Lost Injustice

Raw: February 11, 2013

It was once again the beginning of a new week, but it was a fairly easy day as we didn't have to do much. About mid-afternoon we were at the arena for the show tonight. After hanging around for a bit, Cara and Seth go and find out what the guys have set out for the night at least.

"I hope you don't have anything hard." Seth frowns.

"I doubt it. They're usually pretty good about that kind of thing Colby." She pats his shoulder reassuringly.

"They won't let me compete until I'm medically cleared at least. The most I can do is an interview or a promo or something." She adds.

"Right. I can't help but worry though."

"I know." She kisses his cheek.

"I appreciate the concern."

"Of course." He nods.

"I'm only cleared for light work now so you can be assured that there won't be a match for me until probably next week or so." She says, laying her head against his arm.

"Alright, good."

"I'm just glad to get out of that sling."

"I bet."

"I know you're happy about it." She giggles, looking up at him.

"So happy." He grins.

He gives her a quick but heated kiss.

"Mmm, yeah. Very happy." She laughs.

"I'll be even happier when you're healed completely."

"I know."

"I can't wait."

"I can tell." She giggles.

They soon find who they needed, finding out what was in the script tonight. For the guys, they have an in-ring promo in the middle of the show just about.

"Ooh fun." She says.

"And we know that you and Serenity are both still healing, and that's fine. We want you both in top shape before you get back into the ring. For tonight, you're both just going to have interviews, nothing too stressful."

"Alright." She nods.

"There is one other thing. A note from Mr Hunter." The schedule guy adds, handing over a piece of paper.

She thanks him before walking away with Seth.

"What's it say?" He asks.

"Hmm. Says I'm free to give AJ a little reminder that I'm not forgetting what she did. They're thinking of putting us in a feud."

"Oh really? What do you have in mind for a reminder?"

"Prank." She smirks.

"And what's that prank gonna be?" He asks curiously.

"You'll see."

"This should be fun." He grins.

"But of course!" She grins.

"Go find Serenity and let her know?"

"There's not really much else to do so yeah, I guess so."

"Alright, I believe she said she'd be in catering right?"

"I think so."

He nods and they head in that direction. When they get there, they find me sitting at a table with both Dean and Roman, just snacking and talking.

"Yo." She greets me.

She pushes Seth into the open chair and sits on his lap.

"Hey." I greet back.

"We have interviews." She says to me.

"Ah, simple. Good. Makes the night easier."

"Mmhmm. There's a little something else too but there might be ears in here so I'll tell you back at the room."

"Ooooh okay."

"It's a fun thing." She grins.

"Must be a really fun thing if you gotta keep it a secret if there are ears around in here."

"Oh it is."

"Oh boy, I can't wait to hear this then."

"What about us?" Roman asks Seth.

"In-ring promo."


"About the middle of the show."

"That's not bad."

"What about your interviews, when will they be?" Dean asks.

"Sere's is early. Mine is shortly before your promo."

"Easy night for all of us. Good."

"Yeah, a good thing this week."


"It's nice to have easy weeks."

"That's for sure." I nod.

The guys nod too.

"You just missed Nattie by the way. Asked how we were doing since last week." I say to Cara.

"Aww, I wish I would've been here. We should hang out with her soon."

"We should."

"We'll plan a girls day or something."

"Right, of course."

"You boys will have to fend for yourself." Cara pats Seth's shoulder.

"I think we'll be okay." He chuckles.

"Sure you will." She teases.

"I can try at least."

"Right." She laughs.

"You too?" I ask Dean.

"I suppose." He says dramatically.

"Oh so dramatic."

"You'll live." I swat his cheek gently.

"Don't know if I will."

"Oh please."

"Acting like it's the end of the world." Cara snickers.

"But it is." Dean whines.

"Highly doubt that."

"It'll be fine." He chuckles, dropping the act.

"Exactly. I'm sure you'll find something to anyway."

"Of course."

"Speaking of Nattie though, she said the girls are doing a photo shoot tonight. A Valentine's Day shoot. It's too bad we're hurt, because I would've loved to be a part of that."

"They rescheduled mine for tomorrow. I got out of that sling so they're able to do mine now." Cara says.

"Ohhh, right. Lucky."

"Awesome." Seth grins.

"You'll get the next shoot, I'm sure." Dean reassures me.

"Yeah, they do things for the March madness basketball and then there's Wrestlemania." Cara points out.


"Plus there's the spotlight shoots. They may have you do one of those. Who knows."

"I know someone will enjoy that." I give Dean a look.

"Duh." He smirks.

"Maybe a little too much, depending on what they have you wear." You snicker.

"True." I giggle.

"Now I really want you to have one."

"Soon." I pat his shoulder.

"I hope so."

"I'm sure she will." Cara says amusedly.

"It's been a while since the last one, I know. Patience."

"He is horrible with patience." Roman chuckles.

"Come to realize that."

"They have that in common." She laughs, poking Seth.

"When it comes to you two, yes." He remarks.

She laughs and kisses his cheek.

"So, anything good to snack on?" She asks.

"Oh yeah, tons of good stuff." I nod.

"Oooh. I'm going to look." Cara says, getting up from Seth's lap.

"So in-ring promo tonight. That should be fun." I grin.

