Lost Injustice

Seth and Cara's Date

"So, big date with Seth tonight after the show huh?" I ask as Cara and I are getting ready.

"Mmhmm." She giggles.

"Have any idea where he's taking you?"

"Nope. He's made sure not to spill any details."

"They always wanna make things a surprise."

"Yup. That's them alright."

"Hopefully you won't get too banged up in your match tonight."

"I know. I don't want to be all bruised and sore."

"An easier opponent would be nice so you don't end up bruised and sore."

"Yeah, exactly."

"So are you just gonna wear that dress out when you go on the date? Or change at the arena once the show is over?"

"Probably wear this."

"I like it. Seth will love it, I know."

"Of course." She giggles.

"So I'm assuming when we get there, if they're already there, we're gonna go find them?"

"Yup." She nods.

"So you can be all cuddly."

"You know you want to be cuddly with yours too." She sticks out her tongue.

"I won't deny that."

"I didn't think so."

Once we're both ready, we gather what we need, and pull on our jackets. Then we grab our things and head down to the car. Shortly after that, we make it to the arena and go to the locker room to drop off our things.

"I'll text Seth and see if they're here yet, so we don't end up looking everywhere." She remarks.

"Alright." I nod.

She texts him and lets her know where they are.

"They're here. Let's go."

She leads the way and it isn't long before we walk up to them. They were talking amongst one another and Roman was the one who noticed us walk up, so he got Seth and Dean's attention, motioning to us.

"Hey boys." Cara greets them.

"I think you killed Seth." I say to her quietly, snickering.

She giggles.

"Neither one of them are saying anything, we killed them both." She adds.

We high five. Roman laughs.

"Alright you two, snap out of it." He tries to snap them out of their dazes.

He whacks them upside the head and they snap out of it.


"Had to snap you two out of your dazes somehow. You obviously weren't hearing me."

They both look embarrassed.

"Aww someone's embarrassed." Cara giggles.

"How cute." I laugh.

She walks over to him and wraps her arms around him in a hug.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed. You just got distracted. My bad."

"Your fault." He retorts teasingly as he puts his arms around her.

"Well this is what I'm wearing for our date after the show too."

"Looks amazing."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

She then leans up and gives him a quick kiss.

"Awww." I tease.

"Oh shush."

She makes a face at me and then lays her head against Seth's shoulder. I had gone over to Dean at this point and he too leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Now it's my turn to tease....awwww."

"Ah, shush." I laugh.

"So you guys got ready early." Cara points out.

"That's because we're going to be somewhat involved in the opening match. We're gonna be observing from an area in the crowd."


"Sky box really."


"Gonna have to go there at least some point before the show starts though."


"But we'll be back after the match of course."

"Right. Okay."

"And then until we're needed again, we're not going anywhere."


"Better just enjoy this time while we can." I add.

"Yeah." She nods.

We use the time we have with them wisely, but soon they have to head out. Cara gets a quick kiss from Seth and I get a quick kiss from Dean before they walk off. We find some chairs to sit in and watch once the show starts.

"Wonder if they'll get involved in the match."

"Hmmm, it's a possibility."


"Wouldn't really mind if they did. Don't really care much for Kane and Daniel."

"No, me either."

Kane and Daniel had gone out to the ring and just as everything was calmed down after the pyro, the camera pans into the crowd in a sky box and shows Roman, Seth and Dean standing there observing.

"You know, you guys are...you're real tough way up there aren't ya? You claim to fight against injustice. Well why don't you come down here right now, and we'll give you something to fight about!" Kane exclaims.

"I don't think so."


They don't move, instead just look on and out as Daniel and Kane's opponents, Darren and Titus. As the match starts, Titus gets the upperhand early, but that's short lived when Kane comes back and knocks Darren off the side and sends Titus out of the ring. Daniel and Kane both look up where the guys are, but the camera only shows Dean, smirking down at Daniel and Kane, while Seth and Roman cannot be seen at the moment.


"They're gonna be sneaky I think."

Daniel gets tagged in and Darren gets tagged in. Soon Kane gets tagged back in. A while after, there's a camera view over Roman's shoulder and he's in another part of the crowd, Seth is still nowhere to be found. Darren takes control of the match and tags Titus in. By now, Roman starts to get closer to the ringside area and so does Dean as they closely observe the match as Titus and Kane go at it now.

"I have a feeling Seth's going to be the only one being sneaky."

"Maybe so."

Roman had made his way down to the event floor now, looking on very closely. Daniel gets the 'No' Lock locked on Darren, and that's when Dean and Roman start to get closer to the ring. Titus comes in and breaks up the submission and Kane comes in, and takes out Titus. At this point, Dean and Roman are at the barricade. That causes a distraction and Kane gets out of the ring, but Darren hits Daniel from behind and causes Kane to fall off the side. Darren rolls Daniel up for the pin, but Daniel counters and rolls him up instead, getting the win. Dean and Roman hop the barricade and attack Kane. Then Seth comes out of nowhere and attacks Daniel from behind.

"Sneaky Seth." Cara laughs.

"He's like a ninja."


Kane got his arm stuck between the ring post and the steps, so Dean kept kicking the steps as well as Roman. Seth was going after Daniel until he started to fight back. That's when Dean and Roman hurried into the ring to help and Roman laid Daniel out with a clothesline. The three-on-one attack ensues from there. Seth helps Daniel up, and then he and Dean get him on Roman's shoulders, before delivering that triple powerbomb. They then make their exit through the crowd as Kane does his best to check on his tag team partner.

"Nice." She says amusedly.

"Too bad for them."


"But now once they get back, you get to be all cute again."

"Haha." She blushes.

"You two really are cute together though."

"Thanks. You and Dean are too."

"Which you've been saying even before we got together."

"Cuz it's true."


Soon we hear footsteps and the guys walk up.

"Nice work out there."

They all grin.

"Sneaky ninja." Cara pokes Seth.

"I think that's gonna be a new nickname for you." I laugh.

"I can live with that." Seth chuckles.

He then motions for her to get up, and she does so. He sits down and pulls her down so she's sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around her.

"Cuddly." She laughs.

"Yes I am."

Dean looks at me, silent asking if I want to sit like that too. I nod and stand for a brief moment so he can sit and then I sit on his lap as well. His arms go around me and I snuggle into him. I then decide to entertain myself, playing with the many pockets that were on his vest.

"Yes, I'm having fun."

Dean snickers.

"Good to know."

"And you're the only one without something that has pockets." Cara says to Seth amusedly.

"I'm special."

"Oh, you're special alright."

"So are you."


"Always thought you were special." He grins.

