Lost Injustice

NXT TV Tapings: January 31, 2013

It was about the mid-afternoon, since we had just gotten into Florida early this morning, after getting a plane out. But thankfully we won't have to go anywhere until Sunday, so we'll have the rest of the week to ourselves. After getting some sleep this morning, I was in my closet going through what I could possibly wear for tonight.

"Clothes hunting?" Dean asks from out in the room.

"Yeah, because you never know if you're gonna be asked to appear or not for these tapings, so I got to look good at least."

"Right, of course."

"Plus, I want everything picked out ahead of time so I'm not taking forever at the last minute."

"Makes sense."

"You're lucky that you can just throw on anything and it looks good."

"Guys are simple creatures sunshine." He chuckles.

"No kidding."

"Whatever you choose, I know you'll look fantastic."


"Just for you."

"Of course." I nod, as I finally come across something that I can wear for tonight.

"So now what are we doing?" He asks once you have your outfit put together.

"Well, I figured you wouldn't oppose to having alone time for the rest of the afternoon before we leave, even though we already did that this morning when we got some sleep."

"There can never be too much alone time."

"Especially around you."


"You big cuddler you." I remark as I climb back onto the bed.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Dean says amusedly.

"Not a bad thing at all."

"I didn't think so." He chuckles as you lay on him.

"Although if people found out...." I snicker.

"No not the people." He says dramatically.

"Maybe I should say something...." I say teasingly as I reach for my phone, which happened to be on the other side of him.

He grabs me and pins me down.

"Haha, no blabbing on social media."

"Well it wasn't like I was going to mention your name or anything."


"Was just joking."

"I know."

"So that means you can let me go.."

"Neverrrrrrr!" He laughs evilly.

"Should've figured as much."

"Yes you should."

"So, now that you're keeping me here, what are you gonna do with me? Or should I not ask that?" I give him a look.

He just smirks.

"I'll take that as I shouldn't ask."

"Better that you don't."

"All the time."

"True." He chuckles.

Before he does anything, I do realize that he's staring down at me.

"You're staring."

"Because you're so pretty."

"And now I'm gonna turn red."

"How cute." He laughs.

"And I can't try to hide either."

"Nope." He grins.

"Darn you."

"But you loooooove me. "

"You're lucky that I do."

"I know I am."

"Though no matter what you'd be getting a free pass because you're my best friend."

"Of course."

"But, are you gonna continue to make me turn red or are you gonna make your move?"

"Making you red is fun though."

"Of course it is."

"But just for you..." He chuckles and kisses me.

I grin into the kiss, staying relaxed since I knew no matter how much I tried to struggle to get free, he wasn't gonna let go anytime soon. The kiss goes on for a while, until air is an issue. He does end up letting me go then, before moving and half laying on me as we both catch our breath. The silence is a comfortable one so neither of us feel the need to speak. We just lay there together and communicate with looks and touches. Then, he settles on nuzzling my neck, more so marks that he's left there.

"No more of those." I mumble.

"Wasn't even thinking of it."


"Just admiring my work is all."

"Why does that not surprise me?"

"Because you know me."


"Always proud of what I do."

"Yes you are."

"Just like you are, with the things you do to me." He remarks.


"I thought about it but I felt like spending more time with you today."

"Making it up to you for the other day." He adds.

"Good point."

"I'll just go some other day, and you can come if you want to when I go this time."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Can't make any promises of how distracted you'll get though." He chuckles.

"You get distracted too."

"Only when I can see you."


"But you make sure that's basically most of the time, so I see your point."

"I knew you would."

"But enough talking." He says before burying his face in my neck.

I giggle and let my hands roam over his back. In the meantime however, Cara and Seth were getting things together to spend a little time down at the beach before tonight's tapings.

"Quit." She laughs as he's being grabby while she's packing the beach bag.

"Maybe I don't want to."

"You never do."

"Nope, never."

"But the faster I finish this, the faster we get to the beach and you get to see the bikini I picked."

"Right right, of course. I suppose I'll stop just for that reason."

