Lost Injustice

Day Off

Since we had a few days to relax and such, we took the chance to sleep in for once. We ended up sleeping in real late, into the afternoon. Cara's phone started buzzing and she groans, searching blindly for it with her hand. After she finds it, she looks through tired eyes to press the answer button, putting it to her ear and saying 'hello'.

"Hey sleepyhead." She hears Seth say. "Whaddya want?" She mumbles.

"I wanna hang out today. You can't sleep all day can you?"

"Yes I can."

"Well if you do that, I'm gonna be all alone. The other two have plans already for themselves today."

"Poor you." She yawns.


"I know you're making the puppy dog face."

"Which you could never resist giving in to."

"Ah but I don't see it so it isn't effective."

"Oh come on."

"You aren't going to let up, are you."

"You know I never do."

"Give me time to wake up, get dressed, and find food."

"That's where we would be going first....for lunch. I'm always one step ahead of you Cara." He chuckles.

"I'm not fully awake yet. Shut up."


She blows a raspberry into the phone.

"Meet you downstairs in the hotel's restaurant for lunch then? Figured it'd be too cold out and you wouldn't want to go outside to head to a place in town."


"So I'll see you then."


Then they both hang up and she lays there for a bit before deciding to get up. She shuffles over to her bag and gets clothes. Once she finds some clothes, she heads into the bathroom to get dressed and do the usual routine. She comes out and gets her shoes on as well as grabbing whatever else she needs. Before she leaves, she writes a note and leaves it for me so I know where she went and don't worry. She places it on the table next to the bed near me and then she heads out of the room. She goes down in the elevator and walks to the restaurant, stifling a yawn. She stops in the doorway and looks around for Seth, spotting him and going over to the table and sitting.

"Afternoon sleepy." He teases.

"Very funny."

"I like my sleep." She shrugs.

"I know you do."

"So what's the plan for today?"

"Well I was thinking after this, we spend some time in the game room."

"Ooh fun."

"I think I'll let you choose what we do after that."

"How about we do movies like old times?"

"That sounds like a great idea."

"I figured it would."

"Your room or mine?"

"Up to you." She shrugs.

"We'll figure it out later."


They then look over the menu and decide on what they wanted for lunch. They put their orders in and talk while waiting.

"You know how competitive I get with playing games with you. Hope you're prepared to lose so much after this." She laughs.

"Hah, we'll see."

"I've beaten you in the past, I can still do it today."

"Like I said, we shall see."

"Yes we shall."

Their food comes and they start eating. While they eat, they talk about things in general. They steal jokingly from each other's plates.

"I saw that." He laughs.


He then proceeds to steal more from her plate.

"Ohhh what now?"

She steals from his.


They do that back and forth until both of their plates are empty.


"It was good though."

"Yeah it was."

All they have to do is wait for the bill to get to the table. When it does, he pays for everything.

"You didn't have to do that."

"As you've told me before, but I still do it, because I'm just that nice."

"Of course."

"So, game room now?"

"Sure." She nods.

They both get up from the table and leave the restaurant, following the signs to get to the game room. In the meantime, I'm still sleeping, but I'm woken up by knocking on the door. I groan and try to avoid it.

"Car, get that." I say to her, not realizing that she's not there.

I lift my head from the pillows and look over to her bed, seeing her gone. That's when I notice the note she left on the table next to me and read it. I put it down just as I hear another knock.

"I'm coming!" I call, dragging myself out of bed, going over to the door.

I open it, half awake, but I do see that it's Dean standing there.

"Afternoon sleepyhead."

"Yeah yeah." I step aside and let him in.

He walks in and puts down the bag he was carrying on the table.

"Nice hair." He chuckles.

"Shush." I stick out my tongue.

"I figured you wouldn't be too awake to go out yet, so I took it upon myself to go out and get lunch and bring it back here."

"Aww that's nice. Thank you."

"Got your favorite too."

"You remember that?"

"Of course."

"Aww. Well you can get that set up while I get dressed."

"I will do that."

I go grab some clothes and go into the bathroom. Doesn't take me long and after I get dressed and everything, I walk out, putting the clothes I wore to bed with my things. Then I walk over to the table and sit. The two of us start eating.

