I Swear I Didn't Mean To!

Hard Times

"Billie Joe you fucking bastard! Get the fuck away from me!" Serenity called in fear of Billie's drunken figure approaching her.

"Aw come on Sin, I'm not going to hurt you.. much." He said still stepping towards her, his breath smelling strongly of alcohol, and a beer bottle gripped tightly in his strong hand. "Come on there is nothing to be afraid of, I'm not going to kill you, I just want to 'play'."

Serenity continues to step backward and her back meets the wall. oh shit, I'm trapped! Billie procieded forward until his body trapped hers completely up against the beige painted wall.

"Now what did I say about trying to excape me?" Billie whispered in her ear and pinned her shoulders pack with one of his arms and reaching into his pocket with the other. He pulled out a small pocket knife and flipped it open. Serenity's eyes filled with fear and widened at the site of the small but still sharp knife. She desprately tries to scream but stops as the knife is against her throat.

"Make a sound and I will slice." He smirks as she closes her mouth and her eyes.

come on just make the pain go away already! I can't take it anymore! Too many times has this happened to me. She feels his body step back and she opens her eyes to a raging Billie Joe. He glares at her as if SHE was the one that cheated on him.

"Into the bedroom. NOW!" She doesn't need to be warned twice. She ran to the bedroom and did her best to find a hiding spot before he came in with more lust and rage to take out on her. She situated herself in a small space behind a dresser and some stuffed animals that Billie had won her the first time they went out. She closed her eyes tightly and slowed her breathing wishing it would all just be over. But it wasn't going to be. What happened to the sweet innocent guy she fell in love with many months back? And why the hell did he turn into this lucturis bastard? These questions roamed her mind many times but only in the time of need.

"Heh thought you could hide from me did you?" she heard Billie's cruel voice coming at her and felt the stuffed animals being lifted off of her one at a time. She opened her eyes to a staring Billie Joe. His eyes were burning with the intensity and rage of 50 mass murderers combined. He grabbed her already bruised arms and pulled her out of her small hiding spot.

She was relieved to get out of such a cramped area but still didn't want to be found by a insanly drunk hippocrit. He pulled forcibly through the bedroom and pinned her to another wall yet again. She griminced at the pain he had brought her and the pain he was about to inflict upon her. Not even a slow and painful death could match up with what he has and will do to her. She winced as he grabbed her arms tightly and threw her unto the bed. She knew what was coming to her, as it came many times before. She was used to it by now, but the two questions still roamed her mind everytime. She heard his deep breathing getting closer and closer to her. As she gripped her eyes tight tears flew from the small crevense. The pain was unbearable, but what was coming to her was worse than what she had ever recieved in her lifetime. She had to just wait for what she was about to get.