Be My Little Earthquake.

Chapter 3: After All We've Been Through

Chapter 3: 

He waited on the couch as his father kept himself in his room to change out of his work clothes. Joel rose from the couch and wandered around the moderate size house, looking through the kitchen cabinets, pondering through  the fridge and taking the liberty of throwing away the spoiled container of sour cream and putting a cold, empty container in the sink.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Piper grumbled, dodging past Joel to get a beer, popping it open, chugging it down and grabbing a new one in the time it took for Joel to dump another container down the sink and turn around to face his dad. 

"Still drinking, dad?"

"Never stopped. Still an OCD freak?" There was a hint of sass in his voice, hidden by the layer of cockiness and distinct smell of beer and sandwhiches. What did he do for a living anyways? 

"Never stopped." Joel snapped. 

"Huh! Guess people don't change! Now I have one rule. Stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours. I've already got you enrolled for school. It's only a few blocks away so you'll be walking."

He fished another beer out of the fridge and slammed the fridge shut. The glass jar of coins he had on top of it falling to the ground with a shatter. 



River could hear as the glass jar shattered next door. She cringed and thought about going over to check on things, but decided against it. 

She walked of her room across the creaking floorboards to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle and being shoved to the ground by her little sister. 

"Sorry River!" She squeaked. She looked into the little girls large blue eyes and giggled.

"Whats the rush sweetie?" 

"We're making a time capsule in the front yard!" And with that she ran off.

"Arent time capsules usually in the backyard?" She wondered out loud, walking back to her room.


After cleaning up the glass, and seperating the coins into piles, Joel grabbed a can of soup from the pantry, popping it open and grabbing a spoon and decided he wanted to walk around a get a feel of the neighborhood. 

Taking a bite he put on his shoes and shoved his headphones in his ears and started walking. He stared at the neighbors house for a moment, taking in the details of the design until the moment he fell to the ground quickly.