Lost Injustice

First Date

It's finally the weekend, after the rest of the week had dragged along. Dean and I had convinced Seth to finally ask Cara out and he said that he would finally do that today. However last night I was up super late texting Dean all night. He just didn't want to go to bed, so I ended up finally going to bed around like 2 in the morning, and ended up sleeping in real late.

"Hey sleepyhead, time to get up." Cara says, whacking me with a pillow.

I grumble and take my pillow and hide under it.



"You need to shop for your date don't you?"

"I do....but I didn't get to bed until like 2am."

"Gee I wonder why."

"He wouldn't stop texting me, not my fault."

"Cute." She laughs.

"He didn't want to go to bed. I'm definitely taking a nap before the date tonight."


"Suppose I should get up then."

"Yup. Let's go."

"Give me a few minutes to throw something on."

"Alright." She nods.

I move from the bed and go through my things, just grabbing anything really. Then I head into the bathroom to change, and I make it quick since I'm not taking time to do makeup and such. Cara sprawls out on her bed to wait. I soon come out of the bathroom, and grab a pair of shoes and put those on, before grabbing my coat and pulling that on as well. She gets up and puts on her jacket. She grabs her purse and phone.

"All ready?"

"Yup, I'm ready."

We leave and go to the car, driving off to go shopping.

"So did he tell you where he's taking you?"

"No. Didn't tell me a thing."

"Ooh surprises."

"He's always been full of them."

"Yeah that's true."

"So how are things with you and Seth going? Any closer to him asking you out yet?"

"I don't think so." She shakes her head.

"Well....I beg to differ..."

She raises an eyebrow.

"Dean and I may have given him a little push to ask you out."

"Well he hasn't yet."

"I say give him time. It'll happen, trust me."

"If you say so."

After a bit of driving we get to a mall. We find a place to park and then get out and head inside.

"Where to first?"

"Hmm, well I definitely don't want to wear a dress tonight because it's gonna be cold and I won't want to walk around with frozen legs. So maybe a pair of jeans and a nice top or something."


We find one of the clothing stores. When we walk in, we split up and Cara goes and looks through the shirts while I look at the jeans. She finds a few pretty shirts and picks those up. She brings them to me.

"Oooh those look nice."

"I thought so too."

"I found a few pairs of jeans too, so I shall take everything and try them on and we can pick what looks the best."

"Alright." She nods.

We walk to the changing rooms. I go into a stall while she sits in a chair. I pair each shirt with a pair of jeans that I picked out, and then proceed to try them on. I come out to show her and we talk about how they look. I come out in the last one where the top was grey with a black design all around.

"Oooh I really like that."

"So do I." I nod.

"That one it is then."

I grin and head back in to change out of it. Once I do, I grab both and come back out. Then we go over to the register and pay for everything.

"Shoes?" She asks.

"Yes, let's go there next."

We wander into a shoe store and start looking around. And of course we keep in mind about the weather, just like we did for the clothes. "I think I found something perfect." I point out a pair of boots.

"Oooh those are cute!"

"And they're in my size too. Even better."


"Getting these for sure."

"Yes." She agrees.

"He's gonna love everything." You add with a grin.

"I sure hope so."

"He likes you, it won't matter what you wear, because he will for sure love it. And how do I know? The glances he gave you last Monday and this past Monday gave everything away."

I blush.

"Trust me. He'll be thrilled." I smile.

"You've got to tell me everything about tonight too."

"We'll see." You say.

"You'll tell me, I know you will."

I stick my tongue out at her. She just smirks. We get the boots paid for and then leave the store.

"I think I've got everything else pretty much taken care of."

"Hm okay. I want to make a run to Bath and Body though. I'm running out of a few things."

"Yes, that's a definite store to stop by." I nod.

We walk that way.

"Love this store." She sighs as we get hit with the smells when we walk into it.

"Oh I know right?"

"It's such a bad store though. I always leave with more than I need." She laughs.

"Because everything just smells so good."

"Mmhmm." She nods.

"You always go crazy in here."

"I can't help it."

"Neither can I sometimes, neither can I."

We go around and get what we want. We pay and then leave.

"I'm good now. You?"

Oh yeah, I'm good with what I got."

