Lost Injustice


Since we didn't have to worry about SmackDown on Tuesday to do, we actually got to take our days off a bit early. And it came just in time because Cara and I could heal properly. I was awake for a while, before heading into the bathroom so I can re-wrap my ankle, since I was replacing the wrap. I hear a tap on the door.

"Need any help?" Dean asks sleepily.

"I think I got it. But thanks for asking."

"You're welcome."

"I didn't wake you when I moved from the bed did I?" I ask, coming out of the bathroom after finishing.

"I was half awake already." He says.

"Oh, alright." I nod.

"How's it feeling?"

"It still hurts. Not as bad as Monday night, but still hurts."

"I'm glad it's somewhat better."

"You think maybe we can just stay inside today? It's such a hassle walking around in those crutches. At least around the apartment I won't need them."

"Of course we can." He assures me.

"Good. Plus...you'll be able to carry me when you want to."

"You know you enjoy it almost as much as I do."

"I do." I nod.

"Speaking of..." He trails off, picking me up and carrying me back over to the bed.

I squeal a little and then laugh.

"I'm not even tired."

"Well I still am kind of, and I can't sleep without you there with me."

"Awww, that's cute." I giggle.

"I have my moments."

"Of course you do."

"Not ready to get up completely yet."

"Alright, we can lay for a while." I say after he gives me a pouty face.

"Works every time."

"You and that irresistible pouty face."

"Exactly." He grins.

I get comfortable with him on the bed, grabbing my phone so I can occupy myself while he's asleep. While he is sleeping, I do manage to sneak in a picture of him for myself, laughing slightly at how he looks. Then I play some games, giggling quietly when he makes some noises.

"Always a talkative one in your sleep." I remark quietly.

He mumbles something in his sleep and it makes me laugh. After a decent amount of time has gone by though, my phone no longer amused me and I put it down on the side table. I decided that he's been sleeping long enough since it's been about an hour or so anyway, and I try to wake him up. Shaking him doesn't work and neither does patting his cheek. I decide to try kissing him. It actually didn't take him all that long to respond to it and kiss back. I realized that I wasn't going anywhere after the fact that his arms were around me and holding me closer to him. I giggle against his lips.

"Had a feeling you gonna do that." He grins after he pulls away.

"Wait, you were awake weren't you? Just pretending to be asleep. How long?"

"Not too long." He laughs.

"Was trying so hard to fight back a grin when you were trying to wake me up but failed." He adds.


"One of the best sneaky people."

"Yes." I say amusedly.

"Well you've been asleep for about an hour or so, and my phone could only amuse me so much." I add.

"Alright. Food?" He chuckles.

"Sounds like a good idea." I nod.

The two of us get up and head to the kitchen.*

"Anything special you want?" He asks.

"Hmm, not really."

"Alright, well you can go sit while I make this."

"You know, you're gonna need more cookware now that you have me around. Sometimes just a couple pans don't cut it." I laugh.

"Yeah I know."

"We'll go when you're healed." He adds.

"Sounds like a plan."

"Just when I moved here, I didn't have a lot of stuff. That's why it's like empty almost."

"I see."

"I'm sure as my career goes on I'll get things to put in here, but right now this is what I have."

"Right. Of course."

I then go into the living room and sit on the couch where I could be more comfortable and prop my foot up as I wait for him to cook the breakfast. I find something on TV to watch and settle back against the cushions. A while after that he comes out with both of our plates. He hands me mine while he sets his down so that he could too sit on the couch, carefully lifting my leg before sitting and resting my foot on his lap. He then reaches over and grabs his plate.

"Thank you." I smile.

"You're welcome." He replies.

"You know I've notice when you do smile, you have dimples. It's the cutest thing."


"Meant to mention it before, but forgot."

"I see. No one has told me that before."

"You just haven't had anyone like me around before to notice."

"That's true."

"I'm supposed to notice those things."

"Good point." He chuckles.

"Which gives me a great nickname....dimples." I laugh.

"I'm only allowing it because it's you. No one else can use that name."

"No one else has to know about it either. Just between us."

"Okay good."

I grin and lean over, kissing his cheek before I go back to eating. After the two of you are finished, Dean moves my foot carefully and goes to take care of the dishes. For now he leaves them in the sink, before coming back out and taking his spot back.

"I'm glad we get more days off this week than usual."

