I Swear I Didn't Mean To!

Things Remain The Same

She literally jumped 10 feet in the air and hit the floor with a bang as Billie came through the door. He took one look at her as she rubbed her head and he laughed. She glared at him and pretended to pout. He immediately stopped laughing and walked over to her.

"So what do you want for breakfast? I'll pay. Just forgive me please Sin I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did those things to you. Can you ever trust me again? I swear I will chan-" He said but was cut off by Serenity.

"Billie it'll just take time for me to trust you again, but I swear I will try. Just no more torment. Please. I would very much like to keep my head and brain sane if its not too much trouble." She said as she stood up from the ground. "And lets go to I-Hop for breakfast please? Its national pancake day and breakfast there is free!" She ran up to him, wrapped her arms around him and started to cry in his shirt.

"Sweety what's wrong?" He asked and looked at her. "Oh my god, you're still scared of me aren't you? Come on! I said I was sorry. And I mean it! I will never do that again! Come on Sin, please believe me!" He backed away and held her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. He saw a mixture of emotions, fear, anger, sadness, and what he noticed is to be a little bit of trust. That was enough to calm him down. He looked strait into her eyes and inched closer to her. He gave her a soft and sweet kiss on the lips and she un-tensed herself. She looked deep within his deep green eyes and smiled. He knew he had gained her trust. Just not fully. "So... I-Hop it is." They went outside, got into his beat up car, and drove to I-Hop. They ordered and waited at the table for their food to arrive and talked about anything that seemed to appear in their mindsTheir food arrived and Billie scarped his down without taking a breath in-between. She stared at him amazed while slowly eating her food.

"Ok Billie? Do you taste your food at all?" She asked as he finished.

"That depends.... How hungry am I?" He replied while ordering more.

"Billie you're always hungry,"

"Then I never taste my food." He said as more food arrived at the table. Billie finished his third helping as Serenity finished her first. "That's what I call a breakfast. And it was free!" He shouted as they left I-hop. "Hey do you want to go to the carnival? Free things!"

"Uh sure do I have a choice?" She asked rolling her eyes.

"Not a bit," He replied. He lead her to the carnival and they walked around for a while talking about random things again.

"How can Tré spray cheese out of his nose?! Its just not human!" Sin asked as they were on the topic of spray cheese.

"I don't know and since when is Tré human?" He asked

"Good point." She said and they continued talking about random things... again. Until Serenity saw someone,