Lost Injustice

SmackDown Taping for February 1, 2013

The following morning, it was about 6 in the morning and the alarm that Seth had set for him and Cara, had started to go off, telling her to wake up so she could get her things together and get on the road to San Diego. Seth turns it off and gets up. She refuses to move, hiding stubbornly under the covers.

"I'll give you five minutes. That's it." He chuckles.

She blows a raspberry.

"Love you too."

He gets dressed and puts the rest of his stuff away. Then he turns to the bed where she's still hiding.

"It's been more than five minutes you."

She blows another raspberry at him.

"Do I have to tickle you?"

"I don't wanna get up." She groans.

"I know you don't. But we got a semi-long drive. Depending on traffic."

"Yeah yeah." She grumbles.

"You can sleep on the way there if you'd like."

"True." She muses, stretching.

After she stretches and sits there in the bed for a bit, she finally moves from it and goes into her things to get clothes to change into before packing everything up to go.

"Hate early days." She yawns as she does her hair.

"I know."

She gets all that done and sits on the bed to put her shoes on. After she gets them on, she makes sure everything else is packed before she puts a jacket on, being ready to go. They go check out of the hotel and then it's on the road they go. Just like he suggested, during the semi-long drive, she did end up sleeping for it. She's still sleeping when they get to the condo, which makes Seth chuckle quietly. Since she's the only one with the keys to the place, he has no choice to wake her up so he can get them. She grumbles as she gets shaken awake.

"Where are the keys? I'll let you sleep while I bring our stuff inside." He says softly.

She yawns and fishes the keys out of her purse.*

"Thank you." He says, taking them from her and kissing her cheek, letting her go back to sleep.

He gets the bags and everything taken inside. Then he comes back to get her. Instead of waking her this time, he helps her out of the car, carrying her inside. Once inside he heads to the bedroom where he sets her down on the bed. He carefully takes off her shoes and her coat, trying not to wake her up. And he figured that he would wait until Dean and myself would get there before even deciding to go to the gym, stay with her for a bit while she slept. She curls up in bed, grabbing a pillow to snuggle with. When she does that, he chuckles before laying down next to her and he wraps his arms around her, holding her close. She sighs peacefully, settling down. He kisses the back of her neck before nuzzling his face into the crook of it. He just lays there to wait for Dean and myself. We had gotten there a while later, since traffic did seem to increase along the way.

"Finally." I say as we pull up to the condo.

"Stupid traffic." Dean says.

"That's because people were going to work at the same time."

"I know. It's still annoying though."

"Poor you."

"Yeah yeah." He chuckles as the two of us get our stuff out of the trunk.

After getting everything, we head right inside since Seth left the door unlocked. From there we head to the bedroom to drop off all our things. Seth hears the two of us since he left the bedroom door cracked open. He slowly untangles himself from her. He makes his way down to our bedroom, knocking on the open door when he's standing in the doorway to get our attention.

"Oh, hey Colby. What's up?" I ask.

"I figured Jon would want to go to the gym so I decided to wait for you guys."

"Was already planning on going." He nods.

"Where's Cara?" I ask.

"Asleep in bed." Seth remarks.


"I should've known. She's not a morning person." I say amusedly.

"I think I'll stay here instead of going to the gym with you guys this time. I could probably use some more sleep myself." I add.

"I figured you would." Dean chuckles.

"Of course, so I'll go another day."

"Alright." Dean says.

"Meet you by the door in 5 minutes." Seth tells Dean.

He nods, and Seth walks back to your bedroom to change and get things ready for the gym. Dean gets some clothes together and heads into the bathroom to change into them. I go through my bags and find the clothes that are dirty and put them in the basket to wash later. Dean comes out and packs a gym bag.

"So we should be back in a couple hours."

"Have fun."

"And you don't have to rush either. You can be there as long as you want." I add.


"Be careful of fangirls." I say amusedly.

"I'm always careful." He chuckles.

"I know, I'm just teasing." I giggle.

