Lost Injustice


It was a semi-long beginning of the day. We all made a gym trip this time in the morning, before having the rest of the day to ourselves before having to be at the arena. It did come to that time eventually, and Cara and Seth were making sure they had everything in their bags for tonight. She puts her bag by the door before finishes getting ready.

"I do love the outfit choice." He grins.

"Of course you do." She says amusedly.

"Blue has always been a great color on you."

"I've heard that quite a bit."

"Because it's true."

She just smiles at him over her shoulder. She then heads into the bathroom to do some finishing touches on makeup and such, before being ready to go as she comes back out.

"All done." She says with a small sigh.

"What was the sigh for?"

"I just have a feeling it's going to be a long night."

"Raw shows do tend to be long." He nods.

"And there's always the potential of running into people we'd rather not see."

"Right. I do try to prevent that, but it's hard to, I know."


"Well I'll try my best to make it feel like the night isn't that long. Who knows though. Maybe you'll have a match, and that'll keep you busy too at least."

"Right." She nods as he pulls her into him.

"Maybe even if you do have a match, I can come in with you when you need to change." He grins.

"You love that." She says amusedly.

"I do."

"We'll see." She giggles.

She then grabs a jacket and pulls that on, both of them grabbing their bags and then heading out and down to the car. Dean and I are already waiting, leaning against the car while being affectionate with each other.

"Well look at the two lovebirds." She giggles.

"Had to amuse ourselves somehow." Dean says.

"Of course."

We all get in the car and drive to the arena. This time, Dean and I were in the front and you and Seth were in the back. I chose to drive this time. During the drive, I felt a hand on my knee.

"I hope you're not trying to distract me while I'm driving."

"I know better than that."

"I would hope so."

"Don't want to cause a crash."

"Not at all."

"So I'm behaving for now."

"Good." I nod, taking one hand and lacing my fingers with his.

It wasn't too much longer until we reach the arena and I find a spot to park. Once in the spot, we exit the car and get our things from the trunk, before locking the car and then heading inside. We drop off our bags and decide to go find out the schedule for the night. What we find out is that you and I have a tag team match tonight, the opponents we'll find out about later. The guys have a segment at the end of the night involving Brad, which also will involve numerous superstars as well.


"It is gonna be a long night afterall." She adds.


"I'll try to keep you distracted so it doesn't seem as long." Seth remarks.

"That would definitely be appreciated."

"I will do that then." He nods.

She leans up and kisses his cheek.*

"So, head back to the room or do something else for a bit?" Seth asks.

"Hmm, something else."

"Alright, let's go then. We'll walk around and find something to do." He nods.

She nods and cuddles under his arm.

"See you two later." She says to Dean and myself.

"Have fun."

"You too."

"Lead on lover." She says to Seth.

They then both start heading down the hall, going to do their own thing before they needed to be back at the room so he could change.

"So what next for us?" I ask Dean.

"Well, since it is gonna be a long night, we could get some time to ourselves for a bit before the show."

"That sounds great."

"You can find us a spot this time too."

"Sure." I giggle.

I take his hand in mine, leading us away from where we currently were, in search of a usual hiding spot that we could use. It doesn't take long for us to find a good one and I pull him in.

"Perfect spot."

"You got lucky."

"I suppose I did."

He chuckles and wraps his arms around me.

"Now can't go too crazy, got a match tonight."

"I know."

"But there's nothing wrong with little, tiny marks that only I can see.." He adds.

"Not a million of them." I say warningly.

"Now why would I leave a million of them?" He grins.

"Because it's you."

"True, but you love me."

"I do."

"Now I believe you should show me just how much."

I giggle and kiss him.

"Though, I think I show you how much I do love you, every day. But I can keep reminding you." I mumble against his lips.

"Please do."

I just grin and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. And just like he did last week before the NXT tapings, I was the one to initiate a deep kiss, showing him again how much I do love him. Everything else is blocked out until air becomes an issue. We break away and I bury my face in his neck.

"That's how much I love you." I mumble into his neck.

"I love you too sunshine." He chuckles.

"And see, you're not the only one who can do that."

"Right. I know."

"And it'll happen a lot more if you'd like."

"Hell yeah."

"You would have that response." I laugh.

"Of course, it is me after all."

"And never stop being you."

"I don't plan on it."


"We should probably get going now."

"Right. Unfortunately."

"More later." He says.

"I'll be counting on it."

He nods and chuckles.

"After you."

Dean wraps one arm around my shoulders as the two of us walk to the room. Cara and Seth in the meantime are just leaving catering and heading back to the room themselves, after seeing the time.

"Mmm." She hums happily as she munches on a bowl of fruit.

"Good choice in going to catering." She remarks.

"Why thank you."

"I always get the fruit when I have the chance to go there."

"Good to know."

"But haven't been there in a while because you distract me."



"You aren't sorry." She says amusedly.