"Aww. You're sweet."

"You know I am." He kisses her quick.

She smiles and steals another one.

"Just remember you...keep the PDA to a minimum because of Roman...I want to be respectful." She adds.

"I know." Seth pouts.

"I thank you for that." Roman remarks.

"You're welcome."

"I think there's only one person we're going to have to keep reminding about that though." He gives Dean a look.

"What?" Dean says innocently.

"You know I can keep him in line. You won't have to worry." I remark.

"Ooooh." Seth snickers.

"Someone must get out of hand." Cara teases.

"Pot calling the kettle black." Dean retorts.

"Oh shush you."

Seth snickers again and Cara elbows him.

"Ow." He fakes being hurt.


"Do you know who you're facing tonight?" Seth asks you.

"Not yet." I shake my head.

"So a surprise then I'm assuming."


"Well I can't wait."

"Of course."

"Times like these though, I wish I could be out there for support though."

"I know. It's okay."

"Your support from back here is good enough." She adds, kissing his cheek.

He smiles and kisses her cheek in return.

"Because I feel the same way about you and what you do, and I'm sure I'll definitely feel the same way once you have a match finally."


"Well like you, support from back here is good enough for me." He adds.

She smiles and leans into him more. The show had come back on the air, and it was time for the first Divas match of the night. Given the problems AJ has been having with Tamina and Vickie, she would go one on one with Tamina tonight.

"Doubt that will be a clean match."

AJ tries to be quick against Tamina, but her power kind of takes the quickness out of her. Things went downhill once AJ was pulled off the top rope. But despite being punished by Tamina throughout the match, AJ would spot an opening when Tamina went for the Superfly Splash, and AJ catches Tamina with a roll-up to pick up the win over her.


"It sure pays off to be sneaky in a match."

"Yeah it does."

Once they clear the ring and after a quick break, Punk comes out with Heyman.

"More storytelling?"


"I can hear it now....blah blah blah...WWE champion...blah blah blah."

"Yup. Like always."

"And really...is it necessary for Heyman to hold that title in the air? It's like we know he's the WWE Champion."

"I know right?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman."

"No shit."

"As if your opinion mattered. And just to break a little tradition here, a little on a personal note. I was leaving home this morning to fly to of all places, Greensboro, North Carolina, and I noticed that my children of all people were reading the updated and expanded, definitive guide to WWE, the WWE Encyclopedia. Now before you think I'm out here to shill for your Christmas and Chanukah lists, I assure you that I personally don't like this book because there is not nearly enough in this encyclopedia...about your reigning, defending WWE Champion CM Punk."

"That makes it all the better to read then."

"However...however, to give credit where credit is due, there was something inside this encyclopedia that CM Punk and I have been too busy to even notice. And that's the fact that today being number 379 of CM Punk's uninterrupted reign as your WWE Champion, tonight at midnight, CM Punk will tie and tomorrow night at midnight, and here's the key phrase. CM Punk will surpass John Cena as the longest reigning WWE Champion of the entire modern era. See I don't like your reaction to that, because what that means is that CM Punk took his massive sole credit as the longest reigning WWE Champion of the past 25 years. The longest reigning WWE Champion of the past quarter century. Which means now ladies and gentlemen, you're gonna have to agree with me when I say to you that CM Punk is not only your champion, and not only the best in the world. But now there is no argument against the fact that CM Punk should be front and center on WWE's verison of Mount Rushmore."

"Psh. Whatever."

"You should be. There's no argument against it."

"And yet here I stand before you all, STILL unfairly persecuted! I have proven for one whole year that am the best in the world and that is not just a slogan you put on the back of a T-shirt! Jerks! That's a fact! If there was a Mount Rushmore for the WWE, the face that would go above the Hulk Hogans, the John Cenas, The Rocks, the Stone Cold Steve Austins, the Undertakers, it would be mine! Yet you people are so classless and unintelligent that you won't give me the respect that I deserve. Well here's another fact for ya. At Hell in the Cell, I defeated Ryback. At Survivor Series, I defeated John Cena AND Ryback. So pray tell why at the TLC pay-per-view am I forced to defend my WWE Championship in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match against Ryback, AGAIN. It's because of all of you. All of those who originally turned their back on me who now turn a blind eye to all my monumentous accomplishments. It's people like you baldy who can't hold a job for 365 days, let alone hold onto a title. It's all of you people whose marriages don't last the entire length of my WWE Championship reign! You people want to hold a magnifying glass up to me and my life in hope to finding some sort of a crack or a blemish or an excuse, so you can justify why all your heroes cannot, will not ever beat me! First it was Paul Heyman. A middle-aged father of two. Sure, that's the reason. You're the reason Paul, you're the reason why I'm the WWE Champion. And then it was rogue referee Brad 'Mad' Maddox. Sure sure, he's the reason, that must be...no no, wait wait, that wasn't it. Oh no, now it's the group...it's the group of gentlemen that call themselves The Shield. That's it, The Shield...The Shield is the reason why I'm the WWE Champion. In fact, if it wasn't for The Shield, I wouldn't be WWE Champion right now."

"That may be true."

"Yeah but that's about it."

"Yeah, that's the only thing I agree with."


"And that is a lie." Punk adds.

"No it's not."

"You want the truth? Greensboro. You want to know the truth? The truth is, if it wasn't for ME, none of you would be here today. Because I'm the reason that you bought a ticket to come see Monday Night Raw. CM Punk is the reason you tune in every single Monday Night. If it wasn't for me, you people would have nothing to look forward to on these dismal three hour Monday Night Raws!"

"A little full of yourself there assface?" Cara gives the TV a dirty look.

"And I'm getting sick and tired of repeating myself so I will say this one more time. I have nothing to do with Brad Maddox, I have nothing to do with The Shield, but you better damn believe I got everything in the world to do with being the hottest thing going in the WWE today, and if you can't handle that, if you can't accept that, then you're all in denial and I want you to put your money where your mouth is. Go ahead. Change the channel, turn your TV stations off. I'll tell you what, everybody here why don't you get up and get out of my arena right now!"

"I'd rather punch you in the face."

"I second that."

"Feisty." Dean laughs.

"Shut up...." I start to blush and hide my face in his neck.

"Nope." He chuckles.

"Leave! Leave if you don't like it!"

And that's when Mike comes out to interrupt him.

"Thank god."

"Get 'im Mike."

"Really? Really? Really? Really? You're gonna tell these people to get up and go? Really?! I say sit down and enjoy yourselves."

"While you're talking about best in the world, Brad Maddox, The Shield, nobody believes you Punk. Honestly, come on. Really? I mean you sit there and you talk about all these lies, but we all know the truth."

