Lost Injustice

Las Vegas Raw Roulette

After leaving early in the morning to catch a flight to Vegas, we were just exhausted when we landed and were planning on catching up on some sleep once we got to where we needed to be. You and Seth checked into one of the hotels, while Dean and myself went to his place. It wasn't until late morning/early afternoon where I had woken up, feeling a bit better than when I got the little sleep on the plane. Dean is missing but I smell some food cooking so I know that's where he has to be. I sit up and stretch before moving from the bed and head out of the bedroom and to the kitchen where he was. When I spotted him there, his back was turned to me as he was busy cooking whatever it was he had going. I grin as I walk over and go behind him, snaking my arms around him and pressing a kiss to his back, before resting my head against it.

"Morning sunshine." He chuckles.


"Feeling better?"

"Much better. Got so much more sleep than on the plane."

"That's good."

"Don't think I've ever seen you cook before."

"Like I said before, I don't care for cleaning up afterwards. But I wanted to do this for you."

"Well it smells good."

"Yeah. Hopefully it'll taste good too."

"I'm sure it will."

I let him go and sit at the counter on one of the bar stools.*

"So I can't wait to see what's in store tonight."

"I know, it's going to be interesting for sure."

"Well it's got to be since it's Raw Roulette. That's always fun."

"Of course."

"Which means I probably won't find out if I have anything, because of the wheel. Depends."


It wasn't too long after that when everything was done, and he set down a plate in front of me, before sitting next to me with his own.

"Mmm, it's good." I say after a bite.

"Oh good."

"Thank you for cooking." I kiss his cheek.

"You're welcome. I figured you'd be hungry when you woke up, considering how late it is."

"Right. Your bed is very comfy. Helped me sleep better."

"Isn't it? Always important to have a bed that's comfortable."


"We can head back there after we're done eating if you want."

"Sure, why not."

"Just keep in mind what time we have to be at the arena, that's all." I add.

"I've got an alarm set on my phone." He says.

"Oh, so you had this all set up didn't you?" I laugh.

"Maybe." He grins.

"I know what that 'maybe' really means."


"I see right through you. Can't hide anything from me."

"I bet I could when I really want to."

"You can certainly try."


A while after that, I finish the food that was on my plate. I get down from where I was sitting and put everything in the sink.

"That was good."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Of course. And I'll just clean everything later."

"Alright. No complaints here on that." He chuckles.

It wasn't too long before he had finished and I took his dishes for him and put them in the sink as well. We then head back to the bedroom, of course with me leading the way as he offered. The two of us get back in bed and curl up together. Dean turns the TV on and finds a good movie to watch. In the meantime, Seth was still sleeping, but Cara was still awake. She manages to get out of his grip and grab some clothes before heading into the bathroom to shower. She almost starts the shower but changes her mind and runs the Jacuzzi tub instead. Once it was all set, she undresses and steps into it, leaning back to relax. She leans over and with one dry hand, fishes out the container of vanilla rose bath salts from my toiletry bag. She pours some into the swirling water and sighs happily when the scent fills the air. She puts away the container and lays back. She ended up so relaxed that she wasn't really paying attention to much, so she didn't hear Seth make his way into the bathroom. He chuckles softly at seeing her in that state. The sound of his voice makes her jump and her eyes fly open.

"Oh it's you. Oh you scared me Colby." She sighs in relief.


"It's okay."

"You just looked so relaxed, it was cute."

"You would think so."

"Because it's true."


"Need some company?"

"If you don't mind smelling girly." She says amusedly.

"I don't mind. I can always cover up the smell with something of my own later anyway."

"True." She muses, moving forward in the tub.

He grins and undresses himself before stepping in and sits behind her like always. She slides back and lets her back meet his chest. Her head finds a comfortable spot against his shoulder.

"Much better."

"Mmhmm." She agrees.

"Just what we need before tonight if you ask me."

"Yeah. It's going to be a bit busy I'm guessing. It's Roulette tonight."


"That wheel has given me some weird matches."

"Oh really?"

"Yup. I think one of the most ridiculous but yet slightly fun is the pillow fight."

"Sounds fun though." He chuckles.

"It is. It's not quite as satisfying when you are trying to hurt someone you don't like though."


"I have yet to get a song and dance match yet though. I'm alright with that though."

"Which you'd totally win."

"Probably. Not a lot of that type of talent here."

"Not really."

"Naomi would win the dance part though. Layla probably could too. I know they were both dancers for pro sports."


"Singing however, is another story."

"Of course. Not too many people can."

"Around here especially. Yeesh. I tend to avoid the karaoke nights."

"That bad huh?"


"Oh boy."

"It's worse for me because I've been musically trained. Off pitch singing makes me cringe."

"Right right." He nods.

"But we'll see where the night goes."


"I'm perfectly happy with right now though." She says, snuggling into him.

"As am I." He grins.

"I know you are. Touchy."

"I'm always touchy."

"That's true." She laughs.

"Even more so now since we have this room all to ourselves."

"Which is one of the reasons why I wanted to do this instead of staying with Jon and Sere."

"This is nice. You picked a great one."

"You can't really go wrong with any of these hotels."

"Well so far, I like this one."

"Me too. Especially being here with you. It makes it all the more special to have you to share it with."


Seth kisses her shoulder and then her cheek. She gives him a smile.

"So many sets of tapings to do this week."

"Ugh I know. Busy busy."

"But I'm sure you're looking forward to going to NXT on Thursday."

"Yeah. It's been quite a while since I've been down there."

"Gonna definitely see how the girls down there are doing." She adds.

"Right." He nods.

"And if any of them want to challenge me, bring it on."

Seth chuckles.

"That's my feisty lady."


He nuzzles her neck and she leans into it, giggling softly. They stay in the Jacuzzi tub for a while, until they feel like they should get out. They both do and he grabs towels for them both, handing one to her before wrapping his own around himself. She lets the water out of the tub and follows him into the room to get clothes.

"If only we didn't have to be at the arena in a couple hours."

"I know." She sighs.

"But it just gives more time tonight, even after the show to make up for the lost time today."