"Yeah, something different." Roman says.

"Act all tough and everything."

"Yup." Seth nods.

"By the way how is the foot?"

"Oh it's definitely better than last week. Not limping as much when I walk anymore."

"That's good."

"Actually have to see the trainer in a bit, so he can see how the recovery is going."

"Hope you get good news."

"I hope so too."

"You were right, so many goodies." Cara says as she plops back down on Seth's lap.

"It seems so." Seth chuckles as he sees the plate.

"I'm hungry. Be quiet." She swats his cheek.

"Well then it's a good thing you came here then." I laugh.

"Yes, yes it is."

"I probably would've texted you and told you about all the food anyway. Either way you would've ended up here."

"Tis true." She agrees.

After a while of sitting around and talking amongst each other, it was about that time where I had to get checked on by the trainer. I said that Dean and I would see the three of them back in the room when I was done there.

"Good luck." She says.

"Thanks." I nod, getting up from the table before Dean and I head out and to the trainer's.

"I have to admit, I'll be disappointed if there's not good news." Dean says as we walk down the hall.

"I know. But with you making sure I rested my foot all last week, there has to be some improvement. I mean I don't need the crutches this week, that says something."


"But I know, if there isn't good news, it'll be disappointing."

"Yeah, very."

"Cross your fingers at this point."

"Fingers crossed." He chuckles.

We reach the trainer's and walk in. After greeting him, I hop up onto bed so that he could look over my foot and checking for spots that hurt and so on. As he does the usual tests, I tell him that I was off my foot mostly all last week so it had time to heal. And that I saw a doctor too and that's why I'm off the crutches tonight, and feeling better than last week.

"It's looking good. A day or so more of rest and then I think you can start some light work."

"Great." I grin.

"Awesome." Dean adds.

"He was hoping for good news." I laugh.

"Of course." The trainer chuckles.

"Thanks for everything though. Can't wait until I'm cleared." I say as I get down carefully.

"You're welcome."

We then leave and head to the locker room where we'd be meeting the rest of them.

"Well?" Cara asks.

"Just a day or so more of rest and I'll be able to do some light work."

"That's great."

"Almost close to being cleared. I can't wait to get revenge on AJ for doing this to me."

"I can for you. A little bit anyway." She smirks.

"Oh? Is this what you couldn't tell me in catering?"


"Oooooh, tell me."

"I got a note from Hunter that said I could do something to AJ. Said they're thinking about putting me in a feud with her."

"That should be interesting."

"Oh yes. But I decided that instead of making everybody worry if I attacked AJ or whatever, that I would prank her instead. Embarrassing, funny, and best of all, it will piss her off."

"Oh yeah. Anything in mind?"

"I've seen her drink diet coke quite a bit lately." She says simply, a small smirk on her lips.

"Ohhh, I know what you're thinking of now." I grin.

She snickers evilly.

"What are you thinking of exactly?" Seth asks.

"Ever seen what happens when you put a mentos in a diet coke?"

"Maybe a few times."

"I know of a way to rig it so when she opens her drink, the mentos will fall in and then she'll get sprayed."

"Ohhh, that's gonna be great." I snicker.

"I know." She grins.

"Gonna do that tonight or another night?"


"I gotta be there when you do it."

"Alright." She laughs.

"Someone's gotta film it afterall."

"Of course." She giggles.

"So when exactly are you planning on doing it tonight?"

"Good question. I don't want to do it too early. Maybe before my interview?"


"Should be fun to watch." Roman chuckles.

"Teach her not to take us lightly, that's for sure."


"If she doesn't get that, then good luck to her."

She nods in agreement.

"She does not know who she's dealing with in you if this feud happens."

"She's in for it." Seth laughs.

"Oh yeah."

Cara just grins.

"You're gonna have fun with this."

"Totally. It's been a while since I've had a good feud."


She smiles and snuggles into Seth.

"Oh, you can go get ready now by the way." I say to Dean.

"Right." He says, kissing my cheek.

He heads in to get ready for the show.

"So I see you brought back some of the food from catering." I say amusedly as I see the plate from earlier with more food.

"I'm hungry." She whines, pouting slightly.

"Well it's all good, so I don't blame you."

She makes a face at me and continues eating. It wasn't too much longer before Dean had come out, all ready like always and took his spot next to me. Of course since it wasn't needed for now, the vest was off so the only thing covering that area was the hoodie with the sleeves cut off.

"Don't you get hot wearing that and the vest?"

"Sometimes but it's pretty easy to ignore."

"Though I think we're gonna go through so many of these vests since we'll be sweating so much in them during matches." Roman adds.

"That's true." Seth agrees.

"That's a gross thought." Cara wrinkles her nose.

"But I don't have to worry about that really. Don't have the heavy duty vests like you two do." Seth remarks proudly.

They scowl at him and she can't help but laugh.

"Wouldn't be able to pull off my ninja skills in those kinds of vests."

"True." She giggles.

"Well we're not the high flyer like you are."

"Also true."

"But your vest has so many buckles. That's the only downside to yours." Cara points out.

"Good point."

"Sweat is worse than just a few buckles." I add.

"Yeah, gross." She agrees.

"And add in the water from when you wet your hair."


