"You know that has to chap his ass, knowing that the whole time I was with him I was in love with you." She says with a half smirk.

"Sucks to be him."

"Yes it does." She laughs.

"Love to rub it in his face sometimes too."

"I know you do." She says amusedly.

"Can't wait to have a few days off before Sunday."

"I know. I'm ready to do some fun things away from work."

"Definitely." He nods.

"We could go to Disneyland." She says with a smile.

"That could be fun."

"Next time we're in Florida and we have time, we should do Universal. We can go to the Harry Potter thing."


"We can find other stuff to do here too."


"I'm pretty content right now though."

"Of course you are."

"I'm comfy, nice and warm..."

"As I wanted you to be."

"Mmhmm. A little surprised that you're controlling yourself right now." She says amusedly.

"It's hard, that's for sure."

"I bet it is." She laughs.

"I can handle it though."

"If you want."

"Save the best for later anyway."

"Is that so?" She laughs.




"Love you." She smiles, giving him a lingering kiss.

"Love you too."

The two of them just lay there quietly, content with a few kisses and teasing touches. In the meantime, I'm half asleep, half awake, but still dreaming. This time Dean didn't have a hold on me so I was moving in my sleep, to the point where I had rolled off the bed, landing on the floor with a loud thud. Dean immediately wakes and looks over the side of the bed.

"Are you okay?"

"Ugh....I'm okay."

"How did you get all the way over there?"

"Must've moved in my sleep."

"Oh." He says, helping you back on the bed.

"Guess you let go of me in your sleep at some point."

"Sorry sunshine."

"It's ok."

"Any bruises going to form?"

"I don't think so."


"But if I were to get any bruises I'm pretty sure they'd be from you...in the loving sense."

"Of course." He chuckles.

"Well that and from the matches I have."


"But yeah, didn't really hurt too bad when I fell."

"That's good." He holds me against him, nuzzling my neck.

"Affectionate this morning."

"As always."

"Try and control yourself a bit. Don't know if I have anything planned tonight yet."

"Aww okay."

"Not technically on days off just yet where you can do anything."


"Yes." I nod.

"Then I can do what I want. Mwahahaha."

"Technically you can after we get back from tonight, but yes."

He grins and squeezes me.

"But that all depends on what's going on tonight and if I'm tired from it. But we do have the next 4 days afterwards."


"In which we can do whatever we want."

"Looking forward to that."

"Of course you are."

"You are too. I know it."

"Well duh."

He gives me a cheesy grin.

"Any time we have off and I can spend it with you, I look forward to it."

"I know. I'm just teasing."

"Like always. Just like how you're being with the touchiness."


"Starting to tickle."

"Oh really..." He smirks.

"Uh.....no." I say, once I see the look on his face.

He grins and starts tickling me. As he does so, I keep squirming around trying to get away from him, and it doesn't work. Between laughter, I keep saying 'no' and for him to stop. He keeps going until my face turns really red and then he quits.*

"Remind me to never let you know when your touches get ticklish."


"Just remember...I have my secret weapon now...after what happened last night."

"Yeah yeah."

"Not afraid to use it now."

"Of course not."

"But of course, not right now." He adds, as he grabs my hands so I can't do it.

"You're no fun." I pout.

"But you love me."

"I do."

"Now I would ask if you're gonna let me go, but I think I already know the answer to that." I add.

"I think you do too." Dean chuckles.

"At least give me the proper good morning kiss if you're not gonna let me go right now."

"That I can do." He agrees, doing so.

"Much better." I say after he pulls away.

"Good." He smiles.

"Suppose we should get up now though. As much as I would like it, we can't stay in bed all day."

"Another day then."

"Maybe tomorrow."

"Sure." He nods.

"So now you do have to let me go if we're gonna get up."

"No, not really." He says as he moves from his spot and stands while still keeping a hold of my hands.

He then helps me up and hoists me over his shoulder, making me squeak in surprise.

"Dean!" I squeal.

"Told you I didn't have to let go."

"Put me down." I laugh.

"Hmmm....nah, I think I'll keep you like this." He chuckles.

