Status: Updates as soon as possible but slowly because of exams.

The Guy I Hate to Love

Chapter 1- Welcome to Mystic Falls (part 1)

Short because i was in class when writing it.
Unfortunately, i do not own Vampire Diaries, but i can dream.

Slowly my brother, Declan and I made our way through the airport crowd trying to find two vaguely familiar blondes. My parents were killed in an animal attack in the woods near our home, what they were doing there I don’t know and I’d rather not think about, it's still sore as it's only been a week since they died. We were currently staying with my mother's best friend, my god mother and her daughter Caroline. We didn't really know them much, we visited them one when we were children after that we kind of just lost touch except the occasional email of how everyone was doing a few pictures of our separate lives. Declan and I have lived in Dublin all our lives since our parents moved to Ireland from Virginia when she learned about her pregnancy with me.
My thoughts were interrupted when an excited blonde jumped on me, wrapping her arms around me as she squealed.
''K! Ohmigod, it's been ages!'' She whined dramatically, making me roll my eyes but giggle all the same, I’d missed her; she was confidant when I was worried everyone else would judge me and I was hers.
''Hey Caroline, I missed you too'' I breathed out in my soft Irish lint, wrapping my arms around her tighter; I felt tears pooling in my eyes. I looked down as I felt a took on my hand and saw my brother looking concerned, ''You okay?'' he mouthed, I just nodded not trusting my voice not to crack.
''Hey you okay?'' Caroline asked us both as she held me at arm’s length, checking us both over with a solemn face. We just nodded and she brought us both into a group hug and all started laughing when Declan tried to claw his way out.
''Come on! Mom's in the car'' Caroline turned and practically dragged us away, Declan and I exchanged amused looks and I shook my head, although I was sad I was glad I had someone like Caroline to keep me sane, she was considerate, but chipper and albeit sometimes annoying, she made me feel normal.