Lost Injustice

SmackDown Injustice

"I know. You're just oh so happy that we have a room to ourselves now." I say amusedly when Dean appears in the bathroom doorway, as I was finishing up.

"Very happy." He grins.

"I can tell, because you wouldn't stop being such a cuddler today."

"Because we don't have to be nice for Roman."

"Except for when we're at the arena."


"Crap....I just realized this. We're gonna be at SmackDown tonight. Wade's gonna be there."

"Why would you be worried about him?" Dean asks.

"It's not me that really has to worry. Although he has tried to go through me to get to Cara many times before."

"Why is that?"

"Wade is Cara's ex." I state.

"She went out with him to see if her feelings for Seth were still true. And they turned out to be. Even when they broke up, Wade's been...possessive. He still acts like she belongs to him or something. And if he can't find her, he finds me. We've been lucky enough to avoid him so far." I add.

"Well now you have the three of us to protect you."

"Right. And Seth already knows about the whole situation so..."

"We'll tell Roman on the way there."

"I just wonder if she realizes there's the chance we'll run into him. Because if he sees her with Seth...he's gonna flip, I know it."

"I guess we'll see."

"Right. Well I'm all set to go. Just gotta grab my jacket. You?"

"Yeah, I'm all set to go. But I think you're forgetting something."

"Oh really. What's that?" I giggle.

"I think you know."

"Could it be this?" I tease before giving him a kiss.

"It is in fact that, but I think that one was way too quick."

"One more and then we have to get going." I say amusedly.


I kiss him again, lingering a little longer this time.

"Better?" I ask, after pulling away.

"Much." Dean grins.


"Now it's time to go." I say.

He nods. We both get our remaining stuff and then leave for the car.

"Oh look, we're getting the weird looks from people." I laugh as we walk through the lobby, after getting there.

"Let them wonder." Dean chuckles.

We get out to the car, unlocking it and putting his things in the trunk, before getting in ourselves and heading off to the arena. Meanwhile, Cara's in the bathroom finishing straightening her hair.

"Almost done? I wanna see." Seth says from out in the room.

"Yes I'm almost done."


She finishes that and unplugs the straightener. Then she quickly does her makeup. Once that is done and put away, she walks out of the bathroom.

"So, what do you think?"

An amused smile crosses her face as she watches him look her up and down.


He nods.


"Mission accomplished."

She smirks and picks up what she needs to take with her.

"When we do get there, I'm gonna have to change quick. We're doing our first video promo. But it's going to be pre-recorded and be shown later." He explains.

"Oh okay."

"Gonna be from an undisclosed location."

She nods and checks her phone. She freezes and then swears.


"Wade's going to be there." She sighs.

"Well when we get there, we can quickly make our way to the locker room. You can come inside with me so he doesn't find you waiting outside the room. I can just go into the shower area and change instead of the locker room itself."

"Okay." She agrees.

"Anything to keep you safe."

"I feel safe with you." She remarks as Seth walks over to her with her jacket.

"Good. You should."

He helps her put her jacket on.

"I'm not scared of him, I just hate dealing with him. He never listens and nothing really gets through to him. It's just been easier to avoid him so I don't waste my energy fighting with him." She says.

"Maybe he needs some sense knocked into him."

"I don't want you getting yourself hurt or in trouble, you hear me?" She pokes Seth in his chest.

"I won't. I'll only strike back if he comes after me first."


"Ready to go?"

"Mmhmm." She nods.

They both grab what they need, before heading out of the room, down to the car. They get to the arena and she lets Seth leads her to where he needs to be. When they get there, they already find the rest of us inside the locker room, hanging around. We greet each other and Seth goes to get changes.

"Well I can't wait to see what this promo is going to be about." Cara remarks.

"It's gonna be good." Dean says.

"Well of course it is."


"Amusing yourself?" I ask Dean amusedly, as he starts to play with my hair.

"Of course."

"Aren't you two cute." Cara grins.

"Yes we are." Dean grins.

"Same goes for you and Seth." I add.

"Aw thanks."

"You're welcome."

Soon Seth comes out all ready to go.

"Alright, are we all set to go do this?"

"Yeah." Roman nods.