"Well I won't deprive you of your fruit any more." He chuckles.

"Good." She laughs.

"We'll make a trip down there every show, just for you."

"It doesn't have to be every show."

"Well, Raw and SmackDown anyway."


"But we'll make a trip there whenever you want to."

"Sounds good." She smiles.

It wasn't too much longer before they reach the room and went inside. He kissed her quick before letting her go sit down and he heads in to change. She curls up in her usual spot, still eating.

"Good?" I ask about what Cara's eating.

"Mmhmm, very."

"So where did you two go once Colby and I walked off?" She asks.

"Or should I not ask?" She adds.

"Shouldn't." Dean smirks.

"Oh boy." She grins.

"I'll be quiet then." She laughs.

"I can tell you later when we go out for our match." I nod.

"Alright." She says amusedly.

"Because you know me...no details." Roman remarks.

"Of course, we know."

"So you two have a match tonight. Do you know who against?" He asks.

"I don't."

"Yeah, they didn't tell us."


"No matter though. We'll win the match for sure."

"That I don't doubt."

"Don't doubt what?" Seth asks coming back out.

"That the girls will win their match."

"Ohhh, yeah..no doubt you'll win that...no matter who you're facing." He nods.

"We know." She says, moving onto his lap.

"When are you gonna get ready for that? About a match or two before?" He asks.

"Yeah that sounds about right."

"Oh good."

"Goof." She says quietly, looking amused.

"Well you know how comfortable I get."

"Yes I know."

"At least I won't have to head out until it gets towards the end of the night."

"Right. You get to be my pillow."


She grins and kisses his cheek. Then she offers him a piece of fruit. It wasn't long before the show had begun, and it started off with Punk, who forces Justin Roberts to announce him as "The People's Champion" CM Punk. He then asks if he overreacted last week when he screamed and shouted at them, saying that if they think so, then they have never had a great accomplishment in their life.

"You can't just pretend you didn't."

"I was screwed. The WWE Championship in it's physical form was stolen from me and is currently held by somebody who does not deserve it. Somebody who, who does not pay the price. Somebody who doesn't understand what it means to be a champion. I've had people asking me questions. They ask me questions about this...this supposed video that Vince McMahon has and showed the world that proves that Paul Heyman and myself have acted in collusion with Brad Maddox and The Shield?"

He then gets out of the ring and goes around to the fans at ringside, asking them if they saw him in the video last week.

"Did you see me in that video last week? Up on the titantron? Did you see me? Answer the question four eyes, did you see me? No you did not see me. How 'bout you Michael Cole? Did you see CM Punk act in collusion with The Shield and Brad Maddox up on the titantron last week? Answer the question!"

"You were not in the video."

"Well no...really?"

"He was invisible." I shrug.

"I was not in the video. Well there you have it. Ladies and gentlemen, if Paul Heyman says that, that was not him in that video on that titantron, well then it wasn't him. It was somebody else. And as ridiculous as that sounds...as ridiculous as that may sound to you, put it up against what we're dealing with here. You people have hook, line and sinker bought into a video that Vincent K. McMahon has put on his television show. On his titantron as gospel truth. Trying to tell me that you people believe Vince McMahon, like he's not cut throat enough to hire an actor. That wasn't Paul Heyman, that was Paul Giamatti. That wasn't Paul Heyman, that was CGI. And believe me, Vince has got the cash and he's vindictive enough to do it. So Vince McMahon wants to screw me out of the WWE Championship, he's gonna go ahead and do it. If Vince McMahon wants to paint this picture that Paul Heyman and myself are horrible human beings, and we act in collusion with The Shield and Brad Maddox, he is going to docture a video and he is going to play it on his television show and all of you mindless, no good, low down, fat, stupid, lazy people are gonna eat it up."

"Rude much?"

"No kidding."

"Vince McMahon last week was hoisted...high in the air and he was dumped on his hip. And he got what he deserved. In fact, Vince McMahon just had hip surgery today. Brock Lesnar broke his hip. And that's exactly what Vince deserved. It's karma folks. People who deserve it, get it. That's exactly why all of you are never gonna amount to anything in life. That's why all of you have never done anything great, because you don't deserve it. If you think I'm wrong, come on in here and shut me up. I'll punch your face, I'll throw you back over on the side of the guardrail you belong on. 'Cause I'm the real champion! All of you losers in life get what you deserve because you get out of it what you put into it, which is nothing. You're all worthless. You're wastes. And Vince McMahon got what he deserved last week and in what just a couple of short weeks I'm gonna get back what I deserve. The piece of property that The Rock is walking around with. The physical...the physical belt which he can hold onto and keep up hs fancy pants. The strap he can hold onto. But the real champion is right here."