"Back to the hotel it is."

I nod and we leave the mall and head back to the car, putting our bags in the back seat and then get in, heading back to the hotel. When we get to the hotel, we grab our bags and go up to our room. I make sure to keep everything in the bags so that I have it all ready for tonight. I then plop down on my bed.

"I'll leave you to take a nap. I think I'm gonna go find a place to read a book." She says, picking up her book from the nightstand.

"Alright." I nod.

"Have fun."

"You too." She laughs lightly before leaving.

I kick my shoes off and get comfortable so I can get all the sleep I can before tonight. Just as I had laid down, my phone went off. I grab it from the side table and answer, knowing who it was already.

"Oh look who woke up." I laugh.

I let him know that I'm going to take a nap. He replies with an 'awww' and then proceeds to tell me that he's gonna be bored the rest of the day until tonight. I text back and tell him that he should've thought of that before keeping me up till 2am last night. He sends a text of 'oops, my bad'. I text 'uh huh' back to him and tell him to find something to do because I'm taking a nap now. He replies with 'alright, sweet dreams'. I put my phone back down onto the table, getting comfortable, soon dozing off. Cara in the meantime had found a place to read her book, sat down and started doing so. There's a small fountain nearby and the trickling water serves as a soothing background to her reading. She manages to get a lot of pages read, until she notices something sit in the chair next to her. She glances up to see who it is.

"Hi." Seth says when she glances at him.

"Hey you. What's up?"

"Oh, I was just looking for you, and I found you."


"Whatcha reading?"

"A book based on the legend of Sleepy Hollow."


"It is." She nods.

"Hope I'm not interrupting your reading."

"Its okay. I just needed something to do. Sere's taking a nap in our room."

"That tired huh?"

"Well she was up late texting Dean."

"That explains why he was still sleeping when I woke up this morning. Usually he's up before all of us."

"Ah, yeah."

"He was finally awake when I left the room to come find you."

"Ohh. I made Sere get up. We went shopping for her date outfit."


"Got some other stuff too but that's what the main reason was."


"So, why were you looking for me?"

"Wanted to know if you wanted to hang out."

"Well sure." She agrees.

"What did you have in mind?" She asks.

"Because if we're going out of the hotel, I have to run up and get a jacket and stuff." She adds.

"Right. I was thinking something indoors, here in the hotel."


"I know we did this last week, but the pool and stuff is the only thing I could think of. Plus it'll just be me and you, we can have much more fun."

"Sure, that sounds good." She nods.

"And we can stay there for as long as you want too. Since we don't have to worry about having a show to get ready for and everything."

"Yeah." She smiles.

"Nice outfit by the way." He grins.

"I know right?" She giggles, showing off her Harry Potter themed outfit.

"Just felt like it was a Harry Potter day didn't you?" He chuckles.

"Yup." She nods.

"So wanna head to the pool now or should I let you read a little bit more?"

"We can do the pool. Just have to go change."

"Meet you there? Or do you want to come up to the room with me and wait for me to get ready, and then I can come with you to yours and wait for you and we go there together?"

"The second one sounds fine."

"Alright, then shall we?" He asks, standing.

She nods and gets up after marking her place in her book.

"After you."

They head to Seth's room, walking side by side.

"Definitely can't wait until it gets into warmer weather. We can do so much more."

"I know. Unfortunately that's still a few months away."

"At least it's almost the end of the year."

"Yeah. Almost Christmas."

"What are you doing for Christmas?"

"Mmm, not sure yet."


"Usually it's just me and Sere."

"You don't go home?"

"Not really a place I want to be."


"I've had enough of being compared to my sister and enough of the comments about how I should have a normal life with the right job, husband, and kids."

"Well, as long as you love what you're doing, that's all that matters. I mean, I know it would be even better if you had family support, but....you still love what you do."

"Well I had the support at one time. My grandparents were amazing. Used to spend my holidays with them until they passed away two years ago."

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's okay, really. I miss them but I know they watch over me." She smiles.

"Of course." He smiles too.

"So it's just me and Sere on most holidays now."

"Well, how about adding three more to that list? Can't have you two being the only ones hanging out for holidays, now that we've all gotten back in touch with each other."