"Exactly who do you think you are to come out here and cast judgment on me?"

"Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?! Who am I?! See I'm the guy who cheated, I scammed, I took all the shortcuts possible when I was WWE Champion, but at least I have the guts to admit it. See everyone knows Punk. Everyone knows that Brad Maddox was in your back pocket at Hell in the Cell. Everyone knows that The Shield bailed you out at Survivor Series. And last week, if The Shield didn't bail you out yet again, Ryback would've fed him some Punk."

"Mike if you wanted to come out here and question my credibility, you can march down here in your Gucci shoes and get in the ring, and I'll prove myself to you right now. By putting my knee to your face and putting you to sleep."

"Actually these shoes are Louboutin thank you very much, but proving your credibility in that ring is exactly why I came out here. See, I don't need to fight or wrestle, we can do that any time. See I came to challenge you to come on the most must see WWE talk show in history MizTV and prove that you have nothing to hide. Prove that you are in no association with The Shield by taking a lie detector test."


"Oh and I have contacted the Guilford County sheriff's department, and they were more than happy to give me the technician and any electronics to do so, so what do you say Punk?"

"Uh...let me get this straight. You want to subject the reigning, defending WWE Champion, the best in the world to your little three ring circus? You want to put a live microphone in the hands of an uninhibited public speaker three inches away from your face on live TV, when you know how CM Punk feels about you behind the scenes. Is that what you're proposing Mr. Mizanin?"

"That is exactly what I'm proposing you human walrus."

She snickers at the walrus insult.

"Heyman if I wanted you to talk, I'd throw you a fish."


"But CM Punk...wait...." Mike stops when the crowd starts chanting 'walrus'.

"Hey, I'm not gonna stand here and let the good people of Greensboro call my friend a walrus. I want you all to apologize right now. This is ridiculous. Ridiculous!"

"We are sorry he is a really really big walrus."

"Really." Cara nods.

"And Punk, that is exactly what I want. You with a live mic, live on MizTV with me, with a live mic, live on national television, bring your best pipe bomb!"

"This has been absolutely ridiculous. Lie detector test, I think this is a joke."

"But understand that I'm giving you exactly what you want. I'm giving you a chance to clear your name. Cement your legacy and shove it in everyone's faces that say that you are not the best in the world. Unless Punk, maybe you're afraid of the truth. And you would rather just keep walking by with an asterisk on your records, including your 379 day WWE title reign asterisk."

"You want the truth?! Fine! Fine you little idiot, I'll take your stupid test. But after I do that, I will prove that whether it's in the ring defending my title for the 379th day, or taking your little test and just telling the truth, that I am what I say I am, the best in the world! And then you and all these people in the world are just gonna have to admit it."

"Well thank god that's over."

"No kidding."

"Wish we could've muted the TV, but we would've still heard him."


"I would have loved to just go out there, punch him in the face and then leave. That would shut him up."

"Yup." She nods.

"Oh, I can't wait to see the lies he tells."

"Should be good."

"You still hiding over there?" You laugh when you see my face is still hidden in Dean's neck.

"I'm comfortable." I mumble.

"Ah, I see." She giggles.

"Or are you still red from what he said?" She adds with an amused look.

I reach over and swat her arm. She just laughs.

"Seth....make her stop...please?" I ask him.

"Come on, leave the poor girl alone for a while." He nudge me, chuckling.

"Awww, you're no fun."

He raises an eyebrow and gives her a look that immediately makes her blush.

"I'll stop."


The next match of the night would be a huge tag team match, where John would team with Sheamus to take on Ziggler and Big Show. But in the end, it was Sheamus hoisting Big Show up for White Noise and at the same time, John would drop Ziggler with the AA to pinning him for the win for him and Sheamus.


"Not really interesting."

After a few things, Damien was in the ring and was going for transforming another fan into his so called apprentice.

"Oh god, not this."

Cara rolls her eyes and then lays her head against Seth's shoulder.

"This is just a way to make everyone feel stupid."

"Pretty much."

He selects a member from the audience to enter the ring before explaining to him that he will ask him three questions. If he answers them correctly, he will prove himself worthy of an apprenticeship. The first question asked, was that the chemical formula H2O applies to.


"Stupid question."

The fan gets it right and question number two was who the first president of the United States was and he answers right again answering George Washington. The last question was, what famed English poet wrote, ‘much have I traveled in the land of gold'. The fan admits that he does not know the answer and Sandow screams that the answer is “John Keats”, calling the fan an “ignoramus”! Sandow continues to berate the fan, saying that he won the “idiot of the day” award and sending the fan off with a quote of his own, “ignorance is curable, but stupid is forever”! Sandow then tells the fan to leave his presence and leave the building, saying that the fan should be “exiled” from the United States of America. While the fan takes a walk of shame back to the crowd, Santino comes out to confront Sandow, asking an intelligible question about seashells. Sandow answers that the most popular type of seashell is a “bivalve”, but Santino says that is the wrong answer. Santino claims that the correct answer is the “conk shell” before Santino tries to pop Sandow in the head with the microphone, but Sandow sees it coming and blocks the shot, dropping Santino with a right hand, before exiting the ring.

"Conk? It's Conch, Santino."

"Close though."

"That's what makes him funny anyway."


After taking up an issue with Damien's individual education of a fan, Santino would go one on one with him. In the end, Santino would learn a lesson at the hands of Damien, who drops Santino with the Terminus to pick up the win.


"Poor Santino."

While we wait for the next break to be over, one of the backstage attendants came and found us, but was only looking for Cara. They said that her match would be coming up soon, so she needed to get ready.

"Aw, I have to move." She pouts.

"But I'll come with you." Seth offers.

"Okay." She agrees, untangling herself from him.

"Have fun." I grin.

"I will." She says amusedly.

She moves from Seth's lap and stands. He gets up from the chair himself and laces his fingers with hers, and then they head to the locker room so she can get ready. She lays her head against his shoulders as they walk.

"Still can't possibly express how excited I am for tonight after the show is over."

"I know, me too."

"I just wonder what you're surprising me with."

"You'll see." He smirks.


"Hey you like surprises, I know that."

"Well yeah but I'm really curious."

"Curious is still good."

"Yeah yeah." She says as they make it to the locker room.

"Well, I shall be right out." She adds.

Seth nods and she kisses his cheek, going inside to change. She doesn't take too long, and once she was all set, she walks out of the locker room. She puts on her signature leather jacket and leaves it unzipped.

"All ready."

"I love the jacket."

"Isn't it great?" She grins.