"And don't you have too much fun while I'm gone either."

"I'll try not to."

He then takes his bag and walks over, kissing me briefly before heading out of the room to meet Seth by the front door. They leave for the gym. I finish what I was doing and get ready to lay down for a nap. It wasn't too long before I had dozed off, since I was still tired from being up early this morning. After a while Cara wakes up and decides to take a soak in the tub. She gets the water started and waits for the tub to fill up before putting bath salt in it. She takes her clothes off and then puts her hair up before getting in. Once she's in, she relaxes almost instantly.

"Ah, so much better." She sighs.

She ends up staying in the water until it starts to lose it's warmth. When it does, she gets out and wraps a towel around herself, and she lets the tub drain. Then she heads out to find some clothes. She takes her time finding the clothes, and once she does find some that she thinks are good to wear for the day, she changes. As she picks up her shirt to put it on, she doesn't notice the bedroom door open.

"Well this is a nice sight to come home to." He says.

She jumps and squeaks loudly.

"Dammit Colby, you scared me." She sighs after realizing it was him.


"It's okay. You missed a relaxing bath by the way."

"Oh I did. Darn it."

"Seems like you're enjoying the view anyway though."

"I am."

"Have a good workout?" She asks as she starts to put her shirt on.

"I did." He nods.

"That's good. You look disappointed though." She comments as she pulls her shirt down.

"You put the shirt on."

"Aww you poor thing."

"Well at least I came back at a good time."

"Play nice and you'll get to have fun later." She says amusedly.

"I'll do my best."

"You've got that look in your eyes though." She giggles.

"What look?" He asks innocently.

"Oh don't give me that innocent act." She laughs.

"Okay, guilty. But can you blame me?"

"No, I just like giving you a hard time."

"Of course. So don't know if you know, but Jon and Serenity are here too. He and I went to the gym, met Roman there."

"Oh okay. I haven't been out of the room yet."

"You were really tired weren't you?"


"You definitely looked like you were." He nods.

"I feel much better now."

"That's good."

"Although I can think of one thing that could be made better." She giggles.

"Say no more. I know exactly what you're talking about."

"Oh really." She teases.

"Yes, really."

"Prove it."

He just grins and walks over, wrapping his arms around her before pulling her close to him and then he presses his lips to hers. She giggles against his lips before giving in to the kiss. He makes the kiss last longer than usual, making sure she gets the proper good morning kiss that she didn't get yet today.

"Better?" He chuckles after he pulls away.

"Mmhmm." She buries her face in his neck.

"Almost forgot you didn't get that this morning."

"Glad you remembered."

"I would never really forget anyway."

"Of course not."

"So I'm just gonna go shower real quick and then I'm all yours."

"I'll be in the kitchen." She leans back and kiss him.

"Alright. I'll be down in a bit."

She nods and leaves the bedroom. He gets a change of clothes before heading into the bathroom to take the shower, while she heads down to the kitchen. In the meantime, I was folding the clothes that I had washed that were in the basket that I had filled earlier. I had left the door open when I came back in from getting the clothes and I didn't even know that Dean was back, until he wrapped his arms around me from behind. I jump about a foot, which causes him to laugh.

"Jeez. Give me a heart attack."

"Sorry sunshine." He chuckles.

"It's alright. Just used to the quiet when it used to be just Cara and myself here."


"You're not sweaty are you?" I question.

"Maybe just a bit." He grins.

"Oh eww...and these are clean clothes you're arms are around."


"You knew what you were doing..."

"Sorry." He says sheepishly.

"It's okay. At least I'm not wearing nicer clothes."

He makes a noise of agreement, nuzzling my neck.

"Okay, unless you shower, there will be no nuzzling or cuddling...any of that."

"Awww." He pouts.

"But think, the quicker you get it done, the quicker you can do all that." I grin.

"Be right back." He kisses my cheek.

"I'll still be here." I laugh.