He reluctantly stops. She laughs a little bit and finishes up.

"Okay, now we can go."

"Sweet." He grins.

"After you." He offers.

"Such a gentleman." She kisses his cheek.


They put on their shoes and head to the beach. When they get there, they find a spot and then put everything down, laying out the towels.

"So pretty today."

"It is." He nods.

She takes off her cover-up and grabs the sunscreen. Since she had taken off the cover-up, he had of course began to look over the bikini.*

"If you're going to stare, you might as well help." She says amusedly, handing him the bottle.

"I would be happy to."

He gets the spots that she can't really reach covered. Of course though, once he gets the spots, he gets a little extra touchy as he doesn't stop right away.

"You and the hands." She says amusedly.

"Yes, me and the hands." He chuckles.

"My turn now."

He nods, before taking his shirt off and getting the easy to reach spots first, before she gets the hard to reach spots like his back and such. She takes the opportunity to be just as touchy as he was with her.

"All done."

Seth immediately pulls her onto his lap.

"We sit here for a bit first, before doing anything else."

"Alright, grabby." She teases.

"Your fault."

"Oh I'm so so sorry." She laughs.

"You're so not. You knew what you were doing."

"You're so fun to mess with though."

"Of course I am."

She puts on her sunglasses and snuggles into Seth.

"Mmm, so peaceful."

"Which is why I suggested coming here before tonight."

"Recharge the batteries."


"Just be together without interruptions."

"How it should be."


"Because it's gonna be crazy tonight. Enjoy how peaceful it'll be before then."

"Yeah. Crazy, ugh."

"But we don't have to worry about that right now."

"True." She agrees, grabbing his hand as it wanders a little too far.

"Wandering too much?" He asks.

"Just a bit. We're in public silly."

"I'm trying to be as sneaky as I can though."

"I know." She laughs.

"Just watch the hands you." She adds.

"I'm trying."

"Try a little harder."

"Okay." He pouts.

"When we're not in such a public place, then you can do what you want."

"Yeah yeah."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

She tilts her head and gives him a kiss. They then continue to sit there for a while before he decides he's all set to go into the water. He then stands with her in his arms, as he proceeds to carry her there.

"Colby!" She squeals.

"What?" He chuckles.

"A little warning?"

"That would be no fun though."

"Goofy ninja."


"All mine." She agrees.

"And don't worry, I won't drop you into the water." He chuckles as he reaches the shoreline.

"You better not mister."

"I promise not to."

"Good. You'd be on the couch if you did and I know you don't want that." She says as he wades in.

"No, no I don't."

"You love being cuddly and touchy too much." She laughs.

"I do. I won't deny that."

"Of course not." She giggles, letting him float her around in the water.

"Now this is relaxing."

"Very." She agrees.

"Don't get too relaxed and fall asleep on me." He chuckles.

"I'll try not to." She giggles.

"As long as you try." He grins.

They do that for a while before starting a splash fight.

"Oh you did not just go there."

"Oh but I did."

"Oh you're in trouble now."

"Bring it on."

"Oh you shouldn't have said that...." He smirks.

"Oh well."

That's when he goes crazy with the splashing, not stopping. That causes her to keep going, not stopping herself.

"Okay okay, I give." She squeals.

"I win."

"Yeah yeah."

"Love you too."

"Now come here." He says.


"I think you should."


"I think so."


"Well looks like I have to come get you then."


"Eep is right." He chuckles.

She starts swimming away.

"Oh no you don't." He says before coming after her.

"No no nooooo."



"Never underestimate the ninja."

"I can be a ninja too."

"Of course you can. You're around me so you pick up on it."

"Nah I'm just that good." She says before dodging his hands.

"Sure you are."

"Haven't caught me yet have you?"

"No, but still."

"Neener neener neener."

"I will get you."

"Not yettttttt."

"I will. Mark my words."

She just laughs. For once it actually takes a while for him to catch her. At times he has to stop to rest, but he picks back up where he left off. It wasn't too long before he did catch her.

