Meeting a Friend


A ginger haired girl chewed her gum (normally she wouldn't chew gun but sitting on a plane and being bored, she gladly made an exception) as she sat on the plane and waited until it landed. She was almost there, she would meet one of her online friends in only a matter of minutes, perhaps half an hour, she thought as she looked at her watch around her wrist. She sighed, the girl had never really liked plane's and she wasn't going to start now. Admitting that she was getting rather hyper on the thought of meeting Emelie, her online friend and one of the only girls younger than her that was probably more mature than the 17-year old that was being nervous on the plane right now.

She couldn't help but worry what her friend might think of her. Would she like her, would she accept the hyperness that came with her friend after being trapped on a plane all alone for at least a couple of hours. Géraldine ticked away on her laptop, that being her only luggage taken on the plane with her, except her Creative Zen that is. The little black MP3 was hanging around her neck, the earphones safely tucked in her ears and playing a song that she recognized as “Mama” by My Chemical Romance, only one of the bands that had brought her and Emelie even closer together.

Hearing a monotone voice and the same message as she heard last time she took the plane, Géraldine sighed and mouthed the same words as the female voice through the speakers before giggling to herself and receiving some odd glances from the people sitting in the seat next to her. The girl blushed a little and turned her eyes back on the laptop, tying something that she had thought up when she was at the airport in Belgium and kept writing just to make sure she was busy and not thinking about being so high in the air.

Getting on the plane had proved to be no problem. But getting the ticket to be able to get on the plane, well that was another story. You see, Géraldine had a lot of online friends, she probably had more friends from different countries than other people her age. She saw English as her second language (even though it was only her fourth and it was behind German and French) and often used it while she was talking to her friends, even though some of those friends knew Dutch and were able to speak it fluently.

Convincing the parents had been, hard to say at the least. Her father had agreed immediately, letting her go just for the sake to get her out of the house probably but her mother had been the one to worry about her daughter getting there safely and living with people she didn't know for the next three weeks.

The plane landed safely on its wheels and Géraldine started to pack up her laptop, closing it off and putting it in the bag, swinging it over her shoulder while the Creative Zen stayed in her ears, this time playing a random song, probably Mindless Self Indulgence by the sound of the high-pitched male voice singing.

“ 'Cuz i cant wait for you to knock me a minute a fuckin minute,” the young girl sang with the high pitched voice, receiving an odd glance by the man in front of her who looked over his shoulder and raised an eyebrow at her. Géraldine blushed and chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck and showing him a big grin.

The young girl sighed in relief as the man dropped it and just shrugged it off, walking off the plane and walking towards the luggage, being delivered to them on some sort of transport band of which Géraldine currently forgot the name off since she was too busy swaying her hips to the song and singing along with it.

Her eyes were closed, which was for the best otherwise she would've seen the strange glances people shot at her. She giggled slightly and tried to reach for her bag but failed miserably at that when the bag moved away from her. Géraldine pouted and reached for it again, the same thing happening. She sighed and blew her hair out of her eyes, pouting as she started to chase her bag.

“Oh man, I hate airports,” Géraldine muttered to herself as she finally managed to get her luggage from the band and searched for a free seat. Finding one, she smirked and dragged her bags towards the seat, setting it down and standing on the seat and starting to look around the airport.

“I NEED COFFEE!” the girl yelled a little too loud, receiving some glares from the people around her. She smirked and kept looking around the airport, pouting when she didn't find who she was searching for. Her loose black jeans showed the people exactly where her curves were but if they were viewable was another story.

The girl had stopped doing sports almost a year ago and it was starting to show on her body. Even though she was still skinny as hell (or at least, that's what her other friends said whenever they saw her walking around in her room without a tshirt on and her ribs clearly visible), she still had some fat around her stomach and hips which made her somewhat less attractive in really tight jeans around her hips.