"Come on. Let me down."

"I'm only kidding." He says, before he puts me down in front of my dresser.

"Goof." I swat his chest.

"Ow, that hurt sunshine." He says, rubbing where I swatted him, jokingly of course.

"Oh you big baby."

"But hey, the quicker we get dressed, the quicker we can go to the kitchen and I can make breakfast." I add.

"True, food sounds good."

"And I'll make this breakfast a surprise, so you don't get to find out what I'm making ahead of time."


"And that means no peeking either."


"You'll live."

"I guess." He says dramatically.

"Oh so dramatic."

"Ah but you love me anyway."

"As I always tell you, I do." I nod, kissing his cheek before going through my drawers for things and then go to the closet and find clothes, going into the bathroom to change.

Dean gets ready and waits on the bed. I don't spend too much time in the bathroom, as I had gotten dressed in comfortable and casual clothes with no makeup, as that will be saved for tonight.

"Cute." Dean remarks.

"You say that every time."

"I always think so. Just saying the truth."

"Right." I nod.

"Now for breakfast."

"Yes. Let's go." I say as I start to head out of the bedroom.

Dean gets up and follows me.

"You can sit at the island if you want, but remember no peeking."

"Yeah yeah."

I find everything that I need, before going to work on making the breakfast for both of us. Dean watches me cook, looking fascinated.

"You know, it's fascinating to watch you do all that."



"Good to know."

"You make it look graceful."

"Graceful. Never heard that before."

"Well now you have. I make a mess when I cook."

"Well aren't you glad you have me around then?" I giggle.

"Definitely." He chuckles.

"Although, it would probably be entertaining to watch you make a mess, and get frustrated about it."

"I'm sure it would be. For you anyway."

"Like I said before you're cute when you're frustrated."

"Thanks." He says amusedly.

"But that does explain why you always want to go out somewhere to eat or order something."

"Yes. It's not that I can't cook. I just don't like having to clean everything afterwards."

"Of course."

"So how's your cooking going?"

"Almost done."


"Smells good." He adds.

"I know." I smile.

It only took a few more minutes before everything was done. The stove gets turned off and I grab the plates and put the food on them, which actually ended up being chocolate chip pancakes and other things, and then I place his plate down in front of him.

"You're awesome."

"So I've been told."

"I love youuuuu." He kisses my cheek.

"I know you do."

I sit and the two of us dig in.

"Ohhh these are good."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"You should make these all the time."

"I'll think about it."

"Yay." He grins.

Of course with them being so good to him, he ended up finishing his before me. He gets up and takes care of his dishes.*

"That good huh?"

"Heck yeah."

"I could tell since you finished before me."

"Of course."

"My favorite thing to make. Always has been."

"Well that's good for me then."

Once I was finished, he offered to take my dishes as well, and since I spent the time cooking, he also offered to wash them.

"That would be nice, thank you."

"It's the least I can do."

"Right. I still appreciate it though."

"Well it is your and Cara's place. Don't want to be rude and leave dirty dishes around. Yeah sure I can do that in my own place, because I live there. But this is where you two live. Gotta be respectful."

"Aww." I smile.

"So you can go relax and I'll get these done."

"Sounds good. Thank you."

"You're welcome." He nods, as I leave the kitchen and go back to the bedroom.

Dean does the dishes and then goes to the bedroom himself. He finds me sitting on the bed with my computer in front of me, and then comes over and sits next to me.

"So, what're you doing?" He asks.

"Going through my Twitter mentions. Easier to go through them on a computer than a phone. A lot of people seem to be asking me about you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, but they can believe what they want to believe."

"Right." He chuckles.

"They just want to know the truth and I don't blame them, but not saying a thing."

"Of course. It's not their business."

"Exactly. Called respecting privacy."

"Exactly." He agrees.

Once I'm done going through everything, I shut it off and put it away, giving all my attention to him for the time we have until we're needed at the arena. Before we know it, my alarm to get ready goes off.

"Time already?"


"Well, just wait until you see what I'm wearing tonight. Picked it out while you were washing the dishes earlier, before I got on the computer." I grin.