Dean nods and heads off to shower. While he goes and does that, I finish with my clothes, putting them away once they were all folded. After I was finished with that, I laid back down on the bed as I waited for him to finish the shower and come back out. It doesn't take long for him to come out, his hair hanging over his eyes.

"Much better."

"Oh yes."

"Now you can get the cuddle time you missed this morning. And I don't care if your hair is still wet."

"Yay." He cheers a bit as he climbs on the bed.

Almost immediately he pulls me closer to him and nuzzles my neck once again. I giggle quietly.

"So, run into any fangirls while you were gone?"

"A few." He chuckles.

"Nothing we couldn't handle though." He adds.

"Good to know."

"I behaved." He grins.

"Don't worry, I trust you."

"I know. I just thought you should know."

"Of course. Appreciate it."

"You're welcome." Dean says as he steals a kiss.

"Have a good workout though?"

"Yeah." He nods.

"Too bad you missed it all though." He adds with a smirk.

"That's okay, there'll be plenty more." I giggle.

"Plus, it's being made up for with you and your lack of a shirt right now." I add.

"True." He smirks.

"Such a shame that all of that has to be covered up during shows."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. It's not your fault."


"But I get to see this every night, even after the shows, so I'm good." I say as I move to lay on my side so that I'm facing him.

"Good point."

"As much as I'd love to lay here all day, I think I laid in this bed enough this morning. So, how about we go downstairs? And yes you can still be all cuddly if you want to."

"Alright." He agrees.

"I do want to see if Cara's up anyway so.."

Dean nods and the two of you wander downstairs. When we get downstairs, we find out that she was in the kitchen as we heard her.

"Morning." I greet.

"Morning you two." She smiles.

"Get enough sleep after the early early morning you had?"

"Mmhmm, I feel much better now."

"Oh good."

"Just making myself some breakfast now."

"Right." I nod.

"You guys want anything?"

"I'm good. Actually ate when I was up and doing laundry."

"And Colby and I had something on the way to the gym, so I'm good too."

"Just figured I'd ask."

And it wasn't too much longer until he actually came downstairs and into the kitchen himself, also without a shirt, just to drive her crazy.

"That's so not fair." She says once she sees him.

"You love it." He chuckles.

"Yeah yeah."

"Whatever you're making smells good."

"Making a waffle. Plus fruit."

"Sounds good."

"It should be."

"And I know, you already ate breakfast this morning on the way to the gym." She adds.

"Right." He nods.

It wasn't too long before everything was done and she had the fruit in a bowl and the waffles on a plate. She gets a drink and a few other things before sitting at the counter on one of the stools to eat.

"So, someone got annoyed with the amount of traffic on the road as the same time as us this morning." I remark with a giggle.

"Nice." Cara laughs.

"I can only imagine what it would be like if the four of us were in the same car on one of those mornings." Seth remarks.

"Mass road rage." Cara snickers.

"I'm not that bad." Dean scoffs.

"Says the one who was yelling at almost everyone on the road this morning."

"I'm like that too. Ask her, she'll agree." I tell him.

"Low tolerance for idiots on the road." I nod.

"I'm usually yelling that I hate people." Cara says amusedly.

"It's quite amusing."


"I'll drive next time we have an early morning." I tell him.

"Okay." He chuckles.

"I believe it is." Seth remarks.

"Of course."

"It's a floating holiday that shows up a lot on our calendar." Dean says.

"Yeah, now."

"Boys." Cara says amusedly.

"Exactly." I nod.

"We're right here."

"We know."

Once she does finish all of her food, which took a bit since she was taking her time, she got up and put everything in the sink before returning to Seth.

"I'm all yours now."

"Yes!" He cheers, throwing her over his shoulder.

"Colby!" She shrieks.

"We'll see you two later when it's time to go." He says before heading for the living room.

"Have fun." I giggle.

"We will." He replies.

Dean snickers. She just covers her face and tries not to blush.

"They'll be occupied for the rest of the time until we leave."

"That's a given."