"It is." He nods.

He grabs her hand again and she slides her fingers between his. They start heading towards the curtain.

"You'll win this match for sure."

"I hope so."

"I know you can win this." He nods.

"You're sweet." She smiles.

"That's what I am outside character." He grins.

"Yes, I know."

"I like you in and out of character." I add.

"Obviously." He smirks.

"I see that smirk."

"You know you just don't like me." Seth says confidently.

"Mm, tis true." She giggles.

"Mr. Confident." She adds.

"If you didn't have a match to get to, I'd show you just how confident I am." He gives her a look.

"Ooooooh." She teases.

"Might just save that for later."

Seth pulls her against his side and she lets go of his hand to loop her arms around his waist.


"Always." She laughs.

"You're like a teddy bear yourself anyway so of course I'm cuddly."

"Of course." He chuckles.

It isn't long before they hear her music start.

"Well that's me."

She kisses him quickly.

"Love you."

"Love you too. Good luck."

She smiles and disappears through the curtain. She does the usual on the stage before heading down the ramp, slapping a few fans' hands before she reaches the ring. She enters the ring and does the usual in-ring routine before stepping back and waiting to see who her opponent would be. It takes a while, but she hears the joint music of Primo, Epico and Rosa...Rosa being the one who comes out.

"Ohhh this should be easy." Cara smirks, getting warmed up in the ring as Rosa makes her entrance.

She waits until she gets into the ring to approach her. The ref holds her back as Rosa gets ready for action. Once both were ready, the bell ring and Rosa starts to dance around, giving the crowd a show. Cara rolls her eyes and when she turns around, Cara clotheslines her hard. Rosa holds her head as she starts to scramble away.

"Really?" Cara laughs to herself and grabs Rosa by the feet, and she screeches.

She flips over onto her back and tries to kick Cara away, but it doesn't work. She holds onto the middle rope in the corner, hoping that Cara would let go. But she doesn't she hits Rosa with an ally-oop. She the pulls her away from the corner and goes for the cover, Rosa kicking out at two. Cara just laughs and helps Rosa up by the hair, getting her under her arm and delivering a DDT. She goes for the cover again, but Rosa manages to kick out. She brings her over to the ropes, her neck against the bottom one and she stands on her back, letting go before 5. She pulls her away from the rope, and gets her in a facelock submission. Rosa being the weakling can't take much more and soon taps out, Cara becoming the winner.

"Here is your winner, Cara!"

She goes and poses in the corners before heading backstage. As soon as she walks through the curtain, she's engulfed in a hug.

"Hi to you too." She giggles.

"I'm just happy you won."

"I can tell. It was a really easy win though."

"But a win is a win nonetheless."

"True. I just feel more accomplished when I win over Nattie or someone decent you know?"

"Right right." He nods.

"You're lucky since that means I'm not sweaty." She laughs.

"I would've been right here with a towel for you if you were."

"Aww." She smiles.

"That's how much I care."

"I love you too." She giggles, rubbing her nose against his.

"Gonna head back and change out that or keep it on for now?" He asks.

"I'm good for now I think." She says.

"Well good...because I love it too much anyway." He grins.

"Of course you do. More skin to touch." She teases.


"Mister wandering hands." She adds since that's exactly what he's doing.

"You know I can't help it."

"I know."

"Shall we go back to the others? We can take our time if you want. So I can take advantage of the time we have before we have to keep everything to a minimum around Roman."

Sure." She laughs.

Then she and Seth start to head back to where the rest of us are, taking their time. Still arguing backstage in Vickie's office, Vickie wanted to know why she should give Brad Maddox a WWE contract, citing his alignment with CM Punk at Hell in a Cell.

"Uh first of all CM Punk had nothing to do with that, you know that was all me. Secondly, your legacy as one of the most powerful and influential women in the history of the WWE, in history, speaks for itself. And you've earned that. Not just with your vision, and leadership, your management skills, but also with your eye for talent. And more importantly, entertainment. And it don't get much more entertaining than YouTube sensation Brad Maddox. I am entertainment. You put this face on Raw, and it goes from good TV to great TV."

"How about great TV to boring TV? You're boring." I roll my eyes.

"No kidding." Dean agrees.

"It's great TV when you guys are on now."

"Glad you think so."

"Okay. I'll give you a match tonight. And if you win, you earn your WWE contract."

"Alright, thank you Vickie. Oh, who is my opponent?"

"You'll find out when you get there."


"Oh and Brad, I promise you it will be great TV."

"I know, I'll be on it."

"Whoever you face will outshine you."


"Highly doubt he's winning and getting a contract."

"Doubt it."

"Wonder what's taking Seth so long, we're gonna be needed soon."

"Another attack?"

"You'll see."

"Aww then I'll have to move when the time comes. And I'm comfortable."

"Sorry." Dean chuckles.

"It's okay. You being just adorable makes up for it. Plus, I'll be right back in the same spot when you get back." I kiss him quick.

"Of course." He grins.

Then up next we would see Sin Cara go one on one with Alberto Del Rio. At the end of an intense back-and-forth war, it was Del Rio negotiating Sin Cara into the cross armbreaker, forcing Sin Cara to tap out to pick up the win.


"Sooo boring." I add.

"What's boring?" Cara asks, when she and Seth finally walk up.

"Dorito versus Sin Cara." I replay.

"There you two are. Took you long enough." Dean says.

"His idea, not mine." Cara shrugs.

"Wanted as much time alone before we got back here."

"Didn't realize there were so many good hiding spots." Seth adds, smirking.

She smacks Seth on the shoulder.

"Seth! They didn't need to know that!"

"You didn't happen to stop by any of those hiding spots did you?" I laugh.

Seth's smirk widens and she starts blushing.

"You say nothing." She tells him.

"I don't have to." He laughs. "Your blushing says it all."

"I don't want to know." I laugh.

She hides her face in Seth's shoulder. After the break, Vickie was already in the ring, and Vince had come out. Vickie asking everyone to clap.

"Suck up."

"Just a bit."

"Mr. McMahon, you look...quite handsome tonight."

"Thank you Vickie. You look rather...almost...uh...semi-cumley. Now about this TLC pay-per-view and the matches that you're contemplating making. I'm wondering if you-"

"-Mr. McMahon I have the best match for TLC. John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler!"

"That's a good one."

"It's gonna be epic."



"But if you really wanted to make it epic Vickie, then you would add like...a stipulation of some kind. Let's make it big, come on."

"I have the perfect one. Cena vs Ziggler at the TLC pay-per-view in a...no disqualification match."