"Shouldn't take us too long." Seth says, going over to Cara, giving her kiss.

"Have fun." She replies, patting his chest.

"Oh I will." He chuckles.

Dean gives me a kiss too.

"Be back soon."

"No rush or anything."

"We know."

Then he gets up, and the three of them head out. She takes a seat next to me.

"Glad we're in here and not out in the halls like we have been." She says.

"Oh I know right?"

"I just know there's going to be a confrontation at some point. Not looking forward to it."

"I don't blame you."

"We both know that once he finds out I'm in the building and I'm with Seth...Wade is going to flip the hell out."

"He definitely will, that's for sure....unfortunately."

"Yeah I know."

"We're at least safe for now."


"So onto brighter subjects...Seth's happy about the room all to yourselves isn't he?"

"Oh my god yes. Barely took his hands off me today."


"How was Dean?"

"He was a cuddler all day."

"Aww cute."

"And that's because Roman wasn't around for him having to behave."


"Ohh going to bed tonight should be fun."

"Oh I know." She laughs.

It isn't much longer after that where the door opens and they all come back in.

"Wow that really was fast."

"It wasn't a very long promo. Just getting a point across is all."


"We only have one more thing to do later on in the beginning of the show and then we're staying back here the rest of the night."

"Good, less interaction with people I'd rather not see."

"Right." Seth nods.

"You don't need to worry. He'd have to get through us first." Roman says.

"That's right." Dean agrees.

"Aww, thanks guys."

"You're welcome."

She cuddles up to Seth, intent on enjoying what time they have before he gets up again.

"Much better."

He chuckles and kisses her head.

The show then kicks off with Booker T in the ring, and he says that the fans know him and know what he has been about his entire career, saying that, if there's an issue that needs to be resolved, he'll deal with it in the ring or in the back, or even a supermarket. He continues, saying that he knows what it's like to be in an intense feud as a Superstar, but now he's the General Manager of SmackDown and his job is to make the best show possible for the fans. He then gets into the feud between Big Show and Sheamus, saying that it's become very personal, leading to him having to make a drastic decision. Before he reveals his decision, he shows footage from last month where the rivalry between Show and Sheamus got out of hand when Sheamus and Regal were in a pub fight with Show, resulting in a vicious parking lot brawl, that left Big Show unconscious on the ground. The next piece of footage was from Survivor Series, where Sheamus grabbed a steel chair and proceeded to attack Big Show to the point of him begging and pleading Sheamus to stop. Booker then says that the World Heavyweight Title is up for grabs in a Chairs Match between Show and Sheamus at TLC, but he's afraid something is going to happen between now and then that will render one or both of them unable to compete. He then announces that, until their match at TLC, there will be a 'no contact clause' that will be made effective immediately. He then says that he wants to bring Show and Sheamus out to sign the no contact clause and make it official.

"That's not gonna end smoothly."

"Uh no."

He introduces Big Show first, who makes his way to the ring visibly unhappy. Then he brings out Sheamus. With both men in the ring, Booker lays down the law for both of them as he declares that, if Sheamus decides to violate the no contact clause, then he'll lose his World Heavyweight Title Match at TLC.

"Dun dun dun."

"Wah wahhhhhh."

He then informs Big Show that if he violates the no contact clause, then he'll be stripped of the title. He then asks both men to have a seat and sign the contract. He asks Sheamus to sign first, and after looking the contract over, Sheamus says that having to wait nine days to get his hands, not to mention a steel chair, on Big Show is like waiting for Christmas. And, at TLC, he will get the ultimate present, the World Heavyweight title. He signs the contract before Show is asked to sign, and after looking it over, Show warns Sheamus that he should be careful what he wishes for. He continues on to say that Sheamus hit him over 30 times with a steel chair at Survivor Series, but he still got up. He says that he only has to hit Sheamus with a steel chair once to put him down, telling Sheamus that he should ask Booker to get out of the Chairs Match, but saying that he's too stupid to realize what he's gotten himself into. Show continues, saying that if he hits Sheamus with a steel chair, he may very well end Sheamus' career.


"Good luck with that."