"So what are we going to do?" I ask.

"Well what do you have in mind?"

"Something indoors obviously."

"Of course, well I remember how much you love aquariums.."

"Oh that's a great idea." I smile.

"So we can do that after we're done with lunch. Oh, and we should see if I can still beat you in video games." I add.

"You're on Missy." Dean grins.

"You're going down....again."

"We'll see about that."

"That's what you said the last time."

"Yeah whatever. I'll win this time."

"Oh so confident."

"Yes I am."

"Always have been."


"But hey, I'm glad we get to see more of each other now. I missed one of my best friends."

"I missed you too."

"I don't think you know how happy I am knowing we get to work together now."

"I can imagine. I'm happy about it myself."

"You finally made it. Can't wait to see what you do now."

"We'll see. You never know what will happen sometimes."

"Well I have a feeling this new group is going to be amazing." I grin.

"Good. I do too."

"So gonna tell me what you have planned for Monday?"



"Not even a little hint?" I add.

"Nope. Sorry."

"You're no fun." I say jokingly of course, throwing one of my fries at him.

"Hey now! That's no reason to start throwing things." He laughs.

"What are you gonna do about it? Huh?" I give him an amused look.

Dean reaches over and tickles me.

"Ahh! No!" I say as I scoot my chair away from him.

"See? I know you're still ticklish."

"Oooh I'm so scared." I laugh.

Before I can blink, Dean jumps from his chair and grabs me with one hand while tickling me with the other.

"No no no no no no no." I say through my laughs.


"Do I have to mess with your hair? It's in your face all the time anyway, but still." I manage to say.

This just makes him tickle harder.

"I'm going for the hair!" I declare, doing so with a free hand.

He moves his head out of reach.



"I'll jump on your back if I have to."

"That isn't going to stop me."

"Can't really tickle me if I'm clinging to you."

"We should finish eating before the food gets cold."

"Just let me mess with the hair once? It's always been fun." I pout.

"Fine." He sighs, looking slightly amused.

"Score!" I declare, before doing so.

"Alright I'm good." I nod, scooting back to the table to eat the rest of my food.

He chuckles and sits back down, running a hand through his hair to fix what I just created. I happen to look over at the time and I end up staring as he's running his hand through his hair. But I quickly get a hold of myself and snap out of it. We finish our food and get what we need for the aquarium.

"So which car we taking?"

"Mine, I'll drive." Dean says.

I nod, pulling on my jacket, grabbing my purse and I follow him out of the room. We go down to the parking lot. Dean leads the way to his car and unlocks it. He opens my door for me before getting in himself. Along the way there, I decide to text Cara and let her know where I am, just in case she comes back to the room and I'm not there. She gives me a teasing reply. I give her a teasing reply back, because I remember what the note said that she left me. All I get in reply is 'shut up'. I just laugh to myself and put my phone away.

"What was that about? If you don't mind me asking."

"Oh just teasing Cara about spending time with Seth."


"It's fun to tease her because she likes him so much."

"Its fun to tease him too." Dean chuckles.

"Ohh so you tease him as well huh?"

"Of course."

"That may actually push him to ask her out sooner than we think."


It doesn't take long, but we get to the aquarium, getting out of the car and heading inside. Dean pays for the passes and we go through the gate area.

"You didn't have to pay for me, I could've paid for myself."

"I know but I like to treat my friends to fun things."

"Well aren't you the gentleman."

He just grins. Then we proceed to look around. In the meantime, Cara and Seth were in the middle of a game of air hockey and they were both tied. Whoever got this last point would win.

"Bring it onnnnn." He challenges.

"Like Donkey Kong." She laughs.

"Just try to not hit the puck into your own goal now." She adds.

He turns red.

"Not funny."

"You've done it so many times already, I'm just saying."

He blows a raspberry at her.

"Right back at you." She laughs.

"Would you serve already woman?"

"Ohhh I see how it is."

"You're going down." She states before serving.


"Uh huh."



"Ohh look out!" She declares as he almost bumps the puck into his goal.

"Shut up."

"Make me."

He sticks his tongue out.