"Aww that'd be fun. But doesn't Roman have his own family to go to?"

"We'll see what he says. I know I'd be happy to join you for the holidays. I definitely know that Dean would. You don't know about his family do you?"

She shakes her head.

"Well his father left him and his mother, and his mother was never sober."

"Ohh. That's sad. Well you and him are more than welcome to join us. It'd be nice to have some company for once."

"I'll be sure to let him know that."

"Please do." She nods as they get to Seth's room.

He opens the door and lets her walk in first, and he follows.

"Still here I see." Seth remarks, as they both see Dean still in the room.

"Yeah...she's sleeping." Dean replies.

"Yes, because someone kept her up until 2am last night." Cara laughs.

Dean turns a little red.

"My bad."

"Shouldn't take me long to get ready." Seth says as he goes over to his things.

She nods and sits on the empty bed.

"So what were you talking to her about exactly last night?"

"Just random stuff mostly. Whatever came to mind." Dean shrugs.

"Well she's all set for tonight. Made her get up so we could go shopping."

"You'll love the outfit, I'm sure." She smiles.

"So you wouldn't tell her what the plans are for tonight...so will you tell me? I promise not to say anything."

"You sure you won't spill?"

"Yes I'm sure."

"Alright, well didn't want to end up doing something outside because of the cold weather. But keeping in mind of what she likes, what I was thinking first was the ice sculpture show that's in town."

"Ooh that's sounds nice."

"I thought so too. So after spending most of the time there, because I read that there's a lot to see there, I wanted to end the night at this cafe place. You can have coffee or whatever and they have this fireplace you can sit around."

"Aww. Sounds like a great night. She'll love it."

"That's what I'm hoping for."

"You'll be fine." She giggles.

"If only people knew how sweet you actually were outside your tough guy character."

"Don't ruin my reputation." He laughs.

"Don't worry I won't."

Dean looks to make sure Seth is still in the bathroom.

"He done it yet?" He asks in a low voice.

She shakes her head.

"Why? What's up?"

"Nothing. You'll see."


She gives him a strange look just before Seth comes out.

"Okay, I'm all set. Let's get to your room so you can get ready too."

She nods and gets up.

"Bye Dean."

"Have fun you two."

They leave and walk down the hall to our room.

"You should be quiet in case she's still asleep." Cara says.

"Right. No problem."

She uses her key and lets them in. Sure enough, I'm still out. Seth sits on her bed while she grabs a swimsuit and goes to change.

"Shouldn't take me long." She whispers.

He nods. She disappears into the bathroom. A few moments later, she comes out and gathers her pool stuff.

"Alright, we can go now."

He gets up and they leave quietly. They head to the elevators and step inside once the doors open and head down to the lobby, heading to the pool from there. They claim two chairs and put their stuff down. She kicks off her flip flops, takes off her coverup, and walks to the edge of the pool. She dops one foot in to make sure the water was okay.

"Ooh this is nice." She sighs happily, going down the stairs into the water.

"Best thing about the winter months. Heated pools."

"Oh yeah." He says as he gets in himself.

Once he walks down the stairs he dives under the water and swims to the other end, coming to the surface.

"Show off." She teases.

"Now what are you doing all the way over there?" He asks jokingly of course.

She dives under and swims to him.

"Better?" She asks him after she comes to the surface once reaching him.

"Much." He chuckles.


They swim around, goofing off a bit at times.

"Hey Cara, can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course."

"Well I really don't know how to put all this into words really. But ever since Survivor Series when we saw each other in the parking lot after so many years. I couldn't shake this feeling...."

She tilts her head curiously, waiting for him to continue.

"I realized how strong that feeling was after that night, and after how much time we've been spending together. I guess there's no other way to say this, so I'm just gonna say it. Cara....I love you."

"Say something? Please?"

She can't form words at the moment so she swims closer and kisses him. She kinds of catches him offguard, but once he realizes what's going on, he of course kisses back. He pulls her as close as he can to her. She puts her arms around his neck. She doesn't pull away until she feels like it, but when she does, she keeps her arms around his neck with a big smile on her face.

"So I'm assuming that means what I think it means?" He asks.