"Vickie, let's try a little harder on this. I mean the name of the pay-per-view is Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. Just not the no disqualification pay-per-view. Let's...let's try a lot harder. Think. Come on Vickie, it's coming to you, think about it. Big, come on." He states, before saying something in her ear.


"Now that's better."

"Good job! Good idea!"

"Mr. McMahon. I'm sorry, with all due respect sir um..that seems impossible, because Dolph and Cena are not Champions, and you have to have champions to be in a ladder match, and....you have to have something to reach for if you're gonna climb a ladder."

"Well, I didn't think of that um...let's see if we can find our way out of this. What if hanging above them, maybe there's a briefcase of some kind."


"Oh man."

"As in...Money in the Bank briefcase."

"Well I just think that's a great idea Mr. McMahon, but I am so worried what others are gonna think of this being so unfair to Dolph. I mean, John Cena can gain everything and then Ziggler could lose everything."

"Isn't that the point?"

"Uh yeah."

"I...please....I...this is not fair."

"Unfair...you mention unfair. Do you think it's been fair to everyone here and everyone all over the world for you and Dolph Ziggler to perpetuate this crap about the AJ scandal with she and John Cena? Is that fair?"


"Finally someone calls her on that."

"Don't you think you owe them a little something more than just an apology? Like making this match...official."

"Um...okay so. Uh Cena vs Ziggler....in a TLC pay-per-view for...a Money in the Bank ladder match!"

"You got it, way to go Vickie. Have yourself a good rest of the night."

"Oh...Mr. McMahon, I just want to thank you for your time and you can be dismissed now. Anyway what I wanted to say to everyone is..."

"Vickie, I got here a little late, I got a little business in town. I understand that there's a lie detector test going on tonight."

"That's correct."

"So, what if CM Punk were proven to be a liar about Maddox and about The Shield being involved in some of his prior matches. Shouldn't there be some sort of action taken against CM Punk?"

"I think so." I nod.


"That's...that's a great idea. Um.."

"He should be punished. No one likes a liar Vickie."

"Oh no sir. Lying's bad."

"So, what would the punishment be?"

"Um...let's see if...if Punk is found to be lying, then we must destroy the mastermind behind all this. Who is Paul Heyman. And Punk is a Heyman guy. And Punk would not put his guy in any harm's way."

"No he would. No he would not, so therefore, come on, come on."

"If Punk is found to be lying, then next week we will have a match. Um...Paul Heyman vs Ryback."

"Let's hear it for Vickie!" He exclaims before his music goes off and he leaves the ring.

"Oookay then."

"Well good. I'd love to see Heyman get his ass kicked."

"Well yeah, it's just random though. He needs a good beatdown though."

"Vickie was just saying all that to please the boss, so she wouldn't get fired."


"So why were you wondering where we were anyway?" She asks.

"Oh, the three of us are going to be needed soon." Dean explains.


"And they won't say what they're doing." I remark.

"As usual."

"Great job in your match by the way, even though it was Rosa."

"Thanks." She says, moving away from Seth to sit back in her chair.

"Hey Seth, you've got to tell me about these hiding places you found."

"Dean!" I smack his chest.

"Oh come on, like you aren't interested." He laughs.

"Now's not the time...." I trail off, giving him a look.

"You just got told." Cara laughs.

"Won't discuss it now, don't worry." Seth laughs.

"Boys." Cara shakes her head amusedly.

"But you love us."

"Mm." We exchange a look.

It was now time for the next match, and it was Brad's contract match. He waits in the ring and his opponent turns out to be Randy.

"Oooh, no contract for you once this match is over."

"This won't take long."

"No, not really."

A bit into the match, the guys had started to get ready to go.

"Gonna have to move now, so I can get up Sere." Dean gets my attention.

"Awwww." I pout.

"I'll be back."

"I know, but it was comfy." I say as I get up.

"I know, I know."

He gives me a kiss before I sit down. Seth leans over and kisses Cara. She presses her fingers to a spot right over his heart as a silent way of saying 'I love you'. He then leans in next to her ear and whispers only for her to hear that he 'loves her too'. Then all three of them walk down the hall, disappearing around the corner.

"What was that about?" I ask curiously.

"Things got deep quick." She blushes a little.


"The night we got together, he didn't just say he had feelings. He said those three words."


"Obviously I said it back and well, it definitely feels serious."

"That's so sweet."

"Nothing like it was with you know who."


"I know it's quick, but I definitely have the feeling that Seth is it for me."


She blushes but she has a content smile on her face. We turn to look at the TV screen when we hear the bell, Randy's music going off.

"Aww too bad Brad."

And just as his hand was raised in victory, Seth jumped onto his back and attacked him, as well as Dean and Roman.

"Wonder what this is about."

"Who knows. Maybe it's an injustice that Brad didn't get his contract?" I shrug.


Of course, they end the attack with the Triple Powerbomb, before exiting the ring.

"Oh well."

"Not overly upset about it."

"No. Though at some point they'll probably do it to someone we do like." She points out.

"Right. Can't say I'll be very happy."

"Yeah but I'm kind of expecting it. I won't be thrilled but I won't be pissed."


"Not worth kicking him out of bed for. I'm getting used to him there now."

"Oooh. Is he spending the night in the room again? Or are you going into the room he shares with Dean and Roman?"

"That's up to him. I think he really wishes we had a private room." She giggles.

"I'm sure he does." I laugh.

"He really has a hard time watching his hands around Roman." She snickers.


"I'm actually surprised that I've gone unmarked. He's been eyeing my neck."

"It's coming, I'm sure."

"Oh yeah. I know it, especially when you know who makes his appearance..."

"You told him then about you know who?"

"Mmhmm. I told him that same night, I didn't want to hide that from him." She nods.

"Right, of course."

"I know he's going to get possessive. With him I don't mind though."

"Because you feel safe with him."

"Very." She agrees.

"Well that's good."

"So how are you and Dean?"

"Oh we're good. I think he too wants us to have a room to ourselves after ending up spending the night in our room that one night and then spending the night in the guys' room after our date the other night, too."

"Looks like Roman might get his own room next city." Cara giggles.

"After the date that night, Dean was gonna sleep on the pull out couch, and let me take the bed, but I persuaded him otherwise."

"Ooooh." She teases.

"Told him it wasn't gonna be awkward or anything if we ended up sharing the bed. I mean we are dating now, things can't be awkward really."

"Right, of course."

"I think he's gotten used to that idea now."

"Well good. A cuddle partner in bed is always nice."

"He's a cuddler alright." I laugh.

"Awwww." She laughs too.

"What's funny though is when he woke up the next morning, his hair was a mess. Bed head."


