Be My Little Earthquake.

Chapter 4: I'm Gonna Smile

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY!?" River ran outside quickly, running to the side of the random boy who fell in the awkward shaped hole in the yard. 

"What the hell?!" He cried, lifting his foot out of the hole and inching out of it like a worm. "Aw, shit!" He cried once more, feeling the blood on his face and the soup sticking to his hair. 

"I am so sorry! My sister and mom were burying a time capsule a- Oh shit."

"Who buries a time capsule in the front yard?!" He exclaimed, holding his ankle.

"Apparently my family!! Im so sorry!" She shrieked 

"Its okay!"

"No it's not! You couldve died!"

"Theres no possible way of that happening!" 

"But you still couldve hurt yourself!"

"I did hurt myself!"

"I said i'm sorry!!" 

"Its fine, really!!" He sucked in a sharp breath, running a finger along his ankle and letting out a laugh. "Seriously. Who buries time capsules in the front yard?" 

"I don't know." She laughed. "Im uh. I'm River, by the way." 

"Joel." He said happily, accepting her extended hand. River gazed at him for a moment. His long hair framing his face and the piercing on his nose and lips. His eyes shined bright and his lips curved into a simple smile.

"You... Want to come in? Get cleaned up? I also have another can of soup of you want it." She giggled as Joels face lit up. He nodded and waddled inside.


River helped Joel wash the soup out of his hair and clean up the scratch on his  face. He continued to hold onto his ankle as the girl named River rummaged through the cabinet. She pulled out 2 cans, one for her and one for the awkward boy who just moved in and began to dig in. 

"So did you just move here?" She asked, gulping down a spoonful of broth, although she obviously knew the answer. 

"Yeah. Today actually. I live next door actually." Her heart sunk. She remembers the disturbing phone call she overheard and frowned. 


"Is there something wrong with that?" 

"No. It's just. I heard your dad talking about you." 

"About how he doesn't want me to he here? Yeah. I figured." The words came out to be more harsh than Joel expected. 

Rivers eyes widened. She watched as Joel cleared her throat and frowned. 

"I didn't mean to snap. I'm sorry."

"Its fine."

They finished their soup in silence and Joel walked home, slipping into his room and falling asleep on his bare matress without a care.