"Aha!" He says triumphantly.


"Took me a while, but I did it."

"That you did."

"Thought for a second there, that you were gonna give up." She adds.

"I'll never give up on you."

"You're sweet."

She smiles and kisses his cheek.

"Always for you."

"Of course."

"But now you're not getting away from me."

"Once was enough." She giggles, squeezing him.

"I agree."

"How about we go lay on the towels for a bit?"

"Good idea." He nods.

They leave the water and lay down together on the towels. She half lays on top of him, tucking her head against his neck.

"So comfortable." She remarks.

"This is nice." He agrees.

"It is." She nods.

They fall into silence and she almost falls asleep. He actually lets her fall asleep completely, and he'll make sure that she doesn't burn under the sun. After a while she gets woken up by touches and lips.


"Couldn't help myself. Plus, making sure you don't burn in the sun."

"Touchy." She mumbles.

"You know I always am."


"But it's expected more with all of the skin you have exposed." He grins.

"True." She says amusedly.

"But I do apologize if I woke you up."

"You did but I guess it's alright."

"I know, I'm lucky you love me."

"Yes." She giggles.

"I love you too."

"I know."

He then leans down and kisses the top of her head, before settling back in his spot.

"Whenever you want to, we can head back to the condo."

"How about in a few minutes or so?"


And after those few minutes or so, they both moved from their spots and gathered everything, heading back up to the condo. They go to their bedroom to change out of the swimsuits. Of course before changing, they take a shower to get all the salt and such out of your hair. And to make things easier and quicker, she shared the shower with him. Once they both were done, they got dressed. She starts to do her hair once she's dressed.

"So, wearing that tonight?"


"Of course you do. You like everything I wear."

"Because everything looks so great on you."


"For you."

"Mmhmm. My silly ninja."

"And you're my Blue Eyes." He grins.

She smiles at this and nods.


He then kisses her briefly before working on his own hair. He finishes first as expected since he doesn't need to do much with his. She picks a slightly intricate style, a ponytail with a braid 'headband'.

"That's an interesting hairstyle."

"Felt like something different."

"Makes you look beautiful, just like any hairstyle."

"You're sweet." She kisses his cheek.


She does her makeup quickly and slips past him to go out into the bedroom.

"Heyyy..." He trails off as he follows.

"Whaaaaat." She mocks him, slightly amused.

"Quickly slipping past me to leave the bathroom.."

"What was I supposed to do?"

"I was still admiring your beauty you know."

"You do that almost all the time."

"Because it's one of my favorite things to do."

"I know. Along with being as touchy as possible."


"You'll have time to stare later. We need to get our bags together and stuff for NXT."

"True." He nods.

They get their things ready and head to the living room to wait for Dean and I.

"Okay you, we have to get our things together. And I gotta get changed. Looks like we gotta move." I remark.

"Damn. I was enjoying this." Dean says.

"I could tell."

"But you are right. We have somewhere to be, unfortunately."

"But we can continue this when we get home from the tapings." I grin.

"Sounds like a plan." He grins.

He then lets me go and we both move from the bed. I go an grab the clothes I had picked out already, and everything else I would need, before heading into the bathroom to get ready. Dean takes the time to pack his bag for the show while I'm getting ready. Since I knew how everything was gonna look, it really didn't take me too long, and I soon walk out, ready to go as I put away the stuff I didn't need anymore, which was just the makeup. Dean whistles flirtatiously.

"Oh, you."

"You love me." He grins cheesily.

"I do." I nod.

"Love you too." He says, kissing my cheek as I pass by.

"I think you missed." I laugh as I walk back over after grabbing a light jacket.

"Oh yeah? Guess I should fix that huh?"

"I think so."

Dean grins and grabs me. He proceeds to give me a deep kiss. It doesn't last too long because of the time, but it lasts just long enough to put me in a daze. And he chuckles after he pulls away and sees it.

"That should hold you over for most of the night at least."


"Think we should get going now before either Colby or Cara come to find out what's taking so long, Sunshine."