He's then interrupted by Booker, who Vickie allowed to come out to decide Punk's fate. He says that since they are on the Road to WrestleMania, Punk will face an opponent from WrestleMania's past. He presents the options of Punk's opponent from WrestleMania XXVI, Rey Mysterio, or his opponent from WrestleMania XXVII, Randy Orton, or his most recent WrestleMania opponent, Chris Jericho. Booker then leaves the decision in the hands of the fans, instructing them to use the WWE App to vote for Punk's opponent.

"Should be interesting. Bet its Randy."

"I'll vote for him, once voting does open."

She laughs.

"I can see you voting for Chris so you can see the sparkly jacket."

"I might just do that."

"You would." Seth chuckles.

"Of course."

"But I do have the feeling Randy may win the poll, because he's one of the fan favorites at this point."


The opening match of the night would see Ryback going one on one against Cesaro, after Cesaro had run away from him in the last two matches they had scheduled. Even though Cesaro would use an ingenious strategy to gain advantage on a couple of occasions throughout the match, it was Ryback enduring it all and then some before dropping Cesaro with Shell Shocked to pick up the win over him.

"And...goodnight to you."

"Night night pizza pizza." Cara mocks.

That's when she gets weird looks from the guys, and not me because I knew what she was talking about.

"She gets it." She points at me.

"His name sounds like Caesar which makes me think of the Little Caesars pizza mascot."


"I'm not crazy."

"We weren't thinking that at all."

"Yes you were."

"No we weren't, honestly."

She sticks her tongue out.

"Love you." Seth remarks.

"D'awwwww." I say.

"He's not the only one who looooves somebody." She says amusedly.

Dean promptly makes a face at her.

"What? It's true." She giggles.

He shrugs and nods.

"Love you too." I grin.

"My turn. D'awwww."

"And I for one am glad you guys are happy." Roman remarks.

"Awww!" Cara and I say.

"I know how it all feels." He nods.

"Okay, too much mushiness." Dean interjects.

"Not your kind of thing....I know."

That was a little bit too much."

"Which is why we usually save all that stuff for when Cara and I are with the other girls." I add.

"Mmhmm." I agree.

"Caught up in the moment. It happens."


"I kept it going, so it's my bad" Roman chuckles.

Dean fakes a scowl at Roman. The rest of us laugh. With Booker T a guest on commentary, Swagger would make his return to Raw, going one on one with Santino. In the end, it was Swagger using his newly dubbed "Patriot Act" ankle lock, forcing Santino to tap out to pick up the win. During the math, Booker would reveal that both Randy and Rey would be a part of the Elimination Chamber math at the PPV, where the winner faces the World Heavyweight Champion at WrestleMania.

"Swagger...boy did not miss him at all."


"Always been....blehh...to me."

"Yeah. Not the brightest crayon in the box."

"No, not really." I snicker.

The guys snicker.

With Ricardo still convalescing at home, following back to back attacks at the hands of Big Show on Raw and SmackDown, Del Rio was in action next as he went one on one with Cody in a non-title match. In the end, it was Del Rio locking in the cross armbreaker on him, forcing him to tap out to pick up the win.

"I'm standing in front of you tonight, but now I'm a different person. I know I used to look down on everybody, but now I know I was wrong. And then the Big Show, the Big Show tried to bully me like he bullies everybody. But of course I was not going to let that happen. That is why I really really really appreciate all your support. Because you you you you, all of you...made me open my eyes and now I'm the World Heavyweight Champion. Not just for me, not just for me, but for the people out there. The people who struggle, the people who fight, the people who work every single day to put food on the table. People being bullied, bullied by monsters like the Big Show. But Big Show, you are going to pay. You are going to pay for what you did to my brother, to my best friend Ricardo Rodriguez. And if you think what happened last Friday was bad, just wait..."

"Alberto, hola. Alberto. Hey. Buenas noches amigo. Now hold on, hold on, don't get all upset. Don't get your fiery latino hot sauce blood all in a stir. I'm not even in the arena. I'm in a secured location offsite at a hotel. No need to get all upset. I'm not even there."

"You are in a hotel room, because you are a coward. You have no cojones Big Show."

"Boring insults."

"You think I'm afraid of you because you had a little stick in the parking lot? No, you've got it completely wrong. The whole reason I left, was to keep myself from tearing you apart limb from limb. I did you a favor. This whole issue, is about how you have stolen my World Heavyweight Championship. You have stolen it. What I want, is a rematch for the World Heavyweight Championship. I want a match with you at the Elimination Chamber. Now Booker T knows where I'm staying. You sign the contract, have a courier, have one of your flunkees whatever. Have them run the contract over to me, I'll sign it. At the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view, you're gonna get more of me than you can ever imagine. And...I know you. Don't even think, don't even think about trying to find me in this hotel okay? Because if you come to me, what you think what happened to your little friend Ricardo is bad....it's nothing compared to what I'm gonna do to you. Send the contract."

"Well, I know that's not gonna end well."

"That's obvious."

"And of course Del Rio is going to go there."