"It's fun to mess with."

"Seth's is fun to mess with too." She giggles.

"What's fun to mess with?" He asks as they all come back down the hall towards us.

"Your hair." She replies.

"Yes, of course it is." He chuckles.

"Yours is too." He adds, tugging on hers gently.

"Yes, I know." She giggles, before getting up so he can sit and she can sit back on his lap.

He does so and she gets comfortable, leaning against his chest. I've ended up back on Dean's lap as well.

"You're being touchy you." I say to Dean.

"Can't help it." He replies.

"Of course you can't." Cara snickers.

He makes a face at her.

"I think you may be getting a room to yourself in the next city Roman." I laugh.

"Great. Peace and quiet." He smirks.

"Him and Seth are that bad huh?" I ask amusedly.

"They don't shut up about you two."


We smile at Dean and Seth.

"Isn't that cute."

Cara leans up and kisses Seth's cheek.

"Well you can get a break from that, because they're both really wanting seperate rooms with us."

"Sounds good."

"Finally." Seth remarks.

"I know you're oh so excited." She teases.

"I so am."


"But you love me anyway."


"Think you can last one more night without me in the same room Dean?" I ask with an amused look on my face.

"I think so."

"Gonna keep me up till about 2am again?"

"I'll try not to."

"Keyword being try."

He looks sheepish and we all laugh.

"I would shut my phone off at night, but I'd probably wake up in the morning with a million texts from you."


"You goof."

"Your good." Dean kisses my cheek.

"Yes, now you are. And I'm happy."

"Me too."

Then backstage, Vickie is arguing with one of the refs about everything and anything, basically about not being found guilty of having something to do with The Shield. That's when Ziggler comes in pissed off...majorly.

"What....the hell...are you doing? You put my Money in the Bank contract on the line? In a ladder match?"


"This happened once before Vick. Remember? AJ? She made me defend my contract against-"


"...Chris Jericho?"

"You wanted this match. All I did was add the stipulation. What did you expect? Mr. McMahon was standing right next to me!"

"Vick, I thought we were on the same page. We both, you and I, we said AJ was nothing more than an ungrateful, power hungry amateur. And you know what? You're becoming just like her."

"Oooooh burn."

And just as he leaves, Heyman walks in, and he and Vickie have a silent staredown.

"For your sake, you better hope that Punk is telling the truth." She states and Heyman leaves with a smirk.

Then there's a knock on the door and John comes in all smiles.

"Somebody said that you wanted to see me. I'm interested, but it'd probably last for two dates, then be a bigger disaster than Dolph Ziggler forgetting the five moves of doom. I'll tell you what, I'm feeling pretty good, 'cause you actually made a great match. Ziggler vs Cena at TLC, Money in the Bank briefcase on the line, I didn't really know that this would happen but thanks Vickie Guerrero. Thank you. I know that look. But see, I have a look of my own. I'm the only one as Punk talks about his historical title reign. I own the piece of history of being the only guy to ever cash in that briefcase, and fail. Mark my words, when I get that briefcase, I will...become champion. So I just want to say thanks. Thanks."

"Hold on John. Um...last week, I have the PAs clean out the Divas locker room, and um...they found these in AJ's locker." Vickie says, holding up two customized bows in John's colors and his picture in the middle of them.

"I think those are cute if you ask me."

"And you know John, I'm not trying to expose you, I mean I could care less about you. But I am going to warn you. AJ gets obsessed every time she gets involved with a...a guy. It's pathetic."

"You know what's pathetic?" He asks, taking the bows from her. "These. They're the wrong color, obviously a hack job, and you have wasted everyone's time with lies and crap. For weeks now, I get it, you can't leave well enough alone."

"Well you know, if you can't learn from your past, history will just keep repeating itself."

"She should talk."

"I know right?"

"She's been with Ziggler since like 2010 right? Her past has been all about using her power to get a man. Shocked she hasn't dropped Ziggler for someone else already."


"If anyone's pathetic, it's her."


"So, you're all still in your gear...not done for the night yet?" Cara asks.

"Not telling."

"Well the show's almost over....it's got to be at the end of the night..."

They don't say a word.

"I have a feeling we're gonna have to move again."

"Awwww." She grumbles.

"Well if we're gonna have to move, might as well go back to the locker room so you can change and we can get our things, when we do."

"Yeah." She reluctantly agrees.

"But then that means you go on your date." I grin.

"This is true." She giggles.

"Still keeping everything a surprise huh Seth?"

"Of course." He smirks.

"It's killing me, I want to know." Cara whines.

"You don't have long now." He chuckles.

"I'm sure it's going to be amazing."

"I can't wait."

"Me either. But why don't you go with Serenity and we'll meet back up after that okay?" Seth says.

"Awww, okay."

She pouts until he kisses her cheek.

"You'll be seeing what we're doing soon anyway."


She gets up and taps over his heart.

"You be careful."

"I'll try my best."

She nods and looks over to me.

"Alright...gonna have to let me go now touchy."

"Darn." Dean kisses me before letting go.

"You be careful too."

"I'll try."

"As long as you do that."

"We will."

I nod and then Cara and I head off back to the locker room so she can change back into her dress. The walk there is quiet, both of us lost in thought. When we get there, we get there just in time for the lie detector test being done on Punk.

"This should be interesting."

"Very." I nod.

"Welcome to the most must see WWE talk show in history, welcome to MizTV! Please say hello to Mr. Frederick Abramson. Hello. He is from the Guilford County Sheriff's Department. You got to celebrate the Sheriff's Department, come on! Now despite mounting evidence to the contrary, my guest claims that he had nothing to do with Brad Maddox helping him defeat Ryback inside the Hell in the Cell. And he says that he claims that he had nothing to do with The Shield helping him defeat Cena and Ryback at Survivor Series. Hmmm, interesting now isn't it? But I'll tell you what, tonight, we are going to get answers through a device that every good talk show uses when they need answers, a lie detector test. So ladies and gentlemen, please welcome at this time, the WWE Champion, CM Punk!"

Punk comes out and takes his time in coming to the ring. Once he is in the ring, he steps over to the table.

