Sweet Naivety



They left a couple of minutes later, Anna having ruined the mood. When I was all alone my mind got to me and brought me back to that night, that I tried to kill Kurt.

I was waiting at his house, in a tree. He got out of his car and went inside. I jumped from tree to tree, hoping to get a glimpse at his room. He already had a little bit of a black eye and I guessed Tully had done that to him, but when I saw him lay in his bed and put on a porn like he was just some casual, pervy, guy blood boiled through my veins. My head was pounding with anger, how could he live with what he had done to Amber? All she had was good intentions, she'd been hurt so much in her life and he was just sitting back, jerking off, not thinking about what he'd done. He didn't regret it. Not a second of it.

I threw a rock at his window and hid. He looked outside, curious and a little embarassed. Every time he looked away I'd throw another rock. He finally pulled up his pants and went outside to check things out.

"Who the hell is fucking with me?!" He screamed out. I threw another rock farther away to get him closer to me. As soon as he was close enough I launched, right in front of him. He literally pissed himself. I don't blame him, I probably looked lethal. Everything was in shades of red, so I'm guessing my eyes had turn red and I felt my teeth getting bigger. I beat the living shit out of him. I kicked him in his stomach, probably doing damage to his organs. I broke his arms, when he cried out for mercy I broke it in another spot. I had no mercy. I was evil, causing pain.

Then it hit me, I was just like him. Just as I was about to bite him, I put him down. He was unconscious, the pain being too much to deal with. Not being aware of what I was doing, I picked up his unmoving body and brought him down the block, then called 911. I made sure he was breathing and fled the scene.

I promised myself, that second that I would never do anything like that again. That I would help any one who was in danger. I was going to use my...curse..for good instead of evil. I would never let my instincts take over ever again.


I was walking in the hallway, late to first period again. A hand clasped around my mouth and took me by surprise, dragging me into an empty classroom. The hand threw me to the floor. I looked up and saw, of all people I want to be in an empty classroom alone with, Kurt. His face was distorted on one side, but he was still good looking. The scars made him look mysterious, which is only a plus for him.

"Before you even scream, shut up," he ordered, his voice menacing. "I want to know what the fuck is up with that boyfriend of yours. You answer me now," he was so close to my face. I was getting light headed. "Answer!" he whispered loudly, pushing me into the wall.

"I-I haven't seen him. We broke up."

"Shut the hell up, you were always a bad liar you little whore. Tell me how he got so strong, tell me why he was acting like a fucking animal. I want him in jail! If the police don't find him, I will! And I promise you, I'll kill him!"

Something inside me made me stand up straight. "No, you won't."

"What did you say you little slut?"

"You should be thanking him. He could have killed you if he wanted to, easily. It's because of him you're not rotting in hell right now, you disgusting bastard." I spat on him and ran out the door.

I could feel him behind me, ripping at my hair but I kept on running. I don't know what came over me, but it felt good. I was proud that I didn't freeze up, or pass out. No one was out in the hallways though, and I wasn't so fast. I bumped into someone so hard she fell on the floor.

"Oh, shit I'm sorry," I exclaimed, loud enough for Kurt to hear I wasn't alone. The girl was wearing a black hood, normal jeans, gloves and uggs. Her black hair wasn't combed and she had no make up on. Her pale face looked up at me.

"Amber," Becca whispered. Her eyes were black, depressed.

"Becca?" I said, deciding Kurt had given up the chase.

"I'm sorry."

"I ran into you, it was my fault."

"No.. not for that," she said looking up. Her eyes were telling me something. I knew those eyes. Those were my eyes last year. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you."

"Oh, oh no."

"I'm sorry!" she cried. I picked her up and went back to the parking lot and brought her to my car. School was the last thing on my mind right now.