"It's a nice change." I agree.

"And the top priority is making sure you heal the right way and not walking around on your foot all the time."

"Of course. I've been through this a few times before." I say amusedly.

"Well I know that...obviously. But I get to take care of you now."

"Yes, that's true." You smile.

"You'll be better in no time."

"I hope so."

"And then once you're better and you're cleared to get back in the ring, you can get your revenge on AJ for doing that to you."

"Oh I plan on it."

"Put her in her place."

"Exactly." I nod.

"I'll show her crazy." I add.

"That's my girl." Dean grins.

"Though if she ever tried to mess with you, I think crazy wouldn't even describe me at that point."

"I bet."

"But I'll take care of her when I'm one hundred percent."

"I know you will."

"Already thinking up a plan."

"I figured you were." He chuckles.

"Maybe some promos to get into her head and mess with her, leading up to when I'm cleared." I smirk evilly.

"I like when you get feisty." He laughs.

He wiggles his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

"Since you like it so much, maybe I'll act like that more often for you."

"Sounds fun."

"You know, I do show off in the ring a little bit more because I know you're watching." I grin.

"Is that so?" He grins.


"Good to know. I do enjoy that."

"I kind of figured."

"I always like watching you though."


"So, do you want to watch a movie or something?"

"Movie sounds good. There's nothing on TV anyway."

"Alright." He nods, getting up to put in a DVD.

"And don't worry about what you pick. We like almost the same movies anyway."

"That's a good thing." He chuckles.

"It is." I nod.

Dean puts one in and sits back in his spot. After getting through the previews and such, he starts it. In the meantime however, Cara and Seth were already up and she was sitting in the living room as he was making breakfast for the both of them. She's sprawled out on the couch, paying half attention to the TV.

"Already smells good!" She calls to him.

"It's supposed to." He laughs.

Once everything was done, he brought everything out to her, setting it down on the table in front of her, before going to get the drinks.*

"Thank you." She gives him a kiss when he sits down.

"You're very welcome."

"I appreciate your help putting this top on too." She says, motioning to the white bandeau top she has on.

"You're welcome for that too. Always here to help."

"I know." She smiles.

"I do like that top too afterall." He grins.

"I can tell you do."

"How's the shoulder?"

"It hurts but it's manageable."

"Wish I could do more to help."

"You're doing just fine. There's nothing else that can be done really. I just have to take it easy and let it heal."


"Which is what we're doing so it's alright."


"You take good care of me." She kisses his cheek.

"It's my job."

"Of course."

"Gonna make sure you get better as quick as you can."


"You'll be better in no time with me helping."

"I'm hoping so."

"I promise."


"Get to the gym too at some point, to keep that shoulder strong."

"Yeah. You know, if you want to go in the next day or so for yourself, you can. I can amuse myself or better yet, watch you." She says, grinning by the end.

"Yeah I know how much you like to do that." He chuckles.

"You love watching me just as much." She giggles.

"I do, that's true." He grins.

He pulls her legs over his lap and squeezes her calf. She smiles and laughs a little.

"Maybe we'll go tomorrow."

"Alright." I nod.

"How's your breakfast by the way?"

"Very good. As always." She smiles.


"I'm glad you're a good cook." She giggles.

"You're a good cook as well."

"Not like this. I'm decent I suppose."

"But I love your cooking."

"Well good. You're stuck with it anyway." She teases.

"Not a bad thing at all."

"You're too sweet."

"Just for you."

She smiles and kisses his jaw. They then go back to eating the breakfast he made. When they both were done, he takes the dishes and puts them in the sink before coming back and sitting back down in his spot.

"So, what would you like to do today?"

"Nothing that requires leaving the house." She remarks as he moves to lay his head in her lap.

"That's okay. Staying home it is."

She plays with his hair using her good hand.

"Maybe we could do the hot tub or something later."

"I like that idea." He nods.

"Of course you do." She says amusedly.

"I always enjoy doing that with you. Need the relaxation."

"Right. You're relaxed now though." She giggles softly.

"No such thing as too much relaxation." He chuckles.


"Which is why I'm glad we've had since Tuesday off this week."

"Me too. I like having us time."

"The best time of the week."

"For sure." She smiles at him.

"The only times when we're not too busy."