He keeps going, saying that he has experience and thinks things through, but Sheamus argues that he came to the WWE to fight, and the last two times that they squared off, have been the greatest fights of Big Show's career. Sheamus then says that he made Big Show relevant again, telling him that he does not believe that Show has one more fight in him, saying that he will gladly end the career of Show at TLC. Show then makes the wily decision to turn the table over on top of Sheamus before quickly signing the contract, forbidding Sheamus from retaliating.

"Someone got smart."


However, Sheamus looked like he might have been willing to throw away his title shot, but Booker took the brave initiative to step in front of him, informing him that he will have the chance to take his aggression out on someone later tonight when he faces Del Rio. Booker then tells Big Show that he will also be in action as he would face the man that defeated him in 45 seconds last year, Daniel Bryan, and the match is next. That's when we notice the guys giving each other looks.

"I know what you have planned now." I sing with a grin.

"The looks gave it away." Cara remarks.

"They totally did." I laugh.

"Aw darn." Dean laughs.

"Should be more sneaky next time."

"We'll try."

"And let me try and guess who you'll be going after tonight....can't be Big Show because he didn't do anything really to cause an injustice. So...that leaves...Daniel."

"Not telling."

"Of course not."

"Keeping us on our toes."


"It's part of our job."

"Well you two anyway." Cara points out to Seth and Dean.

"Of course."

The match would soon begin, and the guys had stayed for a majority of it. But it was towards the middle where they had to leave and head out to get involved.

"Well at least after this, they won't have to leave the room anymore."

"Yeah. Then we can really relax."

"Definitely. Relax and watch the rest of the show."

"Right." She nods.

After being able to take Big Show Down, Daniel climbs to the top. That's when he spots the guys coming down the stairs through the crowd and that causes a distraction. Big Show grabs Daniel by the throat and chokeslams him, getting the victory.

"Can't say I feel sorry for him."

"Me either."

The guys hop over the barricade, surrounding the ring. Big Show exits the ring, the guys deciding not to go after him, but they get into the ring and circle Daniel before attacking him.

"Hah, I was right."

"Yup. Points for you."

Shortly after however, Kane comes running out, which stops the attack on Daniel momentarily. But the numbers game of course gets too much for Kane. The announce table gets cleared and Kane is triple powerbombed through it. They observe the damage before heading back through the crowd to come to the back for the rest of the night.

"Yay back to cuddle time."

"Which you love oh so much."

"Guilty." She shrugs.

"You're guilty too." She adds.

"Mmhmm." I laugh.

"What can I say, he's like a big teddy bear." I shrug.

"They make great pillows." She giggles.

"Tis true."

"All warm and comfy." She grins.

And then not too long after that the door opens and they come back in. They take up their original spots and the two of us sigh contentedly.

"And now you're not going anywhere all night."

"Demanding." Dean chuckles.

"Well it's lonely without you here."

"We can't have you being lonely." He kisses my head.

"No, and the same goes for you. Especially since being away from me all those years."



"Shush you." I say to Cara.

"What? It's cute."

"So are you two."

She smiles up at Seth.

"Well there's no denying that."

Seth steals a kiss.

"I believe you can take that vest thing off now...whatever you wanna call that thing with all the clips." She laughs, after pulling away.

Seth chuckles and starts undoing the vest.

"What do you even consider that? I mean, I get it, theirs are vests..." She trails off, point to Dean and Roman.

"...but I have no idea what to call yours."

"I was told to wear it." He shrugs.

"Well nonetheless, it's easier for me to cuddle with you, with it off."


"Much better." She says, cuddling into him once he takes it off, setting it to the side.

He waits until she's gotten comfortable and then wraps his arms around her. When we turn our attention back to the show, Damien was in the middle of his apprentice search again. The fan he had picked out of the crowd had gotten only two out of three questions right, therefore he didn't get the apprentice job. And then Mike comes out, interrupting him.

"May I help you?"

"Yes Damien. How about you answer me a question. What 21st century WWE Superstar wears his daddy's bathrobe and buys his pink trunks from Victoria's Secret?"

"Ahaha oh burn." Cara laughs.

"I'm laughing more than I should." I say through my fits of laughter.

