I Swear I Didn't Mean To!

Roller Coaster Horror

She stopped walking and stared at the figure in which she saw. She knew something was wrong when Billie started being 'nice.' The figure saw her looking and darted for the nearest ride.

"What's wrong?" Billie asked in confusion, "what did you see?" She looked at his completely innocent face. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and continued forward.

"It was nothing. I just thought I saw something. But it's nothing," she said looking around for the figure she saw. "Let's go on this ride!" She pointed to a huge roller coaster.

"Uh...are you sure you want to go on something that is that high up and goes that fast?" he asked, not wanting to go onto the ride. And trying to convince her of not making him.

"Yup, like I told you before. I can't stand suspense, but I LOVE a good thrill."

"Okay babe. If you want to I will. Just for you." He took a big gulp as Serenity lead him to the gate for the ride. "Death Sentence...sounds fun and not at all painful." He said under his breath as he read the sign. They got on the ride and the guard strapped them in.

Please keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all time. We will notify you when you may exit the ride. Have fun and enjoy your stay at Berkeley county carnival.

At the end of the attendance's security speech the ride launched off into a 80 miles an hour death trap. Billie grabbed onto the handles for dear life as Serenity raised her hands above her head just for the fun of it. After 6 minutes of corkscrews, hills, and twists the ride came back to the platform for all the passengers to get off. Billie stepped off after Serenity and nearly fell over because he was so dizzy.

"Billie are you okay? You don't look so good," Serenity said concerned of Billie's presence.

"I don't feel so go either," he said clutching his stomach.

"Here let's get you home so you can rest. I'll drive." She and Billie walked back to the car and Serenity drove back to the broken down hotel. "Why do you want to go here?"

"Because this place means a lot to me. I love being around it. And we can fix it up and have it become our house if you'd like. Its got many rooms for our friends to sleep in."

"Well okay, but lets get some sleep just for now and we'll see what happens tomorrow." They walked inside and into one of the rooms. Billie laid down on the bed and pulled Serenity down next to him. "Good night my Billie Bear," she said in a mocky tone.

"Good night my sexy sin." With that they fell asleep. Serenity on Billie's bare chest and him with his arms around her.