"Yeah you're right."

"After you."

I smile and lead the way to the living room.

"We're alive if you were wondering." I declare when we get there.

"I was starting to." Cara says amusedly.

"Just got a little....distracted for a brief moment. That's all."

"Oooh." She teases.

"That would be my fault." Dean admits.

"It usually is." She laughs.

"But we're ready to go now." I nod.

Seth and her nod, getting up. We head out like usual. Since the guys were the only ones with bags, they loaded those into the trunk before getting into the car. Seth drives this time, and we soon were off to the NXT arena at Full Sail University.*

"Hopefully this will go quickly." Cara says as we walk in.

"They tend to run pretty late. They do more than one show. Like a few weeks worth."

"Aww." She complains.

"But how about we find out when we're only gonna be needed and that'll determine how late we stay? Sound good?" Seth asks.

"Sure." She agrees.

That's what we do, finding someone who's in charge of the card and everything. Unfortunately, the guys won't be used until the final show taping, so we have to stay for the entire night.

"Nooooo." She whines.

"Sorry Blue Eyes."

"Stupid schedule."

"I know, I know."

"We'll sneak off for a bit later. Promise." He says quietly in her ear.

She just nods and then we head off to the room. Along the way however we spot a very familiar face.

"Alex!" Cara and I exclaim, before we break away from the guys just for a moment and we rush over the best we can and attack him in a double hug.

"ACK!" He yelps as he stumbles.

"We miss you!"

"Miss you crazies too." He chuckles.

"We barely see you. What're you doing here?"

"I actually have a match tonight."

"Really? That's great."

"What about you?"

"Supporting our boyfriends." Cara shrugs.

"And she's hoping on running into Bo too so she can thank him for beating Wade in those matches ever since the Rumble." I add.

"Yes! I almost forgot about that." She laughs.

"He's around somewhere. I'm sure you'll find him. Oh, before I forget...congrats on being champion. Well deserved Cara."

"Thanks." She smiles.

"You're welcome." He nods.

"We'll see you later. Good luck with your match."

"Thanks. See you later."

We hug him and go back to our boys.

"We can go to the room now. Just haven't seen him in a while, so we had to go over there."


We then make our way to the room, so that they could get ready and be ready for when they're needed during the last taping tonight. Cara and I instantly sprawl out on the couches.

"So what did you and Colby do today?" I ask, while he and Dean are getting changed.


"Ooh fun."

"Mmhmm. What about you?"

"Stayed in bed all day. He was making it up for earlier this week when he was at the gym."

"Ohhhh. That's cute."

"He didn't even want to move before we left."

"Do they ever?" She laughs.

"Good point."

"We have super cuddly boyfriends."

"That we do." I nod.

"Talking about us?" Dean asks as he and Seth walk out.

"Who else would we be talking about?"


"Just talking about how super cuddly you two are."


"I suppose we are."


"Okay okay, we are."

"That's what we thought."

"Especially you today." I say to Dean as I move so that he could sit.

"Yeah yeah. You weren't complaining."

"Have no reason to."


With the tapings about to start, the door opens and Roman walks in, already changed for the show, taking a seat.

"Hey Rome."

"Hey." He greets back.

"Enjoy your day?" He adds.

"We did." I nod.

"That's good. Me too." He says.

"Oh good."

"We have to wait all night for your thing." Cara says with a pout.

"Aw really? I'm sorry."

"You should be." She says, sniffing dramatically.

"Do you need a hug?" He asks as he stretches his arms out.

"Yayyyy." She laughs, getting up to get a hug.

"Feel better?" He asks.


"Good. As you should."

She laughs and lays across Seth's lap. It wasn't too much longer until the tapings began, the first one starting off with what was supposed to be a match between Axl Keegan and Mike Dalton. But as soon as Keegan came out, Paige came out and went after the ring announcer who happened to be Summer Rae, who hit Paige from behind the last time after a match, and Paige wanted retribution for it.

"Get her Paige." Cara laughs.

"Someone's a scaredy cat." I snicker.