"I love Mike's creative insults." Cara snickers.

"I know right?"

"So funny."

"The answer....Damien Sandow. You're welcome." He says before leaving the ring, leaving Sandow speechless and appalled.

"Stunned him speechless."

"That's because he knows it's the truth."


In their first match with all three members competing, 3MB...Heath, Jinder and Drew would be in action next. Their opponents ended up being Brodus and The Usos in a six-man tag team match.

"The wannabe rockstars."

"Kind of entertaining but still idiots."

"Yes, big idiots."

In the end, due to outside interference and distractions, they end up picking up the win over Brodus and The Usos.

"Winners for once. Though cheaters."

"Typical heels."


Once they clear the ring, it's time for the next match. Kofi would be on commentary while Randy went one on one with Wade.

"I vote not to watch this." Cara grumbles.

"We could go on a walk, get out of the room for a bit." Seth suggests.


"Of course." He kisses her head.

The two of them get up.

"We'll be back."

"Alright." I nod.

He grabs her hand and they walk out of the room, heading down the hallway.

"Maybe we can find some hiding places." Seth smirks.

"I wouldn't say no to that." She says amusedly, letting her head rest against his shoulder.

"I had a feeling you wouldn't have a problem with that." He chuckles.

"Of course not. I enjoy them just as much as you do."

"Of course you do."

They walk along peacefully for a few minutes. She's not paying attention, but Seth notices an area up ahead that's partially hidden by equipment boxes. He smirks to himself. When they get to that area partially hidden equipment boxes, he pulls her into it. She make a small yelp since she wasn't paying attention.

"Hiding spot." He chuckles.

"I see that now." She says amusedly.

"I say we stay here for a while."

"Okay." She giggles, hopping up to sit on an equipment box.

"Get as much privacy as we can before we decide to head back."

"Mmhmm." She agrees, tugging on his shirt to bring him closer.

He moves to stand between her knees.

"It'll be much better once we're back at the hotel in our room though."

"Very true." She nods as his hands rest on her thighs.

"Touchy, touchy." She adds.

"Can't help it."

"I know."

His hands move to her hips, his thumbs slipping beneath her shirt to rub bare skin.

"I still have my ways, when you have skin covered." He grins.

"So do I." She smirks, sliding both of her hands under his shirt.

"Even though I wish you didn't have to wear so much." She adds.

"It gets in my way." She pouts slightly.

"I know. And I apologize."

"It's okay. You still look good in this so I can live with it."

"Good to know." He chuckles.

She lightly hooks her legs around him while running her nails down his sides.

"So are we just going to stay like this the whole time or are we doing something else?" She gives him an amused look.

Seth smirks and chuckles. He leans in and covers her lips with his. She makes a contented noise, tightening her grip on his sides. His hands too tighten their grip, on her hips as well. the kissing slowly heats up and he moves in as close as he can get. They only pull away for air and once they do, that's when he starts kissing any skin that he could reach. She squirms a bit, giggling softly.


He presses harder, just enough so it doesn't tickle anymore. She groans and bites her lip. that causes him to smirk against her skin, wanting that exactly reaction out of her. She holds onto him, too distracted to let her hands roam. After he's sure he's got all the skin he could reach, he makes his way back to her lips. She kisses him back hard. His hands move from her hips and travel up her sides, before he wraps his arms around her, holding her tight. After a bit, they break apart for air. She lets her head rest against his shoulder without realizing this offers up her neck to him. And of course again, he takes advantage of it and goes after it yet again. This earns him another groan and her nails dig into his sides a bit. This he ends up brushing over a spot that is sensitive to her, and she makes a clear sign that it is. So he goes back to that spot after smirking against her skin, and he's intent on leaving a bit of a mark there. Her head drops back against the equipment boxes stacked behind her. She bites her bottom lip, trying to muffle herself.

"If you have to....muffle anything into my shoulder..." He mutters.

She just groans.

"I can stop...if you want..."

She tightens her grip, holding him in place.

"Okay...okay...I won't stop..."

