Sequel: Zoned: Waking Up
Status: This is another account I made. My other one said I was 31 and that bothered me for some reason...


The New Cage

"You...want us to move in? We met this year!" I exclaimed. "I just can't even imagine that!"

"Calm down, A. It's not even that big a deal! We practically live with them, anyway!" Richi said.

"It's been four months, Rich. Plus we live in a cute apartment!" I stood up.

"A, it's not even a big deal. Look, we need help on paying bills, and with more people...well, that's more money for us." Dylan explained.

"So you want us for money...?" I asked.

"Okay, I made it sound bad. We like you guys, though! We really want you two to be around more!"

"I don't know." I said. Richi stood by and watched Dylan and I talk about the subject. She listened as Dylan gave the reasons he wanted us to move in.

"What about the others?"

"What?" Dylan stopped explaining.

"Do the others want us there or is it just you?" I wasn't sure why I was holding back on moving in with the group of people I worshiped. I knew I had to resist, a little, so that I didn't look too clingy.

"Yeah, actually it was Jordan's idea."

"When did y'all discuss this?"

"About a month ago. We didn't talk to you girls because we didn't want to weird you out."

I was amazed. Jordan actually wanted us to move in. It's because he wants to fuck whenever he pleases, I thought. He doesn't actually like us, he just wants someone to clean and cook, I thought. Goddammit, I was letting my thoughts piss me off and take over.

"No. I don't want to. Richi?" I looked at her and waited for an answer. She didn't say anything. She looked at me and then at Dylan.

"I agree...we're only 17. We graduated high-school, yeah, but we need to be done with college before moving into any real houses." She didn't say anything after that.

"Okay. That's cool. Off that note, do you want to see the new recording booths? I think they're done." Dylan smiled and walked out.

"You wanted to say yes, huh?" I asked Richi. She lifted her eyebrows and nodded a little. "I'm sorry, Richi. You know we can't let anything distract us from school, though. That sounds weird coming from me. It's something you'd normally say." I laughed a little.

"You're right. We'll be 21 when we graduate college, anyway!" Richi walked out and caught up with Dylan. I walked out and followed behind.
We turned left, walked down the hall and got up to the big, glass door. The new recording booth doors were in the middle of the hall way and the "New Cage" was right across the hall. I was glad they re-did the recording booth.
Dylan opened the doors and my jaw dropped. There were separate booths for each singer. Right as you walked in, there was a small path leading into a huge room with recording software and editing booths in the middle of the room. The room was lit up well. 6 booths wrapped around the recording area.

"Matt will work in the middle, there." Dylan pointed to the middle of the room at the equipment. "He calls it 'The Set'."

We walked into the first booth that was by the entrance of The Set. "I'll be in this one." Dylan said. Right as you entered, there was a mic hanging from the ceiling and a mini bar on the right side of the wall. On the left side of the wall was a couch. A stool with a cushy seat sat in front of the mic. The entire front wall was a window with a perfect view of The Set.

"How does all of this work?" I asked.

Dylan shrugged. "Matt would know."
I could tell Dylan was upset about Richi and I not moving in. I don't think he really cared about me moving in, but Richi. There was some weird connection between them that was different than any relationship she's been in. Maybe it's because he's famous, but I could tell he liked her. I can always tell if someone likes someone else, but when it comes to knowing if someone likes me, I'm more oblivious than a turtle crossing a highway. Why is he so butthurt, I thought.

"Are all of the booths like this one?" Richi asked.

"Yeah. I love the giant, tinted window. You could be boning and no one would know." Dylan laughed.

"Oh, they're tinted. Cool." I said.

"Yeah. I'm gonna head home. Bye, girls." Dylan smiled and walked out. Richi and I looked at each other.

"He's upset..." I said.

"No shit."

"I don't wanna let it get to me. They're about to go on tour and I really want to stay on good terms. Who knows, maybe they'll talk to us when they get back...."

"A......they'll keep in touch. They told us we're like family." Richi put her hand on my arm.

"I just worry. We're finally living the life we wanted and it's all going to crumble because of a tour."

"Who knows? Maybe they'll bring us with them?"

~One Month Later~

"Are you guys coming or not!?" Jordan yelled from the tour bus window as Richi and I dragged our suitcases behind.

"Does it look like we're stopping for ice cream or something!? Calm down, we're coming!" I yelled back. Jordan laughed. Richi and I stepped on to the tour bus and walked to the back of the bus.

"Oh my god where is Aron? He's gonna make us late." Jorel complained. He was sitting in a black, leather recliner and texting.

"If we don't leave soon we'll miss the first gig." Dylan added.

"Let's just wait a few more minutes. I'm sure he's just running late." Richi tried to make things seem better.

"He's probably just mad that we're not paying for his stupid assistant. He's just siking us out." Matt said.

"Richi's right. Let's just wait a few more minutes. It's not like he'll miss the tour." George said.