"Oooh." She giggles.

"Depending on what we both have tonight, determines how much time we get backstage, but once we get back here..."

She's partially dressed at this point so she takes her damp towel and twists it, flinging it so it snaps him on the butt. He yelps and jumps, causing her to bust up laughing. She holds her sides, laughing helplessly while he rubs his butt and scowls at her.

"I....I couldn't...help it..." She says between laughter.

"Yeah yeah." He mutters.

"Love you?"

"Love you too, evil woman."

She walks over and kisses him quick before going back to finish getting dressed, letting him do so as well.

"I didn't hurt you too bad, did I?" She asks Seth, giggling as she wraps herself around him once they're both ready.

"No, I'm alright. That's nothing compared to bumps taken in the ring."

"I figured but I felt I should ask."

"Of course."

"I will get you back though." He says, grabbing her butt and causing her to squeal.

"See?" He chuckles.

"Touché. Shall we get going? I'm kind of hungry."

"We shall." He nods.

They get their coats and things before heading out. Since things were withing walking distance of the hotel, they decided to walk to a place to eat. She tucks herself under his arm and burrows in close to his side.

"I love being able to walk to all these places."

"Definitely a change from taking a car." He nods.

"I know."

"Can see everything better when we walk too."

"That too." She nods.

It wasn't too long before they both found a place and agreed on it, walking inside. The usual menus and ordering takes place and then they relax, watching people walk by outside.

"This place is nice." He remarks.

"Mmhmm. Cute little place." She agrees.

"It is."

"Perfect for a nice quiet meal, just the two of us." She smiles.


She kisses his cheek and snuggles into him. It wasn't too long before the drinks come since they didn't take long, and all they had to do was wait for the food. Eventually that arrives too and we enjoy their meal.

"It's good."

"Mmhmm." She nods, stealing a bite of his.

"How's yours?"

"Mine's good but I think yours is better."

"Well if you let me taste yours, I can be the judge of that."

She gives him a bite, looking amused.

"Hmm...tough decision."

"I still think it's yours."

"Well I like both."

"Of course you do."

"So I guess neither one is better than the other."

"If you say so."

After they both finish eating, they talk to each other about things while they wait for the bill to come to the table. It comes and they pay.

"So now what?" She asks Seth.

"Well we have about a couple of hours or so until we need to be at the arena. So we can do something I guess."

"Sure. Have anything in mind?"

"Well what's something you've always wanted to do here?"

"Um...oh! We could go do the zip line on Freemont Street."

"Sounds like fun. Sure."

"Take a bus or a cab over?"

"Let's get a cab."

"Okay." She agrees as they head to a cab area.

When they get there, they get one and tell the driver where they want to go. It doesn't take long for us to get there. Seth pays and they climb out. They walk towards the zip line.

"Freemont Street is so cool." She says, looking up at the big screen covering the street.

"Well I can't wait to see."

"You are seeing it." She laughs.

"Oh, I knew that."

"Sure you did." She giggles.

"Well this should be fun."

"Oh yes. I've actually done the zip line before but doing it with you is going to be fun, I know it."

"Of course."

They get to the first platform for the zip line. They pay and then go through all the safety instructions.

"Who's going first? Or are we going together?"


"Alright." He nods.

They get the harnesses on before heading up to the landing. Everything gets set up and ready for you to go.

"Ready?" She asks Seth.

"Yeah, I'm ready." He grins.

After being all set, it isn't too long before they go down the zipline. They laugh and yell all the way to the other side. Then they wait a moment or two before they send them back across. After getting back to the landing, they're taken off the zipline so they could go back to the ground.

"Wasn't that fun?"

"It was. Very cool." He chuckles.

"We should do it again sometime." He adds.

"I'm totally down for that." She giggles.

"And now we have just enough time to get back to the hotel, get our things together and be at the arena, where we can find out what's in store for tonight."

"Right." She nods as they go to catch another cab.

"If we're even gonna find out what you have if anything. That may be revealed later in the night with the wheel so..."

"Mmhmm. Here's to hoping it's an easy night."


"But if it's something fun, I can't complain."

"Right, of course."

"The Vegas shows tend to be a bit more entertaining."

"So I've seen."

She just grins. They get back to the hotel and go up to grab their bags. Once they have their bags, they head back down and out to the car again where they head right to the arena afterwards.

"Why don't you take the bags to the room while I go see what I can find out about our schedules for the night?" She suggests to Seth once they're at the arena.

"Sure." He nods.

She hands over her bag and gives him a lingering kiss before heading off. She doesn't really have any trouble getting there, no running into anyone she doesn't want to see yet anyway. She asks for the schedule of her and I plus the Shield. Basically she finds out that Kaitlyn and Tamina are going to be in a match tonight and it's going to be a Las Vegas Showgirls Lumberjill match. Then she was told that our outfits are already in wardrobe to pick up. And then for the guys, they'll be coming out after John's announcement on facing whoever the WWE Champion will be around WrestleMania time. And also a segment they filmed a few weeks ago where they act as hired guns for Heyman would be airing. She thanks them and heads back to the room. As she's walking back to the room, that's when Dean and myself have just walked into the arena ourselves and came down the hall just as she turned the corner.

"Hey guys." She greets us.

"Heyy." She greets back.

"So I found out what we all have going on tonight."

"Oooh, what?"

She repeats everything she was told.

"Oooh. I can't wait to see what our outfits are."

"I know." She grins.

"And I didn't know you guys filmed a segment a few weeks ago."

"I think you two were busy." Dean says.

"This should be interesting."

"Mmhmm." She agrees.

Should definitely go get those outfits once we drop our things off in the room." I nod.

"I had Seth take mine so I'm good."

"I can take your things to the room if you wanna go with her to get those outfits." Dean offers.

"Sure, that'd be great." I smile.

He nods and takes my things, kissing me quick before we go in opposite directions.

"I can't wait to see what these outfits look like." Cara says as we walk along.

"I know right? Neither can I."

"Hopefully nothing tacky."

"Let's hope not."