"He would be stupid enough to do that." Seth nods.

"It's Dorito." She shrugs.

"No brains."


After the break, Punk's opponent would be revealed as with 57% of the vote, Chris would win and go one on one with Punk later tonight in their rematch from WestleMania XXVIII.

"Wow I'm surprised."

"But you know what that means...." I trail off, giving her an amused look.


"Exactly." I laugh.


After telling Kane to stay backstage, Daniel would be up next as he goes one on one with Rey. In the end, Daniel would dodge the Bullet Splash of Rey, before locking in the No Lock on him and forcing him to tap out to pick up the win. There was no time for celebration, as the return of Mark Henry would halt any celebration. Daniel tries to get the jump on him on the outside, but he just tosses Daniel into the ringside barricade. He would then target Rey, squashing him with a running powerslam, but before he could do more damage, Sin Cara rushes to Rey's aid. It was a bad decision as Mark easily deals with him, drilling him with the World's Strongest Slam. He wasn't done there, as he turns his attention back to Rey, hitting him with a Slam as well. He still wasn't done as he drags Rey to the corner and hits a big splash off of the second rope, destroying him.

"All these returns tonight...too bad I don't care." I remark.

"I know right?"

"A decent return would be nice."


"Like who? If you had to pick somebody, who would you want to come back?" Roman asks.

"Jeff Hardy."

"Oh my gosh, yes." I agree.

"Didn't even hesitate." Seth says amusedly.

"Well duh. He should come back. He was just amazing."

"Seriously." Cara nods.

"As for Divas though, I would have to say either Melina or Beth. I know Beth left more recently, but she was still one of the best."

"Yeah. Even Mickie James wouldn't be a bad return."

"Her too."

"Not as many good choices for the Divas."

"Exactly, because most were only here on looks and somehow survived on looks alone."

"Eve." Cara says, coughing to disguise it.


"Kelly too."

"Oh my god, yes. And people said she improved....uh no."

"Not really."

"So glad she's gone. So glad."

"Yeah." Cara agrees.

"And she had to have done something to win the title. There's no way she got it on talent alone."

"Ew the images. Gross Sere!" Cara complains.


She hides against Seth, making gagging noises. Back at his hotel room, Show is on the phone with Booker, waiting the arrival of Alberto Del Rio. Show then answers the door to get his room service delivery, and when the hotel employee asks for a tip, Show ushers him out of the room, telling him to get a better job.

"Well, that was just a little rude."

"No kidding."

It was then time for the next match, where Sheamus would be taking on Kane. Our match would be coming up after this so we had to get ready. I look at Cara and she waves me ahead.

"You go on. Someone wants to join me." She says amusedly, patting Seth's head.

"Ohh alright." I laugh, before getting up and heading in with my things to get changed first.

A short while later I come out and sit on Dean's lap as I put my boots on.

"Alright eagerness, let's go." She pokes Seth.

He grins and lets her go so that she could get up first. Once she's standing, he gets up and then follows her in. She sets her bag on the bench and opens it to get her things out. After she has everything, that's when she starts to undress to put everything on.

"Behave." She warns as he moves closer.


"You better."

"I will, don't worry."

"I think I have a right to worry. You're super touchy." She laughs.

"I know."

She manages to get mostly dressed before he starts being grabby.

"So now you're being grabby."

"Can't resist." He says, kissing her shoulder.

"Mmhmm. So you always say."

"Because it's true."

"I still need to put my boots and stuff on... and you're being really distracting."


She moves away and sits on the bench to get her boots on.

"My bad." He chuckles.

She giggles and makes a face at him.

"But you love me anyway."

"That doesn't change."


"I love you too silly." She says amusedly as she stands up.

"All done." She adds.


"Oh stop."

"Just speaking the truth."

"Flatterer." She kisses his cheek and gently scratches his jaw.


She gives him a short kiss before moving towards the door.

"You coming?" She giggles.

"That wasn't fair." He complains, slightly pouting.

"You'll get more later."


"I can't be late for my match you insatiable goof."

"Right right, I know."

"You'll be able to drag me off later."


She laughs at the look on his face before she walks out. He soon follows and they take their spots back on the couch.

"We didn't miss anything good right?" She asks.

"Nope. Nothing interesting or exciting yet."

"Oh good."

During the match, Kane was ready to chokeslam Sheamus, but Daniel would get onto the ring apron, arguing with Kane. That would lead to Kane shoving Daniel off the apron, but the distraction benefits Sheamus, who hits Kane with the Brogue Kick to pick up the win.

"Wah wahhhhh."

"But I suppose we should get going for our match coming up." I remark.

"Yeah probably." She agrees.

"Awww, and we just got comfortable." Seth pouts.

"You'll survive." She says amusedly.

He then lets her go, reluctantly, but still manages to let her go. She gives him a quick kiss. I do the same with Dean as he lets me up.