She traces some patterns with her fingertips on his sides. He continues on the sensitive area of her neck, occasionally checking to see his work. Once he sees that a mark is starting to form, he starts to move away from it, kissing the spot a few times before pulling away completely. She releases her bottom lip, which is now swollen from her biting it. Then she opens her eyes slowly, meeting his and blushing at the look he gives her.

"Now I know what I'm doing often." He grins.

She blushes even more, looking away and hiding behind her hair.

"You're cute when you blush, you know that?" He chuckles.


"I try."

"Of course you do."

"Want to head back now? I'm pretty sure the match is over and we probably missed part of the one I hear going on right now."

She nods in agreement.

"Okay, sure."

"Plus I have no idea when that little promo thing myself, Dean and Roman did is going to be shown. Wouldn't want to miss that."

"Of course not."

She moves her legs so Seth can step back. Once he does, she hops down. They both fix their clothes before she wraps an arm around his waist and his arm goes around her shoulders and then they start to head back to the locker room. Along the way however, when they turn the corner, they end up bumping into something. She stumbles back and Seth catches her. That's when she looks up to see what or who they bumped into and it turned out to be Wade. She then went and moved behind Seth so she would be safe. She holds the back of Seth's shirt. She meets Wade's eyes but refuses to say anything first.

"Well look who it is...Cara. It's always so lovely to see you. Didn't know you were here tonight."

"I was hoping it would stay that way." She grumbles.

"If you would excuse us Barrett, we were just about to head down the hall, before you bumped into us so..." Seth adds.

Wade's eyes don't move off of her.

"Found someone new huh?"

She stays quiet.

"So what if she did?"

"She belongs with me." Wade states.

"Last time I checked, I broke up with you..." She mutters.

"That was a mistake."

"Um no I'm pretty sure it was a really good decision on my part."

"I would have to agree with her. After hearing how you treated her." Seth remarks.

"You stay out of this." Wade glowers.

"Not when it involves her."

"It's none of your business."

"Actually it is."

"Why is it your business?" Wade growls.

"He's my boyfriend." She states.

"After being with you, I realized I still had feelings for him." She adds.

"So everything clicked into place when he debuted and we met back up. There's no chance for you. There never was." She finishes.

"And I would advise you don't even try to mess with either one of us." Seth adds, before pushing past him, keeping Cara close.

She moves her hair as she follows and it unintentionally shows the developing mark Seth left on her neck. Wade clearly sees and that gets him quite irritated. He grumbles as he walks off. She moves up back to her spot under Seth's arm, putting both of her arms around his waist.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Mmhmm. I'm glad he didn't try anything."

"I would've dealt with it."

"I know."

"But don't worry, nothing's going to happen to you. I promise."

"I'm not worried. I feel safe with you. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll try my very best not to."

"Good." She leans up and kisses his cheek.

It isn't too much later when they get back to the locker room and walk in, catching the end of the current match.

"Nice walk?" I ask. "For the most part."

"Uh oh, what happened?"



"He just said some stuff. Didn't try anything."

"Well that's good at least....right?"

"Yeah." She nods as Seth and her curl up together on the couch.

The current match had ended and it ended up with Hornswoggle and Khali beating Primo and Epico. After their celebrating, the screen changes and a camera turns on as it's just sitting there sideways.

"Oh, this is it. The promo we did." Seth points out.

Cara and I perk up, paying attention.

"I'm Seth Rollins."

"Roman Reigns."

"I'm Dean Ambrose. What do we know about injustice?"

"We don't just know injustice..."

"...we've lived it."

"Last night, CM Punk, champion for over a year was disrespected with a lie detector test..by The Miz? Welcome to consequences Miz!" Dean exclaims.

"Randy Orton took advantage of a young, defenseless Brad Maddox. Well welcome to payback Randy!" Seth adds.

"We shield the WWE from injustice." Roman continues.

"Team Hell No..."

"...nobody says no to The Shield."

"Ryback, you've been handed success on a silver platter, you've been handed fame and fortune, you've been put on a pedestal, well we knocked you off that pedestal. We stopped you cold. Welcome back to reality Ryback!"

"We don't work for anybody. Not Paul Heyman, not the WWE Champion, we work for each other."

"I'm Dean Ambrose."

"Seth Rollins."

"I'm Roman Reigns. Welcome to the shield of justice."