"Oh boy."

"So...don't die on me when you see me."

"I'll try not to but I make no promises."

"Well I promise not to take long."


I kiss him quick before moving from the bed and going to grab what I had picked out and then head into the bathroom to do the usual. Dean relaxes on the bed, watching TV. I take as long as I said I would, making sure to not keep him waiting too long. I tell him I'm coming out of the bathroom before I go to open the door. Dean looks up and just stares.



"Hope I'm not a distraction all night." I snicker.

"You might be."


"I'm okay with that though."

"Well of course you are."

"You look beautiful. Sexy too."

"Oh...I know." I say confidently with a smirk.

He chuckles.

"All for you."

"Of course."

"But for now, the jacket goes over this." I say as I pull it on.


"You ready to go?"

"Yeah, just have to get my jacket."

"Alright." I nod, as he moves from the bed after turning the TV off and getting his jacket, pulling that on before grabbing his bag and I follow him out of the bedroom so we can wait for Cara and Seth.

"You're not getting ready?" Seth asks her.

"Not on tonight." She replies.


"I'm still wearing jeans."


"Uh-huh. I know you like those."

"I really do." He nods.

She giggles.


"Same goes for me about you." She adds.

"Of course." He grins.

"Probably most likely gonna have to get changed when we get to the arena though, oh darn."

"Poor you."

"I think I'll survive."

He chuckles and finishes packing his gear bag.

"All set to go." He declares.

She gets up and put on her jacket.


"After you."

"You just want to stare."

"Maybe I do."

She laughs and walks out. He follows and you they come out to us waiting for them.

"Off to work we go." She says.

"For the last time until Sunday."


"By the way, do you have anything for the show tonight?" I ask her.

"Nope. I'm off."

"Bet you're happy about that." I say to Seth.

"He was slightly disappointed since I didn't dress up." She laughs.


"But he's fine now."

"Well that's good."

We go out to the car and head to the arena. When we get there, we grab our things and head inside, going right to the locker room. After we walk in, Roman is already inside and ready to go for the night.

"Hey Rome." She pats his shoulder as she heads for the couch.

"Hey." He greets back.

"How was your day?" He asks.

"Not bad. Yours?"


"Just a normal day really."

"The usual stuff huh? Gym, stuff like that?"

"No gym though."


"I'm off tonight so there wasn't a need for it."

"She's off tonight, but I'm not." I say as I sit.

"Poor you."

"But it's okay. Teaming with Nattie tonight anyway."

"That's not bad then." Cara says.

"I'll have to get ready after they're done in there because the match is pretty early tonight."

"Oh. Well at least you're done early."

"That's the good thing. But the only bad thing is that Dean won't be able to enjoy the outfit as much as he'd like to before the match."

"Oh darn."

"He'll have to deal."


"He'll be fine. Not like it's the end of the world or anything." Roman chuckles.

"He might act like it is." I laugh.

"Oh so dramatic."


"So did you find out what you three are doing tonight?" I ask Roman.

"Punk's calling us out."

"Oh joy." Cara rolls her eyes.

It's not too long before they come out after getting ready for the show, sitting down in their spots next to us.

"Kind of have bad news, I'm gonna have to get up and go change." I tell Dean.


"Sorry, I have a match and it's pretty early tonight."

"Darn." He pouts.

"Maybe we can stay a little bit longer after we're all done here, just so you can enjoy the outfit."

He nods eagerly.

"I thought you would agree to that."

"Well duh."

I give Dean a quick kiss before grabbing my bag and heading in to change. Cara squeals as Seth drapes himself over her.

"Comfortable?" She giggles.

"Yup." He chuckles.

"Might as well get as comfortable as I can before we're needed." He adds.

"Of course. Just maul your girlfriend." She says amusedly.

"Nothing wrong with that is there?" He chuckles.

"It could be worse I guess. It doesn't hurt." She laughs.

"Just make sure it doesn't get out of hand over there. Might have to break it up." Roman chuckles.

"Hear that? Play nice." She giggles, pinching Seth's side.

"I promise."