It wasn't too long before the show had begun, they started with a video package featuring the guys.


We both sit up straight, eager to watch. It was highlighting the path of destruction that they have left since they debuted at Survivor Series, up to this whole thing with John, Ryback and Sheamus.

"They should start Raw out every week with a video package like that."

After that was one about Punk and The Rock. That leads into the show itself and Paul Heyman's in the ring, basically being booed out of the building.

"Oh no, why does he kick off the show?"

"Ugh." Cara rolls her eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman."

"We know!" Cara and I say in unison.

The guys snicker.

"Just let me get through this, okay? This is not how I envisioned things going down, but it's something that I'm compelled to do. So just spitting it out.....tonight is the last time you're ever going to see Paul Heyman."


"'Scuse me while I do a happy dance." Cara says.

"See, that may make a lot of you happy but I can tell you that, I may be a lot of things in my life, but I will never in my life play the victim. See, everything that I've ever done in my entire life, I've done with great passion. And I've made great sacrifices for that passion. And admittedly, my passions usually end up betraying me. For seven and a half years of my life, I sacrificed everything. I gave up my personal life, I sacrificed my parents' fortune. I did everything in my power to bring you the single most hard hitting, the single most entertaining product in the history of professional wrestling and sports entertainment and that vision that I had was called ECW. I came to WWE, and I saw the most physically gifted rookie in the history of this industry. And I sacrificed and I gave him myself. And with great passion and that's what I have to offer, is vision and passion, I turned that rookie into the next big thing. A man that you know today as Brock Lesnar. And then, then I met a man I figured was the epitome of everything that this business, everything that a WWE audience would support. I saw the future. I saw a man that I knew in my heart and my soul could eclipse even Bruno Sammartino's reign as WWE Champion. I saw a man that would headline WrestleMania. I saw a man that would carry WWE into the future, not just...not just the short-term future, but the long-term future. And that man should still be to this day your reigning, defending WWE Champion, CM Punk. You know ladies and gentlemen, you don't have to be Nostradamus to see into the future. And I can see into the future. And I can tell you ladies and gentlemen, something really bad is going to happen here. And that sort of damocles is hanging straight over my head and it is going to come down not just on me, but on every single person that's around me and that means it's going to come down onto CM Punk. And CM Punk needs to be focused."

"Well good because he's rude."

"CM Punk needs to understand that he is going to once again be your reigning, defending WWE Champion and I...I have become a distraction. Because the obsession backstage by the McMahons against Paul Heyman is going to befall upon CM Punk. The sins of the mentor will befall upon his protege, and I can't let that happen. And that's why tonight, I'm tendering my resignation. You know what's funny? You think as someone stands out here and then pours his heart and his soul out to you, that there wouldn't be a dry eye in the house. But all I see is a bunch of cold-hearted calluses. And believe me, I have a much compassion for your pathetic lives and your problems as you do for me! The one thing that I won't miss on Monday Night is the WWE Universe! Do you see what you drive me to? Are you proud of yourselves? CM Punk needs to be focused on becoming your reigning, defending WWE Champion. And I refuse to stand in his way. He is the best friend I've ever had in my entire life, and this may not be popular to say, but I love him and I will not stand in his way. And it is with that statement, ladies and gentlemen, that I tell you that I regret the fact that I can't stand out here tonight with CM Punk and let him know I will celebrate his 455th day as WWE Champion this Sunday when he beats The Rock...and for that reason...at this moment....I'm sorry...I say goodbye."

After a bit, Punk's music hits and he comes out with a look of disbelief on his face at Heyman's action to leave WWE. Once in the ring, he talks to him, inaudible to anyone else, before he gets a mic.

"What're you...Paul, what're you doing?"

"I'm in your way. I'm in your way. Vince McMahon, thinks...that I arranged for The Shield to be paid off. I didn't. And you know that."

"There's video proof jackass."

"What an idiot."

"Vince McMahon thinks that I arranged for Brad Maddox to get paid off. I didn't, and you know that. But that's his perception. Vince McMahon thinks that I had something to do with Brock Lesnar and I didn't. But that's his perception."

"Again, video evidence."

"Idiot." I repeat, nodding.

"Look, I'm not gonna let you do this okay? You're way too important to me, you're way to important to this company as a whole. Listen to these people. These people admire you. Just like I do. These people look up to you. Just like I do. Listen to em' Paul. There's a lot of Paul Heyman guys out there."

"Doesn't sound like it from all the boos."

"The way these two are talking to each other is a little bit awkward." Cara comments.

"I told you this when you first started here. In the land of the McMahon's, perception is reality. And what Vince McMahon is going to do to me....what you though Vince did at the Royal Rumble was screwing you...wait 'till you see what he has in store for us next. I don't want you to think of me as a martyr. I want you to remember me as your friend. I gotta go. You gotta let me go."

"No. No."

"I'm in the way."

"No. This Sunday, at Elimination Chamber, this bad dream we're living in right now, it all goes back to normal. Look at me. You know me. Look in my eyes. All of this goes back to normal Sunday at Elimination Chamber. It will be the 455th day of my historic title reign. I will beat The Rock! And when I do beat The Rock, you Paul Heyman, YOU will be in the corner of the reigning, defending, best in the world, WWE Champion for 455 days, CM Punk!"