"Do what you do best out there."

"We will."

We then head out the door and make our way down the hall in the direction of where the curtain would be.

"So, now you can tell me what you and Jon were up to earlier." She says amusedly.

"Well last week before we left for those NXT tapings, he had me in a kiss that was totally unexpected and took my breath away as they would say. So, I returned the favor." I grin.

"Ooooh." She teases, giggling.

"He's alright if I do so more often."

"Of course he is. They like when we take control sometimes. Trust me, I know." I giggle.


She blushes and giggles.

"Don't need to know what you do though." I laugh.

"I wasn't going to share anyway."


"Man I hope this will be an easy match."

"I hope so too. Wish we knew who we were facing though."

"I knowwww."

"Would help, but oh well."

She nods silently. When we get there, we are the only ones there of course, and we talk amongst each other while we wait. Soon we hear footsteps and we both look to see who it is.

"Oh god." I mumble.

Cara drags one hand over her face with a sigh, her other hand gripping her title.

"Maybe if we ignore them, we won't have to worry about them until we're out in the ring."

"Wishful thinking I believe." Cara mutters.

"Though, both of them seem to be looking in your direction...at the title most likely."

"They can look all they want." She scoffs.


"Aksana is a weakling and AJ, well it'll be a while before she gets to this point."

"That's right. And there's no way any of them are getting a win over you in the match to get that title shot."


"But at least we're going out now." I say as her music goes off.

She nods and strides through the curtain. I follow her out and after standing on the stage for a few moments, we make our way down to the ring, where we do our in-ring stuff before waiting for AJ and Aksana. They come out shortly after, separately of course. Aksana came out first an we just rolled our eyes at her ridiculous music and entrance, she seriously needs a gimmick change. AJ came out after her, skipping down the ramp and then down and around the ring. The match started shortly after with me and AJ going at it to start. She does her typical routine of acting all nice and trying to shake my hand before catching me off guard with a kick to the gut. She comes off the ropes, only for me to hit her with a clothesline. I go for an early cover, but she kicks out. That's when she quickly scrambles over to Aksana and tags her in. She starts doing all those sexy moves she likes to do, and I just raise my eyebrow, before shoving her back to the canvas as hard as I could. She decided she didn't want to deal with me anymore and scrambles over to AJ, tagging her back in before she rolls out of the ring. We actually lock up in the middle of the ring, before I'm able to get her in a headlock. Despite her size, she manages to push me over to the ropes and tries to push me off, but I come right back and get her in the headlock again. I make my way over to me and Cara's corner and I hold AJ long enough for Cara to tag herself in and get a shot in on AJ before I let go and step outside the ropes.

She gets her by the neck and flips her over so that she's sitting and then gets a side headlock of her own locked around AJ, holding her to the canvas for as long as she can. AJ does start to power out, getting to a sitting position again, before she gets to her feet and starts to stomp on Cara's feet, initially making her let go. AJ then comes off the ropes and literally jumps on Cara, and gets her in a submission hold in the middle of the ring. After a bit, Cara is able to get out of it and throws AJ onto the canvas. That causes AJ to go over and tag Aksana back in. Cara ducks her arm and turns and kicks Aksana in the gut, before taking her and throwing her out of the ring. That's when AJ comes in and grabs her and throws her into the steel ring post shoulder first. I've had enough and I come in and basically jump on her and attack, and we end up rolling to the outside and onto the floor, taking the fight out there. Aksana had gotten back into the ring after some time, seeing Cara nurse her injured shoulder as she hit the post pretty hard. That's when she starts to target it of course, hitting her shoulder with everything she possibly could use in her move-set. And seeing as I was busy with AJ, Cara couldn't tag me in right now. But after taking care of AJ for the meantime, I had make my way back up onto the apron, reaching for the tag. But just as Cara was just fingertips away from tagging me, AJ gets up and takes my feet out from under me and I end up falling off the side of the ring, and in a way where I messed up my ankle. She proceeded to attack me and make sure I was down before going back over to her corner.

It took me a while to actually get back to my feet and when I did, I could barely stand as I was favoring the ankle I hurt thanks to AJ. And at this point, I saw AJ get tagged back in and I knew I had to get back into the match so that we could finish this. Cara was in our corner and when AJ's back was turned, I had tagged myself in, despite the pain going through my ankle and the fact that I couldn't put pressure on it. I pushed past that and I clotheslined AJ hard so that she was 'turned inside out' as they would say. I then proceeded to kick Aksana off the side as well so she couldn't interfere in any way. I gave AJ the beating of her life for what she did to my ankle and once she was weak, I pulled her close to our corner and that's when I tagged Cara in. I made sure AJ was staying put before Cara climbed to the top to deliver one of her many finishing moves, despite her injured shoulder she was nursing. She hit it successfully and she got the pin to pick up the win for us.

"Here are your winners, Cara and Serenity!" Justin Roberts announces as Cara's music goes off and our hands are raised in victory.