The show did end up starting before I had finished and come back out from changing. But I didn't seem to miss much.

"Nothing good happened?" I ask.

"No. The only thing mildly funny was Seth laying on Cara." Roman replies.

"And I missed it."

"I can do it again." Seth offers.

"No no, that's okay." I laugh.

"Good 'cause I would've pushed you off." She says.


"Now that would've been hilarious." Dean snickers.

"You would think so."

"Yes I would."

"Still waiting for that comeback from last night by the way." He adds, telling Seth with a smirk.

"Ohhhhh." Cara laughs.

"Well, I've been a bit distracted since then."

"My bad." She giggles.

"Feel free to distract him for as long as you want. It just delays his comeback thinking."

"Will do."

"Oh you two." I shake my head amusedly.

"Not funny." Seth pouts.

"You're fine." Cara tells him.


"Do you want to go the rest of the night with no distractions then?"

His eyes go wide and he shuts up.

"That's what I thought." I smirk.

But turning our attention to what was going on, it was getting into a pretty heated argument with Daniel, Kane, Big Show and Del Rio. That is until Booker T came out and made a match where Big Show would team with Cody and Damien to face Del Rio and Team Hell No. In the ring, Kane and Daniel scare Cody and Damien out of the ring before Del Rio manages a drop toe hold on Show, sending him face first into the turnbuckle before Show exits the ring, being embarrassed by Del Rio yet again.

"Wah wahhhhh."

That led to the first match of the night where Sheamus would be going one on one against Wade, much to Cara and Seth's hope of not seeing him yet tonight.

"Dammit." She groaned, hiding against Seth.

"Look at it this way though, this is the only time we see him....unless when we decide to leave he pops up."


"Hope he gets a Brogue Kick. Deserves it." I remark.

"Yes please." She agrees.

"I think we all would like to see that."

"Yeah, pretty much."

In the end of the match we all got what we wanted to see and that was Wade getting hit with the Brogue Kick to lose the match to Sheamus.


"That's what you get."

"Thank you Whitey!"

"And with that being said...time for me to get going." I say, as I start to move from my spot.

Dean gets up too.

"Have fun." Cara says.

"Always do."

"Be safe. Good luck." Roman adds.

"I'm always safe. Plus it's only Alicia and Rosa. Nattie and I got this."

"Of course."

"Although the only thing you really gotta look out for is that scissors kick from Alicia." Seth points out.

"Right. I will." I nod.

Dean and I then head out the door and turn down the hall to head to the curtain where everyone would be waiting. He has one arm around my shoulders while we walk.

"If you're all cuddly while we're waiting with the others, I would be prepared, because I think you know how us girls get about that stuff." I laugh.

"Good point." He chuckles.

"But I'll just be showing everyone that you're mine and how much I love you." He adds.

"Awww. Love you too."

When we get there, everyone involved in the match is there, and I greet Nattie as we walk up, her greeting me back.

"Hope you've been taking care of my girl Dean."

"Trust me, I have." He nods.

"Good, good." She says.

"He does love me afterall." I grin.

"Cute." She giggles as Dean kisses my cheek.

"He's really looking forward to the next few days off before Sunday."

"Oh I bet. I am too." Nattie smiles.

"Definitely can't wait for this match. Been a while since we teamed together."

"I know. I miss it, wish they'd let us more often."

"Oh I know right? I mean I don't even mind if it's here on SmackDown considering that Cara's used on Raw being the champion and all."

"Right." She nods.

"Hoping after last night that she and Kaitlyn can have a decent feud. But who knows what they have planned for her."

"Who knows with Creative." Nattie shrugs.

"All I care about though is that she holds that for a long time. She deserves it."

"Yeah, she's worked hard."

"I would've probably had it, but I wanted her to have it first. I can honestly wait."

"That's so sweet of you." Nattie says.

"That's what best friends are for."

"Of course."

"I would do the same for you since it's been three years since your last title reign."

"Aww, thanks. My time will come though and so will yours."

"And I definitely can't wait for that time." Dean grins.

"Of course not."