"You can't keep counting the days if you don't have the title."

"They're creeping me out."

"You're right. You are 100% right, and beat The Rock you shall! And I will be there Sunday, and I will witness greatness happen before me. Because you are not only...to me a gift from the heavens, but this Sunday you will be a reigning, defending, WWE Champion..." He trails off before they hug.

"See? Creepy!"

"Yeah, just a bit."

Punk's music goes off and they pull from the hug. Heyman raises his hand in the air, and Punk does the same to Heyman to en the segment. Then backstage Mark Henry was seen going to the ring for his match, which led to the first break of the night.

"Bleh. Boring."

Of course before the match, it was revealed that as of the result of him returning last week, Rey would be unable to compete in the chamber this Sunday. After the break, Khali was in the ring along with Hornswoggle and Nattie, clearly being Henry's opponent, as he came out just shortly after. In the end it was Mark of course planting Khali with the World's Strongest Slam to pick up the win. But he wasn't done as he would get his hands on Hornswoggle and squashing him.


"Always gets picked on. Not fair."


"And don't you say anything about taking advantage of the moment and doing it yourselves as well." I give Dean a look.

He gives me a sheepish look.

"Can keep that comment to yourself."

"Will do."

After showing the matchup for one of the matches, it was another break before a Punk/Rock promo video package to bring everyone back to the show. That's when Booker and Teddy are seen backstage.

"...the World's Strongest Man Mark Henry, who is now in the Elimination Chamber."

"Even the 9-time World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton, was definitely impressive dawg, you feel me?"

They're then interrupted by Chris.

"I don't want to interrupt you guys, but I heard you talking about this Elimination Chamber. I know you're looking for World Champions. I'm a 6-time World Champion. And not only that, I've been in more Elimination Chambers than anybody else in history okay? So I think it's only fair, it's only right, it only makes sense in business and prestige to put Y2J into the Chamber."

"Book, I'm with Jericho. He's in."

"Hold on. Look Chris, everybody that's in the Elimination Chamber has to impress me as well as the WWE Universe. You can't just walk in like that man."

"I got an idea." Teddy says, before telling Booker something in his ear.

"Teddy, that idea sucks. But I'll tell you what Chris, if you can beat someone that's already in the Elimination Chamber, you're in. Your opponent...Daniel Bryan."

"Hmm, that could be interesting."

"He's good."

"He's damn good."

"He's really good. Great whiskers too. Alright Booker, how 'bout this. Tonight I'm going to beat Daniel Bryan. I'm gonna make it back into the Elimination Chamber. I'm gonna be one step closer to becoming the 7-time, 7-time, 7-time World Heavyweight Champion. Now can you dig that suckaaaaa." He does that last part, mocking Booker, making it hilarious before walking off.

"Ohhh I love him sometimes." Cara laughs.



Then Vickie was seen backstage in her office, on the phone.

"That's right. New Orleans this Sunday. It's gonna be the best pay-per-view ever. Okay, bye. Come in!" She yells to who was knocking on the door.

"Paul, I do not have time for your BS tonight. What do you want?"

"What do I want? I want you to add a stipulation to the title match this Sunday. That's what I want."

"Okay, are you crazy? Add a stipulation to the WWE Championship, without Mr. McMahon's approval? Certainly not."

"Oh come on. In Vince's absence, this show is all yours. You're in charge. You're not just the head female, you're the boss right now."

"Suck up." I sing.

"Kiss-ass." Cara agrees.

"Excuse me." She says, answering her phone.

"Yes sir, Mr. McMahon. Oh my gosh, how are you feeling? Yes sir. Yes, um, it's Paul Heyman sir."

"Give me the phone."

"Yes, one moment. You're on speaker."

"Vi...Mr. McMahon. Um...I just want to let you know...how sorry I am about what happened. That Brock Lesnar was way out of line. And that I know, what an effort you're making in rehab right now. And that you will be back here on Monday Nights in no time."

"Shut up!"

"Now you weasel, just tell me what you had in mind for a stipulation."

"Well, you know, CM Punk vs The Rock is a huge match for the WWE Championship and you know how The Rock deals with things. So I think you would agree that the Rock is going to do anything to defend the WWE Championship. And that includes winning or even losing by count out, or disqualification. So, all I'm asking sir, if you see it in your heart, that if The Rock gets counted out or gets himself disqualified, the title goes back to it's rightful holder, CM Punk."

"That's not a fair stipulation."

"Mmm, I don't know. He does have a little bit of a point there. Either of those two would do anything to keep that title if it was theirs. It is actually making it an even field." She remarks.

"That's true, but Punk has Paul Heyman helping him. The Rock doesn't have anyone helping him."

"Yeah, that's true."

"And you feel strongly about this?"

"Yes, I'm very passionate about this. Vince I would do anything...anything, if you just give me this stipulation."

"I want it in writing."

"You got it, absolutely. I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Then you got your stipulation. At the Elimination Chamber event, The Rock is disqualified or counted out, CM Punk wins the WWE Championship."

"Vince, thank you so very very much. You know, I've always thought of you as a father figure and..." Paul's cut off when the line goes dead as Vince has hung up on him.

"Hah, denied."

"Well, who can blame him for hanging up?" I laugh.