She then moves so that she was leaning back against him, carefully of course, his arms wrapping around her waist and holding her close. Seth starts kissing her good shoulder and she giggles softly.

"Had a feeling you'd be all touchy and everything with me wearing this top."

"Well duh. There's so much for me to touch."

"I know." She laughs.

"That was kind of the point anyway." She adds.

"Mmhmm." He grins.

"That and this was easier on my shoulder." She says.

"Right, of course."

"Hence why I want to stay here today. I don't want to put a real shirt on."

"Understandable." He nods.

She leans back and kisses his cheek.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

They lay there for a while before deciding to get in the hot tub.

"So much better."

"Very." She agrees.

"You do always have the best ideas."

She laughs.


"You do. We both do."

"That's true. Most of the time anyway."

"Right." He chuckles.

"We should go out to dinner one night while we're here."

"We should. It'd be nice."

"It's been a while since we have."

"I was just gonna say that."

"Beat you." She laughs.

"Make it another date night."


"It'll be nice to see you dressed up all nice for it." He grins.

"I'll pick out something special, just for you."


"You'll dress up too, yeah?"

"Of course."

"Good." She kisses his cheek.

"I may have something you haven't seen me wear yet."


"I'll have to check to make sure."


"What day would you like to do that?"

"Hmm, Thursday or Friday?"

"Friday sounds good."

"Friday it is."

"And I know just where we can go too." She adds.

"It is your turn to pick." He nods.

"You'll find out Friday." She smiles.

"Alright." He chuckles.

"Looking forward to it now."

"Me too."

"Is it a place we've already been or someplace new?" He asks.

"Someplace new."


"You'll like it."

"Of course I will."

"I'm glad you're easy to please."

"Yes, yes I am." He chuckles.

"As long as you get your touchy time anyway." She teases.


"Which you've got plenty of today."

"I did and will continue to have, I know."

She just laughs and pats one of his wandering hands.

"I appreciate all the time I get, every time."

"I know, believe me."

"You appreciate it too."

"Definitely." She says in a sultry tone, squeezing his thigh with her good hand.

"Like now." He smirks.


"If only your shoulder wasn't hurt. We'd so be out of this hot tub right now."

"We could probably make it work if we tried but unfortunately I think we should wait a few days." She says amusedly.

"It'll be worth it. I think I can wait just a few days more."

"Kissing wouldn't be unwanted though." She points out.

"Oh of course." He chuckles.

She then turns her head to meet his lips. Seth quickly takes control, making it a thorough kiss. Of course at the same time, he's sure to be careful of her shoulder.

"Mmm, that was nice." She murmurs once he pulls away.

"I always surprise you with those kisses."

"Mmhmm." She giggles quietly.

"You're very welcome." He grins.

"A few days can't go by fast enough." She says as he nuzzles her ear.

"I know right?"

She nips at his jaw.

"But I'll try and help with that."

"I know you will."

"These days will just fly by with whatever we do."

"I hope so."

"We'll find things to do to keep us busy."

"Sounds good."

"But for now, it's relaxing right here."

"That it is." She smiles.

"We can spend as much time in here as you want to."

"Right." She snuggles into him.

"Just don't fall asleep on me." He chuckles.

"I'll try not to." She giggles.

"But if you do, I'll just carry you out and into the bedroom."

"You're so sweet."


"Love you."

"Love you too."

They end up staying in the hot tub for most of the morning, before deciding to get out. She didn't end up falling asleep, but even though she didn't, he still carried her out anyway.

"You spoil me." She laughs as he walks to the bedroom.

"You deserve it."


"Do you need a towel to dry off?" He asks after he sets her down.


"Be right back."

She nods. He grabs towels and dries himself off before helping her. With his help she gets back into her original clothes.

"So you probably just want to lay down don't you?"

"Yeah, I think I need some meds too." She yawns slightly.

"You lay down, I'll get those and a water for you."

"Thanks love."

"You're welcome." He says, kissing her quick.

She decides to climb in bed and carefully find a comfortable spot to lay. While she does that, he goes to get the meds and a bottle of water, bringing them back to her. She kisses his cheek when he settles down beside her. She quickly takes the meds with some water and then sets the water on the nightstand. She then carefully snuggles into him, his arm going around her instantly and holding her close.

"You can sleep." He kisses her head.

"Okay." She agrees.

