CSI: Across the Pond

Chapter 13

Gerard and Frank were breathless by the time they reached the lab. They saw Jade and Davey there, even though it wasn’t their shift. Mikey was helping them load different equipment into their cars. He looked up upon hearing his brother’s footsteps, and his face brightened considerably.

“Glad you guys decided to come after all. We were just about to go to the crime scene, but I convinced them to wait for you,” Mikey said with a smile. Gerard wanted to speak, but he was still out of breath. Frank was on the edge of a collapse. Mikey frowned.

“What happened to you guys?”

“We ran…all the way here,” Gerard managed to say. His brother nodded.

“You should enjoy the next half hour, then, because our crime scene is on the other side of the city,” said Adam as he approached. “You guys don’t have to drive, though.”

“If you don’t want us to die, you won’t let us drive,” said Frank. Gerard smiled. It was good to have him back.

“There’s one thing you guys should know,” Mikey said hesitantly. Gerard felt his heart sink. This couldn’t be good. “We’re meeting Matt at the crime scene.”

Frank almost fainted.
Gerard stared out the window of the car, occasionally glancing to his right where Frank was fast asleep. He didn’t blame the other investigator; he would be sleeping too had he been in that situation. Frank still hadn’t told him the whole story, but at this point he wasn’t going to press it. He figured it would be a Matt-related tale, anyway.

He frowned at the thought. Matt. Why they were constantly forced to work with someone like him, Gerard would never know. The British investigator had a way of looking at things that seemed completely out of place to him. Wasting his and Frank’s precious time as part of an experiment. Forcing the senior investigator to miss his own grandmother’s funeral, due to his own competitive instinct or not. Sending Gerard – and likely Frank – on midnight journeys to foreign countries just to make their lives miserable.

He remembered Laura’s conversation with Matt. She believed he could change. ‘People like that don’t change,’ Gerard thought. ‘They just…solidify.’

Jade parked the car in front of a large office building. Gerard nudged Frank awake, and they helped Jade unload the field kits. Adam, Mikey, Davey, and Hunter arrived a few minutes later in Hunter’s car. They all entered the building, ducking beneath the police tape meant to keep the bystanders away.

The carnage was immediately visible. Gerard saw the blood and winced. It was like someone had spilled a bucket of paint on the tiled floor. Frank and Mikey seemed disgusted by it as well, judging by their faces.

The other investigators weren’t deterred, however, and immediately set to processing it. Mikey and Adam remained on the ground floor while Gerard and Hunter went upstairs. Frank and Jade headed off to the security room to look at video footage, while Davey spoke to the police to get more information.

“This is one of the worst I think I’ve ever seen,” Hunter said as they looked upon the crime scene. He and Gerard inspected the room with flashlights, not wanting to turn the overhead lights on. They wanted to keep everything exactly the same.

“In terms of what?” Gerard asked as he saw the narrow beam reflect off the eyes of a dead woman sitting in an office chair, slumped over to one side.

“Death toll.” Hunter began taking pictures of the scene, slightly regretting that he was doing Jade’s job. No doubt the other investigator would be unhappy when he found out he had been temporarily replaced by his colleague. Gerard set his field kit on top of a nearby desk, frowning slightly upon hearing something else hit the paneling. He glanced over at Hunter, who was photographing their victims. It couldn’t have been him.

Gerard’s eyes traveled across the desk, looking for anything that didn’t seem normal. His gaze fell upon the cabinet doors set just a few inches off the ground. He cautiously drew his gun and opened one door.

A shot broke the silence, ricocheting off the metal desk three times before slamming into Gerard’s leg. He immediately fired at the black-clad person, feeling his leg start to give way to his weight. When the person ceased to move and blood began dripping to the carpeted floor, Gerard lowered his gun and almost fell down. Hunter rushed over to him.

“What just happened?” he asked in shock. Gerard held a hand to his leg, and upon feeling no blood, sighed in relief. He realized his hands were shaking.

“I just killed someone.”