"I know right? What a creeper."

"Let's hope we never encounter him."


"Don't worry, we'll keep you two as far away from him as we can." Dean reassures us.

"Aww, thank you."

"That's what we're for." Seth nods.


"If anyone's gonna be creepy, it's gonna be us."

"Of course." Cara and I laugh.

"Though, I don't think you can be creepy at all."

"Oh they can. It's hard though." Cara says.

Of course while we were busy talking, it was time for the next match of the night and that was Daniel against Chris. At the end of what was an incredible match, Chris came out of nowhere with the Codebreaker on Daniel to pick up the win and earn a spot in his eighth Elimination Chamber match on Sunday. He joins Randy, Mark Henry and Daniel in the Chamber.

"Oh nice!"

"That's definitely going to be a good match on Sunday."

"For sure."

*That's when there's a knock on the door and I'm being called for, clearly for my interview.*

"Have fun." Car says as Dean and I get up.

"Oh I will." I grin.

"Oh boy." Roman chuckles.

"A mouthful is so going to be directed to AJ and Aksana both."

"This should be good."

We then head out the door and make our way to where the interview area is.

"I like getting to watch you do these. It's fun." Dean chuckles.

"Of course, because the feisty side comes out. Which you like." I laugh.

"Exactly." He grins.

"Just something I'm good at it seems."

"Yes you are."

We get there while the commercial break was still going on and we stood off to the side while we waited. Dean has his arms around me and I lean against him. When the commercial break is over, I'm introduced and after getting a quick kiss from Dean before moving from his arms and walking over.

"Now, we saw what happened to you and Cara last week on Raw at the hands of AJ Lee and Aksana. I'm sure what everyone here and everyone watching at home are wondering, is that are you both alright? Are you injured? And if you are, when will you both be back in action?"

"Well, yes we both were injured last week at the hands of AJ only last week. As you saw, she threw Cara into the ring post shoulder first pretty hard and she tripped me on the outside which caused me to fall and land the wrong way on my foot. But after almost a week of rest, I'm feeling much better. I'll let Cara speak for herself later. And will I be back in action soon? Let me tell you something. AJ may have stopped me for a short time, but let me tell you AJ, I'm a quick healer. Next time I see you, it's not going to be pretty. You think you're real clever, taking out two of the top Divas in this company. Well, I'm afraid you're not clever. You made the biggest mistake of your life. You don't have just one of us coming after you, now you have two and you have no idea who you're dealing with at all. So I hope you're ready, because when I'm healed and cleared to compete, you won't see what's coming. And Aksana, when I'm done with AJ, I'm coming after you. So, I would watch your back if I were you."

I look into the camera a few more seconds before walking away. Dean is leaning against the wall, chuckling.

"Like it?" I ask.

"Oh yeah."

"I can tell."

"It was entertaining."

"Of course it was."

"Back to the room?" He asks as you lean into him.

"That's the plan. Unless you had somewhere else in mind to go." I laugh.

"Mmm, not really."

"Then back to the room it is."

He nods and drapes one arm around my shoulders as the two of us walk back.

"They so do not know what's gonna hit them."


"Oh now I can't wait to do that prank on AJ with Cara." I snicker.

"I am looking forward to that. It's going to be hilarious." He grins.

"Oh yes."

"She's gonna scream." Dean snickers.

"Big time."

Before long, we're back at the room. We walk in and take our seats.

"Nice interview." Cara remarks.

"Wasn't it?" I smirk.

"Oh yes."

"I hope she was watching, I really do."

"I know."

"Can't wait for your interview tonight though."

"Oh I know."

"Neither can I." Seth chuckles.

"Of course." She pats his cheek.

"Well since it is shortly before our promo, we can all go there together when it's time."

"Sure." She agrees.

"Make sure we see it before we have to be where we're needed."


After the current break, they replayed a clip from last Monday where the guys totally destroyed Brad, before John, Ryback and Sheamus came out.

"Hah, that eye roll Rome, when John's music went off." You snicker about the eye roll we clearly saw him make as we watched the replay.

"Glad I can be funny for you." He says amusedly.

"It was just like 'oh, this guy'." I laugh.

"The 'not you again' look." I add.

"That too." I nod.

The guys chuckle and agree.

That led to the next match of the night, where John, Ryback and Sheamus would be taking on 3MB. Of course it was one of those matches where the winners would be obvious, and in the end it was the team of John, Sheamus and Ryback picking up the win over 3MB.

"This Sunday is a day I've waited a long time for. It is the day I will feast on The Shield!" Ryback remarks, before handing the mic off to Sheamus.

"For the past couple of months, all we've been hearing from these fellas is, believe in The Shield. Well I'll tell you what I believe in. I believe that even though we're facing those fellas on Sunday. I say there's no reason the three of us give out some of our own justice tonight!"

"Sheamus is right, The Shield will be here tonight. Why? Why would they come out into the middle of this ring and leave themselves vulnerable? I gotta hand it to 'em. It's a bold choice, but it's also a bad one. Because tonight The Shield meets the sword, justice meets the law, that is Ryback, he is Sheamus, I am John Cena, you want some, come get some!"

"Oh we will...Sunday."

"Yeah!" Cara says childishly, sticking her tongue out at the TV.