Cara is handed back the title and we climb to two corners and pose for the crowd. We do that for a while before leaving the ring carefully and heading to the back.

"Ugh, besides us winning, that match so didn't go as planned." I remark as I can't help but limp as I walk.

"No it didn't." Cara groans, her arm against her chest as she holds her shoulder.

"They're vicious."

"Bunch of psychos."

When we go to turn the corner to head back in the direction of the room, we're met and stopped by Seth and Dean, concerned looks on their faces of course when they see us.*

"Yes it hurts." She says bluntly.

"You should be going to see the trainer then."

"Damn." She mutters since she was hoping to avoid the trainers.

"It's better to make sure nothing's wrong, rather than to not find out and it ending up being worse."

"I know, I know."

"Come on." He motions in the opposite direction.

She follows reluctantly.

"You're not getting out of going there either Sunshine." Dean says to me.

"Aww." I complain.

"I'd feel better if you got checked out."

"...Just for you." I say after a pause.

He takes one of my arms and drapes it over his shoulders, before he helps me walk, as we follow her and Seth to the trainers. We get checked out and are told our injuries are minor. They wrap my ankle and give me crutches. They give Cara a sling type brace to put on once she's changed.

"I've always hated these things." I remark about the crutches.

"I know the feeling." Cara says sympathetically.

"But at least nothing is broken on us."

"Yeah, could be worse."

"Well, no heels until this starts feeling better."


"At least I always bring more comfortable shoes with me just in case."

"Yeah, comes in handy."

"But this suuucks." I groan.

"You poor thing."

"I'll make sure you do everything to get better as quick as you can." Dean remarks.

I smile at him.

"Aww." Cara teases.

"I'll do the same for you." Seth says to her.

She kisses his cheek.

"That's why you two are the best."

They both grin at us. It wasn't too much longer where we got back to the room. We didn't choose to change right away, but to just relax for now. A few minutes go by before she changes her mind.

"I need to put that sling thing on and I can't do that until I change. So I think I should get it over with." She says.

"Need help?" Seth asks.


"Then let's go."

They get up and walk into the changing area.

"You're not hurt too bad are you?" Roman asks me.

"No, just an ankle sprain."

"I should be better in no time." I add.

"Good." He says.

"Wasn't expecting all that out there though. Vicious I tell you."

"Psychos." I remark.

"Though AJ is more of a psycho than Aksana is." Dean adds.


"But regardless, you're taking it easy until that heals."

"Yes. Of course."

"And you won't have to carry me like everywhere when I'm not using the crutches to get around." I add.

"What if I want to?" Dean raises an eyebrow.

"Then I guess I can't say 'no'."

He chuckles and kisses my head. Eventually, with Seth's help of course, Cara was done getting changed out of her attire and she came back out with him, taking their spot back on the couch again. Seth gets some advil and a gatorade and brings them to her.

"Thanks love." She says quietly, looking a bit tired and in pain.

"You're welcome. When we finally get to leave, you're gonna get the rest you need."

"I know." She murmurs.

He opens the gatorade and she quickly takes the meds. He sets the drink on the floor and she reclines against him carefully. We only missed a bit of what was currently happening in the ring, and that was Miz TV with special guest Paul Heyman.

"You have got to be kidding me. You actually think that we're gonna believe that you care what happens..."

"YOU'RE INTERRUPTING ME!!" Heyman exclaims.

"Well good. No one wants to hear your annoying ass anyway."

"Of course I'm interrupting. Do you think we believe that you care about what happens to Mr. McMahon? After what happened with you and Brock Lesnar last week?"

"Here we go again with these allegations and...listen. Let me spell this out so that even you can understand. I did not know that Brock Lesnar was in Las Vegas. I did not know that Brock Lesnar was going to attack Vince McMahon. I did not order Brock Lesnar to attack Vince McMahon. I'm sorry that it happened, but it did, and maybe...just maybe Mr. Mizanin, you could stop being so obsessed with Miz TV. And you would just look for one moment of your life at the footage, you would see that I tried to stop Brock Lesnar. I tried to back Brock Lesnar down."

"Psh, not very hard."

Mike then calls Heyman the most committed liar that he has ever seen. Heyman then says that he questions, as well, asking Mike if Punk was screwed out of the WWE Championship and asking if Punk will regain the title. But Mike says that Heyman is changing the subject. Heyman says that he'll answer any of Mike's questions, but he wants Mike to answer him first. That's when Vickie comes to the ring, ordering the bickering to stop.

"Paul Heyman...is telling the truth. Paul Heyman had nothing to do with Brock Lesnar returning last week. I did. Re-signing Brock...was a chance for me to impress Mr. McMahon so that he would promote me to be permanent general manager of Raw."

"Yeah, and who got attacked by him last week? Exactly."