"Better watch that tongue. Something might happen to it." She says nonchalantly.


"Fangirls would attack you over it." She shrugs.

"I'm sure you have a following from FCW/NXT." She adds.


"Now you're going to get more from the WWE."

"Just think about it next time you wanna stick that tongue out at me."

He narrows his eyes and she just giggles.

"Should focus on the game though before I win."


It takes a while, but she ends up winning.

"Ahahahaha. I told youuuuu."

"How in the...." He's at a loss for words.

"I'm just that good."

"Alright...well you won, you get to pick the next game."


"Ohhhh you're on."

She laughs as they walk over to the driving game. They sit and put the coins in to start the game. They choose their cars. She taps the button and changes the color of her car to blue. Once they both are ready, they start the race. The lead goes back and forth between them once they get to the front.

"Hah, I passed you." He declares.

"Not for long."

"We'll see about that."

She bumps him from behind and then speeds past.



"Wah wahhhh."

"I'm gonna catch up, mark my words."

"You can try."

"Yes I can."

They continue to go back and forth for the lead. But in the end it was him zooming past her at the last minute and winning the race.

"Awwwww." She whines.

"I win."

"Yeah, you did." She pouts.

"We got plenty more games to play. You can beat me in others."

"I know but I usually win the driving game. You got better."

"Practice with down time."

"Right. Okay since you won, it's your pick now."

He nods and looks around, until he spots something. He motions to it and they both get up and head there. They play that and he wins, making her stick her tongue out at him.

"That's two wins for me." He grins.

She blows a raspberry.

"I'll let you pick the next game now."


She looks around and then leads him to the next one.

"Now I'm a pro at this game so I'm gonna win." She states, being confident.

"We'll see." Seth smirks.

"Uh huh."

They put the coins in and start to play. It takes some time, and with a few distractions by her, she wins and Seth loses.


"So you are an expert at this game."

"Told you."

"Next game." He declares and heads to another.

She laughs and follows him. They both end up playing all the games there were but they ened up in a tie as to who won what.

"A tie. Nice." She laughs.

"Ohhh we so have to break it at one point."

"Yeah but I think I'm gamed out for now." She says as she stretches.



"After you."

They head back towards the elevators to go up to Seth's room.

"Got all our favorites." He declares as he goes into one of his bags and pulls out some movies.

"Awesome." She grins.

"And I know what you're wondering. Yes, I still remembered our favorite movies."

"That's sweet."

He grins.

"So, here." He places the movies on the bed.

"You can pick the first one."

"Hmm...this." She points.

"Perfect choice for the first one we watch."

"I know." She grins.

"And one more thing...." He trails off, going back into his bag and pulling out snacks.

"Got these last night."

"You think of everything."

"Yes I do."

He puts the movie in and then brings the snacks over to he bed. They get settled on the bed with the pillows and everything before starting the movie.

"So, who ends up sleeping on the couch bed?" She asks amused, because of there only being two bed and a pull out couch bed.

"We rotate." He shrugs.

"Ohh, that's a good plan." She nods.

"Yeah, we figured. It seemed to be the best way to avoid arguments over who got a bed."

"Good idea."

He nods, munching on some snacks. When he's not looking, she reaches over and steals some snacks from him, then acting all innocent afterwards, trying so hard not to smile to give it away.

"What the..." He says when he notices.


"You sneak." He narrows his eyes.

"Who me?"


"I didn't do it."


She giggles.

"That giggle just practically gives you away."


"Uh huh, sure."

She laughs and offers some of her snack.

"Why thank you." He says, taking some.

"You're welcome."

Then they go back to watching the movies. Dean and I however had seen everything in the aquarium and had headed back to the hotel. And once we were back in the room and settled, I set up the video game.

"I'm gonna beat you." Dean says.

"Yeah, we'll see about that."

"Bring it."

"Oh you're on."

"Like Donkey Kong."

"Oh so you're going there."

"Yes I am."

"Well, make yourself comfortable and let's find out who's better."

"Right." He nods.

I grab both controllers and walk over, sitting on the bed next to him, handing him one of the controllers. The game then starts and we begin to play. We heckle each other the whole time.

"Stop trying to distract me." I laugh.