She nods vigorously. She leans her forehead against his.

"I feel so much better hearing you say that."

"I wasn't exactly expecting you to say it." I tell him.

"Well before we had lost touch, I wanted to tell you my feelings for you, but I was afraid. Truth be told, those feelings never really went away. I never stopped thinking about you. And then in that parking lot and every day leading up to this moment, those feelings grew stronger."

"I was the same way. Though there's one thing you should know..." She sighs, biting her lip.


"...I dated someone..."


"It was a mistake of a relationship really. I guess it was my way of testing to make sure my feelings for you were truly that deep. That and I was kind of lonely."

"So if it was a mistake relationship, that made you realize that your feelings for me really were that deep?"

She nods.

"That and he got to be a real jerk so it wouldn't have lasted anyway."

"Well you definitely won't have to worry about that with me....obviously."

"I know. I just wanted you to know about it because unfortunately, we'll run into him at some point."

"We will?"

"Yeah. We work with him." She sighs.

"Well you don't need to tell me who if you don't want to."

"I don't have a problem with telling you. Its just not something I'm fond of thinking about, that's all."

"Well when you want to tell me, I'm all ears."

"Wade." She mutters.

"How long ago was that?"

"Eh...6 months?"


"Afterwards he blew up my phone with calls and texts. That's why I changed my number."

"Right, understandable."

"Be forewarned, he isn't going to be very happy when he finds out about us."

"Let me guess...he'll get jealous awful quick? Still hung up on you?"

"Very." She nods.

"Well I suppose when the time comes we'll have to deal with it."

"Right." She agrees, scratching the back of Seth's neck absentmindedly.

"I'm sure the other two wouldn't mind joining me in teaching him a lesson."

"Of course. Only if he gets out of hand though."

"Right, of course."

"Enough about that though..." She trails off, nuzzling her nose against his.

"....right. So, I was thinking after the show on Monday, you and me could go out on our first date." He suggests.

"That sounds great."

"It'll most likely take me all day to plan because I want it to be perfect for you."

"Aww." She giggles, stealing a quick kiss.

"It feels so much better to have my feelings out there in the open to you now."

"I know. Its such a weight off your chest."


"I wanna hear it again." She says shyly.

"Well you won't have to worry about that too much because I'll always remind you every day that I love you."

She giggles and smiles.

"I love you too."

"Poor Roman though. He's gonna have to deal with two times the PDA." He chuckles.

"Poor guy." She laughs.

"Yes, poor him. But I think we'd be able to keep the PDA to a minimum around him don't you think? Try at least."

"Try is the key word."


"We both know there's going to be times when it's tough to keep our hands and mouths to ourselves." She giggles.

"Ain't that the truth."

"Though right now there's nothing stopping it."

"No, not really."

She gives him a look and waits to see what he does next.

"Well I think you've already figured out I have wandering hands." He chuckles.

"Mmhmm. I've noticed." She says amusedly.

"So glad I can do that now."

"I'm glad too." She smiles.

"I don't think you know how long I've been holding back."

"A long time."

"Very long time."

"Well now you don't have to. I also get the enjoyment of dressing up for you. Like I have been since you guys came back."

"I've been noticing."

"I had hoped so."

"Don't worry, I have been."

"You've been making it hard for me to hold back." He adds.

"Mission accomplished." She giggles.

"You and your little plans."

"Yup." She kisses his cheek.

"I think you missed."

"Oh I did hmm?"

"You did."

"Let me fix that." She murmurs, before kissing him.

He grins into the kiss, holding her close as he kisses back. Seth moves them into a corner and pins her there. She hooks her legs around him and runs her nails over his shoulders. His hands stay where they are for now and that was resting on her hips. She moves one hand and plays with his ponytail. After a bit, one of his hands move to her hair as well. His other hand starts to wander. She makes a soft noise. That causes him to smile into the kiss as he continues. Eventually though, she pulls away to catch her breath.

"Now, we're gonna have plenty of that from here on out." He chuckles.

"Of course." She giggles.

"Left you breathless I see."

"Mmhmm." She leans her forehead against his.

"I feel that I may be doing that a lot."

"Probably so." She says amusedly.

"Get out and relax for a bit?"