It wasn't long before the match was starting and out first was Alicia, followed by Rosa with Primo and Epico, them going to commentary once they reach the ring. Then Nattie went out with Khali and Hornswoggle in her corner, and as soon as they get to the ring, they head to commentary. She waits for me where she was standing and soon they hit my music and I kiss Dean quick before going out.

Nattie and I had decided that she would start the match off against Rosa. At one point in the match, Rosa had Nattie in a submission.

"Come on Nattie!" I encourage her.

She manages to get out of it, sending Rosa across the ring, hitting her with her signature clothesline and going for the pin. Rosa kicks out at two. Nattie gets Rosa onto one of her shoulders and she screeches and manages to get off and goes to pin, but Nattie gets out of it and starts to put Rosa into the Sharpshooter, but Rosa gets to the ropes so she couldn't lock it in. Nattie has to let go and Rosa kicks her away instead, and then Alicia tags herself in.

"Nattie! Tag me!" I call to her, holding my hand out.

After a staredown with Alicia, she moves quickly over to our corner and tags me in much to the dismay of Alicia. I instantly climb to the top rope and jump from there, hitting Alicia with a missile dropkick, which sends her across the ring. Using the ropes, she gets up and I charge towards her and clothesline her out and onto the floor. And then that's when Rosa started to argue with me so I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her over the top rope and into the ring. I turned to Nattie and told her to keep Rosa in the ring, as I got out of the ring and grabbed Alicia, throwing her back in. I signal to Nattie for us both to put them in our submissions. She nods and drops Rosa and I do the same to Alicia, both of them being in the middle of the ring with our submissions slapped on. Even though Rosa tapped almost instantly, all it took was Alicia to tap for the bell to ring to end the match. Nattie and I drop them and high five before hugging. They do replays of key moments in the match as she and I leave the ring, and once the replays were done, they go back to us heading up the ramp with grins on our faces, before we disappear to the back.

Nattie sticks around for a bit as Dean congratulates us on the win, before she heads off, telling me she'll see me later

"Was getting concerned for part of that match when you almost got hit with that scissors kick." He remarks.

"I've only been hit with that a handful of times, wouldn't have been anything new if I did get hit with it."

"Good point."

"But I know how to avoid it too."


"But my job is done for the night."

"Great. Are you going to change?"

"She would, but Roman informed us while you were gone that your thing with Punk is up next." Cara says as she, Seth and Roman appear at the curtain entrance.

"Damn." Dean mutters.

"After. Promise."

"Okay.' He nods.

"So, let's get going you."

He agrees, throwing one arm around me. Once we were away from the backstage area, we're surrounded by the usual security as we're led to the spot that the guys needed to be at to wait. Cara and I lean against the wall while the guys do their usual warm up things.

"So that was a great match out there." She says to me.

"Thanks. It was nice to get to work with Nattie again."

"Oh of course." She nods.

"It always is." She adds.

"I gotta get her to teach me the Sharpshooter though. Would've been awesome to both do it out there tonight."

"Oh yeah, that would've been cool."

"Definitely. And oh boy there goes Mr. Storyteller." I say as we hear Punk going on and on since he had gone out to the ring at this point.

Cara grins and brings out her phone. She then plays the voice from Charlie Brown, and we hear that over Punk's storytelling. The guys snicker and so do the security guards.

"I want The Shield. And I want The Shield out here, right now." Punk states, going over and grabbing a chair.

"Face to face, let's clear the air, let's do it. I'm not leaving until I get The Shield. I know they're out there, I know they're in their little clubhouse hanging out. We're gonna have words. And I'm not leaving until you come out here boys." Punk adds as he gets into the ring and sets up the chair to sit in, but before he could the theme goes off.

"Be safe." Cara and I say, getting kisses from our boyfriends.


They then leave and we go to an area where we can watch what happens.

They don't keep him waiting, as they make their entrance through the crowd, as Punk waits in the ring with a now folded up steel chair in hand. They the surround the ring and stand on the apron, staring him down.