"And sorry John, but you three are definitely losing." I add.

"Damn right." Dean says.

"Just don't get hurt too bad while winning that match."

"Yeah." She agrees.

"We'll certainly try our best."

"Good. We don't want to see you guys hurting badly."


"We know."

They replay what happened to Big Show on last week's Smackdown with some orange paint, which was hilarious. They then show a backstage segment between Yoshi and Alex earlier today, where they were talking about the incident, and Alex called Big Show when he had the orange paint on him, the 'largest, fattest traffic cone'.

"Ohhhhh, burn." Cara laughs.

That however landed Alex with a KO Punch from an enraged Big Show out of nowhere.

"Well Mr. Grumpy."


Big Show then started to head to the ring, after Matt Striker brought him out, once his music hit and he walked out, not looking too happy.

"Big Show, do you feel..." He's cut off, as he's knocked out as well.

"Well jeez."


Big Show picks up the mic and waits a bit, making it seem like he's going to say something, but then doesn't. He tries again, but nothing still comes out. He tries a third time, but still nothing. It ends up being like that for the rest of the segment before he finally leaves.

"Pointless. Waste of time."

"Stupid." Cara shakes her head.

There was a Hall of Fame announcement before the next match of the night, which again was predictable and it wasn't really deserved, since Zack has yet again lost to another person, and that person was Swagger.

"He really doesn't deserve this." I sigh.

"Poor Zack."

"He deserves better than this. Don't understand how he can be treated so poorly."

"Because creative is full of douchebags?"

"Yeah, that's true."

"Having a slightly silly gimmick doesn't help him much either."

"Yeah, but also take into consideration of the amount of people on the roster, and they focus on certain people more than others. And the others are just used sparingly in these kinds of matches."

"Yeah." She nods.

"I want to introduce a friend of mine. He's a native and a great American! Zeb Colter." Swagger says after the match.

"Fellow Americans, I got a question for ya'. What is wrong with America? Zeb Colter knows what's wrong. Jack Swagger knows what's wrong. But I think most Americans have forgotten what is wrong with America. Years ago, me and this man's Daddy laid in a jungle in Vietnam with bullets whizzing by our heads. You know why? Because we were real patriots, we were real Americans. And now, I look around and I see a country I don't even recognize. I see people with faces not like mine, I see people that I don't even know what they're saying, they can't even talk to me. And I look around and I think, where did all these people come from? But most importantly I think, how do we get rid of them? We the people. Americans..real Americans know the truth. Zeb Colter knows the truth. Jack Swagger knows the truth. Because this is the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Not the land of the free and the home to whoever wants to cross our borders. This is a real America. It's our country, it's our land. To protect and defend. Because we are real patriots, real Americans and remember, we the people."

"Well looks like another gimmick that's gonna be annoying."


That led to Booker and Teddy watching on the monitor backstage talking about Swagger, putting him in the Elimination Chamber on Sunday.

"Alright alright. Swagger is in. And now Chris Jericho's in the Elimination Chamber match?" Dolph questions as he, AJ and Big E walk up.

"What do you care man? You're not in the match. Don't you remember when you chickened out, you lost your chance to get..."

"...he already has a future Championship match. Hellooooo." She refers to the Money in the Bank briefcase.

"Book, my point is this."

"What is your point?"

"I'm the one who got Jericho's contract terminated last August. I'm the one who's out there every single night, doing what I do best, stealing the show. Now Jericho doesn't even belong back in the WWE, let alone a World Title match at WrestleMania. If he's in, I'm in. And once and for all, I end Chris Jericho."


"Have fun trying." Cara scoffs.

"So, what you're saying is, you want back into the Elimination Chamber?"

"Uh, to stop Jericho and have two future World Championship matches, yeah...he wants in." Big E. answers for him.

"Look Ziggler, I know another man who's looking to impress me and get that final spot in the Elimination Chamber. So I'll tell you what, you'll go one on one with that man, and whoever wins, they're in."

"That's fine by us. Who's the opponent?"

"The Big Red Machine, Kane."

We both laugh at the TV.

"Ziggler's gonna get destroyed."

"Oh yeah."

"That's gonna be worth watching." Dean remarks.


Cole and Jerry then update everyone on the Brock Lesnar situation, basically what happened last Monday with him and Mike on MizTV. They then say that Mr. McMahon had successful hip surgery, before Mike comes out for a match. He's taking on Cody with Cesaro a guest on commentary. During the match, Mike would stare Cesaro down on the outside of the ring, which would result in Cesaro trying to attack him, but Mike catches Cesaro with a boot to the face. Mike then rolls Cody back into the ring, but Cesaro charges Mike from behind, shoving him into the steel ring post. Of course that ends the match in a DQ, and Cesaro takes Mike and swings him back and forth, repeatedly hitting him against the ringside barricade.

"What, does everyone have anger problems tonight?"


"And that was totally uncalled for."

"Yeah, poor Mike."

"I think if we see him when we leave for your interview, we should see if he's alright."