"Sure. Then we can get in the jacuzzi."

"Sounds like a plan."

She lets go of Seth and turns to lift herself out of the pool. Once she's out, he follows and they both go over to the chairs they've claimed.

"We could share..." Seth suggests, giving her a half smirk.

"You just want to be touchy." She laughs.


"I thought so. Yes we can share."

He sits down first and pats the spot in front of him. She sits and leans back against his chest.

"I've never been so happy than how I am with you right now."

"Aww." She smiles at him. "I'm really happy too."

"I'm glad."

She pulls his arms around her and snuggles into him.

"Much better."

More people come into the pool area, but they just ignore them, talking quietly to each other. Most of the day there passes awfully quickly and they have decided to use one of the Jacuzzis, going back to being cuddly there too. I in the meantime got woken up from the alarm I set on my phone. I grumble as I reach for my phone and shut the alarm off, before hesitantly dragging myself out of bed. I start to get ready for my date. I can't help being excited despite having butterflies in my stomach. After I have the clothes on, I head into the bathroom to do my hair and everything else. I take y time with my hair and makeup wanting it to look perfect. Once it's perfect enough for me, I head back out to get the boots on that go with everything. Just as I had finished getting them on, there was a knock on the door.

"Coming." I call as I get up.

I had already knew who it was before I even opened the door.

"You are right on time, I just finished getting ready." I say, stepping aside so Dean could walk in.

"Great. You look beautiful." He smiles.

"Why thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

"Thanks." "You're welcome."

"Figured this would be best to wear considering we're going outside to the car and everything, and it's cold out. Didn't want to wear a dress and end up freezing. Same goes for the shoes." I explain as I gather everything, pulling on my coat.

"Right. I like it though."

"Well Cara picked out the top."

"She has good taste. It looks good on you."

"Well I would hope she has good taste, because we do borrow each other's clothes sometimes."

"Of course." He chuckles.

"So, let me guess, you're not going to tell me where we're going tonight?"

"Nope. Cara says you'll love it though."

"I'm sure I will. You do know what I like anyway. After all these years you still know what I like."

"Of course."

"I mean, how could I forget when you never left my mind?" He adds.


"No one ever knew that."

I smile and kiss his cheek.

"May have used you for inspiration for some of my promos though."

"I kind of picked up on that after watching them a few times."

"You don't mind do you?" "Of course not."

"I could tell you missed me." I add.

"I really did."

"Well now you don't have to miss me anymore."

"Right. I'm glad I don't."

"Now I believe you have a date to take me on..."

"Yes. Shall we go?"

"Yes we shall." I nod, grabbing his hand.

We leave the room holding hands. We walk to his car. He opens my door for me and shuts it when I'm in. He then gets in himself and drives off. Along the way to where he was bringing me, we talked about random things here and there. It wasn't long until he stopped the car and put it in park.

"So....where are we?"

"You'll see. Everything is inside."

"Okay, well let's go then."

We both get out of the car, meeting around the front and lacing fingers again before heading inside.

"I hope you like this." Dean says as I get a glimpse of what's inside.

"Ice sculptures. The room is filled with them."

"I thought it would be something different."

"It's amazing."

"Good." He smiles.

"I can already tell from here, the swan ones are my favorite. The ones that are lit up in different colors.*

"They're very nicely done." Dean agrees.

"Could spend all night if I wanted, but I'm sure you have something else planned for after this."


"I thought so." I nod as I start to wander off to look around.

Dean stays close, still holding my hand.

"I would never be able to do this with ice. I wouldn't even know where to begin." I say in awe at some of the work.

"I know. Its amazing how they can do all this."

"And how they don't melt when they're making them."

"Yeah but its mostly helped by the coolness of the room."


"Still amazing though."

"But not as amazing as you." He adds.

"And there you go being all sweet."

"Just for you."

"Yes, I know. Because otherwise, if everyone knew, your badass, tough guy reputation would be ruined." I laugh.

"And we can't have that." He chuckles.

"No we can't. I like that side of you too anyway. And your crazy side."

"Right." He laughs.

It takes us a bit of time to go around the whole room looking at all the sculptures and how detailed they were. Once we looked at everything, we headed back out to the car to head to part two of what he had planned.