"How has your day been?"

"It's been good. Woke up to find him making breakfast. And it was actually not bad."

"Wow." She laughs.

"Jon's a good cook, who knew?"

"I know right? Of course he's not one for cleaning up so I cleaned everything. But after that we just spend a couple more hours or so back in bed."


"What did you do?"

"Spent some time in bed and then we went to eat and did the zip line on Freemont Street."

"Oooh fun."

"Oh it was."

"You should come do the zip line with us next time." She adds.

"We'll see."

We get to where the wardrobe was and walk in, asking for our outfits that were already chosen for tonight for the match. One of the girls pulls out our outfits.

"Oh how cool!" Cara says as she looks at them.

"Yours is nice." I remark.

"Mmhmm. I love how colorful yours is though."

"Oh Colby and Jon are gonna die." I snicker.

"Definitely." Cara giggles.

"Gonna want us to put everything on early, I can see it now."

"Mmhmm." She laughs.

"But nope, they're gonna have to wait."


We thank the girl for the outfits and everything and head out, going to the room.

"Now I can't wait even more."

"I knowww."

"Their reactions are going to be priceless."

"Roman should totally get pictures of that." I laugh.

"Oh yes." She laughs too.

"Well should get ready, because here we are."


"Guess what we got." I declare as we walk inside.

"Oh wow." Dean says after seeing the colorful outfits.

"Lots of feathers." Seth adds.

"I know right?" Cara laughs.

"I like them." I nod.

"Me too." She agrees.

"Definitely suits both of you." Roman agrees.

"It really does." Seth remarks.

"I'm sure you've been filled in on everything that's going on tonight, especially why we have these outfits right?" Cara asks.

"Yup." Seth and Roman nod.

"It's an interesting match stipulation you're involved in."


"Can probably expect a fight to break out at some point between us around the ring. I mean a lot of us don't like each other." I add.

"Very true." She agrees.

"But other than that, the match sounds like it'll be fun."


"And no, we're not putting them on just yet. You're gonna have to wait."


"You'll survive."

They both sigh and we laugh.

"It's not the end of the world you know."

"Apparently to them it is." Roman chuckles.

"They'll deal."

"Mmhmm." She giggles, patting Seth's leg.

We stick around for a few hours between staying in the room and getting up and getting snacks and such from catering when we got hungry. We kept ourselves busy to pass the time, and soon it was time for the show as it had begun, advertising the theme for tonight and then talking about last night's pay-per-view. The wheel is then shown backstage spinning with Vickie there as well.

"Excuse me? Excuse me. Welcome to Las Vegas. As the managing supervisor of Monday Night Raw and your hostess for tonight, tonight's Raw will be held under the rules of Raw Roulette. Tonight's events will be out of my hands and in the hands of lady luck. As you can see, we have three roulette wheels. The wheel of superstars, the wheel of stipulations, and oh my gosh my favorite...the Vickie Vegas challenge. Our first match tonight will be the United States Champion Antonio Cesaro vs Randy Orton. And that stipulation will be....the special guest referee."

"Hmm, could be interesting."

To start off Raw, it's Punk, who comes out clearly pissed off, yelling at the camera and ripping a sign up. He grabs a mic and pushes the ringside attendant before getting into the ring, telling them to cut the music.

"Someone's a little grouchy-pants tonight."


"This is day 435 of the most historic WWE Championship reign of the modern era! I did not lose! I beat The Rock! I retained my championship!"

"You were gonna lose it either way so quit bitching." I scoff.

"Bitch bitch biiiiiitch." Cara laughs.

"And in doing so, I became the new People's champion! I'm the champion! I'm the People's champion! Me! Nobody else! I...did....not...lose!" He says as he kicks the bottom rope.

"What did the bottom rope ever do to you?"

"I'm sure it pretty much hates him right about now." I snicker.

"I think so too."

"That's who you want to get behind? That's your hero? That's who you want to put up on a pedestal? A cheater?! A cheater?! Somebody who can't pin the champion without somebody's else's help? That's who you like?!"

"But he did pin you. The second time."

"Clearly he's delusional." Dean remarks.

"Just a bit."

"Well you're all cheaters. You're all no-good thieves. Cheap swindlers just like Vince McMahon! Just like The Rock! 434 days, I was a REAL champion! I didn't have anybody helping me win matches, I didn't need anybody to come out and restart a match. Illegally I might add. Vince McMahon just screwed me worse than he screwed Bret Hart in Montreal. Last night will go down forever in history as the Phoenix screw job! I got screwed! I got screwed! You want to party? You want to celebrate Las Vegas? See The Rock's gonna come out here...and we're gonna throw a little party for The Rock! In my world, you don't do restarts, you don't take water breaks. I got screwed. I got screwed. I'm the champion. I'm the People's Champion, and I'm here to crash your party!"

And just then, that's when Vince comes out.

"You're a thief! You are a robber! You're a no good, cheap, flesh peddling, hack swindling promoter!"


"Punk I crashed your party last night, I can very well do it again tonight. I'm told, an individual who's name will remain anonymous is gonna deliver tonight to me, which I'll share with everyone else, a video tape apparently, unquestionably proves that you are complicit in a scheme perpetuated and orchestrated by Paul Heyman involving The Shield."

"And you know, can't say we didn't do it, because we filmed that segment a few weeks ago." Seth says.


"Can't tell you the details though. You'll have to wait and see it yourselves."

"Oh darn."

"Sir, if I may..." Heyman starts to say.

"...you may not. We've had enough of....enough of your crap!"

"Shut down."


"Mr. Heyman, you and I are gonna have a little chat here in front of everybody, later on in the ring. I think you'll call it a personal performance review. Involving you and your contract and this video tape footage, that could result...in...your...termination. Have a nice party." He ends it before heading to the back.

"Someone's gonna get fired. I can't wait for that."

"Oh yeah."

Heyman and Punk left the ring before the first match of the night could commence. Out first for the match was Randy, and then Cesaro. And then the special guest referee was revealed to be Mike and Cesaro is having a little hissy fit about it.