He lets his fingers run through her hair as he helps make it easier for her to fall asleep. She dozes off quickly. He decides that he would stay awake, occasionally watching her as she slept away, mostly making sure she wouldn't move from his arms and end up hurting her shoulder in any way. He turns on the TV and finds a quiet show to watch when he isn't keeping an eye on her. A while later in the meantime, I have since gotten dressed, much to Dean's protest and after trying to get my clothes out of his hands as he snatched them from me at one point.

"Can't lay around in my pajamas all day." I say as he sulks.

"Well you could..."

"I don't like to though. Not unless I'm sick."

"Can't bend that rule just for me?"

"Not today." I say amusedly.

"It was worth a shot."

"You tried."

"Well just because you got dressed, doesn't mean I have to. We're not going anywhere today, so why not." He remarks with a smirk.


"And because wearing no shirt and just shorts and with your hair all messy is oh so acceptable right now." I add.

"And distracting for you." He grins.


"Exactly why I do it."

"Of course it is."

"Love you too."

"You know I love you just as much."

"I know."

"Now do you need anything for your foot or are you good?"

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Alright." He nods.

"Now, are you gonna stay over there or are you gonna join me...." He trails off before practically jumping onto the bed.

"...over here?"

"You're going to give me the sad face of I don't, am I right?" I say.

He nods, grinning cheesily.

"I have no choice. Darn you and making the sad face adorable."

"Ah but you still love me anyway." He chuckles as I climb beside him.

"You're lucky."

"Oh believe me, I know." He smiles.

Once I'm on the bed next to him, he pulls me close like this morning, nuzzling his face in my neck.


"Gonna be more than that." He mumbles.

"Oh boy."

"All mine."

"Yes, yours."

"Gonna have fun with this now." He smirks.

"I don't doubt that."

He then catches me off guard while he was nuzzling my neck, with a quick nip at the skin. And since it did catch me off guard, it made me jump slightly and squeak in surprise. He laughs against my neck.

"Gotta keep you on your toes." He mumbles.

"You succeeded."

"I can get you back though." I add as he continues, as well as one of his hands starting to wander.

"I know. Later."

"Gives me time to plan then." I smirk, a hand going to his hair and tugging just a bit as he brushes over a sensitive spot.

He growls quietly at the hair tug. I decide to at least have a little fun for a while, before he catches on to what I'm doing. Every once in a while I tug on his hair and I get the same reaction as before. It finally dawns on him what I'm doing, so he pulls from my neck and pins both of my hands down so I can't do anymore.

"I know what you're up to."

"Aww, that was fun." I giggle.

"You're asking for it aren't you?" He gives me a look.

"Maybe." I grin.

"You are. Well things are gonna become hard for you." He smirks.

"Sure about that?" I smirk back.

"One hundred percent sure."

I can't help laughing.

"Okay, what's so funny?"


"Then why are you laughing hmm?"

I shake my head and giggle.

"Tell me."


"Well looks like I have to use one of many tactics to get you to tell me things."


"Uh oh is right. So last chance to tell me or I'll make you."


"Alright, your fault for what I'm about to do...." He trails off before he starts to tickle me nonstop.

"Ah, no!" I squeal, giggling helplessly.

"I'll keep going....until you tell me....what was so funny."


"Then I shall continue."

"Fine, fine!"

"Works every time." He grins, stopping.

"No fair." I say breathlessly.

"Should've just told me before I did all that." He chuckles.

"Yeah yeah."

"So, what was so funny exactly?"

"The hard thing." I say, giggling.

He looks at me for a few moments before it hits him.

"Gutter mind."

"I couldn't help it." I laugh.

"Who knew you had a mind like that." He chuckles.

"Look who my girl best friend is." I point out.

"You've got a point."

"Cara has a really bad case of gutter brain."


"It's contagious sometimes."


"So it isn't my fault."

"Of course. But to rephrase what I said so you don't start laughing again....things won't be easy for you."

"I didn't think they would be."

"Things won't be easy for you later either." I add.

"Right, of course."

"Maybe there'll be a surprise for you in some form. Still forming the plan in my head."

"Sounds like fun."

"Oh it will be."

