Status: Finished..

Protect Me From What I Want


"You cold Mr. Way? Well get fucking use to it. This isn't a god damned spa, it's picking up trash in the parking lot now go do something useful." The sheriff shouted after I said I was cold it was fucking the crack of dawn. He threw his coffee cup on the ground to reassure he was in charge here I resisted the urge to pick up a rock I wanted to crush his skull in. He started chatting with the deputy, I went back to picking up garbage. I kicked a few cans of empty beer. I wanted to be away from this shit, I know I hurt people I know Frank wants nothing to deal with me. I was a monster, I itched my orange jumpsuit it was wool I developed a rash which I was thinking of a plan a brilliant plan. I could itch myself raw until I was bleeding to be sent into a hospital and maybe Frank could visit me. No he couldn't even if he wanted, I'd be guarded day and night. I tossed the last bit of trash into the rum sack. The best part of the day was coming the sunrise. It reminded me of freedom and maybe just maybe Frank wanted to see me again.

"Alright Way that's all for today." A guard grunted placing me into my cell. He slammed the door leaving me to my thoughts. My stomach growled I was starving. Waiting for my so called lunch I stood on my toilet seat to see the outside world. Nothing was out there, a few people walked the sidewalks a old woman fed birds bread crumbs to bird. Cars drove up and down the street going about their perfect fucking lives. My cell door buzzed open I slipped on the seat hitting my head on the concrete floor sending stars to my eyes. The guard stood there holding out a platter of food. A tuna sandwich a milk carton and a apple. "Way what the fuck ate you doing? Get off the floor." Relieved he hadn't seen me fall, I took the food from him as he slammed the door again. I finished the sandwich in three bites not tasting it. I tried to drank the milk and shuddered discovering it was spoiled. The apple I was gracious for I hadn't tasted real fruit in months. I placed the platter in a corner I made my way back to my cot falling asleep easily.

"Gerard Way you have a visitor." I heard the voice of the sheriff shaking me from my dreams. "It's your lawyer actually. He needs to go over some details with you." The sheriff lead me to the visitors room where my lawyer Karen Thomas was waiting for me at a table. Karen was a state provided attorney, since I denied hiring my own. She was wearing a suit that looked like it itched more than my jumpsuit, she dropped a pile of papers I smiled. Karen was the kindest woman I knew she was a klutz but she was down right serious with her clients. "Gerard oh thank you, I was trying to get some details and go over your court date." She placed the papers back in her briefcase. "Also Gerard your brother Mikey told me to give you this note." It was sealed closed I ripped it apart desperate for any contact. It held a sentence I needed to read.

Gerard tommorow morning we're breaking you out. - Frank.

"Well what does it say?" Karen folded her arms over her chest. Trying to peer over me. I quickly threw my hand over her stack of papers she scowled at me before bending over to collect the scatter papers. I torn the note in half not knowing what to do with Frank's note I shoved the written part in my mouth shallowing it. I placed the blank half on the table, Karen flustered shoved the papers into her briefcase. "Gerard gimme the note." She took the blank half frowning at it. "Well that's strange. A blank note. All well." She smiled brightly. Thankfully she wasn't aware I just ate paper. She handed me a few papers and made small talk. Before I knew it the vist was over knowing I wouldn't see the only woman who believed in me I gave her a small hug before she was lead away by a guard. She was surprised by the gesture. "Don't worry Gerard I'll see you in a few days." She patted my back and she was gone. I was being lead back to my cell. I wondered how Frank got that note to my attorney. My door slamming behind me I ran to my window above my toilet it was night hardly anyone was out I saw a parade of cars parked on the side of the road I saw one car with its lights on inside with two men playing cards. I smiled thanking I was on the ground floor. I waved although they couldn't see me. My morning was going to be a stressful and exciting day.

"Good job Way hey maybe if you actually picked up the trash maybe the parking lot would be clean." A guard said. The sheriff was sick with a flu so it was just a guard today. The guard finished his donut throwing the wrapper on the ground. He laughed as he went to read the newspaper. It wasn't sunrise yet I was ready whenever Frank and (hopefully) Mikey set whatever pant they had in motion. I felt the first few rays of sunlight on my back I looked seeing Mikey in a car running. No one else was in the car with him, I turned back to the guard he was engrossed in the sports section. "Are you going to pick up trash? Or...are you going to run away with me?" A familiar voice spoke. Frank was behind me extending his hand to me. "Seriously Gee we have to go the sun is rising." I took his hand and he pulled on mine we ran until we jumped over the fence a bit of a challenge to me I had chains on my ankles. "Gerard hurry fucking run your ass off." Frank led me to a car with Mikey inside. Mikey outside of it shoved me into the backseat while Frank got in the

"Lay down Gerard." Mikey growled at me. I did as I was told laying flat on my back while Mikey drove out of the parking lot. I listened for sirens none came. "Gerard lay low until we say you can." Frank commanded. Frank had changed barely little his hair was longer he was more demanding than I remembered. Mikey drove smoothly until we were on the highway. Frank took his and Mikey's phone tying them together smashing them with his boots. He tossed the remains out the window. "Can I get" I asked. Frank spun around before climbing in the backseat. I moved my head he sat beside me looking at me. "You don't even know how much I've missed you." He placed his lips on mine, I was taken back by the gesture. Mikey made a grunting noise. "Guys I don't mind I'm helping you escape and all risking my freedom actually all of our's but save it for later." He pushed his glasses up his nose. "Mikey shut up.." I said making everyone laugh in such a stressful situation. I felt better although I was in handcuffs and my jumpsuit made me want to peel my skin alive. "Gerard you should sleep for awhile until we're out of the city." Frank said softly. He placed my head in his lap stroking my head. I felt myself grow more tired until I slipped into darkness.
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Okay late update I suffer writers block a lot but more updates to come thanks and I know this chapter sucks but hey.