"He's totally gonna screw him out of this match after what happened last night. Payback's a bitch."

"This is gonna be good."

During the match and the beatdown of Cesaro, Mike is just enjoying it. Cesaro did come back during the break for those watching at home however. There were a lot of near falls, but in the end Cesaro pokes Randy in the eye, illegally, so Mike confronts him but Cesaro just pushes him out of the way.

"Uh oh, someone's in trouble now."


Mike storms over and pulls him away and starts to argue with him again, mostly about the fact that he's the ref and Cesaro can't put his hands on him. That ultimately distracts Cesaro and he loses the match. Randy leaves the ring, leaving Mike and Cesaro the only ones left. Mike pretends to help him up, only to hit him with the Skull Crushing Finale.

"Serves him right."


The wheel is then spinning backstage and lands on 'Make Me Laugh'. Shown there next to the wheel is Ryback.

"Go ahead Ryback. Go make me laugh."

"Don't know how that's gonna work out. He's not funny at all."

"Nope. Not one bit."

"He's as entertaining as watching paint dry, even though I think that would be more fun than watching him."


He heads out to the ring and along with him, it's Darren, Titus, and Striker when it comes back from a break.

"He blows that whistle at all during this, I swear to god...."

"I'm gonna guess he will, just to spite you."

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's now time for the Make Me Laugh Challenge! The rules are simple. The contestants will tell jokes. Whoever makes you laugh the most, wins! Up first, Titus O'Neil, Darren Young, The Prime Time Players."

"Ain't nobody worry about entertaining ya'll anyway. We got a joke and it's gonna be on you Matt Striker, and you gonna find it funny. Now, what did the woman say to Matt Striker last night when he asked her on a date?"

"Ain't nobody got time for dat!"

I just raise an eyebrow and stare blankly at the screen.

"Booooooo." Cara says loudly.

"That was horrible."

"No kidding."

"Oh, you want to boo us?!" Titus exclaims before blowing the whistle.

"Ya'll wouldn't know entertainment if it slapped you in the face!"


"I have a joke. What has four eyes, twenty fingers, and is about to be unconscious?"

"Those two."

"...that wasn't awful. Kind of amusing."

Ryback goes after them and Titus tries to fight back but ultimately loses.

"Haha, that's no laughing matter. But that made me laugh. Your winner of the Make Me Laugh Challenge, Ryback!" Striker announces.

He then turns and attacks him as well.

"Should've just left the ring."


"Well Striker really isn't too smart these days anyway."


They then show a Hall of Fame video, reminding everyone of the two men already being inducted, Bob Backlund and Mick Foley. After the break, the wheel is spun and it lands on Player's choice.

"Players Choice. Tonight Wade Barrett gets to choose his own opponent."

"Well that's really hitting the nail on the head there. The stipulation speaks for itself."


And Wade was in the ring, happy about the match stipulation chosen for what's going to be his match.

"Now I know exactly who I want to fight this evening. I want to fight that long haired, flash in the pan NXT rookie, Bo Dallas. Yesterday evening, was the greatest night in the career of young Bo, when he threw me out of the Royal Rumble match. This evening, his career is gonna end at the hands of the great Barrett Barrage."

"I'm gonna laugh if he ends up beating Wade like he threw him out of the match last night."

"That would make my night. Seriously." Cara says.

"I think we should watch solely for that possibility."


He comes out shortly after, barely any fan reaction.

"Well that's not good if he's getting little to no fan reaction."


"That's because he's a rookie and not well known up here yet." Seth remarks.

"True. Maybe the reaction will be better if he beats ol' stupid head."

"We'll have to see."


In the end of the match, it was another upset as Bo would defeat Wade in an actual one on one match, and Wade's reaction was priceless.

"His face, oh my god."

"I want to hug that dude."

"Even more so now."


"Definitely gonna have to find him Thursday at NXT, that's for sure."

"Oh yeah."

"Seems like Wade is losing his momentum since last night."

"Makes my day."

"Turning out to be a great night."


Then backstage, Cody had spun the wheel of superstars to figure out who his opponent would be for tonight, and it landed on John and that match would be next. He has no words, before he leaves.

"Well this should be interesting."


"But that match is up next and you know what that means. We have to go." Seth remarks.


"I suppose you and I could use that time to get ready for the Divas match..." I trail off, noting something positive.

"That's true." She agrees.

"And it gives you two something to look forward to seeing." I say to Seth and Dean.

They nod eagerly.

"Better get going before you don't end up leaving at all." Cara snickers.

They give us kisses before being dragged off by Roman.

"Those two."

"Our goofballs."

"So, wanna go get these outfits on and everything now?" I grin.

"Let's do it." She laughs.

We grab our outfits and everything that we had with them, bringing them into the changing area to put everything on. We take turns helping each other with the different pieces of the outfits.

"Oh yeah, they're definitely gonna die." I snicker as we look at ourselves in the mirror.

"Oh it's going to be a long but fun night." She giggles.

"Oh yes."

"I feel like dancing." She says before spontaneously doing a dance.

"And there go the feathers moving." I laugh.

"Wheeeee." She laughs too.

"But you do look great in that by the way."

"Why thank you. You look pretty too. Very colorful."

"And thank you."

"You're welcome."

By the time we go back out to the room itself, the match was just ending between John and Cody. Suppose we spent more time in the changing room than we thought and in the end, John had won.

"What a surprise." Cara rolls her eyes.

