Status: Updates as soon as possible but slowly because of exams.

The Guy I Hate to Love

chapter 5- Mikaelson Family Ball?

‘’Shhh… Caroline, you’re not alone, we’re all here to help you’’ I cried clutching a heartbroken Caroline in my arms as she cried until her voice was horse. We left the hospital a few hours ago and were now in my newly furbished room, they said it would take longer but evidently not.
‘’You should go get some sleep, I don’t want to keep you up all night’’ She stood up straight, wiping the tears from her face.
‘’Are you sure? I really don’t mind, you could stay here with me.’’ I proposed sadly, wiping my own tears.
‘’Yeah, I’ve gotta talk to my mom anyway, and… I really just need some time alone, you know to think’’ She smiled tightly, obviously forced, but she was trying to stay strong.
‘’I understand’’ I rubbed my hands up and down her arms gently trying to give some comfort in the gesture.
‘’Thank you Keela’’ She breathed, hugging me tightly.
‘’No problem, you’re my god-sister’’ I laughed gently and she smiled.
‘’Sister’’ She beamed.
Caroline shortly went to her room to be alone and I fell asleep from exhaustion before my head hit the pillow.
‘’Who you talking to?’’ I asked Caroline after watching the emotions wash over her face and her body freeze as she answers her phone. I chuckle a little as she jumps at the sound of my voice.
‘’My uhhm’’ She clears her throat making me more suspicious.
‘’My uh boyfriend?’’ She finally answers and I stare at her jaw slacked in disbelief. Caroline had a boyfriend. Caroline had a boyfriend and she didn’t tell me!
‘What!’’ I screech, she grimaces at the volume of my voice and I have to remind myself that she’s vulnerable right now, but then again she won’t want everyone treading around her trying not to upset her she’ll want normality.
‘’Oh I didn’t tell you? I must have forgot’’ She lies sheepishly.
‘’Since when does Caroline Forbes forget to tell me, her god-sister that she has a boyfriend?!’’ I shout in shock, this is not the Caroline I know.
‘’Sorry, but there’s just been a lot of stuff going on lately, I’m sorry I have really had time to spend with you’’ She says guiltily. But before I can apologize someone knocks the door, which is kind of a relief apologizing is not my strong point. I can’t stand to be wrong
Caroline rushes to answer the door and I tip-toed next to her in my unmatching pajamas trying to see who it is. Apparently it’s a what not who because as Care opened the door someone must have ran off as they left a box on the ground.
‘’Well what is it?’’ I pestered as she just picked it up.
‘’Wait! Jeez I just grabbed it, calm down’’ She scolded and I put on my best puppy dog face.
‘’Hurry…’’ I whined like a child, mail always got me excited, I swear I could have been a dog in a previous life.
‘’Fine’’ She sighed. First, she opened the envelope and read its contents.
It addressed:
Caroline Forbes,
Please join the Mikaelson family. This evening at seven o’clock for dancing, cocktails and celebration.
‘’Oooo fancy’’ I teased ‘’who are the Mikaelson’s?’’ I asked.
‘’Klaus and his weirdo family’’ Caroline snorted. I raised my eyebrows at her, I think she’s got a secret crush on Brit Boy.
‘’Hmm… How come I’m not invited?’’’ I pouted I always wanted to go to these types of things, I never had them back home and I know I don’t seem like the type but there’s alcohol and I am a girl you know.
‘’Because they don’t know you?’’ She asked like it was a stupid question.
‘’Hey, I bet half of those people invited they don’t know’’ I crossed my arms over my chest and stamped my foot like a child.
‘’True, maybe Klaus didn’t like you then’’ She teased me, grinning wickedly; at least she remembered how to smile.
‘’Shut up! I am delightful!’’ I gasped pouting even more. Caroline burst out in fits of giggles at our behaviour.
‘’Hey Care?’’ I said, absentmindedly looking at the card in her hand seeing faint writing coming through the paper as the light hit it.
‘’Look on the back’’ I grinned, hoping she got a secret message from her secret lover. Brit Boy.
She flipped the paper over and scoffed at the message.
‘’What? What does it say?’’ I yelled trying to take it from her hands.
‘’Klaus: Save me a dance, as if’’ She snorted throwing the paper down.
‘’What’s in the box?’’ I asked excitedly to see what was inside.
‘’God, I was just about to open it’’ She snapped and I grinned mischievously.
‘’I know, but annoying you is fun, especially when Brit Boy is involved. Are you sure he’s not your secret boyfriend’’ I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively
‘’What! Ew no! I would never, that’s disgusting, and Brit Boy?’’ She cried out in shock and disgust. I chuckled and nodded.
‘’Now open the box, missy’’ I glared pointing at the box.
‘’Yes miss’’ She grumbled under her breath and I giggled.
She lifted the lid revealing a beautiful blue dress with crystals decorated up the bodice, the skirt was floaty and looked gorgeous. Caroline appeared to be in a trance as she gasped at the sight of the amazing dress and stared at it for a while before snapping out of it and throwing the lid back on. I snapped my eyes over to her in confusion but decided she didn’t need me to tell her what to do she has enough to deal with.
‘’I’m going to see Elena, later’’ she called, already walking away, as I frowned.
‘’By the way nice pj’s’’ she snorted and winked at me.
I pouted ‘’Hey! Mix matched pj’s are the bomb in Ireland’’ I lied seeing if I could make her feel guilty for laughing at my pj’s. Of course it didn’t work she just laughed shaking her head at me and walked out the door to see Elena. I frowned, I really needed to stop being bitter and find friends.