Dean grins and puts his mouth back to my neck. This time he makes sure he leaves a mark where his lips were, before moving away from it and goes to my lips. He initiates a deep kiss which I respond to happily. And that is by my arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him closer, and my arms stay there instead of my hands wandering like I would normally do. I let him have the fun for now. Dean leaves one hand on my side but the other wanders up and down. That's when like always, it ends up slipping under my shirt so that now it comes in contact with my skin and it continues to wander from there, goosebumps forming at times. He doesn't let his hand go up any farther than my ribs, not wanting to make me uncomfortable. Since he did have a deep kiss going, it got to the point where I could feel a lack of air, so I had no choice but to pull from the kiss, resting my forehead against his while I caught my breath, my eyes still closed. Dean chuckles quietly and rubs his nose against mine.

"Like I say all the time....the things you do to me."

"Ah but you enjoy it."

"I do, and even before all this, you still did things to me that you had no clue about. But those are for me to know and for you to never find out."

"Oh but I can. You know I can." He grins.

"But not today. I think you've done enough to get me to tell you things."

"Aww. Another day then."

"Yes, another day. And you may not even have to get it out of me, I might just tell you. We'll see."

"Sounds fun."

"Right now, only Cara knows those secrets. And no calling her to find them out either. I know how sneaky you are."

"Dang." He laughs.

"She's probably busy with Colby so she probably wouldn't answer the phone. But regardless, I wouldn't let you go even if she wasn't busy and you wanted to get the answers out of her."

"I know. I'm just messing with you."

"Of course you are."

"Love youuuuuu."

"Love you too goofball. So, can I assume we're staying here for the rest of the day?"

"It would be nice..."

"Just a lazy day I see. I'm sure if I wasn't hurt, it'd still be a lazy day anyway."


"Because the weather outside doesn't sound so great or look so great."

"No not really." He agrees, glancing out the window at the rain pouring outside.

"Of all the things to do on the strip on our days off and it has to rain."

"Bad timing I know."

"Really bad timing." I nod.

"Oh well."

"But that's okay. I like what we're doing right now anyway."

"Me too."

"I do think however, that I need my pillow to lay on now." I give him a look.

"Pillow coming right up." He says, rolling over and bringing me with him.

I end up on top of him. His hands settle on my lower back.

"Better?" He asks.

"Much." I nod.

I get comfortable and tuck my head against his neck.

"Now I'm definitely alright with staying like this the rest of the day."

"That doesn't surprise me." Dean laughs.

"You're comfortable, and I need to always be comfortable myself while I heal from this injury. I've dealt with stuff like this before, but I'm glad I have you to help this time around."

"I'm glad to be here. It's nice taking care of someone else for a change instead of just myself."

"And you won't have to take care of yourself anymore. That's what I'm here for."

"I know, I appreciate it."

"You're welcome."

He smiles and kisses my head.

"Think I just might nap. It's just one of those days."

"Yeah it is. Go ahead and sleep. I'm comfortable."

I nod, closing my eyes and shortly after that I doze off. Dean watches me for a bit contentedly. He wasn't really tired, so he stayed awake for the whole time I was asleep. Chuckling at times when I mumble in my sleep, mostly things that were incoherent. He grins when he hears his name several times. In the meantime, Cara was still asleep herself. In her sleep she has since moved out of Seth's arms and she was laying on her good side, her back to him. He still kept an eye on her like he did when she first fell asleep. She gets a chill and shivers, curling herself up a bit. He catches this and acts quickly, grabbing a blanket and draping it over her, before he cuddles up to her, making her extra warm. She snuggles against him, stretching back out with a content sigh. He immediately apologizes for not having been snuggled up to her earlier as she had moved away from him, whether she heard him or not. She shifts and mumbles incoherently. He leans down and kisses her cheek, before he buries his face in her neck. She nuzzles his cheek unconsciously. He grins against the skin of her neck, leaving a kiss there in response. She leans into it, humming faintly.

"Now I know you're awake." He mumbles.

"Mmm." She mumbles sleepily.

"How was your sleep?"

"Good." She murmurs, resting her cheek against his head.

"Oh good."

"A few kind of odd dreams but I think it's from the medication."


She gently pushes him away so she can roll onto her back.

"That's better." She sighs.

"Weren't too comfortable?"

"You know I toss and turn in my sleep. I can't do that with this shoulder pain."

"Right, I know."

"It's hard for me to lay on one side for a long time unless I'm half on top of you."