"Nope." He snickers.

"Two can play at that game." I say trying to block his sight of the TV with one of my hands.

He pushes it away one handedly.

Then he reaches over and tries to press any button he can on my controller, and I keep moving it out of his reach.

"Heyyy. Quit."


I do the same to him in return.

"Ohhh no you don't."

"Ohhh yes I do."

After not being able to mess him up, I give up for a bit. After waiting, I decide to bump him, acting innocent afterwards with a grin on my face.


"What?" I glance at him quick before putting my attention back to the TV.

"You bumped me."

"I did no such thing."

"Oh yes you did."

"Proof?" I grin.

"You know what you did."

"I know." I laugh.

"Not funnyyyyy."

"It's funny to me."

"Yeah, you."


He bumps me in retaliation. He kind of bumps me a little too hard and I almost end up falling off the bed. I expect to hit the ground but I don't ever feel it. I come to realize that he grabbed my arms and prevented me from falling off.

"Sorry." He says sheepishly.

"It's okay. Must've forgot your own strength there for a minute when you bumped me."

"Yeah." He nods.

"Mind pulling me back up? I'm kind of dangling here."

He tugs me back up onto the bed.


"You're welcome."

"Looks like we both died." I point to the game.


"Round 2."


"No distractions this time."


We play another round and this time there's no distractions. He ends up killing my character like tons of times, because he sneaks up on me.

"Now how did you get better at this game than me?"

"Practice." He chuckles.

"Seems so."

"Lots of playing against Roman and Seth."

"Right. Because you would've had lots of down time being in the developmental territory. Not like what the schedule will be like now for you."

"Right." He nods.

"Can get real busy."

"I bet."

"I mean sometimes I need to be up like real early for media or photo shoots. Those depend on when I'm booked for them. I remember when I first started, I had early morning shoots. I can get away with early afternoon to late afternoon ones now."

"Of course. Because you're a veteran now."

"Right. Cara and I may be veterans now, but we're still trying to change how people see our division. Right now people could care less and it's a shame really. You'll see us do extreme stuff, stuff some of the other girls are afraid to do."


"You haven't seen any of it have you?"

"I've seen some of it."

"Ah, so I see you've been keeping up with what I've been doing too then."

"Yeah. Of course we did."


"You're one of our good friends, of course we would."


"You've done good for yourself."

"So have you."

He smiles.


"And look at that, I just got you." I declare when I kill him in the game this time.

"Trying to hide from me."

"I tried."

We spend the rest of the day playing the video games. Around dinner time, we got room service. And I was playing a game by myself, because he wanted to take a break for now. He's laughing as I talk to the TV while playing.

"Don't tell me you don't talk to the TV while playing a game solo."

"I do but its funny to listen to you."

"Oh haha."

He snickers as I keep going. A while into playing, there's a knock on the door, it being the room service.

"I'll get that, since you're oh so into your game." Dean says, getting up from the bed.

"Thanks." I say.

"It's the least I can do."

He walks over to the door and opens it. The cart gets pushed inside, and it's purposely pushed over to the bed where I'm laying on my stomach as I continue my game. Of course the whole time, the room service guy is staring, looking me over, but I don't notice it of course. Dean growls a bit and steps in front of the guy.

"No need to push it into the room any further, thank you. I've got it from here."

The guy backs off and Dean pays, though he doesn't give a tip.

"What was that about?" I ask, after the guy leaves.

"He was staring at you very creepy."

"Wouldn't be the first time." I roll my eyes.

"I know but they shouldn't do that."

"No, they shouldn't, but they still do."

"Well hopefully there will be less of it now that I'm around."

"Aww you're being all overprotective." I can't help but grin a bit.

"I don't like it when guys look at girls that way. Especially when the girls are my friends or family."

"Aren't you sweet."

He shrugs sheepishly.

"But the food does smell good."

"Yeah it does."

He grabs both plates and brings them over to the bed, placing mine down next to me. I sit up so I can eat and play at the same time.

"You're going to eat and play?" He laughs.

"I can multi-task."

"Sure you can."

"Eh, what the heck...I've been playing too long anyway." I shrug, shutting the game off.

