Saving Alice

Lets Go

Bodies packed the club from corner to corner, you couldn't take a step without taking someone out.
Alice told her driver to take us to The Catskins, and had proceeded to remove her bun and dress. She had slid into a skin tight red outfit, and thrown another black dress at me. We had changed in the backseat, and now here we were.
Alice had a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other. In the past hour and a half I swear she’d downed at least 8 shots. Music blared and she swayed to the beat, her long hair flowing around her.
I danced. My body moved with the rhythm and I closed my eyes. It was the first time in days that I had felt like I belonged. That I felt comfortable. I felt little bits of me let go to structure, and I finally felt like me again.
Someone stepped up behind me and I felt their hips grind against mine. I looked over my shoulder at the girl with the blond hair. Alice had moved her hands to my waist and was pulling me into her, closer to her. I felt her breath against my neck and once again I felt a tingle shoot through me. This wasn't normal for me. I knew that, but I had given up normalcy. I had let go of everything familiar, bits of me had left and new pieces took their place. This was the last night that I would ever feel like Grace again, from now on I was someone new. I didn't know how I knew, but something told me that this was it.
Alice pressed her lips against my ear, and she whispered “Let’s go.”

There is was again. The nervousness. The flushing in my cheeks. The excitement. The fear.
I looked at her, at her mischievous smile. “Okay.”