Status: still a work in progress. thanks for reading loves!

Just Harry

No More Tears to Cry

The woman snarled, then stuck her nose up, “Oh, look the little American whelp.”

“Seriously Chelsy, just keep your damn mouth shut,” Harry growled, looking vicious. He turned to me and his eyes softened, looking pained. He reached as if to grab my hand, but I avoided his hand. My face must have displayed all of my emotions. “Gaby, let me explain.”

My heart wanted to fall into his arms, to forgive him and say I didn't care. But I knew I couldnt. I would get hurt, worse than I felt now. If I wasn't good enough for him, I might as well end it right there, instead of dragging my heart along. “No, Harry. I knew I didn’t belong, but I thought I was enough for you. I thought we were enough. But if you're going to back to her," I gestured to the very smug looking blonde, looking marvelous in a skin tight, snakeskin dress "I guess I didn't mean anything to you. Just, leave me along Harry.”

I turned, a very level expression on my face and exited the room, slamming the door behind me. The moment that heavy wooden door clicked shut, i felt my heart do the same. A literal ache formed on the left side of my chest, and the tears began. The only instinct in my mind was flight. I took off, putting distance between myself and Harry and that woman. Putting distance from the pain.

I sprinted through the crowd, pushing people out of my way as tears streamed down my face. I earned different looks, from anger to annoyance to concern to curiosity. I made my way through the crowd until I was caught by the shoulders. I whirled and faced the intruder. It was Amelia, one of my coworkers.

"Gaby, darling, whatever is the matter?" She slurred, pulling me in for a hug.

I sobbed into her shoulder, and then my traitorous brain concocted a plan. "Amelia?" I asked, looking up at her. I noticed the small crowd staring at the polo player blubbering against a dancer, and a few recognized her as the prince's girlfriend, but were to polite to question her. She heard camera's click around her.

"Yes dear?" She responded, oblivious to the scene.

"Let's hit up Magnolia." I suggested, naming a bar nearby.

"Well if your boyfriend coming? I would like a hot p... I mean, is Harry coming?"

I sighed, the pain slicing through my heart once again. "No, he isn't coming."

I haven't been that drunk in ages, or since. We entered magnolia's and headed to the bar, where Amelia made nice with the cute bartender and we soon had unlimited alcohol wristbands attached to us and Amelia was chugging down a shot.

"Come on Gabs, let's PARTYYYY." she urged, and I grabbed the clear shot glass in front of me, closed my eyes, and gulped it down.

"Okay guys, how fashht can I schug this down? Three shheconds? You're on." I slurred, standing on the bar with a funnel in my hand.

The crowd gathering cheered, phones flashing as they took pictures of the girl dressed in fine polo clothes got wasted. I leaned down and grabbed the tap the bartender handed to me, and filled my funnel. I hadn't funneled a beer since grad school, and hoped i still could.

"Okay guys. Thishh is for my schumbag ex." I mumbled, and that brought more cheers.

I extended the funnel hose, letting thebeer run down until it was stopped by my finger plugging the bottom. The foam rose to the top and I brought the tube to my mouth, and relesed my finger. The liquid flew down my throat and was gone before I knew it. I laughed excitedly and jumped up and down on the bar.

"How fast? How fast?" I screeched.

"Two point seven seconds!!" Someone yelped, and the bar thundered with applause.

I was helped down from the bar and Amelia grabbed me in a hug. "Man Gaby, you are so much more fun than I thought you would be," She praised, her face an inch from mine in drunken earnestness.

"I am a fucking party." I agreed, and we went to the dance floor.

A song started and Amelia and I flowed to the music, the alcohol flowing through our veins giving us pseudo-dancing skills. We made our way across the floor and danced with various partners, who we all bored of and went to the next. We drank drink after drink, until I forgot why I was at this bar, who I was so upset with, and why my heart hurt.

"Hey you asshole." I Yelped when some guy pinched my ass as I stood waiting for a drink.

An attractive guy stood there, not looking ashamed. "Hey babe, wanna get out of here?" He slurred.

I shook my head. "No, not really."

He grabbed my hand and I tried to shake him off but in my weak state couldn't. He traced the polo clubs letters on my shirt. "Come on babe, you could ride me." he joked.

"I don't think she will be riding anything." A deep voice cut through our conversation, and my heart flipflopped before it recalled why i was here. The pain was worse this time.

We both turned to see Harry, looking disheveled and worried, standing a foot away. "Now how about you step away." Harry warned.