"At the TLC pay-per-view, bring tables, bring ladders, bring chairs! The Shield brings the sword."

That concluded the promo and the camera gets set down as they all leave the undisclosed location.

"That was fun. I liked it." Cara says.

"This is the one of many isn't it?" I ask.

All three guys nod.

"I can't wait."

"Fun stuff." Cara comments.

"And I'm sorry, but with your hair in your face during that, it was just too cute." I give Dean a grin.

"Awwww." Cara laughs as Dean grins.

"Good to know that's one thing that hasn't changed about you."

He nods and kisses my cheek.

"Except for that time when you cut it short."

"I'll keep it long just for you." He says.


"As long as you don't cut yours short either." He adds.

"Oh I wouldn't dream of it."


"Did it once, wasn't a fan of my hair so short."

"Ah, I see."

"The only time I'll cut it is if it gets too long."


"Someone likes your hair long so they can run their fingers through it." Cara says to me teasingly.

"You mean like yours is doing right now?" I laugh, pointing out the face that Seth is playing with her hair.

"I didn't even notice, but yes."

"She's right though." Dean admits.

"I think I've come to figure that out. You have occasionally been playing with my hair too." I laugh.

"I can't help it."

"Just like Seth can't help it." Cara snickers.

"Nope." Seth agrees.

"We don't really have to hang around for the rest of the show do we?"

"No, I think we're good to go." Roman says.

"Alright. We'll sit here while you all go change."

They nod. She moves so Seth can get up. I do the same so Dean can get up and then they all head in to change.

"You okay after that run-in with Wade?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Seth cut him off after a bit and they walked away." She nods, pushing her hair over her shoulder.

"What's that?" I ask, pointing to her neck.

She remembers that Seth marked her and she blushes.

"Is that what I think it is?" I grin.



"He found a hiding spot and that's where we were pretty much the whole time."

"I repeat.....oooooooh."

She blushes even more.

"That'll take a while to fade, that's for sure."

"I figured as much."

"He must be oh so proud of himself."

"I wouldn't doubt it."

"You've been marked." I giggle.


She keeps blushing and giggles. Shortly after that, they all come back out from changing out of their riot gear attire, bags in hand and ready to go. She's covered the mark back up so Seth looks a little puzzled when he sees she's blushing. I just laugh and she swats me. We get up and put out jackets on.

"Nice work Seth." I mutter to him.

It takes him a minute to realize what I'm talking about, but when it clicks, he smirks.

"Isn't it?"

Once we're all ready to go, we head out the door and head in the direction of the cars. We get to the cars without any trouble. The drive to the hotel is peaceful as well and before we know it, we've reached our floor to go to our rooms.

"Finally, we're back." I remark, putting my stuff on a nearby table.

"Alone at last." Dean says.

"It was oh so hard for you back there, wasn't it?"

"Yes, yes it was."

"Poor you." I giggle as I start to take my jewelry off, putting that on the table as well, after I had taken my jacket off of course.

"Yeah, poor me."

"Hmm, you're not being cuddly yet. I'm surprised."

"I'm waiting until you get comfortable so that I don't have to let go."

"Well that may have to wait until I'm ready for bed then."

"I know."

"You want me to be quick, don't you?"

"If you can."

"I'll do my very best."

"Good." He smiles.

I give him a quick kiss, before going over to my things and finding something to wear to bed. Once I find something, I head into the bathroom to be as quick as I could in getting changed. Dean gets changed himself and gets in bed to wait for me. Once I am done, I walk back out and put my other clothes with my things.

"Cute." He remarks with a sly grin on his face.

"You think so?"


"I'm glad you like it."

"I've come to like everything you wear now."

"Well that's good because I usually pick things that I think you'll like."

"You've done a great job so far."

"Good to know." I smile as I get into bed.

"Mine now." He states, grabbing me and pulling me to him.

"Possessive." I tease.

"I can be sometimes."

"It's okay. It's cute." I kiss him.

"Let someone try flirting with me now." I laugh, after pulling away.

"They better not."

"You'll just beat the crap out of them if they do."


