Sweet Naivety

A Hint


Being in school wasn't so horrible now. Even though Lyle couldn't come, ( for obvious reasons. If the window opened he'd disappear.) The school finally noticed his absence and reported authorities. Kurt told the whole school that he "attacked him from behind." His foster parents had told the foster home that he had ran away, and there were missing posters for him randomly. He decided to lay low for a little while, until everybody deemed him dead.

One thought that crossed my mind was how he was never going to die, never going to get old. We all didn't know if that was true yet, because we hadn't seen another vampire. The "dying in sunlight" obviously wasn't true. The cross thing was false. I didn't know what to believe and what to not believe. But what if it was true? What if I just kept getting old, and he stayed the same? I couldn't deal with that.

"Amber!" Anna screamed chasing me down the hallway and smashing into me.

"Ow! What, Anna? No need to get so excited."

"I love your haircut!" She exclaimed.

"I got it with you! You already saw it!"

"Yeah, but in school it's like wow!"

I patted her head. She was so short it was easy, I think she was only 5'3. I was about 5'8.

"You are a crack head," I told her. She replied by playing with my hair. I decided to cut off 8 inches off my hair and give it to cancer charity. Now it was shoulder length. I got side bangs too, just so it wouldn't be boring. I got a text message from Lyle on Tully's old phone.

Come ovr after school? Want to c yr hair pretty lady. mwuah- Lyle.

I smiled and replied yes. Tully came over and picked up Anna with one arm. They were not the right size for each other, Tully was 6'2, a carrot top, and built like a boxer. Anna was like a pixie fairy, she had long brown hair, tan skin, and was so skinny it made me jealous. Anna always complained to me about my curves though. You always want what you don't have.

"You're coming over, right?" Tully asked both of us. I ran to the car and got in, Tully's turn to drive.

"I take that as a yes," he said and drove off towards his house


I walked in to find Lyle juggling 3 apples on his bed. He looked up when he saw me he smiled with his red lips, his dark hair falling over his hazel eyes. His pale skin glowed in the shadows of the cellar and the romantic that he is, he threw an apple at me.

"Ow!" I scream when it hits me in the stomach. He throws another, this time I catch it.

"Reflexes like a retarded cat," he smirks and jumps up, running to me and picking me up. When he tries to kiss me I put the apple in front of my lips. "I'll just eat right through it!" He proclaims taking a bite. I giggle and he sets me down on his bed.

"So?" I say fluffing my hair. "You like?"

"I like it a lot, very sexy," he playfully growled, nipping at my neck.

Even though I hate to admit it, he was right leaving for those few months. He had a lot of self control, but Tully told me how hard it was to get him to calm down when he tried to eat him. That's true friendship right there ladies and gentleman. You stay friends with him even though you're the prey.

I kissed him and he kissed back, our lips were dancing together it seemed. Every time we kissed, it was perfect. He knew exactly how to move and so did I. Our lips worked together and left us wanting more.

His fingers tangled through my hair, messing it up as he set me down on the bed but I decided I wanted to take control and straddled him. He groaned but agreed, and after a little while I had him moaning quietly. As time went on his moans got louder and louder and I finally had to detach my mouth from his neck. For a vampire he sure liked hickeys, along with other things. Cough.

"Be quiet," I giggled. "Tully's family."

"They aren't here," He winked. Then he screamed "AMBER, OH AMBER!!!! THAT'S THE SPOT!"

I laughed hysterically. "OH LYLE YEAH! HARDER BABY!"

We heard a crash coming from the house, and laughed hysterically. Tully and Anna probably thought we were doing the naughty. We continued these loud noises until Lyle got a text from Tully.


At that text message we laughed so hard I almost peed. Lyle and I had decided not to have sex. Even though sometimes it was hard, really really hard actually...in more ways then one..., we wouldn't do it. The idea of a vampire baby was too much to handle. Lyle texted Tully back telling him that we were joking and to come down before we really did get busy. A few minutes later they came down.

We all talked about going to the movies at the weekend. It was ok for Lyle to go out at night, but we had to drive far away. We also made sure he had a hood if anyone saw us that we knew. His missing posters were coming down, but we always had to have our guard up.

"Hey, Amber I hope you don't mind me asking but have you seen Kurt yet?" Anna asked me.

"Uhm, no I haven't. Why, he's out of the hospital?"

"Yeah, Finally all summer he's been in there. Finally came back for first semester."

"Why are you bringing this up Anna?" Tully asked, angry. I really appreciated his care for me, especially on this subject. He was really protective. For such a big guy, he was a teddy bear.

"Oh yeah!" she said not noticing Tully's tone. "He can hardly walk! Even one side of his face is still messed up! Lyle, you really did him in."

"Yeah.." Lyle mumbled. He was ashamed he let his animal side get control of him, even if it was just that one time. I took his hand and stroked it and he looked up thankfully at me.

"Do you know he's going with Becca now?"

"No, I didn't," I answered. I was getting bored.

"Am I the only one into gossip?"

"Yes," We all answered in unison.

She humphed. "You don't have to be so honest about it."

I wasn't paying attention. Becca used to be my best friend, we did everything together. Then the big blow out with the "sex tape" .. she betrayed me. She went on Kurt's side even though she had to know he was lying. I didn't owe anything to her....
♠ ♠ ♠
Come ovr after school? Want to c yr hair pretty lady. mwuah- Lyle.
(a/n- editors, are you seriously going to take my stories off the chart for chat texting? I've seen it done in real books...)

Readers- why do we keep on hearing about this Becca...? ;)