"I can only explain myself in the simplest of ways. I never asked you to attack Rock. I never asked you to attack Ryback at TLC. I've never asked you for anything in my life. So understand when I say, stay out of my way. You believe in justice, is that what you three stand for? You're here to fight injustice? Well trust me when I tell you, there'd be no greater injustice in the history of the WWE if my historic title reign ended because of your interference."

"Oh, boo freaking hoo."

"In two days at the Royal Rumble, I fight The Rock. And I promise you, I promise all of you I will beat The Rock! But it's not just day 434 of the most historic WWE Championship title reign in history, no. It's the biggest victory of my career. And I'm gonna do it by myself. I never asked for your help, because I don't want your help. Because I don't need your help. I'm the best in the world. If justice is what you three individuals stand for, if that's truly what you want around here, then....we never have to cross paths again."

"You wish." Cara scoffs.

"He's stupid if he honestly thinks they won't cross paths again."

"I know." Cara agrees.

After some hesitation, they all get down from the ring and exit the ringside area on the other side to head to the back. But not without staring Punk down before they do so.

"Intimidation, woo." Cara jokes.

"Their individual facial expressions during the whole thing though...don't know who was more intimidating." I snicker.

"Oh I know." Cara giggles.

"Seth kept a straight face the whole time, Roman looked like he was bored with Punk's talk, and Dean had this whole evil, sinister look going on."

"Yup." Cara laughs.

"Though, Seth looked like he wanted to go at him. If Punk didn't have the chair, he should've."


"But anyway, should probably go back to the room. Gonna have to change out of this since I promised."

"Of course. Can't have you breaking a promise."

"Because who knows what the consequences would be." I say amusedly.

Cara just snickers.

"Although it would be interesting to find out....not today though."

"Right." She laughs as we head to the room.

We do make it back before they do, and I head right in to change, while she waits out in the room on the couch. The guys walk in just as you're walking out, dressed in your normal clothes again.

"I was just wondering if you were gonna keep me waiting for that or not." Dean remarks.

"Well here's your answer." I laugh.

"Was honestly debating if I should've made you wait or not, but I didn't want to deal with the possible consequences later. Not tonight anyway." I add.

Dean smirks, looking amused.


"But anyways, Cara and I were trying to figure out which one of you were more intimidating out there." I say as I go over to the couch and sit next to him.

"Oh?" He chuckles.

"Yeah...it was hard. Your facial expressions were all different."

"Each one was intimidating for a different reason."


"Pretty amusing though."


"You two...I'm gonna tell you what I told them earlier. I can see the look on your face now Dean towards her. Keep whatever you're gonna do at a tolerable level or I'll have to separate you both." Roman says as the rest of us sit.

I look sheepish while Dean chuckles.

"Well, then it looks like I'm wearing my jacket the whole time then." I remark.

"Probably a good idea."

"Sorry." I say to Dean as I pull the jacket on, amused by the look on his face.

"Another time then." He says, pouting a bit.

"Possibly later when we're home."


"So no more pouting...even though it's adorable."

Seth and Roman snicker.

"Just remember....rest of the week off until Sunday. Keep that in mind and you'll last the rest of the night."

"Right. I'll try."

"That's all you have to do."

I kiss his cheek and snuggle into him. After being settled in, we caught the end of the segment where The Rock came out after having heard enough of Punk's ranting and basically said that he would win the match on Sunday and all that. Once they had left the ring, the next match of the night could begin and that would be Randy against Drew. The rest of the show was matches, and once they all were over, the night was over and we could finally get going. The only thing we had to wait for was for the guys to get changed before we could leave.

"Finally over."

"4 days to relax. Can't wait."

"I know. Me too."

"What are you planning on doing?"

"No idea just yet."

"Except for sleep in of course."


It wasn't too long before they all were done and came out with their things. Cara and I got up from where we were sitting with our things as well, and we all exited the room to head to the parking lot to the cars.

"Time to relax a little once we get back."

"I'm all for that." I nod.

"Sounds good to me." Seth agrees.

"Just what we need." Dean agrees as well.

"I know."

When we reach the cars, our stuff gets put into the trunk. Once we're set to go, we say our goodbyes to Roman, before we get into the respective cars. Then we head back to the condo for some relaxation before bed.