The guy laughed and slung an arm over my shoulders. I cringed away. "Naw man, you don't own her."

His face hardened, anger leaking from every pore. Harry grabbed my hand, pulling me to his chest, while he turned and decked the man in the face. The man crumpled and fell to the floor while I was silenced. The bar erupted in confusion and Harry turned to pull me with him.

"Stop Harry. Stop." I slurred, beating his chest as he dragged me.

He whirled, eyes furious. "What the hell are you doing here, especially getting this drunk. You could be taken home, raped, who knows what else?" He snapped.

I narrowed my eyes. "Like you would care. You were to busy with Chelsy."

The bartender cut in there. "Uhm man, i don't think she wants to go with you." Harry whirled and the man, sober, recognized him. "Aww shit, your Highness. I, uhm, is she with you?"

"She's my fucking girlfriend. And I am getting her out of here."

Harry literally took me in his arms like a baby, with me kicking all the way. "EX GIRLFRIEND. EX FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!" I exclaimed as he ferried me from the bar.

the next thing I knew we was settling me in my bed at the great house. I scooted away from him, the pain flowing back into my heart. "Leave Harry. Get the fuck away from me. I hate you."

His eyes were filled with pain. "You don't mean that. Gaby, she means nothing to me. Nothing.

"You second guessed me. Harry, i heard you. You didn't defend me. You don't believe in our relationship." my heart spilled out.

"No, I love you!" Harry cried, falling to his knees next to the bed.

"Harry, if you really love someone, you show it to them, and you show it to everyone you meet. You don't rethink your relationship with them because your ex is trying to make you. Now get out of my room, and get out of my life."

Harry breathed chokingly, and when he leaned down to kiss my forehead, I saw tears coursing down his cheeks.

"I love you Gaby. Don't forget it." He murmured, and walked out of the door, forever.

I lay curled up in my bed for two days, ignoring my responsibilities and general hygiene. My mother heard, bringing me food and sighing over loosing such a good match before she hopped on a flight back to Augusta for another event. The owner of the barn took care of my responsibilities and sat with me as i sobbed. She came on the second evening to leave me dinner that I wouldn't touch, and as she left she put a letter next to my bed, which I refused to read along with the fifty text messages Harry had sent me.

It was the third morning when I finally emerged from my den, showered and dressed. I picked up my dreaded phone, which someone had thoughtfully connected to the charger, and scrolled through the messages, not even bothering to stop the flow of tears.

Gaby, I love you. Xx

Gaby, you may never forgive me, but I am always here for you. Xx

My love, I have to go home to England. I won’t be able to come back for sometime, but I will come back for you. If you’ll have me. Xx

Darling, read my letter. Please. Xx.

I unfolded the letter beside my bed, thick parchment and a very elegant hand. I scanned it swiftly, sobbing harder.

My love,
You are mad at me, furious even. I can never make up for the breach in your trust, but I hope you forgive me. I am going mad with pain from not seeing you. You are my world, and I would renounce my crown if it would mean being with you. Nothing matters as much to me as you. I could care less what anyone says. I had a moment of weakness after the polo match, but since them I have realized that
YOU are all I need. I am going to England. I must serve my time in the military as I do every year, I will be in Afghanistan for six to seven months, then I will try to come back and find you. My love, not a day will go by that I am not thinking about you , about your smile, your laugh, the way it feels when you kiss me, the love you have for each animal you meet. For you to remember me by, I have left Cami in your care. She is stabled with Royal and Ren, and to make your life easier I have paid your board for the next year for the three. I left you my credit card, in case you need anything. It is yours. Please use it. Be it for a flight to the UK, or a new saddle, just buy it. Don’t think I am trying to buy you, you know me too well for that. I am just trying to see to it that you are comfortable and provided for, since I will not be there. You are my world, and I hope you know that. Until I see you again, I will be working to be the man you deserve.
I love you, Gabriella Martino, Don’t forget it.
Just Harry. Xx.

I sobbed, running my finger over his signature, bold and slashing at the bottom of the page, and pulled a credit card from the letter. I put in the side drawer, refusing to use it. I needed nothing from him, not anymore. I just needed to forget about him and move on to the rest of my life. I pulled on a pair of boots and went to the barn, finding Cami, just as he said, in the stall next to Royal. She called to me as I entered the barn, and I slipped in her stall, and fell into the bedding at her feet, sobbing until I had no more tears to cry.
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Sorry guys I am going to try and update regularly, but its finals week and I am pulling my hair out over them. Enjoy this one! Love you all!