"By the sound of it, some of you didn't pick me to win the Royal Rumble huh? Well, any other of the 29 superstars...could come down here, and tell you how they should've won the Royal Rumble. And then there's one man. This man. That can stand in this ring, and say last night, I won the Royal Rumble. And no doubt, throwing Ryback over the top rope, was an unpredictable and unbelievable step. Enormous step. But only the first one. Because when someone wins the Royal Rumble, their next step is to issue a challenge to the champion of their choosing for the main event at WrestleMania. And to me this is my most difficult step. The choice for me, becomes difficult because World Heavyweight Championship aside, either person who holds the WWE Championship going into WrestleMania, will either be CM Punk or The Rock. CM Punk, a man who for the last 2 years has been impossible for me to beat. Say what you want about CM Punk. But a true champion finds a way to win. And the past 6 times that I have faced Punk, he has done just that either he won or I simply have not got the job done. And then of course, there is The Rock. A man...who I very openly spoke about, even before he returned to the WWE. And I did so, because when he did return, I wanted to make sure he challenged one man and that man was me. Rock came back, and he made that challenge and for one year, I opened my life up to all of you. And told you how very important that moment that was to me, that I had to win that night. And for one year, I jousted with The Rock. Physically, mentally, verbally, and I proved to the world not only am I in The Rock's league, but I have moments where he couldn't even carry my jockstrap. Everything seemed perfect. Until April 1st. WrestleMania 28. My once in a lifetime moment, stolen."

"And with the legions of Rock's fans chanting his name, now you realize I have a difficult choice. And what better a city to understand than Las Vegas. This is a city built off of making odds. So do I choose the World Heavyweight Championship? Because regardless who holds it, I just have better odds of winning or...do I challenge one of the two possible WWE Champions, of whom I have virtually no chance of winning. I'll tell you what I'm not gonna do. I'm not gonna wait to make my decision. I am gonna choose right here, right now. I...John Cena, challenge on April 7th, MetLife Stadium, WrestleMania 29......I challenge the WWE Champion! So this goes as a message to both The Rock and CM Punk. You are now marked men by yours truly. We are all on the road to WrestleMania, but best believe..." He gets cut off by the guys' theme.

And from separate sides, they make their way down to the ring. After hopping the barrier, they rush the ring and the usual assault takes place with the numbers game being more than John could handle. As soon as they have John down, out comes Sheamus. He too, after some struggle is taken down. Out next was Ryback of course, and Dean is the first thrown out of the ring by him, then Seth. Roman gets him into the ropes and that's when Seth and Dean grab Ryback around the legs and then pull him out of the ring, throwing him into the steel steps. Sheamus comes out of the ring, getting pushed into the steel ring post.


They get back into the ring, only to get attacked by John, but again the numbers game gets the best of him, and it ultimately ends with a Triple Powerbomb in the middle of the ring. They quickly exit the ring and head to the back through the crowd.

"Good. They didn't get hurt."

"And now for the fun part...when they come back." I grin.

"Oh yes." I smirk.

"They're probably rushing."

"That wouldn't surprise me." Cara laughs.

It wasn't too much longer after that where the door opened and they were the only ones to walk in at the moment, no Roman yet.

"Nice job boys."

"Leave Roman behind did you?" I snicker.

"He didn't want to see the PDA."

"It's either that or you two rushed ahead to see the outfits."


"That's so the reason."

"I think both." Cara laughs.


She and I exchange amused looks.

"Think you may want to stand up so we can see those outfits better." Seth remarks.

We get up and do a slow spin.



"Thought so."

She dances a little bit.

"This is fun to do, watch the feathers move around." She laughs.

Seth just stares.

"I think we know his eyes will be glued to the screen tonight." I giggle.

"Yup!" Cara laughs.

"He's not the only one." Dean mumbles.

I grin at him.

"So are we gonna sit until then or just stand here all night?"

"Oh right." She nods, sitting back down.

"Be careful of the feathers." She remarks as Seth sits as well.

"I will."

"But nothing will stop me from playing with them." He adds.

"I didn't think so."

"But right now, I believe Roman won't be back for a while...." He grins.

"There's still other people in the room love." She says amusedly.

"I don't think they'd mind. They probably have the same idea."

"I suppose." She concedes.

"Well he probably does anyway."

"That's true." She giggles.

"So, we're good."

"Alright, I give." She laughs.

"I knew you would." He grins.

"It's hard to say no to you. You're cute." She says as Seth leans in.

"I know I am."

"Cocky." She laughs softly, nuzzling her nose against his.

"That's me."

Another small laugh escapes before he kisses her.

"Touchy." I remark about Dean.

"You enjoy it." He chuckles.

"Can't deny that."

"I didn't think so." He grins before kissing my neck.

"Remember..." I trail off.

"No marks, I know."

"Good. Those can be saved for later."

"Sounds like a plan."

I apparently wasn't close enough for him, because he caught me off guard and wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me over onto his lap, and it stayed around my waist as his other hand rested on my leg. One of my arms went around his shoulders where my hand had rested on his arm as held onto him.

"Better." He mutters quietly.

"Never close enough for you...am I?"


We must've lost track of time with the distractions because next thing we knew, there was a knock on the door, and by the way they were knocking we knew it was Roman.

"I'm not coming in because I know what you're up to, but you girls have a match to get to." He says from outside the door.

Cara giggles as she pulls away from Seth.

"We're coming Rome, hang on."

"He has terrible timing." Seth groans in protest.

"You'll get more later." She pats his cheek.

She then stands and fixes her outfit.

"Alright, you gotta let her go now." She says to Dean, snickering.

"Damn." Dean grumbles.

"Just keep in mind....we have your place all to ourselves once the show is over." I remark.

He grins and I laugh. I kiss him quick before moving from his lap, standing myself and fixing my outfit as well. I also grab the wings that go with my outfit before you and I finally exit the room.

"It's safe now Rome." Cara laughs, patting his shoulder.

"Yeah, all good. I think they'll behave until the end of the show." I add.

"Possibly." She says amusedly.

"Well have fun out there you two."

"Oh we will."

He then heads inside while we head down the hall to get to the curtain where everyone else would be waiting to go out.

"These feathers are so fun."

"Oh I know right?"

"A little ticklish."


She starts dancing a little bit again.

"Gonna be playing with the feathers throughout the match aren't you?" I laugh.

"Probably." She grins.

When we get to the curtain where everyone was waiting, along with Kaitlyn and Tamina, dressed up were Naomi, Cameron, Rosa, Layla, Alicia and Aksana.

"I'm just gonna stay over here." Cara says.

"Yeah, not too many people we like. Only like a few."


"At least the outfits are decent."