"You were like that for a while, but you moved from my arms in your sleep."


"It's okay though. Just as long as you slept okay."

"Could've been better but I do feel somewhat rested."

"Good. I'm glad."

"So what should we do now?" She asks.

"Whatever you wanna do, I'm okay with."

"How about we build a fort and watch a movie?"

"That sounds fun."

"You'll have to do the building though."

"Right of course. That's alright."

They get up and head to the living room. Seth starts to make the fort while she goes into the kitchen and gathers some snacks.

"Hoping this will stay up." He says as she comes back out to the living room after grabbing the snacks.

"That's awesome." She giggles, looking over the giant fort.

"Special fort-making skills." He chuckles.

"Definitely. You should tweet this." She laughs.

"I should." He nods, doing so.

"I've noticed the fangirls are going a bit crazy about whether or not we're a couple. The fact that neither of us will confirm it is making them go batty." She says amusedly.

"They'll find out....in time."

"I know. They should expect things like this. They know that Nattie and Tyson are together even though they don't confirm it. Same with Mike and Maryse."


"Apparently your fangirls really want to know though." She laughs.

"Of course they do."

"They are hoping we're not so they have a chance." She says amusedly.


"They don't realize they have absolutely no chance." He adds, chuckling.

She smiles at him.

"They can keep their hopes and dreams though. Nothing's gonna change."


"One day they'll see that I am completely taken with my blue eyed lady."

She blushes a little at the look on his face.

"Now, fort's all made, posted to Twitter, and I think it's time you joined me in here."

She giggles and climbs in carefully.

"You did a great job with everything."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome." She says, stealing a quick kiss.

"So, what kinds of snacks did you grab?"

"Our usual favorites." She hands over the bag of snacks.

"You know what we could do while sitting in here, along with eating the snacks? How about that Harry Potter movie marathon we've been wanting to do?"

"Sounds perfect." She smiles.

"I thought so too." He grins, kissing her quick before moving to get the movies and put the first one in.

He gets it started and then returns to his spot. She waits until he's situated before she leans against him and gets comfortable herself.*

"One of the many great ideas that you always come up with." He remarks.


"I would say we could sleep in this tonight, but it probably wouldn't be comfortable enough for your shoulder."

"I know. Darn it. Maybe next time."

"Yes, next time. For sure." He nods.

She smiles and kisses his cheek. They then go back to munching on the snacks and enjoying the movies.

"Eating one handed is annoying." She grumbles.

"Aww, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"I know."

"I'll get my payback eventually."

"Of course."

"I love when you get feisty." Seth grins.

She gives him an amused look.

"Well, then you're really gonna love what I have planned then."


"Neither Aksana or AJ will see me coming either."

"Of course not. You're a sneaky ninja like me."


"I get better at it by being around you." She adds.

"I know." He grins.

"And once you're healed we can get some work in the ring before one of the shows again." He adds.

"That sounds good. I'm sure we can find a gym or something that has a practice ring too."

"Right. There's gotta be some around somewhere."

"We'll check it out after I see the doctor in a few days."

"Alright, sounds good."

She sets her snacks aside and shifts so her head is in Seth's lap.

"Much better." She sighs in content.

He chuckles and runs his fingers through her hair. The rest of the day was left to all the movies, which would take them into much of the night, after they were done with all of them. Seth gets up and cleans up the snacks and such. She just lays there and tries not to yawn. Even though she tries not to yawn, he could see it in her eyes that she was getting tired.

"You're tired." He states as he comes back from putting the snacks away.


"I can see it blue eyes." He chuckles.

"You know you can't hide anything from me."

"Not much. I can sometimes."

"Well you can try to sometimes."

"Right." She says, trying to stifle another yawn.

"Okay, let's get you to bed."


"I'll keep this fort up so we can use it tomorrow."

"Okay." She laughs.

"Come on." He holds his arms out.

She scoots until he can pick her up carefully. Once he does, he carries her back to the bedroom, where he sets her down once he walks in so that she could undress for bed and such. He helps her before getting changed himself.

"So, I hope you had fun today. Tried to make it fun at least."

"It was plenty of fun. I got to be with you, that's all I really want."

"Of course. I'm glad. I had fun too."

"Good." She gives him a kiss.

Then they climb into bed, and she snuggles close to him and rests her head on his chest.

"Night blue eyes."