"And so will we." He adds, turning me around.

Then he surprises me with lifting me up and sitting me on the counter.

"Oh, are you sure you don't want to go back to the bedroom?" I give him an amused look.

"Too far."

"Of course it is."

"This will do." He says before kissing you.

I just grin against his lips and my arms go around his neck, to hold him closer, and at the same time my legs lock around his waist so that he can't go anywhere anytime soon. He chuckles and squeezes my hips gently. In the meantime, after reaching the living room, Seth drops Cara on the couch. She squeals as he lays on her.

"Missed all this fun while I was gone this morning."

"Of course." She says amusedly.

"Let me guess, we're staying like this the whole time if not most of the time until we leave?" She adds.

"Yup." He grins.

"Now how did I guess that?" She laughs.

"You know me." He chuckles.

"I do."

"You're my goofball." She adds, giggling.

"That's right. I am."

He grins cheesily and she laughs. She reaches up and cups his jaw with her hands, scratching his beard while rubbing her nose against his.

"Whatever you do, never get rid of this beard. It works for you, and I like it."

"Good to know." He chuckles.

"Definitely can't picture you without it."

"There's pictures but I don't think I'll be shaving this off any time soon."

"Good. I'd be upset if you did."

"Can't have you being upset."

"Of course not. You'd be sleeping here on the couch."

"And we can't have that either."

"Right." She laughs, scratching his beard again.

"You're having fun aren't you?" He chuckles.


"You're having as much fun scratching that as you have playing with my hair."

"Mm, true. This is pretty fun." She giggles.

"I can tell. You won't stop." He chuckles.

"I know, but maybe I don't want you to."

"Feels good?"

"I won't lie. It does." He nods.

"I can tell. You're leaning into my hands and it feels like you're purring." She giggles.


"You're so cute." She laughs, rubbing her nose against his.

"So are you."

"Romeo." She teases and lightly brushes her lips over his.

"Always for you."

"I know."

He grins before pressing his lips to hers in a proper kiss. She makes a contented sound, responding eagerly. His hands rest on her hips, and hers rest on the back of his neck so that he couldn't go anywhere. It was a bit hard to stay in the spot they're in considering they were on the couch.

"Couch isn't big enough." She mumbles when his mouth moves to her jawline and down to her neck.

"We can...make it...work."

"If you say so."

"Trust me."


"If you're leaving marks, make sure they're small at least. Don't know if I have anything tonight yet."

"Uh-huh. Do I get to make more later if you don't?" He asks hopefully.

"I suppose."

"Then I'll make them only noticeable to me right now." He grins.

"Vampire ninja." She mutters, groaning quietly as he starts to nip gently at her neck.

"You love it." He mutters.

"Mmm." She sighs, digging her nails into his shoulders lightly.

"Plus....it's been a while since the last time."


He moves along her neck until he gets to the one sensitive spot that he loves, and from there he doesn't stop the nipping and such until he knows a mark will be forming later. She buries her face in his shoulder, groaning quietly. After he's done on that side, he goes to the other side and gets the sensitive spot there as well, doing the same as before. She digs her nails in hard on his shoulders. When he's done there, he moves away from her neck and back along her jawline, and moves back to her lips, kissing her eagerly. She kisses him hard, holding him in place. They do manage to stay on the couch the whole time, just like he said, he made it work even with the little room they had on it. They're locked in another kiss when a phone alarm starts going off. He pulls away and she protests.

"No no noooo..." She whines.

"Sorry Blue Eyes."

She pouts, sulking.

"Let's hope it's an easy night and we can come back and continue this."

"It better be." She grumbles.

"Cross your fingers at least."

She nods, looking disappointed as he gets up.

"And then just think, a whole day to ourselves tomorrow. We can do whatever you want to do."

"At this point that would be locking ourselves in the bedroom." She mutters as she gets up reluctantly.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that." He smirks.

"Be quiet. You started it."

"Love you too."

"Mmhmm." She says while heading to the bedroom to pack a gear bag.