It really wasn't long before all of us who were lumberjills were going out first as we started to see everyone start to move, and we follow.

"Here we go. This should be interesting."

"That's for sure." I nod.

After we go out and stand around the ring, Kaitlyn and Tamina come out next. They replay the Body Slam challenge between Show and Alberto Del Rio before getting to the match we were currently waiting out around the ring for. Once the show came back on the air, the bell rang to start the match after the generic music for the Divas stopped playing. Tamina took control of the match early on, and kept it for a while. With our help, Kaitlyn got to her feet, but it didn't last long, as Kaitlyn was kicked out of the ring where Alicia and Aksana immediately went after her. As Aksana tried to throw her back in the ring, she kind of failed and got attacked herself. That's where Kaitlyn took control of the match. She used Aksana's feathered headpiece as a weapon, before going for the pin. That's when Rosa, Alicia and Aksana rushed the ring. That caused us to rush the ring along with Cameron, Naomi and Layla and an all out brawl broke out between us all. The ref didn't know what to do and started to break us all apart. With the match basically over, Tamina and Kaitlyn left the ring, as the fight continued until the next break. Once we had enough, we left the ring to head to the back.

"Rosa should have a nice bruise later." Cara smirks.

"She deserved it."

"I know."

"The ref had to pull Aksana off of me. But not before I pulled some hair out." I snicker.

"Nice." Cara laughs.

"And surprise, they weren't extensions."

"Le gasp." She says dramatically.

"So I'm sure it hurt."

"Oh yeah."

We take our time getting back to the room since we weren't in a rush. Eventually we did get back and we walk back in.

"Well that was an adventure." Cara remarks to the boys.

"Looked like it."

"Inflicting pain was fun though."

"It so was." I nod.

They all laugh.

"I got to pull out some hair." I smirk.

"I'm sure Rosa will have at least one big bruise." Cara snickers.

"We saw that. Ouch."

"Mwahahaha." She laughs evilly.

"That's what she gets for coming after me." She adds as she goes back over and sit next to Seth.

He instantly pulls her onto his lap. Dean does the same with me once I sit by him.

"Remember you two have to behave yourselves until the end of the show." I remark.

"Yeah yeah." They mutter.

"Will you be able to last that long?" Cara asks, giggling.

"...good question."

"You two better be able to." Roman says to them.

"Oh they will."

"Or they'll have to the whole rest of the night." I add.


"Or as in, sleeping on the couch?" Roman asks.

"Oooh, looks like you have no choice boys." He chuckles.

They both whine.

"You'll live."

They sulk and Roman laughs.

Out next was The Rock as he was going to clearly talk about last night and everything. He states that there is only one word that can represent their entire journey and that word is 'finally', declaring that he's come back to Las Vegas, adding 'finally, The Rock is WWE Champion'. He says that there is no achievement more deeply engraved in his blood than the WWE Championship and standing there as an eight-time WWE Champion is the proudest moment of his career. He continues, saying that he already thanked his friends and family, but he wants to thank the fans. He says that Punk told all of them that they were nothing, saying that Punk's crap days of running down the fans are over.

"Highly doubt that."

He then declares that tonight, they usher in the 'People's Era'. Making good on his promise to crash the party of The Rock, Punk comes out, saying that he's embarrassing himself. He continues saying that The Rock is disgracing the WWE Championship that he made meaningful, saying that the title was handed to The Rock, just like everything else in The Rock's 'spoon-fed life'. Punk then says that if The Rock was a man, who is proud of his heritage, he would walk up to him and hand him the WWE Title back, and apologize for tarnishing the championship that he made great. The Rock refutes that, if Punk was a man, then he would come to the ring and take the title from him. He tells Punk that he has two choices, he can either come to the ring to fight him or he can stand on the stage like a 'punk ass bitch'. Punk begins to walk to the ring, but changes his mind, walking back to the stage and saying that he'll fight The Rock on his terms. He then challenges the Rock to a rematch for the WWE Championship in three weeks at WWE Elimination Chamber. Rock accepts the rematch before saying that the only thing that Punk will be taking is an 'ass-kicking'.

"Of course there would be a rematch. I think that was expected."


"Not gonna win it back though. He can try all he wants."


"I just wish that personal performance review on Heyman would hurry up and happen. I wanna see what it was exactly you guys filmed a few weeks ago."

"Me too." Cara agrees.

"Well I suppose we can say something about it. Won't really give anything away now that I think of it." Seth remarks.


"We do some....damage control."


"And that's all you're getting."

"Darn it."

"Damage control could be anything really." I add.

"Yeah exactly."

After coming close to winning the Rumble last night, Sheamus would go one on one with Damien Sandow. And by the virtue of the Stipulations wheel, the match would be a Tables match.

"Good bye girly man."

"Buh bye."

"Despite Sheamus being banged up from your attack on him."


Throughout the match, Sandow would take it to an injured Sheamus, but he would fight through the pain and ultimately puts Sandow through a table with White Noise to win.

"And goodnight."

"Bye girly!"

"Maybe he needs some tissues, I think he may cry after losing." I snicker.

"Wahhhhh." Cara mocks, laughing.

After the break it was time for another challenge from the wheel and it ended up being a Karaoke challenge. Khali and Zack would be facing off in this challenge, and Khali starts off with singing Shawn's theme song. He wasn't reading the words on the tron and some of it was mumbled, but it was entertaining at least.

"Oh my god."

"Oh good lord." Cara laughs.

But of course before the song could end and Zack would get his turn, out come Drew, Jinder and Heath.

"Party poopers."


"Hold on a minute. Hold on. I got a question for any one of you guys that want to answer it. Are you kidding me?"

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa...sweet child of mine. You call this music?"

"We are 3MB and we are music."

"Yeah and where's your album?" I scoff.


"They most likely can't sing, that's why it keeps getting put off." Dean remarks.

"Good point."

"Always coming up with excuses when we all know the exact reason."


"You're just an embarrassment."

"Are you serious bro? We know all about Rock and Roll. Me, I like Pop music. I even wrote my own song. But Khali...he's into straight up head banging."