"Welcome to MizTV Punk. Have a seat and let Mr. Abramson strap you in. See, the lie detector test is simple by nature really, uh..it measure deception through several psychological indicators. Such as-"

"-yeah Miz, Miz, I know what a lie detector test is, I know how it works. The only thing simple around here is your jokes. Yeah, strap me up and ask me if I think it's stupid that his microphone is upside down, go ahead. Tell me, ask me if I'm lying. Yeah your sophomoric attempt to try and disparage my character Miz, you know you kind of shocked me. You're just like everybody else here. Why don't you suck up to them a little bit more huh? Huh pal? Why don't you cheer for The Miz a little bit more, you people should be embarrassed of yourselves. You, just like them see my success and you wear the envy worse than you're wearing that...two-for-one Men's Warehouse job you got on right now. And it's okay, I understand, you...your title reign was completely forgettable, so you're just trying to bring me down to your level, I get that Miz. You see 379 days, you see that success and you wish you could be me, just like everyone in Greensboro wishes that they could be me, just like everyone around the world wishes they could be me...what are you doing? What is this? This is ridiculous. Look...do you have a license?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear a word you were saying. I wasn't paying attention, I apologize."

"Yeah you didn't pay attention in wrestling school either jerk."


"Punk is so rude." Cara shakes her head.

"No, I was pretty good in wrestling school-" Mike gets cut off and then he and Punk talk over one another.

"-go ahead, ask me. Am I lying? The Miz sucks, am I lying? Ask me."

"No he doesn't, but your mom does. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Hahaha wow."

"Greensboro is dumb, am I telling the truth on that?"

"Punk, Punk please calm down, we need get a baseline response from you and basically how we do that, we ask questions that we all know the answers to. Now remember, if you are caught lying, Paul Heyman next week will have to have a match against Ryback. I think they're calling you a walrus again. Sorry about that."

"Hah walrus."

"Alright, first question. What's your name?"

"CM Punk."

"Have you been WWE Champion for 379 days?"


"In 2010 at the Over the Limit pay-per-view, did Rey Mysterio shave your head bald? Well?"

"Yes, Rey Mysterio shaved my head bald."

"The year I main evented WrestleMania, did you lose to Randy Orton?"

"You know, I don't got to sit here, I'm gonna leave."

"It's a simple question, just answer it."

"Yes Miz, you know that. The answer is yes. And you know why you won your match at WrestleMania, it's because Dwayne ran out and attacked John Cena, while yes I lost to Randy Orton in spectacular fashion. And that's funny, because that's what everybody remembers. The classic between Randy Orton and CM Punk and how it ended in a fantastic RKO. The ironic thing is that you're the one that doesn't remember wrestling at WrestleMania because you had a concussion, and we all wish we could forget you were in the main event of WrestleMania, but no we have to suffer."


"Well I'm going to change real quick okay?" Cara says.

"Alright." I nod.

She disappears into the changing area. When she comes back out from changing, Punk was just caught in a lie, because the graph spiked.

"Ohhh, Punk's lying."


"He was asked if he thought could beat Ryback by himself and he said yes. It spiked. He's lying."

"Hah. Scared of Ryback, nice."

"What are you pointing at? What? I didn't even know that was up there. That doesn't mean anything."

"Actually it does. Mr. Abramson said you could be lying."

"How can I be lying? It's an opinion you idiot."

"You're right, it is an opinion. Why don't we get something more...why don't we get something more concrete? Did you work with Brad Maddox in Hell in the Cell? Did you work with The Shield to win at Survivor Series?! Did you?! Answer it! Answer it!"

After a while, Punk goes to answer, but Mike is suddenly gone from the ring as we hear a mic drop, Seth is going after him on the outside while Dean and Roman tear apart the ring, tossing the table to the outside. Cara covers her face.

"Why do I always predict these things." She mumbles.

Punk and everyone else leave the ring while the ring is cleared of everything by Dean and Roman. Seth grabs Mike on the outside and throws him into the ring, before he follow, and they all attack him now. They help him up and then deliver the Triple Powerbomb.

"Ouch...poor Mike." Cara frowns, having moved her hands just as they slammed him down.

"I saw no injustice in that whole segment. Did you?"

"Maybe they did. I don't know."

"I have a feeling we'll never understand their logic for some of these attacks."

"Yeah. Like I said earlier remember?"

"Right." I nod.

That's when Kane and Daniel come walking out to the ring, and they go after the guys, before the numbers game gets the best of them. And then of course, out comes Ryback to even the odds, running to the ring. He takes out Dean first, then Roman, then Seth. Dean gets sent to the outside, and Ryback follows, sending Dean into the crowd. Daniel and Kane follow, chasing Seth and Roman into the crowd as well, and they fight to the back. Cara goes to a mirror and checks her hair and everything before going to put on her jacket.

"You look amazing Car."

"Thanks." She blushes a bit.

"You give me all the details of this date tomorrow. I wanna know where he takes you."

"We'll see." She laughs.

I get my things together as well, pulling on my jacket, as we give the guys enough time to get back and get changed out of their gear, before we head out to go meet them.

"I'm antsy." She giggles.

"Now you know how I feel...even though I was sleeping most of the day before my date." I laugh.


"But once it got closer to the time, I got the butterflies and everything you know?"


"And now you're all excited for your date. Awww."

She blushes and smiles.

"Well I think they should be ready by now, time for you to go on your date."

We link arms and go to meet the guys. When we get there, they're just coming out of the locker room, wheeling their bags behind them as they start to walk down the hall. Seth grins at her and she just giggles.

"You can take our car, I'll just get a ride with Dean and Roman." I say, handing Cara the keys to the car.

"Okay. Thanks Sere."

"You're welcome."

She unlinks arms with me as Seth offers his free hand to her. She takes it, lacing her fingers with his.

"Have fun." I grin.

"Oh we will." Seth grins.

Then she and Seth start heading for the exit to the parking lot first.

"I can't say I was happy about you guys attacking Mike but I understand that we won't always see eye to eye on these things." She tells him as they walk.

"Right, and I apologize ahead of time if we ever attack anyone who's one of your friends again."

She nods and kisses his cheek. Then they finally get to the parking lot, the cold air hitting them instantly. They get to the car as quick as they can. She unlocks it, starting the car and then going around to get the trunk, opening that so that she and Seth could put their things in there. He takes the keys since he's driving and they get in the car once the trunk is shut.

"I'm getting more excited by the minute."

"Good." He chuckles.

"I'm excited myself." He adds.

"I would hope so." She laughs.

"Now it's still going to be a surprise, so no hints."


"When we get close, I'm gonna want you to close your eyes too."

"You really are serious about this being perfect huh?"

"Yes I am."

"That's sweet. I'd kiss you but you're driving."

"A kiss on the cheek won't be distracting."

"I'll wait."

"Alright." he nods.

"I want this one to be a proper kiss."

"Well of course."