"Like a few other blondies we used to know."


"You can run all you like Summer Rae, but this is not gonna go forward, unless you come back in the ring with me! So I'm gonna stand right here until she steps foot back in."

That causes the men to leave the ring, after she slaps Keegan. And that's when Dusty Rhodes comes out.

"This...show does not...involve everything that you want to get done. Bottom line is, you're not gonna hold NXT hostage. Young lady, you need to get out of that ring."

"I'm not going anywhere."

"No, you need to leave. Get her out of there ref. I want her out of there. Get her out of the ring. Paige, get out of the ring, right now. We can talk about this..."

"...you want to interrupt me? This is not your show anymore, this is my show. I'm the First Lady of NXT!" Summer exclaims as she comes back out, hiding behind Dusty as Paige comes at her.

"Her voice, oh my god. It's so screechy."

"No kidding."

That's when they start to go at it, Dusty being in the middle of the cat fight. But refs come out to separate them both, and it seems that in the scuffle with Summer, Paige hurt her arm.

"Well, nice going you blonde bimbo." I scoff.

"Oh look another blonde that hurts people with her horrible skills."

"Well she is only a ring announcer right now, no wonder why she has horrible skills."

"Well she barely did anything while we had to work with her." Dean remarks.

"Lazy too? Add it to the blonde traits."

"She was the so-called First Lady of FCW before it turned into NXT. Just stood around, looked pretty."

"Don't they all."

"Totally creeped out by me though." He chuckles.

"Nice." We laugh.

"Was kind of crazy and weird so.."

"Right, we know."

"You should show more of that side, because that's what makes you...you."


"I'll consider it." He adds.

"Good." I remark.

Right after Paige is seen backstage getting looked over by the doctor, the next match of the night would take place, as Alex would come out first. Once his music faded, his opponent came out and that was Corey Graves.

"This guy. Just something about him doesn't sit right with me. Maybe it was the tweet about wanting to break Alex's leg." I glare.

"Yeah." Cara agrees.

Alex had control from the start of the match. Corey pleads for mercy, hoping to sucker Alex in, but he doesn't fall for it. It wasn't until he kicks Alex in the knee where he takes over the match. During the match, it was then announced by the commentary team that Paige vs Summer Rae would be happening tonight, and up next. But in the end of the match, Corey kept going after the knee and then locked in the submission move on his legs and Alex tapped out.



Then backstage, Paige is getting taped up in order to compete in her match up next.

"And that'll be a big target."


Out first for the match was Summer.

"Psh, all she's good for is your hair flipping."

"Which is only funny if someone does it to her and hits her in the face."

"Exactly." I snicker.

Everybody else looks amused.

"I'd love to be the one to do that too."

"Of course you would."

"You would too."


It wasn't long before Paige came out, and she wasted no time in getting to the ring. Once she's in the ring, the ref has to hold her back from Summer because the bell didn't ring yet. Even after the bell rang, the ref had to pull her off of her as she went right after her. And of course as expected, Summer went after the injured arm and shoulder. And because of that, it ended up being Paige's downfall in the end as she lost the match.


"Savor the win Summer...savor the win."


"She'll get her ass kicked the next time."

"I sure hope so."

Once the ring was cleared, it was time for the next match of the night where it would be the finals in the NXT Tag Team Title tournament. Adrian Neville and Oliver Grey would take on The Wyatt Family....Rowan and Harper with Bray. The winners would become the first ever Tag Team champions of NXT.

"The Wyatt Family...creepy people."

"Uh yeah." I agree, hiding against Seth.

"Still refer Bray to Husky Harris though. That's never going away."


Then to end that first taping of the night, there was a segment with Damien and Dusty, where Damien vs Randy is made for the next TV Tapings on the 21st.

"One taping down."

"Thank goodness."

"One more closer to the last one of the night. Can't wait to see what you guys are gonna do."

Cara nods in agreement.

"Probably the usual, but you'll have to wait and see."


"Well if it is the usual, that's always fun to see."