He does the same, but just making sure he has everything in his before going to grab a shirt and pull that on so he's not torturing her anymore for now.*

"Never thought I'd hate a piece of fabric." She says amusedly.

"Poor you." He chuckles.

"I know."

"It'll come off when we come back after tonight."


"Ready to go?" He asks once he's ready.


"Just have to make sure the other two crazy lovebirds are ready too." He snickers.

"Oh boy."

"Last time I checked when we came in here, they were caught up in making out on the kitchen counter. Caught a glimpse as we were on our way in here from the living room."

"You could be mean yet funny and play a really loud sound on your phone." She suggests.

"I could. If they're still out there."


"Well, let's go check and see if they're still there."

She nods and follows him out of the room. When they reach the kitchen, they do find that we're no longer there.

"Oh darn it all."

"Next time." She pats his shoulder.

However, shortly after that, we had come back out with bags in hand. We lock up the condo and head to the car.

"So, we thought you two would still be caught up in each other on the kitchen counter when we came back into the kitchen." Cara says amusedly.

"It was a close call." I giggle.

"Someone just didn't want to stop." I add.

"I know the feeling." Seth remarks, looking at Cara.

"That was your fault." She remarks.

He raises an eyebrow and smirks. She rolls her eyes and pushes his face away.

"Let's get going you." She laughs, going to the passenger side and getting in.

Everyone gets in the car and we head to the arena. When we get there, Seth finds a place to park and then we all get out and grab our things from the trunk before the car is locked and we head inside so we can drop our things off before finding out what the plan is for tonight.

"Yes, easy night!" Cara cheers.

"So we can go home after your usual thing." I grin, as I refer to their scheduled attack after Sheamus vs Sandow tonight.

"Hallelujah." She laughs.

"And then enjoy the day off tomorrow."


We then head back to the locker room so that the guys could get ready for the show, and so that we could sit through the Main Event tapings before getting to SmackDown. Cara and I take our usual spots on the couches while they go change.

"So, what are you planning to do tomorrow? I have a feeling you'll be in that bedroom with Colby for most of the day, telling by how he carried you off into the living room today." I snicker.

"Exactly that." She giggles, blushing slightly.

"I thought so."

"He started it."

"He would."

"I know right? Look." She says, showing me the marks on either side of her neck.


"I know."

"What about you?" She asks.

"Oh I don't have marks like you...surprisingly."

"Le gasp."

"I know right?"

"Probably later then."

"Most likely. Was in a very affectionate mood today."

"I know the feeling."

"Can't complain though."

"Oh of course not."

It's not too much longer until they come back out, minus the vests that they have to wear, as those will be put on later. They sit in their spots like always.

"Oh good, Roman's not here yet. We have a bit of time to ourselves."

"Oh Lord." Cara says amusedly as she sees the look on Seth's face.

"Oh don't worry...the better stuff is being saved for when we get back home." He smirks.

I laugh and she turns red.

"Well at least our bedrooms are on opposite ends of the condo." I snicker.

She hides her face against Seth's chest.

"No more..." She mumbles into his chest.

He chuckles and pats her back.

"Alright, no more you." Dean tells me with a chuckle of his own.

"Watching her turn into a lobster is fun though." I grin.

"I know that, but she can easily turn around and get you back for it."


"But can't I just say one more thing?" I add.


"You're no fun."

He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Okay, I won't say anything."


"You're welcome Cara." He adds.

"Thanks." She says, muffled because I'm still hiding.

"You're welcome."

"Gonna make it blue eyes?" Seth asks, chuckling.

"Be quiet you."

That's when Roman had walked in, our time to ourselves being up for now.

"Not even going to ask." He says once he sees me hiding against Seth.

"Yeah you don't want to know."

"I didn't think so."

"So, what are we doing tonight?" He asks.

"The usual. This time attacking Sheamus during his match with Sandow."

"Squash the Whitey." Cara snickers.