They cut off from Cesaro and go to when WWE went to a school and read to the kids there. Once that was done, they again advertised The Rock for tonight as they have been all night, but also advertised something from the guys, of course us knowing it was their promo in the ring later. After the break, Epico, Primo and Rosa were in the ring for the next match. Their opponents were Brodus and Tensai, as Cameron and Naomi came out first as always. As expected, in the end it was Tensai squashing Epico to pick up the win for him and Brodus.Of course there was the dancing celebration in the ring after all the wins with their matches, but Rosa didn't take kindly to that. So she entered the ring and broke up the dancing, so Naomi took care of her and threw her out of the ring, before getting dropkicked by Cameron.

"Go Naomi." Cara laughs.

"She deserved that. And if you ask me, those boots so do not going with what she's wearing."

"She has terrible fashion sense."

"No kidding."

"Yuck." She makes a face.

"She doesn't get dressed in the dark does she?" Seth chuckles.

"That would explain a lot." She laughs.

"Well she managed to put an outfit on at least. And that was only her ring gear."


"Anyways though, I believe it's time for my interview, as it seems your promo is coming up next and that's after the interview."

"Right. Let's get going then."

"When are you gonna do that prank on AJ by the way?" Seth asks as we all get up. "In a little bit."

"But don't worry, we know you wanna see it, so we'll wait until your thing is done." She adds.

"Good." He grins, kissing her head.

"I believe we may have to leave somewhat through your interview though in order to get to where we need to come out through the crowd. Just letting you know now so you don't worry why we did leave."

"I figured as much." She nods.

"Can always watch the whole thing back again later." He grins.

"That's true." She laughs.

"Because I want to see the whole thing." He chuckles.

"Of course you do. Romeo." She teases lightly.

"I'm sure you'll watch our promo all over again too as well." He smirks.

"Touché." She giggles.

It wasn't long until we reached the interview area, and you just had to wait for the show to come back from a commercial break.

"Have fun with your promo, be safe." She tells Seth, leaning up for a kiss.

"I'll try my very best." He nods, leaning down the rest of the way to give her that kiss.

"You two be safe too." I say to Dean and Roman.

"We'll try too." Roman says as they both nod.

Cara gets motioned over by a backstage employee so she gets a hug from Seth before walking over. The camera then gets turned on and it's focused on Josh as he introduces her, before the camera pans out to reveal her standing there next to him.

"Now we saw you as well suffer an injury last week on Raw at the hands of AJ Lee in your tag team math with Serenity against AJ and Aksana. What's the update on yourself and what are your plans of getting back at AJ for her actions?"

"I'm doing much better. I'll be getting back before long. As for AJ, well she'll get what's coming to her. She messed with the wrong people and she'll realize real soon just how bad of a mistake she made." She says calmly.

"Are you cleared to compete yet? Will we see you defend your title this Sunday at Elimination Chamber?"

"I'm not cleared yet so this Sunday is probably a no at this point."

"But, it won't stop me from showing up afterall." She adds.

"I'll be keeping an eye on things for sure." She says with a small smirk.

"It's being said that ever since last week, AJ's been running around saying that she's going to be the next Divas Champion very soon. Thoughts on that?"

"She can dream and she can try." She laughs.

"I just got this and it's not leaving my hands anytime soon. So once I'm cleared, I accept whatever challenge she has for me." She finishes, before walking off camera.

"Talks big for a pipsqueak like her." She says to me.

"I know right?"

"She'll learn." She smirks.

"Oh yes."

"Let's go watch our boys." She says, looping her arm through mine.

"Yes, let's." I say as we hear their music go off, and we go and find the nearest monitor to watch on since we wouldn't really make it back to the room in time.

She finds a pair of chairs to borrow and we sit down to watch.

"We are The Shield! And we stand united in this ring with the sole purpose of shielding WWE from atrocities. Atrocities like the ones John Cena commits every day. Like tonight. John Cena threatened The Shield!" Dean begins.

"Sheamus, Ryback, and John Cena. Your heroes think they're gonna accomplish something by threatening The Shield? Well in case you haven't noticed, when The Shield wants to deliver a message, we do it through action!" Seth adds.

"You're threatening us? You...are threatening...The Shield? Let's make it very simple. If you want us, come and get us!" Roman continues.

Of course they don't come out...right away anyway.

"Of course."


"Typical. Empty threat from an empty guy. An empty threat from three morally empty individuals."

"You couldn't get the job done last week with the whole roster. You could bring the whole world, and we will still be standing."

"You failed John. You failed last week. You fail every day when you get up and exist! This Sunday at Elimination Chamber will be no different. At the hands of The Shield John Cena, you will fail again."

"Pretty much." I nod.

"Mmhmm." Cara agrees.

"That's right. He will fail, because John Cena is a failure. That's why we don't like you John. You're not just a superstar, you're a philosophy. It's not what you've done, it's what you fail to do, the example you fail to set. Every day, smiling the day away in your little bubble. See, in your world there are no consequences. You can do or say whatever you want, no consequences. That's not the real world, that's not the world we live in, that's what we call...the John Cena problem."

"He's the problem. He's been the problem for the past decade. We, The Shield...are the solution."

"You see John, whether it was your intention or not, the standard you set paved the way for the Sheamuses and the Rybacks of the world. You laid the ground work John for an entire generation to believe in the system! To believe in you John! This Sunday we have an opportunity to rectify a decade of injustice in one fell swoop."