"I can't wait for part two. Part one was amazing." I say as he drives.

"Well I'm glad."

"Are you having a good time?" I ask.

"I'm having a great time. I'm with you."

"Well that's good. So am I."


"I just can't wait for warmer weather. We can do much more things for a date in warmer weather."

"We can always go somewhere warm on a little vacation too." Dean points out.

"Right. But try to find a time when we're all not busy. I think with The Shield you're gonna have a lot of things to do every week. Probably end up showing up on a future NXT TV taping too since that's where you came from. All depends on your schedule really. We've got Raw, SmackDown, Main Event, Superstars, NXT, Saturday Morning Slam, and then the once a month pay-per-views."

"I know. Just making a point though."

"I know. It's a good idea though. Keep it in mind when we're not so busy."

He nods, squeezing my hand. It isn't too long after that when we pull up to this little cafe place.

"What are we doing here?"

"You'll see."

I give him a playful little shove.

"Hey, I don't give away secrets."

"I know, I know."

We exit the car and head inside. I let him lead me, and he leads me over to where there's a fireplace and seats all around.

"Ooooh. I like the atmosphere." I smile.


"I thought so. Now you sit and I'll be right back." He says as he removes his jacket and sets it down.

"Okay." I nod, taking off my own jacket.

I sit there and wait, and it isn't too much longer when he comes back with two mugs, handing me one.

"Hot chocolate. You just remembered everything didn't you?"

"I tried to." He smiles.

"Well the night has been amazing so far."

"I'm glad to hear that. I spent a lot of time trying to make sure this was planned out perfect."

"Which is why Cara said I would love everything. You ran everything by her didn't you?"



"I wanted to make sure my plans were right." He shrugs.

"That's sweet though."

"Just for you." He gives me a lopsided grin.

I put my drink down on the table that was near us, wrap my arms around one of his and rest my head on his shoulder. Dean leans his head against mine.

"I don't think I've been any happier than I am right now with you." I remark.

"Same here. This is beyond anything I've felt before."


He nods.

"Just now that what I've wanted to do year ago has happened. And I'm kind of glad to find out you weren't with anyone else when we saw each other after Survivor Series." He adds.

"I know. I'm glad you weren't with anyone either."

"I tried. I just could never find the right person. And now I know why."


"I was just all hung up on you."

"I was hung up on you too."

"So nothing worked out for you either then..."


"Well now things will work out for you."

"Because it's you I'm with."


We exchange warm smiles. I then lean up and kiss his cheek like I have been since Monday night. Dean kisses mine in return but closer to my lips than before. We stay there until we're done with our drinks. Once we are done, we stay a little bit longer before deciding to leave since it was starting to get late. Dean drives back to the hotel.

"Too bad this has to end." You say.

"I know, but you had fun right?"

"So much fun."

"Good. The dates don't have to stop though."

"They better not." I giggle.

"They won't. Trust me."


"Because I have a feeling you'll have great ideas after seeing what you planned tonight."

"I'm full of good ideas."

"Of course you are."

Before I know it, we're standing outside me and Cara's room.

"So, I wonder if Seth told Cara."

"I don't know. I do know they were going to the pool." Dean shrugs.

"Well if things went well....she's either waiting in the room for me so I can tell her how well the date went. Or it's both of them in there and they're doing who knows what."

Dean snickers.

"Let me peek in, just in case."


I use my key card and unlock the door, peeking in.

"Well they're in there, and I think things went well between them."

"Good. They needed to get together."

"And I don't think he's leaving anytime soon. I have a feeling she's not gonna let him leave either."

"Probably not."

"Okay, so it looks like I'm not sleeping in the room tonight." I say as I close the door. "Don't mind if I stay in your room for the night do you?"

"Not at all." He smiles.

"Oh darn, I have nothing to change into for bed."

"We can fix that." He chuckles.

"Borrow something of yours, I know." I laugh.

"Yup." He grins.

"Figured. Let's go then."

Dean nods and takes my hand. The two of us walk down to the guys' room and go inside. When we walk in, we greet Roman. Dean goes over and goes through his things for something of his for me to wear to bed.