"Gonna suffer the same fate as everyone else."


"And then after that we can go home."


He then heads in to get ready himself, the Main Event taping starting as well. Cara comes out of hiding and snuggles into Seth, getting comfortable.




A few minutes later Roman comes out and sits in his usual chair. The Main Event taping wasn't too exciting much, except for Mike's MizTV segment. Once those were over, they set up for SmackDown, changing the ring skirts and such and the commentary team. It wasn't long before that taping started and it kicked off with Booker T, joined in the ring by Teddy Long, Randy, Sheamus, The Great Khali, Daniel & Kane, and Dolph who was flanked by AJ and Big E. Booker then makes the announcement that at Elimination Chamber, the World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line in the Elimination Chamber match.

"Of course. Always tends to be."

Booker goes on to say that there are only six spots in the match, but he's interrupted by a returning Jack Swagger. He says that Booker forgot someone in his gathering of former World Champions.

"Please. No one even remembers you were World Champion." I scoff.

"You faded into obscurity, sorry."

He continues, saying that he has been watching everything and he is very disappointed in the direction that WWE is heading, before asking Booker for a spot in the Elimination Chamber match, but Booker says that he has to earn a spot just like everyone else. That's when Dolph chimes in, saying that he already has a guaranteed shot at the title, so he has no need to be in the the Elimination Chamber match, adding that he can get a shot whenever he wants, even at WrestleMania. Booker accuses Dolph of chickening out of the chamber match, but says that Dolph will not chicken out of his match tonight as he will go one on one with Del Rio. Booker then informs the others in the ring that all of them will be in action tonight and all they have to do is impress him and Teddy to gain entry into the chamber match for the world title. He then announces that the opening match of the night would be Daniel & Kane facing the returning team of Rey and Sin Cara, with spots in the chamber match potentially on the line.

"Eh, not that exciting."

"Not really." I agree.

"Behave." I add, swatting at Dean who had taken that to mean he could distract me.

"What? I wasn't gonna do anything."


"Save it for when we get home." I add.


"Unless you can do things that go unnoticed."

"Okay." He agrees.

That's when I feel his arm move and then his fingers end up slipping under my shirt and he begins to trace just random patterns along my skin. I get goosebumps at first but after a minute it feels relaxing and I settle down.

"You have to behave too you know." Cara tells Seth.

"I haven't even done anything." He laughs.

"Oh but you were thinking about it."

"I can tell." She adds, pointing at him.

"See right through me. I know."


"I'll behave." He nods.

"You better."

"Promise. But I can do the little things to keep both of us occupied." He says as he starts to play with her hair.

"Mmm, that's true." She says, leaning into his touch.

"And it keeps you somewhat distracted for now."


"Can always count on me for that when it's needed."

"I know I can." She smiles.

At the end of the match, Rey ended up hitting the 619 on Daniel, following it up with his signature splash, and pinning Daniel to pick up the win for himself and Sin Cara over Team Hell No.

"Awww they lost, too bad."


Once the ring was cleared of them, the next match would take place. After leaving 3MB laid out on Raw, Khali with Nattie and Hornswoggle in his corner, would go one on one with Jinder. Heath and Drew would of course be in his corner for the match. The match wasn't much, as expected and in the end, Khali woud plant Jinder with the Punjabi Plunge to pick up the win.


"I think the best part of that was seeing Nattie anyway."

"Yeah, pretty much." I agree.

"I know being alongside Khali isn't doing much for her but, at least we see her."

"It's something at least."

"Hate to break up your little moments you two, but we're gonna be needed soon and we need to get to our spots." Roman remarks.

"Awww." Cara and I complain.

"This will be quick, like always."

"Alright. You guys be safe."

"We always try to be."

We get the usual quick kisses from our boys before they leave.

"Bad timing. With what Jon was doing, I was relaxed."

"I know the feeling."

"But at least once this is done we can go home. Went by quick."


"It's been a long day, and I just want to go home and relax."

"Home sounds good to me."