"Don't want you to hurt yourself or make a mess." He chuckles.

"No don't want that. My fingers are cramping up too so..."

"Can't have that."

"No we can't."

We both start eating since we're hungry.

"So, when are you going back to your room? Just curious because I'm having fun hanging out with you."

"I don't know. I'm having fun too."

"Cause I know Cara texted me and said she doesn't know when she'll be back because she and Seth are watching movies. I'm gonna bet she falls asleep over there."

"That wouldn't surprise me."

"I think that's cute though."

Dean chuckles.


Cara and Seth have gotten through the 4th movie that they picked out and put a 5th one in as they too were eating room service for dinner.

"Mmm, this is good."

"It really is." Seth nods.

As usual, they're stealing food from each other.

"Today's been fun. I'm glad you woke me up this afternoon."

"Well good. I've had a blast too."

"I think maybe a couple more movies or so and I'll head back to my room."

"Alright." Seth agrees.

After they finish their food, they put the plates back onto the car and then get comfortable on the bed to finish watching the movie. She scooches over and uses Seth's stomach as a pillow.

"Comfy pillow." She remarks.

"Good to know." He says amusedly.

"Don't move...if you can help it. You'll ruin the comfiness."

"Oh we can't have that."

"No we can't."

She reaches up and lets her hair down out of its ponytail.

"Still intrigued by the purple in your hair." He chuckles.

She laughs.

"Oh really."

"Yes, really."

"Why is it so interesting."

"Mostly because it's a new color. It was different the last time I saw you."

"Ah. That's true."

"And you had that color for a long time."

"Yeah." She nods.

"I like this color."

"Good. I like you color too."

"You had to bleach it didn't you?" She tugs on his hair lightly.


"It suits you though."

"I thought so too."

She tugs on his hair a little but again before letting go. She does start to yawn about halfway through the movie, but manages to stay awake. By the next moving she had trouble keeping her eyes open. She snuggles into Seth a bit more and slowly loses the battle of staying awake. After a while after her falling asleep, the door opens and Roman walks in.

"Hey, you know she's sleeping right?" He points out her sleeping form.

"She is?" Seth twists to look for himself.

He indeed finds her passed out, and a smile forms on his face, because she just looks so peaceful.

"Looks so peaceful...don't wanna wake her up..."

"Leave her there and have Dean stay with Serenity. You know he won't mind." Roman suggests.

"That's true." He chuckles.

He turns the movie off, before carefully moving, and moving Cara up so she's laying against the pillows. He takes her shoes off since they were still on, leaving those on the floor. Then he pulls the blankets over her. He grabs his phone and texts Dean, telling him the situation, before putting his phone down to pull out the bed on the couch. He and Roman get ready for bed and go to sleep. In me and Cara's room, Dean's phone buzzes.

"Looks like Cara fell asleep." He states after he reads the text.

"I told you she would."

"Seth let her take his bed, he's got the couch bed. Seems as though I'm staying the night here. You okay with that?"

"That's fine with me." I smile.

"You can take her bed for the night." I add.

"Alright." He agrees.

"Since it is getting late, I think I'm gonna get ready for bed anyway."


I get up from the bed and kick off my shoes before going over to my things and grabbing what I wore to bed last night and head into the bathroom to change. While I'm in there, Dean decides to get comfortable for bed himself. He takes off most of his clothes, leaving his boxers. Then he gets into the unused bed. When I come out, I put my clothes with my things, and when I turn around my eye just so happen to land on him. He's doing some things on his phone at the moment so I kind of started to stare since he was shirtless. But knowing that he would look over the minute he noticed I was out of the bathroom and looking at him, I quickly looked away and crawled into my bed.

"Nice pajamas." He chuckles once he does look over.

"They keep me warm. Don't judge."

"I'm not." He laughs.

"I'm just saying."

"I know."

"You can watch TV if you want, but I think I'm gonna go to sleep." I say as I toss him the remote.

"Alright. Night Serenity."

"Goodnight Dean."

I go to sleep. Dean stays up for a bit, watching TV. Occasionally he looks over and watches me sleep peacefully. When he gets tired enough, he turns the TV off and goes to sleep himself.