Be My Little Earthquake.

Chapter 7: About To Dive Into The Wreckage

2 months later

School wasn't too horrible, not the first day at least. Every other day was. Joel got picked on left and right, every day he would come home and lock him self in his room and try to forget about the days events. 

Today was unforgettable though. 

River was out for an art class trip, leaving Joel to face school on his own. He swung his backpack over his shoulder, keeping his head low as he walked through the halls, trying to keep himself from losing it.

He got hit, slammed against lockers, thrown against the floor, everything imaginable because ''He was a free target now that River was gone.''

Dragging himself home he thought of all the things that were said to him, all the things they did to him. Right now he wanted to end it so badly. His body ached and there was a steady stream of blood coming from his forehead. He slammed his stuff to the ground as he entered the house, letting out an angered growl before slamming his fist into the wall behind the door. 

"I'm tired of this shit!" he shrieked. He didn't want to deal with school anymore, he was hurt for things he didn't do. Everyday for the past 2 months. 

He knew this was what River went through. But he wasn't as strong as her. He never would be. 

Taking another swing at the wall, he dropped to his knees, falling down completely until his head was his hitting the ground, tucking his knees in and guarding his head with his hands, crying silently so no one could hear him.


Rivers life on the other hand has gotten better since Joels arrival. She only had two classes with Joel, so she hoped he was okay. Joel was strong, but he had his issues, River was the only one who knew about them too. He battled depression, anxiety, he used to self harm and starve himself. River knew what it was like, because she battled the same things. She's learned to control everything now, and she hoped that she could help him. 

Slamming on her bed, she pulled out her phone, going to Joels contact and punching in a quick message.

"Hey Joel. You okay? Come over if you need to." 

Putting her phone down, she rolled over so she was facing the door humming softly and wondering if she should go see Joel. 


He could feel himself walking through the clouded area, his body still aching. He believed it was a dream, at least he hoped it was. 

He didn't get to see what happened next, Joel was snapped awake by the door busrting open.

"JOEL. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" He  sat up, looking at his father with a frown. The blood was crusted to the side of his face and his ratty hair was covering it.


"You-uh what?!?" He screamed digging his fingernails into Joels shoulder. 

"I... Punched the wall."

"I let you live in my home, eat my food and you fucking do this shit?!" He pushed Joel as he tried to rise up from the ground, Joel was furious, he didn't want to deal with anything else.

"I buy my own food dad! You're never home, I never get to see you, it's like it's not even your house!!" He screamed. 

He gave Joel a cross look, getting close into his face with a snarl. He could smell the alchohol on his breath, he wasn't sober that's for sure. 

"I dont know why you're even here then!"

"BECAUSE I DONT HAVE ANYWHERE ELSE TO GO." He kicked Joel in the gut, raising him up by his shirt so he was eye level.

"Dont ever talk to me like that again. And you do. At home with your mother." 

"This is my home now dad." He whimpered, a tear falling down his cheek. "Please don't hurt me anymore." 

Joels fathers face remained stern, staring into his eyes as Joel tried his hardest to choke back tears.

"Its my house. I'll do whatever I want to." Throwing him to the ground once more, kicking him, and punching him until he couldn't keep his eyes open.

With a few words whispered into his ear, Joels dad delivered a final blow to the side of his face.