"Especially on Thursday when we're back home again in Florida. More warm weather...yay."

"I know right? Love the warmth."

That's when Teddy and Booker are shown backstage, impressed with Khali in the last match. They were talking about Swagger's return as well before Damien and Cody came in.

"In light of recent events, Damien and I have made the...very difficult decision...to dissolve Team Rhodes Scholars and pursue singles competition from here on out."

"Dun dun dun..." Cara says dramatically.


"No kidding."

"But rest assured, we will remain best friends. Just as the French author Albert Camus once said..."


"Camus. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

And that's when Cody and Damien hug.

"That was pure sap."

"Excuse me guys. I hate to break up this little love fest, but I'm glad you guys are gonna pursue your singles career. That...that's actually gonna free Damien up tonight to go one on one with the man that put you through a table on Monday Night Raw. Sheamus."

"I'll be with you...in spirit." Cody tells Damien before walking out.

"Awww, how sweet." Cara says mockingly.

"Looks like you just went from Rhodes Scholars to road kill. Oh yeah...you're welcome." Booker cracks up as Damien leaves as well.

"That was an awful joke."

"No kidding."

"Really bad." Cara shakes her head.

That match would be next in fact. It was a good fight until the middle of the match, where the guys' theme went off and they appeared at the top of the stairs on both sides of the crowd before they made their way to the floor. They hop the barrier as always before surrounding the ring, staring Sheamus down. Seth's the first one in, but ends up getting hit with a Brogue Kick.

"Ouch." Cara sighs.

That's when Dean and Roman went on the attack and ganged up on him. That doesn't last too long as Roman gets thrown out of the ring first. Dean however grabs Sheamus by the legs and keeps him down, no matter how much Sheamus was hitting him. Seth was coming to as Roman continued the assault. Dean goes over and helps Seth get to his feet, before they help Sheamus to his feet and then hit the Triple Powerbomb. Seth was over in the corner and Dean made sure to go over and make sure he was alright. He helped him out of the ring and then over the barricade where they went through the crowd to return to the back.

"I hope he's okay." Cara frowns.

"He should be. Probably had the wind knocked out of him because he was coughing as Jon was helping him leave the ring area."

"Yeah you're probably right."

"Still not cool of Sheamus though. Jerk."

"Stupid Whitey."

"But at least now you can get him home to rest, after going through that."

"Thank goodness." Cara agrees.

It's a bit of time before they actually come back. Seth was looking a lot better than earlier, drinking a water he picked up along the way back.

"You okay?" Cara asks as he stops behind the couch.

"I'm okay now." He nods.

"Good. Why don't you go change so we can get out of here?" She says after he leans down for an upside down kiss.

"I'll do that."

He heads that way along with Dean, who had gone over to give me a kiss as well. Roman however sat back down because he would obviously be hanging around like always, so he didn't have to change yet.

"Staying like usual huh?" Cara says to him.

"Yeah. Family's around backstage so I'm gonna hang with them until the end of the night." He nods.

"Gotcha. Tell them we said hi."

"Will do."

Before long, Seth and Dean walk out in their street clothes and their bags in one hand.

"Ready." Seth declares.

Cara and I get up, and so does Roman and we each get a hug before we go.

"See you Thursday."

"Behave." He chuckles.

"Hah, yeah right." Cara snickers.

"Can't make any promises with these two." I laugh.

"Exactly." Cara agrees.

"But we'll try to get them to."

"Good luck with that." Roman laughs.

We nod in amusement before the four of us head out and head towards the exit to the parking lot. We pile into the car and head back to the condo.

"I think it's going to be right to bed for us." Cara says to Seth.

"Yeah." He agrees, but with a small smirk.

"I see that smirk you." Cara giggles.

"Who, me?" He laughs.

"Yes you."

"You know you can't hide anything from me." She adds.

"I know, I know." Seth says amusedly.

It wasn't too much longer until we reached the condo. After parking, we get out and gather our things from the trunk before heading in once you unlocked the door.

