I Swear I Didn't Mean To!

Good Times Last

He pulled out a knife and began his work. He cut her shirt and pajama pants off and placed the knife against her bare skin. He slid it downwords and laughed and Serenity tried to scream in pain. The pain was too much! She squirmed and tried to get Billie to stop with the knife. He brought the knife up and examined it closely. A tight smirk appeared on his face as he brought it onto her arms. She winced at the pain and tears flowed from her eyes as he moved down to her legs.

After he was done with his knife trick, he placed the knife on the bedside table and walked over to the other side of the room to retrieve something. Serenity tried with all her might to get the knife off the table. She finally reached it and quickly cut the ropes to her hands. Than she cut the ropes to her feet and pulled the bandana off. She rubbed her wrists from where the ropes were trying to relieve the pain. She slowly got off the bed but her movements caused the knife to fall off and hit the floor with a clink. Billie quickly turned around to see her stand up. He grabbed something out of the bag and ran over to her before she could escape. She saw this and jumped to the other side of the bed. He jumped on the bed as she ran over to the door only to find it locked. He ran up to her and gripped her in a head lock so she could barely breath. He held up a rag to her face and she passed out.

She woke up after what seemed like days of sleeping to the room she had passed out in. But it was much brighter now that the sun had come up. Am I dead? What is this place? What happened? If I am dead this is a shitty heaven! Or am I in hell? I don't know, I'm just going to stop talking to myself now. Er thinking to myself. Oh whatever! She sat up and noticed she wasn't tied up. She looked onto the bedside table where she had grabbed the knife from and there was a note 2 asprin and a glass of water. Oh how thoughtful of that stupid bastard. Why do I even put up with him? Well he is helping me for once, maybe I should help him with his drinking problem. She took the asprin and read the note slowly.

Dear Serenity,
I know I've been a complete bastard.
I went to find help about my drinking problem.
I really hope I can change.
I wrapped your cuts and left some asprin
on the table incase you had a headache.
I'm so sorry for all the things I put you through!
I really mean it to.
I Swear I Didn't Mean Too! I was drunk cut me
some slack please. I still love you and I promise
I will find a way to change.

Love You Always,
Billie Joe Armstrong!

She sighed and looked around the room only to find out that it was a hotel room. From which hotel she didn't know. But from the looks of it, it was old and run down. Her thoughts were interupted by a loud banging on the door.