Status: Hiatus



"Niall, what is in that bottle?"

The seventeen year old smirked. "Nothin', Mrs. J. Just water."

"Oh really? Then you wouldn't mind letting me see it for a moment?" The teacher replied, holding out her hand.

Niall hesitated for a moment, but he knew he couldn't win the battle. He handed the plastic bottle over, and his teacher unscrewed the cap and smelled the liquid.

She sighed heavily. "Niall Horan, this is vodka in here. This is the second time this has happened this year, and we're only in the first week of school."

He shrugged. He knew he shouldn't have been drinking at school, but he honestly didn't care that much. He just wanted out of school in general. It was his last year, and there was no way he would be going to a university. If things went his way, his band would be huge by the end of the year.

"What ya' going to do?"

"I know exactly what I'm going to do, Mr. Horan." She wrote something down on a piece of paper. "Rebecca, would you please take this paper and escort Niall here to the deans office?"

The student nodded, and Niall rolled his eyes. He raised out of his chair, and followed the girl out of the class.

When they got to their destination, the girl handed the dean the piece of paper and left quickly. Niall plopped down on the chair on the other side of the man's desk.

The man read the note and sighed. "Really, Horan? Not even two weeks into school and you've already been caught drinking twice?"

"Sorry, Dr. Griffin."

"No you're not, you're sorry you got caught."

A smile pulled on the younger boy's lips. "Alright, sorry I got caught. And I'm sorry that I'm in trouble."

Dr. Griffin chuckled. "Oh, Niall Horan. You are more than just in trouble. You're in huge trouble."

"What are you going to do to me? Give me detention for a month?"

"I have a much better plan than that. Excuse me for a moment, I need to go call your mother."

Niall nodded. If he was honest with himself, he was nervous. He hated disappointing his mother. It had just been hard on him since they moved from Ireland to America, so he'd been doing a lot of stupid things.

A few minutes later, Dr. Griffin returned to the room.

"Your mother should be here in five minutes."

Niall just nodded.

"You know, I'm really disappointed in you, Niall."

Again, Niall just nodded his head. Dr. Griffin didn't say anything else, and silence took over the room.

Niall didn't want his mother to get there, so when she finally arrived, he sighed heavily.

"Really? Niall, I thought I raised you better than this." The look of distress on his mother's face was evident.

Before Niall could say anything, Dr. Griffin stated, "Niall, your mother and I came to an agreement while we were on the phone. You may not like this idea, but it's obviously for the best."

Niall looked between Dr. Griffin and his mother, pleading for more information.

His mother sighed before saying, "Niall, I'm sending you to boarding school."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so this is a new story I had an idea on and had to start.

All the boys will be in it, and obviously they live in America in this.