"Mmhmm. Someone gets beat up. That's always fun."

"Oh yes."

"Just as long as none of you get hurt."

"We'll be as careful as we can, as always."

"Of course."

For the beginning of the second taping of the night, Yoshi Tatsu comes out for the first match of the second show.

"I'm sorry, but these days, Yoshi is just irrelevant."


His opponent was Bray Wyatt, accompanied by the Family. The match didn't last long, as expected and Bray picked up the win.

"Harper, Rowan, get in the ring. Now. Stand. Here. I want you to watch something. Can I get the video please?"

They then replay what happened at the previous taping where the Family failed to obtain the Tag Team Titles.

"You really let me down boys. And how could you?! After everything I did for you! Rowan, this man, he is your brother. He protected you. You love him. You lean on him when you need protection. And where was he? This, your brother is the man that caused us to lose the NXT Tag Titles! How do you feel? How do you feel now? Hit him. Hit him. Hit him now!"

He listens and slaps Harper across the face, but it really didn't do much.


"Jeez even Blondie can hit harder than that."

"Harper, Harper, you are my general Harper. I lean on you. Doesn't your back hurt from carrying him through his whole life? Don't you want vengeance? How do you feel? Hit him."

He hits Rowan and then a brawl breaks out between them and Bray encourages it before stopping them.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo."

"And I thought I was the crazy one." Dean remarks.

"Yeah.... but he's a little more on the creepy crazy side."

"Exactly. You've been crazy...but not creepy crazy."


Then going backstage, Sasha was doing an interview about her secret admirer, and another letter is delivered and she was attacked from behind while reading it. And it was another one of the NXT Divas who was injured, but is now back...Audrey Marie, and she reveals herself as the obvious faked secret admirer.

"Well, talk about being mean."

"Just a bit."

The next match for the show, began and it was El Local...actually Ricardo and he was facing Xavier Woods, and he ended up winning the match.

"You know, we can go sneak off for a bit, until the final taping." Seth says to Cara quietly.

"Sounds good to me." She replies.

He lets her go and she stands up, him following.

"We'll be back....in time for the last taping."

"You better be." Roman says.

"I'll make sure we are, don't worry Rome."

"Yeah sure." He laughs.


"Alright." He chuckles.

"Surprised you two aren't sneaking off too." He says to Dean and myself after you and Seth are out the door.

"He had a whole day basically to do what he wanted. He's good for now."

"What she said." Dean remarks as Seth and I leave.

"You sure now? Or do you still have some urges you need to get out of your system?"

"I'm fine."

"Well good."

Roman just shakes his head in amusement. With Cara and Seth, they were taking their time walking around to try and find a spot they could hide in order to have time to themselves before the last show taping of the night. As he's looking around, she keeps herself amused by sliding one hand under his shirt.

"Having fun?" He chuckles.

"Mmhmm." She giggles.

"Well good, because I found a perfect spot." He grins as he pulls her into it.

She squeals a little but then laughs.

"All mine now."

"Oooh." She teases.

"Suppose the beach just wasn't enough for me today."

"I didn't think it would be."

"Plus, it's kind of been just a little while since we've done this."

"Very true." She nods.

"Sometimes I hate being busy."

"I know, me too." She agrees, reaching up to play with his hair.

"At least tonight is an easy night."


She lets her nails drag along the back of his neck.

"You know what that does to me..."

"Of course I do."

"You are so gonna get it while we're here."

"Ooh, I'm so scared."

"You know what I can do.." He chuckles.

"Yes but it's fun to wind you up."


She grins and tugs on his hair gently. He grins back and one of his hands start to wander in retaliation. She squirms a little bit, giggling quietly. He then leans his forehead against hers for a bit, before he moves down to her neck where he starts to place light kisses.

"No huge marks." She warns.


"Good." She murmurs.

"You still have some that are fading. If anything they'll be small."