"So last week at Raw Roulette, Brock and I finalized our deal. Paul Heyman and I had no idea that Brock would do what he did to Mr. McMahon. I mean, I...I feel...I feel terrible and I...I feel awful with what happened...to Mr. McMahon...I'm so sorry." She starts to break down and 'cries' on Heyman's shoulder.

"Oh that is utter bullshit. She's a terrible actor."

"Really? Really? Really? You two are lying through your teeth. Paul, you've hated Mr. McMahon ever since he crushed your little company. And Vickie, how many times have we watched Mr. McMahon dangle the carrot of 'permanent GM', only to rip it away time and time again? Now you people expect us to believe that you're not popping the champagne bottle and uh...dancing..."

Vickie starts to say something back, but Heyman stops her.

"I've had it with you. Now you're offending me!"

"And I don't care. You two are bottom feeders. You live and feed off the success and misery of others."

"May I remind you that I am your boss."

"For how long Vickie? Because after Mr. McMahon recuperates, it's only a matter of time before he fires you, the same way he's gonna finish what he started last week and fire you. Then it'll be only a matter of time until we don't have to hear your lying, pathetic, shifty, two-faced, thirty-chinned, walrus faces again."

"Oh burn."

"And I can't wait to see that..." He gets cut off by Brock's music.

"He better not." I scowl.

He ends up throwing Mike out of the ring, followed by the furniture. However Mike comes back into the ring and gets the better of him for a short time, but in the end Mike gets hit by the F5. Heyman rushes into the ring and keeps telling Brock 'no more', backing him off like he always does.

"Sure, now he does something."

"Right? Hypocrite."

"Just a bit."

"How much longer until the end of the show?" I ask.

"Not much longer."

"Good." She mumbles.

"I know. You want to get back as soon as you can." Seth nods.


"That makes two of us." I add.

"Soon." Dean kisses my head.

"Just hope that you don't get too beat up during your thing, if you get beat up at all."

"We'll do our best to keep safe."

"As always, I know."

He nods.

"Unfortunately I do think we need to get going. A few more things before what we're doing, but we need to be there and ready to go for when it finally comes down to that point." Roman adds.

Cara groans.

"Can't stay for just one more match and then go?" She asks.

"I think it's better to go now. We don't want to miss our cue."

"Sorry Blue Eyes." Seth frowns.

She gives him a weak smile and gently scratches his jaw with her good hand before moving slowly.

"Hopefully all this will go by quick." He reassures her.


Once she moves to let him up, and he's now standing, he makes sure she's as comfortable as she can be, before he leans down and kisses her quick. She presses her hand against his heart as he brushes his lips over the spot beneath her ear that he likes so much.*

"Comfortable?" He asks her.

"As much as I can be." She replies, moving her hand to his cheek.


He nuzzles her hand and kisses her wrist before joining Roman at the door. Before Dean does the same thing, he too makes sure I'm comfortable as I'm stretched out on the couch with my foot resting on a pillow.

"Better?" He asks.

"Much, thank you."

"You're welcome." He kisses my cheek.

"I'll be fine while you're gone now."

Dean nods and gives me a proper kiss before he leaves with Seth and Roman.

"They really are the best." I remark.

"So sweet." Cara agrees.

"I have a feeling that Jon's gonna be carrying me like...everywhere...especially in the hotel rooms."

"Probably." Cara laughs.

"Told him that he didn't have to, because you know I can handle walking around the rooms and everything without the crutches. But he basically said that he wanted to, so how can I say no?"

"Can't tell them no when they're being that cute."


"Watch, I won't be allowed to carry anything for days." She says amusedly.

"I can definitely see that happening."

"He will. I know my boyfriend."

"Carrying your bag along with his to and from the arenas and then when you go home during the week."


"Make sure that heals properly before letting you carry stuff again."


"And while we both get better, we'll have more time with them. Because clearly we won't be cleared to compete right now."

"That's the good side of this."

Up next, after learning that he'll be one of the six men competing inside the Elimination chamber with the winner earning a World Heavyweight Title shot at WrestleMania, Randy would go one on one with Wade in a non-title match. In the end, it was Randy dropping Wade with an RKO to pin him for the win.

"Someone's on a losing streak."

"Good. I like it that way."

"Now all that needs to happen is for him to lose that title."

"That would be nice."

"And then no more thinking he's Mr. Hot Shot."

"Eh he'll still think that."

"Yeah, true."

"He's an ass like that."

"Pretty much." I shake my head.

"He'll still think he's hot shit and that they should just give the title back because obviously they couldn't have beaten him fairly."

"And that would happen, because he's spoiled. Or well he thinks he should be."


Then came time for Punk's match against Jericho. At the end of what was expected to be a WrestleMania quality, back and forth match, Punk ended up hitting Chris with the GTS and picking up a major win.


"Something more he can gloat about. Joy."

"Just what he needs." Cara rolls her eyes.