"Hey. We're the rock stars of the WWE you hear me? Drew, show em. Show em."

He does some air guitar and some dance moves, only to be hit over the head by Khali. Jinder then gets taken out by Zack and Heath gets taken out by Khali and Hornswoggle hits the frogsplash on Heath as well.


"Serves them right."

Chris is then seen walking backstage and it's said that he would be out next to speak to the WWE Universe.

"Sparkly jacket." I look over at Cara with a grin.

"I want it."

"Next time he's around backstage, we're gonna have to find him for you so you can put that jacker on." I laugh.

"Oh yes."

"Welcome to, Raw is Jericho! And it is great to be back in the WWE right here, right now! I was only gone for six months, but it felt like six years. And last night, when I was the surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble, and I fooled all of ya. I fooled ya, I fooled ya, I fooled ya. It was one of the greatest nights of my career that is for real and I want thank every single Jericho-holic here tonight, watching at home. That makes me feel good. Whenever I'm here it's something I will never....I will never....eeeeverrrr forget agaiiin!"

And of course, that's when Dolph comes out, with AJ and Big E. in tow.

"Of course."

Cara rolls her eyes and sighs.

"What are you doing here? You don't work here anymore. Remember? Last summer? I beat you and ended your WWE career."

"Yeah, you see I was general manager and I made you put your contract on the line against Ziggy's briefcase. I'm sorry about that by the way babe. I'm the one that personally got Y2J terminated from WWE."

"Good one babe."

"Ziggy can you do me a favor and put a leash on your crazy little doggie, before she pee-pees all over the ring?"


"Hey! I think you should leave. Before I ruin your little return." Big E. remarks.

"Big E. BIG E. BIIIG E! He's got an 'E'! He's only got an 'E' for a name! What does the 'E' stand for, your bra size? Because those are some giant pecs my man. I can put a drink on those things."

"Alright, alright. That's enough! Jericho enough. Enough of the jokes, enough of the crappy jokes. You don't even work here. What are you doing here? Why don't you just leave? You don't belong here anymore."

"Excuse me? Excuse me Dolph. The person who signed Chris Jericho to a WWE contract is me. And unlike AJ, I do what's right for business. And I do not let my personal feelings get in the way." Vickie announces.

She then puts Dolph and Chris in a match and by the Stipulations Wheel, the match would be a Strange Bedfellows Match, meaning that Chris and Dolph would have to team together to face Team Hell No.

"Wah wahhhhh."

In that said match, amidst an argument between Kane and Daniel, Chris would strike Kane from behind, quickly tagging Dolph in and exting the ring. This results in Kane thinking Dolph hit him from behind and Dolph gets planted with a chokeslam, and loses the match.

"Oh what a shame." I say sarcastically.

"Oh darn." Cara agrees, looking amused.

"He'll never learn."


"Maybe he just bleached his hair too many times." Roman remarks.


Up next was the next inductee into the Hall of Fame, and that would be Trish. After that, Vince appears in the ring to conduct the personal performance review of Paul Heyman. Initially, Paul doesn't come out and Vince reveals that if Heyman is looking for Punk, then he won't find him because he's been escorted out of the arena. A nervous Paul Heyman finally makes his way to the ring, offering his hand to him. He does shake his hand, but disinfects them afterwards.

"I would disinfect my hands too."

"Uh yeah."

"I want to thank you for this opportunity. To come out here, and look you in the eye, and settle this once and for all. Because the answer to your question, and you have every reason in the world to ask me that question and the answer....to that question is no. I have never had anything to do with Brad Maddox nor The Shield."

"Lies." Seth comments, but with a snicker.

Cara giggles.

"So you're an honorable man?"

"I'm trying to become an honorable man. And maybe I can learn from you on how to be an honorable man. I can't tell you I've been a saint. I've never been a saint in my life. But I...but I want to be here. And if it takes being an honorable man to be here, then damn it that's what I'll be."

"Mr. Heyman, I guess maybe I want to uh...show you some footage now. And after we show you the footage, I'd like to get your comments if you don't mind."


The footage is then played and in a dark area of the arena, there's Paul and Brad.

"When CM Punk and I plucked you from obscurity, we think you were gonna make it as a superstar, you're floundering in NXT and we maneuver you to be the referee at Hell in a Cell. To keep Ryback from winning the title. And we paid you handsomely. And then you kept coming back for more, and coming back for more, and coming back for more, and coming back for more. Now, when we pay The Shield to do a job, they don't keep coming back for more and coming back for more. They wait for us to come to them and we say we need help and we pay The Shield. And yes Brad, we pay The Shield more than we pay you, but The Shield is more effective at what they do than you are!"

"You got burned!" Cara laughs.

"Paul..." He trails off, just as they surround him.




"Paul please."


"Okay...please. Just...I'll leave okay?"

"Oh stop."

"I'll leave."

"Oh come on."

"Paul, please."

"Shhhh. Take this beating like a man Brad. Come on, you wanted an experience."

"Paul, just...tell Punk I'm sorry and I'll go."

"Shhh. Listen to me. I want you to chalk this up to being....a learning experience."

"Paul please."

And with that, Dean and Seth attack him, while Roman takes out the camera capturing it all.

"Dun dun dun....busted Heyman." I snicker as we see the shocked look on his face from seeing the footage.


"That wasn't me. You know what it's like to be falsely accused. You can relate to it. You know what I'm going through right now. That wasn't me. That is an impersonator. And doing, what I may add, is a poor impersonation of Paul Heyman. I am being set up because of envy and because of jealousy. Because of my success, because of my success with ECW, because of my success with CM Punk, because I led CM Punk to being the-"



"Are you trying to convince yourself or everyone else here? Was that Brad Maddox? Was that Brad Maddox?"

"Yes sir-"

"Was that The Shield?"

"Yes sir that was The Shield."

"But that wasn't you."

"No that was not Paul Heyman."


"Is Paul Heyman lying?"


"Does Paul Heyman deserve to be fired?"

"Hell yes."


