Status: Finished..

Protect Me From What I Want


"What do you mean Gerard Way escaped?" The newswoman on the screen was trying to shove a microphone under detective Bob Bryar's face. He made his way up the stairs trying to avoid anymore questions. "Does this have anything to deal with the fact Frank Iero disappeared?" Bob grunted turning to the newswoman, "I have no comments at this time towards the disappearance on Mr. Iero or how in the world Gerard escaped I blame poor supervision on the suspect. "We've spoken to Gerard's brother Michael Way and he has no ideas where his brother his." Now please let the police do their job and leave us in peace." Bob left the reporter speechless as he went into the station. Gerard turned the tv off laughing. "They've spoke to fucking Mikey good old Mikey played innocent." He ran his hand through his newly dyed red hair mumbling about poor police work. "So what now?" Gerard looked around the crummy hotel room I rented in a bogus name. "I say we keep running sunshine." I took his hand placing it in mine. "I could run for the rest of my life but..." I frowned thinking of the risks of hiding out for the rest of my life, Gerard broke my thought process by kissing me gently. "I'm sorry Frankie for..hurting you during that." He focused on the peeled wallpaper. "I know it doesn't mean crap to you but thanks for saving me." He rolled on his side of the bed sounding defeated.

"Gerard don't-" He interrupted me pressing his lips against mine. I felt his tongue exploring my mouth. He pulled away with a sadness in his eyes. "I want to start over, he took my hand in his. Giving me a crooked smile, "hi my name is Gerard Way. I like horror movies, iron maiden and I recently escaped from jail." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. "I swear its like being in a sitcom with you." Gerard took out a map from his backpack. "We can go anywhere, stop at shitty hotels eat enough junk food to have our stomachs pumped." He closed his eyes letting his hand set on a random city in Nevada. "Ah Las Vegas, it's the perfect place to blend in." He closed the map shoving it back in. "But first I would like the pressure of making love with my boyfriend."

I heaved a sigh. "Wow first date and already sex?" I rubbed his tight jeans feeling the friction gathering there. Gerard giggled grabbing me pulling me to his chest. He pulled my shirt over my head and froze seeing 'property of Gerard Way.' He pulled his hand back. "You didn't try to fix it?" His voice low. "No Gerard I'm yours, you might be crazy or strange but who says what is normal and what isn't." I love you more and more each passing moment."

"Are you ready for a lifetime of running away," Gerard mused.

"I would run away with you anytime."

Gerard kissed me and I knew everything was gong to be okay. Love was strange love was risking your life for the person you'd take a bullet for. "Frank...I love you." Gerard's voice again soft.

"I love you too Gerard, hey could we stop here?" Gerard looked up seeing the map I dragged out. Gerard studied it until he realized I was pointing at a ad on the map. That claimed to do marriages twenty four hours a day.

"You bet. That's going to be a fun pitstop." Gerard held me close I didn't care if the world ended outside or if zombies came to life. Gerard was all I needed and I was all he wanted. Whatever happened next I was ready with Gerard by my side.
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The end. It was an awful ending my draft got deleted by mistake. Thanks guys.