"This Sunday, we walk in together, we walk out together. You three might not walk out at all. I suggest you three breathe as much fresh air as you can now, 'cause on Sunday The Shield is gonna drown you. Believe that!"

"Believe in The Shield!"

"Oh we do." Cara says.

"Last chance boys. Last chance boys. We're right here! The Shield isn't going anywhere." Dean finishes, and they wait some more for them to come out, but then the lights go out shortly after.

"Uh oh."

When they come back on, there's John, Ryback and Sheamus and they're attacking them. Roman gets knocked out of the ring first, then Seth does. That leaves Dean left in the ring to get clotheslined. Once he's out of the ring, him, Seth and Roman try to flee but John and them come out of the ring and continue the assault and take it into the crowd, fighting all the way up the stairs of the stands before they finally are able to escape.

"I hope they're alright." Cara frowns.

"Wanna meet them halfway at least since they're on their way back?"

"Yeah." She nods.

We move from the chairs we were sitting in and head the way that they had went when they left to go to where they needed to be before the in-ring promo. Along the way we see them being escorted back. She goes straight to Seth, checking him over.

"I'll be okay."

She sighs in relief and leans against him, wrapping her arms around him.

"Great promo though."

"Thank you." He chuckles quietly, his arms going around her

"You all did great in it." I add.

"Thanks." They say in unison.

"Feeling okay enough to join us for the prank?"


"First we need to find a camera guy."

"Mwahahaha." Cara laughs evilly.

"Got the mentos?"


"Great. And there's a camera guy right there."

She walks up and quietly explains what she wants him to do. He nods and he follows us as we head towards catering where we know she'll be drinking her diet soda. Cara and I exchange looks and giggle. The camera guy starts to film when we motion him to, and when AJ is away from the table for a bit, we slip over and Cara rigs it so that prank would work, before we dash away and hide to watch. Cara has to cover her mouth to keep herself quiet. We wait until she returns to the table. It seems like it takes forever, but she finally opens it so the mentos would drop in. Seth adds his hands over Cara's as she squeals excitedly. Shortly after, it causes an eruption and the soda goes everywhere and all over her. She stands there for a minute before screaming in rage and pitching a huge fit. Of course that has us laughing hard behind our hands covering our mouths. We sneak off, leaving the camera guy there to keep filming.

"Oh...my...god." I say between laughter I've now let out.

Cara just laughs like crazy, leaning on Seth.

"We so gotta watch that back later."

"Hell yeah!"

"Think she'll get any idea that it was us?"

"We'll see." She giggles.

"Shouldn't have worn the outfit she chose to wear." Seth chuckles.

"I know! That made it even better!"

"Oops." I laugh.

"Ohhh that was amazing." Cara sighs, calming down.

"Best thing you could think of." I nod.


"Now are we sticking around until the end of the show, or leaving early?"

"Hmm, up to you boys." She shrugs.

"Maybe in a bit."

"You could change in the meantime."


We head back to the room slowly since we aren't in a rush. When we get there, Seth and Dean at least go in and get changed since Roman usually hangs around if we leave early. Cara and I sprawl out on the couches, still giggling every now and then over the prank.

"Still can't get over her reaction."

"So priceless."

"That's what she gets though." I snicker.

"Oh I know."

"So great."

"Mmhmm. I'll be laughing about it for days."

"Oh yes."

"I should do more stuff to her. Drive her crazy."

"I'm in firm support of that." I nod.

"I'll think about it."

"If I come up with ideas, I'll be sure to let you know." I grin.

"Alright." She laughs.

It wasn't too much longer until Dean and Seth came out from getting changed out of their ring gear. Cara squeals as Seth drapes himself over her.

"I say we stay for one more thing and then we leave. I'm too comfortable right now." He remarks.

"Of course you are." She rolls her eyes amusedly.

"But I'm alright with leaving early." Dean says to me.

"Afterall, early morning tomorrow if we want to get to the next city." He adds.

"Right." I nod.

"In that case, don't keep yourselves up all night." Cara remarks amusedly.

"Pot meet kettle." I retort.

"Oh don't have to worry about that." He chuckles.

"He'll behave." Cara laughs lightly.

"Oh of course."

"He knows he'll get the couch if he doesn't." She says sweetly, poking him in the side.


"Ah, the couch threat." Roman chuckles.

"Works every time."

"It does." He agrees.

"Well, then I suppose we'll see you three tomorrow." I say as I move from my spot and stand.

"Alright. Good night."

"Night." I remark before we head out.

"I'm not hurting you am I?" Seth asks Cara.

"No, you're fine." She giggles quietly.

"Alright, just making sure."

"I know." She kisses his cheek.

"You do this all the time, need I remind you." She laughs.

"I know but I just wanted to be careful of your shoulder."

"Right, I know."

"I'd let you know if you were squishing me or hurting me."


"But I think we should go soon."

"Right." He nods.

"Which means you getting motivated soon." She giggles.

"Oh darn it all." He chuckles.



After a minute, he finally gets up.

"Alright, I'm motivated."

"It's a miracle." She teases as she gets up too.

"It's a miracle alright." Roman chuckles.

"I know right?" She laughs.

"We'll see you tomorrow." She adds.

"Right. Night you two."


They grab their stuff, heading out the door.