While he does that, he leans back against the wall, his arms wrapping around her as he holds her close. She moves her hands down, sticking them under his shirt. She then starts to move her fingers along his skin, even more along his abs. He growls a bit and she giggles softly. That just causes her to do it again, this time adding in her nails. He tenses and nips at her neck warningly. She squeals a bit, and she stops with the nails, but keeps her hands there still.

"Watch the hands." He says in a low voice.

"Just having my fun."

"Yeah but who is the one that has to go out in front of people in a while?"

"Good point. My bad."

"That's what I thought."

"Couldn't help myself though."

"I know the feeling." Seth chuckles, sliding one hand into her back pocket and squeezing.

"I would do the same to you if I could."

"But you're against the wall." She adds.

"Exactly." He smirks.

"No fair."

"You can get me back for that later."

"Oh I will."

"Kind of figured." He grins, before pressing his lips to hers.

She hums contentedly before kissing back. She removes her hands from under his shirt and rests them on his arms, before he moves them and then he laces his fingers with hers. She squeezes his hands. He then moves, turning them both around so that her backed against the wall this time. She makes a noise but it's muffled by the kiss. Seth takes his hand from her pocket and slips it just under her shirt to hold her hip. Since they had switches places and she had a hand free, she takes the chance to move it to his back pocket now, since she couldn't earlier. She does what he did to her and laughs against his mouth when he jumps. She's able to do it a few more times before he removes his hand from your hip, reaches back and pulls your hand from his pocket and then pins it against the wall. She giggles quietly.

"No more of that..." He mumbles against her lips.


"Like I said, gotta watch the hands. Don't know what could happen, and if it can be solved before the time comes for when I have to go out there to the ring." He says after pulling from the kiss.

"I know. Sorry." She giggles.

"Suure." He grins.

"I'll try to behave now."


She uses her free hand to pull him back down to a kiss. This time, he gives her a boost and she wraps her legs around his waist, keeping herself supported between him and the wall. Her hands find their way back to his hair, tugging gently and playing with it. His hands in the meantime have found their way under her shirt again and this time they wander along her skin lightly, causing goosebumps at times. She arches into him, a shiver running down her spine. He grins against her lips and does it again, getting the same reaction, but she also tugs on his hair a bit more. She whines in protest when he does it again. After that though, he finally gives her a break and he decides to rest his hands on her sides, focusing more on the kiss now. She settles down and sighs. The kiss goes on for a little while longer before he pulls away again and rests his forehead against hers, both of their eyes still closed. She unwraps her legs from his waist, letting her feet hit the floor. She moves her head to his shoulder and snuggles into him.

"Definitely worth the wait tonight."


"Think we have much time left to stay here?"

"Unfortunately I doubt it." She mumbles into his shoulder.


"I know."

"Suppose we should be heading back then?"

"Yeah." She sighs, pulling back.

"We can continue this later at home."


"More privacy there anyway." He grins.

"Very true." She says, squealing as he grabs her butt one last time before they leave the hiding spot.

"Just had to get one more out of me before we headed back." He grins.

"Of course you did." She says dryly.

"Love you."

"I love you too, you silly goose."

He then puts an arm around her shoulders and she puts one around his waist and then they make their way back to the locker room. They make it back just as Roman and Dean walk out of the room.

"Not late are we?"

"Just in time." Roman chuckles.

"Oh good."

"Be safe." She tells them, kissing Seth's cheek and patting his heart.


They leave and she enters the room.

"Have fun?" I giggle.

"Of course." She laughs.

"He was a little disappointed that we had to come back so soon though." She adds.

"Typical." I say amusedly.

"But as far as this final taping, it just started, you didn't miss much really." I add.

"Oh good." She says, sitting down.

With the next taping in progress, the first match of the night would see Justin in action, being accompanied by Tyson. His opponent would be someone that Justin knows very well in the ring, and that's Leo Kruger, also from South Africa.

"Oh how fun."

"And it looks liked Tyson is getting better since suffering that injury."

"Yeah, that's great to hear."

"Long long recovery though unfortunately."


In the end of the match, Justin did pick up the win. But Leo was being the sore loser and attacked Justin after the match, before retreating to the back.