She was wearing a shirt from Adeline Street, something that had angered her friend grately when she showed it to her, claiming she had gotten it for her birthday. It was one of their earlier models, a simple black t-shirt with a red swirld and the white Adeline logo printed in front of it.

Now she was in Sweden, wearing an American brand and some easy pants with a pair of white sneakers under them (and some black-and-white striped socks, claiming they reminded her of Lyn-Z from Mindless Self Indulgence), searching for her friend and hoping that she was already there so she didn't have to wait any longer.

“Oh come on!” Géraldine groaned, “where the hell is she?” she muttered under her breath and decided it would be better if she didn't stand on the chair since she was getting some glares from the security guards standing around the airport.

“You play it with your bum bum!” Géraldine turned around quickly, tripping over her bags and glaring at the girl standing in front of her as she sat on the ground, her arms crossed in front of her chest. Emelie was doubling over in laughter though as the red-haired girl had fallen down with a loud scream, probably pulling attention from the whole airport.

“By the way, red and not the new fucking is like I told you!” Géraldine said, glaring at Emelie who stopped laughing and raised an eyebrow at the girl with her mouth slightly open, not expecting a random Synyster Gates quote after her friend had fallen down.

All of the sudden both of the girls started giggling uncontrolable. Géraldine was helped getting up by Emelie, but failing miserably at that as the eldest just pulled Emelie with her down to the floor, making them land on each other in a heap of laughter and giggling, only receiving some disgusted glances by some people who probably thought the two of them were dating as Géraldine planted a wet kiss on Emelie's cheek after a few seconds of laying on the floor.

“Dear god you look so pretty!” Géraldine gushed over Emelie who blushed a little and shook her head while standing up and brushing off her clothes. Géraldine couldn't help but grin at her black-haired friend (clad in a Green Day sweater and some loose dark blue jeans with all-stars under them) who introduced her to her parents. The eldest girl nodded politely and accepted the hug she was pulled in by Emelie's mother even though the woman didn't know the girl.

“I'd so french kiss you if your parents weren't here right now,” Géraldine said with a smirk as she leaned closer to Emelie so the two adults wouldn't hear it. Emelie rolled her eyes and hit Géraldine on the head but only receiving a high-toned giggle coming from her friend.

“Shut up 'erard'!” Emelie whispered with an equal smirk playing on her lips as they shared an insider. Emelie's parents however, were carefully ignoring the two girls that were giggling and doubling over in laughter.

“You know...” Géraldine started, only causing Emelie to giggle and shake her head at the girl, realizing that Billie Joe had clearly taken over her sense of speech, “as I was don't play guitar with your neck,” Géraldine said, receiving a confused look from Emelie.

“Cause pink is the new black and all of that shit,” Géraldine kept talking, only confusing Emelie more and more. The taller girl smirked and winked at Emelie before she started to laugh at her face. To her, it resembled one of the many icons the couple used whenever they would talk to each other, sending the 17-year old girl in a fit of giggles everytime one of them used it.

“You're not making any sense at all mate,” Emelie said, shaking her head and using one of her favourite Jack Sparrow quotes. The girls had the nasty habit of quoting other people whenever they felt like it, and even though some of the quotes were completel random, they fit in the conversation they were having so they didn't really care.

“Let's go and have some fun!” Géraldine said, throwing one fist in the air before she wrapped her free arm around Emelie's waist and looking rather surprised when the young girl copied her by wrapping her own arm around the waist of the red-haired girl.

Oh yes, this was going to be one hell of a time...
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Alright, this is a oneshot, that's for sure, it's about me and FatalWreck meeting up after knowing each other for so long. She wrote a oneshot like this for my birthday (on my request) and now I returned the favour by doing the same. You can find her oneshot here, in the mean time, read all her other stories too and leave a comment m'kay?

The frerard thing is something between me and her, it came out of the fact that my real name resembles Gerard and her nickname amongst her friends if Frank, so we put the two together and got that little inside joke...

leave a comment if you want m'kay? I like feedback cause it makes me smile!