"Speaking of beating the crap out of someone, I actually meant to mention this earlier, but it slipped my mind with you being oh so distracting. I know about your history with Daniel. I know you haven't had an official match against him yet, but with the attacks, what's it feel like being back in the ring in general with him?"

"It's a little weird because its been a while since we saw each other last."

"I'm sure if you ever have a match against him, whenever that may be, it'll bring back all those memories."

"Yeah, I bet it will."

"And also speaking of old stuff, I do have to say that the whole wrestling in jeans thing was one of my favorites."

"Oh yeah?" Dean chuckles.

"Being completely honest with you. I was debating on telling you or not."


"Natural reaction...embarrassment."

"Ohhhh. Well you don't need to be."

"Good. Cara used to tease me about it all the time. But you know, it's not like I could help it." I shrug.

"You know she doesn't do it to be mean."

"Oh I know. She's watched some of Seth's older stuff too, and I've teased her too so...it's a back and forth thing between us. If only you know what Seth did tonight to her, which caused me to tease her. Also the reason why she was blushing like crazy."

"What was that?" Dean asks curiously.

"Oh...just a little lovebite...and he's oh so proud of himself."

Dean laughs.


"This is random, I know. But did you know blue eyes are one of my many weaknesses? Just thought I'd share that."

"Is that so." He smirks.


"Good to know."

"Another one of the reasons why I fell for you."

"Well I'm really glad I have blue eyes then."

"So am I."

"I think you have pretty eyes too though." Dean says.


He smiles and gives me a kiss.

"And let me guess, that's something you were never able to admit to me before."

He nods.


"Thought so."

"You can read me really well, you know that?"

"That's because I've known you for a long time."


"And that's why I'm sure it's hard for others to read you, because they don't know you that well."

"You have a point."

"And they don't know how you are outside character, I do."

"Because I let you in. I don't do that lightly."

"And that makes me feel special."

"You are." He assures me, kissing me.

That one lasts longer than the previous one, and after we pull away, I snuggle closer, draping an arm over him.

"Why don't we get some sleep? I'm sure you're getting tired."

"It shows doesn't it?"

He nods, chuckling.

"Then let's get some sleep."

"Goodnight." He kisses my head.

"Night." I smile.

With Cara and Seth, they've both gotten ready for bed themselves. She puts her dirty stuff away and looks at Seth, who is watching her. He's already in bed, lounging.

"Having fun?" She giggles.

"Of course I am." He smirks.

"Nice PJs." He grins.

She laughs and shows off her 'I love my boyfriend' wife beater and short shorts.

"Love you too." H chuckles.

She walks over and climbs in bed, crawling to him. She lays on him, giggling.

"Hello to you too."

"My personal pillow." She grins.

"Well of course I am."

She leans in and gives him a lingering kiss.

"Love you too." She grins after pulling away.

"I'm really glad you're mine." He says, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

"Aww. I'm glad too. I haven't been this happy in quite a while."

"You deserve to be happy." He nods.

"So do you. Are you happy?" She asks, propping herself up on his chest.

"Of course I'm happy."

"Good." She smiles.

"Even more happy being with you."

She smiles again and kisses him.

"Nothing will ever change that."

"I'm glad to hear that."


She leans in and rubs her nose against his.

"I get the idea." She laughs lightly.


"On another note, you really marked me good didn't you." She says as he brushes over that spot on her neck with his thumb.


"You're lucky I have a few days off where it'll have time to fade."

"Lucky me."

"You need to be careful on days when I have things going on. I don't mind you leaving these marks, obviously. I just need to be able to cover them if I have photo shoots or media appearances."


"I knew the mark was coming though. You've been eyeing my neck and I figured you would want to let other guys know I'm taken now, especially Wade." She says amusedly.

"You got that right." He smirks.

"Probably pissed him off because I never let him do that."

"Wouldn't doubt that it pissed him off."

"Well tough because you're the only one allowed to mark me." She kisses Seth quickly.

"I better be."

"You are, trust me."


"We should get some sleep though. It's late." She comments after glancing at the clock on the nightstand.

"I agree." He nods.

She gives him another lingering kiss before settling down, snuggling into his side.

"Night, love you."

"Love you too. Night."