There was another Hall of Fame induction announcement after, before going back to the hotel where Big Show was at. He was eating his meal, before he answered the door where a man presents the contract for the title match at Elimination Chamber. The man tries to warn Show, but he refuses to listen and after he signs the contract, he opens the door to let the man out, finding Del Rio waiting. That of course leads to Del Rio attacking Big Show and they brawl throughout the halls of the hotel, with Show getting the advantage before Del Rio grabs a fire extinguisher, spraying it into Big Show's face, before leveling him by blasting him with a shot to the head with the extinguisher, leaving him knocked out. Del Rio then proceeds to leave the scene, getting onto an elevator.

"I feel bad for the janitors."

"Oh I know, what a mess to clean up and replace anything broken."


"But totally saw that all coming. I think Del Rio is gonna get his at Elimination Chamber."

"Yeah probably."

"Good, because he'll deserve it."


After the break, Brad comes out in the ending segment of the night, saying that Paul Heyman preyed on him, saying that he was a young hopeful trying to make a name for himself in the WWE. He continues saying that he's glad the truth is out there.

"I am...an innocent...victim. I am innocent. I am a wronged man, and you know what? I did the only thing I could do, I did the right thing when I gave Vince the footage that proved that Paul Heyman was lying about me and lying about The Shield's involvement with CM Punk! So in a very...very...real way, I am the hero. I am the hero of this story, and as your hero, it's gonna be me and not John Cena....who's gonna teach The Shield about justice."

"He's joking right?"

"I think he's serious. Everyone else is just laughing at him."

"Ohhh, they're going to destroy him."

"Pretty much."

"So...Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, justice....awaits you."

Their music goes off briefly before it cuts so they could talk.

"Thanks for the invitation Brad, but we don't need one." Dean states as he and Seth make their way down the stairs.

"I'm not the only one who took money from Paul Heyman!"

"Hey, don't even compare yourself to The Shield. Hey, nobody ever said justice was free." Dean continues.

"Maddox, you want to teach The Shield about justice? Do you even understand the concept of justice?" Seth adds.

"Last time, it was all business. Tonight, we're gonna take the time to enjoy this, little, tiny man." Roman says next.

"See, we just get the feeling that maybe Brad Maddox doesn't believe in The Shield." Dean finishes as they all surround Brad on the outside of the ropes.

Shortly after that, they stormed inside as Brad went right after Dean. That started a complete beatdown of him, ended with a Triple Power Bomb.

"That's what you get."

"Shouldn't talk shit about guys much bigger than you."

"You know what they say...talk shit, get hit." I snicker.

Cara laughs a little and nods.

Not too long after that, John's music went off, but he would not emerge from the curtain. They look around for him, when Seth spots him coming through the crowd like they do. Then Ryback's music goes off and he too comes through the crowd. Last was Sheamus and he as well comes through the crowd quickly. The guys retreat, only for part of the locker room to empty and block the path on the ramp, forcing them back into the ring as John, Sheamus and Ryback surround it.

"Oh no." Cara groans.

And of course, a brawl ensues in the ring. John was going after Roman, Sheamus after Dean and Ryback after Seth. They get thrown out of the ring, before retreating through the crowd.

"Hope they aren't hurt." Cara frowns.

"They don't look hurt." I say as they take their time going back up the stairs in the crowd.


"I do think before they get back I'm gonna go change. Almost forgot that I was still in my attire." I start to move from the couch.

"Be careful. Holler if you need help."

"I will." I nod, limping my way into the changing room.

Cara lays her head against the couch and closes her eyes. I was still getting changed when the guys came back, walking through the door. She can hear them get quiet as they think she's asleep.

"I'm awake. Just resting my eyes." She says amusedly.

"Oh, alright."

"She's in there getting changed." She motions to the back with her good hand.

Dean nods and he leans against the wall as he waits. She hears footsteps and then feels her hair being played with. She opens one eye and gives Seth an amused look.

"Just keeping busy." He chuckles.

"Mmhmm. Of course you are." She laughs quietly, shutting her eye.

It wasn't too much longer before I came out with my things. Dean immediately walks over and takes my bag. I thank him before going over to the couch to sit.

"You can go get ready to go now."

He nods and kisses my head before going in. Seth and Roman follow him.

"I'm so ready to go back and get some rest."

"Mmhmm, me too."

"You definitely look like it. You look so tired."

"I really am." She yawns.

"Well, I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight."

"Hopefully but I don't know if I can with this shoulder."

"I'm sure Colby will make sure you'll be as comfortable as you can in order to sleep."

"Yeah." She smiles.

A while after that, they come out from changing, with their bags as well, ready to go. She opens her eyes and gets up. Seth helps her with her jacket while Dean helps me with mine. He then hands me the crutches while he takes my bag. Seth does the same with Cara's bag and we all make our way out of the room and down the halls, out to the parking lot and load up the cars.