The Rock Star Life of an Average Girl, Like Me

FBR Barbecue Part 2

"Great, well know that you know each other, I'll be right back you two talk," William said standing up and brushing off his pants, before heading inside.

"So," He started, "How did you meet them?"

"My brother," I said looking up at the tall boy from the ground.

"Oh," he said, before he could ask anything else, William walked back outside, with a drink in hand and stood next to Gabe.

"Jeez, now I feel short," I groaned laying down on my back and staring up at the sky once again.

"Aw, I'm sorry," William laughed.

"You should be, your so freakishly tall, you make me feel like a dwarf," he laughed again. I yawned and pulled my phone out of my pocket to see the time. "Damn 2:30, I'm going to sleep," I said pulling myself off of the ground.

"Alright, Night Rore," William said pulling me into a hug.

"Night," I said, before heading inside to find Peter, and Ryan.

"Rory, there you are!" Pete said grabbing my wrist, "Rory this is Victoria, Vicky this is my sister Aurora."

"Hi, nice to meet you!"

"You too."

"Oh by the way Rory, Max and Katie had to leave, they said to tell you 'goodnight', and Max says he 'loves you'."

"Alright, I am so tired I'm gonna find Ryan and then go to sleep,"

"Alright, good night Rory,"

"Night Peter, Nice to meet you Vicky," I said before walking out into the living room. I quickly found Ryan gave him a hug and told him I was going to bed.

I went upstairs and pulled on my black sweatpants and my red tank top and crawled under the blankets. I closed my eyes a drifted to sleep before I had a chance to think.

I awoke to my cell phone ringing in my ear. It was Katie because the song was the ring tone I set for her, 'Guilty Pleasure'. I quickly grabbed my phone and put it up to my ear.


"Hey Rory! Oh my god that was such a fun party, sorry Max and I had to leave before saying good bye to you. My mom was freaking out because I told her I was at a party, and Max's mom called him home. I had so much fun!"

"Thats nice," I yawned into the phone.

"Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah, but its cool I had to get up anyway."

"Oh alright."


"Oh my god Rory, Mike Carden is so cute!"

"Ha, well, as much as you were flirting with him last night I knew you would think as much."

"Oh shut up!"

"Mmk," I laughed.

"I gotta go my mom is coming to yell at me, talk to you later."

"Ha alright Bye Katie.'

"Bye Aurora," she said before hanging up. I set my phone back on my nightstand, and rolled out of bed. I went into my closet and picked out my outfit before walking across my room to the connecting bathroom. I took a quick shower, the styled my hair then got dressed. I went back into my room and grabbed my phone.

I went downstairs into the kitchen to find something to drink. I spotted my favorite kind of tea hidden in the back of the pantry where I left it. I took the tea bag out of the package before starting up the tea kettle. While the water heated up I poured myself a bowl of cereal, and poured the soy milk in it. I stood behind the counter eating my cereal.

"Well, hello," I looked up to see Gabe Saporta standing in the door way. I waved to him before the tea kettle whistled and I turned to turn off the stove. I pulled a glass out of the cupboard and poured the steaming water in it. I place the tea bag in the cup and waited for my tea to be ready.

"Tea?" Gabe asked.

"Yep," I said before raising the glass to my lips.


"What some?"

"Sure," he replied. I got another cup and made him his tea before turning back to my breakfast.

"Hey Gabe, Rory," Pete said coming into the kitchen, his hair sticking up everywhere.

"Hola, Peter," I laughed, he made a face at me before asking me questions.

"I thought we were out of that tea."

"No," I laughed again, "I just hid it."

"Brat," he said sticking his tongue out at me. My phone went off again only this time it played the song 'Clothes Off!' by the Gym Class Heroes, meaning it was Max.

"Hey Max."

"Ello Love," He replied.

"Are you British?"

"Today I am."

"Oh I see."

"Yeah, so I just called to tell you sorry for leaving so suddenly my dad came back from Florida and my mom wanted me to see him before he went back to work."

"Its totally fine, I understand."

"Good!" He yelled, laughing, "I'll come see you today after my dad leave again, So I'll talk to you later."


"Okay, Love you Rory!"

"Love you too Maxy."

"Bye," he laughed hanging up. I looked over at Pete, who was staring at me and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Ya, know sometimes, I worry about you an Max."


"Your both so strange."

"I resent that, Peter!"

"Shut up Aurora!" he laughed.

"Fine," I said pulling an invisible zipper across my mouth.

"Your so lame," Pete laughed turning back to the cereal he had poured, for himself and Gabe.

"Am not, and oh when is your next tour?"

"Next month," he said not looking up from his food.

"Who with?" he didn't look up he just pointed to Gabe.

"Cobra Starship, The Academy is, and Panic at the Disco," he said listing off the bands with a mouth full of cereal.

"That is so not fair!" I pouted.

"Why?" Gabe and Pete asked at the same time.

"Because you get to hang out with my besties like everyday, and I rarely see them!"

"Well that sucks for you," Pete said.

"I know!"
♠ ♠ ♠
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