"Ahh, home." Cara sighs.

"So glad to be back." I add.

"Yeah." The boys agree.

"But we'll let you two do whatever you're going to do, and we'll see you tomorrow." Cara grins as she drags Seth off to their bedroom.

Dean and I laugh.


"They'll definitely be doing things that'll cause them to sleep in tomorrow."

"That's pretty obvious."

"And, she totally forgot to thank you for helping Colby out during your attack on Sheamus tonight."

"It's alright." Dean chuckles.

"I know she appreciates it though."

"I know. She's just distracted right now." He says amusedly.

"Exactly." I laugh.

"I think we should head to the bedroom ourselves."

"Right, right. You can head there now. I'm just gonna get the lights and be there after."

"Alright." He nods and kisses my cheek.

He heads there, of course taking my things as well with him, while I go around and turn off all the lights that we left on before we left for the tapings earlier. After those are off, I then head to the bedroom myself. As I walk in, Dean is coming out of the bathroom and he's dressed for bed. I go over to my things and get some clothes to change into, and while I'm searching he does end up coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You want to help, don't you?"

"Can I?"

"Of course you can."

Dean looks over my choices and picks something that catches his attention.

"Good choice. One of my favorites actually."

"It suits you."

"Of course."

"I'll be right back." I add, kissing his cheek.

He nods as I slip away from him and go into the bathroom to change. Like always he goes over and climbs into bed and under the blankets as he waits for me. I walk out and put my dirty clothes away before joining him in bed. I make sure to turn off the light before snuggling into him, my head resting on his chest.

"Love you." He murmurs.

"Love you too."

"Tired?" He asks.

"Maybe just a little, but not too tired right now."

"Then you wouldn't object to a few of these first." Dean trails off before giving me a kiss.

"Not at all." I mumble.

The two of us proceed to exchange kisses for a little while until both of us are yawning.

"Looks like we tired each other out." I laugh.

"Seems that way doesn't it." He chuckles.

"I say we definitely sleep in tomorrow though."

"Sounds good to me."

"And maybe we can even go to the beach tomorrow."

"Yeah that would be fun."

"I figured."

"Alright, time for sleep then. Love you sunshine."

"Right. Love you too." I nod, getting comfortable once again.

Both of us drift off to sleep easily. With Cara and Seth, they had just finished getting ready for bed themselves. She poses for him hesitantly.


She blushes as he looks her up and down.

"Now I think you need to come to bed." He grins.

He guides her to the bed, being touchy feely the whole way.

"You're eager, aren't you?" She giggles.

"Maybe so."

"Uh-huh.You so are."

"Can you blame me?"

"You always ask that. You know I never do."

"I know."

"I can't give you a hard time since I was the one that dragged you in here." She laughs a little bit.

"Right." He chuckles.

She pushes him on the bed and then climbs on herself.


" You know you like it."

"I so do." He grins.

She straddles his hips and grins at him.

"So what are you gonna do now?" She teases.

She shifts teasingly.

"Now you're just teasing."

"Who, me?"

"Yes, you."


"You so are."

"I know you're enjoying it though."

"Never said I wasn't."


"We are gonna take it easy tonight, considering what Sheamus did to you. I know you said you're fine, but still." She adds.

She can't help but laugh at the look of sheer disappointment on Seth's face.

"You'll survive one night."

"Awww." He pouts.

"Just looking out for you is all."

"I know."

"So that's why I'm doing the little things."

"Right. Tomorrow then?"

"Tomorrow for sure." She nods.


She then leans down and kisses him briefly, before moving from his lap to lay next to him. He pulls her into him and she giggles.

"Much better."

"Oh yes."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"One last kiss before bed." She says, kissing him.

He's the one that ends up making it last longer than she expected, and he's the one who pulled away when he was satisfied.*

"Insatiable." She laughs.

"That's me."

"Goodnight my silly ninja."

"Goodnight blue eyes." He grins.