"In other words Mr. Heyman, you're...." He goes to say he's fired but Brock Lesnar comes out.

"Ugh, not you!"

"Oh come on!"

After getting Paul out of the way, he gets in Vince's face.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do something I would regret later on."

"Oh he would."

As Heyman pleads with Vince to just leave the ring, Brock does the unthinkable and picks Vince up and hits him with an F-5. Paul screams out 'what did you do', with Brock leaving the ring with a smile on his face, showing no remorse for his actions on the Chairman of the WWE, that being what ends the show.

"Wah wahhhhh."

"He's a danger to everyone, I swear."

"Yup." Cara nods.

"But I'm so ready to get out of here."

"Me too. Gotta change first though."

"Right." I nod.

"Do you really have to?" Dean questions, giving me a look.

"Unfortunately for you, yes. We don't get to keep these." I laugh.


"Wish you could."

"I know." I giggle.

"So we'll be back out in a bit, and then we'll drop these back off along the way out."


I get up and then Cara and I head in to change out of the outfits so we could return them. We get changed and put the outfits back in the containers that they came in. We make sure that we have all of our stuff before walking out.

"All ready to go."

"Great." The guys say, getting up.

They grab their things and then we all head out. Along the way, we drop off the costumes, and then we head out to the cars, loading our things into the back. Everybody says their goodbyes and we all head in different directions. After a bit of a drive, Dean and I finally reach his place.


"Alone time."

"You've been waiting for this all night, I can tell."

"Well yeah."

"Surprised you're not rushing me to the bedroom right now."

"Trying to be nice."

"Well you can rush a little bit." I giggle.

Dean scoops me up in his arms and walks fast to the bedroom.

"How's this for rushing?" He chuckles.

"That's good." I say amusedly.

Once we enter the bedroom, he kicks the door shut and lets me down though not without getting a kiss first. Even though he did let me down, his hands were still resting on my hips.

"So are you gonna keep me standing here or are you gonna let me go change?" I give him a look.

"Hmm, tempting decision. I suppose you can change."

"Shouldn't take me too long."

He nods and kisses my head, letting me go. I go into my bags and find what I want to wear to bed and then I go into the bathroom to change and do everything else like always, before coming back out and finding him sitting on the bed with his back turned to me. So I try to be as quiet as I can, putting my other clothes with my things before going over to the bed and sneaking up behind him and almost practically jumping on him. He yelps in surprise, almost toppling over.

"Oops. My bad." I laugh.

"You little minx." He laughs, grabbing me.

He proceeds to start tickling me.

"Ah...nooo!" I say between laughs.

"Payback!" He grins.

"What....will it take....to get you....to stop?"

"A good kiss."

"Well if you stop, I'll give it to you."

Dean cautiously stops. I grin, before pulling him down into a kiss. He kisses back eagerly. My arms wrap around him and hold him there so that he can't go anywhere until I want him to. He chuckles a little bit. His hands however have remained resting on my sides, and one of mine absentmindedly moved to his hair. My fingers sink into his hair, tugging gently when the kiss gets deeper. Even though I was going to be the one to end the kiss, I did end up lost in it so I didn't even realize that he ended it when he felt it was good enough for him.

"That was good." He grins.

"You're telling me."

"Need those more often."

"Won't argue with that."

"Of course not."

"But I just had to be sneaky earlier. You left yourself open for that."

"I guess I did." He chuckles a little bit.

"Wanted to have a little fun."

"Yeah I got that." Dean says amusedly.

"So, gonna sleep like this? I can sense you don't want to move." I laugh.

"Can't really sleep like this. Could fall off the bed."


He holds me against him and moves until we're both laying in our normal spots.

"That's better."

"So we have a bit of a drive tomorrow to get to San Diego for the tapings tomorrow night. How early are we leaving tomorrow?" I ask.

"Kind of early. I set an alarm already."

"On the road again. Well at least we get a day off on Wednesday before flying to Florida for NXT."


"Definitely gonna need it."

"Yeah that's for sure." He agrees.

"And speaking of tomorrow, after we get to San Diego, are we gonna get a hotel or go right to you and Cara's place? Just wondering because I was thinking of getting a couple hours in at the gym before the tapings and I wanna know where we'll be staying." He adds.

"Probably the condo. It seems easier that way."

"Alright. Drop our things off there and then go to the gym. You're welcome to come if you want, unless you're gonna want to sleep in when we get there."

"Mmm, we'll see how it goes." You say.

"Sounds good." He nods.

I stifle a yawn. Dean chuckles.

"Bedtime for you sunshine."

"That would be for the best wouldn't it?"

"Yes. Good night." He kisses my head before reaching for the light.

"Night." I reply as I move under the covers.

The two of us get settled and drift off to sleep. Cara and Seth have since gotten back to the hotel they were staying at and have just finished getting changed for bed.*

"Much more comfy." She says, stretching.

"As you should be."

"I know." She sprawls out on the bed.

"Don't take up the whole bed." He chuckles.

"What if I do?"

"Then you won't get to cuddle with all of this...." He refers to himself.


"Then maybe I would lay on you and risk falling off the bed during the night."


"I'd be fine."

"True but still."

"Make room for me then?"

She shifts until he has enough room. He grins before getting the light and then climbing onto the bed next to her. She latches onto him, getting comfortable.


"All yours."



She smiles and kisses him lightly.

"We have to be up early tomorrow."


"Have to drive to San Diego for the tapings."


"But of course not before stopping at the condo."


"Wanna get some gym time in too."

"I might go but we'll see how tired I am."

"Okay." He nods.

"I don't wanna sleep." She sighs.

"I know, but we're gonna need all the rest we can get if we're getting up early tomorrow."

"I know, I know."

"I can help you sleep if you want."


They both get under the covers and she snuggles close to him, tucking her head under his chin. He then proceeds to run his fingers through her hair and play with it at times, to try and help her relax and fall asleep. Slowly but surely, the repetitive motion puts her to sleep. Once he notices the change in her breathing, he glances down to see her passed out. He chuckles before making sure he's comfortable and he dozes off himself.