Sweet Naivety


"Lyle?" I heard Amber yell from downstairs. I jumped up, excited. Becca finished cleaning up.

"Amber!" I yelled, making it sound like "timber". Which was appropriate because I jumped on her. Then she fell.

"Ow," she said, petting back her hair I messed up.

"No, leave it," I said hugging her. "It's sexy."

"I love it when you growl like that," she said giving me a quick kiss then pulling up a chair.

"Hey, Becca. Why do you have a mustache?"

Becca and I burst out laughing, Amber just looking more confused by the second. "She was cheering me up," I explained.

"Mustaches make you happy?"

"I guess so," Becca answered for me. "I'll leave you two alone," She hurried out of the kitchen before we could tell her it was fine to stay.

Amber abandoned her chair to come over and sat on my lap. "How was school?" I asked.

"Boring. I can't wait till summer."

"You have quite some time."

"You're so lucky. You don't have to go."

"If I could, I would."

We sat and talked for a little while, but she had to go home early she just came over for a piece of cake that wasn't there. After I kissed her goodbye and closed the door, I bounded up the stairs to Becca.

"Becca?!" I yelled.

"In here!"

I opened the door and boom, she was in her underwear... and only that. Her body was... wow. Better then a goddesses. Her long jet black hair was wet, and halfway down her back. She had a perfect hourglass figure and her breasts were simply perfect. The bottom of her butt stuck out of her underwear in an extremely sexy way.

"Bah!" I yelled, slapping myself in the face while trying to cover my eyes. I imagine i looked like a three year old catching his parents doing the naughty. I ran away as I heard her laughing.

"Lyle, calm down I'm not naked!"

"You're close to it!"

She came out wearing sweatpants and a big shirt. Thank you, Lord. "Really, I don't care I know it was an accident."

The red in my face had gone down. I didn't know what to say.

"I call the parent's bedroom!" She proclaimed, running down the hall into Tully's parents room.

I went into Tully's room and went to bed, finally not embarrassed.


I woke up to screaming. I got out of Tully's bed and ran into the room Becca was in. She was screaming in her sleep. A vampire's scream is one of the most frightening things you will ever hear in your entire life. I stood there, I'd never seen anybody scream and thrash around in their sleep so much. As soon as I was out of my daze I ran up to her, shaking her awake. She opened her eyes and tears immediately spilled out. Her arms wrapped around me and I rubbed her back, her sobbing was so hard she couldn't say anything. I cooed to her.

"Don't let them, Don't let them do it. I said no...I said no.." she sobbed. I pet back her hair and kissed the top of her head, I didn't know what else to do. Her cheeks pressed up against my chest and her shaking was off from the sobs she was trying to withhold.

"Cry," I told her. "It's okay to cry. It's okay."

"Don't let them.."

"I won't, I swaure. They can only hurt you in your dreams."

Her sobs began quieting eventually. She hiccuped occasionally, and couldn't stop shaking. I kept brushing her hair back, holding her to me in a protective way.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah... but I don't want to be alone. I don't want to go back to sleep."

"I'll stay up with you," I told her, getting up and turning on the lights. I joined her back on the bed, but on the opposite side. It was quiet for a while, and the noises in the house were creeping me out. I may be a monster, but I'm also a scaredy cat.

"I want to kill him," she whispered.

I sat quietly, not answering.

She looked up at me. "I want to kill him."

"So do I, but I won't. He hurt the love of my life. He hurt one of my best friends," I added pointing to her. " I almost killed him once, because of Amber. I can't."

"Why are you so perfect?!" She screeched.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taken aback

"You always do the right thing. You always care for everyone. You're a regular saint."

"No, I'm not."

"How are you not?! You are the only person who I've ever trusted... everyone trusts you. You're the most amazing person I've ever met..." she mumbled the last part.

I blushed, very manly. "Where is this coming from?"

"I can't.."

"You can't what."

"I can't.. Amber's been so good to me. And there's no chance anyway."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just forget it..."she mumbled.


"Please," she sniffled.
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Before you all start to hate on Becca, can you blame her?

I personally love Becca.