"Things went well between Seth and Cara." I explain to Roman as I wait.

"Really? That's good."

"Yeah. They're both kind of occupied in me and Cara's room and there's like no way she's letting him leave so....I'm staying here for the night."

"That's fine with me. Watch the PDA though, alright?"

"I'll keep Dean in line, don't worry."

"Good." Roman chuckles.

"When there's other people in the room, I respect them. I don't know about him over there."

Roman laughs and Dean smirks.

"You watch the PDA you."

"I'll try." Dean says.

He finally finds something and comes back over to me, and handing me the clothes.

"Thanks." I kiss his cheek and go into the bathroom.

It takes me the usual time, because I have to get get changed and wash all the makeup off. Once I'm all set, I walk out and put my things with my jacket. Dean has pulled out the sofa bed and gotten it ready for himself to sleep on.

"Is that thing even comfortable?"

"It's not too bad." He shrugs.

"Because we can share the bed or even that if you want, since you went through all the trouble to pull it out. And before you ask, I'm alright with it. I mean we are dating, nothing is really going to be awkward."

"I think the bed is the better option, if you don't mind." He says after thinking for a moment.

"I don't mind at all. I most likely would've gotten a bit lonely in the bed myself during the night and went over to you anyway."

"Good to know." Dean chuckles before going to put away the sofa bed.

"After you went through all that trouble to pull that out, only to put it back."

"It's fine. It's not even that hard to pull."

"That's because you're strong silly."

"Of course."

After the bed is put away, he puts everything back on. I had already crawled underneath the blankets on the bed by the time he was done. Dean gets in and lays close to me.

"See? Isn't this better?"

"Much." He agrees.

"I thought so. Oh and one more thing..." I trail off before leaning up and pecking his lips quickly.

"I could sense you wanted to do that earlier tonight."

"Many times." He states.

"Beat you to it." I grin.

"Yes you did." He chuckles.

He reaches behind him and gets the light, and I wrap an arm around him and move closer into his side. Everyone says their good nights and drift off to sleep. In the meantime, Cara had pulled away from the kiss with Seth for some air, and that's when she noticed the time.

"It's that late already?"

"Time flies when you're busy." Seth smirks.

"Yes, yes it does."

"I'm going to assume we are going to be by ourselves tonight. I'm pretty sure Sere will stay in your room with Dean and Roman." She adds.

"Well I'm pretty sure their date is over by now."

"Well duh."

"Let me check my phone to see if she sent me anything." She adds.

Seth nods and she leans over, grabbing her phone.

"Oh she did. She's staying in you guys' room with Dean. She wanted to give us our privacy."

"That's nice. Very much appreciated."

"She's good for that."

"Of course."

"I think I'm going to get ready for bed." She says, slipping out of his arms.

"Alright." He nods.

She goes and grabs some pjs out of her bags and heads into the bathroom. He in the meantime gets ready for bed himself. She walks out a few moments later and puts her dirty clothes away.

"Well don't you look cute." He grins.

"I figured you'd like these." She laughs, showing off her batman pjs.

"Well of course."

She giggles as he eyes her legs.

"You're staring."

"Am I? Oops."

She gives him an amused look as she gets back in bed.


"You bet I am."

"I noticed you have another tattoo." He comments.

"Two actually. You already knew about the 'Believe' behind my ear though." She says.

"Right. What's the other two?"

"This cherry blossom bracelet on my wrist is one. I like that they symbolize spring and the changing nature of life." She explains, showing him the tattoo on her wrist.

"I also like the quote from Mulan about the the flower that blooms in adversity is the most beautiful."

Then she moves and pulls up her tank top as she pushes her shorts down a little. There's a tattoo sitting by her hip.

"I got the claddagh here because I wanted to be able to see it every day. It's a reminder to myself about what I want in a relationship. Friendship, love, and loyalty."

"I know. Though you haven't really asked me out." She remarks.

"We need to fix that then don't we?"


"Cara, would you like to go out with me?"

"As what?" She teases.

"As my girlfriend."

"Yes I will." She giggles as she goes back to laying on his chest.

"May want to reach over and get the light if we're going to bed." She adds.

He nods and hits the switch, turning it off.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Night Cara."