She squeezes his hand and he squeezes back. Then he takes that hand and brings it up to his lips and kisses the back of it. She smiles and lays her head against his shoulder. It isn't long until they start to get close to where Seth was bring her, and he tells her to close her eyes to keep it even more of a surprise. She sits up and closes her eyes. Shortly after that, he parks the car. She hears him get out of the car, and he comes over to her side, opening her door for her. She unbuckles and turns, reaching for his hands. He grabs hers and helps her out of the car, before closing the door.

"Alright, you can open your eyes...now."

She opens her eyes and looks around. That's when she notices that they're outside of restaurant and from what she could see from the inside, it looked like a really romantic setting.

"Aww." She smiles.

She turns to him and pulls him down, giving him a long kiss.

"You're the best." She says after a bit, after pulling away, her arms wrapped around his neck.

"I'm glad you like this." He smiles.

"I love it."

"Let's go get some dinner." He kisses her forehead.

"Yes, let's." She nods.

She lets him lead her inside. He gives his last name to the host, who takes them to a cute, little table. Seth goes over to one of the chairs and pulls it out for her to sit first.

"Aww." She smiles and kisses his cheek.

After she sits, he pushes the chair in before going over to the other chair, sitting himself. They order drinks before looking at the menu.

"Everything sounds so good."

"Oh I know. We should get different things and share."

"Yes we should."

They pick what to eat and as their drinks come, they order the food.

"If you have room for dessert, we can get that too."

"Ooh yes."

"No rush at all to go back to the hotel."

"Of course not."

"I want to spend as much time here with you on this date as I can."

"Aww. That's sweet."

"Always for you."

She leans over the table and kisses him quick.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"It's crazy how natural this feels."

"We're just that comfortable around each other."

"Mmhmm. I'm glad we didn't lose that."

"I'm glad too."

It isn't long until the food gets to the table, the plates being set down in front of them.

"Ooh it looks really good."

"It really does." He nods.

They start to eat and of course, they steal off each other's plates.

"Yours is really good." Seth remarks.

"Yeah it is. Yours is good too but I think mine is better."

"Can't argue with that."

"Thank you for planning this. It's nice to be out just the two of us."

"You're welcome."

"I know you have more surprises up your sleeve. This was a good first one." She giggles.

"Mmhmm." He chuckles.

"You sneaky ninja you."

"That's me."

"But you're MY sneaky ninja."

"Yes I am."

"You're a ninja too. You keep sneaking up on me at the arenas." Seth adds.


"It's so fun though." She laughs.

"Of course it is."

"You always jump." She teases.

"Yes, I know."

"It's cute." She giggles.

"Of course you would think so."

"Girlfriends are supposed to think so."

"I know."

"I like you saying that word." He adds.

"What word?"


"Well, it's what I am." She grins.

"I know. I'm really happy you are."

"That makes two of us."

"Boyfriend." I smile.

"I like the sound of that too."

"Mmhmm." She giggles.

Shortly after that, you finish eating.

"Room for dessert?" Seth asks.

"Something small I think." She nods.

"Alright." He nods.

The waiter takes the empty plates and they order a small dessert.

"Tonight has been great."


Can't wait for date number two."

"Agreed." She smiles.

"Especially when it's warmer weather. We can do more for dates with warmer weather."


It isn't too long after that where the dessert was brought to the table, placed down in front of them.

"No kidding."

They pick up their spoons and dig in.

"Oh this is so worth the extra time in the gym." She mumbles.

"For sure."

"So good."

It was so good, that before they knew it, it was already gone.

"That went fast." She laughs.

"It was just that good."

"Mmhmm." She nods.

The waiter brings the check and Seth grabs it. She doesn't even protest, knowing she would lose. After he pays, they both get up from the table. They put their jackets on and grab their things before heading out. Before long, they were back at the hotel, walking through the lobby hand in hand.

"Well I hope to see you tomorrow night at SmackDown."

"I'll go if you want me there."

"I'll be lonely if you don't come."

"We can't have that." She giggles.

"No, we can't."

"SmackDown it is." She says amusedly, laying her head against his shoulder while they wait for the elevator.

"Great. And then we can spend the whole night together, with the only thing happening is what the group has planned."

"Right. You get to be cuddly almost all night."


"Sounds like a plan."

By this time, they were on the elevator and they've just reached their floor, starting to head to the room. She leans against Seth more, stifling a yawn.

"Someone's tired."

"Long day."

"It was." He nods when they reach the room.

"Tomorrow we get our own room though, which is good."

"Mmhmm. I like having you to cuddle with at night. I sleep better that way."


And just then the door opens, and Dean appears in the doorway, going to leave with no shirt on, but his shirt is in his hand.

"Ooooh. What do we have here?" Cara teases.

"Think what you will." He smirks, before starting to walk away.

"Dean!" I exclaim, and he hears me, chuckling as he disappears around the corner.

Seth and Cara crack up laughing.

"I'll find out what happened. See you tomorrow?" She says through her laughter.

"Of course.

She reluctantly lets him go.

"Don't forget the kiss."

"How could I ever forget." She leans up for one.

He closes the gap between them and presses his lips against hers in a proper goodnight kiss.

"Mmm, goodnight Seth." She murmurs once he pulls away.

As she's been doing, she presses her fingers over his heart.

"Love you too." He grins, letting her go to head inside.

She lets the door shut behind her.

"So what was all that?" She asks me while she takes off her jacket.

"Nothing happened. He was just sore from getting attacked and I helped him."


"He just chose to not put his shirt back on."

"Just to drive you crazy."


"Nice." She laughs.

"What am I going to do with him?" I shake my head amusedly.

"Ah he's good for you. Keeps you on your toes." She giggles.

"That's for sure."

She gets ready for bed and puts her other stuff away.

"He made you believe something else happened, didn't he? I know I heard him, but still."

"I knew nothing racy happened. That's not you. It's just fun to tease you about it."

"Of course it is."

She just grins and gets in bed.

"It's going to be a little odd without Seth cuddling with me tonight." She pouts.


"I came really close to asking him to stay."

"I wouldn't have minded."

"I know but still."

"I think we all can last one more night."


"Oh before we go to sleep, how was the date?"

"It was amazing. Really sweet." She smiles.


"Looking forward to the next one."

"I repeat...awww."

"He wants me at Smackdown with him." She giggles.

"Let me guess....because he'll get too lonely?"


"Dean wants me there with him too."

"Aww. Cute."

"Same as Seth, he'll get lonely if I'm not there."

"Boys." Cara laughs.

"And mine happens to be a huge smartass." I laugh too.

"Yes he is." She snickers.

"Glad to know that hasn't changed."

"Right. Well we better get some sleep."

"Right." I nod.

"Night Sere."

"Night Car."