"How rude."

"Especially using one of Tyson's crutches."

"I know right?"

Once Justin was able to get out of the ring with some help, he left and headed to the back with Tyson. The next match of the night would be a Divas match, and it was against Aksana and Emma.

"Don't know if I can call that dancing from Emma. And that was a fail on the ring entrance. but regardless, Aksana is so not gonna win this one."


"And the only thing Aksana is good for is butchering our language."

"And being creepy."

"Maybe she should go back to being a blonde. She wasn't creepy and she had an excuse to act as dumb as she is."

"Yeah." Cara agrees.

Surprisingly though, with a Spinebuster, Aksana picked up the win.

"That's crap."

"Le gasp, she won."

"And with an actual wrestling move."

"I know."

And then backstage, Renee Young is standing by while doctors and referees attend to a unconscious Bo Dallas, having been attacked at some point, despite his match coming up.

"Well, it seems as though you won't get to thank him for beating up Wade."


"Curse whoever beat him up."

"Yeah, so not cool."

Then up next would be the match that Bo would be in. As out first was Corey Graves, followed by Conor O'Brian.

"Well hey, it's the rat. Though, he doesn't really look like a rat now, like in the past. Still remember him as the rat though."

"Him disappearing under the ring." She laughs.

"Oh my god, yes. And all the cheese references."

"Yeah." She giggles.And since Bo couldn't compete, it was only Corey and Conor. When it was coming to the end of the match, the lights went out and once they came back on, the guys were attacking Graves and Conor, the crowd going crazy. They of course end it all with the Triple Powerbomb on both men, kicking them out of the ring.

"Ohhhh, nice."

Dean motions for a mic and he's handed one.

"This is just a friendly reminder, to keep your guard up, whoever you are and wherever you are, there is no escape. You can't run from justice. And that, is what it looks like. That is what it feels like when you're brought to justice by The Shield." Dean finishes before handing the mic off to Seth.

"And that is just the beginning. The Shield exists to right the wrongs of an industry gone awry. Things are gonna get better. I promise you things are going to get better, but before they do, before they do they've got to get a lot worse. If you don't believe me, ask Sheamus! Ask John Cena! Ask Ryback how bad things can get!" Seth finishes before handing the mic off to Roman.

"We're everywhere. We're always watching. No one is outside the reach of The Shield."

"And you better believe."

"Believe in The Shield!"

"Believe in The Shield." Dean ends the promo, before exiting the ring first, followed by Seth and Roman and they head to the back.

"Great job by our boys."

"As always."


"But finally, we'll be able to go back home."

"Yayyyy." Cara cheers.

"I bet they're trying to hurry back, aside from Roman of course." She laughs.

"Probably." I say amusedly.

We only had to wait a bit before the door opened and they walked in first, Roman trailing behind.

"Rushed, didn't you?"

"As usual." Roman says.

"Of course." We snicker.

Seth and Dean pout as they head into the changing area.

"The effect you two have on the two of them is crazy." Roman chuckles before heading in to change himself.

"It's true." Cara giggles.


"Ah, they enjoy it though."

"True. They do." I nod.

"Our goofballs."

"That they are. Can't help but to love them."


They soon come back out with their things, ready to go.

"Alright, we'll see you later Rome."

"I'm actually heading out myself this time, so you don't need to say that yet." He chuckles.

"Oh okay." She laughs.

"Ladies first." Seth remarks, allowing us to head out before them.

"Oh what gentlemen."

Once we walk out, we wait in the hall as they exit the room. Then we all head down the hall and to the exit to the parking lot, heading to the cars. Then we say our good night's and drive home.

"Nice promo out there tonight." I remark.

"Yeah it was good." Cara adds.

"Gotta get people to believe."

"Oh of course."

"I'm sure more people will believe in you guys as the months go by."

"That's the plan."

"You'll take over, that's for sure."

"I can't wait." Cara laughs.

When we got back to the condo, we park and then head inside after the door is unlocked. We say our goodnights to each other before heading to our rooms.